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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 22, 2023


Mark stared at the screen of the tv set, open mouthed. Jon had come back in the country, and .. well, the rest was there. HOW MUCH HAD HE HATED MARK AND JACK TO DO THIS? He must have found out about the wedding plans from friends in the show cast - he knew Jack didn't tell him - and then this.

To say that Mark was filled with mixed feelings was an understatement. He found it somehow fitting that a man who used fire to torture so many people, would die because of a mistake with his own application of it (the report said that something had gone wrong with his cigarette lighter with the gasoline). And now , Mark would never know, for real, WHY Jon had turned on him the way he did. He found it hard to believe that Jack had done anything to justify the hatred, Jack just wasn't that kind of man. And then, there were the years of good history. The years of drinking together, the years of scraping to make ends meet while they were finishing school and moving up in the theater community.

But more than all of these issues, right now, Mark was thinking "there goes our wedding. It is cursed?" It was that idea that just overwhelmed him. He looked at Jack and, without a kiss, got up to the bedroom "I need to think this out." Jack heard the door close, just as his phone rang. It was Jamie , who else?

"Jamie bird, how are ya? I bet I know why you called. You're a news junkie. Yeah, we saw it. Shocked? Oh yeah. No, he's not taking it well. I'm gonna have to go and do some things that are gonna take more than duct tape to fix. " Jamie went on for a bit, and Jack smiled. "So, are you and Coops ever coming home?" Jamie laughed. They had been staying at what was going to be the new home for the four of us, painting, doing reno, etc. "I have to tell you, I've never worked with someone as precise, and as demanding as Cooper." Jack tried to make a joke "You talking work, or the sack?" Jamie laughed. "Well, there too. Thanks for that conversion experience with him. He's become an absolute disciplinarian in bed. I LOVE IT." "Jamie this is great. You know, let me ask you one more thing. All of a sudden, I'm hearing about this Saturday D/s party. Mark knew about it but he said we weren't going because I'd hate it. I heard about it from Brian." "Oh yeah, it's an annual event, and Jack-o, from what I've seen, it's not fancy. It CAN be but it doesn't have to be. We're going. You really should go. There'll be cabs if you can't deal with 'you know who' and his 'you know what.' "I think Brian and Tom are going too." "Well, then it's settled. You're going dude. I wanna see you in full sub regalia. So you tell you man that whatever else happens, we're all going to this party together. "

"Love you Jamie Bird. Please come home. You can laugh at our dance lessons." "I was saving that for the wedding, but sure." "Magnolia misses you, and if you're not here, I'm naming the scrawniest puppy Jamie." "Ha ha. I'll be there for that girl. I wanna see our new mommy."

When the call was over, Jack went to the bedroom. He could he Mark crying in the room. Crying loud. A noise he had never heard before. He knocked, even though it was HIS bedroom. "Can I come in , sweet pea?" "Sure, why the hell not. I'm a wreck, but.. yeah, "

Jack sat down next to Mark. His face was wet with tears, and they didn't seem to be ending soon. He had his head down, in his hands, and he would just burst into tears regularly, talking about what happened. "WHY was he so opposed to our getting married? And why did he ruin the wedding? I wanted it to be so beautiful." The tears just flowed. Jack put his arm around Mark and held him. "Can I speak Mark? And can I drop the Sir for this? It doesn't seem right." "Sure, why not? I'm not sure what's right anymore." "Well, I'm sure about a LOT of things that are right, studman." He moved his lips to Mark and kissed him. "Primo, I love you. I took you back because I loved you, and that hasn't changed. I still want you in my bed tonight, and tomorrow, and probably the day after that, even though you're probably going to step on my feet when we practice dancing." "OH Jack, why the hell are we going to do those practices anymore?" 'BECAUSE WE'RE GETTING MARRIED YOU TWIT. Listen, birdbrain. Did we need the Inn to fall in love, or to propose ? Or to get all caramel gooey about the rings? The Inn burns down and we can't get married? What the fuck was magic about the Inn. You're not separating things right, Mark. Look, Laurie is still awake, she's the minister. If we went up there and asked, we'd be married in 30 minutes. Period."

Mark stopped crying and looked at him. "you have a point, Jack. You have a point." "Now that's the marriage. You're upset about the wedding, and the party. I get that. But I get something else. Mark, close your eyes and think back to where we first met." Mark smiled. "I don't have to close my eyes Jack. I think about it every day. That wretched little theater at school. I still smile about it." Jack sat up straight and looked at him. "Are you not getting this? GEEZ, they tell me I'm not too bright, well.. then I fear for civilization Dr. Riley. Don't you work in a theater, that's EMPTY on Mondays? Don't you think the owners would love a little revenue from having an event on an off day? " Mark stopped crying. "you know, I hear those comments and I never believe them. And I wish everyone who called you that, could hear you right now. " He grabbed Jack's hand. "I think you just saved the day." "So, you think? You think you could get to work tomorrow, look around, get a Monday, and then I'll start calling the guests and changing things. " Mark's goofy grin formed. "GET OVER HERE YOU HANDSOME DEVIL."

"Yes sir..." Jack curled into Mark and let him put him down on the bed, climbing on top of him. Mark kissed him for about ten minutes, and then looked at him and smiled. "Jack Robson, I am going to MARRY you. " Jack smiled. "I'm waiting. Sure you can handle me?" Mark laughed, as he shifted and put his fingers on Mark's left nipple. "I KNOW I can handle you. No one else can, but I can." "MMMM. That's right, Sir. You'e the one..." He didn't get to finish. Mark had begun to scruff his neck and whispered "I love you superjack. I just love you realll super. " "Mark, I'll switch back to Sir tomorrow, I promise. For tonight, I think I'm the one who should be holding you when we sleep. We good with that. Mark looked at him for a minute. His face cracked and he began to cry. "I wish you had become a producer. You think of everything." Jack hadn't been the "big spoon" in bed since his time with Jamie, but he was the big spoon that night. His cock was hard, because Mark's skin was right near him, but he never had any thoughts of topping. And when they woke up, on one level, Mark was back to normal. He rolled Jack on his back.

"I couldn't sleep all that well, and THAT means.. we're not waiting until the afternoon. SUCK ME NOW BOI" "Yes sir. I'll suck you this afternoon if you want too." DAMN RIGHT you will. Now get on that cock.." Mark looked up and he heard the slurping sound as Jack took his cock and began working on it, just the way Mark liked it. Mark began to push, and soon, he was shooting into Jack's mouth. Jack swallowed down every drop. When Jack finished, Mark moved his hands to Jack's nips. He played them until he was getting Jack to moan. "You're gonna remember this, stud, because I'm not finishing you up until tonight." "Good Sir. Cause I got too much freakin paperwork to do today, and my A team has the day off. Don't forget . Dance lessons today. Bri and Tom'll be over. "Got it. I'll pick up brian on the way home." "Oh, and SIr." "Yeah babe?" "Listen. We should go to that party on Saturday. Is it too late to get tickets." Mark smiled. "Already got them." "Then you gotta pick out my outfit." Mark smiled again. "I already have. Gonna keep it simple, and I'm gonna have to fight to keep the other tops away from you. T shirt, jeans, collar, arm band. All we need. And a pair of cuffs just in case." At the mention of "cuffs," Jack felt his dick stir. "Please Sir. If you talk that way, I need to cum before work." Mark laughed. "You don't want to do that Jack-o. You cum when I can see it, or you don't cum. Violate that rule: 30 minutes of tickling. "Oh shit Sir. That a new rule?" "Yup." "Then please let me up. I'm gonna be late for work." Mark grinned some more. "I oughtta keep you here until I'm ready for another blow job. But ok. Work is work."

Jack had to hurry now, because he was behind schedule. He cleaned himself up, threw on some clothes, his "Mark's boi" cap, kissed Mark, and made his way to "the pit," as he called it.

After Jack had made his way out, there was a phone call to Mark. He saw the number: Jay. JUST what he needed. "Hey Mark. I saw the news. What the fuck?" "I know. Crazy guy huh? He REALLY didn't want me to get married." "Jay paused. "Well, I'm not THAT dead set against you getting married, I just don't see you and that commoner working out." 'JAY. HE IS NOT A COMMONER AND I PICKED HIM. STAY OUT OF THIS" "OOOH. Someone touched a nerve. Ha ha. I never thought I'd see one of my boys dating a janitor." "JAY, we have been over this before. Don't make me start bringing up stuff like you possibly getting pussy juice in your body from Brice's rambles." "That's enough Mark." "No, it's not. And by the way, it wasn't Jack who cruised Brice. Or followed him home. Wonder why that is? Is Brice not getting enough." He heard the silence, and then Jay spitting out through closed teeth. "BRICE IS GETTING PLENTY." Now Mark started laughing. "Says who? You? If you permitted him to speak to my fiance' (he used that language because he KNEW it would rankle Jay), without punishment, I'm sure we'd find out a lot." Jay laughed. "Why would either of you worry about whether or not Brice gets punished?" "I don't. But you know, Jack has a bigger heart than the two of us combined. And if he found out that Brice was going to get a beating for talking to him, he'd walk away." "You know, your janitor insulted me when I called." "He defended himself. I stand with him. You're not his Master. I AM. " Jay just laughed. "Well, too bad about your wedding." "What do you mean, Jay? It's still happening?" A pause. "It is? A resurrection theme." "A little different. You'll read about it. See you Saturday?" "Oh, you know I wouldn't miss these things. I picked a harness for Brice. It's a good one. I gotta shave him before then, so I better get to work." "Brice is hot when he's shaved. Maybe someone will give him a GOOD fuck." "Oh someone will, Mark. Just be careful of your bottom. He may have his dick in you before you can say superintendent."

The call bothered Mark. A lot. He did feel that Jack should be subservient: but to HIM, and ONLY him. If Jack did anything with anyone, it had to be with Mark's permission, and he wasn't giving it. Now, though, he was wondering: did he give Jack enough attention, or was he too selfish. Was he turning into Jay?

Mark rarely did this, but before he went to the theater, he went down to the basement to say goodbye to Jack. He found him in the super's office. Jack wore glasses when he did close work, and he was doing some of that this morning: invoices for fuel oil for the winter. When he put on those glasses, he bore a resemblance to Clark Kent. Mark thought it was HOT.

"HEY, Mark-o" (Jack would not call Mark "Sir" in the basement, because "this is MY domain. I'm the Master here, not you," as he told him). "What a great surprise.." Jack came out and gave Mark a bear hug that nearly suffocated him.

"GEEZ Jack. EASY." Jack laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot you can't take it," and he laughed. "It's really good to see you here. I felt incomplete this morning because I only got your cock in one hole. But I'm kinda planning on something tonight." Mark smiled. "After Dance class." "Yeah, I gotta call Brian. First he's gotta wake up, then I gotta assume Tom hasn't gagged him or something. I'll text you once it's done."

Mark caught a glimpse of a couple of cases of wine over Jack's shoulder. "Hey, what's that? You guys drinking down here?" "You know that white wine you like so much Mark? You always forget to buy it when you run out. So I saw it on sale, and I keep it down here. When you're nearly out, I use the leftover to cook, and I bring up another bottle." That comment just choked up Mark. This man... This man... He didn't even LIKE wine, but he had it covered for Mark. Jack looked at Mark biting his lip. "You thinking of Jon and what could've been studman?" He came over to hug Mark. "No. Just thinking about what a gem I found in you." "I think that's mutual, Mark. Just don't call me Ruby."

"Just don't call me Ruby?" Mark shook his head and laughed as he headed down to the theater. It was "full on" today, and brian would be there rehearsing in the afternoon. He got to his office at the theater, did some paperwork, and then thought that, hmmm.. "this COULD make a good wedding venue. Let me take a look around." Certainly enough seats. Stage big enough for singing and for the ceremony. They could walk in from one of the side entrances. OR they could come in from left and right. Mark laughed. The BDSM guys would get the inside joke if he came in from the right and Jack from the left. There were possibilities. Jack had saved the day again.

He called management, and found out that the theater was available every Monday that year. He asked about booking it for the Monday closest to their original day. DONE. Then Mark started thinking. There had been a lot of plays in this theater, and there was a lot of history down there. He wondered... what would he find?

An hour later, Mark came upon a box that wouldn't help their wedding, but... seemed there had been a play there, based on the capture of superman. He found a box, filled with green tinted restraints, handcuffs, and a superman suit. "Superjack conquered. Hmmmmm" Not a play, but a night... He took a photo of the box, and brought it up to his office. The costume would never fit on Jack: he was too big and too muscular. But a green chain with a lock on it. Green handcuffs. Green rope. WOW. OH, and the kicker: he smiled, when he thought about his man working this morning in glasses: there was a pair of attitude glasses. "Clark Kent becomes Jack Kent. Heh heh heh."

He took a photo of the box and texted it to Jack. "Be ready to dress like Jack Kent, secret identity of superjack after the dance lesson. Signed: "The Scruffer."

He got a text back. "FUCK. Are you sure I can't cum before you get here? I swear I'll be ready." He texted back. "Go ahead if you want me to tickle you for 30 minutes."

Mark tried to work the rest of the day, but the fire the night before, and the thought of Jack that night, were really obsessing him. Then, he heard the big booming voice.

"WORKING HARD OR HARDLY WORKING?" It was Tom. "HEY BIG GUY. What a surprise. You here for Brian?" "Yeah, I was gonna hang out while he taught you if you don't mind. Don't tell him: that kid has gotten under my skin. I really can't get enough of him." Mark laughed. "That's what he told Jack. The dance captain asked me if he was ok, because he seemed to be wincing." "HEH HEH HEH. You know me Mark. I don't know what 'take it easy ' means, especially when the poor guy has a gag on." Mark laughed. Of the old gang, Tom had the reputation of being the roughest. Seemed that hadn't changed. Mark was thought the cleverest and the most romantic, and Jay, the sneakiest.

"Hey, Marko, what the fuck with Jon and that Inn. Weren't you gonna get married there?" "Yup. Long story about Jon. Seems men with three letters in their name, and starting with J, just do NOT want this marriage to happen. " "Oh, that asshole Jay? You know, if he had a MAN to fuck rather than that weirdo Brice, maybe he'd come back to normal. He DID call me. He wanted to know what the hell I was doing dating a dancer." he paused. "Know what he said: he said you and I should switch boys. It would be more 'appropriate'." Mark looked at Tom. "you interested at all in Jack buddy?" "NAH. You know, he's hot, no question about it, and if he were single, I may have had to drag him home, and have my way with him, but Tom's rule number 1: you don't eat someone else's candy, and you don't share. Wait. That's two rules. HAHAHAHAHAHA."

Mark was grinning ear to ear. So I gotta show you something. But you gotta know: Jack is obsessed with superheros. He loves to be called batjack, or superjack." He opened the box and Tom grinned. "OH YEAH. I know how your mind works Mark. Superjack is gonna meet his match tonight." "He actually has a nickname for me when I play the villain. Calls me "The Scruffer." "HAHAHAHAHAHA. Suits you. Remember when someone asked if you wanted to shave and you told them you had an hour before?" They were both laughing when brian walked in.

"OH, Sir, I'm sorry. I didn't know you were here." He put his hands behind his back and lowered his head. "Where should those nips be boy?" "Sorry Sir. I forgot." Brian pointed out his chest. He was wearing a dark blue athletic shirt, and the nips were pointing out big time. "Hey Jack, I gotta ask your indulgence. Can you give me ten minutes in your office, private with brian?" Mark smiled. "Take 15. I'm gonna go get coffee." He wasn't off the floor before he heard brian moaning and begging for more.

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"OK guys, let's review what we learned yesterday. " Brian was going over steps with Mark and Jack, while Tom was petting Magnolia. She was getting very close, and looked like she was going to explode. But she licked Tom's hand, and beat her tail, and rolled over to let him play with her belly. "You're a pretty girl Magnolia, and you got a handsome daddy. My bud is lucky to have the two of you in his life. Take care of him, ok?" Magnolia sneezed.

"Now, we're gonna go into the dip. Tom, can you come over for a minute please, Sir? Someone's got to dip me, and, well, I'd rather it were you." "DAMN boi, I don't know how to dance." "You don't need to Sir.. Just... well, put your arm behind me like you were gonna pull me into you." "Hell I can do that." "Good, then you can do a dip. Just keep it right there.." Brian moved Tom's arm down to a lower point on his back. And don't let up. Nice and strong, like an iron rod.." Brian bent his body at the waist, and, .. " THERE! Dramatic, and easy. Like me." He smiled. "Ok. Mark, Jack, you try it. I assume Mark, you're dipping Jack? "Got that right handsome." The guys went into the steps before the dip, spun out and Mark put his arm behind Jack. Jack was heavier than Brian, so it didn't go as smoothly, but... it worked. Jack looked up at Mark and smiled. He licked his lips, and Mark bent down and kissed him.

"Ok, Master Tom. I think these love birds have had enough for today, so should we head back. " "Yeah sweetie. Hang on. I wanna say good bye to Magnolia." He bent down and kissed her nose. "See ya maybe tomorrow pretty girl." "Hey, Jack, Mark, listen up. I got something to say. DON'T LET JAY GET TO YOU. Think about it. If you were married to a man who still wants pussy, well..." A group hug and then a goodbye. Jack was beginning to like that last minute, because at the door, Mark always dug his fingers into Jack's shoulders. It was close to Jack's favorite thing in the world.

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After they were gone, Mark turned to Jack. "So, Jack Kent, how about getting changed up for a little roleplay? " "Yes sir. I don't have a white shirt like Clark Kent does, but, I found something..." He went off to the bedroom, and came back in a blue oxford, blue pants, and a blazer. "This work for you Sir?" "Loose the blazer. Put these on." "Yes sir. " Jack put on the attitude glasses. "GOD" thought Mark. "He COULD be Clark Kent."

"MMMM. . " Mark stepped behind Jack and pinned his hands behind him. "So, Kent. How long do you think you'd keep your secret identity from me?" "What are you talking about scruffer? LET ME GO" Jack struggled. He could have gotten free, but he knew the game. That's when Mark took the green chain and dropped it around Jack's neck. WHAT? HOW? HOW DID YOU GET THIS? " "Doesn't quite matter, superjack. What matters is, I have it. And now... haha ha. I've got YOU". He pulled Jack to a chair, where there was green tinted rope, and he tied Jack's wrists behind his back. "I don't think superjack would scream now, would he? " "I"ll get out of this." Jack struggled. "You won't get away with it." Mark smiled, stood back with his arms folded. "Get nice and tired. It'll make things easier." Jack slumped. He stopped struggling. "What're you going to do to me Scruffer?" Mark laughed, as he opened his zipper. "Here's a clue. superjack, you're gonna be my BITCH. " Jack started struggling again. "I don't think so Scruffer. I'll never surrender to you." Mark walked behind Jack, and put his hands on his shoulders and began massaging. "Never is a long, LONG time." He opened a second button on Jack's shirt, and got a nipple. "I had one guy from Krypton. Tenderest nips in town. Let's see." Jack moaned. "OH shit. OH .. How did you know about that Scruffer?" He laughed. "I know about a LOT of your weaknesses superjack. And of secret weapon." He put his chin down on Jack's neck. "Gonna submit?" "NEVER" He rubbed it slightly. You sure?" "NEVER." Mark whispered "full treatment then..." he began seriously scruffing jack's neck while he worked his nip. "OH GEEZ. OH GOD. " Jack was almost crying. "Why are you DOING THIS to me?" "Because I want superjack to be my BITCH. " "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Mark gathered the chain in his hand, and pulled Jack out of the seat. "Let's move to the bedroom.. " He was pulling Jack along, the way Jack sometimes had to pull Magnolia. Jack was totally helpless. "You're not gonna give me any trouble now, are you superjack?" He squeezed Jack's crotch. "AGGGGGH. Ok, ok . Leave the family jewels alone, please." Mark pulled the green rope up to the bed posts and tied Jack's wrists there. He pushed his legs apart. "DON'T MOVE THEM, OR..." "Now, superjack, you know what I did to you out there, and it's just gonna get worse in here. Unless you surrender. " "NEVER." "Sure about that? " Mark smiled as he played with jack's nips through his shirt. The fabric was oxford, so it was like getting the velcro glove. Jack began to buck his hips and whine. "NOOOOOO. I won't be your bitch. I know you're gonna fuck me, but I'll NEVER beg for it." Mark put his hand on Jack's hard cock. "I don't know about that." All Jack could do was writhe, and moan. Scruffer had him right where he wanted him. "Gimme that neck." "NO" "I . SAID. GIMME. THAT . NECK." "NO." Mark sat up. "Ok. I guess we need to find out if superjack is ticklish.

"NO. NO. NO. Ok, ok. You win.. " Jack moved his head to the side and Mark moved in. First his scruffing was gentle, as was his tit play. Then he got rougher. Jack's vocalizations went from slow moans to loud groans. "OH SHIT. PLEASE PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME SCRUFFER PLEASE." "Why not, superjack? I captured you fair and square. And I could've killed you with the kryptonite. But all I want.. is your submission." He opened Jack's shirt. "All you kryptonians are ringed. God knows why, but..." Mark began pulling on the ring gently, while his scruff went to the other side of Jack's neck. He whispered into Jack's ear. "you submit?" No answer. "Know what, superjack? I bet I don't even NEED to scruff you to get you to surrender." He opened Jack's shirt completely and began working his nips. "Next person to speak is gonna be you. And it's gonna be the words "I submit."

After all these months, Mark knew exactly how to get what he wanted from Jack, and he wanted him to surrender. He smiled, grinned, and didn't say a word. He just twisted Jack's nips differently. Hard and firm, soft and gentle, twisting, pulling, nibbling, scruffing. Jack held out for about 15 minutes.

"I submit . I submit Scruffer. I'll be your bitch. TAKE ME. Take my superjack ass."

"Heh heh heh. First, you're gonna take my scruffer tongue, superbitch." Mark rammed his tongue down Jack's throat. He worked on both of their pants while he did that. When he had them loose, and his engorged cock was out, he smiled. "You want this superjack? BEG FOR IT, or I'll go right back to what I was doing. "

"PLEASE SCRUFFER I SUBMIT. TAKE MY ASS. TAKE IT. SHOVE YOUR COCK UP IT." Mark smiled and came out of character. He brushed Jack's hair. "You're such a good sport. You have no idea how much I love you. OR, how much I love THIS... He began shoving into Jack's ass. He was not gentle today and Jack gasped. OH SHIT SIR. I didn't expect THAT." "Do you want me to stop?" "HELL NO. " Mark smiled and rammed in again. "OH FUCK. OH FUCK. YOU FEEL SO GOOD. IF IT ALWAYS FEELS THIS GOOD SCRUFF,ER I'LL BE YOUR BITCH FOREVER."

Mark stretched out and nibbled on Jack's lower lip. It impeded the sounds coming out of Jack as he moaned, and shot all over himself. Mark wasn't quite close to climax, and he kept up the thorough fucking that Jack was getting. "Is he competing with Tom?" Jack was thinking. "He's NEVER been this rough. GOD IS IT GREAT.."

Then, it happened, and a YOWL came out of Mark as he filled Jack with jizz and fell on top of him. He was silent for a minute, then he looked at Jack and smiled.

"Jack Robson, I'm gonna marry you." Jack smiled. "Think you can handle me?" Mark laughed. "Didn't I just prove that?" "Yes sir, you did. Can you untie me so I can hug my husband to be?"

Mark was happy to do that. Along with everything else, Jack gave great hugs. They were embracing, when Jack heard another yowl. "Sir, did you just cum again?" "No, I have no idea where that came from." There was another yowl. Jack jumped up, nearly knocking Mark off the bed. 'MARK. THAT WAS MAGNOLIA. SHE'S BIRTHING. OH SHIT OH SHIT. "

Next: Chapter 49

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