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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 28, 2023


By the time Mark dashed out of the bedroom, Jack was already crouched, next to Magnolia. The vet had advised him not to get too close, so he just wanted to be there, so she knew he was with her. "Hey big girl. Daddy Jack is here. You can do this sweetie. You can do it." Mark was watching his lover talk to the dog, and tears were welling up. This man.. THIS MAN! He had forgotten everything, and he was there, calmlly trying to talk his dog through her first pregnancy.

"Mark, one of them is half way out . She's pushing. Come see." "Uh, no thanks Jack. Not unless you want me to puke." "Ok stud. It's ok. I can't touch her either. She'll reject the pup if I do. There was a great big HOWL, and Jack saw Magnolia close her eyes: and out popped the first pup. "GOOD GIRL. GOOD GIRL. YOU DID IT. I'M SO PROUD OF YOU BABY." Jack could have sworn that Magnolia smiled. She was panting, and clearly working. The new pup, blind, pink, and ugly as sin, found its way to one of her nipples and began sucking. "Girl, are you doing ok? " Magnolia seemed to be perfectly peaceful and rested, but Jack was sitting there with her. Mark looked at the clock. After 20 minutes he went off and called Tom.

"Hey bud. Mark here. Just wanna tell you. Jack's a father . Yeah, kinda. Magnolia started giving birth. He's there now." "WELL SHUT MY MOUTH MARK. THEN WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU OUT THERE HELPING HIM?" "Tom, there's blood, snot, all kinds of stuff." "Did you have a point? Ever look at the bed after you guys have sex? Bet it ain't rose petals and candy canes." "But what can I do?" "How about you get out there and make your husband feel better? Rub his shoulders, kiss him. He's invested Mark. You should be too." "What if they die?" "Then they die. They gotta get out first. Magnolia's a strong girl. She'll be fine. Now get out there. Hear that?" He held out the phone and Mark heard a sound similar to the one that Jack made when Mark gagged him. "Yeah, I gotta finish Brian off before he goes and dances for you tonight. DAMN he's hot shit. I owe you for that one. " He paused. "Ever think of tying he and Jack together and having a little dual action." Mark lowered his voice. "All the time Tom, all the time." WELL THEN LET'S DO IT STUD. Remember who's the boss."

"Remember who's the boss." Mark wasn't sure who was. He went back out. Jack hadn't moved. He put his hand on Jack's right shoulder. "Hey boo. Thanks for coming back. You don't have to watch. Just keep me company ok? The second one is on the way." Mark massaged both of Jack's shoulders. They were tense. He whispered. "You are just the most wonderful man in the world." Jack didn't answer. He just squeezed Mark's hand and then said "I'm glad you're here Mark." "OH SHIT. There's number two. As ugly as number one... " This time Magnolia really seemed to smile. Jack took a chance and held out his hand to her, and she licked it, all over. He rubbed her ear. "Girl, you're doing great. You're gonna do just fine. What a GREAT MOM."

"Jack, we can't do anything. She's gonna be fine. Let's go take a walk." He looked at Mark. "Ok Sir. You're right. Where you wanna go?" "Oh, I don't know. Your favorite lake?" Jack smiled. "Yeah. I'd like that. Let me get some bread for the ducks. "

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Jack put his "Mark's boi " cap on, putting it on backwards, and grabbed the bag of stale bread. When they got outside, he put his hands behind his back and he felt Mark take his arm. "I love the feel of your biceps Jacko." "Thank you Sir. No matter how big, or how strong they'll get, you're always in charge. Don't worry."

When they got to the lake, the ducks seemed to remember Jack. "HEY KIDS. Guess who's a daddy besides that old bird over there?" He reached in and started scattering the bread cubes all over. There was a loud burst of quacking as they dove for the bread. Mark stood back as Jack communed with his friends. "That's all I got today guys. Not as much as usual, I know. I've been busy. I'm planning a wedding. YEAH. Jack is gonna marry that handsome man over there. Wave Mark." Mark smiled and gave a wave to the ducks, who ignored him. And now that the bread was gone, they ignored Jack too, jumping back in the water. Jack folded up the bag and put it in his back pocket. Mark took his hand and they started walking.

"Jack, can I ask you a very serious question?" "Well, sure Sir. I'm just not sure I'll give you a good answer, but I'll try." "You just told the ducks you're gonna marry me. And you are. Can I ask you why?" "Why I'm gonna marry you? You don't know?" "Well, I know you love the sex we have. I do too. But you could have great sex with any man you chose." Jack laughed. "Well, I don't know about that Sir. Steve Kornacki hasn't called you know." Mark chuckled. "I can't believe you have a man crush on him." "He's a lot like you Sir." Mark stopped talking. "HUH? You're gonna have to explain that." "Well, I can only answer one question at a time Sir, so can I try the marriage question first?" "Of course. My bad." "Well, can we go back to when we were at school Sir? You know, or maybe you don't. I had noticed you before. I saw you walk around with that swagger, with that big goofy grin, and I thought "that's hot. There are a lot of beautiful men around here, but that guy, he's got confidence. " Mark was silent. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Yeah, there were a lot of guys who were hitting on me. More than you could remember. And you know what? They all wanted something I didn't want: they wanted me to fuck them. And yeah, my cock works well enough, but when I didn't want that, they got pissed off. And I saw you, and I would whisper "please God. Please let him be a top." "And I was." Mark smiled. "Yes sir, you were. And a damn good one. Who became a great one. And you never lost that swagger. That confidence." Mark wanted to hug Jack right there. "But that was 20 years ago, puppy."

"I know Sir. But you didn't lose it. Did you ever think that, when you came looking for me, I might kick the shit out of you, tell you to get the hell out of my life and never come back?" "I did Jack. I was TERRIFIED of that." "No you weren't. Because if you were, you would've never come looking for me. " He grabbed Mark's hands. "Mark, Sir, you're in theater. How many pretty boys are around every day? How many guys would've sold their soul to have you? MUCH better looking guys than me. Much SMARTER guys than me. But you came looking for me. And you weren't afraid. You werent' afraid that, when you kissed me, I'd bite your tongue off, or when you grabbed my nips, I'd break your hand. No, Sir, you weren't terrified. You were confident you were gonna get what you wanted. You had that same goofy geeky look I fell in love with 20 years ago, and that swagger, and you weren't gonna put up with any of my bullshit. Until you did. You indulge my fantasies, you learned some of the shit I love. " Jack paused.

"I'm running at the mouth Sir, and I'm sorry, but damn it to hell, I am so fucking in love with you, that if I have to do any more explaining to anyone else, I'm going to burst. Now the ducks aren't watching and I wouldn't care if the did. I'm gonna marry you damn it. I'm gonna be your sub for life. And right now, you are gonna kiss me like you understand that I don't want anyone else but you." Jack stood there, with his hands behind his back, and his nips thrust out.

"Yeah," Mark said softly, " I can do that." He kissed Jack gently, and then more forcefully. Jack moved his arms around Mark and pulled him in. "MMMM . That's so good Sir. That is SO good. " He whispered "I wish I could blow you right here, and then roll on my back and have you fuck me in this park. "

Mark smiled. "tonight lover. Tonight. Now, let's go check on Magnolia, but one thing Jack." "Sure Sir." "I am so lucky to have you. I love you." "BAck at ya Sir. Let's go see the pup count."

As they walked back, first in silence, Mark squeezed Jack's hand.

"You know, you're not getting away without explaining the Kornacki thing."

Jack giggled. "Well, it's like this. You're both big geeks. With a smile that is kinda off center, but adorable. I love your smile Mark. You seem to be amused by the world. You're both ridiculously smart, and you're both ridiculously obsessed, with things most people don't think about. You're both amazingly hot to me." He stopped for a minute and he looked into Mark's eyes. "And I feel - don't ask me why - that both of you not only have everything under control, but you're gonna make sure everything's alright. "

Mark smiled that silly smile. "Some day, you're gonna have to tell me more about you and Jamie." Jack squeezed his hand some more. "you know, I said this once, and I'll say it again. I love you ridiculous, Mark Reilly. But you're never gonna hear me say 'with all my heart,' and that's because Jamie has a piece of it. And I don't want it back. I'm happy that things worked out for both of us, and he and I would NEVER make a good permanent couple, but , well..." and Jack put his hand over his heart. "There's a bit of him in there too. It's not leaving."

"I don't want it to Jack. It's part of what makes you, you."

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They were up to four when they got back and Magnolia was half way through number 5. Cooper and Jamie had gotten home, and they were watching. They both had experience with animals from when they were younger, and knew to stay out of it. "How many girls? How many boys?" Mark asked, and Jack looked up. "Sir, they don't come out as pink and blue. It's gonna be a while before we can tell. " He looked along Magnolia's little area. "Oh, pretty girl, you made a mess down here. When you're done, we're gonna have to clean you up. I hope you're not gonna mind." "It's gonna get a bit ugly there for a while, boys," Cooper looked up. "It's nothing like when pigs do it, but it ain't prett and it never smells good. He looked at Jamie. "What'ya think handsome? One more? Three more?"

Jamie shrugged his shoulders "Looks like three more to me Boss. I say a litter of 8" "I think the same thing. " He looked at the pups. "This was a BIG dog, guys. Whoever knocked her up: a monster." Jack looked up. "Oh, yeah, there's a big samoyed that I saw around our walking place. I wonder. "White dog?" gulped Mark. "YEAH. Big, fluffy, looks like he could take you down." "Uh, I do remember seeing them go off." "That means a headstrong, loyal group of pups Jack. " "Sounds like their uncle Jack," Jamie laughed. "Not as cute," Mark added.

"Guys, I suggest maybe we have dinner," Cooper interposed. "She's got this under control. If it's three more, it's gonna be at least another hour, probably longer. The last ones have further to travel." "Good idea," said Mark. "I need to sit furthest away, because." "Because my honey is squeamish," teased Jack.

By the time dinner was over, Magnolia had gotten pup 6 out. She seemed to be resting. It had been just under 3 hours from when Jack had heard the howl. It usually took Mark more than 3 hours to recover from sex with Jack, but the talk on the lake and the romance, the call from Tom, and now, with his thoughts turning to Saturday's party, he began feeling his urges get stronger. Jack knew it. He was resting his head on Jack's torso on the sofa, and he could feel the stirrings in Mark's pants. Mark had also dropped his hand to Jack's nip. He whispered "wanna fool around?"

Jack laughed a little too loud. Jamie heard it as he and Coops were washing the dishes. "Have fun boys." They didn't hear him. They were already in the bedroom, Jack laying on the bed, Mark laying next to him, gently rubbing his nip through his tshirt.

"superjack, batjack, jacko, just jack, Mark's boi. Doesn't much matter. Know what matters?" He leaned down and kissed Jack. "You're mine." "I am Sir. Can you climb on top of me, please? I love feeling your body on me." Mark didn't need encouragement. He began kissing, and then moved to Jack's neck. Jack teased him by resisting, and Mark smiled. "Know what? Last time around, I noticed every time my fingers lit over your side, you jumped.

"No I didn't" Jack smiled. He knew what was coming as Mark pinned his arms. "Let's explore this.." He began to gently move his fingers along Jack's flank. "AH. HAH. Come on, stop that Mark... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. NO. This isn't fair. "

"Neither is this stud." He started toying with Jack's nip. "Oh yeah. That's what makes me yours Sir. Only you can do that." He covered Jack's ear with his mouth. "What does it do to you jacko?" "It makes me melt Sir. It just turns me into putty?" Mark squeezed a little harder. "And?"

Jack gulped. "it makes me WANT you Sir. It makes me want you in me. It makes me wanna get FUCKED. " He paused and laughed. 'And not by Steve Kornacki." Mark looked at him. "OH, I think you just won yourself a little hogtie at the end of this. For now though... I'm really hard."

"Fuck me Sir. Please. Take my ass. Remind me of one of the things I love about you."

Mark slid down, got Jack's pants off. He smiled when he saw the red thong. "You wore this just for me?" "Yes sir. I changed into it when you were cleaning up before the walk." He ran his hand along Jack's chest. "Someone is gonna need a shave soon too." "Yes sir." "But not before you get another good hard FUCK."

Jack moaned in contentment as Mark pushed his legs apart, and ran his fingers along Jack's sensitive crotch. "OH GOD. OH YEAH. Wake me up, topman. " Mark smiled and twisted Jack's balls a little. It worked. Jack got harder. He tried to sit up, but the pressure on his balls, kept him immobilized.

"You just have so many hotspots I can't decide which ones to work on. Always fun. Tonight though, I'm just fucking horny." Mark slid down his jeans, and rubbed some spit on his cock. He went in slowly. When he got the "OH YEAH," out of Jack, he pressed in harder. "FUCK YEAH" got him to move in more. The whine "TAKE ME SIR" got him all the way in.

Mark spread his body over Jack, keeping his wrists pinned, as he Frenched him, deep. "I don't know why, but I think sex with you after the wedding, is just gonna get better." Jack was moaning and gasping "It keeps on getting better Sir. You pick all my turn ons. OH GOD. When you hold your cock there. FUCK. I think I'm gonna explode." Mark said nothing, but pulled Jack's nip ring.

"OH SHIT. My body just caught on fire Sir. Put it out. Please. Put out that fire." Mark smiled. "this is the only liquid I got..." He pushed and began squirting his jizz into Jack, who moaned some more, with clear pleasure. "

OH, that's so good Sir. I always love feeling you cum in me."

"How about you cum for me, muffin? "

"Yes sir." Jack moved his hand down to his cock, but Mark pulled it back, and pinned it down.

"Nope. You're gonna have to do a no hands orgasm..." He pushed up Jack's shirt, and began playing with his nips. Jack got hard right away.

"MMMMM. Please Sir. Please let me touch myself! PLEASE."

Mark smiled. "No." He kept squeezing, and Jack began to twist. His cock got even harder.

"DAMN. I'm so hard. I never knew I could get so hard. OH FUCK... " Mark had slipped a finger to the underside of his cock. That was the trigger. "Volcano Robson" as Mark teased Jack, began erupting. When he was done, Mark hugged him from on top. He whispered in his ear. "I'm gonna be saying this a lot over the next few weeks: Jack Robson, I'm gonna marry you."

Next: Chapter 50

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