Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 16, 2023


Jack woke up, his head on Mark's chest, Mark's right arm encircling his shoulders, holding him there. It was one of Jack's favorite positions, especially when he could see the slight smile on Mark's face. "I'm not sleeping handsome. I've just been waiting for you to wake up so I can kiss you." "I'm awake sir..." A bigger smile from Mark, a tighter hug and then a kiss. "MMMM. That first kiss in the morning, well.. " Mark flipped Jack on his back and growled, as he pinned him down. "Makes me even hornier than usual." Jack giggled and play struggled under Mark. He knew he could flip him off with no trouble, and so did Mark. Until Mark pushed his morning scruff onto Jack's neck. "UH. . OH OH YES..." Jack began to feel his strength ebb out of him. How many ways did this man know to make him just totally helpless.? His nips, his neck, the tickling. What else?" Mark stopped for a minute, but he kept Jack pinned down. He grinned. "You struggle, I'm going back there" "Fine with me Sir." Jack thrashed, and Mark did just what he said he was going to do, until Jack began to moan. "Ok, Ok. You win. I won't fight. " Mark looked at Jack directly, and then he pulled Jack's hands up over his head. Jack could feel a rope going around them. "Hey. What's going on, topman?" As Mark finished the tying, he stroked Jack's torso. "It's been about a month since you got shaved. I think it's time for a new one." "If you say so Sir. Just not the pubes. PLEASE." Mark grabbed a roll of tape and soon had a strip across Jack's mouth, gagging him. "Remember when we had that talk last time?" Jack shook his head yes. "You remember when I told you that sometimes, as your Dom, I was gonna make you do things you didn't like?" Jack hesitated, but shook his head yes again. "Well, I like your pubes shaved, jackboi, so..." He reached over and got out the shaving tools.

"Jackboi" Jack was thinking. Mark didn't use that term. He called BRICE "Briceboi," and tonight was the dinner. Was he shaving him for their hosts? Mark pulled on Jack's tit ring to calm him down, before he got to work. "You make SUCH a sweet looking smooth boi Jack. OH GOD. I should shave you every week." "Jack knew how sharp the razor was, so he kept as still as possible, as Mark took away the one month stubble. It was harder with shaving his pits, because it was so ticklish. Mark moved down to his pubes. Jack wanted to fight this, but the blade, right there... OH GOD. It was a little scary. He tried to focus on how much Mark's cock was growing. He wanted it . He closed his eyes, and thought about Mark splitting his ass... He began to get hard, and Mark crooned. "Looks like you like this," Jack shook his head no, but Mark just laughed. "Almost done, stud. Then, a little fun."

He got a wet cloth and washed Jack down. "GOD, do you look sharp." Mark hadn't taken the gag off , so Jack couldn't say anything. He was still tied down, nice and tight, as Mark spread his legs. "I'm assuming you want some sausage before breakfast jackboi."

THERE IT WAS AGAIN. He didn't like that nickname. What was it about?"

Mark began to finger Jack's hole, running circles around it, and running that same finger up and down his balls. "Who's my studbottom? Who's gonna take my big, swollen cock this morning? Hmmmm? Gonna be this stud? You want it studman?"

Jack shook his head eagerly. "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH."

"Well, I think you're gonna get it. " A little lube on the wrapper, and Mark was sliding in, taking Jack easily. "MMMMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH." Jack was trying to say it felt SO good, but Mark was busily working on his nips at the same time.

"Let's see if I can stretch out and get your neck too.." Mark lay on top of his sub, and he did, in fact, reach Jack's neck. So he was scruffing his neck, working his nips, and pushing deeper and deeper into Jack, who could just moan, and squirm.

Mark looked at him. He tugged on his neck chain, gently. "You're mine. Don't ever forget that..." Then he wailed, and jizz started pouring out of him. He grabbed Jack's balls and squeezed, and Jack followed with a huge load, and a scream that almost tore off the gag.

When they were done, Mark did rip off the tape, taking some of Jack's beard with it. "Sorry about that studboi. You know, fucking you when you're tied and gagged is SO FUCKING HOT. I need to do it more."

Jack was still tied down. "Can I ask you something Mark? I know we had the talk, but why do you need to shave my pubes? I HATE IT." Mark smiled, and stroked Jack's chest. "But I love it. Submission means submission, studmuffin." He pulled the chain again. "Think of it as a trade."

"A trade? For what? " "I don't fist fuck you, even though I wanna." "MARK, I told you. You're outta here if you ever try that." "I know babe, I know. It was the wrong comparison. I'm sorry. I'm nervous about tonight. " "Why are you so nervous?"

"Let me untie you. I'll tell you a little bit."

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The ropes went off, and Jack insisted on a shower first. Mark followed, and when they were dried off, and had some clothes on, Mark told the story.

"You know, when I first came to NY, I didn't know anyone. So I went to the sex clubs: the ones that cater to Doms and subs. I met Jay there. He and Brice were already together, and it was a wild situation. Brice hadn't really been subdued yet, and it was HOT watching the training."

"How long have they been together?" "Oh, probably 20 years or so. " Mark laughed. "You know, this simplifies the story, but Jay literally kidnapped Brice." "WHAT?" "Oh yeah. Brice had gotten him fired for being gay, and then he tried to apologize. He took Jay out for drinks, Jay drugged him, took him to his country house, and the rest, as they say , is history."

"So, how did you meet them?" "Well, they were regulars at the club. I had been a Dom forever, but being a Dom in NY is different. Jay kinda took me under my wings. He found me subs, showed me where to shop for stuff, and when the play was getting started, and we needed legal representation, well, he and Brice are lawyers, and they did it for free." He paused. "Then they donated 50k to getting the play started."

"So they're loaded." "They are, but I have to be honest... They're a little strange. You saw that with Brice. He's so defeated by Jay it isn't funny. It does suit him: he's clearly happy, but the things Jay makes him do. Also... , PLEASE JACK. PLEASE. Follow my lead tonight. Jay is VERY rigorous about his rules: you can't talk to him unless he talks to you first and you have permission to speak. You can speak to Brice all you want. TRY it Jack - PLEASE. These people are important to me."

Jack paused "Are they more important to you than I am." Mark gave him a look. "That's ridiculous. You're the most important person in my life." "Then don't let them insult me. Better yet, how about letting me not go to this thing." Mark paused. "I should have told you this, I'm sorry. They're thinking of investing in the new play. They invited me to dinner to talk about it. Then I said, foolishly, is Jack invited? Well, one thing led to another, and this is very contingent on their meeting you and approving of you.

Jack spoke slowly. 'APPROVING of me. This sounds like that first party where we almost broke up."

"I know. I know. PLEASE. Just three hours. It's going to be awful, I know. Just 3 hours. "

Jack wasn't happy but he sighed. "You WILL owe me for this Mark Riley. BIG TIME"

Magnolia was VERY glad to see them leave the bedroom, and she ran over to Jack. "HEY GIRLIE GIRL." He began raspberrying her nose. "WHO NEEDS A WALK? JACK O DOES. DO YOU MAGNOLIA?" Jack had trained her to get her leash , and she trotted off then came back. "OK, lady needs her toilette. Jamie, you wanna walk?" The two guys had been friends so long, Jamie knew that this meant Jack needed some help. "Sure, lemme slip on my shoes." Off they went.

"So, what happened this morning, Jack-o. You guys were pretty quiet." "Well, that's because Mark gagged me before we had sex. " "Sounds hot. And you had sex. So what's going on?" "Well, Jamie, he shaved me again." "Down to your pubes?" "Yup, down to my pubes. I HATE that.' Jamie squeezed Jack's arm, while Magnolia pulled ahead on the other one. "Well, Jackie, you're not gonna like the answer I give you, but it's sincere. Mark has been pretty darn righteous about your fantasies, and your needs, hasn't he?" "Hell, yeah. I can't complain about that." "And you DID tell him you wanted to be his sub." "I did Jamie, but..." "Well, to be honest, stud, if you're his sub, you're getting away with a lot. So if he wants to shave your pubes, once in a while, I'd say get used to it. It probably gets him hotter for you than he already is." "OH GOD JAMIE. The sex was SO good." Someone walked by and heard , and whispered "Braggart." "I'm serious Jack. From what I know from Coops - he knows these guys - you're gonna see some REALLY serious Dom/sub stuff, and you're not gonna like it. From what he told me, you're gonna be miserable. So if your choices are their relationship, or yours, I'd put up with a little shaving every now and then." Jack sighed. "I guess you're right. I KNOW he wants to fist me, and I said no. He respects that. " "You know, as your Dom, he doesn't have to. " Jamie squeezed Jack's arm harder. "Look. You've told me he makes you happy just about all the time, and he's the one for you. Well, if he is.... " "I get ya Jamie. I'll try. I just hate feeling like I'm ten years old again."

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When they got back home, Cooper had come in . He had gone out to the Amsterdam Avenue house, and he brought lunch back. He knew everyone's favorite sandwich or salad in the case of Mark, and he put them out. Next to hamburgers, Jack's favorite food was meatball heroes, and yeah, here was one, right in front of him. Smelled good, hot, and he hadn't had breakfast other than coffee.

"COOPS, you're my hero today. You've out batjacked batjack." Cooper smiled. "If all it takes is a meatball hero, we offered you too much money for the job."

"OH, that's right. I forgot in the middle of everything. They're supposed to make a decision on Felix on Monday. I should be able to tell y'all then. " He bit into his sandwich, and the soft bread collapsed and spilled everything all over the plate. A little got on his t shirt too, and Jack started laughing. So did Cooper and Jamie. Not Mark. He made a weak smile, got up and came back with a knife and fork. "Here you are Jack-o. "

The laughing stopped. Jack put down the sandwich. "Cooper, I appreciate the lunch , but I'm not hungry anymore. Would it be alright with you if I shared it with Magnolia?"

Cooper looked at Mark, and then at Jack. "Of course. Just so she doesn't get used to it. " Then he paused. "Mark, can I talk to you for a minute, privately?" Mark looked stunned as Cooper started walking to the bedroom he shared with Jack. Jamie and Jack heard the door slam. That's when Jack burst into tears.

"I embarrass him. I knew it. I tried Jamie bird. I TRIED over all these months to make a good partner, to make him happy, to not make him feel foolish with me. I failed." Jamie was hugging him. "Jack, stop apologizing. YOU did nothing wrong. Those sandwiches are messy, and he's seen you eat them all the time. He's being a fucking asshole. Don't worry, Cooper is going to take care of him right now.

Indeed, Cooper was. Neither Jack nor Jamie heard any words, but they heard the volume. 'WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST DO, AND WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Mark tried to defend himself. "Cooper, we're going to a slightly formal dinner tonight, and.." 'AND YOU DON'T WANT YOUR FRIENDS TO THINK YOU'RE GOING OUT WITH A MAN NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR YOU? KNOW WHAT YOU STUPID FUCKING SHIT? YOU'RE NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR HIM. HOW DARE YOU? Is he a six year old? Maybe he is, because only a six year old would adore you they way he does. "

"Cooper, this dinner is important. I mean I..." "You what, Mark? And you better speak up because if I'm this mad, you'd better believe Jamie's 3 times as mad" "Cooper, you know they're donors. If we don't make a good impression" "So you're advertising Jack so you can get a check? That's pimping Mark. You know that, don't you?" "I just want them to be proud of who I'm dating." Cooper grimaced. "They won't be. They're going to insult him, they're going to make fun of him, and know what? HE KNOWS IT BUT HE'S GOING ANYWAY BECAUSE HE LOVES YOU THAT MUCH." "I have something to say." Cooper hadn't noticed Jack coming up behind him, and Mark really hadn't seen. Neither of them had ever seen that look in Jack's face. He had his engagement ring in his hand, not on his finger. "First of all, Cooper, thank you for speaking up for me. Sometimes I need that." "Second of all, Mark, I apologize for having embarrassed you over all these months. I had no idea, and if I did, I would have done something to try to fix it. Laurie has great table manners, and she's shown me how to do certain things in restaurants I didn't know how to do. I would have gone to her, or to someone, or watched videos, or asked Coop and Jamie. Something. The last thing I want to do is embarrass you." "But what you just did... what you just did... Know what it reminded me of? It reminded me of that day, so long ago, when you smacked me and knocked me on the floor. You can't do that anymore, I'm too big, and I'm too strong. So you did it another way. And when we started, I told you if you ever tried to treat me that way, it was over. Well... " He held out the ring. "I'm giving this back to you. You don't want a husband, you don't want a lover. You want a pet monkey. I'm not it. Please take this from me. I don't want to damage the material by throwing it, but it's probably better that you find a Brian, or someone more like you and your friends than me."

Not a tear went down Jack's face. He held out the ring, and when Mark did nothing, he said "Fine. I don't want to embarrass you one more time, and of course, to go to this party without your sub, would be a total embarrassment - you might not even get your check. So this is what I'll do. I'll wear this ring, and I'll go to this party. When we come home, you'll pack up, and you'll GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE. " He paused. "I'm perfectly happy eating my sandwiches like a slob, and jerking off. I wanted you, I don't need you. " He paused again . "I have had a wonderful time with you, and I love being your sub. I will NOT be your trained pet. You can sleep on the sofa tonight, tomorrow, you leave."

Mark put his head in his hands. "I am SO SORRY Jack. I didn't think that through and... FUCK I'M GOING TO LOSE THE BEST THING I EVER HAD." Jack looked at him. "Mark, you never really think do you? You react. " He laughed. "From what little I remember from school, was being taught that primitive, uneducated beings react, higher life forms think. And I've been called how many terms? A simpleton. An idiot. A dummy. I know them all. I thought you had a different view. Stupid me." He paused again. "Do you want me to go that party with you tonight, or not?"

Mark was sobbing. "Yes, but not because of the money, Jack. I am so proud to be with you - I wanted to show you off." "Is that why you shaved me today, Jack? Of all days? To show that you could?" Mark's voice was low "yes." Jack laughed. "You know, I would've gone along with it. Even the damn pube shaving. Jamie was right. I gave up my right to say no to that when I took this." He pointed to his chain necklace. "That wasn't enough for you, was it? And if it's not, I guess nothing I do ever will be enough." Another big sigh. "Ok, let's hope this will be the last sucky party I have to go to in my life. It WILL be the last one I go to with you. Now guys, get out of MY bedroom. I need a nap before tonight."

They returned to the dining room, where Jamie was waiting. Cooper shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't think I can fix this. " Jamie looked at Mark. "You know, you're an asshole. A TRUE asshole. That man was willing to let one of your 'friends' burn him to protect your play, and you do something as FUCKING ASSHOLE STUPID AS THAT. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Mark shook his head. "I don't know . I want to fix this. What can I do?" Jamie looked at him, with beady concentration. "Your friends are gonna make fun of him. They're gonna insult him. You DAMN WELL better show him he matters to you more than they do, because I SWEAR Mark, he'll walk out of that party, and it won't be pretty."

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After his nap, Jack "made pretty" as he called it, and got dressed in the outfit they had planned. When he looked in the mirror, he knew why Mark had shaved him: the fabric was sheer enough to see through , and now, you could see that he was smooth. You could see his ring, too. Just before he walked into the living room, he put the engagement ring back on. "one last time," he thought, and began to cry. He cleaned his eyes before he walked out, with the armband in his hand.

"I'm going to need some help with this. I can't attach it . I'm not flexible enough. Another one of my faults." Mark got up, looking at him. "OH GOD. You are the handsomest man in the universe." "And you're not. And you better get dressed for this too. But are you going to put this on me, or will I ask Jamie? It's up to you. "Please. I will. If you'll let me." He tossed it to Mark who fumbled with it, and Jack laughed. "You freaking intellectuals who know a grapefruit spoon from a teaspoon can't even catch a simple toy. " He shook his head.

Mark put on a pair of jeans and a set of leather chaps. Then he put on a dark red shirt, and a leather black tie. Jack was thinking "he's an asshole, but God, he's a fine looking man. "Hey, can we take a selfie." Mark asked. "Only if you don't want me to fake a smile." was Jack's answer."

"I'll do the pictures. One minute." Jamie grabbed the phone and snapped a bunch. "You two DO look great. "

Then they were off.

It was still light enough to walk across the park. Jack had his hands thrust in his pockets, but he said to Mark. "I remember my lessons. Don't worry."

Mark looked grim. "Jack, can I put my arm around you? PLEASE? Jack sighed. "Yeah, sure. Maybe I'll feel safe." In fact , he did. Mark was the monster he knew. He didn't know what he was getting into.

"Just so you know, superjack, neither of these guys cook. The food's going to come out of the kitchen, but it was ordered in. There may be this guy, Al, serving. Al was a bottom for Jay in his hey day. He had two: Brice and Al. Al's now owned by a guy who owns a leather store, but he comes over to help out.

"Probably splits his legs when Brice is chasing women," Jack added. Mark held him tighter.

Jay and Brice lived in an apartment with a private elevator. After the concierge let them in, they went up to the 34th floor. It opened into a foyer, where Jay and Brice were waiting for them. As they passed the 32nd floor , Jack took a deep breath and put his hands behind his back, and lowered his eyes to the floor.

"Right on time. So unlike a director. " Jay embraced Mark. "It's been a long time, hasn't it?" "Yes, Master Jay. Probably a year." Jay laughed. "We two can drop the Master thing tonight. " Brice was at his side, in the same position Jack was, in a pair of tight black pants and a blue oxford shirt.

"You must be jackboi. I'm Master Jay. I understand you've already met briceboy." Jack didn't look up. Mark addressed him. "you can speak, Jack." "Yes sir. I'm Jack. Thank you for inviting me to this party. Brice it's nice to see you again."

"Raise your head jackboi. Let me see your eyes. " Jack did. "Oh, you were right, Mark. They ARE beautiful eyes. And those lips. He smiled and looked at Jack. "You must give a wonderful blow job, huh jackboi?" Mark was a bit petrified, but Jack answered "I'm not the one who can answer that Master Jay, but I don't recall any complaints ."

"Mark , why don't we go inside and get settled? I'll have Al bring drinks. Briceboi, show jackboi the playroom. I want him to see what a REAL one looks like. Then come back.

"Yes sir." Brice turned to Jack. "This way. "

The playroom was probably 50% bigger than Jack's bedroom. There was a large table in the middle, at least three bondage chairs, and walls of toys , most of which he had never seen before.

"Most of these are whips, and dildos. Master Jay likes punishment. Depending on what I've done, a different whip comes out. And these... He went to the wall. "These are my cock cages. They're different sizes for Master Jay's mood. I'm in a tight one now, so I'm glad tomorrow is release day."

"This is all amazing. You've begin together for..." '21 years since Master Jay snared me and tamed me. I've been his bitch since then." Brice looked at Jack. "Your pants are tight. But I don't see the outline of a cage."

"No , we don't use one." Brice visibly whitened. Oh, this is not going to go well with Master Jay. He told Mark that was rule number 1. He even had him lock me up a few times.

"Is that right? I had no idea." Brice laughed. "The three of us go back a long, long time."

They went into the parlor, where Jay and Mark were sitting, opposite each other, and Jack noticed there were no other seats. He saw Brice take a position at the left of Jay's seat, where Jay immediately put a collar on him. Jack was confused, but when he saw Mark spread open his legs he sat down in the space. Mark locked his legs over him, like he did on the sofa, and then he put his hands on Jack's shoulders. Jay told Brice to pour Jack and himself a drink. He wasn't asked what he wanted, but was served what Mark was drinking.

"SO, jackboi, " Jay began. "Tell me what you do?" "I'm a building superintendent, Master Jay." Jay began to laugh. A high pitched cackle. "MARK. You didn't tell me you were dating a janitor! How downscale!" "So this is what it's going to be like" Jack thought. "Thank God I'm getting out of it." "No, Jay, that's not what I told you. I told you I'm engaged to a building superintendent. One of the best in NY. He's actually just been named an instructor at their training school" "It just shocks me that people need to be taught how to use a plunger. Doesn't that shock you, jackboi?" "Do you know how to use one, Master Jay? Because if you don't, I could show you this evening." Brice had to turn away, because he was beginning to laugh, and Mark was thinking "I am so proud of this man." Jay made a face. "What I meant, was that people who don't have means, should really know how to do that. People like myself, on the other hand, well, we pay people like you to do it." Jack felt Mark's hand tighten on his shoulder. "So , Brice tells me you don't cage your boy, Mark." "That's right." "Can I ask why?" "Because I trust jack enough so that if I tell him not to play with himself, he won't." Jack looked up at Mark. "you want to speak? Go ahead. "Well, also Master Jay, Master Mark keeps me so well drained that I never have a need. " That answer seemed to nonplus both Jay and Brice, albeit for different reasons.

"Well, all I can say is that I would NEVER dream of having a sub without caging him. But that's my opinion." He looked at Jack and smiled. "AH. At least you're ringed. That's a start.. "

A handsome white haired man with a beard came to the door. "Please excuse me Sir, but I've plated the dinner."

"This way, please. We're being informal tonight, so we have the bottoms sitting at the table with the Tops."

Dinner was fine for Jack, through the appetizers. Then when the main course came out: it was fish.

Mark looked at Jay. "Jay, I think there's been a mistake. I thought I told you that Jack didn't care for fish."

"Oh, there's been no mistake Mark . You did tell me, but I felt like having fish tonight, and I know you like it."

Jack looked at Mark, for permission to speak "It smells delicious, Master Jay. I'm sure my feelings about fish have more to do with the preparation than anything else.' Then he looked at Brice. "I may have heard along the way that you're not adverse to a little fish every now and then."

Now, Mark had to turn away. That remark may have cost him an investment, but it was worth it. Especially as he went on. "I guess if you like it, once a week is fine."

Jay looked like he was going to explode, and Brice looked like he was going to be in trouble.

As they ate their salmon, Jack watched how Jay used his cutlery, and he followed precisely, only he took smaller amounts so he didn't spill anything.

"Do you want to use the playroom with your boy, Mark? It's free to you, if you like." Mark draped his arm around Jack. "Much as that's tempting Jay, I'm afraid that I injured myself today, and really can't use any of the equipment.

'AND SUCH A PITY. Briceboi had told me that jackboi has a fine ass, and he does. I would have loved to see it in action." When Jack looked at Mark to speak, Mark said no, but Jack spoke anyway.

"If you would like Master Jay, either you or even Briceboi can certainly play with my ass. No cocks. Just toys."

Brice dropped his fork, and Jay stopped eating. He paused. "I think we will pass tonight. And perhaps Al can bring dessert."

And so it went. At around 11, they were getting ready to go. "Briceboi, please show Jack to the door. I will need a few minutes with Mark." Jay smiled. "I do hope we'll get to see you again, jackboi. And maybe even take you up on your offer.

This time, Mark intervened. "Well, that would be difficult, because we're marrying in October, and once that happens... sorry Jay, but I'm a traditionalist about marriage."

Mark joined Jack about 5 minutes later. He whispered "Let's get out of this hellhole NOW." In the elevator, he looked at Jack. "Please? If I say I'm sorry 100 times, can I kiss you? PLEASE?

"You can say it once. And say it again every time you do." Mark whispered. "I don't EVER want to be like that. EVER." Jack smiled. "you won't be. I'll kill you first."

Mark looked puzzled. "you know, you do some really thoughtless, shitty things sometimes Mr. Riley, and then sometimes, you get it right. Your hands on my shoulders, without trying to show off what you can do to my tits, and then defending me when he called me the janitor you were dating. You couldn't have planned that. Yes, I AM your fiance.. BUT... " He looked at Mark. "I know you don't know much about baseball, but you do know 'three strikes and you're out? Well, this afternoon was your second one. I'm just warning."

As they left the building, Mark called for a cab. "Can't we walk in the moonlight, Mark? I love the moon." Mark smiled. "I love that idea. It'll give us more time to make fun of them too." "OH GOD MARK. How do they live? I mean, I know, it's another generation, but.. well, how many cock cages do you need?" Mark stopped because he was laughing so hard. "Know what, Jack Robson? I love you so much... I keep on thinking how awful their sex life must be, and how wonderful ours is." Then he stopped and laughed again. "When you mentioned how you knew Brice liked fish every now and then... I thought I was gonna pee my chaps."

"That was inspired wasn't it? They had it coming when they pretty much admitted they didn't care what I liked to eat." "We're not going back there Jack. I promise. I may, but you won't." "OH, I'll go back. I'm just not doing this Master Jay shit or putting my eyes down. " Mark looked at him. "Will you call me Master Mark tonight?" Jack looked back. "if that's what my Topman wants, yes sir."

They hurried back to the apartment. Jamie and Cooper had gone out. They left a note. "Hey guys. Hope you survived. We went to a party and we'll be in late. Behave."

Jack looked at Mark. "Know what my favorite part of the evening was? Having your legs trap me . I kept on wishing that you'd slip your hand down my shirt. " "Well, if you'll give me a chance to pour two real drinks, that can be arranged."

Jack sat on the sofa, and made a space for Jack to fit in between his legs, just like at the party. He locked his legs around his boy, and then he did slip a hand down his shirt.

"MMMM. That feels so good. Giving control to you is... oh... geez." Jack was melting into Mark, leaning back into his crotch. "I could turn around and blow you, Sir." Mark tightened his grip on Jack's nip. "Or, you could get on your back and take my cock up what Jay called your beautiful ass. "

"Can I ask for something Sir?" "I can't say yes if you don't ask." "More scruff tonight? Please."

In ten minutes, Jack was naked, on the bed, Mark on top of him. He had Jack's wrists pinned down, and he had spent about ten minutes kissing him, thrusting his tongue in and out, and nibbling Jack's nips, before finally, he gave Jack the scruff he wanted. By then, Jack was bucking like a wild horse. "OH PLEASE. GIVE ME WHAT I WANT SIR. GIVE ME WHAT I NEED. TAKE ME. TAKE ME MASTER MARK."

Without a gag, and without the worry of Cooper and Jamie, Jack moaned as loud as he wanted - and he moaned loud. Mark was inspired. It took two days for the teeth marks to leave Jack's neck, and the next day, Jack was sore for most of it. But he smiled. He smiled the whole day. When they were done, he kissed Mark and tossed on some clothes to take Magnolia for her last walk of the day.

And in the bedroom, Mark pulled out the check from Jay for 35,000. It was supposed to be 25,000, but the memo said "Great feisty fella. Best of luck."

Next: Chapter 42

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