Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Aug 6, 2023


On the way to the pizza restaurant, Jack positioned himself in between Jamie and Mark. He put an arm around each of them. "I'm going out for one of my favorite foods, with the two people I love the most in the world. Is anything better?" He hugged both men a little tighter.

"Gee, you're more emotional tonight than usual Jack. " Mark laughed a little. "Everything ok?"

"Everything's great Sir. Everything's great." From the tone of Jack's voice, Mark knew, it wasn't. That became clearer when they sat down to eat. Jack's favorite server took care of them, and as he usually did, he charmed the pants off of her. "Jack and people ? It's like me and his nips. " Mark was thinking. "I don't know what he has that just makes them love him, but he has SOMETHING". He knew something was wrong though, when Jack asked the lady to bring him a coke, rather than the beer he usually had with pizza. "Soda? Are you wimping out on us?" Mark smiled and rubbed the back of Jack's neck. Yup, as tight as can be. "Nah, just trying not to overdo it. Work day tomorrow, sir. Just wanna be fresh."

"Just wanna be fresh." Mark had never heard Jack use that expression before. Something was up.

In any event, the dinner was perfectly pleasant. Jamie was his usual chattery self. He didn't bring up topping Jack, and neither did the other guys. At some point, though, Jack had to excuse himself to use the men's room. He gave Mark a kiss on the way out, and he was gone long enough for Mark to ask.

"It really isn't my business, but how did it go today?" Jamie paused, and looked down. "I think it probably didn't go well." "WHY? What happened?" Jamie was a little embarrassed. "Well, Mark, I think we established today that the only man who knows how to work Jack's nips, is you." Mark had to laugh. "Oh dear, it didn't work. Did you wind up bottoming?" "No, but Jack had to suggest something else so I could subdue him. I tickled him." That got a smile out of Mark. "Yeah, that always does it. He's just totally helpless." Another pause from Jamie. "But then I couldn't do the deed. I couldn't get my cock in him." Mark grimaced. "So what happened?" "Well, you know our Jack. He came up with a solution. He sat on me. We got it done that way." There was a little bit of a grin on Mark's face. "You know one of the reasons I love him, is that no one knows how to fix a situation , or a faucet, better than Jack does." "Always been that way Mark. When we were rooming together, he was like that. He fixed everything. Even if it meant going to jail" Mark looked up. 'WAIT. Jack went to jail?" Jamie shook his head. "There was some guy who kept on giving me crap because I looked so femme. Jack tracked him down.. He kicked the shit out of him. I mean REALLY kicked the shit out of him Mark. Broken nose, broken arm, fractured knee. He spent three days in jail. He said it was the best thing he ever did." Jamie paused. "No one ever bothered me again." Mark sat back. "I have to let that sit. We all knew he was a gentle giant, but..."

Jack seemed to be taking a long time, and Mark told Jamie that he had seen the two of them sleeping, wrapped up together. Jamie blushed. "It's how we slept in that little bed in the boarding house. I think that's why Jack insists on a king size now. There was really never enough room, for anything. " "The two of you looked so sweet. You were like children. I thought 'Hansel and Hansel.'

"Hansel and Hansel' . Is that your new play, Mark? " Jack had returned, and he slipped into his seat. He pulled Mark's arm around him. "You cold, babe?" Mark asked "No.... just wanting to be held."

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When they got back into the apartment, Jack went over to Magnolia to check in on her, and to bring her some ice cream he had bought on the way home. "How's my girl? How's mom?" He put the ice cream in her dish, and she started lapping it up. Then he looked at the puppies "MARK, ONE'S MISSING. WHERE'D IT GO?" Magnolia didn't seem all that concerned, and just went on eating ice cream. Then Jamie came out with a small bunch of fluff, in his arms. That fluffball was squealing.

"I think someone's ready to go off on his own a little." He pushed his finger toward the pup's mouth, and made a scream "OW. He, or she's, got teeth. And they're SHARP." "Don't encourage a vampire dog. That's all we need, Jamie." Mark was smiling. He had his hands on Jack's shoulders, and was massaging them. "You wanna head to bed, batjack? You've had a busy day." "I AM kinda tired. Lemme just give Jamie a kiss goodnight." When they embraced, Jamie whispered "we good, Jack?" Jack answered "Always. Always and Forever. Like that stupid song." Jamie laughed and hugged him tighter. He looked up at Mark. "I know you've heard this. I'll say it. You're awfully lucky Mark. You may have gotten one of the last good ones." "I know, Jamie. I know."

In the bedroom, Mark put his arms around Jack's middle. "Hey. You wanna tell me what's going on?" "What do you mean, Sir? What could be going on?" "You're not yourself tonight, stud. Something's bothering you." Jack sighed. "Can I sit down Sir? I'm really tired." They sat down on the bed, and Mark put his arm around him. "Jack, you can't fix everything, and you gotta share with me sometimes. Now what's the problem?" Another sigh "I feel like I betrayed you Sir." Mark looked at him. "HOW? How did you betray me?" Then he paused. "Wait... You think... you and Jamie?" Jack had begun to cry. "OH, sweetstuff. Let me hug you. Let me hug you really, really tight." Jack was as close to sobbing as he ever got. "I promised that you would be my only top man. I promised that to you. And I broke the promise. I'm so sorry." More sobs. Mark let Jack cry and then when the sobbing stopped, he spoke in a very low voice. "Ok, I wanna say a few things. First, I didn't see the two of you going at it, which is fine. Jamie told me he had some issues, and you helped him." Jack didn't say anything. "But I DID see the two of you sleeping . That's where Hansel and Hansel came from Jack. The two of you - well, what can I say? I'm jealous, but not because of things you may think, I'm jealous because I don't have anyone with whom I have, what the two of you have. No Jack, not even you. What you have with Jamie, I'll never be able to share. And I'm good with that."

"You are? Really?" Mark smiled. "Jack, I coulda gotten out of this, way before now. I wanna stay. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking you betrayed me. You didn't. Remember: if we wanna get dirty, your ass belongs to me. I decide what you do with it. And I'm the one who gave it to Jamie. " He paused. "Now if I can slip out of dom mode for a minute, you ran this by me. Jamie ran it by me. Connor ran it by me. Everyone agreed to it. And I'm fine with it. " He looked at Jack's puppy dog eyes. "Jack... I'm really fine with it." "You sure Sir? You don't think I betrayed you?" "Sweetie, I think you proved how much you loved me, by doing something you didn't want to do, because I said you should do it. " Jack held onto Mark, tightly. Mark whispered "Sweetie, you forget how strong you are. If you don't loosen up, I'm gonna have to use other means to get free." Jack smiled and looked at him. "Like what?" Mark grinned. Like... TICKLING..." He dug his fingers into Jack's ribs, and for the second time that day, Jack was flat on the bed, helpless and laughing hysterically. Mark stopped for a minute. "Hmmm. You know, I wanna continue this conversation on something. And you better tell me the truth.." He had his fingers poised right above Jack's navel "Is there ANYONE else in real life you wanna top you? "NO SIR. NO ONE. I'm serious about that. Not Tom. Not Jamie. Not Cooper. NO ONE. The only one I want is you." Mark smiled, and his finger got closer to Jack's navel. "Ok... here's the harder question. Is there anyone you wanna top?" Jack was quiet. There WAS someone. But he wasn't gonna say. "I'm waiting.." Jack was grinning, and then, when he didn't answer, the tickling started again. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Mark STOP. I can't breathe. OH GEEZ. You never, ever did it so hard. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " "I need the name stud. " "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. OK OK OK. YOU WIN YOU WIN. IT'S COOPER. COOPER." Mark stopped. "Well, I can't say I blame you Jack. Tight muscular body, that facial hair, his sweet personality. Yeah, I'd fuck him too.

"Not gonna happen though, right Sir." Mark shook his head. "I don't think so. I shared you with Jamie, but I don't think he's gonna be so willing with Cooper. " "I guess we'll have to make do with each other, Sir." "I'm not gonna complain about that. " He kissed Jack's mouth, then his eyes, and for fun, gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose.

"Now, your butt took an assault today, I understand that. But my Top Man cock needs tending to." He began opening his jeans. "Whatcha gonna do , sub boi?" "Please Sir. Put it in my mouth. Let me show you what I can do" "Think you deserve it, batjack? " "No sir. Your cock is too good for me. But I'll try to give my best. PLEASE. PLEASE let your sub have it. " Mark dangled his cock in front of Jack, and when Jack moved forward to take it in his mouth, he pulled back. He played this game until Jack began to moan and whine. Then he shoved his cock in, all the way. Jack began to wrap his tongue around Mark's cock, moving it slowly, tasting it. "MMMMMM. MMMMM." His eyes smiled as his mouth moved back and forth. Saliva gathered, and the lube made it easier for Mark to slide back and forth. He closed his eyes and, to be honest, the thought of Jamie fucking Jack was getting him harder. So was the idea of either of them fucking Connor. He began to push, harder, and while Jack seemed to retch once, he never flagged in taking all of Mark. When he felt Mark getting to the edge, he slowed down, the way Mark liked.

"OH DAMN. JACK ROBSON IS THE BEST COCKSUCKER IN THE WORLD." When he tried to release, Jack widened his mouth so that he couldn't get friction. Mark countered, by reaching for Jack's nips. "And I'm gonna squeeze them till you do what you know I want." Jack didn't know if that was a threat or a promise, but he tightened his lips. He drew back SLOWLY, and then moved forward even more slowly. Mark couldn't wait anymore, and he exploded in Jack's mouth, while Jack greedily pulled for all he could. Mark collapsed on him.

"Know what, superstud? You are JUST FUCKING GREAT. JUST FUCKING GREAT. " Jack pulled him closer. "I love you Mark. I love you so much."

For the second time that day, Jack fell asleep in a slightly unusual way. While in the next room, Jamie had that puppy in his bed and he smiled.

"Yeah, sounds like we're good.

Next: Chapter 55

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