Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 5, 2023


"This is gonna take a lot of talking guys," Mark said. "And we're all gonna have to be there, but it looks like Magnolia doesn't care." Indeed, the girl was scratching at the door, and making whining sounds. "Yeah, it's time. OK girl. Lemme get you your leash. I know it's yours, not mine, because I don't have one." "YET" Mark smirked, and Jack smirked back. "Well, we both have collars. Jamie, come walk with me. Coop and Mark can talk, we can talk, and then we'll all share this. We can decide what to do with dinner when Magnolia has chased a few squirrels."

Once they had left, Mark gave Cooper a big hug. "You know, on one hand, Coop, I KNEW that if this were to happen, it would be with Jamie. But I NEVER thought it would happen. YOU???? And Jamie? Well, I don't think he's gotten over Brett."

Cooper smiled. "Well, he hasn't, and that's why this took so long. Mark, I can't tell you how much that bastard burned him. MAYBE Jack can get there , but I doubt it. It won't surprise you: Jamie has self worth issues. And when Brett broke it off.. well, I don't want to insult Jack, I really don't, but a part of Jamie thinks he should have done more to get Jamie to go with him, or he should have stayed. " He paused. "You know, I'll marry Jamie, but I'll always know, I'm not the man he loves the best."

"I hear you on that Coop" Mark nodded in agreement. "They'd be horrible for each other, but they really should have."

"Well, putting all that aside, I had a plan - don't I always? He's been so busy with selling the hotels, and now this new business, that Jamie hasn't been out in weeks. But you and I know - he's like catnip. He goes out, he brings back a Tom cat. And the sale has gone through, and the business plan is pretty much secure. So I figured I had to act. So I made a dinner reservation at a place he's not heard of, and I just said "Jamie , dress up for one night." And he did. OH Mark! If I could tell you how could he looked that night. And my favorite waiter took care of us, gave us a little table over at the side. I insisted that Jamie try something new... and I knew we were on the right track, because he said "Yes sir. Whatever you say," and he wasn't being snotty. I slipped my hand on the table, and I squeezed his knee. He took my other hand, and he looked right into my eyes and said "You know, I came to NY looking to save Jack. Instead, I'm drowning. I'm drowning in this man called Cooper, and I don't want anyone to save me." "Then that smile, Mark. You've seen it. The 'come undress me, make love to me all night, and stay the next day look." Mark laughed. "Yup. That's exactly what Jack calls it. " "Well, I was waiting for them to bring out souffles before I asked, but... I couldn't wait. I pulled out the box he opened it, and I asked him "Jamie, will you marry me?" He started to cry. Then he asked a bunch of questions. First , he asked 'are you gonna back out like Brett, because if you do, I will hunt you down and I won't kill you, but I will hurt you." After I assured him that wasn't going to happen, he smiled and asked 'if I say yes, can we wait until Jack and Mark get married? He was there first, and that way we get two celebrations." When I told him we could do it whenever he wanted, he smiled and said. "Yes, Cooper. My love. Forever. Now ask them to cancel dessert, take me home, and celebrate by screwing me like you've never screwed me before." Mark had a big grin. "Well , did you?" Cooper laughed. "I was ABOUT to cancel the dessert, but I guess the host figured it out. It came out, with a congratulations candle in it. They brought champagne." He paused. "But the seond part. " He smiled. "You bet." Mark grabbed his arm . "COOP. I think that''s the greatest story I've heard in a while. Congratulations. " Cooper was tearing up a bit. "I've never met anyone like him. He looks like such a frail daisy - until you piss him off. I SWEAR Mark, it's a good thing you had Carlos there for Jon, because when we had the plan - well, Jamie went out and bought cigars, a pipe, and he also had a car lighter that he had plugged in."

"Yup. That's our Jamie. Looks like we're all gonna be family." Cooper smiled. "I know. I think it's great. " He squeezed Mark's hand. "How about you guys, any decisions." Mark shook his head. "Yup. I have to be honest, I think I invoked top man privilege a bit. October 7-9. That house you recommended. Thank you." Cooper smiled. "Well, from what Jamie told me, and from what I've seen, becoming Jack's top man is no easy job. Enjoy the victory." "Hey, before they come back, I think I should tell you something. At dinner, we DID talk about fantasies, and Jamie told me one that he and Jack shared. And no, they are not sleeping together one last time. It kinda involves us."

"OOOH. This one I wanna hear." "Well, it seems that Jamie and Jack would talk occasionally about their fantasies. And it seems they shared one. They both had fantasies of being kidnapped, and "bride raped," you know, 'forced' to accept their men. Well, in those nights in the boarding house, it became an elaborate one where they were kidnapped together, by different men, and taken at the same time, so they each saw the other one being fucked."

Mark smiled. "I like this Coop. I think we can make this happen, just maybe not tonight. But soon." Coop smiled too "I agree. You know, Jamie told me that watching the two of you make love, is sort of like high quality porn. I've got to see this. " "And I'm dying to see if Jamie really IS more ticklish than Jack, like Jack claims."

They heard the door open, then they saw a blur of came colored fur as Magnolia ran to her water dish and supper.

"SO COOP," Jack smiled. "You're taking my best friend without consulting with me. I guess that's ok. " He put his arm around Jamie's shoulder "You know, if only one of us could find his man, I always wanted it to be you."

'THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU HELP ME LOOK YOU SHITHEAD?" Jamie joked. "Now, I have an idea. I know that of the few things Jack knows how to cook, lasagna is one of them - because I taught him. How about we just get some champagne, and go out this weekend or something? I mean, after all, if we're gonna be living together, we may as well start learning to have real dinner conversation."

Jack smiled. "Yeah, I have an appointment with the union tomorrow. I'm gonna try to get Felix as super for this building. If it works, I'll resign, and I'm with you guys. "

"HEY. More champagne tonight." Jack was somber. "Gonna be hard to give up this building. There are few things I love more than it. One of them is you guys." He turned to Mark . "Mostly you, Mr. Mark." He kissed him.

Jack had to turn in because of the three of them , he did have to work early the next day, and then he had the appointment with the union rep. He hoped it would go well.

The champagne had exhausted him. But right before he fell asleep, he heard them talking about fantasies. Mark talked about one, where Jack listened very carefully. Hmmm. Mark had indulged more than a few of his fantasies. He thought he could take care of this one.

When Mark did come to bed, he grabbed Jack around the middle. "Hey. Wake up gorgeous."

Jack stirred. "Mark, please. I got to get up for work tomorrow." "Is that right? " He began to play with Jack's nips. "Cause I'm up now." "Oh you cheat. You know what nip play does to me. I shouldn't have gotten that ring like you wanted." "But you did, sweetpea. Like a good sub. Just like, like a good sub, you're gonna get down there and get me nice and lubed, while I decide JUST how I'm taking your ass." Jack remembered the discussion of how "sometimes, he'd have to just accept what his dom wanted." And truth to be told, he had been wanting Mark's cock all day. So... he pushed away the blankets, and then gently pushed Mark's legs aside. He didn't do it often, but tonight, he began by mouthing Marks' balls - taking them completely in his mouth.

"OH GEEZ Jack. OH GEEZ. You're gonna have to do that every time from now on." Jack smiled. "Promise? They taste good." He teased Mark by running his teeth on them, gently. "FUCK. My husband to be is gonna kill me tonight." Jack had beard stubble, and he began running it on Jack's balls, and then very gently, on the back of his cock. He made the cock jump, and a BIG drop of precum came out.

JESUS MARY AND JOSEPH You fucking talented cocksucker. Do that again... and I may have to tie your mouth to my cock." Jack smiled. "Really? You'd give up conquering me with those kisses of yours?"

"Good point.." That's the last words Mark got out, before Jack began to slide expertly, up and down the excited cock. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT." Mark began to moan. "Jack, GEEZ, I wanna fuck you, but if I.... OH SHIT>..." Jack smiled wickedly, as the jizz started pouring out of Mark.

"My butt could use my topman, it really could. But I could use sleep more, Mark. Can you owe me one? "I owe you two. I was planning on fucking you tomorrow already."

"OH BOY. I better do some squats then.

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Next day, the first thing Jack did after the clock struck 9, was to call Pete the union Rep. "JACK. It's been forever! When I don't hear from a super, I figure things are, well, super. You don't call. Now you called. What's up?" "Pete, I wonder if I could talk to you. I'd like to talk about my future, and also Felix'" "OH, Felix. YEAH. Great news huh? I'm actually checking to see what buildings would be a good fit for him." "Pete, can I ask you to stop doing that? That's one of the things I want to talk to you about." There was silence. "I see. Is there a problem with Felix that I need to know about?"

"NO NO. It's just that... well, I think I know the perfect placement for him and I wanted to come in and talk to you about it. " "Well, I'll listen to anything you have to say. How's about tomorrow, say 3? That sounds good Pete. GIves me a chance to wash up and look good." "Well.. how about 4? " Jack laughed. "Even better. See you then."

Then he waited until noon. He knew Mark would be up. "Hi handsome. Odd for you to call . Everything good. " "It is Mark. It is. Hey, I wasn't quite asleep last night when you and Coop were talking, and I just wanted to tell you: I know that there's this really innocent but hot guy that's gonna be at the local bookstore at about 4 today. You'll find him at the repair manuals. " He heard Mark gulp. "Thanks for letting me know. "

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At 4 that afternoon, Mark walked into their local bookstore , trying to look nonchalant. He couldn't. He saw Jack standing over at the repair manuals, head buried in something about boilers. He had combed his hair the way he had as an undergraduate, and he was wearing an outfit Mark remembered: a blue button down corduroy shirt over a black t shirt and worn jeans.

"It's Tuesday. That was his Tuesday outfit". Mark sighed as he recalled Jack's limited wardrobe. You could tell what day of the week it was by what Jack was wearing. It wasn't unlike those 7 packs of underwear you could get, with the day on each of them. Mark remembered, he's put off jerking off, if he knew Jack would be wearing something particularly fetching. This outfit was one of them. "GOD". He thought " He's hotter now". He moved in between the book aisles, and brushed his front against Jack's back. "Oh, I'm sorry. My foot just slipped." He moved his hand to Jack's right arm and squeezed his bicep a bit. "Oh my. You must lift."

Jack was not unaware of the bulge in Mark's tight pants that brushed his ass. The guy had balls, to be sure: most guys backed off because he looked too tough for them. The bicep squeeze was a nice touch. He turned to Mark. "I DO lift, not in the way you might think though."

"Oh ? Tell me?" Mark smiled." "I'm not a student here, so I don't use the gym. I work in maintenance. I do a lot of lifting of crap like refrigerators, televisions, etc. There's my lifting, nothing more than that. " Jack smiled "You must be a grad student here. You look too mature to be an undergrad. You're also better at pick up lines than they are."

Mark blushed. "Was it that obvious? "All around. What department? Let me guess: English, or comp lit, or ... NO... theater."

Mark laughed. "Game, set and match. You have me out. I'm Mark." "Jack here. Nice to meet you. Props for the biceps move. I hadn't heart that one. before."

"So I guess you get hit on a lot. I'm sorry I disturbed you." Jack sighed. "You're not disturbing me, but you're right. I DO get hit on a lot. By kids who want daddy, by daddies who want a son, and so on and so forth. " He turned to Mark, his blue eyes bright, and sparkly. "So, what you have to offer, Mark, graduate student in theater?"

"Maybe a drink at a bar of your choice. Maybe a kiss afterward? Maybe more after that? " Jack smiled. "I AM thirsty, and to tell the truth, you're kinda cute. How about a beer at Murphy's? We'll see what happens after."

"That sounds good. You want that manual?" "NAH. It'll sound conceited, but these guys don't know what they're talking about. Look at this. "Professor Certottini is associate professor of mechanical engineering... blah, blah, blah. Any practical experience? Did he ever fix a refrigerator? " He laughed. I doubt it. "

Mark took one of Jack's hands, gently, and looked at it. "You've got dirt under your nails. You fixed one today." Jack didn't pull his hand away. "Mr., you just got extra points. ." He smiled. "And you look thirsty too, but I don't think you're a beer kinda guy. " "I'm not, but you're saying yes to me. I can say yes to you." Jack stopped. He looked this guy over. He began to like him. "Let me ask you something. Are you looking for a boy, a daddy, or what?"

Mark smiled. "What I'm looking for is to convince a handsome guy like you that you should give me a chance to show you how much I can make you happy."

Jack laughed. "Well, if you're not gonna buy me the sports car I want, to make me happy, you better be a good kisser, have a big cock, and know how to hold down a strong guy."

"I know I can handle the first two." He smiled. "I'm not gonna tell you about the third one. You'll have to figure it out. Just remember: you may be a smart ass, but I'm very smart."

Jack liked the back and forth . He could usually scare away a guy with his attitude, but this one was playing him even/steven. It was somewhat arousing to a guy who loved the sense of being conquered. "To Murphy's then." On the way out of the bookstore, Jack put his hands in the back pocket of his jeans. Mark put his left hand on the back of Jack's neck and squeezed."

"Dude, you just got more points."

At Murphy's , Jack ordered a beer in a can, while Mark asked for white wine. Jack laughed. "Such a wimp." Mark retorted "wimp at the bar, devil in bed." "So seriously Mark, it took balls to do what you did. How did you know I wasn't gonna turn around and belt you?" "I DIDN'T " Mark said , honestly. But you know what? You're so goddamn good looking, I wanted to take the risk. I wasn't sure, until I saw your eyes, and then I thought: "I want this man under me." Jack gulped. "More points. Let's go. Your place close? Mine's a bit away. "Mine's two blocks away. When we walk, put your hands behind your back. You belong to me now." Jack smiled.

"Yes sir. But tonight. 'Now' is kinda open ended"

On the way back, Mark put his hand back on Jack's neck and asked "Ever been tied up Jack?" "Not yet, but I guess that's on the menu." "Damn right stud."

"If you thought that didn't make me excited, you're wrong," Jack turned and looked at Mark. Mark smiled. "You are SO close to having my tongue down your throat, it isn't funny."

They were barely in Mark's place before he pushed Jack up against the wall. He ran his hands over Jack's chest, until he got a moan out of him. "Oh. Nips. Hmmmm. One of my favorite toys. "

"FUCK YES" Jack moaned, as Mark continued to work on them. He pushed his mouth up against Jack and kissed him. He dove in, once, but then pulled back, and teased, as Jack tried to get his tongue again.

"For that, you're gonna have to turn around and let me tie your wrists behind you." "Better be worth it." Jack turned around. When his wrists were secured, Mark reached around and got his nips again. "My achilles heel." "OH. REALLY? And you're telling me? You want this." Mark pushed up against Jack's ass, and Jack moaned.

"Yes sir. Yes, I do. I want a man to take me. FUCK ME. FUCK MY BLUE COLLAR ASS."

" Oh , your ass is gonna get FUCKED stud. When I SAY it gets fucked". Mark began to work on Jack's nipples. Jack tried to resist, then he began to moan. He moaned so loud that Mark covered his mouth with a hand, and switched nips with the other. Mark whispered into Jack's ear.

" You're gonna blow me, or I'll rip your balls off." Jack shook his head YES. As hard as he could.

" Get on your knees stud". Jack complied, both scared and turned on by Mark's tone. Mark dropped his pants. " SUCK ME. Do a good job"

Most of the guys Jack had dated wanted blow jobs, once they found out he gave them. Normally, they weren't particpants. The just wanted to let Jack do everything. Not this guy. He pushed forward, he pulled back. He teased. He ran his cockhead around Jack's lips, until Jack was dying for the taste of cock. Then when Jack got to work, he grabbed Jack's hair and pushed his head back. 'ALL OF IT BOTTOM. EVERY LAST BIT. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT IF YOU CHOKE."

Mark's commands were sending a wave of electricity up and down Jack's body, centering in his cock. "DAMN. This guy knew what he was doing." Jack went all the way down on Mark's cock, and then Mark pushed some more. Jack's gag reflex came in, and they both felt it. Mark yanked his head up again.


Jack, still recovering from the face fuck, muttered "yes sir," and went off with Mark, who threw him face down on the bed.

"We got a LOT of areas to explore with you, blue collar Jack, but today, I just want that ass. " He reached under Jack and opened his pants.

and pushed them down to his ankles. He got off his shoes. "Hmmm. Nice looking feet. Ticklish.?"

'DON'T GO THERE SIR. PLEASE... " He paused. "Unless you're gonna tie them good. "Yeah, these are big boats. If you were an Asian kick fighter, I' d be in trouble . But I got enough to do to you..."

With Jack's pants off, Mark set to work grabbing his briefs. "Scream too much handsome, and this is gonna be your gag. Hell, maybe it will be anyway." He balled up the underwear and shoved it in Jack's mouth. Then he pushed Jack's thighs apart. "OH MAN. Look at that pretty ass. I want it. I want it MY WAY." Jack whimpered at what that could mean. Mark whispered. "It means I'm gonna take you long and slow, blue collar boi." Jack felt Mark's cock head at his ass, but he did nothing. He just kept it there, frozen. No sound, no nothing. Jack began to wiggle and moan.

"OH, you want it? You want me in you, stud?" Jack shook his gagged head YES, as vigorously as he could. Mark laughed. "Big strong tough worker guy, getting FUCKED by a wimpy student. How great is that?" Jack didn't care about the student part: this guy had taken him on, and won. He was getting everything he wanted. Student? Teacher? Bus Driver? GIVE ME THAT COCK" his brain was screaming. He heard the foil package rip, and then he felt the cock. ALL of it. Just like the blow job. All at once, and rough. No mercy. "OH GOD WAS THAT GREAT," he was thinking.

"LIke that bitch boi?" Mark's tone and the words got Jack to start leaking pre-cum. He tried to move his ass up, as a better target, and Mark slapped it down. 'YOU MOVE WHEN I SAY YOU DO" He was still in Jack, and now he began a slow slide back, like he was taking it out. Except he didn't. Halfway out, he rammed back in. "FUCK. Thought Jack. This guy knows what he's doing. DAMN. " Mark continued the assault. His cock seemed to swell, as he took Jack. At one point, he flipped him over. "Let me see those beautiful eyes. " Jack's gagged face was in front of him. So were his nips. Mark helped himself.

"You know studboi, there are a shit load of hunky guys around. But you're the one with the eyes. That's what people told me, and yeah. Those eyes. I want you in my bed every fucking night." He rammed home again. "You hear me? And if you don't show up, I'll come and get you. " The nip play and the dirty talk was pushing Jack closer, and closer. He had never been fucked like this before. He closed his eyes and thought about the possibility of this every night. It did the trick. He began to squirt, without hands, over and over. Mark smiled, and his voice got high.

"Look what I just did. I just brought off my new boyfriend." He shoved and pushed, and RAMMED and then, finally, Mark's jizz began flowing out, filling Jack. You could tell Mark had been working hard. He was breathing, almost panting, as he untied Jack, took out the gag, and lay down, pulling him into his embrace. He came out of character.

"How did you know?" He kissed the tip of Jack's nose. Jack smiled. "Sometimes, when you think I'm sleeping, I'm not quite yet. I heard you and Coops. You've given me so many fantasies, this is one I could give you easily. I hope you enjoyed it." Mark smiled, kissed him and whispered. "Did I enjoy it? Do you think you're gonna be able to sit tomorrow?"

Jack laughed. "Well, I have to say, that WAS one of the more rigorous fucks you've given me stud. I'd say I want them all like that, but I don't think I could survive." Mark laughed. "You have no idea how good you are for my ego, Jack Robson Riley. Get used to the sound of it."

"I like it. Not as much as "Mark's boy, but I like it." Another kiss from Mark followed. "Listen. I'll have to prep you a bit before we go, but next weekend, we got Jay and Brice on the calendar. I need to prep you because, well, let's just say that this is an 'old school' Dom/sub relationship. I'll explain more. Just be ready for a Saturday night out. Business casual. Jamie and I will get ya dressed.

Just then, they heard the scratching of Magnolia on the door. They laughed. "The joy of having a daughter," said Jack. He opened the door and she galloped in, up on the bed with Mark. "HEY Princess Magnolia. You want some food and then a walk?" Jack came back with a can of one of Magnolia's dinners. "Savory beef and liver. MMMMMMM" She forgot Mark and ran after Jack. Soon, all you heard was the sound of the chewing. Then, Jack getting her leash.

Mr. Top man, I'm taking princess for her walk. Hmmm. I really should give her a bow or something. Anyway, when I get back, we'll figure out dinner. Maybe even a pizza?

"You're not leaving without a kiss stud. And I'm not sure I should let you out in that outfit, but ok. Don't get kidnapped or anything.

Jack laughed. "I got my body guard. We're gonna be fine, we always are.

Mark just had a thought. "Hold on. I'm putting on my shoes. We're a family. We'll go together.

"Twist my arm," laughed Jack.

Two daddies and their dog could be seen walking up and down Park Avenue that late afternoon/early evening. It wasn't a crowded street at that hour. Of the few people who were out, more than one thought "Now, THAT'S love."

Next: Chapter 38

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