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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 19, 2023


Jack checked on Magnolia and her pups , made sure everything was ok, and then headed down to the basement. It was Friday, the day before the big party Mark was so excited about. Jack was nervous: he had never been to one of these things, and everyone - Jamie, Cooper, Tom, Brian - seemed to be taking it with a mix of seriousness and humor. Sometimes they joked about it, sometimes they were in deep conversation about it. Jack had no idea. He had other things to worry about, including writing a syllabus for the school, and of course, Magnolia and the pups. The vet had told him that the first week was the toughest one, and that pups might die. None had. The 8 of them hung onto one of Magnolia's nipples the way, well, the way Mark worked his sometimes. "Mark working my nips." The thought got Jack excited as he put on his favorite cap and headed to the elevator. Mark had asked him out to dinner for the evening, so he was excited about that. They hadn't had a "date" in a long time, and he was eager for it. Mark said he had to tell him something important about his job, but Mark had no idea what it was about.

"Yo chief," Felix was already there. "Hey Feelie. How's things going on?" "Looking forward to the weekEND chief. Hey. You guys are going to the party this Saturday aren't you?" "You're going? You and Carlos?" "Chief, this is a happening. It's a chance for top men to show off their new boys, to see some new 'equipment' if you know what I mean, to catch up on stuff with friends, the whole bit." "So it's like a prom AND a sales convention?" Carlos was silent for a minute , and then he smiled. "YEAH. EXACTLY. The sex show is hot too?" "Sex show?" "DAMN chief, this IS your first time isn't it? There'll be models, who'll be tied up, or in cages, that kind of thing , and then you can whip them, or kiss them , or tickle them, or whatever the booth is. You pay for it, of course. And then there's the one toward the end. There'll be a 'demo'. Some top Dom will show us how he treats his boi. It's hot."

"Uh, it's not audience members is it, Feel?" Felix laughed "No chief. Don't worry. Mark isn't gonna put you in the middle of the room and fuck you in front of everyone, although, to be honest... damn, I'd pay to see that.' "YOU PIG" Felix laughed. "Hey, what can I say? I like seeing two hot guys at it. Know what I'd really like to see though?" "NO, NO. I don't wanna know about it." "Ok, I won't tell you. "

Jack spent the rest of the morning wondering what Felix wanted to see, but he wasn't going to ask.

He took two, ok, three, trips to the apartment to check in on Magnolia. Each time she looked up at him, wagged her tail, and went back to tending the pups. The vet had told him that the dog knew better than he did how to take care of them. Still, he was a very nervous new daddy. The pups were beginning to show color, and even personality. They relied on Magnolia completely, but the vet had also told him to be ready to start weaning them in about two weeks. Jack was ready: he had a huge bag of puppy chow ready, and Jamie had gotten eight small bowls with different letters on them. And he didn't go A to H: he picked letters corresponding to the first name of hot guys. So, there WAS a bowl marked "A", but that was for Anderson Cooper, and one with an "H" for Harry Cavill. He got an "S" for Jack's crush on Kornacki, and so on. The coloring on the pups made it clear that it WAS probably the big white Pyrenees who was the father.

At 2, when Jack got back to the apartment, he felt incredibly tired and sleepy. He didn't know why: he had been sleeping well, and hadn't felt tired before today. Mark wasn't due home for another two hours, and their dinner date was later. Jamie was due back that night. Cooper was off on a job out of state, so Jamie was alone, and didn't want to spend Friday in Cooper's apartment when he could have company. Coops would be back the next morning.

GOD he was tired. Jack took a shower, and then, because no one was around, he lay down on the bed, naked, and napped. He was asleep in about five minutes.

When Jack woke up, he couldn't move his arms. Or his legs. Mark had clearly come home while he was sleeping, and tied him spread eagle to the bed.

"FUCK," Jack muttered. It seemed to be new rope too. It stretched, but it didn't give. Mark almost never tied his ankles down when he tied him to the bed. So something was going on. He heard talking in the living room. Then he heard Mark's voice and Jamie's voice.

'HEY BITCHES. LET ME GO' He yelled, and he heard Mark laugh. He heard the footsteps as Mark AND Jamie came into the room. Mark was smiling.

"So there's my honey. Just the way I like him. Tied down and helpless. Like a good sub. " "Please SIR. What's this about..." "Oh, a couple things, superjackstud. First, there are gonna be a LOT of hot guys at this party tomorrow. So I need you drained. TOTALLY drained so you don't get hard for any of them." "Sir..." He struggled at the wrist restraints. "I don't get hard for anyone but you." Mark laughed. He bent down and whispered "Kornacki" in Jack's ear, and Jack began to squirm. Jamie nodded his head. "Yup. Since we were down south." 'IF I GET YOU JAMIE I'M GONNA FUCK YOU LIKE THAT GUY IN DELIVERANCE' Then Mark started stroking Jack's torso. "Also, stud, you're due for a shave. " Jack couldn't deny that. He had been sprouting, but then Mark began playing with his pube hair. "MARK SIR. WE HAD AN AGREEMENT. " Mark laughed. "Maybe we need to renegotiate." He laughed more. "I need to drain too, but also... " He grinned. "I lost a bet to your friend here, and the prize... is getting to tickle you. And I think that's a fine idea. Sooooo, jackster, we got shaving, a contract, ticking, and fucking to get done." 'DAMN. LAST TIME I TAKE A NAP AROUND HERE." Jamie started laughing. "There was one time, back in the day, when he fell asleep. I started blowing him. He came without waking up. "YOU MADE UP THAT STORY JAMIE YOU STINKER. YOU JERKED ME OFF." "I don't think you should be arguing with me now jack," Jamie moved his finger up and down Jack's left foot. "OH FUCK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." "There's more of that coming stud. First things first..." Mark had the clipper in his hand, and turned the on switch. Jamie wasn't helping, but he did pull out his cock, and stroke himself, while Mark got to work. Jack whimpered as it was happening, but he didn't move much. It was a sharp set of clippers. "THERE. All done. Nice, and smooth..." Mark ran his hand over Jack's belly and chest, and stopped to tweak a nip for a minute. "Now, about this bush." He held Jack's cock and balls in his hands. "I think that when a sub is introduced to society , he should be smooth. You're smooth, aren't you Jamie?" "I am. See?" He dropped his pants and yes, Jamie's balls, pubes, everything, were as smooth as can be. "WHAT THE FUCK JAMIE?" "A good sub does what his DOM says, Jack. You should know that." "PLEASE SIR. DON'T TAKE THAT HAIR. PLEASE. " Mark looked at him, smiling. "You know, I don't have to listen to you, and I don't even have to offer you an alternative, but I will."

"OK Sir, Ok. What's the alternative." Mark smiled "The thong. Every weekend, and two days a week. " Jack bit his lip because, in fact, he had begun to like the thong. He found that if he pulled it, at just the right force, he could stimulate himself in the same way Mark did when he finger fucked him. On those nights when Mark was delayed, it was a useful help.

He grunted. "Ok, ok. You win. Every weekend. Two days a week. " "I pick stud" "Yes Sir. Of course. It's your choice."

"GOOD. Ok, two out of four down. Time for tickling.." Jamie smiled, and moved down to Jack's feet. He had a toothbrush with him, and began to run it up one foot, while he tickled the second one with his fingers.


Then Mark came over and started working on his ribs and pits.

'SHIT. YOU GUYS. I'M GONNA PUT PUPPY SHIT IN YOUR FOOD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " The laughing was getting louder and higher pitched, but the guys didn't stop. Then, they gave Jack a two minute break. Mark turned to Jamie. "Ok, handsome. Five more minutes, then I get him to myself.

"Sounds good to me." The tickling resumed. Jack squirmed and screamed, and it just went on. The five minutes felt like a day.

Jamie stopped. He came up to where Jack's face was covered with sweat and sweaty hair. "You're such a good sport, Jackster." He leaned down and kissed him on the lips. I still love you." "I still love you too Jamie," the old friends smiled at each other. Jamie turned to Mark. "We'll pick outfits tomorrow. I know what you're wearing. I'll help you dress this stud."

After Jamie left, Mark untied the ankle restraints. He had been shirtless, and now, he got buck naked. He climbed up on top of Jack, and kissed him. Then he pushed his tongue into Jack's more than willing mouth.

"MMMMMM. MMMMMMM. " Jack was pushing up, trying to get more tongue. He had been thinking about Mark all day. He knew that there was gonna be sex, but not like this. As Mark kissed him, he dropped his fingers down to Jack's nipples and began squeezing. "OH FUCK," Jack thought. He wasn't able to speak because of Mark's tongue. If he could, he would've told him how good it felt. Then, Mark did pull out his tongue.

"Move your head to the side stud. I didn't grow this hair for nothing." He began rubbing what was now four days worth of stubble over Jack's neck. Jack's moans became desperate. Mark was applying just the right touch. Any harder, and it would've hurt, and any lighter, and he wouldn't have felt anything. He kept his fingers on Jack's nips too.

"Other side, please." Jack didn't hesitate a minute, and Mark began scruffing him. He paused for a minute and whispered into Jack's ear. "I'm gonna marry you Jack Robson. You're gonna legally be mine." "YES SIR. YES SIR. 100 PERCENT. " Jack lifted his legs in the air as high as he could. "Please. Please Sir. I need you in me. BAD."

Mark went down to the foot of the bed. His cock was fully extended, and thick. He smiled, and began sliding into Jack. "How do you want it cowboy? Fast and hard, or slow and sweet?" "Can I have both Sir?" Mark laughed. "And you call Jamie a pig." "Takes one to know one, Sir." Mark complied. But he reversed the order. He RAMMED into Jack, so hard Jack's head bumped up to the headboard. He worked Jack's ass like that for about five minutes before he switched to a more languid, relaxed pace.

"Oh yes Sir. YES. My man is taking me. My husband is in me... OH GOD.. Drain me Sir. Fill me, and drain me... " Mark slowed things down. He LOVED seeing the mix of agony and ecstasy on Jack's face when he fucked him. It was particularly luscious tonight, and he went after Jack's lips. The pressure of his body on Jack, set the man off. He moaned, and then, Mark could feel Jack's cum spilling all over them both. He was ready himself, and shot, big, into Jack. He was already laying on top of the man he was going to marry, so he just lay there and hugged him. He whispered "I know you love Jamie, Jack, but I love you so much."

"And I love you Sir Mark . So totally. I can't wait. I don't know if I should say 'I do' or 'I did that already." When Jack made comments like that, Mark couldn't help himself. He just laughed and laughed. Jack could, very easily, truly be the funniest man he knew.

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They took their respective showers, and then dressed. Jack put on a shirt he knew Mark liked: a short sleeved buttondown, very snug, white, with little ducks all over it. Mark had on his black buttondown and red leather tie, and they both wore jeans. As they walked, Mark threw his arm around Jack's shoulders. Jack seemed to like it, and Mark loved the sense that it gave to at least a few people that "he belongs to ME." Because he did.

Jack had reserved a table at the restaurant Laurie had introduced them to. After the waiter had brought the drinks and taken their order, Mark took Jack's hand. "So, this is what I wanted to tell you, my love. I got a job offer and I think I'm going to take it. But I wanted to check with you." "OH. A job offer. Tell me about it. "Well, there's a theater company uptown. They run different series , not just here in New York, but everywhere. People buy subscriptions and get to see four, maybe five plays in a season. Very short runs. Two weeks, maybe three. "That IS short, Sir Mark. Is it popular?" "VERY popular. They usually sell out a few hours after they put the tickets up." "So, tell me more, Sir." "Well, their assistant director got a position at another theater, and he took it. So the slot is open. I know the director. " Now he paused. "He knew, as we all do, that my show doesn't have long to live." "HUH? I didn't know that Sir." "No, it doesn't. They'll try to keep it opened, but after that first rush, the ticket sales dropped. We've been about 60% full for the last couple months. It's too cerebral for a lot of folks, and they're not coming." "Well, it's too cerebral for me Sir, but I didn't think that other people would feel the same way." Mark squeezed Jack's hand. "you know, when you told me what you thought the show was about, I thought what I think a lot of time 'who convinced this man he's not smart? ' You got it better than just about everyone - including the actors." Jack laughed "Well, this is going to sound mean, but some of your actors don't seem as smart as the doorknobs I install." "Hahahahaha. You're right Jack. You're absolutely right. But, anyway, the writing is on the wall. No one has asked me to leave, or has officially announced a closing date, but..." "What about Rebecca and Brian." Mark sighed. "Rebecca has been in the business, and she figured it out. She's leaving the show too. She's going to a long running show - one of the longest. Their producer saw her and, well... Brian... Sweet brian. I'm glad he's doing some work for Laurie, and I'm glad he's hooked up with Tom. I'm going to see if I can find a place at a dance studio for him. But I don't know. He's so, well, young, and .. naive." "You're good at teaching the naive ones, Sir." Jack looked at Mark, hard, and intently. Mark couldn't figure out what it was about, until Jack spoke again. "I need to be clear. We talk about my feelings for Jamie. I'm up front about them, and I get your permission. I know I'm the sub, and I like brian like a brother, but..." And Jack's voice dropped lower "if I ever find out you've been fucking him, I'll cut off your balls." Mark blanched. He WASN'T doing brian, but he had thought about it. He had thought that, as a Dom, having two boys would be great. But the law had just been laid down. if the risk was that he would lose Jack, he wouldn't take it.

"You have nothing to worry about Jack Robson, future husband of Mark Reilly. You're the only one I want."

Jack paused. "Well, this new job. Would you have to travel?" "Some. I don't know how much, but when the program isn't running in New York, it runs elsewhere. But not series. Nothing more than a couple of weeks at a time." "What are the hours like?" "Well, it gets busy at the start of a season, but once it starts, it's a normal, sort of 9-5 job."

Jack smiled. "So, we're both going to be starting new jobs. When does yours begin?" Mark looked at him "Then you're ok with this? You didn't even ask about salary." "Yeah, I'm ok with it. I didn't ask about salary because I don't care. We have enough money, and because of that, what matters is that you be happy." Mark didn't say anything, but his eyes began to fill up.

"Sir, will it give you time to write?" Mark smiled. "I didn't think you'd ask that, but YES" Jack answered "Sir, maybe you don't think I pay attention. I do. I know how important writing is to you, and how much you miss it with this job. If you said no, I'd tell you to think it over." "Then you're good with it?" Jack sat back in his chair. "Do you remember, Sir, a discussion we had, or almost had, when we started? You told me the play might be a disaster, and then you'd have to look for work. You might not be in NY long." "I remember that." "Do you remember what I said Sir?" Mark paused. Then he smiled. "YES! I DO! You said we'd cross that bridge when we came to it, you weren't moving, but... " then he started to cry. "you said you waited 20 years for me, and you could wait another 2 months when I travelled." "Yup. That's it. So of course I'm good with it. " He smiled at Mark. "Now, can we have dinner? I'm starving. I had a hard workout this afternoon. Also, Sir.. I'm not sure I'm drained completely, and I suspect you may not be either. Can we finish up after dinner?"

Next: Chapter 52

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