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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 16, 2023


On Monday, Mark and Jack were scheduled to meet with Brian to start rehearsing their first dance for their wedding Jack called brian on Monday morning, after he had started the usual Monday morning recycling, trying to find a time when he knew Brian would be awake. He didn't quite succeed, and he reached a sleepy brian at 11:15: "Bri bri, batjack here. How are ya." Oh, hi. Sore. REAL sore. Tom is a madman." "Is it rude for me to ask: how many times?" "Four Jack. FOUR." "OH WOW. Must be truck stop food. Most Mark has ever done me is three. So, listen, you still up for teaching us? And if you are, can you come by a little early? I'd like to introduce you to Laurie. I think she may have a part time job for ya, if you're still interested." "Well... Tom has let me know he wants me - no, let me change that - he EXPECTS me to stay at his apartment, so rent isn't a problem, but money - yeah, let me meet her. Oh, one more thing. He wants to come by and pick me up after the lesson. Says he wants to spend as much time with with me as possible before he hits the road." "You good with that bri bri?" There was a slight pause. "Hell yeah. He even switched routes to spend more time here. He forgot about the D/s party on Saturday. "The D/s party?" "Oh. Mark forgot to tell you about it. I'm sure he will today." "COOL. We still need to schedule a night for getting really drunk. You got Sundays and Mondays off?" "Usually. There's practice, but I can usually skip one of them." "Ok. I'll see when Mark is covering or maybe I'll just get him to sign off, and we'll head out. It's my treat Bri bri." "See ya later, stud. And by the way, thanks. If Mark leaves work at the same time, I'll share a ride with him" "For what?" "For not hating me." "DUDE. It wasn't you. It was that piece of shit Jon. We are DONE with him. If you think I didn't see that, you don't know me too well." "You know Jack? Mark told me you were smarter than anyone we knew. I think that's true." "Heh heh. Then get out more, young man. See you later. What's the music? 'Stand by Me?'" "That it is" "I love that song. See you later."

After the dance captain had dismissed the corps, Brian came by Mark's office, where Mark was looking at receipts for last week. "Hey Bri. Hmmm. Not my business to look at money I guess, but I can't complain." "Show's doing well?" "We're getting 80 plus on nights, and 90 plus on matinees. That's healthy. It'd be great to move them 5% higher, but, I'll take it. Brian laughed "Maybe you and Jack have to do some kind of number on stage." Mark howled at that. "Not sure that's the audience we want, but sure." He closed his computer. "You ready?" "Yeah. Jack wants me to meet Laurie today. Odd jobs. Oh, and Mark: did you tell Jack about the D/s party this weekend?" "OH SHIT. I forgot all about that. I think I'm afraid of his reaction." "Well, let's see. Tom is staying in town so we're going, I know Jamie and Cooper are going, so you guys won't be alone." "Tom is here a bit longer?" Brian blushed. "Yeah, he changed routes. For whatever reason, he seems smitten with me. " He paused. "Not to be nosy, Mark, but what's the highest number of times you fucked a guy in one night." "Hmmmm. Actually, I think it was Jack. Three times" Brian smiled. "Four last night. I'm surprised I can sit. " Mark laughed. "Yeah, that's my Tom. Everready bunny eat your heart out."

Monday was, of course, recycling day down in "the pit" as Jack sometimes called the basement of the building. Still he had his ace crew on, and it moved fast. He was able to get finished on time, and got cleaned up as soon as he got back to the apartment. He cleaned up Magnolia's "piddly pad," checked to make sure she was fine, and then changed. Jack had left him a yellow and black checked buttondown, and the jeans he had worn to brunch for today. Also, a Batman t shirt, which made Jack smile. That meant Mark was horny. He loved when Jack wore that t shirt. He had told Jack it "gave him a sense of conquering Batman, " when he tied up Jack in it. The thought was getting Jack hard. He heard the door, and in walked Mark and Brian.

"Hey guys. " Jack smiled and went over to kiss Mark and to give Brian a hug. "Bri, you've never been here, so you haven't met the princess. Magnolia. " "It's ok Jack. I'm not really all that fond of dogs. I got bit once when I was a kid, really bad, so I stay away from them." "Oh, dude. That's awful. Dogs are great, but Magnolia will carry on." "SO. You're gonna teach us how to dance?" He smiled. "He's gonna teach YOU to dance, studboi. I took dance at school" Brian grinned at Jack. "We'll see. Just tell me who's going to lead in the dance." "Uh. Hello Brian," Mark added. "Yeah, I'll play the girl for the dance, Brian" Jack replied, which made Mark blush. He didn't really think of Jack as a woman, or his girl. If he did that, it would spoil everything. But he realized: that's how people think of dance - at least people their age.

"Before we begin Bri, lemme see if Laurie is available. You should see her. She was talking about some odd jobs. It'll put some money in your pocket." He went to the phone. "Hey Laurie, Jack your super here." You could hear her voice and saw Jack smiling. "that's real sweet of you Laurie. Magnolia's fine. I think it's gonna be any day now. So, I have my friend Brian here, and I wonder if he could come up with me, and meet you. Maybe you guys can connect. "

He gave Mark another kiss. Mark whispered to him "I love that shirt. Makes you look VERY VERY HOT" Jack smiled. "Later dude." He headed to the elevator with Brian.

"So, rehearsal went well today." Brian grinned. "It did. I'm pretty worn out from Tom. He's gonna come over and pick me up after the lesson. I think I'm gonna be worn out tomorrow too." "So you guys are hitting it off?" "Jack, I have to tell you. There are guys who pretend to be tops and Doms. Tom is the real thing. GOD. He's got me figured out and I'm totally, totally head over heels." Jack grinned. "Or, more precisely, heels over head." The elevator stopped, and Laurie was waiting at her door, smiling.

"Well, HELLO Jack. It's been way too long. She turned to Brian. "Oh my goodness. You aren't related are you? Brian looks like he could be your cousin." "No ma'am. We like a lot of the same things, but no relationship that I know of." Brian punched him playfully on the arm "Like a lot of the same things. Right." "Please come in" She poured them both iced tea, and showed Brian the apartment. "So, Brian, I live in this barn alone. Been here alone since my husband died." "Oh, I'm sorry ma'am." "Now, now. I appreciate that, but two things. First, people die. It's the way it is, and we had many good years. Second, no more ma'am stuff. If I'm calling you Brian, you're calling me Laurie." "Ok, I'll try Laurie. It's just that I was brought up to say ma'am to women, and it's hard to switch." Laurie grinned. "That's what Jack said when I told him to do the same thing. Are you SURE you're not related?" They laughed. "We know a lot of the same people Laurie," Brian continued, "but no relatives in common, as far as we know."

"Well, ok, I'm not sure I believe you, but let's look at the place. " She explained some of the things she needed, like the heavy lifting, and reaching for things on high shelves. As they were walking through the apartment, Brian saw the cabinet with the awards in it.

"Excuse me, Laurie. I hope this isn't rude. I didn't make the connection. Jack told me your name was Laurie Moloney, but I didn't connect it to Rory Moloney. Is he your husband?

Laurie smiled. "Well yes, he is. Brian, was that a slip of the tongue when you used "is" and not "was" "No ma'am." He blushed "Sorry. No Laurie. As far as I'm concerned, you're still married. Him passing didn't change that." Laurie's smile continued, but it softened. "Thank you Brian. That's how I feel, and people look at me like I'm crazy. I may very well be crazy, but not over that."

Brian looked up from the case. "Did Jack tell you I'm from Krasbie Iowa? "NO. He didn't. OH MY. Doesn't the universe work strangely?" Jack looked puzzled, so Laurie explained. "That's where Rory was born." "Yes ma'am. OOPS. Sorry. There's a little 'museum' of sorts to him in Krasbie. Maybe we can go some day, Laurie. I'd love to show it to you." "And I'd love to see it. Now, you know, I cannot overlook this. Again, to me, this is the universe hitting me with a 2x4. Brian, please take my card. Let's talk tomorrow, set up a schedule, and spend some time together." Brian cracked a big smile. "Why, THANK YOU. I'll be here whenever you say ma'am - I mean Laurie. You don't even have to ring the trolley bell." Laurie's face whitened. "Brian, that was one of Rory's favorite expressions. He used it all the time." "Must have picked it up in Krasbie Laurie. I haven't ever heard it here."

On the way down to the apartment, Jack told him "THERE YOU GO. And it's gonna be the easiest job in the world. You're gonna spend most of it listening to her stories. I hope you have a decent voice. She makes me sing while she plays her piano all the time." "Duets, bro? I've got a high tenor." "DEAL."

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Many people who have taken dance lessons with teachers they know in another context, will speak of how the personality changes, and the easy going friend, becomes the tough task master. That's how it was, with Brian.

"HIGHER KNEES. MOVE YOUR HIPS. BETTER, BUT NOT GOOD." So it went, for the hour. Brian was going to come by 4 times that week, and the fun of learning a new dance became the chore of learning a new language after about half an hour. Brian HAD taught dance before, so he was used to this. "Ok guys, you're doing great, but you wanna look really, REALLY good on that dance floor. We're gonna do better. Practice the steps if you can, together, and we'll meet again in a couple days. Just then, the intercom rang, it was Tom, and in a few minutes, he was in the apartment with his big personality and high energy. "HEY . There's my old bud Mark, and my new bud Jack. How ya doing, handsome? " He grabbed Jack and hugged him. He planted a kiss on Jack's lips. "OH FUCK what Mark thinks. Damn it if I can't kiss his future husband, then we ain't buds. " He smiled at Jack and then said "I'm gonna kiss your husband to be too." Mark got the same treatment, then he turned to Brian. "Well, well..." He walked over, and brian put his hands behind his back. "Hi Sir. Missed you." "I missed you too sweet boy. Can ya tell? HA HA HA." He pointed to the bump in his crotch. His kiss to brian was a little deeper than the one he gave Jack or to Mark. "Hey, Mark man, you guys going to the big party on Saturday?" "I haven't decided yet. You and Brian going?" "Hell yah. So are Coops and Jamie. You guys GOTTA come." "If Jay is gonna be there, I'm not gonna be happy," Jack thought, but he kept it to himself.

"HEY, what we got over here?" Tom saw Magnolia in her corner. "I didn't know you guys had a dog. " He walked over. Magnolia was usually reserved around strangers, but she looked up at Tom, and her tail started thumping the floor. "How you doing girl. OH WOW. Looks like you're gonna be a Mom." He crouched down and began petting Magnolia. She licked his hand, and spread out so that he could stroke her tummy.

"Gotta be your dog, Jack. Mark sucks at taking care of things." "He takes care of me Sir." "Ha ha ha ha ha. I bet he does. But she's your dog, isn't she?" "Yes Sir. Mark and Jamie got her for me. You're the first new person she's accepted in a long time." "Well, I'm kinda a dog whisperer myself. " He went back and petted Magnolia on her nose. He stood up. "Hey Jack, I gotta a request. I know, I'm on the road a lot. It gets lonely, and I can't take this pretty boy with me." He squeezed the back of Brian's neck. "Lotsa truckers have a dog with them. If she has any boys, can I have a puppy?

It seemed that Magnolia understood him, because she started beating her tail harder. "I think you got your answer Sir Tom," Jack answered. "I really don't have anything to say about it, but she sure likes you." "Well I like HER. Bri, I'm gonna come back after your next lesson, and maybe Magnolia and I can hang out." "You know, you immediately called her Magnolia, Sir. Not a nickname. I think she likes you for that.' "Well, what the hell else would I call her? I don't have permission to use a nickname, do I girl?" He went over, and Magnolia tried to get up . "NAH girl, get your rest. You're gonna be working hard, in about 8 days. " He got up again, and put his hand on Brian's bicep. "Thank you for introducing me to this cutie. I'm gonna take him home now and feed him." He smiled and Brian blushed. "Lesson tomorrow, Brian?" Jack asked. "I'll call you. hows that?"

There were kisses all along, and as they were leaving, Jack felt Mark's hand on his shoulder. That kind of touch just melted Jack. When the door was closed, he turned to Mark. "You know, it's not a slow dance. We really ought to slow dance. Real close?" Mark laughed. "At the wedding?" "No Sir. Now.. " He moved into Mark's body, and he rested his knee on Mark's cock. Mark put his hands around Jack, slowly dropping them to his ass. "MMMM. OH YES. Slow and sweet." Jack stretched up a little and kissed Mark. "Hmmm? Well?" Jack smiled, and Mark kissed back, pushing open his lips. After a prolonged kiss, he moved his lips to Jack's ear, and whispered. "I love you so much, and I can't wait to marry you. But right now, something else is on my mind." "Mine too Sir.." They moved off to the bedroom. Jack began to undress, and Mark grabbed his hands, holding them behind his back.

"Nope. Nope. I'm gonna undress you... My way..." He gently pushed Jack down on the bed, and rubbed his own knee against Jack's cock. "OH YES SIR. OH YES. " Mark opened the lowest button on Jack's shirt, and kissed his belly. He slowly made his way up to the top button, and when he got that one opened, he began nibbling Jack's right nip. The ring made that nip ultra sensitive, and Jack moaned, loud.

"OH FUCK. OH FUCK. You know what that's doing to me Sir?" Mark smiled. "No. Tell me, handsome." "It's making me wanna toss my legs up on your shoulders and not let go till I'm filled with you." "In due time my pretty. In due time.." Now Mark used his tongue, "washing" Jack's torso. "You wearing a thong, stud?'' "Yes sir. A black one." "Let's see." He unhooked Jack's jeans. "Yup. Fairly bursting with a hard cock." He rolled Jack's balls in his hand, and then, he moved his scruff down to them.

"OH SHIT. I'm so hard. PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. I FEEL LIKE I'M IN HEAT." Mark laughed. "You are, Jack, you are. And I'm gonna cool you down.." He got Jack undressed, and then dropped his own pants. Turned out that Mark was horny too, and he shoved into Jack without much finesse. He heard the moan from Jack, and calmed down, taking things slowly, gently.

Whispering , Jack moaned "Oh yes, SIR. OH YES. My man. My husband. FUCK ME PLEASE. FUCK ME HARD.." One of the things Mark did that Jack loved, was just holding his cock in him, not sliding back and forth. "OH YES. OH MAN. PLEASE PLEASE. "

Mark lost control and the jizz began filling Jack. He moved down and licked Jack's cock until he came too. He dropped on top of Jack and they embraced.

"I love having sex with you Sir," Jack moaned. "I feel that way too, babe" Mark kissed Jack's ear. "Now, not to be rude, but I bet you're hungry. I am. Should we call in? "

They sat on the table, eating take out, and then Mark turned on the TV for the news, while Jack tended to dishes.

"JACK. You need to come out. There's something important on the news."

He sounded distressed, and Jack came out and joined him. They were watching a film of the Inn where they were going to be married, going up in flames. "HOLY SHIT. Mark. What the hell?" The news continued

"Arson is suspected as the reason for the destruction of the historic building. Police are working on several leads, and they found a body at the site. No identification on the body, and anyone who has any information is asked to call the number below.'

"FUCK. He came back. Do you think?" The picture they flashed on the set, was Jon.

Next: Chapter 48

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