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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 26, 2023


After the group hug, and the lunch that Cooper had brought in, the four of them sat down to cover a second level of planning. Cooper had been briefed on the problems with Jon. He had a practical suggestion. "For what it's worth, I can offer this, I think. I missed out on investing in the show, and I know he's in. Mark, do you have any idea what his investment is?"

"I'm not sure, but I know it's not more than 25k. We had a list of the investors who put in that or more, and he's not on it.

"Ok, then this is what I can do. I'm willing to triple his investment, and take over his interest in the show. Once he's bought out, he has no reason to be here."

"True, Coop" Mark answered. "But we can't force him to sell,and we can't force him to leave NYC."

Jack was sitting there, quietly, clearly considering something. "I have an idea. Or, actually, Felix and Carlos had the idea. If they were here, I could have them explain it, because they came up with it. It needs all of us behind it, me included. If I can have a few minutes."

Mark, Cooper and Jamie listened, as Jack explained what was, ultimately , a simple plan, but a dangerous one. Especially for him. When he was done, Mark looked at him, with tears in his eyes. "You'd do this for me?"

"Dude, knock off that shit. This guy is dangerous. I kinda think of him as mold in the basement. Ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get him out. And if this will work, then we do it." There was silence, and Jack spoke "Look. I know what's going on. You're all worried about my safety. Well, two things. First of all, worrying about my safety is MY job, not yours. Now, second, I'm gonna leave the room, and go check out some more of the framing on the house. You guys discuss the plan. If you're good with it, let's do it. What do you need, half an hour?"

They looked at each other, and Jamie spoke this time. "No, Jack, we don't need any time. Your point about your safety is a good one. If you're in on this, we're in on it. "

"Great. I'll talk to Carlos and Felix. I KNOW Felix will do whatever we ask, but we really need Carlos because, well, as he put it "I've done time, I got nothing to lose." He's the only one here in that position. I think." There was laughter, and then Jack smiled. "OK. One toast, and then a group hug. We're gonna crush this waterbug."

The plan called for Mark to go into the theater on Monday, even though he was supposed to be off. He was looking to make a meeting with Mark, and also, to confirm the investment amount. The second part was easy: it was 20k. The play's accountant was very thorough and organized. Trying to get Jon proved to be more difficult. What got him was the text from Mark "you happen to know about the secret dungeon in this theater? I found it last week." Jon was in his office in ten minutes.

"Mark, how are you? I'm surprised you looked for me. I acted REALLY badly at the party. I apologize if I insulted you."

"Well, I don't think I'm the one who needs the apology, but let's leave by gones to by gones. Jack is already over it. " He smiled. "But Jack is the reason I found this dungeon. Come on down to the basement. I'll show you."

Jon was suspicious, but he went. "See, Jack was here one day, to surprise me, and instead, I surprised him. But you know, with so many people around before opening, there was no way I was gonna have the privacy to do what I wanted in my office. Soooo, I figured "let's go to the basement. And just around this corner, look what I found. Maybe props from another show, who knows, but...." It was the corner where he, Jack and Jamie had acted out the Wild West fantasy. Mark had augmented it with a pair of nipple clamps, and an ass paddle.

"HOLY." Jon whispered, clearly getting excited. "And you do Jack here?" "I do. It's either 2 or 3 times, but I've dragged him down here and fucked the shit out of him. " "Opening night?" Jon's eyes were getting brighter, and scarier. Mark laughed. "That's one I'm not gonna answer. I'm just gonna tell you this. The room was MY secret, now it's OUR secret. If you wanna use it with Brian, or whomever, that's cool. Just let me know, because I may be using it with Jack, and we'll just have to take turns."

"I can get behind that Mark. " He paused "Thank you, The dancers take a lot of breaks, and if I can get some time with Brian..." He paused and he began to smile. "Are you using it this afternoon?"

"No, not today. I'm actually heading back home . I left Jack hogtied before I came down today, and I better let him out of it, and thank me for it." Jon smiled. "THAT'S the top man I trained. I'm proud of you. Make that plumber know who's boss."

Mark winced at that line, but he told himself "No. Nothing to get in the way. "

He left and made his way back home. He texted Jamie, Cooper, and Jack. "Successful meeting. If Felix is around, see if he can visit with us. We'll get this all set up."

The plan went like this: Felix and Carlos would be at the theater, but they'd be hiding off to the side, for back up if they were needed. Jamie and Cooper would be upstairs, coming to Mark's office after the plan was in place. Mark was going to tie Jack to the pipes like he did last time - except he wasn't going to tie the ropes securely, so Jack could get out. He'd leave him there gagged. Then he'd ask Jon if he could go down and check on Jack, to make sure he hadn't gotten away. The thinking was, Jon would not miss a chance to try to hurt a helpless Jack, and that's when they'd "throw the net" as Jamie put it. And all of it was going to be taped. They had installed a small camera for that. It would happen on Thursday.

In bed on Wednesday, Mark was hugging Jack especially tightly. "You nervous sweet heart?" "Yeah dude, I'm nervous about suffocating from you squeezing me to death. Did you watch my tape on anacondas or something?" Mark laughed. "So you're not scared about this at all?" "Dude, get some sleep. I can kick the shit outta Jon six ways to heaven. And my boys will be there. It's all gonna be fine. You just do your part. " Jack was asleep about ten minutes after that. The rhythmic breathing that Mark had gotten so used to, told him that his boy was fine.

Mark went down to the theater on Thursday, and did the prep work. He was probably more nervous than he had been on opening night. Jack texted him when he was finished with his shift. "Dude. On my way down. Feelie is with me. He's worse than I was about cabs, but he's here. Carlos is coming from Brooklyn. Should be there soon."

"Yo, Carlos here." And there he was at Mark's office. "Carlos, THANK YOU," Mark stood up to shake Carlos' hand. "Hey, look, it's how it works boss. Your boy took care of mine, and we take care of each other. No probs. So, you gonna show me where I should be, or should I go have a smoke or something?

"Yeah, let's all go get in position, dude," Jack and Felix walked in. The couples paired off and kissed their men. Mark began to talk about how he appreciated all of this, and Jack interrupted. "Man of many words, the guys have things to do. And you got me to do, so let's get started. First, I gotta change." In front of all of them - because Jack really had no qualms about nudity - he shucked his work clothes, and put on a pair of white wrestling tights. They showed everything. No shirt. Just like the WWW scene. Mark couldn't himself : nervous as he was, he threw a boner. He heard Carlos whisper to Felix. "DAMN. That is ONE FINE MAN you work for." Mark smiled. "You keep your hands off my boy. Unless he asks you."

They went down to the basement. "Ok guys, let's get this done." Jack put up his arms so that Mark could tie a loose knot in the rope suspending them from the pipe. He put a big piece of duck tape over Jack's lips, and then he put a pair of tit clamps on the floor, and the paddle at the side. He showed Felix and Carlos to a cul de sac, where they could see what was happening, but couldn't be seen. "Now, let's get this party started." He gave Jack a kiss through the tape and said "I love you Jacko" "MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH" was "I love you too. Get upstairs."

Mark went back to his office and checked that the camera, and the tape were working. Cooper and Jamie came by, looking horribly scared. "Are we SURE this is gonna work." "It's gonna work. For now, get in the office next door. I'll get Jon." Instead of texting, he called. Jon picked up. "Hey Jon, Mark here. Two things. First, if you wanna use the room with Brian or whomever, it'll be free in about an hour. Second, I've got Jack down there now. I should be checking on him, but I've got a conference call about the summer season. Could you just take a look to make sure he's ok?"

"It would be my pleasure" was Jon's reply. The tone of his voice almost made Mark vomit. "I'll go down right now, and report to you."

Mark got the guys out of the other office "Ok, he's going down, let's keep our eyes on the camera." Jamie warned him. "Mark, we CAN'T do anything if he uses the clamps, or the paddle. That's entrapment. So he may do some stuff that you don't like. Be patient."

Down in the basement, Jack could hear footsteps. He began to make louder sounds through the tape gag, almost like he was calling Jon over.

"Well, well, well. You go looking for props, and look what you find. A hot slab of beef, just waiting for butchering." Jack didn't have to fake the hatred in his eyes, and he struggled mightily. Jon came over, smiling. "You know, Mark was a good student. When did he forget to tie a good knot?" Mark reached up and adjusted the loose knot. Now, Jack was tied, very securely.

"SHIT. We didn't plan for that. FUCK. How's he gonna get out?" Mark was frantic. "Patience big guy. Patience. He'll be fine. " Jamie texted Carlos. Keep position. Nothing yet. "

Jon stepped back. "you know, Mark is getting sloppy. He shaved you, but what about those pits? Gotta clean those, but if they're here, and exposed, oh well.." He came over, and his nails raked over Jack's pits and ribs. "You're not ticklish? I don't hear you laughing?" In fact, Jack was dying. Jon showed no mercy, and the groans from his gag were getting louder.

"I can't watch this." Mark yelled. "We gotta go." 'MARK WE'RE ALL AS NERVOUS AS YOU ARE. SIT DOWN" Jamie yelled. He texted again. "Not yet."

"Ok, now let's have some more fun... He saw the clamps on the floor. "Did these fall off? Did you knock them off, stud? " Jack looked at him and then nodded yes. "Well, we don't want Mark to think I didn't do my job" He put the clamps on Jack's nips, and twisted them. Jack tried to scream. Carlos turned to Felix. "FUCK. I'm gonna kill him." Felix looked at him. "NO. You're gonna hurt him, but you're not gonna kill him. "

Jon saw the paddle. "You know, Mark was never much of a spanker, but with an ass like that, I can see why he'd have a change of heart." He picked up the paddle, and waled on Jack's ass, a good ten times. This was something Jack wasn't used to , and it hurt. He began to cry, and the defiance left him.

"He's in trouble. We gotta go down," Mark yelled . This time it was Cooper. "Just a little more patience. I think I know what's gonna happen next.

Jon stepped back. "Ok, you fucking piece of crap. You took Jack from me, you little turd. My protege, my star student. I taught him better than to fuck with street trash. Now, between you and those spics. " He spat at Jack, and then he pulled a cigarette, and a cigarette lighter out of his pocket. He pulled the clamps. "These don't leave a mark, but like your spic buddies know, these do.." He lit the cigarette. "Where first Jack? Those nips he likes so much.

"That's it! Now we're out of entrapment. Let them go." Jamie signalled Carlos. "time to take the bastard down."

Jon never got the cigarette on Jack's body. Felix stepped out first, to distract him. "What's your problem dude? Can't fight someone hand to hand?

"Where the fuck did you come from you cockroach?" "Same place I did, asshole. " Carlos was behind him. He had the paddle in his hand and he SMACKED Jon so hard, he went down, stunned.

MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH. came from Jack. "You ok chief? Felix asked him. Jack pointed to the clamps. "Gotcha. Lemme get them off." He pulled them off and then went to Carlos. "PIn his wrists Feel. I'll take care of the rest." He began pulling Jon's pants down, and when he had his jock off, he lit a cigarette. "So.. You like burning people? Me too. Where should I start.

"WE GOTTA GET DOWN THERE AND STOP THIS." Jamie shook his head. "Be careful. You don't want to trip on the stairs. Go slow." Cooper couldn't help laughing. They heard Jon's scream, just as Carlos put the cigarette on one testicle. "That loud enough? I don't think so." Then he applied the cigarette to his other testicle. More screaming. The look on Carlos' face was scary. "Now, if you think THAT hurt, wait until I do your cock head, maricon."

CARLOS. ENOUGH. Mark was pulling him off Jon. "Mark, thank God you got here. These bastards..."

"Yeah, I know, I watched the whole thing. There's a camera. Get this piece of shit up and get him into the conference room. Jamie, Coops, you go too. Make sure the documents are there. I'll be up in a few minutes."

Everybody left, and Mark went over to Jack. He began untying him and Jack shook his head NO, violently. "You ok, love? There's no reason to stay tied up. "

MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH. Jack's eyes were pleading. Mark couldn't figure things out, and then... Oh.. " He began to laugh. "you sick puppy. You're horny. You wanna get fucked like that scene." Jack shook his head eagerly." Mark laughed. "I gotta admit. I was hard as a rock until he took out that cigarette. But I don't need any clamps... " he moved his fingers over Jack's nips, and Jack sucked in his breath. Mark pulled the tape off his lips.

"YES. Take my mouth Sir. I can't get on your cock from here, but I'll take care of that later. Gimme your tongue though. PLEASE. FUCK MY MOUTH WITH YOUR TONGUE. AND THEN FUCK ME. FUCK ME LIKE YOU'D FUCK JIM WEST."

Mark had no idea that Jamie and Cooper were in the office, watching on the camera. "We really shouldn't be doing this you know," Cooper said. "Yeah, I know, was Jamie's reply. Now get outta my way. He's about to bend Jack over." Indeed, Mark had taken down the ropes, but had secured Jack's hands behind his back, and had him bent over the table. His tongue was well up Jack's ass, getting him lubed for what was coming.

In the conference room, Jon was too scared to try anything with Carlos and Felix. "It's a non smoking room, so I can't light a smoke," Carlos said. BUT..." He SMACKED Jon across his face so hard that his little glasses went flying across the room. "YOU OWE ME FOR THAT YOU SPIC.' Carlos laughed. "That the best you got? Know how many spics gonna fuck your ass in prison? A whole shit load."

Mark wasn't Spanish, but he was solidly in the midst of fucking Jack, with Jack yelling for more. "TAKE ME. MY HERO. THE MAN WHO RESCUED SUPERJACK IS TAKING HIS REWARD. OH YEAH. OH YEAH.. " One final push, and Mark squirted into Jack, big time. He turned Jack over. "Yes?"

"No dude. Lemme save it up for tonight. I wanna second session. After I'm cleaned up and smelling good."

Mark smiled. "You smell pretty good to me, but let's get upstairs. We're gonna finish this."

In the conference room, he took a look at Jon's face, and didn't say anything.

"Listen up you shit. I asked you to go check on my lover."

"And I DID Mark. Then this shit came out."

Mark laughed. "You were always a good liar. That's why God invented cameras. " They ran the tape for Jon. "So, now here are the options. Carlos feels he didn't finish the job, and he hates leaving work unfinished. We can let him do that. OR, we can call the police, and show them the tape. As far as they know, you're the one who did it. From start to finish, and the boys stopped you.

OR.... And Cooper stepped in. "you can sign over your shares in the show to me, take this check for 60k, and get the hell out of NY. In fact, if I were you, I'd get a ticket to Mexico - oh wait, that's right, you hate Latinos - get a ticket to someplace WHITE in Europe. It's even enough money to take Brian if you want, but I doubt he'll go after he sees the tape.

Jon's head shot up. "Please don't show him the tape."

"I don't need to see the tape." Brian walked into the room. "I was here for extra rehearsal. Jon told me about a playroom we were gonna use, and I went to see it. I saw the whole thing. I heard everything. " He walked over to Jack. "I am SO SORRY for how I treated you. Can you forgive me?" Jack smiled at him. "Dude, just don't get any cuter, ok? If you do, I may lose my man to you. " He held out his hand. "NAH. We all get lust crazy. Let's go have drinks after the show, how's that?" Brian looked like he was gonna begin to sob. He looked at Mark who shook his head yes. Carlos handed him the paddle. He went over to Jon. GET UP AND BEND OVER YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT." When Jon sat, Carlos looked at him. "HEY, You heard what papi chulo just said. DO IT or I'll help you."

"Let's leave the exes alone. He's not going anywhere. " They lost count after 25 smacks, and then Brian came out, sweaty and in tears. "Raincheck on the drinks Jack ? But soon."

Hey, come over here little man. " Jack wasn't letting him get away. He held him, hugged him and then kneeled, so they were eye level. "Listen young man. We've both got a lot to learn, but let me tell you something I learned. DON'T settle for shit like Jon. I know, I know, when your ass is burning, and your desperate, it's hard. But it's worth it. Believe me." and for the first time, people saw Jack really begin to cry. "It is absolutely worth it. And NO, you are NOT getting out of drinks with me. TONIGHT. If I gotta stay up late, I'm doing it. " He looked at Mark. "It'll do my image good to be seen with someone better looking than me." They were laughing and Jack added. "Felix told me to say that."

"Hey , shouldn't we check on Jon?" They all headed back in the conference room. "Here's your damn contract. Where's my check.?" Cooper pulled it out of his pocket. Mark looked at him. "You've got ten minutes to get the hell out of here. You were my best friend. But you couldn't handle me being happy. I guess we weren't really friends. I don't need you. Don't wait for your invitation to the wedding. And forget about being my best man. OUT. NOW.

They watched Jon leave, with his backpack. He knew he was being watched and he gave them the finger. Carlos flicked a lit cigarette at him.

"OK," Mark said. "Brian, you and I got to get to work. The rest of you... on your way. Jack, I guess I'll see you tonight after the show.

"The hell you will . I got a hot date with a handsome younger man. YOU can wait at home the way I did for : HOW many months?

Next: Chapter 34

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