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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 29, 2023


Exam today. Jack was head examiner of the coolant part of the superintendent's exam, and he was excited. He had given Felix the day off - changed some shifts around so that he could do last minute prep - and now, after his own shift was over, he was cleaning up and getting ready for the trip downtown. Some weeks ago, Jamie had insisted he needed at least one "serious shirt," and then had gotten him six. Jack liked the light blue one, with the white collar, so he pulled that out, some dressier khakis, and pulled himself together. He would get his "examiner jacket" at the school. It was an old tradition: during exam period, the examiners wore this hideous blue jackets, so everyone knew that they were in charge. Everyone knew without it, but, tradition being what it was..

As he began heading out the door. He felt Mark's arm encircle his waist, tightly.

"Hey. You must have come in when I was showering or dressing. I didn't hear you." Mark was NOT letting go of his grip. He whispered into Jack's ear. "Where you going, looking so fucking sexy?" His hand moved up to Jack's pierced nipple and began to rub. "This guy feeling better?"

Jack sucked in his breath. "Oh, shit yeah. But Mark... I really gotta go." "sub boy. Not yet. I didn't say you could . What if I need a blow job, NOW?" Mark kept working on Jack''s nippled. "SHIT. I can't do a good one now.. Can't I give you two later.? OH FUCK." Mark had begun squeezing that nipple, and he rimmed Jack's ear with his tongue. "Wrong answer sweetums... To the bedroom, or else.." He moved his hand to grab a chunk of Jack's middle, and began to tickle. "OH SHIT. OK, OK. "

Mark had Jack pinned on his back on the bed. The nip work had drained a lot of Jack's strength, so he had almost no fight left. "Mark, really. I gotta get to the school." Mark didn't really seem to be paying attention. "You just look SO FUCKING HOT. " He moved his beard scruff to Jack's neck and as he rubbed, he whispered. "You gonna try to pick up one of those sexy students?" Jack squirmed. "NO. OF COURSE NOT. Why would I look for what I got here? None of them could be as good as you, Sir."

That answer seemed to please Mark. He sat back , released Jack's wrists, but began the tit game. "Can ya get up, stud?" "No Sir. You got me. I'm your prisoner." Mark laughed. "No Jack. Like the song says "I'm the prisoner of your love." He moved his mouth down to Jack's lips. "You come home as soon as things are over. I am SO horny, and I want you SO bad. " He kissed him again.

"One button open, not two. You're too damn sexy with two open. You do that when I'm around."

"Yes sir. How about when I walk Magnolia when I come back? You'll come with me?

Mark laughed. "Dogs are guy magnets. You're not leaving without me." He got up. He laughed. As one of my professors said "FAIL EM ALL!:


Jack thought about that, on the way to the school. The little encounter was making him hot. Since the show had opened, Mark had been much more aggressive. He had new "rules" for Jack: like keeping his hands behind him when they kissed, the more frequent blow jobs. And he was tying Jack up a lot more. Mostly in the chair, making him struggle to submission. None of it bothered Jack, he was absolutely happy with the increase in domination. He just began to wonder: was Jack jealous of the dog?

All that would have to wait. He got to the school, went to the main office where the Examiners were gathering and, after pleasantries and a quick coffee, went off to his lab. He would actually have a bit of time, because the coolant exam was the third of the five, so the kids wouldn't be in for two hours. In that time, he checked each one of the specimens they'd be working on. All looked good. His experienced eye made sure that each one DID exhibit a fairly common problem. The issue was a blocked freon valve. They'd have to diagnose the problem, write up a possible solution, and then fix the problem. For this, the solution was pretty standard. They'd have to bleed the freon that was in the system, apply mild heat, re-seal the valve, and then fill the unit back up with more freon. they had 90 minutes for the test. He smiled. This was the first problem he had worked on with Felix. He'd watched him do it on his own about 20 times now. If Felix screwed this up....

As the second bell rang, indicating that heating was finished, they traipsed into Jack's lab, where he was waiting for them.

"Good evening all. If you could sign the sign up sheet. Even you Felix." He smiled. Then pick a station, and we'll get started."

As the kids settled in, Jack began. "Good. Everyone looks ready. I'm Jack Robson, and I'll be examining this part of your exam today. Here's how it works. You each have a cooling unit, with a fairly common problem . " He smiled. "I'm not supposed to say this, but I bet you've seen it often. You'll each have a sketch pad in front of you. What you need to do is, on one page , write your name and your id number, and then give me your diagnosis. Then, on a second page, again your name and id, and a plan for solution. You'll have 30 minutes for that. You have an hour to fix it. I'll be walking around, taking notes, because I have to check you on a list of ten criteria. It's pass fail, every inch of the way, and you MUST pass on each one. So... while I don't necessarily agree with the criteria, your cleanliness is considered as important as your diagnostic ability.

'ANY QUESTIONS?' None. Ok, ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys. He picked up the starter clock. 30 minutes now. "

There was silence in the room as the students each picked up their unit and studied it. "GOOD." Jack thought to himself. They all seem to be looking for the right things. His group seemed particularly bright, and no one was writing anything else after 20 minutes.

"OK, hand em in folks. I'll be reviewing them, while you're working. After the pads were in, he asked. "Does anyone want a break? Potties? Coffee, joints? " That got a laugh. "No? Ok, then.... we start NOW."

As the work began, Jack took a first look around the room, walking from station to station. This was to make sure that everyone had on their protective gear, and was keeping an organized work space. All in all, pretty good. Jack knew what was important and what was not, so he had his own standard as to what passed, and what did not. If, for example, someone didn't use solvent to clean the unit when it was done, he was not failing them on cleanliness. On the other hand, to not wear protective gear during freon drainage was an automatic fail, in his book.

The students would indicate when they were ready, and the test was to plug in the unit and see if it cooled. Not surprisingly, Felix was the first one finished. "CHECK CHIEF" he called, and Jack went over.

"Ok, let's see. .. " Jack gave the unit a careful review. "Plug it in please. Pray it doesn't explode." The power went through the unit, and soon, you could feel the air get cooler. "Unplug it please. I'll take it with me. Thank you , you're excused from the exam." Felix smiled. He knew his boss wasn't that serious, but the situation called for it.

Jack sat down at his table, pulled out Felix's papers, and checked them. "Pass. Pass." Then he looked over the unit. A little sloppy, but 8 more passes. He smiled. Felix had probably just pushed up his time table for deciding on working with Jamie and Cooper.

One by one, the students brought up their units. Two seemed to be having a bit of trouble, and were nervous about the time.

"You know, I may have set my watch wrong, guys. I apologize. Seems you have an extra ten minutes." Jack's view was that while they SHOULD be able to finish in the time allocated, no one was gonna blow a vessel if they took ten more minutes. One of them looked up. "Thanks Mr. Robson. OH, I"m sorry. I forgot. Thanks Jack." He laughed. "I should fail you for that." The end of the time pressure helped the two of them and, before long, Jack was making ten "pass" checks on each sheet. He was pleased. There were no problems. These kids were good. He brought his sheets back to the center office, for recording. Connor was there.

"HEY . I didn't expect you here Connor. How's it going? " Connor smiled. "It's going well, Jack. I wanted to stop by to ask if you've considered the school's offer yet." Jack sighed. "I have been. I wanted to wait to see what happened tonight with Felix. I'm thinking of getting out of this superintendent building and trying something new. But I wanna make sure my building is in good hands. Based on what I saw, I think it is."

Connor smiled. "Jack, you're a good man." He shook his hand. "By the way, Gloria would like it if you and Mark could come to dinner. So would I. She did warn that you'd have to sing for your supper."

"Well, golly Connor, that sounds great. I think Mark is home, so I'll ask him tonight."


Jack got home to a barking, frantic, and happy Magnolia. "HEY PRETTY LADY. You miss daddy?" He bent down and got covered with doggie kisses. "How's about we give our pretty girl some dinner, and then let's see if Daddy Mark is ready to go for a walk."

"He is..." a somewhat sleepy looking Mark said. "OH, did Magnolia and I wake you?" Mark laughed. I drifted off. I didn't mean to. I was waiting for you. " Jack had put down the food and had washed his hands, as Mark came up from behind him and kissed his neck. "How was Professor Robson tonight?"

"MMMM. Went well, but I was rock hard under the desk. All night."

Mark smiled. "I like hearing that. We can take care of that. "

"In a bit." Jack had trained Magnolia to get her leash when she wanted walking. "You wanna come with us?"

"I do. Just one minute though.." He reached up and unbuttoned the second button on Jack's shirt. "I'm with you, and if they woof you, well.."

Off they went. Magnolia walked at the right, and Jack held her leash tightly. Mark was on his left, holding his left hand. Jack was beaming. "Know what, Sir? I feel right now like one of those model pictures: here's Magnola, with her Master, and here I am , with mine." Mark squeezed Jack's hand. "And very soon, your husband. I wanna talk about the wedding this weekend ."

Jack couldn't stop because Magnolia was a vigorous walker. "REALLY? We're gonna do it? You promise?" Mark smiled. "I'm gonna make sure you are legally bound to me as soon as possible."

"OH WOW. I never thought it would happen. Geez, I'd kiss you but... Miss Magnolia seems to have found her spot. "

Magnolia was a delicate girl when it came to things like her toilet. She always looked away from Jack, probably thinking if she couldn't see HIM, he couldn't see her. He moved in to scoop it up and found a trash can. Now Magnolia was frisky. Throwing a toy in Central Park was not advised, especially at this hour, but Jack pulled a squeezy toy out of his back pocket. "Come on girl. I promise I won't cheat by playing with your nips . I'm not Daddy Mark."

Mark had to turn away and laugh. That remark, so unprepared and so natural, was everything he loved about Jack. That and how he toyed with Magnolia, not pulling too hard, and letting her win most of the time, until she began to tire. "Ok, girl.. Let's go back.

"She looks like she wants you to carry her," Mark smiled.

"Yeah, we did that once. NOT a good choice, stud.. And besides, it's clear you got ideas. You don't want Magnolia fur all over you." Mark laughed internally. He had fur on his mind."


Back at home, he kissed Jack. Jack had put his hands behind his back, and as Mark kissed deeper he asked "Please Sir. Can I leave position and hug you? I wanna feel your cock up against me. " Mark laughed. "You're gonna be feeling my cock a lot. Bedroom. NOW."

"Yes sir." Jack got in his usual position, because Mark almost always started by climbing on top of him. Tonight, he pulled the restraints down, and opened Jack's shirt. "Someone is gonna get nice and clean."

"OH SHIT. You decided to.. HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Mark had said there would be tickling before the shearing, and there was. He got to work on Jack's pits real hard.

"SIR, PLEASE . I'M GONNA PEE MYSELF." Mark stopped. "Ok, then we can get to work. " He looked at Jack and held his chin, before he kissed him. "You're so good to me. You didn't have to do it."

NO Sir. I want it. I really do. I wanna feel what it's like to be your boy 100%. " Mark was getting harder by the second. Could he hold his hand steady enough to do it. ?"

"I'm gonna used the clippers superjack. More steady, and faster. Cause I got other plans." He turned them on and got to work. They tickled a little too, and Jack worked hard not to squirm too much. Mark took his time, cooing over what a pretty boy Jack was. Then it was done. Jack was smooth, pits to pubes. "

"GOD you look even better handsome. " Mark moved in and began nibbling Jack's nips.

"OH, MARK. That nip. It makes things so sensitve. FUUUUUCK. You're making me nuts."

Mark laughed. "GOOD. Then my work is ... started.." He got off Jack's shoes, and paused. "No one's here tonight, but how about a sock gag?" He pulled off one of Jack's athletic shoes, and tied it into the form he liked. He attached it to Jack's head, filling his mouth. "MMMPH. MMMMPH," came out of Jack, making Mark even harder.

The khakis came off, and then, Mark spread Jack's legs slowly, lovingly.

"You gave me this so many years ago, and you're STILL giving it to me. I'm so grateful for you Jack Robson.." He began to kiss the inside of Jack's thighs, over and over. He kissed his cockhead, which led to an inadvertent spurt of precum all over Mark's lips. He smiled, and licked them. "SO well seasoned So tasty. Makes me wanna go AND EAT MORE.."

He growled, pushed Jack's legs in the air, and started making pig noises as he chewed on Jack's balls, and his cock, before pushing his legs up over his shoudlers. Jack had stopped making groans, but he was breathing very , very hard, as Mark fingered his hole, slowly, teasing. Jack tried to slide down more, and Mark laughed.

"Nope. Nope. Mark's in charge. Nope..." When Jack's eyes took on that pleading quality, he sheathed his cock. "Here we go. Gonna take my smart ass professor.." He slid in, and through the gag, Jack moaned. He had been waiting for this all day. Mark was much less aggressive with his cock than usual, and Jack wondered what was wrong. He needn't have. Mark was playing possum, because the RAMMING began, and Jack began to swoon. His eyes went to the back of his head, and he heaved a sigh of pleasure when Mark went back to his nips.

"You like this superjack? You like me controlling you?" Jack shook his head vigorously. 'FUUUUUUCK." Mark yelled as he filled Jack's ass, as if it were a cream puff.

"OH GEEZ sexy man. Every time I think I'm going to hold some back... I look at how happy your face is, and I empty." He took the gag out of Jack's mouth and untied the restraints. "Can you do something for me tonight? I'd love to watch you off yourself. I don't remember the last time I saw you masturbate."

"Sure Sir. " Jack smiled. "Maybe you'll learn something." He licked his hand, and began stroking himself. As he did, he closed his eyes, and began whispering. "Who fucks you studboi? Who's the man who broke you? Who got you to surrender? Yeah, it was that big stud you had the crush on. Still do. FUCK.. OH, what he does to me. OH SHIT OH SHIT. HERE IT COMES..." and yes, Jack began shooting, all over. He fell back, his tongue out of his mouth."

Mark laughed. "Magnolia taught you to do that." Jack smiled. "I think I taught her."

Mark lay down next to him. "Jack, can I ask you: what you were saying when you were stroking . Was that for me?"

Jack looked at him. "No Sir. You know, when you were putting in all those odd hours, it was lonely here, and I jerked more than once. I just let my mind go, to make me find a happy place. And that's it."

Mark looked at him. "So your happy place is knowing that I'm your top?"

"My happy place is knowing you're my DOM, Sir."

As had happened so often, Mark wanted to cry again. "I am NOT letting you go, studboi." He looked at Jack. "You like being called 'studboi?"

"By you Sir. I'm no one else's boi. No one else gets to call me that. " Mark kissed him, and before the settled in to bed he whispered "Gnight studboi."

Next: Chapter 36

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