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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 20, 2023


The day after they had "made up" was one where both Jack and Mark were doing some serious thinking. Jack had a busy week ahead, but he began thinking - hard - about this relationship. There was no question about it. Sex with Mark was transcendent, like he told him. He didn't think anyone could "get" him the way Mark did, and give him what he wanted - more when he wanted more, something different when he wanted less , and Mark was willing to participate in all his fantasies, and in fact seemed to enjoy them. But now, there had been two events with Mark's friends where he had felt humiliated, and hurt. Do you break up with a fiance' because his friends don't like you? Simplified, that's what Jack was thinking now.

Mark for his part, had different thoughts. He was surprised that Jack had shown such a good nature when that party was over. He was more surprised that Jack had defended himself so well against people whom he thought of as very smart, and also very cutting. The lack of any follow up call from Jay was evidence to Mark that yes, Jack had left marks. He smiled at that thought. Jay wasn't used to not getting what he wanted, and he wanted to put Jack in his place. Jack wasn't having it, just like he wasn't having Jay, period. THAT part made Mark smile, and reminded him of the other part of his thought process: Jack needed to learn, clearly, that in the bedroom, what Mark said was the rule. The tension about the pube shaving was something he had to defuse. His compromise by not fist fucking Jack, was as far as he was willing to go. Jack was going to have to learn that he needed to be an absolute bottom. He would need to think about that too.

So, Monday morning came, and the ritual of the weekend garbage recycling. Jack was down in his basement , getting things ready, when Felix came in.

"You, chief, you got a few minutes for me? In your office?" "Yeah, sure Feels, let's go." When they got into the office, Felix closed the door. Jack poured them coffee. "Chief, I got a call from Pete yesterday. They gave me my new building assignment." "HEY, CONGRATULATIONS. Moving up in the world. Where are they sending you?" Felix paused and needed to suppress a sob. "Jackman, they want to assign me here. Make me head super. They say you're leaving." "Oh, Feels, I'm sorry they got to you before I did. Yeah, it's true. See, Jamie and Coops offered me a job in their new company, doing house renovation. The money is just too good, and the hours here are killing me. I'm not as young as a stud like you And if this wedding goes through, well, I'd like to have a more regular schedule to spend with my husband. So I spoke to Pete after you passed the exams, made the recommendation, and I guess they listened to me." Felix looked serious "So you want me to take over the building?" Jack smiled. "You're ready. Yes." "HOLY SHIT. Two kids from the hood are gonna get your apartment?" "That's right." "DAMN Maybe I can move my mom in that second bedroom." He held out his hand "Chief, I feel like you've been my Dad, but not my Daddy. Can I fuckin give you a hug?" "You better, Feels." The embrace was deep and long. Then Jack spoke. "Hey, this all took me by surprise, so I gotta ask you something. Mark and I are planning our wedding. It may not happen but that's another matter, but anyway , if it does, would you be willing to stand for me, and be one of our best men?" "HUH? CHIEF, you want me to be your best man?" "Well, ONE of them. It's a long story, but we're gonna have three best men if you say yes: you, Jamie, and Cooper. You'll stand collectively for both of us." Felix smiled. "The only answer is YES, and damn it I gotta talk to Jamie , cause we are gonna make the mother of all bachelor parties. HELL YEAH. BRING ON THE STRIPPERS."

Jack just started to laugh. "Ok. This isn't official yet, because I haven't heard anything. So let's just get back to work as per usual. "

And so the day went on. At the end of it, when Jack returned to the apartment, he was greeted by the love sick Magnolia.

"HEY Pretty Lady.. How's my girl." Jack played with Magnolia and then he noticed... something. "You getting fat like me Magnolia?" He reached underneath her and stroked her belly. "Those titties getting bigger too... OH SHIT. Girlie, you got some puppies in you!"

He couldn't figure out how that had happened. He knew that Jamie and Mark both too her for walks occasionally, but ... He's have to ask when he came back because right now, Miss Magnolia needed her walk!

By the time he got back to the apartment with Magnolia, Mark and Jamie were both back home. They were at the table, Jamie was working on some spread sheets, and Mark had papers in front of him - looked like wedding planning - and he had a feeling they had chatted before he came in.

"Hey guys, I have to ask something. It's about Magnolia. They both looked up. "Is something wrong?" "Well, I don't think so, but... " He called to her. "Hey sweetness. Come to Daddy." Jack's voice always got Magnolia and she came running. A little rough housing with Jack, and she was on the floor, getting her belly petted. "Jamie, I know you've got some experience. Is this.."

"Jack-o, you're gonna be a daddy!" "I thought so. Now, I need to ask a question. No, more than one. First... didn't the agency tell you she had been spayed? And second: who let her loose?

It was an embarrassing question: yes, they HAD been told she had had the surgery, but clearly they had been lied to. Someone, however, had let her loose. There was silence and some heavy swallowing before Mark said. "Uh, I think it was me Jack. I let her loose in the park once, and she was gone for a while. Uh, I didn't think."

Jamie gave Jack a look. "No, of COURSE NOT.' "Of course not what?" Mark asked. "She's early enough that Jack could have the pups aborted, but he's not going to do that. "ARE YOU KIDDING? KILL MY BABIES? Not the little magnolias. No no no." He stroked her nose. "You're going to be a great mommy sweetie." He kissed her nose, and she licked him. "And grandpa Jack is gonna make sure you're well taken care of . "

He looked at them. "Then she gets spayed."

As he got off the floor, Mark called to him. "Hey, Jack, I've been looking over some of the wedding plan. Wanna come and see what my thoughts are?"

"Not right now Mark. I'm kinda filthy from the trash, and I'm tired. Gonna go and shower, maybe nap. See you guys later."

He disappeared into the bedroom, and closed the door. They heard the shower going.

"I don't really know what to do Jamie. He's clearly hurting from that dinner, and I don't know what to do" Jamie was more than a bit indignant. "It's not just the dinner, Mark. He could get through the dinner, that's not it. He feels like you betrayed him. You knew these people were gonna be assholes, but you insisted he go anyway. And to be honest, I think he's more upset about the way you acted at lunch that day with the silverware. The dinner just put him over the top."

Mark looked around, shaking his head "I really fucked this up." "Yeah, you did. Honestly, you may consider that I've thought about not speaking to you about it. Jack is my best friend in the world. He's been my big brother. And you hurt him. And YOU KNEW you were gonna hurt him, but you did it anyway. He just doesn't trust you."

"Jamie, I love that man. Do you have any ideas?" Jamie looked at him. "Let me ask you this. Do you love 'that man' or do you love having sex with that man?" Mark paused. "Well, both." "Ok. Let me ask you this: if God forbid, something happened, and Jack couldn't bottom anymore, would you still love him? Would you still marry him?" 'JAMIE. WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?" "Well, I think you just answered it. You love him. But now you have to figure out if you REALLY love him better than anything else, because that's what you told him, and he doesn't see it. He thinks you lied to him. He thinks he embarrasses you, and he thinks you're around because he puts out for you."

Mark put down his head, and shook it. "I've told you before that I think you're the wisest person I know Jamie. A wise ass, too, but a wise person. I think I know what I have to do." He went over to hug Jamie. "Thank you bird. Thank you so much."

Mark had met Jay and Brice through that club he had belonged to. He was still a member, but he hadn't gone, in how long? The play had taken up his time, and then when things with Jack went differently than he thought, he was spending more time doing other things. It was time to get in touch with some of those people. He closed his eyes and thought. What about that couple, Tim and John? Hmmmm.

When Jack came out of the shower, dressed, Mark was standing there.

"Jack now you listen... If we're still gonna get married, there's planning that has to get done. So you sit down, right next to me, and we start picking the things we want. CLEAR?"

It seemed to be what Jack wanted. One could see a small shake go through his body, and almost a little smile as he answered "Yes sir."

"And then when we're done, you're gonna get on that bed with me, and we are going to make love. MAYBE we'll have sex, but we are going to make love."

That afternoon, they picked dishes, glasses, table set ups, and a bunch of the minutiae that goes behind any wedding planning. "Outfits, Jack. What are we gonna wear?"

Jack smiled. "Well, I kinda had an idea on that. Jamie gave it to me. Think you could wear a bow tie, Mark?" "Not as well as you, but I could." Jack showed him tabbed photos from a magazine: sort of "southern:" white shirts, bright bow ties, blue jackets, pastel pants - and straw hats. "I think I really love it." He smiled at Jack. You want to do this kind of look?" "Yeah, just us. Wedding party wears what they want. We tell them where we're going with the outfits, and then let everyone else go." Mark laughed. "Works for me." "I have another question. See what you think about this, Mark. We're going to have to do our first dance. I can't dance, you can't dance, but you know who can dance?" Mark paused for a minute, then he smiled. BRIAN! "Exactly. I haven't forgotten about him, and I have a second thought that I can't share, but I wonder if you'd be up to hiring him as a dance teacher." Mark paused. He had another thought, and he was gonna get there. He brushed Jack's hair out of his face. "You never stop thinking about other people do you?" He smiled and looked at Jack. He moved his fingers down to Jack's lips, and outlined them with his index finger. Mark's voice was low as he whispered. "These are so soft. And so sweet." He got closer and kissed Jack, lip to lip, just lip to lip. Again. Then he moved his kisses to Jack's neck and Jack began to breathe harder. "OH, that feels good Mark. That REALLY feels good." Mark stopped, and he stared at Jack so hard, he began to be uncomfortable. He smiled as he squeezed Jack's hand.

"I promise NEVER to put you into the kind of position I did with Jay and Brice again. EVER. I love you too much for that, Jack Robson." He put his hand behind Jack's head, on his neck, and pushed his head forward for more kissing. Little by little, he put Jack on his back on the bed, but he kept on kissing. He smiled at his fiance', and began slowly, gently, rubbing his little goatee against his ear.

"OH YES MARK. OH YES. I remember the first time you did that." "Still feel as good." "Better Mark. Better. Much better." Mark slipped his tongue into Jack's ear. "OH GOD. OH MMMMM." Jack began to squirm a little and Mark held him. "Can I undress you, sweet man?" "Yes." Mark pulled Jack's t shirt off him, then he went down to the foot of the bed, and slowly took off Jack's socks, before undoing his belt buckle, and stopping to kiss his torso every now and then. When he got Jack's pants off, he held up his cock. "So gorgeous. So, so gorgeous. " He stopped to get his own clothes off, and when Jack saw Mark's cock, he whispered "I want it. I want it in me." Mark grinned "patience my stud. Patience." He ran his finger around Jack's hole, and Jack begin to moan louder. Mark had a free hand, and he took Jack's left nip in that one. He ran rings around Jack's hole, while he squeezed the nip.

"GEEZ. I think I'm gonna die, Mark. I think I'm gonna die." "No, you're not. You're gonna take your ankles, young man. And you're gonna hold them in place." Jack started to cry a little. "That's what you told me the first time." "It is. I want you like the first time.. " Mark had covered his cock, and now, he pointed the tip at Jack's hole, and held there. Jack knew it was at the entrance, but Mark wasn't doing anything, and it was driving him crazy.

"PLEASE SIR. Please. IN ME. IN ME DEEP." Mark laughed. First...." He bent down and shoved his tongue down Jack's throat. He kept it there, finding spots only he knew were sensitive. Then he licked each nipple, tugging on the ring and making Jack moan even more. All the while, Jack was trying to push his butt onto Mark's dick, and Mark just kept slyly moving it back.

He pushed his cock in just a bit, and Jack gasped. "OH SHIT. THAT'S INTENSE MARK. THAT'S INTENSE." "Really? Then how's this? " He pushed some more. "OOOOOOH. OH GOD. I don't remember it feeling this good." "First time's tough stud. But now, you're a pro. You can take it all." Mark slid all the way in, and didn't move. He just held it. Jack, on the other hand, twisted, and moaned, as Mark now took both nips in his hands, and played them. "Very soon, you're gonna pledge yourself to me. I can't tell you how honored I am.." He moved his lips to Jack's neck and he whispered "And I can't tell you how much I want to just SAVAGE you. And I will . Just not today." Then he began to slide his cock back and forth almost in slow motion.

"MARK YOU ARE DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY.." Mark laughed. "Good. I want you wanting more and more, and more." He slid out further and then took a deep breath and pushed in , hard. "FUUUUUUUCK" came out of Jack. "FUUUUUUUCK" Mark increased the pace of the pushing. "OH GOD. You're gonna make me hold your cock in me forever, stud."


When Jack did, the cum just started pouring out of Mark, He screamed in pleasure. "OH GEEZ. I FEEL SORRY FOR EVERYONE WHO DIDN'T GET YOU." He stroked Jack's balls and that was enough for Jack. He just let go with a huge squirt that nearly caught Mark's eye. Mark grabbed him while he was cumming, holding him close.

"I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you ever again, Jack man. NEVER. Even superjack needs a hero."

Jack looked at him. "You know, that's the first time you ever said that." "I know. I'm way too late. But I mean it. No more pain for my babe. NOTHING." Jack smiled. "Your babe. I like that. I may need to get a new hat. " "What I think we both need is a new shower. Then we're gonna talk some more. And next time, babe, it ain't gonna be making love. We are gonna have out and out SEX."

After they showered , and got dressed in fresh clothes, Jack pulled out his phone. He had some calls to make. First to Brian.

"Hey, Bri bri. Batjack here." Mark could hear Brian's higher pitched voice coming out of the phone. "Everything's cool. I haven't seen you in a while, and I wonder if you want to come over and see our pregnant Magnolia." More higher pitched sound. "Yup. And I have no idea. She's a slut like all of us. " After the laughing. "But seriously, I wonder: Mark and I need to decide on a dance for our wedding, and that means, we have to LEARN a dance for our wedding. You up for being our teacher? Tell me your rate." There was more noise and Jack saying "ABSOLUTELY NOT BRIAN. You'll be working. You'll be working hard, because I'm dense. You charge your rate. And you better charge a REAL one, because I'll check." There was a laugh. OK, so we'll schedule the first lesson for sometime next week? GREAT. Just keep your hands off my husband to be's ass."

After that call, he made another one. This was to Laurie. "Hey Mrs. Moloney, Jack here." "JACK. MY GOODNESS I thought you forgot about me." "Nope, Laurie, nope. Just a lot happening, and I didn't want to disturb you." "JACK. You never disturb me." "Oh, that's sweet Laurie. Hey , you know, I haven't seen you bringing your magazines to the basement in a while.' She laughed. "Well, I have been under the weather Jack, so the man next door has been bringing them down. I'm afraid what Rory said has happened. I'm getting old." No ma'am. You're getting OLDER. Like the rest of us." "Oh, that's sweet Jack. But seriously, I can't do the things I used to, and everything takes longer. "LAURIE. Why didn't you call me?" She laughed "Can you believe that I was embarrassed, Jack? " He paused "Yeah, I can. I'd be the same way. Hey, I have an idea. I have a friend who's gonna be giving Mark and I dancing lessons. Can I introduce you? Maybe you'll hit it off and he can help you." "Dancing lessons? OH, OF COURSE. Your wedding. Oh, I'm SO glad that you're going to go traditional. Now I have a favor. Can I come to the first lesson? I mean, I was no professional, but I know a bit about dancing from my days teaching non dance at the academy." "You know, Laurie, that sounds great." He turned to Mark who gave him the high sign. "Yeah, you can meet Brian, and maybe, just maybe." "That sounds great. Let me know when he's coming." "And by the way Laurie, whether you like it or not, I'm coming by now every day to make sure things are ok." "Somehow, I knew you'd say that." "OH, can I bring Felix too? We have some news for you." "FELIX. Goodness. He sent me this beautiful bunch of flowers after he passed his exam, and then I didn't hear from him. Yes, please do." "Ok, Laurie. I know you're probably reading something difficult, so don't let me keep you." "Jack, I miss our hamburger nights." "Me too Laurie. Can we do them again?" "YES. Tell your husband to be you have a date with a woman..." Jack laughed. "He'll love it. Make him jealous." "You take care Jack. Oh, I'm sorry. Superjack."

While Jack was making his calls, he wasn't aware that Mark had made a call to Jay. He didn't find him but he left a message. "Give me a call Jay. I didn't thank you for your check, but I don't think I can accept it."

Next: Chapter 43

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