Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 12, 2023


Saturday afternoon, Jamie called Jack to tell him that he and Cooper were going to spend the night at Cooper's place. He told Jack that they had had a wonderful day out, and when they saw each other again, he'd have a surprise to show Jack. He wouldn't tell him what it was, but he said "you're gonna be jealous . I know you are."

Sunday was the day Jack and Mark were having brunch with Mark's friend, and his blind date, Brian. Mark told Jack that Brian and Tom had spoken on the phone a few times, and they had hit it off.

"You know, Sir, you've never shown me a picture of Tom. What's he look like?" "You're right, I haven't. " He pulled up a shot on his phone, of the two of them, taken about 5 years before. "OH WOW Sir. You look like cousins. Not close enough for brothers, but cousins. Brian's gonna love him. He's kinda like Jon, and kinda like you, and Brian likes that rough, scruffy kinda guy." Mark began to laugh "Oh, am I rough and scruffy, handsome?" Jack responded. "I think if there ever were a TV show called Batjack, Sir, you'd have to play the villain 'Scruffmuffin."

Mark laughed, and pulled Jack into him. "There are so many reasons I love you. A comment like that is one of them." He hugged Jack close and whispered "can I take you out for pizza and a movie tonight, and then..."

"And then what Sir?" "I don't just wanna fuck you . I wanna make love to you all night." "But we have to get up early Sir. Brunch. Remember?" Mark laughed. "Yes, my superjack needs his sleep. I'm warning you though. You may not get it tonight." "The sleep, or..." 'STOP." Mark laughed. "You're gonna make me forget to reserve the movie tickets."

Jamie had told Jack in no uncertain terms. "You spent all that money on clothes. Start dressing to drive him crazy. " So, Jack changed after giving Magnolia her walk. At her last visit to the vet, they told him that she was healthy, but they had probably misdiagnosed the degree of her pregnancy. "She's close," his vet told him "probably the next two weeks."

When Jack asked if there were anything he could do, the vet smiled. "Mr. Robson, dogs have been doing this for thousands of years, without our help. Give her a spot where she feels safe, and when she's ready, she'll let you know. And she won't need your help." Dr Lee looked at him and said, seriously. "But promise me you'll bring her in here for spaying when she's finished nursing."

"Oh yeah, of course. I'm not getting any younger Dr Lee. This pregnancy is working my nerves. I don't think I could handle another one." Dr Lee laughed. "Mr. Robson, it's probably a good thing you won't have a child of your own."

So, Jack went into the bedroom, and pulled out a dark blue, buttondown shirt that had a large window pane pattern on it, and a pair of heavy weight, dark green khakis. He knew: roll the sleeves, two buttons opened. They were things that put Mark in the mood - although he seemed to be COMPLETELY in the mood all day. When Jack came out of the bedroom, Mark looked him over and growled.

"I may have to start policing what you wear, Jack. This is fine since you're with me. But you look so goddamn sexy, I'm afraid someone will kidnap you if I'm not around."

"With all due respect Sir..." Mark laughed. "Don't go there love. Let's head out to get some pizza."

When they left the building, Jack put his hands behind his back. "Nope, not tonight stud. It's date night. " Mark grabbed Jack's left hand and held it. They walked down the street like the couple they were. One guy walked by, smiled, and gave a "WOOF." Mark turned to Jack. "See what I mean, stud? He just undressed you with his eyes."

"Really ? Then he knows I'm not wearing any underwear." Mark stopped for a minute. "Are you serious? Because if you are, I may have to take you back home right now."

"Just kidding Sir, just kidding. Thank you for releasing me from the thongs." "Well, I'm not happy with that, batjack, but you won, fair and square."

Jack's favorite pizza was meatball, Mark favored spinach and mushroom, so they did halvies. Mark was drinking red wine. Jack tried, but he stuck to beer. "I read somewhere, Sir, that even in Italy, they drink beer with pizza. Does that make me Italian instead of German." He had the beer foam on his lips. Mark smiled as he wiped it off of Jack. "It just means you're cute as hell. "

"I meant to tell you Sir. I didn't want to get you mad. Jay called me." Mark looked at him. "HE DID?" "Oh, yes Sir. He wanted me to call him Master Jay, and call me Jack boi. I told him that wasn't going to work." Mark smiled. "GOOD FOR YOU. What did he have to say? "Well, I'm not sure. I think he was telling me I'm not a good sub, and I'm lucky to have you. I agree about the second part. I don't know what he was talking about with the first, I mean, yeah, I'm not like Brice, but that's not gonna happen Sir. I really don't like him. He seems determined to break my spirit the way he did with Brice. That may be ok, given what Brice did to him, but I never hurt him. I hope that's ok." Mark squeezed Jack's knee under the table. "Jack-o, if you don't want to hang out or even talk to Jay, you don't have to. I DO like him, and we have a long friendship, so I WILL see him occasionally on my own, but you don't have to. ." He paused. "Now, I have to ask you something, because we're getting close to wedding day. I know I asked you this before, but I'm going to ask you again. Do you have any feelings about women?" "I like them Sir, but if you mean sexually, I mean, no. Not at all." "And this is the harder one. I know you and Jamie had something, but... do you ever feel like you want to top another man?" Jack paused. "If this is because of the other day, Sir, you know, you had that coming, and you had fun. I did too. I thought it was hot. So I guess I topped you. But if you're asking if I want to fuck anyone, No. " Now Jack took Mark's hand and squeezed it. "You're my Sir. And the only thing I want, sexually, is you on top of me, and in me, and taking charge. And I'm serious Sir. So if you told me no movie tonight, I'd be disappointed, but I'd be really happy with you making love to me."

"How the hell did I wind up with someone like this?" Mark asked himself. "My hardest job is going to be keeping him because, SHIT, I LOVE this man, and am I good enough for him?"

After pizza, they went to the movies. Mark had gotten tickets to a new action movie, because he knew Jack would like it. He'd sneak out and see the French art film he wanted to see some afternoon when Jack was working. The best part of the movie for Mark , was when Jack put his head on Mark's shoulder, and moved his hand over to his thigh. It wasn't a very good movie , and Jack laughed on the way back home. "You'd think with all those hunks, there would at least be more scenes without shirts. What a rip." Mark had taken Jack's hand again on the way home. When they missed a light and had to wait at the corner, he turned to Jack.

"Hold on... Here, right here in public Jack Robson. Kiss me, you wonderful man.." It was a long, lingering kiss without tongue, but it was noticed by passersby, who actually began applauding.

"Sir, you're embarrassing me. I feel like I'm standing here naked." "You don't like my kisses, stud?" "OH hell, I LOVE your kisses. I just wanna get home so you can kiss me right, using that tongue of yours."

Mark smiled. "Walk faster, you handsome devil. Walk in front of me for a minute, so I can look at that sexy ass of yours."

Walking Magnolia at night was off the table for a while. She was just too tired to move around, so she used a "piddly pad," which Jack changed a few times a day. It meant that Mark and Jack could go directly to the bedroom. They sat on the edge of the bed , as Mark put his arm around Jack and pulled him closer. He kissed him , gently at first, and then more strongly, finally parting Jack's lips so he could slide his tongue into Jack's mouth. "MMMMMM" came out of Jack , as Mark moved his tongue around. Gently, he pushed Jack on his back on the bed, and climbed on him. He continued the kissing, before he moved to Jack's ear and neck. He heard a big sigh out of Jack as he whispered "oh yeah. Oh fuck yeah. "

Mark said nothing, but he pinned down Jack's wrists, and opened another button on his shirt. He found a nipple, and just began slowly kneading it. He knew what that would do to Jack, and it was doing it. Jack began to buck his hips, and half moaned, half whined. Mark said nothing, he just smiled.

"Sir , you know what that does to me. OH SHIT. I'm yours. You can do anything you want to me Sir. Anything..." Mark put his mouth over Jack's ear. "What do you want me to do to you, handsome?"

"Tie me up and fuck me Sir. Please. I've been wanting it all day. And now, oh GOD now... " Mark pulled out the wrist restraints at the top of the bed, and he secured them tight. He had some ideas in mind that might cause Jack to buck more than usual. One was a tape gag. He grabbed the duct tape he used occasionally, and sealed Jack's mouth. Then he opened Jack's shirt completely. "This shirt makes you look even hotter than you are, jack. I'm hard for you.." He ran his hand over the stubble that was growing back. "Maybe I'll let this back for a while. See if I like a hairy batjack more than a smooth one..." He put his teeth around Jack's nip ring, and tugged it gently.

"MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH." Mark had him right at the edge between pleasure and pain, and he kept the pressure, as he opened Jack's jeans, and slid his hand down his boxers.

"You're sexier in a thong jack. Just know that... " He began rolling Jack's balls in his hand, before he slipped the pants and boxers down. There was an evil look on his face.

"Jamie bought a new toy the other day. I thought you should have one too." He went into the bed table on his side of the bed, and pulled out a hitachi wand. "Sort of like a vibrator, but better. " He turned it on low, and began to move it over Jack's balls and cock. The new sensation aroused Jack even more.

"MMMMPH MMMMPH..." the whines coming out of the gag were going from Jack's rich baritone, to a high countertenor, and Mark smiled. "GOOD. This is doing exactly what I want, because I'm gonna be using it more on you stud... But now..." He lowered his own jeans. "I'm gonna be using this."

Jack shook his head yes. His eyes were pleading. MMMPH MMMPH MMMMPH... Mark laughed as he took away the gag.

"You wanna get fucked stud?" "YES SIR. YES. PLEASE. GIVE ME YOUR COCK, TAKE MY ASS. PLEASE."

Mark pushed Jack's cheeks in the air, and began to slide in. "Why does it always feel so good when he's in me?" Jack wondered, just as Mark began to thrust. He pulled at the wrist restraints, which he knew were inescapable, but he loved the feel of being conquered by this man he loved.

"Trying to escape? I can stop that very easily. Haven't cut my nails this week, and those pits look inviting..."

"NO . NO. I'm not. Please. just fuck me HARD. "

"Like this, stud?" Mark pushed hard, and got deeply into his ass.

"YES. YES. MAKE ME A BITCH TONIGHT PLEASE SIR. PLEASE.. OH...OH GOD.. LOOK WHAT YOU DID TOPMAN. AGGGGGGGH." Jack's sperm began flying everywhere as he climaxed. Mark held his back. He was wondering. Should he try to hold it until tomorrow? Seeing Tom jealous of him - and he would be - would 'sauce the meat' so to speak.

'NAH' he thought. This man turns me on every day. I'll be ready.." He smiled, and whispered. "I love you SO MUCH.." before the jizz began filling Jack. He fell on top of his man, and Jack begged him to untie him so he could hug Mark. And he did. Mark knew how strong Jack was, but he wasn't ready for a hug this tight, this strong. "OH GOD SIR. Thinking about that call from Jay makes me realize how lucky I am to have you. " Mark looked at him, smiled, and kissed him. "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, Jack."

They fell asleep with Jack resting his head on Mark's chest, Mark playing with his curly hair. They did need to rest. Jack would be fine, but Mark was NOT used to early mornings, and the brunch WAS early for him.

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While he fell asleep with his head on Mark's chest, Jack woke up as the little spoon in their other favorite position. Mark was holding him tight, with a hand on his left pec. If Jack moved, so did Mark's fingers, sending a bit of a charge through Jack's body.

"Where you going jackboi?" Mark whispered into Jack's ear. "Morning Sir. I was going to check on Magnolia and then start. MMMMPH" Mark had handgagged him. "HMMM. Tom asked me if I did this, and I had to admit, I hadn't. It's hot. Maybe better than a tape gag, huh Jack-o?" "MMMPH MMMPHMMMMPH." He felt Mark moved his other hand down to his cock. No, Jack wasn't going anywhere.

"Maggie is doing fine. I checked her when I got up to pee. The one who's not doing fine..." He pushed the blankets off of his body. "Is me. Look at that hard cock. Don't you think you should get to work."

"MMMPH HMMMPH" or "uh huh" through a hand gag. Mark squeezed Jack's cock. "I want a good one. A REALLY good one."

"Yes sir..." Jack kissed Mark's body from his Adam's apple, all the way down to his crotch. "Can I push your legs apart, Sir?" He began licking the inside of Mark's thighs, getting him warmed up, and his recovered cock even harder.

"OOOOOH. You do that so well, jack. OOOOOH YES..." Jack's tongue had moved to Mark's balls, and he alternated small licks, like a cat, and longer, deeper ones. The variety kept Mark on edge. When a drop of precum came out of his cockhead, he saw Jack take it on his finger, and look up at him. "May I, Sir?" as he put it on his tongue, and then licked his lips. "A taste before breakfast.." then he deep throated Mark, all the way down to his balls.

"OH SHIT. He's been watching porn again. THANK YOU JESUS" Mark thought, as Jack got to work on his cock, sliding, licking, and occasionally, just stopping while Mark's cock thrust up in the air, with no mouth or tongue on it.

"FINISH ME OFF, STUDBITCH" Mark moaned. He got a grin and a whispered "Yes sir.." as Jack began to pump his cock with his mouth, faster, and faster. The explosion, not nearly as big as the one in Jack's ass the night before, was sizeable nonetheless.

When Jack finished swallowing, Mark pulled him up to him. "You been watching dirty movies?" "Yes sir. To learn more things. Did you like t hat?" Mark's eyes rolled to the back of his head. "OH GEEZ YES. I'm gonna find you some films to watch too. There are things I want you to do to me - and things I want to do to you." "Like that vibrator Sir? That was hot. Jamie told me something Cooper does with it." Mark smiled. He knew what was coming because he had suggested it to Cooper. "He ties Jamie up, and then he tapes the thing to his thigh. He keeps it low, so Jamie can't climax, but he's stimulated for hours." "Hmmmm. Think you could handle it?" "I don't know Sir. I'm not as tough as Jamie." "We'll have to find out. But now, we gotta get ready. I'll give Tom a call, you wake up brian, ok? "Yes sir. Dom talk and sub talk."

Tom was already up, and Jack could hear he and Mark laughing in the living room. Tom told Mark that he had asked brian to send some more photos, and he had. After those photos, he called Brian again and told him to pack an overnight bag and bring it to lunch because "come hell or highwater, boy, you're coming home with me."

Brian, however, was NOT awake when Jack called. A sleepy voice answered "this better be good." BRI BRI. Jack here. Morning sleepy head. Rise and shine and all that. " "Oh, yeah. FUCK. I probably look like hell. Where is this place? " Jack gave him the address again "What're you wearing Jack? I don't want us to look like the Bobsey twins" Jack laughed. "Oh, don't worry, I don't know yet, but I'm not wearing blue. How's that?" "Perfect. OH GOD. I drank too many cosmos last night. Tom is gonna send me home. " "I doubt that Bri. By the way, let's schedule the dance lessons, and I want you to meet Laurie. Remember? I thought she might have a part time job for you." "OH YEAH. Right. I'll see you at the restaurant."

In fact, Jack had been giving VERY careful thought to what he would wear to this brunch. He wanted to look good for Mark, make Tom a little jealous, and perhaps arouse Mark enough to get a Sunday session. He had an outfit picked, but wished that Jamie were there to approve it. Just as he was thinking that, he heard the door slam. "MORNING GIRLS." Jamie and Cooper were back. Jack walked out in his shorts, and shirtless, and saw Jamie wearing a slave collar, with a padlock on it.

"OH WOW. That's hot Jamie. You're right. I AM jealous." "Thanks. Coops bought it for me this weekend. " He smiled. "You know, that day when we sorta tag teamed him... made a big difference in our sex life. He ties me up a LOT now. And I love it." Cooper added "Gonna happen today too, little man." He came over and put his arms around Jamie, as he nuzzled his neck. "Who's my bottom boi?" "That'd be me Sir." Jack saw Coopers fingers begin gently teasing Jamie's ribs. He remembered what that used to do to Jamie, and pushed out the thought that someone else was doing it to his bud. Mark was doing it to him on a regular basis, and it was GREAT.

Mark came out of the bathroom. "Your turn, boo." He came over to Cooper and Jamie. "Look at that. Coops. Congratulations. You tagged your man." "I did. Know what I wanted? I wanted to tattoo his ass, but this coward put his foot down on that."

"Jamie, come help me pick what to wear today, ok? " Jamie and Jack went off to the bedroom, and started chatting. "Jack-o, I think he's gonna ask me to marry him. I just have that feeling." "Well, what are you gonna say?" "DUH. You know I haven't touched another man since that day he tickled me into submission. GOD his cock is great. Why I didn't go after older men from the start, I dunno. Now, let's pick your outfit.." "I told brian he should think about blue, because I wore blue yesterday. " "Ok, that helps. HMMMM.. OH. Ok, THIS... and THIS... " Jamie pulled out a Lauren buttondown in a soft yellow color, and a pair of jeans that were not old, but had been faded so that they were somewhere between light blue and white. "Now go get cleaned up. We'll accessorize when you're done."

As Jack went in for one of his "blast furnace showers," Jamie went back to the living room and smiled at Mark. "You are going to be hard the whole day after your boi gets dressed." He held up his hand to his mouth and kissed it. "Thanks to me... What WOULD you all do without me?"

"Speaking of..." said Cooper. "Get in the bedroom. NOW. Someone needs to have his cock tended to."

When Jack came out of the shower, he got himself dried off, and got dressed. He thought for a very, VERY quick moment and then, yes, he would do it for today. He pulled out a thong, and put it on before he pulled on the jeans. Then the shirt, sleeves rolled, buttons opened the way Mark liked. He looked at himself in the mirror.

"DAMN. If I were a top, I'd fuck me" he thought, as he went out in the living room. Mark was in the kitchen making coffee, and he could hear the sounds of "play" in Jamie's room, so he waited. When Mark came out of the kitchen with his coffee, he stopped in his tracks.

'OH SHIT. If you were hot last night, I think you're on fire now..." He came over, and put his coffee on the table. "Bedroom. NOW." "MARK. We have to get moving. " "NOW." "Yes sir." Jack found himself underneath Mark as he rubbed scruff over his neck, whispering "I am gonna get hornier, and hornier during the day, and you are just gonna get fucked SO hard when we get home, you may regret dressing like this, you handsome mother fucker." Jack knew the outfit looked good - he didn't have any idea it would have this kind of effect.

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"He's already here," Mark smiled and waved to the big scruff guy at a booth on the side. As he and Jack walked over, Tom stood up

"HEY. TOO FUCKING LONG YOU STUD" he grabbed Mark in a hug that rivaled the hugs Jack gave. He turned and looked at Jack and smiled. "Well damn it all to hell. You're Jack andy you are THREE TIMES better looking than in those pictures Mark showed me. How are ya? Do I have to say it, I'm Tom, HAH HAH HAH." Tom gave Jack a strong handshake, which Jack gave back, just as strong. 'GOOD. If you can handle Tom's shakes, you can handle the actor shit you get from his friends. SIT. I gotta get caught up while we wait for Sleeping Beauty to show up."

Tom reminded Jack of some of the people he used to work with at the bus repair yard. Big, open, and fun. He missed all those guys, and he liked Tom right away. "I hear you're a super super Jack. FUCKING CRAZY JOB HUH?' "Oh, it's ok Sir. I like it." Tom smiled. "Good boi. You didn't presume. I like that. " He paused. "His buds give you shit about what you do?" "Sometimes Sir. I try not to let it bother me." "It does though, right? Well, let me tell you FUCK THEM ALL! You're not the one worrying about how to pay your rent every month, or paying the minimum on your credit cards, or running around like a silly girl when the toilet gets flooded." Jack began to laugh. He thought of what Jay would be like if his toilet clogged. "Lemme tell you something handsome. They are just FUCKING JEALOUS. You're better looking than all of them, and for all of their fucking 'craft', you're smarter than them. You and I Jack, if Mark'll let ya, we gotta go get beers or something and make fun of that type as they pass on the street."

Mark laughed now, as he put his arm around Jack. "You think I'm gonna trust him to you?" Tom laughed. "You can sit there and watch. He looked up. "HEY. Look who's here. My handsome prince woke up and joined us." Jack and Mark looked at each other. It sounded like Tom and brian had connected already, but .." "I'm sorry Sir. I was trying to find just the right thing to wear, and..." brian was in a blue dress shirt, untucked and tight, and a pair of tight, dark jeans. Tom kissed him. "You shoulda worn what you wore last night," and Brian blushed.

"Yup, they connected," both Jack and Mark thought. Brian got in the booth and got close to Tom, who dropped his arm around his shoulders. "You know, Mark, these two could be cousins, or brothers or something. "

"I know. I said that before," Mark added. Again he squeezed Jack's arm. "But my boy is hotter," and he laughed. "Well, I don't know about that, I just know that this one.." His hand dropped to brian's nip. "Daddy treat you good last night, brian?" Brian smiled. "Yes sir. It was great."

"Excuse me gentlemen, can I take your orders?"

The brunch went on after that. Jack and Tom were drinking beer, brian cosmos, and Mark his white wine, and the conversation got even looser. Then, Tom threw out a question

"Ok. Everyone has a fantasy man, or fantasy men. So here's my question. Mark, you and I: if you could have any two men from TV underneath you , one at a time, who would they be? Jack, Brian, reverse question: if you could have any two men from TV on top, who would they be? I'll go first. Ain't no question for me. George Eads, and, well, I got a weak spot for Neil Patrick Harris, what can I tell ya?"

"You know, some people think Brian looks a little like George Eads." Mark said "NAH. Brian's much hotter. Got a much sweeter looking ass." Brian blushed, but he also smiled. He had a dancer's butt, and he was proud of it. "Thank you Sir. I'm glad you like it."

"How about you Mark? Any two guys you wanna fuck?" Mark smiled. "Well, Jack can probably answer who one of them is." "Robert Conrad. No question about it." "HELL YEAH" added Tom. "Number two." He looked at Jack. "He reminds me of you sometimes. Chris O'Donnell" Jack smiled. "ME? Chris O'Donnell reminds you of ME? He laughed. He's HOT, but can we get you some new glasses?" "WHAT? You're not hot? Geez, Tom nearly raped you at the table" "Now Jack, come on. If Jack said yes, it would be ok. " He winked at Jack and whispered "I'm better than he is," and Mark started laughing. "You still wanna bring up that little pipsqueak from Delaware?" Now Jack was intrigued. "WHAT pipsqueak from Delaware Sir?" Mark smiled. I"ll tell you later. Now, gimme a kiss."

"Ok Jack, your turn. Which two you want on top of you?" "Well, I think they're gonna surprise Mark. Number one: Jessy Tyler Ferguson. That ginger beard. OH, " "Hey hey. good choice. And..." Jack blushed. "Well, he reminds me a bit of you Sir." He turned to Mark. "That geeky guy on MSNBC: Kornacki" Mark spit out part of his drink "STEVE KORNACKI? He reminds you of ME?" "Well, yeah, those sexy glasses, he's a little hyper, he rocks a necktie, and I think he'd be fun in bed. Tom added. "Sounds great, but you know what Jack man? I think you picked two bottoms." He turned to his date. "Ok, dancer man. How about you, if it ain't me on top of you?" Brian blushed. "Well, I think number one is a bottom too, but I would not say no if Anderson Cooper said he wanted to fuck me." "That silver hair. MMMM" Jack added. "Interesting. I think I know who you're gonna say is number 2" Mark added. Brian laughed. "And I think Andy Cohen is a top. He's obnoxious, but I've been topped by obnoxious guys before. You forget and just take the cock."

"Well, well. Ain't we a group of hos and sluts?" Tom held up his drink for a toast. He turned to Brian. "So, you got a bag for tonight, studmuffin? I'm only in town through Wednesday, then I gotta haul ass to California. But I'll be back." "Yes sir. I've got the bag and I'll be waiting."

Mark leaned over to Jack "their talk is making me hot You're gonna get it when we get home."

As brunch ended, Tom hugged Jack. "Listen bud. I'm gonna say it again. Half of his friends are shit. Just plain shit. Ignore them. Here's MY card. You call me. You tell me who it is, and I'll tell you how to deal with them. You're fucking awesome Jack. Don't let any of these shits tell you otherwise." "Thank you Sir. It was really great to meet you. Could we? I mean if Mark says it's ok" "Yes, of course Jack. Have a beer with Tom while you can. Burp all night. Make fun of actors on the street."

"Get some chili and it's my kinda night," Tom added. He turned to brian. "you ready handsome? Cause I am thinking about last night, and I am thinking not clean thoughts." "Yes sir. Should I go call a cab? "CAB ? I got my horse outside. Only time you're likely to be behind me, but we're right back on the motorcycle. Gonna loosen your ass for me." Brian blushed.

"Have fun today, superjack?" Mark asked. "Yeah, I did. Good food, beer. Tom is a good guy. I finally met one of your friends I like" Mark smiled "Yeah, Tom is kinda neat. A wild man, but kinda neat. He, Jay and I were sort of a pack of wild animals in the past. " "I could see that Sir. " Mark grabbed for Jack's hand. "Now, my pretty, I have plans for you. Back home we go."

When they got back home, Mark told Jack to strip down. Jack answered "Yes sir," and got out of his clothes. That was the first time that Mark knew Jack had worn a thong that day. He was pleased.

"You did that for me, didn't you jack? Waiting for this moment. The big reveal." "Yes sir. I did. I just don't like wearing them for work. " "Now, let's get your hands behind you jack. And then..., we're gonna have some fun. Get out of the thong too."

Now Jack was completely naked, as Mark tied his hands. Then he tied his ankles, and he took the thong, and wrapped it around Jack's mouth, gagging him tightly. He had Jack sitting on the edge of the bed, totally helpless. He took off his own shirt, and climbed up behind jack. He ran his beard up and down Jack's ear, as jack began to moan. He reached around, and took Jack's nip, and began playing with it. Jack's cock got hard immediately, as Mark whispered.

"So... we're gonna talk some more about being a sub, huh jackboi?" "MMMMPH MMMMPH.." Mark kept on playing with Jack's nips. He rubbed scruff over jack's neck too, before nibbling his ear.

"Look at how that hair is growing back on your chest.. MMMMM. Should we shave it, or let it grow in?"

"MMMMPH MMMPH. " Jack was trying to beg for letting it grow, but he couldn't get anything out.

"You know, I gave up too easily jack. I forgot for a minute who is the sub and who is the dom. I shouldn't have agreed to what you wanted. Now, we're gonna reconsider. You gonna let me shave your pubes?"

Jack shook his head no, frantically, as he moaned out of the gag. Mark knew so many of his hotspots, and he knew, if Mark kept it up he'd agree to anything.

"No? Hmmmm. Then how about the thong wearing?"

Again, Jack was shaking his head no, frantically. "Why not, handsome? You wore one today, just so I could see it. You could wear them. You'd HAVE to if I told you to, wouldn't you, sub boi?"

Jack hesitated, and almost cried as he shook his head yes.

"Well, this is what we're gonna do. First, we're gonna modify the agreement. I won't shave your pubes anymore. The more I think about it, the more I see: I wanna fuck a man, not a boy.

"MMMYU" came out Jack's mouth as he tried to show his appreciation, but Mark was relentless in his nip torture

"Now about the thongs. Hmmmm. I have a compromise. You don't have to wear them when you work, but when you're with me. yes."

Jack shook his head no, which resulted in Mark grabbing his cock, and sliding his hand slowly, back and forth, until Jack was close to cumming. Then he stopped, and laughed.

"See what I mean, sub boi? I could do this for a while. " He moved back and put jack on the bed, face up. "think about the great thong compromise of 2020. Whaddya say?"

Jack just moaned. Mark had begun edging him again, and he was in agony. He tried to push his cock into Mark's hand , but Mark released the pressure, and he got no traction whatsoever.

"Should I get the clamps? I think I will. Leave my hands free to do other things.

'MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH. " Jack was screaming through the thong gag

"Sounds to me like you reconsidered superjack. Gonna wear the thongs when you're with me."

Jack was beaten. He was still for a minute, before he shook his head yes. He tried to moan out " yes sir," in a defeated voice, but the muffled sounds were all that came out.

" AND... now that I see how hot you are when you're dressed up, I'm gonna dress you. Every single day."

Jack was good with that. He had always wanted Mark to pick his clothes. He thought that by dressing the way Mark wanted him to, he'd get more cock from his fiance'. He shook his head yes, eagerly.

"Now I'm trying to decide... should I fuck you, or should I leave you here, tied up for a few hours? What do you think? What do you think jackboi?" Mark pulled out the thong gag.

'FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME. I've been wanting your cock since we sat down to brunch. FUCK ME. "

"And you know what we're gonna do, stud? I borrowed Jamie's hitachi wand. Let's see how much of it you can take.." Mark pulled it out and turned on the switch. He moved it to Jack's cock. Jack jumped and screamed.

"GOD. HELP ME. STOP PLEASE STOP. I'LL DO ANYTHING YOU WANT. PLEASE PLEASE " Mark laughed. "I'm gonna use this in another way, soon, but for now..." He pulled jack up on all fours, with his hands still tied behind him. If the endorphins from Mark's tit work hadn't been flowing through him, Jack would have been in pain. All he felt was pleasue, as one, and then two of Mark's fingers went into his ass. Then he felt Mark's cockhead at his ass as he teased Jack, pulling back as Jack tried to take the cock. Finally, he plunged forward, hard.


Mark had been aroused since brunch himself. The way Jack dressed, and the interaction between Tom and brian, had made him incredibly horny. It felt like this was not the last time he was going to fuck jack that night. For now, he plunged, increasing his pace, as Jack begged for more. He reached under Jack's rigid cock and with one or two thrusts got Jack to shoot. He was right behind Jack, SCREAMING 'I LOVE MY SUPERJACK' as he shot deep and long into Jack's ass.

"Please Sir. Can you untie me so I can lay down. I'm exhausted?" "Me too babe. Me too." Mark untied his captive, and just lay next to him. "You know sweetie, you're an exceptional lover. You try just about anything, and you make me look so good. " He kissed the back of Jack's ear. "I'm such a lucky man. I love you."

"I love you too sir. Can we cuddle? Please? I promise I won't cry."

They faced each other and after a bit of tongue wrestling, settled into a quiet, sweet embrace. It was Jack's turn to cook dinner that night, so he couldn't sleep long: he had what he called a "power bottom nap" for about 15 minutes, before he got up.

Mark made him cook the dinner naked, except for an apron around his middle. He let him dress, in jeans and a tight white t shirt, when he was done. He gave jack a black thong to wear under the jeans.

When Jamie and Cooper came back in, Mark saw the slave necklace. His thoughts immediately went to getting one with a lock on it for jack.

Next: Chapter 47

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