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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 29, 2023


All three of Mark, Jamie and Cooper had their fun tickling Jack's feet as he lay there hogtied. They gave him a rest and then, he heard Mark laugh and say "I guess we should untie him for dinner. I'll tie him up again if we want more fun later." He went in and undid the bonds. He very gently stroked Jack's hair "are you ok babe? " Jack still had the gag on his mouth, so he good just shake his head yes. " Mark leaned down and whispered "that was one of the best times I've ever had with you, and my cock is so hard right now, if I weren't cooking dinner, I'd fuck you so goddamn hard, it wouldn't be fair. Keep that thought." He ripped the gag from Jack's mouth.

"Yes sir. Can you help me up Sir? My feet are a little shaky"

Mark kissed him and helped the bigger man up. "I understand that. We were really merciless. Did you shoot ?"

"I came close Sir, but I did my best not to. I didn't want to make a mess before dinner."

The division of labor the four guys had settled on, had Jack and Jamie cleaning up afterwards, while Cooper and Jack hung out in the living room. "That was hot. Were you ok with it, Jack?" Jamie asked? He was somewhat concerned, because Jack was quiet. "oh yeah, it was hot. I love it when Mark ties me up. I wasn't so thrilled with before that."

"WHY? What happened?" "Well, I guess he put the hammer down, Jamie. He wants me to be more submissive. " He told Jamie about the new rules. Jamie's reaction was not quite what Jack expected. "GOD. That's AWESOME. I hope he makes you model the thongs for us." "JAMIE. I thought you were my friend." "I AM stud, and I'm jealous. DAMN I wish Cooper were more dominant. I beg him to tie me up, and he'll pin me down, but tie me? No way." Jack sighed. "Yeah, I get so excited when Mark takes control. It's hot." He felt an arm around his middle. Mark had come into the kitchen. "GOOD. I'll tie you up more. I was planning to anyway." He planted a kiss on Jack's neck. "You are SUCH a fucking stud jack. I wanna be in you all the time." Jamie turned to Mark "has Jack told you what I asked him to do?" "No. What was it?" "I was going to tell you today Sir, but your needs were more important." He and Jamie laid out the story, and Mark was smiling.

"Know what? I could get into this. Two things. I wanna be here when it happens. Also, Jack, you can help with tying down Coop, but no sex play with him. NONE."

"Yes Sir. I know your rule. Sex with you unless you decide otherwise."

"Jamie, when is it happening? " Mark asked.

"Hmmm. Not tomorrow, but the day after. How's that? Say 6 o'clock."

"Works for me. Oh, Jack, this Sunday, we're going to brunch with a friend who's here from out of town." When he saw Jack's face, he smiled. "You'll like Tom. I promise. He's a truck driver. And I invited Brian. I wanna fix them up, at least for the day."

"When is the brunch Sir? I hope not too late. I get too hungry." Mark laughed "See? You're gonna love Tom. He said the same thing, so we're eating at 11:30. Brian better be there." Jack smiled. "Thank you Sir. I won't disappoint you."

When they got to bed that night, Jack got in and lay his head on Mark's chest. "Nope, not tonight stud, turn around. Spooning tonight." Mark figured that he had to start establishing control every way he could. And he liked spooning. "Yes sir. I can feel your cock against me that way."

As they lay there, Mark moved his hand around and held Jack's erect cock. He whispered "so you didn't shoot this afternoon?" "No Sir. I was laughing too hard and I didn't want to make a mess." Mark's other hand went to Jack's nipple, and Jack sighed. "OH GOD SIR. I may shoot if you do that." Mark didn't say anything. He just moved his mouth to Jack's ear, and began nibbling very gently.

"SIR. You never did that before. It feels so good. OH SHIT." "Hold that jizz boi. " He whispered into Jack's ear. "Tomorrow afternoon, I am gonna FUCK you so hard it won't be funny. You may not be able to sit for dinner." Mark laughed. He LOVED how it was so easy to control this big, studly man. Every logical rule said that Jack should be beating the shit out of him, but he was as helpless as a kitten, and he seemed to love being in that state.

Jack always fell asleep quickly , and that night was no exception. So did Mark. His hand was still around Jack's cock when he dozed off. A little precum dripped onto his fingers, but that was all.

Jack's alarm went off the next morning, and he started to get ready for work. He grinned because it was, literally, going to be difficult to get out of bed that morning. While Mark had moved his hand from Jack's cock, he had his arms wrapped around Jack really tightly. Jack would have no trouble getting out of them, except that Mark moved his hand over his nip, and played it, each time he tried. The stimulation, plus his hard cock, were making things difficult.

"Are you forgetting your morning task, jackeroo?" Mark said very softly, as he pinched Jack's nipple a little harder.

"Oh, Sir. Good morning. I didn't think you were awake. " He pushed the blankets off of Mark's lower body, and found Mark's cock standing up big and tall. He slid down, took Marks' balls in his hands, and then slid his lips down the shaft.

Mark smiled as he felt the softness of Jack's lips, the skillfulness of his tongue. He couldn't help but think back to that first one, when they were in school. Clumsy, but sincere. Now , Jack worked like an artist. Mark laced his fingers through Jack's hair, so he could push his head down on his cock further. Jack didn't gag, even a little.

"OH YES. We shoulda brought this back LONG ago." Jack's head bobbed up and down. He was enjoying it too, even if he wished he could reach down and pleasure his own cock - that wouldn't be a good idea with the new rules. He could feel Mark stiffening, and he knew that meant... very soon.

"DAMN YOU ARE GOOD BOI." Jack wanted to murmur "thank you Sir, but his mouth was filled with cock. And then.. the explosion as Mark's jizz filled his mouth. 'SWALLOW IT JACK. SWALLOW EVERY DROP." Jack took a big breath of air, and did what he was told.

Mark smiled, and pulled him back down to the bed for a minute. "Good boi. GOOD BOI. Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes Sir. But I really have to get ready and get downstairs. Probably going to need to shut off the burners today, and that takes time.

Mark kissed his forehead. "Part 2 is after work. Don't forget to model that thong for me."

A sigh "Yes Sir."

Jack went off to the shower to get ready, while Mark lay in bed, thinking about the whole situation. Again, he thought of this big, hunky stud he had captured, conquered, and pretty much broken. He was going to make a fine husband. He loved how Jack would start by resisting things, and then try them. On just about every issue, Mark had won. It was time: the meeting with Jay was a fiasco, but Tom would be different. And it was time to introduce Jack to his world.

He pulled himself out of bed. He had another plan that morning, and he got one of Jack's huge towels, and went into the bathroom. "I'm gonna dry you off my way, Jackboi. Think of me as your poolboy."

Jack smiled. "Really Sir? Just be careful because, well.. you can see...

"Hmmm. Yes I can. Maybe... " Mark was silent for a minute. "Lock your hands behind your head, like you're in prison."

"Yes sir." After he did Mark said firmly. "DO NOT MOVE THEM, " and then he started slowly stroking Jack's hard cock.

"OH GOD. OH. THANK YOU SIR. OH GEEZ. I won't take long. I promise.. I.... OH SHIT.." It had been a while and the jizz started shooting out of him, all over the bathroom. Jack's relief was evident, and he began to breathe hard. Mark covered him with the towel, and rubbed gently, as he kissed Jack's neck.

"I love playing with you Jack, but that love is nowhere NEAR how much I just love YOU." He turned Jack around and hugged him, hard, kissing his face all over.

"Sir, you're making me feel all soft, and gushy inside. On a work day. I... I don't know what to say."

Mark went on drying him off. He spent careful time around Jack's sensitive balls and cock. "How about saying 'I wanna get fucked today Sir.'

"Well I do. I'm hoping you'll have time Sir."

Mark laughed. "Oh, I'll have time. And I'll have a plan. Now get dressed. Lemme see that thong.

A thong was not something Jack was used to, and he took a little time to get it fitted. When he did, he put his hands behind his back and presented to Mark.

"DAMN. This was a GOOD idea you sexy beast. Let me see your ass." Jack turned around, and Mark felt each cheek. "OH SHIT. If I didn't want this so badly already... How does it feel?"

"It's not comfortable Sir. "

"GOOD. It's not supposed to. It's supposed to remind you that you belong to me."

"It does Sir. I know it's your idea. I know I'm wearing it for you."

Jack finished up, getting on painter pants, a tshirt, his "Mark's boi" cap and his sneakers.

"Anything I need to know for this afternoon Sir?" Jack came over to give Mark a kiss.

"Only that you're gonna be on your back for a while... And I'm not shaving this morning'

Jack's eyes brightened. "Noted Sir. The day will take too long."

He went out and got Magnolia for her walk. She was moving slower now, as her pregnancy was more evident. At her last visit to the vet, the vet estimated between 6 and 8 puppies. Sure seemed that way to Jack. Magnolia seemed to be eating two or three times her normal amount of food.

"Poor girl. Hard to walk huh? You want Batjack to carry you?" Jack got down on his haunches, and invited her up into his arms. He carried her out to the elevator. "I got ya baby. Don't worry. Batjack isn't gonna let anyone hurt you."

He didn't know Mark was watching, smiling and crying a bit, at the same time.

Magnolia didn't take long to finish on her walks. Her belly put tremendous pressure on her bladder, so Jack had gotten used to carrying disinfectant and cleanser, because there was no guarantee that she would make it out of the building, and sometimes, she didn't. He'd have to think of getting her "wee wee pads" because the vet had told them that at some time, she just would not be able to hold her water until her walk. All of that was on Jack's mind, as they came back. He handed her treats from his pocket, more than he should have, and came back in. Mark was still up, and smiling.

"Hey." His standard greeting, which could mean anything from "get on your back on that bed" to "want breakfast?" "Hey back Sir. Let me go and get the lady her breakfast." "You know, Jack, the way you take care of Magnolia is the way you take care of everyone." "NAH Sir. " He leaned down to play with Magnolia's big ears. "This is my GAL. I treat her better, because she treats me better than most people, don't you darlin?" She was slower now, but Magnolia still licked his face, top to bottom, before she got tired and walked off to her little hiding place

"Make sure you wash that face. I wanna taste you, not Magnolia." "Oh, don't worry Sir. I'll make sure all is good. Now let me get going."

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Jack had been right about wearing the thong while he was working. It WAS uncomfortable: tight, it slipped into his crack, and the feeling when his ass cheeks touched his jeans, were all new to him. Still the thought that "Sir Mark likes this" got him hotter than it should have. Jack had figured out that if he were wearing these, Mark could fuck him more easily, and the fabric was so thin that he could torment his balls and cock with less trouble. He wondered what it would be like having sex wearing them.

The day was uneventful, but unexpectedly warm, so Jack was soaked when he could leave the basement and get back home. He texted Mark, who was actually out shopping at the time. "See you in a bit. Picking up a few things. xoxoxoxoxo" was the message back. That would give Jack time to at least get Magnolia out for her afternoon walk.

Jamie was in the apartment when he got there, looking at a business plan at the table.

"Hey there bird. Whatcha up to?" "Batjack. GEEZ. You look like a WET bat." "Hot down there dude. " Magnolia walked over, and Jack began scratching behind her ear. She whined. "OOPS. Jamie bird, Ms. Magnolia is telling me "it's now or never," and out they went. Magnolia empited her bladder easily, but was taking her time with the rest. One of his friends had described her sniffing as "catching up on the news," and its seemed she was.

"Never know what hot man you're going to see on the street." He heard Mark's baritone voice, and felt his hand on the back of his neck.

"Hey Sir. A surprise." Jack had Magnolia's leash in one hand, and he put his other hand behind his back, the way Mark had told him to do. That got a squeeze on his neck.

"Good boi. How was work" "Eh. Hot Sir. Very warm in the basement this time of year. Magnolia needed to go NOW, that's why I look such a mess." "You look pretty good to me, stud. " Jack blushed. "Let me get cleaned up, please Sir. I always feel not quite right if I'm not clean ."

"I'll be waiting for you. " He pointed to a bag. "Got a new toy in here we're gonna try today."

As Jack showered, Mark went through his closet. He wanted to pick whatever he thought would make Jack look hottest today. He settled on some off white pants, and a blue polo shirt he knew was tight.

"Fresh thong, Sir, or the old one." "Fresh one." Mark had plans for the one Jack had worn.

Jack came out from the cleanup shower, and dried off. Mark wasn't in the bedroom anymore, and he saw the clothes. He got them on, and walked into the living room. He didn't see Mark, but then he felt him. Mark jumped him from behind, in a bear hug.

"GOTCHA STUD." Jack smiled. "You think this is gonna hold me? You know I'm stronger than you."

"Then go ahead. Get out of it." Jack flexed his arms like he had when Mark tried this before, but he didn't break free. He tried harder. No good. Then he saw: Mark had learned something: instead of locking his fingers around Jack's middle, he had grabbed his left wrist with his right hand, making a much more secure hold.

"SHIT. You've been studying. " "That's right batjack. And now, I have yet another way to subdue you." "Like you needed anymore..." Jack felt his arms pulled behind him, and before he could react, Mark's free hand was on his nipple.

"Ok, you got me. " "Damn right I do, stud." He tied Jack's wrists behind him. "Now, we're gonna try our new toy." Mark was behind Jack, and then, Jack couldn't see. Mark had picked up a blindfold.

"OH SHIT. This is evil. MMMMPH" That was all Jack got out. Mark had hand gagged him.

"Let's get you off to the bedroom stud. This is gonna be fun."

It didn't take Mark long to secure Jack's wrists to the bed. Then he ordered him "open your mouth. NOW" Jack smelled his own funk, as Mark stuffed the used thong in his mouth, before he covered it with a big piece of tape.

"LOOK AT THIS SEXY STUD. All tied up, gagged, and you can't see what I'm doing to you. All you can do, is feel it."

"MMMPH. " Jack's moaning was muted, because without being able to see, he had no idea what was coming. Mark pushed up his shirt, and he began stroking Jack's torso. Except... these were velcro gloves. The stimulation was arousing Jack. Even though he had jizzed that morning, this scene was getting him hard again.

"Like that big boy? I got more for you." Mark pushed up Jack's shirt more, and now, he stroked Jack's nips with the gloves.

"MMMMPH! MMMMPH! MMMMMPH!" Jack was close to moaning. His hips were bucking. He really, REALLY wanted Mark's cock.

He felt Mark's mouth on his ear, as Mark whispered "bottom boi. mancunt" They were trigger words for Jack , and he moved his head to the side, because he really, REALLY wanted to feel Mark's scruff . Mark obliged, and Jack was moaning even more.

"God, I really should tickle you batjack, but we did that yesterday. I wanna mix things up a little." He laughed. Except for one thing... Jack could feel his shoes being pulled off, then his pants, and then the new thong.

"You look really sweet in the thongs, Jack. I shoulda done this months ago."

"MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH" Jack shook his head no.

"Don't like them studboi? Don't care for the thongs?" Jack shook his head no again.

"Well, I like them. Guess who wins." Jack tried to moan out "you do sir,' but the gag was too tight. He felt Mark's finger, moving up and down his crack.

"I'm gonna slip them off, because I wanna see your hardness." He spread Jack's big strong thighs, and traced his finger around his balls. Jack's cock was jumping.

"This is SO FUCKING HOT," said Mark. "But you know what? I am SO FUCKING HORNY" He pushed Jack's legs up, and his finger moved around Jack's hole. Jack felt Mark's cockhead poised at the spot. It was what he had done the very first time he fucked him. Now, though, he didn't tease, and he didn't wait . Mark had said he was gonna fuck Jack hard, and he did, plunging all the way in at once.

MMMMMMMMMMMMPH. MMMMMMMMMPH. Somehow, Mark had gotten just to the threshold for pain, and pulled back. But he kept his cock exactly where it was , which was deeper inside Jack than he had ever been. Or was he? The sensory loss may have impacted things, but then he felt Mark push even harder.

"OH SHIT. " Jack was thinking "This man is CRAZED today. FUCK. I may NOT be able to sit for a while.."

"I'm gonna BREED YOU manbitch" Mark gloated, as he filled Jack with his cum. A simple flick of Jack's cockhead with his finger, set off Jack.

Jack was still breathing hard, when Mark took off the blinders, and undid the gag. His voice was low. "How you doing, babe? Did you enjoy that?"

"WOW. That was new. I didn't love tasting myself, but getting fucked in the dark.? HOLY SHIT SIR. THANK YOU."

Mark smiled and kissed him. "You always look so good tied up, but I wanna hug you. I wanna hug you for being such a good sport, and for going along with my wishes. "

"I like hugging you Sir. " The restraints went off, and then they embraced, Mark on top of Jack.

"I'm sorry Sir, but the heat always makes me tired. I may need a little bit of a nap. "

"Me too. I was up early today, if you remember."

They slept with Jack curled up, head on Mark's chest. He dreamed about their wedding, and their life together. So did Mark.

Next: Chapter 45

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