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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 10, 2023


Jack dragged himself, reluctantly, out of bed with Mark the next morning. Acting out that fantasy had put Mark "in the mood." Jack needed to go to the bathroom during the night, and Mark wouldn't let him go. He whispered things like "go ahead, try, precious. You're going nowhwere," before his fingers began working one of Jack's nips. Getting an erection when he had to pee, was not one of Jack's favorite things. Or, in the middle of the night, Mark flipped him on his back and began scruffing his neck, harder than usual. Normally, Jack would just roll with it, but he had his meeting with Pete the next day. He didn't want to show "love bites " as Jamie called them when he was lobbying for Felix. But he loved it. Jack had read about nymphomaniacs and he wondered "am I one of them? I'm always ready for sex. But only if it's with Mark. I wonder what that means. And is Mark a nympho too? Is that why we're together?" Those were his thoughts as he got ready for his shift. Mark was sound asleep now. FIGURES. He could sleep in during the day. Jack had to be down there keeping the building operating at 6. Well, that was gonna change, soon.

At the end of his shift, he went back upstairs, got cleaned up, and dressed for his meeting. Jamie was there, but Cooper seemed to be out.

"JAMIE BIRD" You and Magnolia are the only one's here." Jack gave his good friend a big hug. "Hey, instead of Jamie bird, should I start calling you 'Jamie Jamie soon to be married lady." Jamie laughed. "Uh, I think you're first big boy." Jack smiled. "Yeah, I can't believe it. Remember when we used to sit there and dream about meeting our men, getting married ,and how it never happened to guys like us. "

Jamie took his hand. "Yeah, I do. It's like a dream , Jack. You know, you hear all the stories about how people did what they were supposed to, and they never got what they should have. Well... " He hugged Jack again. "The boarding house broads are getting it. In more ways than one."

"Yeah, we gotta have a celebration Jamie. Just you and me. Leave the menfolk home. Let's find a place where we can just, well, be silly ."

"Sounds like a plan. You get your shit done, and we'll figure a place. " He paused "HEY, Jack, something is up with Coop and Mark."

"Yeah, they're planning weddings." "No, it's something more. I don't know what it is. You probably didn't notice it because of your schedule, but there's a lot of plotting and scheming, whispering, and that kind of thing going on. I walk into the room, they laugh, and it's over. I don't know what it is, but keep your eyes open. The two of them planning something, well..."

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Jack dressed far more fancily than he usually did. He had on a white button down, his khakis, and a blue blazer Jamie had bought him. He wanted to wear a short sleeve shirt, but Jamie nixed it . "That short sleeve shirt is so thin, it shows your nip ring. Not something you want at that meeting. " He had to say, he DID look good. He used his old expression "Hey, I'd do me, as he headed down to Pete's office. He texted Mark, who was down at the theater. "See you in a few hours . Still thinking about last night. Still FEELING last night. Is it appropriate not to sit at a meeting like this?" xoxoxoxxoxox.

Mark sent him back an emoji of a whale shooting through his blowhole.

Pete's assistant showed him in. Pete was all smiles. "You know, Jack, you're never down here, so EVERYONE in the building is gonna be wondering what's wrong. "

Jack laughed. "No, Pete, nothing wrong, at all." "Coffee?" Pete asked him. Jack wasn't much of a coffee drinker, but he took a cup of the stuff, black, from Pete. "So, Jack, you came down to talk about Felix? Funny you called about that, because I've been looking for a placement, and I have a few ideas. I'd like to get your thoughts."

"Well Pete, I actually DID have a thought. But let me start with this: Pete, I'm going to tender my resignation. I'm going to leave at the end of the year."

Pete sat back. "Well, Jack, this is a big surprise. I didn't know that anything was wrong. Is it something we can fix?" "Pete no, no, it's nothing negative. Really. If I told you how much I love this job, I'd go on for hours. You guys have been so good to me, I can't really express how I feel. But my life has changed Pete. First, of course, I'm getting married."

"YES! I heard. Congratulations Jack. He'd better be good to you, because he's in trouble if he's not." Jack laughed. "Oh, he KNOWS that. Every single person on staff has laid down the law for him.

"GOOD. You've been good to those guys. They gotta pay it forward."

"Well, the thing is, of course, a super's schedule, and a Broadway director's schedule - they don't match. We almost never see each other. " "I get that, Jack. I do. " He laughed "it's funny because most of our supers have been married forever. They don't WANT to spend time with their spouses . We got one guy who, when he became super, moved into the apartment, but his family stayed in the original house. After six years, same thing."

Jack kind of grinned. "Well, I think the thing I want most in the world, is to spend more time with Mark." Pete smiled. "Hold onto that Jack. May you keep it forever." "Thanks friend. And there's more. This job is TIRING. I know you said you needed more new people in the field. You're right. I'm not getting any younger, and it's JUST NOT EASY ANYMORE." "I hear that too Jack. And I understand you're gonna be teaching, trying to bring new blood in. " "YES. I'm real excited about that. For someone who didn't finish school, to be teaching. I wanna go back and stick my tongue at everyone who told me I was a waste." "Pardon my French Jack, but FUCK THEM. I quote you all the time "call me stupid. You'll call me when your toilet's clogged." "Yeah, that's a good one. Also, well, my best friend has started a house renovation business, and he wants me to be in charge." "NO SHIT. Jack, that's amazing. You'll be so good. " He paused again. "Promise me you won't poach anyone from the building." "OH, NO SIR. I wouldn't do that. Not even Felix. And that's why I'm here." Pete looked at him. "I see. You want Felix to step in to your job." "I do Pete. I think he'd be great, there's continuity with the residents, the staff loves him, he got the best grades at the school. And Pete - I'm not breaking any secrets - you can keep the reputation of hiring gay supers. You'll start a bloody dynasty." Pete looked at him "Felix' gay?" "Yup. Probably gayer than I am, and that's saying a lot." "Jack, you've given me a LOT of information to think about. No question, the organization will miss you, but I respect your reasons." He rose to shake Jack's hand. "Let me talk to some people. I really like the idea of Felix taking over, but I can't make promises Don't tell him about our meeting, ok? I'll let you know in a week."

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Out of Pete's office, Jack checked his phone. There was a message from Cooper. "Can you text me when you're coming home? Nothing serious. Just wanna have everyone here for a surprise."

"MORE SURPRISES! Boy, what's going on? That must be what Jamie was talking about. Jack texted back. "leaving now. Let me have half an hour to get home. See ya then. I gotta walk the princess though.

Since he wasn't with Mark, Jack took the subway. Leaning up against the door, he thought he saw someone checking him out HARD. He turned away, and the guy kept staring. He got off the subway a few stops early and changed cars. The guy followed him and smiled. Jack smiled back, but he was glad to be rid of him when he got off the train.

When he got to the apartment, Magnolia was her usual enthusiastic self. "HEY GIRLIE GIRL. How's my princess ? Ready to show off for the world? " He bent down and took a kiss from the dog. No one seemed to be around. The apartment was dead silent, and Jamie's door was closed. "Odd. I don't remember that, ever." He got Magnolia's leash on her, and they headed out. Magnolia really wanted the park today, so off they went. He hadn't seen Brian there since that one time, and he really hadn't been good about follow up. He had to remember that.

Magnolia finished her walk, and when they got back, Ramon had her treats ready. "If she gets fat Ramon, you're gonna have to put her on the diet." "Mr. Jack, we're ALL getting fat."

Back in the apartment, again, he heard nothing. Saw no one. Hmmm. Very strange. He put out Magnolia's food, and left her to be. He went to the bedroom to change out of his "meeting clothes:" he had a mustard colored t shirt that fit him well, and it showed off his arms. Mark really liked it. He put that on, and some jeans, and went out to the living room. He stopped when he saw Jamie, sitting in a chair, tied really tightly, tape over his mouth, and Cooper behind him, hands on Jamie's shoulders, smiling. That's when he felt Mark grab him from behind, in a bear hug, which turned into a nip squeeze immediately to immobilize the stronger man.

"In the chair. NOW." Dude, what the.. " Jack got nothing else out, as he felt a big piece of tape go across his mouth, just like Jamie's. Then he felt the ropes tying his wrists. "THERE we go. Both of you , helpless." Jamie struggled under Cooper, but Jack knew that Jamie's shoulders were sort of like his nips. Squeeze them, and he was DONE."

Cooper spoke. "So Jamie bird here told me about a little fantasy the two of you shared: one day, after you were both engaged, your future husbands would FUCK you, while the other couple watched. "

"MMMMPH MMMPH MMMPH" doubled, came out of Jamie and Jack. Jack squirmed and Mark squeezed his nipple a little harder. "Calm down, stud muffin. CALM DOWN."

Mark continued. "And we decided that the least we could do for the men we love, and whom we love to fuck, is to gratify that fantasy.."

As he squirmed, Jack realized he had never seen Cooper naked, let alone 'in action'. Jamie told him that he was wiry, and strong, and that his cock was "generous." He found himself being pulled out of the chair, and then put face down on the floor of the living room. Cooper put Jamie about ten feet from him, and they were face to face. They had closed off the kitchen door where Magnolia was eating her dinner, so she just curled up and started snoring.

Jamie started kicking wildly, and screaming through his gag. "Hey, Mark, know what I think we gotta do? Tie the ankles. Until we..." "Yeah, I agree. " Jack felt his ankles being pulled together, and taped, and he could see Cooper doing the same thing to Jamie. When Jamie continued to fight, Cooper started tickling his ribs.

"That should give you a reason to struggle, big boy... " Jamie's screams turned into laughs. "Gonna stop squirming, or do I dig deeper?" Jamie nodded in defeat.

While this was happening, Mark pacified Jack by - what else, running his fingers over his nips. "There we go, big guy. Nice and peaceful. You don't wanna see me get pissed off? Cause you know, any punishment I give to you, Coop's gonna give your bud." "And vice versa, " said Cooper.

Jack and Jamie looked at each other in total defeat. They couldn't do anything. "SO... Cooper asked. "Do we have it right? Is that a fantasy? You boys wanna see each other get fucked?" "MNMN. MNMN" they both screamed out denials. "Know what?" Mark said. "I don't quite believe you Jack. So, I'm gonna ask you again, in a minute. After I get these sneakers off." "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH," Jack tried to get loose again, and got nowhere. "Oh, you've got these big thick white socks on. That's not gonna be fun.." He felt Mark slowly pull off his right sock. Then he felt the nail tracing over his sole.

"MMPHHHHHHH MMMMMPH," Jack was laughing through the gag. While that was happening, Cooper was working on Jamie's nipples, making him moan. Jamie had on tight pants, and you could see the lump growing.

"How about it super jack? You ever wanna see Jamie fucked?" By now, his second sock was off, and Mark was going to town. Cooper had pushed up Jamie's t shirt, and had his little beard running over each nip. Jamie's squeals were higher pitched, but they were the same volume. "And you, stud? Ever fantasize about seeing your stud fucked?" Jamie had in fact seen Mark fuck Jack, but he would see it again. And again, and again. He took a deep breath, and shook his head yes.

"What about YOU, batjack?" Mark was working on Jack's nipples now. "Ever use a mirror?" Jack shook his head no, which was the truth. "And any way, Jamie's much hotter now than he was, isn't he?" That was undeniable, so Jack shook his head yes. Mark leaned down and whispered, loudly, so everyone could hear. "you wanna see Coop FUCK your old boyfriend?" Jack was suffering: he really was. The tickle torture, the nip torture, but the idea of seeing Jamie fucked. It was making him hard. He broke, and shook his head 'yes."

Mark and Cooper smiled, and gave each other the high five. "So, let's give these boys what they want." They cut through the tape binding the friends' legs, and then their pants were gone, tossed into a pile at the middle of the room. Jamie liked being finger fucked, and Jack could see Cooper lick his long fingers, and begin probing Jamie's ass. He remembered how he had done that, occasionally, and it drove Jamie crazy.

Mark flipped Jack on his back. "Nah, finger's aren't your thing. I know that studboy. You like tongues. "MMMMMPH. Jack was moaning and his cock was getting harder, as Mark dug in, rimming his boy. "I bet you want COCK, don't you stud?" Helpless, Jack shook his head yes again.

"And how about you, Jamie bird? Jamie hesitated, but when Cooper moved his fingers to his ribs, he shook his head YES, very very strongly."

"This is HOT Mark. " "YEAH. REAL hot.." The top men dropped their pants, and they were hard, maybe harder, than Jamie and Jack - after all, they knew what was going to happen that day, and had thought about it, discussed it, planned it.

The bottoms found their legs up in the air, and then, the men who they knew so well, began fucking them. They could each see it. Jack saw Jamie's eyes roll to the back of his head, and Jamie heard Jack moaning 'like a French whore," as Jamie used to tease him. Jack saw that yeah, Cooper WAS hung. Long and thin, where Mark was shorter, and thick.

"MPH GD" came out of Jack, or "OH GOD" when you're gagged. Mark was pounding him and seeing it, Jamie was getting harder. He saw that dick that had taken him so often, and that he now "owned" too, while Jack saw his former bottom, getting taken by another man. Jack began to think : he was NEVER going to top Jamie, or anyone else again. Somehow, that made him harder. Meanwhile, Jamie was thinking back to those early days, when Jack would fuck him at the end of the day, and he realized that wouldn't happen anymore. He belonged to Cooper. And he got harder.

"Cooper grunted out. "Let's try to time it. EDGE THE BITCHES." He and Mark enjoyed themselves bringing Jamie and Jack close, and stopping, as they got closer.

"HOW LONG, STUD?" Mark yelled at Cooper. "About ten seconds. " ME TOO." They both began stroking their boys harder, and yeah, it was a photo finish as all four of them came at about the same time. Mark looked down at Jack, smiled, and pulled off the gag. "You are SUCH a good sport, jack-o."

"KISS ME TOP MAN. FINISH IT OFF. OH GEEZ that was hot." Cooper grinned. "Know what? I think I'd like to tickle you some more. " Jamie shook his head NO. His eyes were giving Cooper a warning, which Cooper well knew: he could very well wind up missing a ball if he did that. He pulled off the tape. Jamie liked shorter, quicker kisses than the deep ones Jack was getting. Cooper kissed him up and down. He and Mark untied their men and just relaxed, looking at them.

"FUCKING HOT" Cooper said. "OH YEAH, " was Mark's answer. "Agreed," huffed Jamie. "Yes sir," was Jack's response.

That night in bed, as Mark stroked his hair, he asked Jack "did you enjoy that?" "OH HELL YEAH SIR. You had me totally surprised. I didn't expect that." He kissed Jack on the side of the ear. "Listen: dinner with Jay and Brice is NOT going to be that much fun, and I just hope you'll forgive me ahead of time." Jack stirred "Dude, how bad can they be?" Mark sighed. "Well, they're very old school, Jack. That means that Jay expects that you'll only speak to him, or to me, if told to. You can speak to Brice all you want, as long as you're not in the presence of a Dom." Jack began to laugh. "Are you shittin' me? REALLY? " "I'm not sweetheart. And they're both going to give you all kinds of crap about not being locked in chastity" "HUH? I mean, the guy who's the sub, what's his name, Brice? He's in chastity all the time? " "Unless Jay unlocks him. " "FUCK. You better never try that with me, dude?" Mark hugged him close. I wouldn't. But if I wanted to... I know how to do it." "DUDE , don't press your luck. " When Mark squeezed his nipple Jack moaned "OH FUCK. I can fight that...." Mark laughed. "Go ahead." "I can't. And I can't get hard because of that fun game we played. Ok, ok, you win. But remember. I know how to use the metal clamp breaker in the basement. I'll be out before you can say bottom's up." Mark laughed. "I would NEVER try to cage you Jack. I promised you that, and I'm gonna keep that promise." Now Jack laughed. "GOOD. Because dude, I promised never to kick the shit outta you, and I'll keep that promise too." Mark had relaxed the nip squeeze, and that gave Jack JUST enough time to roll over on Mark, pinning him down. "You're my top man, my dom, my Master. That doesn't make me your bitch slave... unless I wanna be." "You wanna be?" Jack smiled, and before he kissed Mark he said "what I WANNA be is your husband. And I wanna be asleep. Now pull me in stud, put your hand on my pec, and make sure I behave the rest of the night." He got off Mark and curled into his arms. They slept well.

It was a little more restful than in Jamie's room, where seeing Jack get fucked made him wistful: why didn't he leave with Jack? Yes, he loved Cooper, and Cooper ADORED him. But what had he given up? What had he missed?

Next: Chapter 39

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