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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 5, 2023


It was the day Jack had agreed to help Jamie convince Cooper to be more dominant. He woke up, as the alarm went off, curled up in Mark's arm, and his first thought was "that's one thing Mark doesn't need schooling in, but..." Mark seemed totally asleep, so he began to slink out of the grip. At night, Mark seemed to have some fear that Jack was going to leave, and his grip, usually fairly loose at night, had tightened. As Jack got up, he heard Mark's sleepy voice. "Are you forgetting something?"

Jack looked at Mark. He was less than a quarter awake. "No Sir. I just didn't think you'd feel it if I did it now. " Mark paused for a minute, then smiled.

"You're right stud. Later. After you help give Jamie his man "

"Yes sir."

"Let me see you after you put on your thong. Use a blue one today."

Jack sighed. He had hoped to get out of the apartment without the thong, but Mark remembered. He got his shower done, dried off , and slipped into the thong he hated.

"This ok Sir? " "Flex for me. Act like a body builder." Jack sighed, and did the poses that he remembered from movies. Mark tossed off his blanket.

"See what you do to me?" He had a raging hard on, even though he was just about half awake.

"Sir, I can take care of it, but will you feel it." Mark sighed. "No, not really. But tonight. After you get Coops secured, you're mine. You're gonna blow me, and then I'm gonna take that sweet studly ass of yours."

"Yes sir." Jack could feel himself getting hard at the idea. A blow job and a fucking. After he had helped Jamie. This could be the best day ever.

Mark had a lunch planned with Tom in the early afternoon. They were all meeting for brunch on Sunday, but Tom and Mark went back a long time and some together/alone time was in order. The two of them , and Jay, had been a non -sexual threesome at the clubs, picking up boys, until Jay paired off with Brice. Then it was Tom and Mark. Mark got into school down south, and that broke up the threesome, but they were still close, on some level. Tom's schedule didn't let him hang out as much as he would have liked, and he had taken his lover's death really hard. It was only now that he was getting back into the swing of things.

Jack got dressed for work, put his "Mark's boi" cap on, and gave his lover a kiss. "I hope Magnolia didn't piss herself, Sir. I'll be back. Maybe if you're up we can have a coffee together, before the day starts."

"MMMM. Coffee and your sweet lips . The breakfast of champions."

Magnolia couldn't wait to get out. She had taken to giving Jack a look like "why are you making me go through this?", and Jack tried to indulge her every way he could.

"Hey pretty lady . Where we gonna walk today?" Magnolia just really didn't care. She wanted to get her business done fast, get back, eat, and sleep. Sometimes, Jack thought that was a good life.

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Tom was running through the photos of Jack that Mark had on his phone. "So this boy. You met him at SCHOOL? That was a shit load of time ago?" They were sitting in a pub. It had been too long, and after they had caught up, Tom wanted to know all about Jack. "That's right. That long ago. I found him in New York, and..." "Did Mark the Hunter come out again?" Mark smiled. Tom knew him too well. "He did. I went and found him.

I took a chance that his achilles heels from college were still achilles heels. They were, and I 'persuaded' him to let me bed him. Then I took control. I worked him over until he surrendered. That was about 3 months ago. When I proposed, I asked him if he'd take my collar. He did. He hasn't thrown me out yet, so I guess I'm scratching an itch." Tom laughed. "I got a feeling you're doing more than scratching him." He looked at Mark with piercing eyes. "How often , stud?" "Oh, at least once a day, sometimes twice. " "you flip?" "NAH. I'm on top all the time. Don't see that changing. " "He happy with that?" "Seems to be."

Tom paused. "You told me he was your fiance', Mark. That true?" Mark paused and smiled. "Yeah, it is." "Well, stud, I have to ask: do you love him." Another pause. "I knew you were going to ask that Tom. And to be honest, at the start, all I wanted to do was conquer him. I wanted another notch. He left me, and I wanted him back. I wanted to be the one to leave. And I wanted to be able to brag: he had been in the magazine as one of the building hunks, and I wanted to be able to say I had fucked him. BUT... you know... he just embraced me so completely, and... well, he SEEMS to be simple but he's not . He thinks. He thinks about things HARD. And he doesn't make decisions lightly. But every time I tell him to do something, he does it. And he cares about people, and things - you should see him with his dog. I've wondered about what t he best adjective to describe him out of the sexaul ones is, and I think it's 'transparent'. With Jack, you know exactly where you are, and it couldn't be clearer. Honestly, Tom, I never met someone this special."

"Must be special Mark. You sent me the photos. He's not the type I remember you favored." "He's not. You're right. The blue eyes, yes. The rest, no. But he's challenging. He keeps me on my toes. And .. I know I said this already.. He loves me. I can't say that about any of the other guys. You know, I didn't know he had this. Back at college, I sent him flowers once, with a note." Mark began to tear up. "He kept the note. All these years. He keeps it in his wallet. How could I not love someone like that?"

"Well, Mark, love doesn't work that way." "I know Tom, I do. But I know that, when I have to be at work, and I can't be with him, my heart breaks a little. I think about plays I want to write about him, I think of poems I want to write about him. I dunno. This is new to me. And now, I'm going to be a husband."

'SONOFABITCH Mark. You may think you're topping him in this relationship, but I got news for you. He's got you wrapped around his finger. If he's half the man you make him out to be, I may steal him myself."

Mark laughed. "Know what? I know you're persuasive. And I'm not worried. I know he's mine. I would bet he hasn't even looked at another man. "

"Even on TV?" Tom laughed. "Well, we have to exempt Robert Conrad." "Hey. Let's have a toast to Robert Conrad. And Chris Meloni . And George Eads. And all the guys we'd kidnap and fuck if we had the chance."

It was a business as usual kind of day for Jack, and after he was finished, he called to see if Jamie had gotten in. He was on his way to the apartment "with a new toy I bought. You'll like it." Cooper was working, and was expected back at about 5. They'd have time to plan things once they were together. So, Mark took his princess out for her afternoon walk. Her belly was getting so distended that he had to pick spots where it didn't scrape. Magnolia was clearly exhausted, but she also clearly knew Jack was watching over her. She would walk over when he was sitting down, and whine, because she just couldn't get the energy to jump on his lap. Mark would sit down on the floor with her.

"Hey mom to be... " then he'd raspberry her nose, and she's go mildly crazy , since she was so tired and couldn't express herself fully. "Wonder what your kids are gonna look like." Magnolia was never a polite woman, and now, with everything else going on with her, she'd break wind freely. Jack would play with her, until he couldn't take the smell anymore. "Girlie, we're gonna have to see about some kind of gas medicine for you, that's for sure. "

That's how Jamie found Jack when he came in that afternoon. "Hey there, superjack. How's your girl doing?" "Oh, she's tired. I guess I'd be carrying around that load all the time. But she's the same old stubborn bitch. Loving but stubborn." Jamie laughed. "I think Coops has called me that."

"So, what's the plan, man?" "Well, here it goes. I need you to help me put some extra restraints on the bed. Coop uses the ones on it for me, but he's stronger. I wanna spread eagle him, and then... now that I know how ticklish he is, he's gonna get it. And so are his nips. And everything else. "

Jack looked puzzled. "Jamie, none of my business. Are you gonna fuck him?" "NO! Don't want to, not gonna happen. I want him to see how good it feels to be controlled. Maybe then he'll decided that what I'm asking isn't too bad. Now, this toy..." Jamie pulled out a big tool from a bag. "They call it a Hitachi magic wand." He turned it on, and Jack saw the head spinning.

"Geez. Looks like the sander I use to fix furniture." "Well, I hope it doesn't do the same thing. It's a way to stimulate someone's nerve endings. I'm gonna be using it tonight, and if I get too much trouble.." He reached in and pulled out a smaller one. "I'll borrow your duct tape, tape it to his leg, and then just wait until he gives."

"You're devious Jamie. I love it."

Jack had changed into a pair of tight jeans, and a white t shirt Jamie had bought for him a long, LONG time ago. It was snug then, and now, it was REALLY snug. Somehow, it hadn't shrunk that badly, so Jack's belly was covered, but his nips showed through it, so did his torso musculature, and his sprouting hairs . Most of all, though, it showed off his biceps. Mark had left out a black arm band, but Jack knew enough not to put that on: Mark saved that for himself.

"Hey everyone, daddy's home." Mark came in the door.

"Hey sir..." Jack went over and kissed him, then put his hands behind his back so his nips were more prominent . "How was lunch with Tom?"

Mark smiled as he started working Jack's nips. "VERY good time. You're gonna like him. He said if you get tired of me, he's ready." "Sir... keep working my tits like that, and I'm not going anywhere. " "Right now, though, you're getting on your knees." "Yes sir." Mark remembered their early morning discussion, and Jack wasn't gonna get away with not doing his job. He grabbed Jack's hair and pushed his head forward. He wanted ALL of his cock in Jack's mouth now. So did Jack. He sucked like it was lunch time, and he hadn't eaten all day. He had Mark moaning in just a few minutes.

"OH GOD. We gotta stop Jackaroo. I wanna save some for later. " He pulled away and Jack looked puzzled. "Look, we're both gonna be excited after we get Coops tied up, and I wanna save some of that for... " he smiled. "Later. in private."

"Yes Sir," Jack answered, not revealing that, after his discussions with Jamie, he had something in mind for Mark....

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Cooper gave Jamie a call when he was on the way to the apartment, because Jamie had told him that he had a special treat for him, but he needed time to set it up. Cooper thought he was talking about cake, or ice cream or something like that. He walked into the apartment, and called out "Hey . Anyone here? I'm home."

Jamie was in their bedroom, and he came out. "Hey there stud. Missed you today." He smiled and pointed to his lips. Cooper started walking forward, and that's when the plan went into effect. Jack was hiding in one of the back closets and he jumped out and grabbed Cooper, in the same grip Mark had used on him earlier in the week. 'GOTCHA COOPS."

"HEY. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?" Cooper squirmed, even though he knew that while he could handle Jamie and Mark with no trouble, Jack was another matter. He'd push, and he'd squeeze, but Jack's grip was strong.

"Don't fight it Coops. I got ya. I got ya for my bud."

"Jamie, what the hell is this all about?" TELL JACK TO LET ME GO."

"Time for the bedroom." Jack dragged Cooper into the bedroom, where Mark was waiting. "OK boys," Jack was CLEARLY in charge, as he yanked Cooper's arms behind his back. "Now, here's how it's gonna go. First..." He tossed Cooper onto the bed and when Cooper tried to get away, had no trouble subduing him. He stood behind the headboard, pinning down Cooper's wrists. Cooper tried to kick at Jamie and Mark, but that did no good. They each grabbed and ankle, and held him securely, as Jack began tying his wrists. Once that was done, and Jack was catching his breath, Jamie undid Cooper's belt buckle. "I gotta get your shoes off, and then, just slide down these jeans, sexy. We're gonna have some fun tonight."

Cooper started laughing. "you're gonna fuck me Jamie? I don't think so." Jamie laughed back. "At this point, stud, you're not in a position to argue... " He grinned wickedly. "Especially since I'm not the only one in this relationship who's ticklish..." He slid Cooper's blue t shirt up, and began running his fingers down Cooper's sides. The man squirmed, and then a big, raucous laugh came out of him.

'QUIT IT JAMIE QUIT IT. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. STOP. " But Jamie didn't stop. "You're gonna learn tonight, Coopster, how much fun being tied up,and being dominated is. And maybe, just maybe, you'll learn to do it to me, or I'll get my boys to help again."

Mark looked at Jack "I believe our work here is done. " "Yes sir." "Well?"

"Have fun Jamie." Jack smiled at his bud, as he was pulling off Cooper's pants. "I know I am."

"Cooper's a hottie," Mark said to Jack as they went into the bedroom. "But not as hot as you." He held Jack in a soft bearhug, and began rubbing scruff on his neck. Jack had to move fast. He was weakening already. He took a deep breath and broke out of the hold, and then he did exactly to Mark what he had done to Cooper.

Mark began laughing. "Hey. C'mon ok, ok. You win. You're stronger. Now let me up."

"Not yet Mark-o. Not yet.." Jack was securing Mark's wrists to the bed.

"Don't tell me you're gonna do what Jamie's doing."

Jack laughed. Some of it, and some different. You're gonna learn what it's like being on the bottom tonight, topman.."

"Hey, NO. I don't bottom. LET ME GO." Mark was struggling, and it was doing no good. Jack smiled at him. "Want me to gag you? I can.. But I'd rather do this..." He opened Mark's shirt, and started cooing. "In the middle of all that hair, there are this cute little guys just begging... JUST BEGGING... to get woken up.." He began to lick Mark's nips before he chewed them.

"OH.. OH GOD. OH. Jack that feels good. You're gonna pay for this, but it feels good."

"How about this, studmuffin?" Jack's beard was a lighter one than Mark's but there was enough of it, at that time of day, for him to get some traction on Mark's neck and ear. Mark was breathing hard, and tenting in his jeans.

"Like the first time, huh, Mark-o? Surely the first time with superjack..."

"Jack, let me go. You're not gonna fuck me. You know that. I know that. And my cock is waiting for you."

"So it is Mark. So it is." Jack pulled off Mark's jeans, and his briefs. His stiffy was up in the air like a statue. Jack smiled, and licked his lips.

"Isn't that a beautiful thing, Mark? And isn't it great that I can do whatever I want to it, and you can't stop me.. Still want that blow job?" He moved his lips over Mark's cock and licked the cock head, getting it nice and wet, and then, sliding all the way down the shaft. Mark began to push his hips up, trying to get more. Jack sensed it, pulled away, and smiled.

"That's all you're gonna get for that. I got something else planned. " He slipped out of his own jeans, and he reached over to the counter. They almost never used a lubricant, but tonight, Jack lubed Mark's cock thickly, and then, Mark got aroused even further, when Jack took a big finger full, and shoved it into his own butt. Then with an evil look, Jack got on the bed, and positioned his butt right over Mark's cock.

"Someone taught me about spinners. I'm not no spinner Mark, but I think you're gonna like getting topped the way superjack does it." He began lowering his hole over Mark's cock. He winced, at first, from the new position, but he relaxed, and began sliding down Mark's pole.

"OH YEAH. We gotta do this more Mark. You are in me DEEP."

"OH FUCK I AM. You sneaky bastard but.... oooooh..." Jack had begun to pump up and down on Mark's cock. He was smiling. A man less strong than Jack wouldn't have been able to do this, because it was almost a gymnastic movement, up and down on the bed. He could though, and he was.

"How do you like that , Mark? Your boi is in control... " He grinned as he pumped up and down fast, and then stopped, and just wriggled.

"OH GOD. I may fuck you like this every day, boi." Mark was clearly in ecstasy. To Jack, it looked like his eyes were rolling in the back of his head.

"You wanna cum topman? You wanna fill your boi's ass."

"I DO. I DO. I wanna breed you manbitch." Jack smiled, and tightened his ass cheeks. That did it, and Mark exploded in him. Jack took his own cock, and began jerking, all over Mark's chest.

"Untie me so I can hug you, jackstud?"

"No chance dude. You're gonna go for my ribs and try to tickle me the way Cooper got tickled. Better be careful cause... I know someone else who's ticklish.. "


"Hmmm. Interesting offer. Not quite rich enough though." Jack knew that he was TOTALLY in control, as he slid off the bed. "Lemme get those feet locked up.

"NO. NO. Not my feet. Please. What do you want jackman? Please? ANYTHING?"


"Yeah anything"

"Throw out these fucking thongs. I want my boxers back." Mark hesitated, and Jack ran his finger up and down Mark's left foot.

"NO. NO. OK. OK. No thongs. You win. You win.. "

"You promise, topman? "

"I do. I do."

"Ok, I'm gonna untie you. And I'm gonna let you do anything you want to me. Cause I love you."

Jack opened up the restraints. He held Mark and kissed him. Mark flipped Jack over on his back, and smiled. "You're a pisser, you know that? But I gotta admit. That was the single most intense fuck I have ever had in my life." He kissed both of Jack's eyes.

"You know, today Tom asked me if I were sure I loved you."

"What did you tell him, Sir?"

"More than anyone or anything EVER in my life. You're an amazing man, Jack Robson." Mark cuddled into Jack's arm. "But tomorrow, you're gonna pay for this."

Jack laughed. "you promise?"

Now that they were quiet , they could hear the sounds in the next room.

Yeah, that was Cooper, yelling through laughs. "OK. OK. YOU GOT IT. YOU GOT IT. I'LL BE ROUGHER . I'LL TIE YOU UP. NOW PLEASE. PLEASE. I'M GONNA PISS IF YOU KEEP DOING THAT. Oh.. shit. Maybe I'm not. " There was a gurgling sound, that Jack knew quite well. If you said "Jamie has excellent oral skills," you weren't talking about his speech making. The scream from Cooper a few minutes later confirmed that.

Next: Chapter 46

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