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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on May 2, 2023


A few days after the exam, Felix came running to Jack "CHIEF. CHIEF. I PASSED. I PASSED. I'M GONNA BE A SUPER!!!!" Jack looked at him and smiled. "I'm not gonna go crazy Feelie, because I knew it would happen. First try too. CONGRATULATIONS YOU SEXY MOTHER FUCKER." He pulled Felix into him, and felt the young man sobbing. "Feelie. Did I say something wrong?" "NO chief, no. I'm just, well, I'm so grateful . You helped me get my GRE" "Now, now. Laurie did that." "Yeah, but you brought us together. And you taught me everything, and you never lost patience." Jack laughed. "You just never saw it." "And, well, I never thought a gay guy could do this work, and then I heard about you." He started to sob again "Do you know what an inspiration you are?" Jack looked at him "to gay supers?" "NO you bonehead. To guys like me, who thought that because they didn't go to school, they couldn't succeed. Chief, you gotta come out to Queens and meet my buds. They LOVE my stories about you, and you inspire them all: they ALL want what you worked so hard for." "Well, it's not hard to get if you're willing to work Feels. Seriously: look how hard you worked. " I know, but I got me a man, I got a good job.." He began to tear up again. "But... they'll assign me to a building now. I won't be here no more." Jack bit his lip. Should he say something. "Feels, let's just say I'm working on that." The boy's eyes got big. "You're gonna make them keep me here with you?" Jack answered. "Let's just say I'm working on that, ok? Don't ask me anything because I can't promise anything. But if I hear something, I'll tell you right away." Felix threw his arms around him, and it killed Jack because he was holding back on his favorite guy. But he couldn't.

"HEY MARICONOS" yelled Victor from the side. "Do I gotta do this garbage alone while you guys make out?" Jack smiled. "You know, if you dont' want to work on the garbage, there's a clogged toilet up in 15J. Mrs. Moore with the triplets. You wanna go pull diapers out of the bowl."

"UGH, Shit no, boss. Lemme at that garbage." Felix looked at Jack " Yeah, we'll go up together. " Jack wanted all the tenants to get to know Felix. If his plan worked, he'd be their "go to."

It was a Monday, so Mark was home that afternoon. Jack had to take care of a few things, including getting a haircut, so he ran into the house and out again, taking Magnolia with him. Jack was lost in thought over his computer, but he called out. "Hey Jack-o, when you and my rival come back, let's sit together. I did some research on wedding venues. Time to start talking. "

The pit in Jack's stomach fell out. This was really gonna happen. " "Uh, yeah, sure Mr. Mark. Also, I gotta tell you about something that happened in the park yesterday. I just didn't wanna bother you yesterday, but, well, I think you'll wanna know. "

Jack was back home in about an hour and a half, with the knowledge that no, he could NOT take Magnolia to the barber again. She wasn't allowed inside, which he expected, but leaving her restrained to a pole outside - well, that did not go well. She essentially stood in front of the shop and barked, until he was finished. His barber, Sam, told him "I think you got a pup who got separated too soon. That's how she acts. Know how you can tell? When you play with her, and she begins to drowse, start making ticking sounds. It may remind her of her mom's heart. If that puts her to sleep: you got a preemie, and you better make some plans."

When he got back to the apartment, and threw off his overshirt, Mark was there, smiling. "Here they are. Princess Magnolia, and Prince Jack." He gave Jack a kiss, and stared into his eyes. "That haircut made you look even sexier." "OH MARK. Either you're horny or your glasses need cleaning or both." Mark wouldn't let him go. "I'm always horny thanks to you. And my glasses are clean. So, tell me what happened in the park this weekend. Then let's look at some wedding stuff."

He brought Jack a glass of some 'bubbly stuff' as Jack called it - just soda water - and sat down next to him, arm thrown around his shoulder. "I love cuddling you big guy. But I better warn you, it makes me even hornier."

Jack giggled. "Well, I hope what I tell you doesn't make you hornier.

Three guesses who I saw in the park on Sunday?" Mark sat there, "hmmm. I hope it wasn't Jon." "Oh, no, I woulda told you that from jail, because I would've killed him. No, no, but close. I saw Brian. He's working as a dog walker." "WHAT? He's still in the show. Details Jack, details." "Well, I was walking with Magnolia, and there was a musician. He was playing one of my favorite songs - you've heard me humming 'Mr. Bojangles" "Uh huh. Indeed I have. " "Well, I just felt like it was a good thing to do, so I picked Magnolia up by her front paws, and we began dancing. Then I heard some barking - a lot of it- and there was Brian, being dragged along by about six dogs.

I chatted with him and, well, Mark, things aren't going well for him."

"Talk Jack. This is important."

"Well, he was living with Jon, of course, and when Jon got what he deserved, Brian couldn't cover the rent" He looked at Mark "He told me what chorus boys earn. SHAME ON YOU. Anyway, most of the other boys are paired up with each other, or lovers, and given his history, no one would take him in. So he's couch surfing. He's working as a dog walker on his off hours to try to earn some money to get his own place, but it's rough. He told me that's why he hasn't called me back when I invited him out to drinks - he can't afford to pay his round."

Mark was trying to be sympathetic, but he wasn't getting there. "Lots of chorus boys struggle and make it." "I know Mark, I know. I just feel really heart pained." (This was one of Jack's expressions that both drove Mark crazy, and that he loved). "I feel like I'm partly responsible for this, and I wanna try to figure something out.

"Well, he's not surfing on the sofa here, Jack-o" "No, no, I wouldn't suggest that. I mean, I'm trying to figure out: is there anyone in the building who would take him in, could give him work. He paused "Maybe Laurie Maloney? That apartment is big enough: there's an extra bedroom, and she says she's lonely. "

"Does she need someone?" "Well, no Mark, she hasn't said that. But she's helped people before, if she liked them. I think I'm gonna ask. "

"I'm going with you dumpling. Let's make sure that you don't let your heart get in front of your brain."

He looked at Mark. "Yeah, that happens with me, doesn't it? My heart and my dick." He gave Mark a kiss. "So, show me this wedding stuff."

"It's over on the table. I've got the computer opened, and I've got some papers. Pull up a chair next to mine. I'll be right back. " Jack got a chair, and put it next to Mark's. Then Mark came back from the bedroom . He had a piece of rope in his hand.

"First, jackstud, put your hands behind your back." "Is this a scene Mark? " "No, it's your Dom telling you what to do. Put. Your. Hands. Behind. Your . Back." "Yes sir. " Mark tied them fairly tight. "I just don't want you moving around for this. Now... " He pulled up a photo of an older estate.

"That's a beautiful building Mark. Jack leaned forward, constrained by the ropes. Where is it?" Feeling the rope was giving him a hard on "It's just upstate. Maybe a 45 minute drive. That's what's so great. It has 30 rooms, so if you think that some people will share rooms, it gives us some leverage on guests." His reasons for tying Jack's hands then became clear, as he reached around, grabbed some of Jack's belly near his waist band, and began to tickle.

"HEY . Quit that Mark. C'mon. You know I don't like being tickled." "Yup. And you know I like tickling you. And I'm in that mood. And after we finish here, you're gonna get it good, before I nail you to the bed. So get used to it." Giggling, and squirming Jack answered "Yes sir."

"So, the place is actually very reasonable in October. " He showed Jack the number. "WOW. We can afford that." "Yes, we can. And here's the other part of it. Cooper knows the owner, and he's a gay guy. He can get us a 30% discount. But we'd need to lock in."

"What dates are we looking at Mark?" Mark hadn't stopped working on Jack's belly, and he was still squirming, and trying to be serious as he got more and more aroused. "he's got October 7, 8, and 9: that weekend. It's fairly short notice. But with the price.. " He stopped tickling. "Would you be willing to OFFICIALLY become Mr. Jack Robson Reilly?" His eyes were glistening with some tears. "Yes, but only if you'll officially become Mr. Mark Reilly Robson?" Mark didn't break his stare. He smiled, and said in a really low voice. "I do." Jack felt the seriousness and said. "I do, too." They kissed. They kissed for a long time.

"So if it's ok with you, I'll contact the owner, and I'll make the deposit. Then we'll get invitations out, look for a caterer. It'll all happen: just about four months from now."

Jack grinned. "I think I'm more interested in what's gonna happen four minutes from now... :

"I think you know, stud.. " Mark put his hand on Jack's neck and pulled him out of the chair, into the bedroom. Jack was still tied up, so he couldn't do anything when Mark lay him down, and began tickling his belly vigorously.

"MARK. COME ON. HA HA HAHAHAHAHA. STAAAHHHHP. With Jack helpless, he could untie his hands. He kept up the belly tickling.

"SHIT I feel like a waterbug on its back. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. " Mark stopped, but kept his hand on Jack's belly. "You gonna put out for me?" Jack laughed. "When have I not put out for you?"

"Hmmm. good point. I don't have to tie you up to get what I want do I?" "Only if what you want involves tying me up, topman?"

Nah. What I want is to celebrate what we decided. " He ran his scruff against Jack;s neck "We are going to be groom and groom."

Jack began to cry. "Hey. Did I say something wrong?" "No, no. You said everything right. I'm just thinking. After Jamie and I met, and we were getting friendly, we had a talk about marriage once. We agreed neither one of us was the marrying type: no one would ever want two trash boys like us. And now... Jamie's a goddamn millionaire, he's probably gonna get married, and I'm gonna get married, and ... he started crying again. "I'm gonna get everything I want. Including the man I always wanted."

Mark looked at him. "I know you don't lie. But you're gonna have to explain that."

Jack looked at him. "You've got me pinned down, so I can't get to it. Pull my wallet out of my pants." Mark did. "Now , reach behind my credit cards and everything else. You're gonna find a ratty piece of paper. Pull it out.

It was a note, in Mark's student handwriting. "Loved seeing you. Hope you like the flowers. Call me handsome. xoxoxoxoxo."

"You kept this? All these years?" "There's more stud. On the bookshelf. Not the living room one, but the little one there. See that blue thin one? Pull it out It was a yearbook. There was a post it attached to a page. Mark opened it. It was his photo from when he got his doctorate.

"Wait. You had left school by then. How did you get this? " "E bay. If you're patient, everything shows up there." Mark saw the little hearts, the flowers, all around the photo.

"Jack, I had no idea. " "Of course you didn't. How could you?" "Why didn't you try to get in touch with me?" "Mark , you were destined for better things than sleeping with a drop out who worked on buses. I knew if I got in touch with you, you'd come. And I couldn't do that to you."

Mark looked at him. "I didn't think it was possible, but I love you a WHOLE LOT more than I did five minutes ago. My woody has not gone down, and you're still gonna get plowed, but Jack... OH GEEZ. " He kissed him. "You know this changes things. "

"No. How?" "Well, now we're gonna help Brian together. Because... well.. I thought you were so interested because... you wanted to top someone. And he was right there." Jack made a face. "Mark, first of all, I don't wanna top ANYONE. Second of all, if you forced me to choose, Brian is NOT on my top ten list. And for what it's worth, the only man I want in my bed with me... is you... But right now, in or on top of bed, what I want is your cock in me. So get to it. And give my nips a good working."

Mark smiled. "You mean like this? " He began rubbing Jack's left nipple, then his right. "OH YEAH. Just like that. He began to whimper. "Jack Robson, I have been with a lot of men, and a lot of them had sensitive nips. NOT like you.." He grabbed one between his teeth and began chewing.

"FUUUUCK, came out of Jack. "OH JUST FUUUUUCK. You are making me so hot..." Mark hooked his finger through the nipple ring. Am I? Well..." He began to tease Jack with his tongue: bringing it to his lips and pulling it away, as Jack tried to get up to get it. The tit play kept him pinned down though, and Mark just laughed. "Gonna get your legs in the air, super jack?

"Yes sir. Super jack is gonna put them up for the man with the kryptonite cock. "

"You know Jack, we gotta look for green condoms one day." "Top drawer. Next to the handcuffs." Yup, there they were. Mark began to laugh. "I can't believe you got these." "I got them before I met you. You never know. Now are you gonna use them, or..."

"SHUT UP SUPERJACK. Mark covered Jack's mouth with his hand, before he found some tape to gag him firmly. Then he slipped on the green condom. "Gonna make you STING, bitchboi.." He slid off the painter pants Jack was wearing, and wet his cock with spit. Then he began sliding in. This time, he let Jack use his tightening his butt trick. Every time he did, Mark tickled him until he released it. Mark closed his eyes, and thought back to the date that led to that note. OH GOD. That was the one where he took Jack's cherry. GOD that was a hot date. Jack had moaned, and begged, and hugged him so hard that night.

The flood of memories impacted Mark's cock, as he exploded in the man who had loved him all these years. He edged Jack next, and then they hugged, not caring how sticky they got.

The sound of Magnolia scratching the door brought them around. Dinner to be made, showers to be taken. The door slammed and with some barking and fake growling, Jamie and Cooper were wrestling with Magnolia.

"Hey guys. You gonna be here for dinner? Jack made a lasagna. " The two looked at each other. "Well, yeah, but we were gonna take you out. We want you to help us celebrate."

"Celebrate? Celebrate what?" Jamie and Cooper looked at each other guilty. Jamie counted. "five/four/three/two/one." They each held out their right hand, to show the matching engagement rings. "

Next: Chapter 37

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