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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 25, 2023


Jack didn't have a paper delivered. "I hear all the news I need from the residents, and if there's something I need to see, I pull it out of recycling," so Mark was already up and on the computer looking for reviews when Jack got up on Sunday. "Hey, " he came over and kissed Mark on the top of his head. "You look like you're gonna cry. What's wrong?" Mark smiled "Nothing sweetie. Nothing. It's a hit. The critics LOVED it. I haven't seen one negative review." Jack hugged him from behind . "Congratulations! My future husband IS going to be a star. And I'm the first one who said it." Mark got up. "Yes. .Yes you did. And you know what? Sometimes, I think you were the only one who believed that, cause I really didn't" He hugged Jack tightly. "Thank you for everything so far. Thank you for everything that's to come."

"Does that include coffee? Cause I'm more than a little wasted from last night. " Mark laughed "Yeah, I can manage that. It's not as good as Jamie's but it works." "Yeah, where is that cunt? He's supposed to be here with Cooper. Aren't we supposed to go and see that house." "We are. I haven't heard from him, but we'll see."

Just as they were finishing their coffee there was a call. "Jamie! What's going on? Everything ok?" "Hey Jacko. Everything's ok, I guess. I'm at Coops. How about we meet you at the building, at about 1? That work for you guys?" He turned to Mark and mouthed "one o'clock?" with a question mark and Mark gave the high sign. "Sure. Just gimme the address again." As they were finishing, Jamie said to Jack. "I just better get you ready for one thing. I cut my hair. Or, more correctly. My hair was cut. Cooper cut it."

"HE CUT YOUR HAIR? And he's still alive and you're still with him?" "Long story Jacko. Tell you this afternoon. GIve a kiss to your superstar husband, ok?"

Jack got off the phone and told Mark the info, and gave him the address. "OH. I know that neighborhood. Two good friends live not far away. I want you to meet them sometime. Jay and Brice. They're a couple: been together forever. Sort of like us, but Jay is MUCH more of a Dom, and Brice is much more of a sub. Two attorneys. They invested in the show. I agreed with them that we'd all have dinner when things were settled. WAIT till you see their place."

"Yeah, it'll be good to meet some of your friends now, too Mark. So... you showering first, or me? "

"Why don't you go in? The steam will clear my pores, and I can read more reviews." He gave Jack another kiss. "I can't even tell you how much I owe you."

Jack showered, and then, looking at his closet, realized he had to do laundry soon, but... the shirt he wore on his first date with Mark was clean. He'd wear that. He came out of the bedroom, "Ok, Marco with the pole-o. Let's get you cleaned up." Mark looked up: "Do you EVER look less than stunningly handsome?"

Jack blushed. "probably not, but make sure you put in your lenses too, unless you're gonna wear those bottle bottom glasses. " Mark snuck a quick kiss, and went off. He thought about his man in the shower, and he thought about the couple they were just talking about. Jay had told him much of their story, and he was wondering if he had the balls to turn it into a show. For now, time to take a break. Time to spend some time with Jack . HELL. Time to start planning a wedding!

They got to the building about ten minutes before Jamie and Cooper did. Just as Jamie said, his hair had been cut. He looked like a young boy who was very pissed off. He also had his hands behind his back. "Hmmm. I wonder what THIS is all about, Mark. Like I said, Coops is still alive, but this... this is not my normal Jamie."

"Hey guys." Cooper came up and gave them both a kiss. "You know, I hope you can stay because, after we see the place, Jamie and I wanted to talk to you about something else. We have an idea for getting rid of Jon - not permanently, but from the show."

He opened the door to a three story townhouse. "Now, here on the first floor, we've got the living room, the kitchen, a sitting room. They all need work. Jack began looking around. "Yeah, I'd say so. These fixtures: they're at least sixty years old, and I hate to think of the plumbing, especially with four people living here." But as you say Cooper, 'the bones.' the bones are good. "Let's go upstairs first, because that's where the bedrooms are. " They went up a long set of ornate stairs. "VERY Victorian," said Mark. I like this. The two bedrooms were huge. Each had its own bathroom, and they had been renovated recently. "Hmmm. Not to my taste, but someone spent money. " "Not mine either Cooper agreed," but you're right. This is where they spent their money. I don't know, I guess they were busy workaholics or something, and just came home to sleep. Unless... He grinned.

"Now THIS used to be a third bedroom, but it sure seems someone..." He opened the door to what was a fully equipped play room: chains on the walls, toys all lined up on a shelf, a bondage table right in the middle, a dog cage, masks , gags.

"WOW," said Jack. "It feels like a museum. Or a dungeon. Or both." Mark shook his head. "You know, Jay and Brice have something similar. I wonder if they got the idea from this one. " He put his arms around Jack. "How'd you like to be spread out on that table, with me working you nice and slow?"

"RIGHT NOW MARK?" Jack was smiling. "NO. Not right now. We haven't moved in yet, but doesn't this look like... fun?" Cooper grinned. "We'll have to have a sign up sheet to use it though."

"Hey, guys, can we check out the basement? In every house, that's where the bad stuff is." Cooper smiled. "Yeah, you and I should go check, because I don't think I want to bore Mark, and Jamie's already been pretty bored." They headed downstairs, and Jack asked "So, what's going on with Jamie's hair." Cooper blushed. "I'm gonna let him explain that to you. It's really his story to tell.

Jack didn't have his mask for checking things like mold, or decay, so he had to put that off. He sniffed for the smell of mice or rats, and didn't detect anything, but again, that'd have to be for the experts. The walls were slightly water damaged, and he spotted some problems with the floor. He checked the boiler and turned to Cooper "5 years, maybe 7, and it'll need replacement." And then he turned to the burners "Same thing. Should we check the air conditioners?" "Ah. No, we got that covered. Part of the deal calls for them to replace them all with new fixtures. Jack paused. "Cooper, if I may, what is this beast going to cost?" "Well, about 8 million when all is said and done." Jack's eyes flew open. "You know, compared to what they charge for apartments in the building, that's a bargain." "I know. Jamie is putting in 2, and I'm putting in 2, plus whatever proceeds we get when I sell the East Village house. When we go upstairs, we can talk about what we'd like for you to do.

They met back in the kitchen/living room. Mark had a shit eating grin on his face, which told Jack "Oh oh. He and Jamie have something planned for me." He felt his cock get a little harder at that thought. "So, Jack," Jamie began. "What we wanted to do was this: assuming you and Mark are going to go ahead and make it official, we'd like you to live here. There's gonna be a lot of renovating, and how much you do, how much you want to supervise, is up to you. Then, when that's done, if you'd come to work with us in the apartment flipping business. " He pushed a paper in front of Jack. "I hate giving salary numbers in the air, but this is what we're ready to offer. OH, and before I forget, you'd be a partner in the business. So you'd get a cut of the profits too."

Jack felt his eyes opening wide for the second time in the last hour. The salary number, compared to what he was being paid as the super, was huge. So, money was not going to be an issue. The emotional ties to the building were.

"I hope you don't want an answer today Jamie, Cooper? I appreciate your faith in me, but this is something new. I need to think this out. And I want to make sure that my building is taken care of. And I want to take that teaching position too. When do you want to know?" Cooper was nodding his head. "Yes, it's a lot. It's a whole lot. Nothing's going to happen for a while. We're going to renovate this place, whether we live here or not, and by the time all the contracts, etc, are drawn up, it'll probably be about two months. Do you think you can decide in, say six weeks?"

Jack was flush. This was a big decision: up there with deciding to move to NY, but he wasn't a young man anymore. "I'm leaning toward it. Let me discuss it with this one, and think on it. Geez, I may even have to pray formally." Jamie smiled. "Jack praying is something to be seen. You'd think he's angry at the world when he prays." Jack laughed. "Hey Jamie, to lighten things, what's this with the hair cut?" As he asked it, he sensed Mark walking behind him. Something was up..."

"Well... let me tell you. Cooper challenged me to a wrestling role play last night." Jack looked up . "COOPER. You didn't! Jamie fights dirty." Cooper laughed. "Well, I didn't get a chance to, because, it seems that someone let Cooper know how ticklish I was. Ten minutes into the game, he started. And twenty minutes later, I gave up. I couldn't take it anymore. And the bet was: if he lost, he'd shave that stupid beard. If I lost: I'd cut my hair. So...."

Jack began to feel his face redden. Who knew that Jamie was ticklish besides him? That's when he felt Mark grab him from behind, and Jamie get up, and start walking over. "Easy tiger, easy," Mark laughed, as he began to squeeze Jack's left nip, essentially immobilizing him.

"I don't remember telling Cooper anything." "Oh, he remembered. He remembered a discussion about 'how to I control your friend..." Remember now, big guy?" Jamie reached out and went for Jack's ribs. "OH SHIT. I'm sorry, I had no idea. " "The law of unintended consequences has caught up with you Jack Robson. I think we're gonna inaugurate the play room. Mark, can you bring him back there? Plenty of rope. a nice hog tie. And then tickling. Fifteen minutes for me, and then fifteen for Mark. And then...

"HEY WAIT... " Wait for what, stud?" Jamie reached out and began tickling right under Jack's pit. "JAMIE. You look good with the short hair... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Mark had him on his belly and was completing the hogtie. Jamie pulled off Jack's shoes. Just a little of this. "OH SHIT. Not those. Please.... " Jamie had long nails, and he tickled Jack's soles, then he got in between the toes. He rolled Jack on his side, and he began to tickle the point where his belly met his pants - a place that even Mark hadn't known, before then - drove Jack crazy. "I think we need some tape guys. He's a noisy laugher. " "with pleasure Jamie. " Mark got the tape, and soon, Jack was hogtied, and gagged. "I think it's time we left the old friends to talk about this, Coop," He smiled and walked out with Mark.

"So, stud... loose lips sink ships. and Mark and I have plenty of surprises for you. " He began opening Jack's shirt, and tickling his ribs, his pits, and he'd go back to his feet every now and then. "You know, I think someone has a woody. You got a woody, Jacko? He kept on tickling his old friend, and Jack could only shake his head yes.. "Well, Jamie boy may take care of that later. MAYBE. Because now it's Mark's turn. MARCO."

Mark came in, grinning. "OH, one of my fantasies come to life. I always dreamed about what I'd do to you if I had you hogtied, handsome. Now... we're gonna see. " He opened Jack's pants and when he got them down, began slowly running a finger behind his knee crease. Gagged, all Jack could do was moan.

"Jamie opened your shirt for me Nice.." He began to squeeze Jack's left nip as he pulled on the ring in the right one, very gently. "Ratting out your friend's hot spots. Not cool."

"Not cool indeed." Jamie came back. He saw that he had two cans of shaving creme, and two barbers' razors in hand. "Yeah, there are clippers, but Mark and I decided this should be old school. We thought about giving you a haircut, but your hair is too pretty. Instead... a shave..." Jamie held Jack's feet firmly in place as Mark untied him, rolled him over and restrained him on the table. "This is a GOOD one guys. He ain't getting out of these"

"No, he ain't," said Jamie as he handed Mark a pair of clamps. "We're gonna do your upper body stud. Then we're gonna decide. If you're Mark's boy, maybe you should look more like a boy."

Jack had always been hairy. He wondered what his pubes would look like shaved. But he read about how the hair growing back itched. He pulled at the ropes. No give. None at all. Jamie brought in two large bowls of warm water, and a cloth. Jack knew that, once the shaving started, he needed to keep still. The guys didn't make it easy. Mark would play his nips every now and then, and Jamie, of course, went for the part of Mark he 'owned': his cock, and kept him well rigid through the whole process. When they were done, they looked at their handiwork. "What do you think? " Jamie asked Mark. "I think yes. " "I do too." MMMPH MMMMPH MMMPH. " Jack tried to scream. He saw them pulling his pants down to expose his pubes, and he felt the creme hit. "Quiet Jacko. We both know you're a bottom, but we don't wanna make changing a problem..." Jack moaned, almost cried, as he saw, and felt, the blade taking away his 'man hair' as he called it. It was all over very fast. He breathed a sigh of relief, and waited to be untied. It didn't happen.

"How about you call me when you're done Mark? Then I'll finish him off. "Deal." Jamie left the room and closed the door. Mark went to Jack's head. "So, studmuffin" He ran his hand through Jack's thick hair. Now you're REALLY Mark's boy. And boys get FUCKED by their men. ". Mark began opening his zipper. Jack's attempts to scream through the tape got louder and more urgent. Mark saw anger, and frustration in Jack's eyes. " Hey. Something's wrong isn't it?" Jack shook his head .

Mark took out the gag. "Tell me sweetie". Jack was almost crying

"I wish you guys hadn't shaved my pubes. Why did you do that?" Jack was still hard, and Mark saw that.

"Baby, I thought you were into it."

" I was. And I am. But not the pubes."

Mark pulled up a chair. " Do you want me to untie you Jack?"

"Shit NO. This is hot. But...."

" Oh this wonderful, complex man, " Mark thought to himself. " Superjack did you surrender to me?"

" Yes sir. I did. I wear your collar. And I want to."

` Well , jackstud, if you're gonna be my sub, my boy, sometimes, you're gonna have to do things I want you might not like. " He paused. "Believe me. There are a lot of things I want to do to you, that I'm just not doing, because I know, you really don't want them."

"Like what Sir?" "Like fist fucking you." Jack squirmed. "I can't get into that. No way." Mark shook his head. "I know you can't. But do you know how easy it would be to do it, like right now, and tell you I think you'll like it?

" I understand Sir." Jack paused. "I guess I just didn't think you REALLY wanted a boy."

Now Mark understood. " Jacko, I think you don't really know how fucking HOT it makes me to know that you belong to me,". That idea clearly got Jack excited, because his cock jerked visibly. "And sometimes, we're gonna do things that let you know I'm the boss". He leaned down and kissed Jack. He smiled at him. "You know what I've been thinking about since Saturday morning?"

"No Sir." "How you said that if you needed to, you'd fuck me to calm me down. Well, that reminded me big man. You could break me in half. And I know that. And it just thrills me to know that someone so big and strong, and SO GODDAMN HOT is trusting himself to me. And if I do something that really bothers you - like I did - I will apologize right now. It WILL happen again, I can guarantee that. But I'll learn. Because Jack...." He stepped back and got a little teary. "You know, you're the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I don't want to lose you by scaring you, or any other way."

" You won't Sir. ".Jack smiled. "I think I just have to be more clear about what I don't want. But I honestly don't think I'll know until it happens. " He laughed. "Fist fucking is an exception. You have big hands Sir. " Mark laughed. "And a pretty big dick. "

"I think I handle your dick pretty well." "Well, let's see if you can handle it now, reno jack." He pulled up Jack's legs and got ready for fucking him . He heard Jamie's voice. "HEY WAIT. I want in on this. " He walked in and came over and stroked Jack's cockhead. "I sent Coop out to get lunch. That's gonna take a while because he'll need to talk to everyone on the street. " He looked down at Jack. "YOU SIR. If you ever give away a secret like that again, I'm gonna tickle you even worse than I did today. I will tickle you so hard, big boy, you will pee your pants, wherever we are." He put his fingers into Jack's pits and got him to squirm. "We clear, stud?"

"All clear, cockmaster. " Jamie smiled. "You look good shaved. Cutting your hair would NOT have been good. But no, you're right. No more pube shaving. And like Mark, I'll have Coop shave mine if you want."

"What I want, from both of you, is to do what you do so well. Jamie: bring me off. Mark, FUCK ME. FUCK YOUR BOY."

Jamie smiled. "You first sir. It'll inspire me." Mark smiled as he got in position. He put his hands back up on Jack's nips, and squeezed the one nip while he just turned the ring a little. His cock began to disappear into Jack, and Jack sucked in his breath. "OH YEAH. DO IT SIR. SHOW ME WHO'S THE TOPMAN." His encouragement got Mark pumped, and he pushed harder. Jamie pulled down his zip and looked at Mark, who shook his head yes. He went up to Jack's head. 'SUCK IT BIG BOY. SUCK IT IN PENANCE FOR WHAT YOU DID." Impaled by two cocks for the first time in his life, Jack remembered an expression he had heard once: pig heaven. "This must be it. DAMN. My two lovers. Same time. I don't have to clean up. HELL." He began to moan, and Jamie got harder, as he got closer and closer to climax. Mark whispered "don't make him swallow." Jamie nodded, and pulled out He squirted all across Jack's newly shaven chest, as Mark began pumping faster and faster. 'HARDER YOU FUCKING STAR. HARDER. SHOW YOU CAN FUCK AS WELL AS YOU CAN DIRECT." Mark was holding Jack's legs so he couldn't trap his cock in him, but then, "FUCK AS WELL AS YOU CAN DIRECT." Mark laughed to himself, wondering if there was a Tony for topping. That put him right in the mood and he began to shoot into Jack. "OH MAN. This is SO fucking HOT. Mark put his mouth on Jack's cock, and within seconds, he was exploding too.

As Mark and Jamie untied Jack, he said "DAMN. I gotta see if I can find a shirt that shows off the shaving. At least on Monday. Feelie shaves. Or Carlos shaves him, I dunno. Now maybe I can ask him."

He got up, stretched his muscles. "Guys, can we have a group hug about this new house we're all gonna be living in? " He didn't have to ask twice. When he saw Cooper come in, and start to walk away, he yelled. "NO NO. DON'T YOU DARE. GET OVER HERE COOP. GET IN THIS CLUTCH. I'm not as ticklish as Jamie, and I will bring you down if I have to." Cooper didn't need a second invitation. The four friends hugged like they had just won the world series, and in a way, perhaps they had.

Next: Chapter 33

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