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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 28, 2023


The boys didn't make it back home until 3 that morning. Jamie, Cooper, Mark and Jack got out first, letting Tom and Brian take the car to Tom's place. Jack was the only one of the three who was not used to late nights out, so he was still sleeping the next morning when Jamie and Cooper sat down with Mark over coffee. Jamie had a request.

"Mark, this is a weird question, and I'm kinda embarrassed to ask it, but I will: do I have your permission to top Jack?" Mark had a mouthful of coffee at the time, and it took a little bit of effort to not spit it out. In truth, he had expected that question a while ago, and when he didn't get it, he had forgotten about it. He had actually rehearsed an answer.

"I think that's up to Jack. I mean, I understand your relationship, and how much you guys love each other, but I THOUGHT - and maybe I'm wrong - that you never wanted to top anyone - and you were more certain of that than Jack is."

"Well, I WAS, but... when I saw him on Saturday night... I'm jealous. " He paused, seemingly embarrassed. "This guy," he grabbed Cooper's hand. "This guy is good with it." Cooper shook his head, for "ONE TIME" ... "And I didn't want to ask Jack if you were against it." Mark smiled. "Well , again, I'm not against it, but it's up to Jack. You gotta ask him." Then Jamie got really red. "I have another question, Mark. Jack told me how easily you control him through his nipples." Mark smiled even broader at that. Thinking of how helpless his nip play made Jack, was arousing him. "Well, I know he told you that never happened with anyone else. It's true. I was there. I even tried it. " That made Mark laugh. "Oh I'm sorry Jamie, but I can see it now. You squeezing his nips like he's a cow, and Jack just flipping you over and screwing you." "AH. Good times," Jamie smiled. "That's pretty much the way it was. "So seriously, if you would let me in on your secret, I swear, it'll die with me, and I'll only use it once." "You better use it TWICE" Cooper interjected. "Oh, boy. OK. I'll tell you what. I'll demonstrate what I do, and tonight, I'll talk to Jack. You have to talk to him too. Then it's between you guys. " Mark had to swallow hard when he said that, but he knew that he really HAD to say yes. He wasn't jealous of Jamie, but he knew - because Jack had told him, and he could see it - Jack was never going to let go of his love for Jamie. And that was ok. If Mark were jealous at all, it was of NOT having anyone he felt that way about. And if anyone else were going to have his man, he was happy it would be Jamie. Even if he had his doubts.

"So, ok, studlet, let's have a lesson. Open your shirt. " Jamie did. "Now stand up, this'll be easier with you standing." Then he moved his fingers over Jamie's nips, doing exactly what he had done to Jack so many times. Jamie sighed. "Yeah, I can see it. It feels good. It feels great. Coops, you gotta try it." "How about you see what it does to me, Jamie?" He opened his own shirt for Jamie to try. "MMMMM. Now I don't know how much of this is my boy, or the touch. Let me compare. Mark, could ya try me?" Mark was more than a bit amused by this all. He wondered if there were a sex academy where he could teach nipple play. He worked on Cooper's nips. "OK. I think I understand. Jamie, Mark is better at this than you are, but you've got part of it. " He paused. "I'm the oldest one of all of you, and this is what I think I can say. If Jack wants it, you're never gonna know if you did it as well as Mark does it, or not. " He held his lover's chin in his hands and kissed him. "I think he's gonna say yes Jamie. Have a good time. I'm gonna be out of town next week, and all I ask.. is that you tell me how it went."

Mark smiled at him. "You know, Jamie, I once told Jack that if he wanted to play the field he could. I just wanted to know about it beforehand. I never knew that the guy who wanted him would be you. I promise. I'll speak to him tonight."

Their discussion got broken up by the sleepy voice of Jack. "HEY. did anyone check Magnolia's water dish?" He went over, spilled out what was left, cleaned it and filled it. And for the first time since she had given birth, Magnolia got up, and followed him into the kitchen..

"GIRLIE. You're back. " He began scratching her head. "Mom's taking some time off. Good for you. You wanna go for a walk?" The squealing of the puppies brought her back to them though, and it was clear that this beginning was just that: a beginning. But Jack got down on his knees and gave her a raspberry on her nose. "you're my girl sweetie. You're my girl." Mark was watching all of this, and smiled. He thought again about how fortunate he was to have this man.

"Jack, you wanna go and see your birds today?" Jack smiled at Mark. "REALLY? That'd be great. They like you too Mark. You don't believe me, but they do. Let me not smell so much. What WAS that stink in the party? Geez, it was worse than what we use in the basement." "Amyl" said Cooper. "Mark will explain."

After Jack pulled himself together, and got the bag of bread, he and Mark headed out. "OH, WAIT . I forgot my Mark's boy hat." Jack went to run back. "No, it's not that cold. Don't worry. I don't need a reminder." Mark grabbed his hand. "Let's go. Those birds are hungry."

When they got to the lake, the ducks remembered Jack, like a good friend. "HEY KIDS. Magnolia's beginning to walk around again. She'll join me soon. But for now... Uncle Mark is gonna feed you too." He smiled and gave Mark a handful of the bread. "Just toss it to them. Don't worry. Their bite is milder than mine." Mark laughed, and began feeding the birds with Jack. He actually got a kick out of it, but more of a kick out of Jack's smile, just like a little boy, as "his birds" waddled up."

"Let's walk in the park a bit, babe. Weather's good, and we could both use some fresh air." As they walked, Mark squeezed Jack's hand. "You know, you WERE a real big hit last night. " "Really, Sir? ME?" Mark laughed. "I'm gonna show you my phone when we get home. There were at least seven guys who asked if they could have a roll with you." "Well, I hope you told them no." Mark paused. "Well, yes, I did. But this morning, someone asked, and I told him that if it was ok with you, it was ok with me?" Jack dropped Mark's hand, and blanched. "YOU TOLD HIM WHAT SIR? THE ANSWER IS NO." "Jack, Jack, please, hear me out. I didn't say yes. I said it was up to you. And when you hear who it is, you may not be so negative." "I HOPE IT"S NOT JAY." The laugh that came out of Mark was almost sinister. "oh no. After he tried his janitor jack thing on you and you put him down, he won't be around. But.... the guy who asked me if he could top you, was Jamie." Now Jack laughed. "JAMIE? ARE YOU SERIOUS MARK?" When he saw Mark's face, he knew that he was. "Oh... boy.... I never thought that this was a possibility. Jamie wants to top. WOW. Mark, what do I do?" Mark grabbed his hand back and kissed it. "Jack, let's be honest. You love Jamie more than anyone else in the world. Even me." Jack didn't deny it. "But your love is different than ours. I don't know where this came from with him, but there it is. If you say yes, I'll tell him. I'll tell him to seduce you. And I'll tell him to do it before the wedding. Because after the wedding, Mr. Robson, you. are. off. limits. to. anyone. but. me." He planted a big kiss on Jack's lips, as they headed back.

Jack was silent for about ten minutes. "You can tell Jamie yes. Mark, do you want to be there?" Mark did, but he answered "No. This is between the two of you. Just like our sex life is between us."

When they came into the house, Jack went to the bedroom to hang up his jacket and Mark gave Jamie and Cooper the thumbs up sign.

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Cooper left to visit relatives the next morning. He'd be gone for about 5 days, so it was the three of them in the house. Jamie promised Mark he'd approach Jack when Mark was at work. The next day, when Jack was back from his shift, and cleaned up, Jamie was at the apartment, doing research on houses for their new gig.

"Hey Jamie bird.. So I hear you had a talk with my man." Jack took the seat next to Jamie, and Jamie reddened, but also began to get a hard on. "Uh, yeah Jack, I did. I'm sorry if I insulted you." "Insulted me? Jamie bird, I'm flattered. I'm truly flattered. C'mere." He kissed Jamie and Jamie felt fire go through him. He hugged Jack hard, and then he tried to work his nipples. Jack stopped kissing. "HUH? Jamie, what are you doing ? That kinda hurt. And really, the only one who can do that , is Mark." "OH shit. I'm sorry Jack. I thought I was doing it right." "Well, you kinda are, but I dunno. There's something about Mark's aura or something, what can I tell you?" "I wanted to turn you on. I wanted to do something to excite you. " "Well, I am getting excited Jamie bird." He put Jamie's hand on his crotch to show him. "But you know what? You do something better than Mark does. Know what it is?" "Uh no." Jack smiled. "Yeah ya do. Ya do it all the time. " Jamie thought for a minute and then it hit him. "GOD I'M Dense." He began tickling Jack's ribs. "SEE? That's gonna make me as helpless as Mark does when he gets my nips. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Jamie had gotten up and was behind Jack, pushing against his ass, but tickling his belly and sides. "STOP. PLEASE JAMIE STOP. WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU STOP? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. "Get on your back. On the bed. BOTTOM." 'YES. YES. I WILL. JUST, JUST... OH SHIT... " Jamie had switched to his pits. When Jack got on the bed, he didn't stop. Instead, he started tickling Jack's belly, and then his sides again. " "BEG FOR IT JACK. BEG FOR IT." "Okay, okay. okay. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. FUCK ME JAMIE. FUCK ME PLEASE. BUT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAAAAAP."

Jamie undid his pants. His long, skinny cock was rigid, and he opened up Jack's pants. He was hard too. He pulled off Jack's shoes, then his pants and thong, and held up his legs.

That's when he realized he didn't know what to do.

"I can't do this Jack. I can't." "Sure you can Jamie bird. lemme help you. " "No, I really can't. " Jack took a deep breath. "Sit on my chest Jamie bird. Put your cock in my mouth. Lemme get you wet."

Jamie was near tears, but Jack had become an accomplished cocksucker. Jamie's anxiety melted, as Jack caressed his cock, in a way no one ever had. "No.. You're not gonna cum in my mouth. But we're gonna change positions. Lay on YOUR back Jamie." "Wait. Are you gonna fuck ME?" "No Jamie. Be patient. I know what I'm doing." Jamie was confused but he switched up with Jack. "Now, this is actually a little harder than the other positions, but..." Jack straddled him, pulling his own legs apart, and eased down on Jamie's cock. He closed his eyes. "OH YEAH. My Jamie bird is inside me. TAKE ME SWEET STUFF." Jamie was delirious. This was the first time he had ever fucked anyone, it might be the last (it wasn't), but... Jack was making it so easy. Too easy. "AAAAAH." Jamie shot into his old pal. Jack smiled. "Good boy. I'll turn you into a top man yet." He played with his own cock, and shot all over Jamie's chest. "Just like old times, huh sweetie?" He had fallen on top of Jamie, and he was hugging him.

"Thank you Jack. That was Christmas, birthday, and everything else. " Jack brushed Jamie's hair back. "You've always been the one I love the most Jamie. You always will be."

They fell asleep in each other's arms, and didn't hear Mark come in. They were both sleeping so soundly that they didn't hear Mark open the bedroom door. Or close it after he had watched them sleep, like Hansel and Hansel, for about five minutes. He bit his lip, trying not to cry. It was something he'd NEVER have with Jack, even though what he had was more than enough. He closed the door, and went to the sofa. Magnolia came over to get a scratch from him."

Jamie woke up first and shook Jack. "Jack-o. I think Mark is home. I hear him in the living room. "OH FUCK. I said I'd do this when he wasn't here." They got cleaned up and dressed and, sheepishly, like two young boys who got caught smoking, went into the living room.

"Hey babe. " Jack went over to Mark and kissed him. "You been home long?" "Nah, just a few. I started reading scripts for the new job, and I took one home. It's awful. It's a modernist play translated from Polish and never performed. Now I know why." "Would I understand it?" Jack asked. Mark laughed. "I don't think ANYONE would understand it. I sure don't." He put down the script. "HEY. How about we go out for pizza? I'll treat. I wanna hear about everybody's day. He was still scratching Magnolia's ear. "Can we bring a piece back for her?" Mark laughed. "You know she likes garlic knots better." "Yeah, but her breath afterward. It's not sweet now, but then... " "Go get your cap, Jack, and get your jackets. If Coop were here, we'd have to share it four ways. But he's not. "

Next: Chapter 54

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