Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 28, 2023


It was the day of the "BDSM Ball" as Jamie had nicknamed it. Cooper, Mark and Tom, had all gone to the "ball" in years past, but it was a first for the three subs: Jack, Jamie and Brian. Mark had actually last attended three years previously, but he wasn't going to miss this one: not when he had a hot guy like Jack to present as his fiance' . He was taking it very seriously and had spent hours choosing his own outfit, and Jack's. He was determined to make at least a few people, jealous. Jamie had done a fair amount of research about the event, and he was looking forward to it. He and Cooper had decided that they each would have an opportunity for "free play" out of the relationship: one night a week was a given, more than that with permission. Jamie thought that this would give him more of an opportunity to play with Jack, but that wasn't happening. Jack had made clear: he would take a bullet for Jamie, but his topping days were over: he had no interest, and was uncomfortable even talking about it.

Tom had given Brian information about the event, and he had picked his boy's outfit too. He had attended the party more than any of the other guys, so he was more excited about what was going to happen the week after: Brian and Jack had agreed to do a role play with he and Mark, and it was going to be based on the "Batjack" character, with brian playing the robin role. Thinking about it made him excited, and when he was in bed with brian, if it came up in his mind, he fucked the guy even harder than usual. Truth was, Tom was one of the guys jealous of Mark. He loved Mark like a brother, for sure, and Brian was sweet as could be. But Jack... the things he could do to Jack. And he had asked if Mark would share . (He didn't ask Jack himself: Tom was very "old school" and viewed the sub as having no choice in the matter). Mark had laughed, and said no. He had even asked Jack, and Jack's answer didn't surprise him.

"Well, Sir, I'd rather not, but if you tell me to, I will. I'll think about you doing whatever he does to me, and maybe I'll look like I'm enjoying myself."

It was, yet another time, when Mark couldn't believe how lucky he was.

As was just about always the case, when Saturday morning came around, Jack woke up before Mark did. They were sleeping spoon style, and Mark had his arms wrapped around Jack, one hand firmly positioned on Jack's left nip. When Jack began to get out of bed, Mark pulled him back.

"Where you off to, handsome?" He asked sleepily. "I'm gonna go check on Magnolia and the kids, Sir." Mark slowly moved his hand over Jack's nip. "Feel that?" He pressed a hard cock up against Jack. Then he squeezed Jack's nip just a little. Jack sucked in his breath. Whenever Mark did that, he got his way. "You check the dog every morning. She's always ok. Why is today going to be different? Especially when.. " He covered Jack's ear with his mouth. "I wanna fuck you SO bad." Jack tried to move out of bed one more time. Now, Mark moved his second hand down to his balls, and squeeze them.

"Roll on your back stud. You know you want it as much as I do." He began squeezing Jack's nip a little harder, and Jack began to moan. He rolled over and Mark rolled on top of him. He was smiling his goofy grin as he looked down at Jack. "In three weeks, I'm gonna marry you, Jack Robson. GOD am I looking forward to that. Even more than I'm looking forward to taking your ass." Mark hadn't shaved that week: he wanted some beard for the party. Jack found it outrageously attractive, but it also drove him even crazier when Mark rubbed it against his neck, as he was doing now.

"Oh, please Sir. PLEASE. You know what that does to me?" Mark chuckled "Tell me stud." "Makes me want you. Makes me wanna take you for as long as I can." "MMM. Music to my ears Jack Robson. Music to my ears." He kissed Jack and played his tongue inside Jack's mouth for a while. Jack squirmed underneath him. When Mark was finished, he smiled, looking down at Jack. He had his lover's wrists pinned to the bed, even though they both knew that if Mark didn't have Jack's nip under control, Jack could flip him off in a second. "Do you regret this at all, Jack?" Jack looked up concerned. "Hell no! Where'd you get that idea Mark? I want this wedding as much as you do. Maybe more." "The party tonight?" Jack sighed "I'm not much for parties, Mark-o. You know that. But you want this so bad. I want you to be happy. I can do it. If you promise me you won't defend Jay if he bothers me, I can do it." Mark smiled. "If you trash him, try to make sure I can hear it. I love it when you get feisty." He kissed Jack again. Then he nibbled at the unringed nip, and pulled at the ring just a bit.

"FUCK. You wanna tease me into cumming before you, topman?" Mark smiled. "Maybe. But we'll see. Cause I'm going in you now." He pushed Jack's thighs apart and ran his finger along the skin from Jack's balls to his ass.

"AAAAAAH. MARK STOP. PLEASE . IT'S TOO INTENSE." "Ha ha. Yet another way to keep you in line, stud... " He pushed his cock head to Jack's ass. It began to slide in, and Jack moaned, the way Magnolia did when she was giving birth.

"OOOOOOOH. OH YEAH. OH. OH GOD. FUCK ME DADDY. FUCK YOUR FUTURE HUSBAND. FUCK HIM HARD." As he pounded Jack, Mark thought about how far they had come. Jack would've never used language like this when they got back together. And, WOW, had that gamble paid off. He never thought that Jack would agree to see him again, let alone that they'd be, well, fiancees.

In a throaty whisper, Jack got out. "I love what your cock does to me Sir. I LOVE IT. "ME TOO LOVER. ME TOO.." Then Mark screamed, and his jizz filled Jack's ass. "MORE. PLEASE SIR MORE. LET ME FEEL YOU FILL ME. FILL ME SIR. FILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ME!"

"Jack's up," Jamie whispered to Cooper in the next room. "Go back to sleep, " Cooper ordered him, and kissed his ear.

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Like Mark said, the pups and mom were golden. The pups were beginning to show color, and a bit of independence. They weren't ready for weaning yet, but they were developing personalities, sounds, and coloring. Some showed more of Magnolia, and others, the theoretical father. Tom and Felix had asked for pups. So did Rebecca. And so did Laurie. It made Jack both happy, and sad. He was glad that they were all going to get good homes, but he felt like he had to get ready to say goodbye to his own children. He was a practical man, and he knew... nine dogs? No. But his heart went the other way. As he was watching them, he felt Mark's hand on his shoulder.

"Final fitting today jack-o. Got to go and visit Aldo so he can make the final alterations."

When Jack had asked if he would make the wedding suits, he was beside himself. "OH, MY TWO FAVORITE MEN IN THE WORLD. OF COURSE. ALDO DO YOU GOOD." When they gave him their ideas for the outfits, he approved of everything, but just suggested that they wear different color bow ties. They shouldn't tell the other what they picked, and both Jack and Mark LOVED the idea of a final surprise. They had agreed on another, unconventional choice. Jamie would pick their wedding rings, and he wouldn't show them, until the wedding. Jamie already had them, and even though he teased about how he was going to have one ring say D and another s, he had picked very conventional, white gold rings for them. They didn't know that, and Jamie kept them on edge.

As they tried on their outfits, and Aldo made final measurements, Mark began to think. He didn't share his thoughts with Jack, but when the fitting was over, he made an excuse that he had left something at Aldo's and went back. "Hey Aldo, Jack had to run to the building to do something, so I came instead. He wondered if you could make his shirt just a little bit snugger. Fit him more closely." Aldo smiled. "YES. GOOD IDEA. A chest that beautiful should be seen more. I take care of it." Mark ran back to Jack , kissed him, and took his hand. "So, what will we do this morning? Afternoon, we'll get ready."

"Well, I need to do grocery shopping, because I won't get a chance tomorrow, Sir. You can come with me if you want, but this is MY domain Sir." Jack smiled at Mark. "Don't make the DOM come out in me. Neither one of us will be happy."

Mark laughed. "You'd go dom over a head of broccoli? Ok, I'll head back and let you deal with the shopping carts. I'll chat with the boys, see what's happening for tonight. "One kiss, please." Jack pursed his lips, and felt Mark's tongue break the seal. He smiled. "You, you sexy devil, are my biggest weakness."

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Back at the apartment, Jamie and Cooper were having a quick bit of lunch. They had already chosen what they were wearing. When Mark came in, Jamie smiled.

"So. Have you shown Jack what you want him to wear?" "Uh, no." Jamie started laughing. "WHO'S the top in this relationship? " Mark blushed. "I know, I know. I don't want to freak him out. " "Listen Mark, he adores you. He's not gonna freak out. Just tell him the truth. Tell him you're so proud to have him as your lover, you want everyone to be jealous. He'll get that. And make sure you let him SEE what he looks like in the outfit. Dirty little secret: Jack is as vain as a peacock. He just doesn't know how to act on it . You'll be fine."

"On paper," the outfit Mark picked was nothing that anyone could complain about: he had a pair of tight black jeans, and a very snug white t shirt for Jack. He also had an arm band, and a heavier lock collar for him to wear as well. He thought that the tshirt would accentuate Jacks' biceps and pecs, and the jeans, his ass. The outfit was more for HIM than Jack. Three years ago, Mark had gone to this event with a cute blonde boy he was topping: just about a 180 from Jack. Everyone warned him "this guy is trouble," but he didn't listen. That boy went home with someone else that night, as well as Mark's wallet, and he was never seen again. Mark had been too embarrassed to go back. Now, he was engaged to one of the hottest men in the city, and a guy who signalled "top," except, well... He heard the door open.

"HEY GIRLS. How's my babe Magnolia?" Jack brought the groceries to the kitchen and came out to the table.

"You guys leave anything for me?"

Jack pulled up the seat next to Mark. Cooper had brought back a bunch of sandwiches and different salads from their favorite local deli. There was more food than anyone could possibly eat at one meal, but he had thought it would be good to have something around if they came back hungry. Mark gently massaged the back of Jack's neck as he sat down.

"Hey . Magnolia missed you." "OH. You're right. I didn't go and say hello." Jack bolted from his seat and went over to where Magnolia was wagging her tail, and waiting for her afternoon petting. "How's my mom? How's my big girl? LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL BABIES GIRL..." Jack ran a finger down the back of one of them, who squealed. Magnolia was watching, but the pups were getting big enough that she was ok with it. "I think they're gonna open their eyes soon, guys. They're so cute... " He paused. . "I don't wanna let any of then go." Three sets of eyes rolled. "Jack stud, come sit. Let's talk about tonight." "Ok Sir. I'm nervous." "Why are you nervous?" Jack took a swallow of sandwich "Well, I know this is important to you, and I don't want to disappoint you?" Cooper looked at Jamie. He squeezed his leg under the table. "Jackman, don't worry. Please. You're gonna be the star tonight. I know you are." He leaned over and kissed Jack on the forehead, leaving a bit of mayonnaise there. "We're all gonna settle down for a nap this afternoon, because we'll be late tonight. We'll be there before you know it. " "I'm not a good napper, Sir. You know that." Mark smiled. "I'm gonna give you half of one of my pills. Knock you out good. " He grinned. "Maybe I'll take advantage of you while you're asleep." Jack answered "take advantage of me while I'm awake. That way I feel it."

In the bedroom, they stripped down and Mark handed Jack half a pill. "Seriously love, a nap will be good. Otherwise you'll be cranky. This doesn't really get going until about 9, and we may not leave until about 3. " He came over and hugged Jack. He dropped his voice. "You are going to embarrass nobody. And you WILL have a good time. I promise. " "Ok Sir. I'll trust you." Jack got into bed, spooning into Mark. Mark couldn't see Jack smile, but he did when he felt Mark's semi hard cock against him. If Mark were aroused, things were ok.

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The "nap" went on from 2-6. Mark was actually the first one to awaken, and he shook Jack a little. "C'mon studbottom. Time to get ready. " Jack wasn't used to the pills and he was foggy for a bit. "Let's get you showered up. Me next. Leave a LITTLE hot water. While you're in there, I'll start pulling out what we got for you to wear.

"I'm feeling a bit like Cinderella Sir." Mark smiled at that and came over. "I think of you more as my handsome prince, Jack. Just don't ask me to try to get your sneakers on." He hugged the big man and whispered "now go and get cleaned up, or we're gonna get messy."

When Mark saw the steam coming out of the shower, he went out to the closet in the living room where he had stashed things. Jamie and Cooper, who had more experience with late nights than Jack, were already up and getting ready. Cooper had a tight black tank top and some grey jeans, and Jamie had an amazing powder blue t shirt, and some very faded, tight jeans.

"We got something for the two of you guys. Just so..." Jamie smiled and handed Mark two grey bandanas. "You know where they go." Mark laughed. "Thank you. There were so many colors you could've gotten. " "Call me old fashioned," said Cooper "But I like these. We've got them too." He showed Mark the navy blue ones, which indicated fucking position. Grey stood for bondage

"Did you get any for Tom and brian?" I'm just curious what they'd use.

"I called Tom" Cooper smiled. He said he'd take care of it.

"Hey guys. Everyone's up now. How's it all going?" Jack walked in, wrapped in a towel. Jamie looked up and the thought "I could've had this. STUPID ME" went through his head. Cooper had gotten used to seeing that, and knew he couldn't stop it, but he walked behind Jamie and hugged him around the middle. "Mark, go get cleaned up. I think we wanted to chat with Jack for a minute or two if you don't mind." Mark smiled. "Don't do anything to him I wouldn't."

When he went off, the three of them sat down at the table. Jack hadn't put on any clothes, and Jamie was having a little trouble focusing. "Jack, we're excited about the new business venture. You still in?" "Hell yeah. I'm excited. No more 6 am calls to unplug toilets. I can't tell you." Cooper laughed. "Well, I can't guarantee that, but... well, we were wondering if you'd be willing to keep two of the pups. We'd wanna use them on site to protect the workplace, and also to have company around the house." Jack's eyes brightened up. "OH WOW. GREAT. Now I only have to find two more homes. " "So Mark is gonna be taking a new job too." "Yeah, I'm gonna be glad to have him around in the evenings. A real life. FINALLY." Cooper took the lead. "Jack, this is gonna be a fun party, no question about it. But it can get rough, and people can get rude. Let me be honest. You're gonna get hit on. Mark is going to do everything he can to make sure you're not too bothered, but just know it's gonna happen. We'll help you too. Don't worry. And Tom is a MASTER at keeping people away from a boy. So we're ALL gonna make sure you're gonna have as much fun as you can." "Well, thanks guys. You know, the four of us, let alone the six of us, haven't done much together. That's gonna be fun for me. All my good friends, all my family, there. And you all keep saying I'm going to be the star... I just don't know." Jamie joked "You'll be the star unless Kornacki shows up." Jack's eyes got big "HE'S GONNA BE THERE?' "No, silly, no. " "And if he were, he's not getting his hands on you." Jack felt Mark's hands on his shoulders, and immediately felt more relaxed. He reached back to squeeze a hand. "Should I try on the clothes?" "Yeah, you should. You should begin to feel comfortable in them."

Jack went to the bedroom. "I'm coming in with you Jack. I'll help." Jamie followed. For years, he had been making sure that Jack didn't look silly when he dressed, and he wasn't going to stop tonight.

"These look awfully tight jamie bird." "They are. This is a party about sex, sex, sex. " Jack squeezed into the jeans. "Oh, wow. They fit. I didn't know they would." Jamie smiled. "Aldo has your measurements on file, Jackie. It wasn't hard. " He slipped on the t shirt. He felt that it clung to him, like skin. Jamie was silent. "Fuck Jack. God do you look sexy. Go look in the mirror." He stood there, not quite sure he was looking at himself. He teared up a little bit as he turned to Jamie. "What does she say in that movie Gypsy we saw together? 'I'm a pretty girl ma?" Jamie came over and hugged him. "No, you're a girl who's even prettier than she was, Jack. " He whispered. "Don't EVER forget. However much he loves you, I love you more." "I know jamie bird. I know. Thank you. Thank you for all of this."

They walked out and Mark's jaw dropped. 'HOLY SHIT JACK. I'm not sure I can let you out of the house looking that good." "You like it Sir?" "Like it? DAMN. I could fuck you right now, here, in this living room, in front of everyone. Magnolia included." Mark had changed too. He was wearing a short sleeve black shirt, and his traditional black jeans. "get over here stud. We have some accessories too." He slipped a leather band around Jack's right arm. "You remember what that means, right? "Yes sir. Tells everyone that I'm on the bottom." "Now this... This is the first new thing. " He slipped Jack's pendant off, and put on the heavier one. "Oh, Man. This is heavy. But it's hot. Bit and clunky. Just like Jack," Jack smiled. "This tells everyone that you're spoken for. And finally.. He showed Jack the bandanas. "I'm putting this into your right pocket, and mine goes to the left. "They're a gift from Coop. Tells everyone that you like being tied up, and I like tying you up." Jack made a joke. "I hope Laurie's not there." "Oh, she knows," Jamie mentioned, and Jack blushed. "WHAT?" "Oh, jackie, she figured it out long ago. She saw some marks on your wrists and asked me if you had injured yourself. When I told her no, she smiled and said "Oh, I see. Rory liked getting tied up occasionally too.Not by me though." "I think I just got way too much information," Jack answered. Just then, the door rang, and in came Tom and Brian. "HEY LADIES. EVERYONE GOT THEIR GOWNS." Tom had on no shirt, but a leather vest, a leather cap, and chaps. He was leading in Brian by a dog collar with a leash. Brian was in a tight white dress shirt, and very short shorts. He was holding his hands behind his bag. Tom looked over at Jack. 'WELL NOW LOOK WHO'S THE HOTTEST GUY IN THE ROOM. DO WE GOTTA HAVE YOU AND BRI POSE OFF?" "UH... Jamie looked offended." "OH. Sorry Jamie boy. My manners are bad. I'm just so excited. Can I visit the queen?" He went over to Magnolia, who was overjoyed to see her friend. She began to bark affectionately.

"Now girl. Hey, look what I got for you." Tom pulled out some dog treats and a bone. "I was gonna use this to gag brian, but hey... " He looked over the puppies. DAMN they're almost ready Daddy Jack. I think I see mine." He pointed to the pup that seemed most aggressive.

"Oh , yeah. Anderson. If you want that one, we'll have to change his name." "NAH. If it's a boy, Anderson's great. Love to have the idea that I'm training Anderson," and he laughed. "So is everyone ready? I thought we'd go and have a drink first." "Sounds good to me. Mark added," and off they went. Jamie had called for a six seat uber, and he was waiting for them. "Big night of the year for me guys," the driver said. "Always lots of big tips too."

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They hung out at the bar for about an hour, before they headed into was a big warehouse space. As they were heading in, Jack saw brian put his hands behind his back.

"You want me like that Sir?" Mark smiled. "Not yet. I'll let you know if I do." They got their hands stamped, and walked into music so loud it took a couple of minutes to adjust.

"YO CHIEF. Wondered when you were gonna show up." There was Felix with Carlos. They had come in matching leather ensembles.

"HEY GUYS. You look terrific. You gonna teach me to dance, tonight?" Tom looked at Felix who laughed.

"You know, Jack taught me how to do stuff really difficult. Impossible? I don't know," he laughed. Tom's laugh was big and resonant. "I know. That's like building an arc. I may come out and embarrass myself though."

Mark whispered to Jack "No, you don't have to dance. You can if you want to, but there'll be plenty to do. And to see."

And there was. Jack's experience with BDSM was the movies he saw, and the people he knew. He had never seen so many variations, including the guy who was naked except for a pair of boots, or the cute blond boys who were selling boot polishing - with their tongues. Over in the corner, he saw a booth where a leather master would flog you. And the line was long. Mark whispered "It'll get MUCH longer before the night goes on."

A song started, and Jack saw Brian begin to move his feet. He whispered to Mark. "Sir, brian wants to dance." "I know. I know." "Tom doesn't dance Sir." Mark paused. "It's ok with you if I ask him to dance." "leave me with Tom sir. It'll be fine. " Mark kissed Jack. "you're wonderful. Don't go away." Mark went to talk to Tom and Jack heard his voice. "HEY. I get a chance to supervise this hot boy? Damn right. Brian, someone wants to dance with you." He smiled. He knew Mark liked to dance more than Jack did - way more, and off to the floor they went.

Jack moved over to Tom, who threw an arm around him. "They look good together, Sir Tom." "They do. Good dance partners." He squeezed Jack . "Mark's my buddy. We know each other forever. " "Yeah, sir, he's told me some of the stories." Tom laughed. "You have no idea how much he loves you. Or how much you coming tonight means to him. " "Oh, I thought it would be fun. Dressing up is hot too." "And you are hot stud. REALLY hot. " He stared at Jack. "You know, I told him I got to NY just a few months too late. DAMN, if I had seen you first, you'd be mine now." "Thank you Sir Tom." "NO. I mean it. " He smiled. "Tonight, why don't you ask Mark how many people asked him about you? How many people wanted to know if you played around? He'll tell you. It's gonna be a big number." Jack blushed. "I'm thirsty, studmuffin. I'll buy first round. What's your pleasure?" "I think just water right now, Sir Tom." "Good choice. Don't get impaired like me. Now, come along. I don't dare leave you out here with the wolves." Tom hadn't asked, but Jack put his hands behind his back as they walked. Tom noticed and smiled. "Know why he loves you? Lotsa reasons, but the fact that you remember what people like. Yeah, that's good."

When they were on line for drinks, Jack heard a voice. "Well, Janitor Jack is here. Without your studman." He recognized Jay's voice. "Nice to see you Jay." "It's SIR Jay." "Like I said Jay, nice to see you. Mark is here. He's on the dance floor." Jay smiled. "picked up someone already?" "Oh no." then he lied. "We do a foursome with a couple. I'm with one of them here. When Mark comes back, I'll be back with him. " Then Jack played dirty. "I don't see Brice. Is this one of his nights with the ladies?" Jay went off in a huff. Tom laughed. "Mark told me Jay hadn't been nice to you. But he also said you could handle him. And you just did." "Actually, most of his friends have NOT been nice to me. They think I'm not good enough for him. You've been golden, Sir Tom. Not too many other people have." Tom squeezed Jack's arm. "Well, know what? I don't give too much to attitude. I mean, we were all thrilled when Jack got his PhD, and even more thrilled when he didn't change that much. Lemme tell you Jack: you'll hear this again, and you may have heard it already: you're smarter and better than just about all of those people. And you pay your bills. None of my business, but .. how much debt do you have? "None Sir." He laughed. "Yeah, I figgered that. Most of these shits are just looking for a sugar daddy to pay their bills. You're beyond that. " He looked at Jack. "Now I'm gonna do something I shouldn't, but I've wanted to since day 1. " He leaned in and kissed Jack on the lips. Much to his surprise, Jack felt his cock stir." Tom smiled. "I got permission to do that, so you can tell Mark. And just remember: if you ever get tired of that wonderful man, I'm waiting.

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Jamie hadn't been wrong about how late the party would break up. After Felix had taken Jack to center of the room to watch the sex show, where one guy fucked three, the party went on for another 2-3 hours. Brian and Mark hit the dance floor a few more times, and the end of the night saw Jack hanging out with Cooper Jamie and Tom. After one last dance, a very sweaty, very red Mark came back, as did a less worn out brian.

"How's my babe? You enjoying yourself?" "Very much Sir." Mark ran a finger over one of Jack's nips. "We're gonna head out soon. Jamie already called the uber driver. It may be too late, and we may be too tired to have some fun tonight, but tomorrow for sure. " He paused "And..." He put his hands on Jack's shoulders up front. "thank you for doing this for me Jack. You didn't have to, but I'm SO happy you did. " He kissed Jack, just lip to lip, no tongue. He whispered "I don't tell you this enough. I love you. " "I love you too Sir. I feel like you rescued me." Mark's eyes welled up. "that feeling is mutual." Jamie came over. "Sorry to interrupt love birds. Our chariot is here. I think it's the same guy.

"Can we get him a soda or something before we leave?" Jack asked, and ran off to the bar. Tom turned to Mark. "Always thinking of someone else. DAMN you're a lucky dog."

Next: Chapter 53

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