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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 18, 2023


If Jack had been a reader, he might have seen stories about Mark, but it was unlikely. He would have had to have been a reader of the Arts and Culture section of newspapers and magazines to have heard much about him.

After he had finished with his doctorate, Mark had gotten a job in theater, as an assistant to a major producer. It paid very little, but it gave him time to write. And his writing began to be noticed. The newspaper clipping that Jack had seen, was the start of that. Regional and smaller theaters began to produce his plays. As scouts, talent agents, bookers, etc, did tours through these smaller theaters, they began to notice his work . One reviewer had sent a report that read, in part "the work is charged with eroticism, issues of power exchange, but is also humorous, and thought provoking. It'll sell big."

That was the report that had gotten Mark to New York. Several backers were interested in seeing if his plays showed promise .

In the art field, Mark was described as " a genius," "talented," "the next great dramatist of the U.S," and "brilliant."

Privately, he was described as "arrogant," "an ass hole" "conceited" "cruel" "mean" and "domineering."

It seemed, in large part, that people were willing to overlook the bad, if it meant that there was money at the end.

Mark didn't really pay much attention to any of the personal characterizations. He hadn't been in any relationship for any great length of time, and that was fine with him. Moving from place to place, with productions, he never lacked for company in bed. It would be fair to say he was "gifted," in that he had a thick cock, although it wasn't longer than average. His bed partners WOULD say that he had an uncanny ability to find out what turned them on, and then he used it. He WAS attentive, but his attention ultimately was directed to what made HIM feel good in bed.There was also some quality about him that was hard to resist. Perhaps it was the smile, perhaps it was the combination of his features, but no one knew. He was always on top. ALWAYS. There had been one exception, when a potential backer had asked him to blow him. It did not turn out well. Now in his mid-late 30s, Mark's longest relationship had been the two years he had been with Jack. Indeed, after he saw the story, and saw how Jack had "grown up" as he put it, he remembered how much fun it had been bringing out that stud, and then dominating him. Finding that fresh ass in his bed every night, frequently tied up, with parts of his body new to everything. OH, he was getting hard just thinking about it.

In talking to his friends about Jack running away, Mark steadfastedly refused to take any responsibility. "Some people just need to learn their place. I didn't dominate him enough. I gave him too much freedom. If I had chained him to the bed that day, he never would have left."

It wasn't really clear if Mark's obsession with Jack had more to do with revenge for escaping, or any attraction he had for him. He WAS obsessed, however, and now that he had some information, he was going to make it his business, to bring his bitch back.

The story only spoke about how Jack "worked at one of New York's better buildings." That didn't give him much to work with. Still, Mark was going to be in New York for a while, and he was crafty. He noted the writer's name, and as his play got closer to the workshop premiere, he called.

"Hi, this is Mark Riley calling. Oh, yes, that's my play, thank you for noticing. Anyway, I was calling because we're going to do a showing where we'd like writers who are NOT trained critics to see it. Your writing caught my eye, so I was wondering... OH, terrific. Just tell me where to send the tickets."

The writer did in fact see the show, and Mark took her out for drinks afterward. Too many drinks. Before long, he had the name of the building.

He then got his fact checker on board. "Angel, this is Mark. Listen, I know this isn't play related, so I wonder if I could pay you some over time. No, you don't have to do it for free, although I appreciate it. I wonder if you could do me some research on Jack Robson - YES, THAT Jack Robson. See, I'm thinking that I may want to write a play based on his life, so I need to know what there is. " Thank you.

A week later, Angel came back to Mark with his findings. "To be honest, Mark, I didn't find much. Seems that he went to the same school you did. Your paths didn't cross?" "HOW INTERESTING" Mark worked with actors, and he had learned how to lie well. "No, it was a big place, and I doubt that we ever met." Angel went on "Beyond that, there isn't much. It seems he spent a few years in a small town in the south. He lived in a Boarding House - Cora's we found out. He may have shared a room with someone named Jamie- yes, we found Jamie- he runs Cora's now. Cora is long retired. He then made his way north, and he's where he is now. Yes, single. We weren't able to get much more Mark. He seems to be very dedicated to his work, doesn't belong to any clubs, or anything like that, just work." "Well, thank you Angel. This is very helpful. Please look for a check in your mailbox."

Mark began to formulate his plan. It would involve him coming to the building, to see if there were any rentals available. Maybe that way, he'd 'cross paths' with Jack, and then things could get interesting.

He called a real estate broker who in fact did specialize in finding housing for theater types. He was thrilled that Mark Riley wanted to use him. Mark told him that he had been through Manhattan and he had his heart set on a certain building. He gave the broker the address. The broker laughed. "Mark, that's a hard nut to crack. It's like the Hotel California: people check in, but they never leave." Mark laughed. "Oh, well, it was worth a try. Anyhow, please keep me in mind if something opens up. Have a good day. " The agent hesitated "Well, Mr. Riley, I have a number of different listings, perhaps..." "No, no, that's ok. I'm perfectly happy where I am, I just thought I'd be happier there. I appreciate talking to you." Mark put down the phone and smiled. Would it take three days, or four?

It took two. "Mr. Riley? Hi, this is Jonah, the real estate broker. I found that someone in that building is actually a professor on leave overseas. I contacted her, and while she hadn't thought about subleasing, when she heard your name, she was very excited about it."

"Well isn't that fortunate Jonah?" Mark was smiling on the end of the phone. "How about we set up an appointment to see the place?" Jonah made some calls and got back to Mark. They were scheduled for Wednesday afternoon.

Mark met Jonah at the building. He had never met Jonah before, so he didn't know what he'd look like, but Jonah had done his homework, and found Mark. "So glad to meet you Mr. Riley. The tenant's agent will meet us here in a few minutes to show the place."

"Oh, she's sending an agent? How unusual. I can't think of a time when the building superintendent didn't show me the apartment."

"I know sir. That's traditional. But the super here is very busy, and very involved with the upkeep of the building. I'm not even sure that he knows we're here." An internal grin for Mark.

The agent, a very frantic little woman, brought him to the building. Mark had absolutely no intention of renting the place. If he stayed in the building, it was going to be in Jack's apartment. But he went along with it. Jack not showing the place did put a crimp in how he had planned to do things, but as others had said, he was crafty.

At the end of the showing, he thanked the agent, and Jonah. "Thank you very much, both of you. I will certainly give it careful thought, and I'll get back to you by the beginning of next week, no later." They both wished Mark a good day, and then all three left the building.

As soon as they were out of sight, Mark returned to the building. He smiled at the doorman. "Hi, I'm really sorry to trouble you. I just viewed apartment 6G." The doorman remembered him. "I must have left my folio on the table top, and I was wondering if I could go back upstairs to get it."

"No problem Sir. Hang on. I'll get a porter to go up with you." A few minutes later, a young man in a blue uniform came upstairs to lead Mark to the apartment. The porter had the key, but he didn't need it: the door was open. "HELLO. Someone in there. "

"It's me Jose. Just straightening. Someone left something."

"That would be mine Jack." Mar smiled as Jack stood up, somewhat stunned. "MARK? " He turned to the doorman. "it's ok Jose. I'll lock up."

"Yes Jack, it's me" He held out his hand to Jack. Jack took it tentatively. "I'm not sure what to make of this Mark. What brings you here?"

"Well, I'm in New York for a production of one of my plays. I'm going to be here for a while, so I was looking for a sublet. I heard about this place, and, isn't this wild?"

The Jack of his past had been handsome in a boyish, almost puppy like way. This Jack was even more handsome, but rugged, like a cowboy. Mark looked him over: no porter's uniform, but a gray, oxford buttondown with rolled sleeves, and black jeans. He looked like a deer in the headlights. A HUNKY deer in the headlights.

"Mark, I don't know what to say. I thought I'd never see you again." Mark laughed. "Yeah, I kinda knew that from the way you left. I'm sorry it had to end that way. " Jack said nothing. He was feeling "something," but he didn't know what it was. Mark spoke "Listen, I'm sorry that I interrupted your day. I'm just going to get my portfolio there, but... maybe I could take you out for a drink or something? "

"I don't think so Mark. I don't get a lot of free time." "I understand Jack. ." He paused. "Maybe..., maybe, just a kiss for goodbye." He stood there and smiled.

Jack did NOT understand what was happening to him. He could NOT do this. There was NO WAY he could do this. But he didn't say no.

"One. Just one." Mark smiled and moved in. He put his lips on Jack's. Jack had been adamant about keeping his mouth shut. So he didn't understand how Mark's tongue was in his mouth. Or how his hand had gotten up to Jack's nips. Or why he was having the erection. Mark stepped back, and looked at the visibly flustered Jack. "Think you can find some time for a drink, stud?" Jack, clearly flustered, said "Leave a card with the doorman. I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I'll... I'll call you. But I have to get back to work. "

"One more Jack? " It took all of Jack's resolve. "NO. Please. Can you please leave? "

"OK Jack, I'll do that. Just give me a call handsome." Mark left, leaving a very shaken Jack in the apartment.

Jack headed back down to the lobby. The elevator ride gave him time to regain his composure, or so he thought. As he walked through the lobby, the doorman asked "you ok, boss?" Jack shook his head. "Yeah, why? does it look like something's wrong?" "I don't know boss. That guy. He was just, well, weird I think. Sort of seemed like a demon. Do you know him?" "I did Ramon. We were at school together" "The two of YOU? No shit. And you knew each other?" "Yeah, he writes plays. I was building stage stuff. That's how we met." Ramon shook his head "I tell you boss. I would NEVER pick him out as one of your friends." Jack laughed "Neither would I, Ramon. Life is strange. You're young." "Boss, he left you his card." Jack was about to say 'just toss it out,' but he took it.

He went back to his office . He couldn't hide what that kiss, or what Mark's fingers had done to him. Mark knew, too. Ramon had said "He seems like a demon." Maybe he was. Was it some kind of sexual magic? Jack had gone running from that relationship, but while it was going on: Mark always made him feel , well, electric. That was kind of what he felt when he was with him today. He was feeling it now, and he could sense his cock growing. He was going to have to jizz. There was no question about it.

After seeing Jack, Mark had hailed a cab, to go back to his place downtown. He was grinning about the meeting. Jack came across as so, well, butch, and so composed. One kiss, one flick over his nips, and he was a mess. He DID chide himself for not sealing the deal: why had he left it to Jack to contact him. Then he felt smug. "It makes the conquest so much sweeter when the prey looks for the predator." He pulled out his notebook to write that down. He'd use it someday.

Mark was still sleeping when his phone buzzed the next morning. It was 11. "EEEYUP" he yawned into the phone. "It's Jack. Sounds like I woke you up. Sorry about that." Hearing Jack's voice brought more of a rise to Mark. He had been dreaming about what he would do to the man when he had him again - he was that confident. "No, no, thanks. They're supposed to do a wake up call here, but I guess they didn't. How are ya, superstud?"

Jack blushed when Mark said that "Listen. I gave it a lot of thought. Maybe we could have a beer or something if it fits your schedule. I'm not much of a wine drinker. " "Yeah, we could do that. What works for you." "Well, I get Saturday and Sunday off, so if you care to spoil your Saturday night by spending time with an early to bed early to rise type, maybe that'll work. I start at 6 on Monday, so no late nights" Mark was grinning from ear to ear. It may not be early, but he was rising. "Sure. That'll work. Where and when, Jack?" Jack gave him the name of a sports bar close to his building. "Mark, I gotta ask you for a favor." "Sure Jack, what's that?" He paused "I can't be letting you kiss me like that anymore. Or fondling me. That stuff is all over." "Uh, sure Jack. I'm sorry if I went too far." "No worries. Saturday, 7 maybe? It avoids the crowds. Guys like me like the bar. Fancy guys like you may feel uncomfortable , but we don't have to stay there if you don't like it." Mark had to move his face away from the phone to stop laughing. This man was so sweet, and so naive. " "It'll be fine Jack. I'll see you there. " "Great. Looking forward to it" and Jack hung up. Mark looked down at his crotch. THAT had to be taken care of, and he was alone. "Well, ok, " he thought. "But pretty soon, that's gonna be Jack's job."


Traffic had been a little heavy, and Mark's cab stalled a few times. Finally, he got out and walked the seven blocks to the bar. He had taken a set of nip clamps with him, so that he could carry out his plan. Jack saw him and waved him over. GOD. The man was still a hunk. He had on a denim shirt tonight, dark blue, buttondown, and white pants. Was he TRYING to drive Mark crazy? Mark walked over. He leaned in to kiss, but then rememberd, and just squeezed Jack's shoulder "I'm glad you agreed to see me Jack, I missed you." Jack just grimaced. "Can I get you a beer or something?" Mark hated beer, but he said "Ok, I'll have whatever it is you're drinking." Jack went over to the bar. As he walked, Mark took in his ass. DAMN it was fine.

Jack came back with the two beers. Mark started talking. "You know, I'm really sorry the way things ended for us. " "Mark, you nearly beat the crap out of me. I only asked for a kiss ." Mark nodded "I know, I know. I don't know what had gotten into me that day "or that week, or that month, Mark," Jack was talking fast. "You know, I really thought I had lucked out when you took me home Mark. I really, REALLY did. Some smart intellectual type, an older guy, interested in me. Took me a while to get over it." Mark reached out and put his hand on Jack's. Jack didn't pull it away. "I'm sorry Jack. I truly am. You know, when you left, I lost the best relationship I ever had. You were always so, well, affectionate."

Mark's hand had sent another one of those shivers up and down Jack's body. Hearing Mark talk about his relationship with him, reminded Jack of his time with Jamie. He missed that boy. He missed that boy a lot. He missed having a boyfriend. He missed being in a relationship. "So, Mark, what's up for you in the future?" "Oh, I don't know. If this play is a hit, I'll probably be in NY for a while, but the public is fickle. "

"I'm not gonna say I understand your stuff Mark. It just goes over my head. But I wish you the very best." Jack finished up his beer. "My round?" asked Mark, and Jack laughed. "I'm afraid not. I'm really a light weight with alcohol. " He yawned. "And I'm a light weight with late nights. Almost my bed time."

"Can we go for a little walk? The river is close by," asked Mark. "I think that would be ok," came Jack's response, and they headed to the river.

"So, after you left, was there anyone special in your life , Jack?" "There was. I was with a guy named Jamie for a few years. He's a sweetie. When I decided to come to NY, he didn't want to, so he's still back south. Hasn't been anyone since then." Mark stopped. He looked at Jack. "Jack, I know. I know I promised. And if you say no, I won't . But right now, if someone asked me what I wanted to do most in the world, it would be to kiss you." Jack sighed. He looked defeated. "If I told the truth, I'd say that's the thing I want most in the world too." Mark pulled him in. This time, he didn't have to fight to get into Jack's mouth. The kiss was long, and it was Jack who wouldn't let Mark go.

Mark looked Jack directly in the eye. "Can I spend the night?" Jack's answer was a whisper "yes."

As they walked back to the apartment building, Mark put his hand on Jack's neck. "It's just one night Jack. Can't you just enjoy it ." Jack shrugged his shoulders "No one's entitled to nothing. That's something I learned early." Jack turned to the night door man. "Rafe', this is my friend Mark. He's gonna be spending the night at my place tonight. " Rafe' smiled "yes sir. I'll make a note in the book. "

When they got in the elevator, Mark pushed Jack up against the wall. Jack was stronger, but he didn't resist, as Mark went back into his mouth, kissing deeper, and deeper. Jack began to moan. When the elevator stopped, he said to Mark "I don't remember the last time someone kissed me that good. Not even you." Mark laughed. "I'd like to think I learned some things too."

"Can I get you something to drink or something?" Mark shook his head. "Bedroom. . NOW" Jack wasn't used to being spoken to like that, but he led the way. When they got in, he felt Mark's arms around his middle. Then he felt the point of Mark's little beard on his neck. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck... " "Still a hot button, huh jack?" Mark moved his mouth up to jack's ear, and began nibbling. "DAMN MARK. NO. NO. Please don't... OH SHIT." Mark had reached around and had his hands on Jack's nips. Jack began to whimper . Mark had no trouble pushing him down on the bed. "Know what I think you need, Jack?" Jack squirmed under Mark, but Mark had him pinned really tightly. "I think you need to get FUCKED again." Hearing that made Jack squirm even more. NO NO. YOU'RE NOT FUCKING ME MARK. " He got out one, before Mark covered his mouth with his own. Jack continued to scream, but Mark's tongue was taking care of the screams, as his fingers went back to Jack's nips, essentially immobilizing him. Mark pulled out his tongue. "I can gag you jack, or you can not scream. But I AM going to fuck you.

The tit play was getting to jack. No one knew about his nips, but Mark. He didn't even know himself that they were still that sensitive. His moans turned into whines. "Yes, yes. Fuck me Mark. Take me like you used to. " Mark smiled in victory. "In due time handsome. In due time. " He looked around. "Geez. This apartment is like a bondage center." He saw some ropes in the corner, and went to get them. When he did, Jack got up and tried to get out of the apartment. Mark was ready, and grabbed him around the middle again. "Now, now Jack. I got you weak from the tit play, and I'm not letting you go. You can comply, or I can start tickling you." "Ok, ok. ok. Jack got back on the bed, while Mark made some makeshift ties, roping his wrists to the bed. When he was done, he looked at Jack. "I didn't say I WOULDN'T tickle you." and he dug into Jack's sides. Jack convulsed, trying to get out of the path, but it did no good.

When Mark was done, he took off his own clothes, and then slowly stripped jack. He moved his hands over Jack's torso, before he laid flat down on him, and kissed his neck. "The minute I saw that article I had my mind made up to have you again Jack. And now... I will." He kissed Jack on the lips, very gently, and then pulled a condom out of his jeans.

"Has anyone fucked you since me Jack?" "No. No. " Mark laughed. "Well, then it's gonna be like taking a virgin again. " He spat in his hands. "you want to bite down on something, stud?" "I can take it. I think. I took it before." Mark kissed him again. "Good boy. He began sliding in.

Jack saw Mark's cock begin to disappear into his hole. He remembered that Mark was really thick at the base, and that's when it began to hurt. "OH GOD. OH GOD MARK. Take it out. Please. Take it out." Mark just laughed. "I'm gonna make you my BITCH again Jack. Starting... NOW" He pushed it all the way in, not paying any attention to the pain on Jack's face. Now that he was in, he reached up for Jack's nips, and began squeezing them hard. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT MARK. Take me. PLEASE PLEASE TAKE ME." Mark did. He fucked Jack for about fifteen minutes before he couldn't hold it anymore, and shot. The condom held, but Jack could feel the jizz filling it. It reminded him of being 22 again. Mark pulled out, and tore off the condom. He sneered as he tossed it in . "First time, Jack. Not gonna be the last. " Jack began to squirm. LET ME GO AND GET OUT BASTARD." Mark laughed. "Language like that is gonna get you gagged big man. He picked up a roll of duct tape. "Every super has this, don't they?" He ripped off a big piece of it, and slapped it over Jack's mouth. MMMPH.. MMMMPH. Mark could tell from the look in Jack's eyes that he was pissed and angry. If Mark didn't have him tied down, he might be in trouble - if he couldn't get to Jack's nips first.

Jack tried to scream, until he realized he wasn't making any progress. Why the FUCK had he let his cock rule his head? Mark laid down next to him, and began gently stroking his nip. Jack had been hard through all of this, and now, his dick began to twitch from the stimulation. "Know what I think, stud? I think we probably need to milk you. You need to cum, don't you jack?" Jack shook his head yes. "Well, let me think about that. I COULD just leave you like this, until I'm ready to fuck you again, or I could just leave, period. But I'll tell you what I'm gonna do." He bent down and kissed Jack's lips through the tape. "You're gonna let me stay. If you agree, I'll jerk you."

MMMMPH MMMMPH. Jack was shaking his head no. "Well, ok then handsome. " He kissed Jack through the tape again, then he kissed each nip. I DID bring you a present. He pulled the tit clamps out of his pocket. He saw Jack's eyes go wide, and he began frantically shaking his head NO NO NO. Mark snickered a little "Ok, so now the stakes are a little higher. I could put these on you, and leave, I could put them on you, and pull at them occasionally, until you agree I can stay, or you can let me stay. " He began to rub the clamps over Jack's nips.

"Last chance Jack. Can I stay? I promise, we'll just cuddle for the night." Defeated, Jack looked at him and shook his head yes. "Right decision sexy. You won't regret it." Mark got to work right away, slowly pumping at Jack's cock. Jack remembered Mark couldn't be bothered with this when they were a couple. He'd fuck Jack, and then move on. Jack was responsible for doing himself.

Soon, Jack was moaning, and pushing his hips up into the air. "You've really got a beautiful cock Jack. Have you been topping for these twenty years?" When Jack gave no sign of answering, Mark slapped his balls. "YOU ANSWER ME BITCH . YOU ARE MINE.' Jack recoiled from the slap, and shook his head yes. "Well, you're gonna be taking a rest from that for a while." Jack heard him, but he didn't care. All of his mental energy was concentrated in his cock. He was SO close. Then Mark put his mouth on one of Jack's nips, and it was over. Jack exploded, trying desperately to scream through the gag. Jizz went flying all over. It was the biggest orgasm Jack had had since his time with Jamie.

"Good boy. Good boy. Gonna need to milk you more than you've been milked I see. " Mark began to massage the cum into Jack's skin. "I'm gonna untie you for sleeping, Jack. BUT... I'm gonna need to make sure you're under control, so I'm gonna use these, just for a little. " He attached the clamps to Jack's tits. Jack screamed. Mark told him "I'm not starting the untying until you stop screaming. And then, I'll take them off. Jack shook his head in understanding, and quieted down. Mark went about with releasing his wrists, and pulling off the tape. "YOU FUCK YOU FUCKING SNEAKY SON OF A BITCH." Jack got that out, and Mark pulled the clamps. "Such language. Such language." "OK OK. I'll stop. I'll stop. " Mark pulled the clamps again. "Put your wrists in front of you. I'm not giving you ANY chance of getting away." The pain was too much, and while he whimpered, Jack did what Mark told him to do. Mark wrapped his wrists tightly with duct tape. Then he took away the clamps. "Now, my sweet. We'll have a nice cuddle sleep. Who knows what we'll do tomorrow?

Next: Chapter 5

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