Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jul 10, 2023


Jack got up four times during the night to check on Magnolia. He would have gotten up more, except after the fourth time, when he got back into bed, Mark took hold of his cock and whispered. "That's it Jack boy. She's got this covered."

Jack whined, but Mark was not letting go. "Try to get up and I'll squeeze."

The next morning, when he DID get up, Jack found Magnolia, beathing heavily but almost smiling, with 8 puppies nuzzling at her.

"Hey pretty lady. What a good job you did. Can Daddy Jack pet you on the head?" He reached in, and Magnolia seemed to be happy for the attention. She slipped her head to the side so Jack could play with her ear, then she licked him, and nuzzled his hand , as if to say "don't go."

"Daddy Jack huh?" Jack heard Mark's voice, and felt his hand on his shoulder.

"Oh, Sorry Sir. Just for Magnolia. No one else." He stared at Mark standing in front of him. His eye level was even with Mark's crotch.

"Does that need taking care of, Sir?" Mark smiled. "It does, but not in front of your little girl. Later. I know you gotta get to the pit."

"I do Sir. Thank you. After dance lesson today?" Mark laughed. "DEFINITELY after dance lesson today. " He pulled Jack up and hugged him.

"You know, I don't know if it were possible for me to love you more. Or to want you more. " He kissed Jack hard, and ran his hands down his back, to Jack's ass. He held Jack for a while.

"Tom is gonna come over with Brian. I think he wants to talk to you too, so I'll send him down to the pit if they're early."

"Ok Sir. I may be late today, because if there's time, I wanna build a better house for Magnolia. This one needs cleaning, and I want her to be comfortable."

In fact, Mark KNEW that Tom wanted to talk to Jack, and he knew about what. Tom had told Mark that Brian had a thing for Jack.

"Doesn't surprise me Tom. Just about every bottom in that theater wants my husband to fuck him."

Tom laughed. "Well, truth to be told, I can see why. On the one hand, losing him as a top makes me think 'what a waste,' and then on the other hand, for someone like Jack to be a sub, makes you have hope in the world."

"I think we BOTH lucked out Tom. You and Brian seem to be happy."

"He's a hottie, and he's almost as insatiable as I am. Much more submissive than Jack I think."

Mark laughed. "I'd call Jack a headstrong sub."

"Yeah, you may have to do some reining in of him, bud. Can't let him forget who's boss."

More laughing "I try. But he can kick my ass three ways to Sunday and that don't make things easy."

"We'll talk Mark, we'll talk. Anyway, I wanna see the new kids, and the big one. "

Down in "the pit," Felix was working that day. He had been taking his duties as one of the best men really seriously, and had been chatting, behind Jack's back, with Jamie and Cooper on a regular basis. Today, though, his focus was different.

"Chief, Good morning. Babies?" "8 of them feelie." "OH WOW. So COOL. Can I see them?" "Yeah, come up soon. Maybe today you can help me make Magnolia a little room for raising them. She's a private kinda girl. " He laughed. "When I take her out for a walk, if I look at her when she's doing her business, she stops, gets up, and walks away with a look like 'how did THAT get there." Felix laughed.

"Hey, chief, I know you got important friends and all that, but... you think maybe Carlos and I could have one of the pups? "Feelie, you are one of THE most important friends I got. Yeah, there's one guy who asked first - I think you'll meet him today, his name is Tom - but after he picks, it's your turn. " Jack got a little teary eyed. "It'll be good to know that her kids are going to good homes with good people." Felix put his arm around Jack. "Now chief, c'mon. You know that you couldn't keep all 8 puppies." "I know Feelie, I know, it's just, well... what can I say?" "Nada chief. Nada. Let's go build her this crate thing you got in mind. Hey, this Tom: he good people?" Jack laughed. "Yeah, he's a friend of Jack's and believe it or not, he's not an actor, and he's not a pompous ass. He's neat. He's a truckdriver." "NO SHIT. A Truckdriver? He gay too?" "Uh huh" "WOW. Lotsa porn about folks BEING gay when they drive trucks, but a REAL gay truckdriver.." Jack smiled. "Sorta like two gay building superintendents." "EXACTLY CHIEF. No wonder he's cool."

Felix met Tom a little later. It wasn't possible for Tom to make a quiet entrance, and he didn't make one in the basement. "WHERE'S THAT HANDSOME DADDY?" He came down the hallway, and saw Jack. "HEY YOU. CONGRATULATIONS" He grabbed Jack in a hug from the front, and lifted him off the ground. Jack was strong, but this guy, WOW. Felix came over when he heard the sounds. "Hey, I know you. You're Felix right? Tom here." He held out his hand with a big smile. "You know who I am, Tom? " "Course I do. Jack talks about you all the time. You're gonna inherit his empire at the end of the year. That means you're a good man." Felix blushed. "I learned from the best Sir." "Indeed, you did. You did. HEY. What are you guys doing here? A split level for 9? Can I help?" Jack was right. Felix took to Tom right away, and the feeling was mutual. The three of them together, probably took longer to build the house than any one of them would alone, but it was much more fun. "I'm really glad I got to meet you before the wedding Tom. We're gonna be related too." "How's that Felix? OH. WAIT. Yeah, I just figured it out. Jack ain't givin' those pups to just anyone. You're gonna get one." Felix smiled. "Seguro papi' " Tom laughed. "You gotta teach Brian to say that." Felix cocked his head. "Hey, wait, you and Brian... Keep him in line Papi'. He's a wise ass." Tom laughed. "I gotta feeling here it takes one to know one." "Seguro papi'" Jack added, which got Felix to laugh. "Seriously chief. I gotta get home to Carlos. He's making sancocho tonight, and that don't happen often. But chief, can I come and visit this week?" "Anytime you want Feelie. You say a good word to Carlos for me. " "OH, CHIEF. I forgot to tell you. He quit smoking. " Tom smiled "Is he getting fat?" Felix smiled back. "Not with all the exercise I'm making him take." That got a roar from Tom. "I LIKE you Felix. You're like all of Jack's friends. Each of you is worth more than all of Mark's buds put together. Well, except for Brian." He smiled. 'DAMN IT JACK YOU GOTTA GET UP THERE FOR THE LESSON. And we gotta talk bud. " "Ok, maybe after dance class or something." "When Brian ain't around. I don't want him to hear this."

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Tom and Jack went up in the elevator together, to meet up with Mark and brian. On the way up, Tom teased Jack "So I know a boy who likes you, Jack. " Jack blushed "Oh, you mean Mark." "NAH. I said a BOY, not a Man. " Tom's stare was piercing and Jack blushed. "You mean bri bri." "Ha ha ha ha. You know, you're the only one who gets to call him that. Not even me. But you're right. Oh, Jack-o, he's got a BIG one for you." Jack sighed. "I had a feeling. Did you tell him nothing's gonna happen?" "Shouldn't that be you, stud?" Another sigh. "Yeah. I guess you're right." Tom smiled. "Unless of course, something IS gonna happen. Mark and I wanna talk to you about that.

The two of them brought the new crate for Magnolia with them. When she saw Tom, her tale began to thump. She clearly liked him. "HEY BIG MOMMA. LOOK AT YOU..." Tom crouched down and Magnolia's tail beat faster. "You got a cute boy there for me Momma? You gonna let Tom Tom be one of your daddies?" He put out his hand and Magnolia rubbed her jowl against him, before licking that hand, top to bottom. "Guys, they are SO adorable. Can't tell yet, but I think you're right. I think there's samoyed in them. Gonna be BIG dogs. Loyal, stubborn ones. " He looked at Jack. "Sorta remind me of a hot guy in the room." Jack found himself blushing again. "Can you guys have a soda or something? It was dirty down there, and I wanna clean up." Tom looked at Mark. "Now if that isn't a cue to go and talk, I don't know what is." "Gotcha stud." He followed Jack into the bedroom. Closed the door.

"MARK SIR. Shouldn't you be with the guys? I'm just gonna get washed." "Got a problem with me seeing you naked stud?" Jack smiled. "I got no problems with that at all." "How about with me undressing you." "Even better." Mark came over, and from behind, started unbuttoning Jack's shirt. He put his mouth on Jack's ear, and that made Jack jump "Oh, Wow. I never felt that much scruff on you Sir." He reached up, and rubbed Mark's chin. "LOTS of it here. You forget to shave this morning sir?" "Didn't shave, but didn't forget. " He smiled. "Not gonna shave until after Saturday's party. And maybe not after that. Depends on what it does to you in bed." "DAMN. You're trying to control me ANOTHER way?" Jack's cock got a little bigger from that thought." "Sure am, stud. I want you begging for cock ALL THE TIME. MY COCK." He paused. "Get your shower. Then I need to ask you something."

Jack wasn't used to having Mark watch him while he dressed, but he put on some clean clothes, including a white thong. "BEND OVER. Let me see that beautiful ass." "Yes sir." Jack's firm cheeks were barely held by the thong. Mark came up and squeezed them. "I want these so bad." "After the lesson Sir." "Yes, but first this. Sit Jack." Jack sat down next to Mark. "I think I know what you're gonna talk about. Tom gave me a hint." Mark smiled. "You know, as your Dom, I could just say DO IT, and not ask you." Jack lowered his head, and he took Mark's hand. "I know Sir . I just think you'd be disappointed. All 3 of you." "What do you mean, studmuffin?" Jack made a weak smile. "See, I love bri bri. Like a brother. And I think he's wicked hot. I'm sometimes surprised you didn't dump me for him, Sir. But... I dunno. I don't feel anything sexual for him. He doesn't pop up in my head, one way or the other. Underneath or on top." Mark laughed. "Sorry, but the idea of brian on top is funny." "I know it is Sir. I just tried it because, well, nothing was happening when I thought about topping him. So, I know, I know you could give an order and tell me to do it. But I'm serious Sir. I am TRULY serious..." He looked at Mark, and from the look in Mark's eyes, she knew Jack was being 100% honest."I want sex with one man. You. And I want it one way. You on top of me. I really don't think of anyone else. I look at porn, yeah, but I look at it for ideas, and because it's hot. But I don't think of those guys as bedmates. " He snuggled into Mark.

"I know you COULD make me do it, but please don't Sir. No one will have fun. I know that." Mark looked at him and kissed him. "Ok, handsome. I can understand that. I had some idea you'd feel that way, so I have an alternate plan I wanna discuss with Tom." Jack laughed. "You guys REALLY wanna watch brian and me at action . " He paused. "It's kinda hot, but..." Mark smiled. "Well, here's my thoughts stud. We haven't done batjack in a while." Jack looked up. "NO. We haven't. WAIT. I see... Batjack might have a sidekick, they're both captured, submit, and... TO TWO DIFFERENT GUYS. Mark Sir, I could get into that." "I KNEW you could. Now let me just see how Tom feels." "But what about brian Sir?" "Jack, brian just wants to see you naked. He'd like more, but..." "I'm gonna talk to him after our next class. Take him out for a drink or something. We'll talk, sub to sub." Mark kissed him. "You're the ultimate fixer upper Jack. I love you for that.

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Brian had to run up to Laurie Moloney's apartment after the dance lesson. He was doing odd jobs for her, for a little pocket money. Before he left, he shook his head.

"She can do all this stuff herself. Doesn't need to pay me. Most of the time she talks about Rory and how much I remind her of him."

"Laurie works in mysterious ways, Brian. Go with it. She's a nice lady."

"VERY nice lady." He turned to Tom, put his hands behind his back. "See you later sir?"

Tom smiled and ran his thumbs over brian's nipples. "Damn right you will. You'll more than see me."

"Hey bribri. How about a chat tomorrow, maybe even something to drink before dance class?" Brian looked at Jack and smiled.

"SURE . I'll call you after MY dance class. Love to see you." Then he was off.

Tom, Mark and Jack sat down to talk. Mark threw his arm around Jack's shoulder to try to give him a little support. He knew he didn't want to say no to Tom, but he also knew that Jack wouldn't lie about something like this.

"Don't get me wrong Sir Tom. I love brian like a little brother. And maybe that's the problem because - and I have to be honest - when I think of doing ANYTHING sexual with him, nothing happens to me. Not a single thing."

"AH, that's a shame Jack. But you're right : if you try to do something like that we're all gonna be disappointed. Gotta say: I was hoping to see a sandwich where brian was on the bottom, you were in the middle and Mark was on top, but.. oh well."

"We actually came up with an alternate proposal," Mark said. Then he described the elaborate bat jack game they had in mind. He could see Tom smiling.

"DAMN. That sounds hot. " He looked at Jack "Batjack. I love it. "

Jack laughed "There's superjack too Sir. And his alter ego Jack Kent." He pulled out the glasses Mark gave him and put them on.

"FUCK. DAMN. I like this idea. So you're gonna talk to Brian?"

"Yes Sir Mark. I think it has to wait until after Saturday's party, but it'll be fun."

"You have no idea how excited I am about showing you off, Jack," Mark squeezed his shoulder. Jack blushed. "I hope you're not disappointed."

Mark held him tighter. "I kinda wish no one gives you a look. Less competition. More of you for me." Jack laughed. "How much more of me do you want Sir?" Tom laughed. "sounds like my cue. " He hugged them both. "Jackster, I appreciate anything you can do to make brian smile. Let's make this happen." He went over to Magnolia, who had moved her whole family into the new box. She looked up at him, and beat her tail on the floor. "Girl, you got a good looking family." He crouched down, and she beat her tail harder, and whined, until he petted her face. Tom looked up at Mark and Jack: "That one right there." He pointed to one pup, who was doing a real good job nursing. "That's the one. Wait and see. That's a boy, and he's gonna be a trucker's dog. " He picked up the fisherman's cap he always wore, and smiled as he left.

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"I like it when Tom comes over, sir," Jack said to Mark, as he felt Mark circle his middle. He could feel Mark press against him, and he felt his cock hardening. "I do too. The way he looks at you......makes me so much happy that you want ONE man, and it's me." He put his chin down on Jack's neck, and the longer scruff made Jack shiver a little bit. "You remember, Sir, how you used to not shave for like a week at school, and I'd come over, and you'd just torment my neck until I begged for you to fuck me?" "Heh heh heh. Why do you think I'm growing it, stud?" Mark could make Jack's knees weak just by touching him. The scruff, though... Had he wanted to struggle when Mark took him to the bedroom, he wouldn't have been able to. At the length it was, the scruff was more effective than playing with his nip and making Jack totally helpless. Mark had him on his back, and began growling, as he opened Jack's shirt, and scruffing his nips.

"OH GOD. OH SHIT. I'm so hard already Sir." "Well, you're gonna get harder. Because I remember something else about those early years. It used to make you NUTS. " Jack didn't know what he meant.. until Mark made a sucking noise on his neck, and blew a raspberry "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. STOP. OH GOD NOW I REMEMBER." Jack began to buck under Mark, pushing his hips up in the air, kicking his legs wildly, but he couldn't get away from Mark's lips. Mark would blow the raspberry, pause, and then do it again. 'HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. JUST FUCK ME MARK. JUST FUCK ME." "Not yet sweetie pie Not yet...." Jack tried to resist by scrunching up his neck. Mark grinned. "Gonna try to keep me from it? Ok..." He took Jack's nip between his fingers and began to knead it. "OH DAMN. OH DAMN. " Jack's writhing started again. "I want that neck, handsome." "NO. You know what it does to me.. OH FUCK." Mark had tightened his grip on Jack's nipple. "Ok, ok, ok. You win. " Jack moved his head and Mark moved in with more raspberries, but he kept on playing with Jack's nipple too. Jack was whining, begging. High squeals came out of him. "TAKE ME SIR. PLEASE. TAKE YOUR SUB. FUCK ME . PLEASE."

Mark smiled "A kiss first.." Their tongues wrestled for a few minutes, while Mark began to slide down Jack's pants. When they were down, he took Jack's balls in his hands, and he smiled. "These are just so big, and so tasty looking.." He licked them all over, but kept a firm hand on Jack's cock, so that he didn't get too excited. When he was done, he buried his tongue in Jack's ass - something he hadn't done in a while, and something he knew Jack loved. As Jack was moaning he looked up. "Who makes the rules, jackboi?" "In bed, you do Sir. When we're together, you do Sir." Mark smiled. "Even if I told you I'm shaving your pubes?" Jack paused. He took a deep breath. "Yes sir," came out of his mouth, less enthusiastically than the yells for Mark to fuck him."

"Don't worry Jackboi. I'm not gonna shave you. At least not yet. But as long as you know, if I want it." "I understand Sir." "Now, what I want is... this..." He pushed Jack's legs up in the air and pushed down his own pants. "Looks bigger than it felt," Jack thought, and then, when Mark entered him, he swooned. "OH GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD. THAT SCRUFF TENDERIZED ME SIR." Mark laughed at that. He had this quick image of Jack covered in a meat tenderizer, but lost it when Jack began to moan from his cock.

FUCK ME SIR FUCK ME PLEASE. IT FEELS LIKE IT'S BEEN WEEKS." Mark laughed some more. "You horny bastard. How many times a day should I fuck you?" "A lot Sir. A lot." Jack smiled because, he had distracted Mark enough to tighten his sphincters around his cock. That always set Mark off, and it did here.

"OH SHIT YOU SNEAKY BASTARD.." His jizz began filling Mark. So much of it, it began to spill out.

"YES YES YES SIR" came from Jack, before his jizz joined Mark's.

In the after glow, as Mark lay on Jack , he whispered "I oughtta tickle the shit outta you for that trick." "How about just kissing me Sir? Promising me another fuck maybe tomorrow morning?"

A kiss, and then a smile from Mark. "Tomorrow I'm picking your outfit for the party. You're gonna be SO hot. "

Jack smiled. He hoped there were going to be a lot more Toms than there were Jays. He began to look forward to the party.

Next: Chapter 51

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