Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 21, 2023


Friday night into Saturday morning, as they slept, Jack could feel Mark's cock up against his ass. He smiled. Mark usually slept very deeply on Friday night, and if there were anything that happened on Saturday morning, Jack had to initiate it - generally with a blow job, or moving Mark's hand, up and down his nipples, until Mark would growl, or do something similar, and jump on top of him. It didn't look like that was going to be necessary this Saturday. Mark was hard. REALLY hard. Maybe he was thinking of the scene with Brian and Tom the next day, or something else? Every now and then, he'd lick Jack's ear, or he'd pinch his nip, or pull the nip ring. It was getting Jack hard, too. "Morning sexy." He heard Mark whisper into his ear. "Back at you stud," Jack tried to turn to kiss Mark, and found himself on his back, Mark pinning him down at his wrists. It was show, and they both knew it. Even with the gym visits, Jack could toss Mark off him like a piece of paper, unless... unless Mark got his fingers on Jack's nip, or his scruff on his neck. So far, that hadn't happen. Mark kissed him, with a big smile on his face.

"Know what today is stud?" "Uh, the day before our scene?" Mark kissed him again. "Well, yeah, but.... it's also ONE MONTH till we get married." "OH, WOW. I hadn't realized that. I knew it was soon, but.. WOW. Mr. and Mr. How about another kiss, Mister ?" Mark smiled and rolled to the side. "I wanna talk to you first. I wanna talk to you about your date with Brian, and then the plan for tomorrow, ok babe?" "Sure. You want a blow job first, Sir?" Mark paused. "Tempting, but not yet." He began running his hand over Jack's belly, something that got Jack excited, but not like nip play.

"You know, Tom told me brian was very sad when he got home from his date with you." Jack's smile turned into a face of concern. "Well, I don't remember saying anything to hurt him." Mark took a deep breath. "He said you told him you wouldn't fuck him." "Well, that's true. I did say that. But I also adopted him as my little brother." Mark moved a hand to Jack's nip, but didn't start squeezing. "You know, stud, we have a VERY unusual relationship, you and I" "How so Sir?" "Well, you DO consider yourself my sub, not just my bottom, right?" "Hell yeah, Sir. Did someone say I didn't?" "Well, no, not exactly. It's just, well... how do I put this... you don't really act like a sub." Jack was confused. "I don't understand Sir. I don't ever say no when you want sex, and I do everything you want when we're in bed." "Well, that's a bottom, muffin. It's not a sub. A sub does everything his Dom tells him." Now, he began gently squeezing Jack's nip, and Jack began to get hard right away. He was silent for a few minutes. "No, I guess I don't do that. Are you unhappy with me for it, Sir?" Mark took a deep breath. "Well, unhappy's not the word. I LOVE you Jack Robson. I love you more than anything. But I want a sub. A TRUE sub." "Sir, is this about me not wanting to fuck brian?" "It's part of it Jack. I didn't ask you to do it, I didn't tell you to do it, but if I did tell you to do it, would you?" A pause again. "I don't think so Sir." "Then you're really not a sub." Jack tried to squirm out of Mark's fingers. He didn't like the way this was going. "Could you let me up Sir? I'm not comfortable?" "Not yet studmuffin. Let me tell you first of all, I'm never gonna ask you or tell you to fuck anyone. I'm not. I understand how you feel about topping, because it's how I feel about bottoming." Jack began to relax. "But there are other things. Like... " He stopped playing with Jack's nip and moved down to his crotch. "This pube hair. You know I wanna shave it." "I let you shave it once, Sir. I didn't like it." "But I did. And you're supposed to do what your Dom wants." Yet another big sigh. "I guess if you want to shave my pubes Sir, there's really nothing I can do about it." "Well, I want you to want it." "That's gonna be hard Sir." Now it was Mark's turn to sigh. "Ok, let me switch to something else. And then I'll stop. I promise. Tomorrow's scene. This is how Tom and I see it. How we want it. We'll tie the two of you up- don't worry, I'll tie you, Tom will tie brian, and then, after some tormenting, Tom is gonna fuck brian, while you suck me. Then, brian is gonna suck Tom, while I fuck you. " He paused and smiled. "Then, the climax: we're gonna have brian suck you." "NO SIR. NO. I don't want anyone's mouth on my cock but yours." Mark smiled. "You know, that's flattering, and exhilarating at the same babe. But... who's the DOM?" "You are Sir." "And you are?" "The sub sir." "So if I tell you to let brian suck you while I watch..." Jack began to struggle. He nearly cried. "Please SIR. Please don't tell me to do that. PLEASE." Had Mark not had his fingers around Jack's nips, he'd have been on the floor, Jack was bucking so hard. But he did. Even so, he could barely control him. "Tell you what Jack-o. Can you do something for me? Can you think about it?" He had stopped playing with Jack's nips, but Jack didn't try to get up. "I will Sir. I promise. I will." Mark kissed him again. "Think about it even up through the scene. We'll have a word. If you say that word , we'll do it. If you don't, we won't." Jack was tearing up, and Mark saw it, he kissed his eyes. Jack bit his lip. "How about if I say "i submit" instead of "I give " or "you win" If I say "submit, that means go ahead." Mark's voice was low. "All I can ask for sweetie. Now... I'm gonna get up and shower. I gotta get down to the theater and start packing." "WAIT. Don't you want? I mean, it's Saturday morning." Mark was on his feet, smiling. He WAS hard. "Not right now Jack-o. Maybe tonight when everything's done at the office, ok?" "Ok Sir. I'm sorry." "Hey, don't be sorry, Jack. If you weren't strong willed, you wouldn't be where you are, and I wouldn't be so goddamned obsessed with you."

He went into the shower, and Jack sat at the bed for a while, thinking. What had Mark asked for? Specifically, he wanted to shave Jack some more - he already shaved his chest regularly, and he wanted Jack to let a friend give him a blow job. That was all, but what did it mean in, as one teacher had said years ago "the big picture?" Mark came out of the shower, dressed, and came over. He lifted up Jack's chin, and kissed him. "I'll do my best to get home by midafternoon. We'll talk some more then."

And then he was gone. With no answers , Jack took his shower, and got dressed in some comfortable clothes. He came out to the living room. He knew Cooper had already gone uptown to the brownstone they'd all be moving into . He was glad Jamie had stayed home. He was sitting at the table with his coffee, the little pup that had adopted him, on his lap.

"She's just so SWEET Jack. I LOVE her. I hope we can keep her." "Oh yeah, Jamie bird. Of course. We said we'd keep two pups. She'll be one of them."

Jamie took a sip of his coffee. "You don't look happy Jack-o. Certainly not for a man who's getting married in a month." "You've got it marked too?" "OF COURSE I DO. We have to have the bachelor party you dweeb." "Oh, yeah. That is, if Mark still wants to marry me." THAT got Jamie's attention. "OK Jackie. I know you wanna go and walk Magnolia. That's your excuse for getting away every time. Not this time stud. I can't control your nipples, but SIT. Talk to me. I saw him leave, and he looked a little shaky, and now this . Start talking big guy."

Jack got himself a cup of coffee, and then told Jamie the whole story. Everything that had happened in the bedroom. He broke down in tears a few times, and much to his surprise, Jamie didn't offer much comfort. Not a hand hold, not a shoulder squeeze , nothing. In fact, when Jack finished, he saw that Jamie had on what he called "the Jamie bitch face. " He had it when he was angry, or frustrated, or just plain mad.

"Jack Robson, do you want to hear my thoughts on this or not?" "Well, yeah Jamie. You're my best friend." "Jack, you've got a helluva nerve calling yourself a sub." The reaction caught Jack by surprise. "You know, if I tried to get away with half the shit you get away with, Cooper'd fry my ass in lard, and throw it out for the rats to eat. " (Jack wasn't quite sure what that meant, but Jamie had used it before, in other contexts, when he was REALLY mad). Jamie went on. "Do you have any idea how many times Mark has cheated on you since you started?" "Uh, no. Why would I know that?" "You'd know it because he can't hide anything with his face. He'd be ashamed. I'll tell you how many NONE." "How the hell do you know?" 'BECAUSE I ASKED HIM THAT'S WHY Has he been tempted? Yes. More than a few times. Has he been propositioned? Yes. More than a few times. Know what he did when he found himself tempted? He looked at that photo of you on his desk." "I ... I had no idea." "One day, Jack, you oughtta ask him why he's been so faithful. Maybe you should ask him about the shit he got into when he returned Jay's check. " "I didn't know about that either, Jamie. " "No, I KNOW you didn't. Because he wouldn't tell you. He knew what you'd do. You'd have called Jay and apologized, and made yourself REAL uncomfortable in sucking up to that shit." Jack put his head down. He didn't know what to say. "Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I know I've said this before. If you're a fucking sub, and your Dom wants you to get shaved, you get shaved. It's not a topic for discussion. And I understand - believe me, I do - not wanting to fuck someone. I KNOW I put the screws to you about that. I KNOW how you feel these days." "Jamie, you're different than the rest." "I KNOW THAT. I know that if we didn't have the relationship, you'd have turned me down flat. But we do. And I used it. And I won't ever use it again. And NO ONE should ever make you fuck someone if you don't want to fuck him. " Jamie laughed. "Hell if you don't want to fuck Anderson Cooper, that makes you officially, 100 percent bottom." Jack smiled. "I finally got 100 on something." Jamie wasn't smiling. "But Jack, GEEZ. It's a fucking blow job, in the middle of a complex roleplay. Let me ask you this. If Mark told you to suck Tom, would you do it?" "I would Jamie. In a minute. It's different." "How is it different? " "It just IS Jamie." "You're gonna have to do better than that Jack. Look, you want to spend your life with this man. And he wants to spend his with you. He as your Dom, you as his sub. You both want that. What are you gonna do, negotiate everything from now on? CHRIST, you took the nip ring, you wear the collar, you wear that hat... why the hell can't you accept a blow job from someone who's nearly as obsessed with you as Mark and I am?" Jamie was on his feet, and his voice had risen so much, that the pup ran back to Magnolia, and she was growling softly.

"I need to take a walk Jamie. I really do. With or without Magnolia. Maybe I'll go see my ducks." When Magnolia heard her name, and 'walk' she was up and doing her tap dance around Jack. "I'm going up to visit Coop, see if he needs some help. " Jamie came up to Jack and hugged him. "Jack, you can be moderately happy, or you can be blissfully happy. Don't settle for less than you deserve." "Thank you Jamie. " Jack began to sob. "I love you so much. I can't even say." "Yeah, you can. You know how. I gotta go cross town. Enjoy your walk." Then he was gone too. It was Jack, Magnolia, and the pups. She looked eager, and he got the leash. They went for a walk. The longest one that they had taken in a while. When they got back, and Magnolia had made a mess at her water dish, Jack called Mark.

"Hey," was the answer he got, not the usual "How are ya gorgeous?' Or "how's my handsome hubby to be." "Hey Mark. I know you're busy. I just wanna say, first of all, I'm sorry I disappointed you this morning." "don't worry babe. We're good." "No Mark, we're not. Can I come down and see you? I know you're packing but... I won't take long." There was a pause. "No sweets. Stay there. I'm almost done. I can finish this any time. I'll turn off the lights and come home. Wait for me, ok?" "Not going anywhere Sir." "Love you Mr. Robson." Then the phone went dead.

For about the tenth time that morning, Jack took a deep breath. He walked around the apartment, cleaned up some of the mess that the pups had made. They were getting bigger every day. Tom would pick one tomorrow. Then he sat down, and thought really, REALLY hard. He got up, and went into the bedroom. Mark had wanted Jack to wear more form fitting clothes, and had bought Jack a bunch of them. He put on a pair of tan chinos that he knew Mark REALLY liked, and then he looked at his shirts. He remembered the pale yellow one that Mark nearly ripped off him. He put that on. rolled up the sleeves, left two buttons opened. But before he did any of that, he put on a dark blue thong. Then he waited for when Mark came home.

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Coming back home, Mark was conflicted. Putting every other issue aside, he LOVED Jack so much it almost hurt. Why did he love him? He didn't know, but he did. He had some ideas, but no definite answers. In talking to Tom, he heard Tom's concern that, given Mark's need to control , and Jack's very strong will, things could get difficult in the future. And Mark had no false ideas: Jack was a bigger prize than he was, even if people wanted him for reasons Jack was not interested in at all. He had heard many people in the cast say, when they thought he wasn't around, that they thought Jack was fucking HIM, and they were jealous. Maturity had come to Jack, and he wasn't going to do something stupid like he did twenty years ago. But a leopard can't change its spots. He needed to control Jack. They needed to talk. A miserable marriage was the last thing either of them deserved.

"Hey handsome." Jack stood up when he heard Mark's key in the door. "Hey." Mark gave his standard answer, as he leaned up against the wall. He smiled his goofy grin, and Jack couldn't resist. He came over and kissed his fiance'. He whispered "I am SO sorry we left on not perfect terms this morning Sir. Can we talk. After..." He turned around so his butt was pressed into Mark's crotch, and he pulled Mark's hand down his shirt to his nipple. "I missed you SO much. I don't know if I want to talk, or... well, have you in me, Sir.." "We do need to talk Jack. I think we can work it out. But we need to talk." Jack began to cry. "I've disappointed you Mark. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I really didn't." He was hugging Mark, tight. "Hey, hey kid. Don't do that. I disappointed you too. Let's sit. Let's talk." "Will you hug me while we talk Sir?" "Was there any doubt?" They sat on the sofa, and Jack curled into Mark's embrace. "Can I go first , Sir?" Jack asked, looking at Mark with his puppy eyes. "First, and last and in the middle. Anywhere you want, babe." Mark hugged Jack tighter. "Mark. Sir. Master. Dom. I don't know what to call you besides the man I love. I didn't pay enough attention to what you need. I really didn't. I'm so sorry. I haven't been flexible. I haven't been willing to, well, look at how much you've done to protect me, to make me feel complete. " He paused. "What can I say? If you want to shave my pubes, shave my pubes. I won't like it, but I don't like vegetables and I eat them." Mark laughed at that. "You like them when they're fried." "Yeah I do. Does that count?" "No, but I understand what you're saying. How about a kiss?" They locked lips. "I have to be honest, Sir. Getting sucked by Brian is tougher. It really is. But I'll try. I'll really try."

Mark looked at him. "I think I need to tell you some things Jack. Anyone who ever told you you were stupid, lied. You're the smartest person I know. And you'll get this." Now, it was Mark's turn to pause. "As long as I can remember, I've needed to be in control. ALWAYS. And with men, it was always easy. But I realized, when I met you, that I wasn't controlling men, I was controlling boys. Jack, you're the first MAN I've ever been with. The ONLY one. And like a man, you're challenging. You always will be. Controlling you is, well, like trying to control nature. I can't do it all the time, and I can't do it well. " He brushed his hand through Jack's hair.

"I need you to help me. But only if you're willing to let me take charge. I promise I'll try never to hurt you, or to make you do things I think or know you won't like. But I need you to trust me. I don't think you do." Jack began to cry, and Mark held him even closer. "Jack, I don't know what people did to you. I don't want to know. But I promise. I will NEVER be mean to you. EVER. I know you well enough to know when I crossed the line. I won't cross lines. I promise." He paused again. "There. I'm done. If you want me to cancel tomorrow's scene, I will. I promise. You're way more important to me than Tom, or Brian, or anyone else. Just say the word."

Jack answered, almost in a whisper. "Sir, I don't know how I'm going to react to being sucked. Please let's use a safe word. And I will try - I will REALLY try to go along with what you say. You're the boss. I buy into that." He moved Mark's hand to his nip. "play with it Sir. Please. I thought about your magic touch all day long. And... " his voice dropped lower. "Shave my pubes Sir. Pay attention to what I'm wearing. Then, please Sir, TAKE ME. TAKE CHARGE. Take anything you want." Mark looked deeply into Jack's eyes. "I want to say something Jack. Something simple, and something not so simple. And then... I wanna tie you to that bed , shave you, and fuck you as hard as I can." He gulped. "First, I forget to say things like this. If you think I didn't notice how you dressed for me, you're wrong. I was hard when I walked into this apartment, I'm harder now. And it's like seeing a beautiful Christmas present. You can't decide whether to unwrap it, or not." "Unwrap it Sir. You can wrap it up again. " Mark laughed and ruffled Jack's hair. "Now, I'm gonna get serious." He grabbed Jack's hand. "You have no idea how much of a rock you are to me, Jack. You gave me a place to stay, where I felt safe. And you were ALWAYS there. You cooked for me, you did laundry, you never said no when I wanted to have sex. EVER. And anytime things were bad, you were., well, YOU. And nothing ever changed. I want you. I want you more than 100 percent. Now GET YOUR ASS IN THAT BEDROOM SO I CAN FILL YOU WITH MY COCK.' Jack grinned. "Yes sir. " He moved off into the bedroom . Mark watched him go and whispered, loud enough for Jack to hear. "Damn that is one fine ass."

In the bedroom, Mark found Jack spread out on the bed, his hands up where the restraints waited. Mark almost drooled as he fixed the restraints on Jack's wrists. Then he noticed: Jack had laid out all of the things he needed for shaving Jack's pubes. He fought not to choke up. "It's ok Sir. I cried too." Mark looked at him, and Jack felt a wave of lust and love go through him "Jack Robson, I promise to make you the happiest man on this fucking planet. " Mark began unbuttoning Jack's shirt. He lightly touched his nips and chest with his finger, and heard Jack moan "Oh yeah," as he moved down, circled Jack's navel, and then unbuckled his pants. "Take my fur Boss. Take it. Show me who I am. Show me who YOU are. Make me a bitch. DO IT STUD." Mark knew what he was doing, and it didn't take long. Jack closed his eyes, and kept very still, and his pubes were shaved, quickly and smoothly. "God, you're so damn pretty," Mark whispered,almost overwhelmed by the hot man in front of him. "Take me Sir. Please. I'm so wet I can't understand it. FUCK ME. FUCK ME PLEASE." Mark slid Jack's pants off, and then his own. Jack's eyes grew big when he saw how HUGE his partner was. He gulped. Could he take it all? He could. Mark slid in a bit, and then he rammed in, almost viciously. He was showing who was boss, and Jack knew it. And he loved it. "YES SIR. TAKE YOUR SUB. SHOW ME I BELONG TO YOU. TAKE ME. HARD. FULL . COMPLETE." Mark was so aroused, from the night before, he couldn't hold off, and began to shoot. His jizz was hot. Jack felt the warm, soft jizz fill him, and he smiled Mark still loved him. He shot even before Mark could put his hand on Jack's cock. "Please kiss me Sir. Please fill me with your tongue. MMMMPH. " Mark had the same idea, and fucked Jack's face with his tongue.

Mark paused. Sex with Jack was always hot. This was smoking. He didn't untie Jack. "Can I take you out to dinner Sir?" "No. Because we're gonna order in. And we're gonna order in, because I don't think I'm done. And I'm gonna want you soon. And when I do, I'm not gonna wait. " "Yes sir. Can I stay tied down until the food comes?" "Damn right you will. And after dinner, you're getting tied up again."

They made love again and again that night. If anyone were counting, they fucked four times before they fell asleep. Cooper and Jamie came in after they were zonked out. "When is it gonna be our time, Coop?" Cooper took Jamie in his arms, and kissed him deeply. "How about right after we move? I don't want to cock block this wedding, and I want that out of the way before we do." Jamie laughed. "I'm good with that. I have to protect you from Jack. He told me if he could fuck one man, it'd be you." Cooper smiled. "You better be ready to protect me. I'd let him"

Next: Chapter 57

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