Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 24, 2023


The author wishes everyone a glorious Memorial Day weekend, and if there are any out there reading this who served the country, THANK YOU. And if you're serving the country now, an especial thank you. I know it's a cliche' but you don't get enough praise. I wish I could do more.

On an unrelated note, folks, as some of us begin to come out of quarantine and isolation (NYC , where I am, is SO CLOSE), don't forget that if you're reading on this site, you have an obligation. Send some money. Keep it going.


Another Monday. Jack woke up with his head on Mark's chest, feeling Mark's arm wrapped around him. Safe. He found a bare space in the midst of Mark's chest hair and kissed it. He whispered "Gotta get up love. Magnolia's gonna have extra pressure on her bladder, and today is the start of radiator week. UGH. Mark stirred a little, smiled as he tightened his grip, before he let Jack go. Jack tossed some clothes on, and then went to Magnolia.

"Hey Mom. How is it going?" Magnolia loved that moment when Jack came out of the bedroom, but her bladder WAS full and she was whining. They got out just in time, and she let a stream go right in front of the building.

"MY BAD" Jack yelled at the doorman. "I'LL CLEAN IT MYSELF WHEN WE GET BACK." Now that she was getting more and more pregnant, Magnolia seemed to take longer to "do her business" as Jack called it. The vet , who had told them she was probably 3-4 weeks pregnant, told him that she was probably just following instinct and looking for a place that was safe for her babies to be born. She had suggested that they create a safe, dark place for her. Jack had built a small little cube off to the side, with the entrance pointed away from the action of the living room. She seemed to like it.

Back at the apartment, Mark had woken up and was making coffee.

"Sweetcakes. I thought I wouldn't get to say Good morning properly." Jack came up and kissed Mark on the lips, and got tongue back.

"EWWW. Morning breath." Jack teased. Mark looked at him. "Let's not talk about yours. Probably still smells of my cock."

"And there's something wrong with that? Listen, seriously, I told you while you were in dream land, but I'll be a little late each day this week. We've got a schedule for checking the radiators, but there's ALWAYS SOMETHING, and we really can't fall behind schedule." Jack was slipping into the protective gear they all wore for this work. Mark was thinking "FINALLY something that doesn't make him look hotter."

"So, should I expect you at 3? 4? Any idea?" "Not sure. House is dark tonight, right Mark?" "It is." Jack smiled. "I'm excited already." Mark laughed. He had never dated someone who so looked forward to sex.

Mark looked at his phone after Jack was on his way to the basement. There was a message from Jay.

"Hey Mark. Jay here. Got your message... What can I say other than I apologize. There was a lot going on Saturday, and I don't want to take up space on your phone. Gimme a call and I'll explain. Don't send the check back yet, ok? Maybe you'll change your mind?"

Hmmm. "Wonder what THAT's about" Mark thought out loud. He sat down at the table. Jamie and Cooper were at Cooper's house and weren't due back until late afternoon, so he could talk freely. He knew Jay started early so he made a call.

"This is Jay." "Mark here. Got your message . Happy Monday." "HEY MARK. Look, let me close the door. I don't want anyone to hear what I'm saying, least of all Brice." Now Mark was REALLY perplexed.

When Jay got back to the phone, he began. "First of all, again, my apologies. I did just about everything wrong that you could do wrong at that dinner. I'll explain it, but I won't justify it."

"Go ahead Jay, I'm listening."

"Well, first there was something going on between Brice and I. Friday was his night out with the ladies. He's supposed to be back by 2. Uh, he wasn't. It wasn't until about 6 when he came in. Then he got in bed, and another one of my rules: get the woman stench off himself before he got in bed with me? Didn't happen. Sooooo... I was pretty pissed. I let him sleep until about noon, and then we had it out. And after we were done..." He paused. "I FUCKED him. HARD. And then I fucked him with the 11 inch dildo. And he did NOT like that. Then I locked him in the smallest one of his cages. I was really, REALLY angry. "

"But you took it out on Jack," Mark added.

"It looks that way, I know, I'll explain "

Mark laughed "Jay, it didn't LOOK that way, it WAS that way."

Another pause. "Ok. The salmon. I know you told me that Jack doesn't like fish. I remembered that, but I know you like it. I like it. Brice HATES it. He says that eating salmon makes him think he's being fed like a zoo animal. Well..."

"I'm sorry Jay, I get that you were punishing Brice. Couldn't it wait one day?"

"It could have. But I was also made because he had told me about cruising Jack on the subway. You didn't tell me that."

"I didn't think I needed to. I'm not going to rat out your husband. And nothing happened."

"I get possessive Mark. For all of what I just told you, I love that man."

Mark was thinking "remember, love comes in different shapes and colors."

Then Jay took a deep breath. "I was doing something else, and this is more important Mark. I like Jack. I think you and he make a great couple. But let me ask you something: are you looking for a bottom, or a sub?"

"You know the answer to that, Jay. A sub who's ALSO a bottom."

"Mark, ask yourself this: do you REALLY treat Jack as a sub? Does he act like one? " Mark began to speak. "No, no. Don't tell me, it's really none of my business. But remember, Mark: I know you for a long, LONG time, and I want you to be happy. I really, REALLY do, because I know what it's like to be miserable. I just want you to think about what you want, because you clearly love Jack, and if you're content with a bottom, more power to you. If you want a sub, maybe you have to think about how much freedom you give that boi."

Mark paused for a minute. "Thank you. I'll think about what you've said. It's very useful to have your view on it. But I think you owe Jack an apology."

Now Jay paused. "You know, I'm not in the habit of apologizing to subs."

Mark caught himself before he yelled, and just spoke firmly. "You can apologize to Jack, IF he'll agree to talk to you. Or, I'll send back the check and we're done."

Jay laughed. "Geez. He DOES have you wrapped around his finger, doesn't he? Ok, if he wants to talk to me , I'll apologize. Let me know. Meanwhile, don't send back the check yet."

The phone went dead. Mark was glad to have the information from Jay about the background to Saturday. He'd share that with Jack. He wasn't sure how happy he was to have heard the rest. Jay's comments had given him reason to think. And he had started thinking. He had to put thinking about he and Jack on hold for a few minutes, though, because he had other calls to make.

First, an old friend of his from the D/s club had called. Tom was a truck driver, and he was in town for a few days. Tom had been in a relationship with a Professor from Yale, for years. "The odd couple" they'd call them, but they clearly loved each other. Then, last year, while Tom was on a cross country gig, his husband had a heart attack at his desk, and died. He was all of 29. Tom was dealing with it, but there was no question. He was lonely.

"Yo. Tom here. That Mark Man?" "HEY, you've still got my number. Welcome to New York bud." "Thanks. Good to be here. I was about to check the escorts to see who's around. I don't know why. I'm always disappointed. "

"Well, maybe Sunday brunch will make it a little easier?" Tom laughed "Brunch? They serve it to people like me? SURE, why the hell not. It'll be good to see you, but I wanna see that boyfriend of yours." "My fiance'" 'WHAT? When you sent me the picture, all you said was that you were dating." "Well, that was a while ago. Yup. Wedding in October." "HOLY SHIT. Love em and leave em Riley's getting hitched. Now I GOTTA meet him." "How's 1 o'clock sound?" "Sounds too late. 11:30?" Mark laughed. "Jack would've said the same thing." "Jack is my favorite person in the world. 11:30" "It's a date." Mark gave him the name of a restaurant. "Hey, Tom, no promises, but if I can get you a date, you interested?" Tom laughed. "if he's got a cute face , a tight ass, and he knows how to say "yes sir, bring him along."

"Well, I know about the face, and the yes sir. I don't know personally about the tight ass. But let's say he looks like he could be my Jack's little brother." "FUCK. You better bring that boy."

Then, Mark made another call, this time to Brian. "Hey Bri, Mark here." "Mark, hi. I hope I didn't screw something up with dance lessons. Did I?" "No, no, nothing like t hat. That's Jack's department. I have a question. It's ok to say no. A friend is in town, my friend Tom. I think you guys would hit it off. Interested in an EARLY Sunday brunch?" "How early? 1 o'clock?" Mark laughed "No, these aren't theater people, sweetie. Tom's a truck driver, and you know Jack. We're talking 11:30." "UGH. Send me a photo." "Hang on." Tom bore a more than passing resemblance to Jon, but he was bigger. "Top man?" Brian asked "100%." "I'll be there." Mark gave him the info. Now, he just had to "convince" Jack. That was where Jay's comments were coming in. He was done with his calls. And part of his mind had been thinking while he made those calls. He had some shopping to do."

Jack had divided the building into three sections, and he deliberately kept his own team away from his apartment. He didn't want to see Mark during work: he was concerned about how he might react. Things went well, though, and they were finishing up just about 3:30 - a little earlier than he had hoped. He texted Mark. "HEY. thirty minutes. Then I'll need some time to get cleaned up and walk her majesty. Then I'm all yours." He followed that with three emojis for the devil.

Mark answered with a spouting whale, and a message. "I'm home and I miss you. Can we talk for a bit when you come in and get your stuff done?"

The responding text "sure. Everything ok." "Everything fine. Just a check in conversation. Still on for a little afternoon fun. Hope you are." Jack sent back a string of spouting whales.

Just before Jack left to go to the apartment, he got a call from Jamie. "Jamie bird, what's up?" "Hey superjack. You still working?" "Just done. Long one today. Radiator checking. Every bloody apartment." "UGH. Listen, I wonder if I can ask for your help in something." "Jamie, you can ask for anything." "I may need Mark too. You know how Cooper can control me so easily?" "Yeah, he's almost as good at it as I was." "Hmmm. Maybe. Well, ok, I want to 'pay him back.' I'm not strong enough to do it, and neither is Mark, but you...." He laid out a plan and Jack was smiling. "You tell me when. It'll be fun. If Mark says I can play, I will too."

After the call he got upstairs, and Mark was there, sitting at the corner of the sofa. "Hey. " Mark gave his usual greeting. Jack smiled. "Lemme get the dog walked and then cleaned up, ok?" "I took care of the walk with Magnolia. I PROMISE I kept her on the leash. And she's resting over in her corner How's about you get a rinse , change, and let's talk." "Sounds good."

Jack went off to have one of his "hot ones." Normally, he'd through on a t shirt and some ratty jeans, but recently, Jamie had suggested he was so handsome, he should dress a little better, even around the house. He knew Mark liked him dressed up too, so he pulled out a blue buttondown, and some decent jeans. He got out clean socks, and when he went to get a pair of boxers... he didn't find any. All he found was a drawer of thongs. He shrugged his shoulders, slipped back into the old boxers, and got dressed. He didn't tuck the shirt, but he left two buttons opened - to invite Mark's hand down to a nip, and rolled up the sleeves.

"Hey, Mark. Something weird. I just went to get some clean shorts, and my underwear drawer is filled with thongs. No boxers. You know what's going on?" Mark smiled. "Come sit next to me sweetie. I'll explain. " Mark was thinking all the while. "GOD. He is always SO FUCKING HOT. " He needed to keep his pecker under control for this, but he wanted Jack, so badly at that moment, that when Jack sat down next to him, curled into his arm and moved Mark's hand to his left pec, Mark had to take a deep breath. He moved it and smiled.

"Not right away, love. I need to chat with you some first."

"Ok, that's cool. What's up?" Mark pulled Jack tighter to him. "First, kiss me. Kiss me like you mean it." Jack had no trouble with that.

Then he asked "Mark, did I do something wrong?" Mark laughed "no, no one did anything wrong. If anyone did anything wrong, it was me. " Jack grinned "Is this about the underwear? " "Well, in part, but not really." He sighed. "Jack, do you remember when I put my collar around your neck? Jack cracked a big smile. "I sure do. It's one of the happiest days of my life. " "Do you remember when you said 'I submit' "I do. It was tough, but I did. And I'm happy with that." "Well, I think I let you drift from it." "Huh? How? I'm sorry." "Well, do you remember our morning blow jobs." Jack shook his head. "Oh yeah, that was so neat. I wanted to do them during the week too, but you were sleeping." Mark played with Jack's hair. "We're gonna go back to them. Every day . Either morning or later. When we're done... I want one." "Ok." Mark looked at him. "Is that how a sub talks?" "Oh, I'm sorry. yes Sir. I see what you mean. " "in fact, sweetie.." He strummed Jack's nipple like he was playing a violin. "when we're together, I want you to use Sir. Not Jack. That's what a sub does." Jack paused. "Yes Sir." He felt his cock twitch, more from saying that, than the nip work.

"Now, those thongs. I bought them for you. I want you to wear them. No more boxers, just thongs." Mark could feel the resistance in Jack and he tightened his fingers on his nip. "But, Sir.. They're uncomfortable when I'm working. I'm serious. If you want me to wear them when I'm off shift, cool, but during shift." "Try it for a week." "Yes Sir." "Remember when you used to walk with your hands behind your back when we were out? All the time?" "I do Sir." "Why did we stop that?" "I just don't know. Sir. Maybe because we were holding hands, or I was holding Magnolia's leash, I don't know." "Well, we're gonna figure it out. But you're gonna do it again. " "Yes Sir." "Now, I KNOW you don't like getting shaved." "Sir, that's not true. I just don't like my pubes being shaved. I'm scared." "Superjack, have I ever hurt you when I did that?" "No Sir, you haven't. I'm still scared." "Know what Jack? You scare me every day." "I DO? Oh, I'm sorry. I DO SIR?" "Yes, you know how you scare me? You scare me because I think you're gonna dump me for someone else." Jack began to cry. "That's unfair Sir. That's really unfair. I won't lie and say I haven't looked at anyone, but I haven't wanted anyone but you since you showed up. " He paused, and then ...


"But you're not?" "No Sir, I'm not?" "Can I ask why not?" "Because I know I'm doing the best I can to make you happy. And if that's not good enough, well..." He began to cry and tried to hug Mark. "Don't leave me Mark. PLEASE. I'll do whatever you want. You know what I'm afraid of. Just... please... I'm so honored to be your sub. " He looked at Mark. "I'll wear the thongs, and I'll pay attention to what I call you and how I walk with you. But PLEASE. Don't make fun of my table manners. And don't let your friends make fun of me. "

Mark began massaging the back of Jack's neck. "By the way , Jay wants to call and apologize to you." Jack looked at him with big eyes. "HE DOES?" "UH HUH. Know what else? He told me the WHOLE story of what was going on that night. And I'm going to tell you. At dinner. Because I KNOW you told Jamie, because Cooper told me. And I'm gonna get it all out. But that's later. Right now... where's my blow job?"

"Yes sir. Right now..." Jack got down on his knees and opened Mark's jeans. He pulled out a hard, long cock, and he began to caress it with his tongue. Mark began to moan. "Don't bring me off, superjack. I wanna be hard to get in your sweet ass."

Jack heard, but kept up his work on Mark's balls, and his shaft. Then the cock head. "OH SHIT HE"S GOTTEN SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER AT THIS"

Mark was thinking. I better stop it or.... OH FUCK. OH FUCK I can't... " He moaned, loud, and then the jizz just started pouring into Jack's mouth.

'Swallow it. Swallow every drop." MMPH MMMPH MMMPH, was the best Jack could do with "yes sir." When he was finished, he licked Mark's cock as clean as he could. Mark eyed him. "I'm not done with you."

"No sir?" "No. You're too hot to leave like that. Get your hands behind you." "Yes sir. You gonna tie me up?" "You bet." "FUCK SIR. I was wanting that all day." "Well, you're gonna get it." He tied Jack's wrists, and pulled him into the bedroom, where he put him face down on the bed. He pulled his ankles up, and soon, had Jack hogtied.

"FUCK. We haven't done this in a long time. MMMPH. Mark stuffed one of the new thongs in Jack's mouth before taping it there.

"You better hope Jamie comes home soon, because here's what's gonna happen.." Mark began undoing Jack's sneakers. "I brought a couple of brushes back from the art department today, and I'm gonna tickle your feet every fifteen minutes until Jamie gets home and has the chance to do it. And in between that..." He rolled Jack on his side. "MMM. These nips need work." He began squeezing the left one, pulling the ring on the right one, until Jack began to moan, hard.

"Know what I like about tickling you superjack? You're still ticklish after you cum. So if you shoot while I'm doing this, I can still have my fun." He began running the brushes over Jack's feet. When he was done, he set a timer. "I'll be back in 15 minutes." And he was. And the tickling and nip work began again. The third time, Jack had this pleading look in his eyes, so Mark pulled off the gag.

"Please Sir, can you fuck me. PLEASE." Mark laughed. NOPE. Gonna have to wait for that. But perhaps...." He opened Jack's zipper and began to edge him. He'd alternate between edging, and tickling his feet.

"OH GOD. OH GOD SIR. I can't take it. I can't. Watch out Sir. PLEASE... " The jizz started pouring out of Jack, all over his jeans. When he was finished, Mark frenched him, before he regagged him, and rolled him on his side.

Mark came back every fifteen minutes, for four times, before Jamie came in. When he did, Mark invited him into the bedroom, and gave Jamie fifteen minutes with Jack's feet. Jamie alternated between the brushes, and his tongue. He whispered to Jack. "you are SO FUCKING HOT when you're tied up. I wish Mark would do it every day."

"If you'd like something other than feet, Jamie, dinner's ready." Cooper came to the door, smiling. "Well, now THAT's a pretty picture. Our favorite hunk , helpless. May I?" He came over and did a little tickling himself. That was the FIRST time he had ever participated in Jack's torture. Jamie knew: NOW, Jack would be committed to his plot to make Cooper helpless at least once.

Wheels, within wheels, within wheels.

Next: Chapter 44

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