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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 31, 2023


As his wedding date approached, Mark found his dominant streak getting stronger. He felt a need to make sure that Jack belonged to him, and Jack seemed to be fine with it, even encouraging it. There were no "major" changes; rather, Mark took more and more control of Jack in small ways. For example, there was rarely a day that Mark wanted sex less than twice. He'd take Jack in the morning, and then at the end of the day, usually with bondage, or some kind of foreplay, all of which just got Jack more and more excited. He would make Jack wear the chastity cage for a day, for example (never longer than that. He had learned that Jack WOULD refuse if it were something he didn't want to do). There was a day when he tied Jack to the bed, face up, and spread out, wearing only a thong, for about five hours. Every half hour he would come in, and edge Jack for about ten minutes, without letting him cum. At the end of the five hours, when he was too horny to wait any longer, Mark cut away the thong, fucked Jack hard, and then jerked him off. Jack was loving every bit of it. Mark's dominant streak seemed to break out his need to be submissive, and at night, when the sex was over, and they were watching tv, or just hanging out, he'd cuddle into Jack, sometimes even purring, moving Mark's hand to his nipples, and doing everything he could to encourage Mark's horniness.

The only place the outsider MIGHT have noticed the increased domination, was in Jack's wardrobe. Mark had decided that Jack needed to wear tighter, more sexy clothes when he wasn't working. He started buying new clothes for Jack, and systematically getting rid of everything he thought was too loose, or not flattering. Fact was, Mark had a much better sense of fashion than Jack did, and the change was a good one. When they were out, Mark's arm around Jack's shoulder, or on his ass, there was more than one time that they heard someone "WOOF" Jack as he walked by.

The big change here was, instead of becoming jealous and violent the way he had when they were in school, it just made Mark proud that he had such a sexy lover. It aroused him that Jack aroused other men.

Such was the situation when they had "puppy day." Magnolia's pups had gotten old enough to show personality, and independent enough that they didn't have to be with her every day. Soon, it would be time for six of them to be leaving. Jack and Mark picked a Saturday for the pups' potential owners to come in, and choose. Jamie had knitted little attachments for the collars he had already made for the pups, so that he could attach a letter indicating the new daddy or mommy after they had chosen their pup. He had already attached a "Ja" to the little girl who had, essentially chosen him.

"I even picked out a name for her," he told Jack . "Oh, great. What're you gonna call her." Jamie smiled. "A name that I got called a lot. I'm claiming it back. I'm naming her Cissy." Tears formed in Jack's eyes. "It's a perfect name, Jamie bird. She even LOOKS like a Cissy." "Lots of famous Cissy's in the world Jack. I may not be one of them, but..." "You're famous to me babe. My millionaire friend Jamie Bird." It was true. The deal for the boarding house had made Jamie a millionaire. He still lived with Jack because Jack wouldn't have it any other way. Soon, they'd be moving to the brownstone, and they'd be living together in different situations. It was clear to anyone who saw them though: if Mark and Jack fitted like "hand in glove," Jamie and Jack were glued together like two barnacles. Anyone who tried to separate them, was going to regret that attempt.

"So, Sir, Tom and brian are coming over first so that Tom can pick his pup?" Jack asked after they had woken up, and Mark had, in his words "given Jack his morning protein shake." "That's right babe. They're gonna stick around for the day too. We're gonna have our little scene later." Saturday was also "Batjack " day, although it seemed that Tom and Mark had decided to change the scene, and not tell either Jack or brian. As Mark put it "virtual blindfolds for both of you." "Now THAT's HOT Sir.." Jack smiled. "Although, you really have to know, I LOVE seeing your face when we're making love." Mark knew that, and it always kind of made him feel "gushy" inside when his lover told him things like that.

The clothes Mark picked for Jack that day sort of gave a clue as to where the scene might be going; he pulled out a very pale ecru cowboy shirt, with snap pockets, and a pair of tight black jeans. As Jack was getting dressed he smiled. "Mark-o dude, I look like that guy in The Dukes of Hazard." Mark laughed. "Did you like that show?" "I LOVED it. They got tied up in nearly every episode. I wanted to be one of them." Even though he had already shot a big load in Jack, Mark was getting aroused. They were made for each other. Mark had watched the shows too, and always wanted to be the guy tying the Dukes up. "I always felt cheated when they got away, sir." "Me too, Jack, me too." Mark stepped behind Jack and put his arms around his waist and pulled him in closer. He whispered "You are just so fucking sexy, I may cancel the scene and fuck you right now." Jack squirmed. "Dude, you'll disappoint our friends. Don't do that." Then he moaned as Mark moved his hand up to Jack's nip. "You telling me what to do , sub boi?"' "Oh, No sir. No. I just.... MMMMMM." Jack leaned back into Mark. Mark may very well have fucked him again, but the intercom rang. Tom and brian were on their way up.

"HEY GUYS. TOO DAMN LONG, HUH?" Tom's big presence announced itself. Brian walked in with him, his head down and hands behind his back. He was wearing a slave collar, just like Jack. Tom had dressed him in a tight white dress shirt, and jeans, one of his favorite outfits.

"Jack, you sexy beast, how are ya?" Tom pulled Jack into him. "I'm fine Sir Tom. Are you well." "Hey I'm great. Tired as all hell because this boy.." He pulled over brian. "This boy just saps all my energy. Kiss me stud." "Yes sir, brian responded, smiling. Jack could see the bulge in brian's pants. Tom was a big fan of letting his bottom cum only a few times a week, and he knew, brian was ready to burst.

"So, let's go see those pups." "HEY TOM" Jamie called out from the kitchen. He was making a few snacks for people to nibble on during the day. "How's it going bird? Hey, you picked one already. GOOD FOR YOU." Tom got down on the floor, and the first thing he did was give Magnolia a pet behind her ear. "Hey Mommy. You gonna let big Tom have a baby?" Magnolia was thumbing her tail and making small noises. She loved Tom. Not as much as Jack, but more than anyone else.

"So, let's see these fellas. He reached down and started petting one of the male pups. To everyone's surprise, Magnolia began to growl. "OH, Sorry Momma." He looked up at Jack. "She ok, stud?" "Yeah, she has been. I'm not sure what that's about." Jamie came out and got down on the floor. He put his face next to Magnolia. Jamie was up there on Magnolia's list of people she loved.

It almost looked like they were talking. He got up again. "She knows you want a boy, but this isn't the one for you. " "Hmmm. You know, I believe you Jamie. Let me see about this guy." Tom moved down to another pup wearing a blue collar. This time Magnolia thumped her tail wildly. "WELL SHUT MY MOUTH. Jamie, we're gonna have to start calling you Dr. Doolittle. " He picked up the pup "how's it going little guy?" He ran his finger along the pup's nose.. and the pup closed his little mouth on Tom's finger. "OW. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I guess Magnolia knows I need somebody rough. " He looked at her. "This one ok, Magnolia?" The mom gave a little yip in response. "Heh heh. Tough guy. Big tough pup." "Whatcha gonna name him? Mark asked." "I think I'm gonna name him after the two toughest guys I know on the planet. His name is Jamie Jack." If you think there wasn't a collective "AWWWWWWWW" from the room, you'd be mistaken.

"Hi everyone. Mind if I come in?" It was Laurie. They knew she wanted a little girl. As always, Laurie was turned out in a beautiful dress, made up like a star, and smiling. "Hey Laurie, how are you?" 'BRIAN. OH MY. A surprise to see you." She gave him a hug. "OH, this must me that marvelous man Tom you're always talking about." She held out her hand. "How do you do? I'm Laurie." Tom didn't usually blush, but he did here. "Pleased to meet you ma'am. Brian talks about you all the time. He loves your stories." "Well, I love that he seems to know what I need before I do, Tom." "I know what you mean ma'am. " Jack poked brian in the ribs and made a leering face. "I saw that Jack" Laurie laughed. "OH, you look so handsome in that outfit. Mark, are you dressing this man?" "Yes ma'am." "GOOD. I mean, Jack and brian are so handsome, but Jack, sorry, old t shirts and ripped painter pants just don't make you look good. " Jack really couldn't answer that, and brian poked him back.

"Now, let's see. OH Jamie! You gave the girls little pink collars. How cute. " Magnolia knew her, and gave her hand a lick. "How's the mom? Trust me lady, when kids are gone, everything gets better." She laughed. Laurie didn't have any children, but she knew enough people who did. She looked at the four remaining girls, and one just sort of toddled to her. "OH , it looks like I've just been chosen doesn't it?" She put out her hand, and the pup nuzzled her. She saw Magnolia wagging her tail, hitting the floor with it. "I think I've been approved for adoption." She picked up the puppy. "Jack , she's going to remind me of you EVERY DAY after you boys have moved. Jacqueline. YES. That's your name sweetie. Jacquieline. Like Mrs Kennedy too. And you're going to be just as stylish." Jamie was putting an L on Jacqueline's collar, as Felix and Carlos came in. "YO chief. Hey Ms Laurie. BIG TOM. BIG MAN MARK. BRI BRI. Geez, we could have a party, or a rumble, or sumpin like that." Mark laughed. "I like that Big Man Mark." "Well, you know, that's what chief calls you down in the dungeon." Jack blushed. "No, I hadn't heard that before. " He looked at Jack and smiled. "BIG MAN MARK. HMMMM." "So, ya got two boys left, huh Mags? OOPS Sorry. Magnolia. Lemme see. C'mere Carlos. Let's see.." They both looked at the pup that Tom had looked at first, but they were distracted by the other one. HEY. Look at those eyes. " The third male had a set of eyes that showed he came from a mountain dog. They had the clear, focus of a lasar, and a color like a gem. "I think we found our boy. We okay with you Magnolia?" Again, there was some tail thumping. "This guy. DAMN this guy," Carlos was talking about the pup. "You guys have a name for him?" "We talked about it on the way over. None yet, chief. But we're favoring something like, oh, I don't know, Marco." Mark laughed. "Marco? Like me?" "Yeah. Big Man Mark is too long, and Marco's the other name Jack uses for ya." "What a loving group of friends he has" Mark thought, at about the same time Laurie did. They both seemed to know it, and smiled at each other.

"YOO HOOO. How is everyone?" Rebecca came in. She was with Gloria and Connor. This was all going to work, because Rebecca wanted a girl, and Gloria and Connor were going to take a boy and a girl because... they wanted pups for their pup. Gloria was pregnant. "Big sis, you go first.." Gloria spoke to Rebecca. Rebecca saw one of the pups, and it was love at first sight. "Oh, LOOK at this pretty girl. MMMMM." She looked at Magnolia. "You approve baby? " Again, more tail thumping. And in honor of actors everywhere, she's gonna be Sara."

So, now there was one boy, and two girls left. Connor went to the boy pup right away. First, though, he petted Magnolia on the head. "You don't know me lady, but I'm a good guy. I love your daddy. And you're a pretty girl. " "She does respond to flattery Connor," Jack joked. "Oh this boy. This CUTE little boy." He rolled over and exposed his belly to Connor. "Shoulda named THAT one Jack," Mark whispered to Jack, before he kissed the side of his neck. "Know what? I think we should name him Patrick . What you think Gloria." Gloria, however, was lost in thought over where the collection of records and CDs were kept. "Jack, you told me your mom sang, didn't you?" "Oh, yeah, Glo. Some of her old recordings are over there." She looked down again, and then looked up. "You're Millie Flamenbaum's son?" "Yeah, that's my mom's name. You know her?" "KNOW HER? Jack, among singers, she's a legend. She didn't record much, and never recorded once she came to the United States, and she didn't sing in opera houses because she didn't want to be away from her family, but the voice... When you get to hear one of her old recordings. OH, MY, there will never be another one like that." "You've never played her records Jack. " Jamie added. "I know. I have them, but... it really hurts to hear them. I see her. But I didn't know she was famous." "I'd say legendary Jack. Maybe I could borrow them sometime?" "I think so Gloria. I just don't want to lose them." Gloria smiled. "No wonder you sing so well. You come from good stock. " Now she went back to the pups. "Con, we are going to have to name the little girl Magnolia. " "If you do, then we'll name the second one Millie. How's that Gloria?" She smiled. "PERFECT. Now which one looks more like her mom?" She found that one of the girls had a spot right under her tail, just like Magnolia. "Ok, here we go. Patty and Maggie." Jack was smiling but sad at the same time. "I feel like Lassie. I just found a home for my last puppy." He bent down to pet Magnolia, and she surprised him by getting up, walking over, and knocking him down to lick his face. More collective "AWWWWS" before they descended on Jamie's little treat foods.

It would be another two weeks or so, around the time of the wedding, before the pups could be moved, but they all had their "special Jamie collar" now. Laurie was the first to leave. She had a date with girlfriends in town. She gave Mark and Jack kisses, and reminded them: they needed to meet with her, separately and together, next week. Felix and Carlos were next, heading back to Queens, and then the sisters and Connor. Jamie excused himself too. He knew what was happening.

Tom and brian stayed behind. Jack saw Tom and Mark conferring in the corner.

"I think we're in for it bri bri" he whispered. The two Doms stopped talking. Mark excused himself to go to the bathroom. Jack's back was turned to him when he came back. And that's when the game started, as Mark grabbed Jack in the bear hug. He got his hand on his own wrist to seal it, so that Jack couldn't break free. "GOTCHA." he whispered. "DAMN IT . I FELL FOR IT AGAIN" Jack squirmed as Mark pulled his hands behind his back and began to tie them. Brian didn't do much better. Soon, they were tied in chairs, back to back, with their Doms in front of them.

"So boys. Time for a little group fun," Tom laughed. "First game. Who moans louder when his nips suffer... Ya ready Mark?" It didn't take much to get Mark to play with Jack's nips. "These pockets show me RIGHT where the sensitive spots are Jack-o. "I shoulda figured that out... OOOOOH" Mark didn't ask, but Jack pushed his chest out. He hadn't cum that morning, and he was horny. Tom had already slid his hand down Brian's shirt, and he was working them. Brian's nips weren't as sensitive as Jack's so Jack was much louder, but when they went to ear play, brian was so loud, before he knew it, he was wearing one of Tom's bandanas around his mouth.

"Hey, that's a good idea. Open up, muffin" Mark forced Jack's mouth opened, and tied it off with a ball gag. Now, the subs were tied, gagged, and helpless.

Mark's voice dropped low. "You boys are gonna get FUCKED.

There was a joint MMMMMMPH from brian and jack.

Tom looked at Mark. "How about we do brian here, in the living room, and we do your boi on the bed." He smiled as he looked at jack. "Bottom boi, you're gonna see what you missed." He pulled brian out of the chair, and stood him up. "You gonna get fucked boi?" Brian paused, and then shook his head yes. Tom leered as he opened brian's belt. "And you're gonna SUCK Mark aren't you?" Mark looked at Tom and shook his head NO. "DAMN. I was hoping for a spit roast. But you can focus all your energy on MY cock now." He untied brian and put him on all fours, on the floor. He dropped his own pants, and his thick cock popped out. Mark had his chin on Jack's neck. He whispered "When you see how hard he takes that boy, you're gonna be grateful I'm as gentle as I am.. GRRRRRR" He slipped down and pulled the ring on Jack's right nip.

"MMMMMMPH." brian squealed, as Tom's cock disappeared in his ass. Tom had untied him so that he could get on all fours. The fucking that followed was brutal, but Jack saw brian's eyes roll to the back of his head. He had told Jack that getting fucked by Tom, was the greatest experience he had ever had. His face made him look like he was somewhere else - but not with them anymore. And the pounding continued. Tom would pull out for a minute and smile. "Had enough boi?" Each time, brian shook his head NO and Tom went back. Finally, even Tom had come to a point of no return. He grunted, and then... you could see the cum spilling out of brian's ass as Tom shot load after load into him. Then he pushed brian on the floor and rolled him over. "Do yourself. Show us how you cum when I'm not around." Tom pulled the gag out of brian's mouth. "Thank you Sir," he gasped as he began stroking. "Like what you see, muffin?" Mark whispered into Jack's ear. Mark had put a hand on Jack's cock, and every time he felt it rise, he pushed it down. Jack was near to going crazy, as brian shot a load in the air so high, Magnolia noticed. When it happened, Tom grabbed him, pulled him close and yelled. "KISS ME YOU MOTHERFUCKER," before he shoved his tongue down brian's throat. "I'm gonna get you ready studboi." Mark pulled Jack out of the chair, and dragged him into the bedroom. When he had used the bathroom, he had put the restraints out in the open. "Hey, can I give ya a hand, bud?" Tom was in, dragging brian with him. "Ain't no way I'm getting at this boi after you're married. At least I can help you tie him up." "Yeah, stud. Get the ankles. " "You don't move, brian" "yes sir.. " The two Doms had Jack staked out. Mark began to unsnap his shirt. After he did, he began nibbling at Jack's nips, and Jack moaned, loud, through his gag. "I gotta take this off. We all wanna hear what you have to say." With the gag off, Jack's moans and sounds got louder. Mark's scruff rubbing across his nips was driving him crazy.

"FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE PLEASE... FUCK ME.. " Mark smiled down at him. "You got anything else to say boi?" Jack gulped. He knew what Mark was waiting for. He didn't want to disappoint him, but, but... "I submit Sir. I submit. " Mark smiled. "Bring him over." Tom dragged brian over. "SUCK HIM. Right to the edge. " Brian looked at Jack as if to say "I'm sorry." But Jack responded by growling. "GO AHEAD. SEE IF YOU CAN TAKE IT. ARE YOU MAN ENOUGH TO TAKE A REAL COCK IN YOUR MOUTH?" Mark and Tom looked at each other. They did NOT expect that from Jack and it riled brian just enough for him to fall on Jack's cock. He sucked for a few minutes before he stopped, and looked at jack. "Bet ya never had a bj as good as mine, fucker." "It's ok. " Jack answered. "You wouldn't be getting it if I weren't tied up, bottom boi." Brian laughed. "But you are. And I'll take my time." Then he began to tease Jack's cock with his tongue. He licked the top, and slid his tongue down the sides, before taking the whole thing in his mouth. "FUCK. Jack was thinking. Jamie still gave him the best blow job he had ever had, but this.. THIS was first rate. His hips began bucking. He wanted to cum so badly, but he didn't want to shoot before Mark did. Tom saw the look and pulled brian back. "Primed for you Sir Mark. " "Heh heh. NOW, you're gonna get it. " He took off the ankle restraints and he lifted up Jack's legs. The he turned to brian. "GET HIM LUBED." Now, THAT was not in the plan, but.... that blow job was so good, and he HAD surrendered. So Jack closed his eyes, and let brian get to work with his talented tongue. Now, Jamie had not really been into rimming, and Mark was good, but.... brian's skills were superior. OH, were they superior. Mark could see the look on Jack's face, so he gently pulled brian back.

"My turn." He was primed. His cock pierced Jack good and deep. And he continued to punish his fiance's ass, while Tom worked over brian in a corner. He whispered to him. "you did good boi. Both of us are impressed. I think all THREE of us are. " brian whispered back. "I like jack Sir. If I can't have his cock in me, well..." Right then, Jack had Mark's cock in him, DEEP. "PLEASE SIR. CAN I CUM? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE' "You gonna let brian blow you when Sir Tom and I say it's ok?" "Yes sir. Yes sir. You own me. You decide. YES SIR. ANYTHING YOU WANT. PLEASE BE THERE WATCHING WHEN HE DOES. PLEASE." Asking Mark to watch, just set him off. The jizz started spilling into Jack, and then, Jack couldn't wait anymore, and the cum started spilling all over. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. GOD THAT WAS EXCELLENT. " Jack began to cry. "Can you untie me Sir? Please? I wanna hug brian. My bri bri bro. PLEASE?" Again, Jack surprised them. What could they say, other than to tell brian to get on the bed next to him. Jack was much stronger, and he pulled brian to him. "I love you guy. I love you so much..." He whispered "you give head better than anyone except Jamie." brian kissed him. "Then I want another chance." Jack smiled. "If it's up to me dude, you got it." Tom looked at Mark. "Let's go have a drink or something. " When they came back, Jack and brian were asleep in each other's arm, not unlike the time Mark came home to find Jack and Jamie sleeping together. He was torn. On the one hand, he wished he affected people the way Jack did. On the other hand, the fact that this wonderful, amazing man, who always surprised him, had taken him as his Dom, and was marrying him in a couple of weeks, was choking him up. "Let's let them nap, Tom. We'll order in food or something. Let's just make sure we get pictures. "

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Dear readers: Thank you for hanging in there for this epic. Forewarned is forearmed. We're gonna have a wedding next time, and then we're gonna have an epilogue, and that will bring this story to a close. I'm well represented on Nifty, so look up ropingtop and you'll find my other stories. And make a donation. PLEASE. There have been 57 chapters in this story. Round it to 60 and a buck each? Fifty cents each? Whatever you can. Keep the forum alive, and thanks for reading. Watch for the final episode. Real soon.

Next: Chapter 58

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