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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 24, 2023


Anyone who's been a performer knows about opening night jitters: you can't think in a linear way, everything drives you nuts, and ultimately, it seems that time stands still - until it doesn't and it rushes away. The only people who suffer worse from opening night, are the people who love the performers who are opening. Gay or straight, it was the same. And so it was at the little home that Jack, Mark and Jamie had made. Mark was up early. Jack knew that because he could hear him screaming in the living room. First, he was screaming at someone on the phone. Then, he heard him screaming at Jamie. Jack had worked his way out of the restraints overnight, so he figured he needed to do something. One could argue that Jamie was passive, but a pushover, he was not. Before he had to clean up blood on the floor, Jack had to get out there. He made the bed quickly, and threw on some clothes, before he walked out to hear the latest tirade.

'WHY THE FUCK IS IT SO HARD TO GET A GODDAMN CUP OF COFFEE AROUND HERE?" Jamie didn't even look "because you drank the first six cups before I could make a second pot, darling. It's on the way. " 'WHY THE FUCK IS EVERYTHING SO SLOW? AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS HOW TO DO ANYTHING? OR DO YOU HAVE TO GET ON YOUR KNEES AND BLOW SOMEONE TO GET A FUCKING COFFEE." 'Ewwww" said Jamie, turning away, just as Jack came up behind Mark, and wrapped an arm around his middle. "Time for an early morning timeout, Marco." "HEY. LET ME THE FUCK GO. I'M TRYING TO WORK." Mark kicked and tried to scratch, and squirmed. Jack was having none of it. "Easy tiger, easy. Jamie, we'll be out in a little while."

He dragged Mark into the bedroom and shoved him on the bed. He pinned his wrists and sat on him. 'LET ME THE FUCK GO YOU BOTTOM BRUTE." Mark was going nowhere. "Now, listen up, Mark. We've put up with this acting shit for a while. This is over the top. So, what is it going to take to calm you down.? Is it this?" He pinched Mark's nips, which did some good. "Or is it this?" He circled that weak, ticklish spot on Mark's navel and made him giggle through the screaming. "OR.... Am I gonna have to bite the bullet and show you I haven't forgotten how to fuck? Because I don't wanna do that, but I will." He grinned. "I think I'll think of it as giving one for the team." Mark stopped struggling and began to cry. "No, No, not if you don't wanna. Just kiss me Jack. Please. Kiss me like everything is gonna be alright. " "Hell, that's easy, because everything IS gonna be alright." He bent down and aggressively Frenched Mark. "I'm serious Mark: if fucking me until you hurt me helps, let's do it. But stop yelling at Jamie, and unless it's Jon, stop yelling at people on the phone . "No, no... Please. I'm sorry. I'll apologize to Jamie. I really will. And no... I want to fuck you, but I don't want to hurt you, and not now. Later. Please later. Kiss me again, big guy. Hug me. " Jack wrapped his strong arms around Mark. He whispered. "You are going to be the evening star tonight. I got no doubts about it. And I'm so glad we're coming full circle. You took me to your first play, and now, I'm gonna see another one. Only this time.... I'll look better." Mark hugged him harder. "I don't know if that's true, Jack, but you look pretty hot to me.. Thank you..." He stared at him. "After this opening , can we plan our wedding?" Jack smiled. "HELL YEAH. Lots of changes in our live's coming up. Wedding of the century. NO question about it." He began to release his hold on Mark. "Now, this is what you're gonna do. You're gonna go apologize to Jamie. You're gonna hug him, and then you're gonna offer to blow him. He's gonna say something snide, but everything is gonna be alright. Trust Momma Jack."

And indeed, when they went back into the living room, Mark did everything Jack told him, and it WAS ok. Jamie had found a second carafe, and there were two pots of coffee ready. They needed them. Mark through kisses all around at about 1, so that he could head off to the theater to get ready for the opening. He was sweating so heavily that he just put his suit - the suit he had worn, perhaps four times in his life - into a carry bag. He'd change just before the curtain came up.

Jamie and Jack chatted for a bit, before they began to get ready. Leaving these two to get ready for a formal type of event, meant they needed LOTS of time. Jamie insisted on a bubble bath, and he was in there for a while. Jack could have cleaned up while he was waiting, but Cooper was coming over to meet them, and so were Laurie, Felix and Carlos. Gloria would catch up to their party at the theatre, together with Connor. Jack had reserved a block of orchestra seats for them. He had offered to get Laurie a ticket for a date, but she declined. "OH Mark, that's so kind of you, but I'll be sitting with all these handsome men, and my Rory will be there too. I spoke to him about the show, and he said it's going to be wonderful: his Tonys may not be the only ones in this building. " She was, in fact, walking into the building as he was leaving. "OH, MARK! I'm so glad I caught you. Yes, flowers are traditional, but I know better." She handed him a bottle of scotch. "Use it for medicinal purposes, and break a leg darling." "OH, Laurie.. If I cry I'll mess up my make up. " "That's ok darling. Just make us all proud." She whispered "And then will you marry that boy so I can use this damn certification I have."

The whole crew was there at about 5. Then the division for the cabs, and they were off.

Mark was still an unknown at the time, as were the cast, so it couldn't be said that there were cameras everywhere, or a red carpet, or anything like that. But Jack got a few "WOOFS" as he walked in. The smack that Jamie had given him had faded: he gave it to Jack after he wouldn't sit still as he made up Jack's pink bow tie. Jack felt like he was walking in glass: if he moved too hard, he'd break something. "Take it easy Jack," Laurie came up and took his arm. Gloria took the other one. "This is going to be spectacular. My sister doesn't hang around with crap. Yes, Tyler is a difficult co-star but she figures, he'll last not that long. Someone of note is going to want the part. They'll buy out his contract." Jamie turned to her "Gloria, I like the way you think. We should talk. I'm trying to figure out how to cause some trouble, and.." "Does it involve Jon?" She smiled. Jamie smiled back. "You and I are on the same page." "Same line darling. Little sister tells me everthing. Coffee next week work for you?" Jamie laughed. "Gloria, coffee with you ANYTIME works for me. " She whispered. "Two bitches and caffeine? We're gonna NAIL THIS BASTARD"

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The theater was jammed. There wasn't a ticket to be had, but the usher looked at their stubs. "Ah, yes, Mr. Riley's party. This way please." They moved up to the six and seventh center rows of the orchestra. As they sat down, the usher said "Excuse me, Mr. Robson, Mr. Riley was very specific. He wants you to sit on the aisle." "OOOOH... " crooned Gloria. "Know what that means? It means he's gonna want you on stage for the bows." "HUH? He didn't tell me that? OH GOD. Now I better not sweat too much. Or cry." Laurie patted him on the hand. "You sweat and cry all you want sweetie. Take it all in. There's nothing like this. "

"Hey, Chief" Felix was sitting in front of him with Carlos. "You know this is my first play, right? It gonna spoil things for me?" "Well, I don't know Feel. It's only my second one." "NO SHIT. COOL. We'll have lots to talk next week."

Jamie smiled thinking "maybe WAY more than you think."

Hey, who's this guy Jack Robson?" He heard a voice behind him. "Oh, that's me." He turned. "Is there something I can help you with?" The audience member smiled. "You just did. I was asking because your name is in the program, and I had never heard of you." "I AM? WHERE?" Laurie looked "OH look. there you are. In Mark's bio. Last line. She put on her glasses. "Mr. Riley wants to thank Jack Robson, his leading man for 20 years, for always being there." "He mentioned me in the program? He didn't tell me he was doing that." Laurie patted his hand. "Old tradition dear. You mention the one you love the most in the world, but you can't say anything until the show." The lights began to go down. Gloria squealed. "This is always my favorite part. And my sister's debut..." Abigail had mentioned "her biggest rival, and best friend, Gloria" in her notes.

The play was written as a series of scenes, that went from the past, to the present, back to the past, and then back to the present. The idea was that the two leads (Abigail and Tyler), had met in a hospital, after Tyler had been injured in a battle at war. They had fallen in love, but after he had to go back to the front, they never saw each other again. Back to the present, Abigail's character, now a professor of history, starts a job at a university where Tyler's character works. Both of them have vague memories of a past with each other, but can't figure out where. Abigail gets a job at another university, and again, she and Tyler are separated, before anything can happen. The big duet at the end of the act was, as Gloria put it at intermission "some of the finest singing I've ever heard from Abigail. Tyler? Meh." Everyone but Jack was having champagne at the intermission. He was too overwrought, between trying to follow the story, follow his friend Abigail, and thinking "My fiance' had something to do with this! The man I'm going to marry is a GENIUS!"

Just as they were going back to their seats at the end of the break, the man who had mentioned Jack's name at the start, saw him and took his arm, gently. "Jack, can I just say, you are the most beautiful man here tonight, and if Mark ever makes the mistake of leaving you..." He handed Jack a card." "Well, thank you. That's very kind. " As they sat down, he showed the card to Laurie, who laughed, and Jamie, who's mouth dropped. "You have no idea who he is, do you?" "Uh, no. " "Jack: he's a senator from the south. He just tried to pick you up."

"He did? WOW. Should I tell Jack?" Jamie smiled. "I'll tell him. At the right time. " He turned to Cooper and to Gloria: we are going to get these two married, witches. Because if we don't, someone else is gonna get Jack." They nodded in agreement, as Act II began

In Act II, they were back in the past, as Tyler and Abigail, separately, try to find the one they fell in love with in the hospital. They don't succeed, but they both develop strong skills in researching military history - which brings them back in the final scene. Abigail is presenting a paper at a conference on military history, on that war. Tyler is in the audience. As she speaks, he closes his eyes, and everything comes back. He waits for Abigail, who thinks he's just being a supportive colleague. When he begins to tell her, first she laughs. Then, she begins to flood with the story too. They realize that they were supposed to be together, for all these years, and as they kiss, the curtain falls.

Well , Jack was a wreck. He kept on seeing parallels with himself and Mark, and the ending just blew him away. He was the first one in the theater to be on his feet, and the baritone BRAVOS probably knocked out a few hearing cells in the ears of those around him. As the actors and actresses took their bows, Abigail and Tyler last, Gloria and Jack were leading the cheers. "I'm so PROUD of my little girl" Gloria was sobbing. Laurie held her "It's a cliche' Glo, but tonight: a star was born. "Yes, yes she was," Cooper added. Felix turned around. "Chief, I know that girl. She's been by. DAMN she's good. And your man wrote that?" Jack laughed. "Well, he didn't WRITE it, but he kinda organized it. "

The production staff was coming out and there was Mark his geeky smile, his uneven hair, and his wicked little beard. Jack had never seen him smile so big: even when Jack said yes to his proposal. "THAT'S MY MAN. THAT'S MY MAN" Jack was screaming, and Mark must have heard him, because he pointed to Jack and gave him the thumbs up. And the whole audience saw Mark mouth the words "I love you. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx As Jack was heading backstage, dragged by Gloria "OH COME ON. NO BEING POLITE NOW," he heard people saying "it's a hit," or the one he didn't understand "it's got legs." Jamie seemed to know what he was doing, which was good, because Jack didn't. Jamie and Gloria got their way to the front, showed tickets to the guy all in black at the front. The door opened, and then they were in the middle of the cast party. "Oh, I haven't been to one of these in YEARS" Laurie smiled. "They haven't changed at all." "Excuse me. Are you Rory's wife?" And older man approached her. "Why yes. How did you..." and then she smiled. "NATHAN. You're still working? " He laughed as he embraced her. "Yes, this old fart is still conducting. I DID take a break, you're right, but after Noreen died, I just sort of rattled in the apartment." Laurie's face went pale. "Noreen died? OH Nathan, you were N squared. I'm so sorry. When? How? Oh, not here. Tea next week? Something stronger?" He smiled. "I'd like that Laurie. I'd like that a lot. "

"OH Nathan. You've always been a horrible flirt. Come over here and hug me. Yes, yes, let's get together. Who knows what will happen?"

Felix was walking around in a daze. "Holy Shit. That was awesome. Hey, chief, why don't we play this music in the basement." "Dude, there's no recording of it yet..." Jack had finally given up and opened his bow tie, and two buttons on his shirt. He felt someone's hand slip down his shirt. Someone's? No, who else. "Hey." came the voice he knew so well. "FUCK. I'm sleeping with a STAR. I TOLD YOU. EVENING AND MORNING. OH MY GOD MARCO. THAT WAS THE GREATEST THING I EVER SAW." Mark was beaming. "Better than the first one?" "OH, MUCH. I think the last time I cried that much was when my Shepherd died when I was a kid."

"Well , we may have to see about getting super Jack a dog. " He put his forehead against Jack's. "I'm SO glad you're here." Jack smiled. "Dude, some guy in the audience read what you wrote about me. You're leading man for 20 years? "

Mark smiled and kissed him. "If you think I ever forgot you, or if I ever didn't regret letting you go, you're wrong." "OH, Marco, stop. " Jack laughed. "I know what's going on. I remember what happened after the first play." Mark laughed. "So do I. You came back to my place and gave me a pretty piss poor blow job." "DUDE it was my first one." "Well, you've had practice since then, but you ain't getting away with just a blow job tonight." Jack hugged Mark so hard he nearly cracked a rib. "Jack's man, listen up. I have been horny since the show started.

Can we get out of the party early?" Mark laughed again. "We'll see." They were both aware of Jon circling the room, scowling. Brian wasn't with him. Mark laughed. "One day, I'm gonna show you the movie version of Mackie Messer. The more I think about that song, the more I think you nailed him.. But let's forget him for a minute. Jamie and Coop say they have a plan. Let's go see the girls."

They walked over to Gloria, Abigail and Connor. "ABBY. YOU WERE FUCKING AWESOME. I MEAN, I MEAN.. OH SHIT. I WANTED TO JUMP ON STAGE AND YELL 'HE'S OVER THERE GIRL. HE'S OVER THERE. GO GET HIM.' Abigail started laughing. "Oh Jack, THANK YOU. You know, I was thinking of you when I performed tonight. I was thinking of you and Mark."

"You were?" "Oh sure. Something that's meant to be is gonna happen. It may take a while, and it may be rough getting there, but it's gonna happen. If you knew how much you inspired me for this."

"AWW Abby, if they don't give you an award for this, they're fucking crazy." She laughed. "Well, let's just see. Season is starting, but,DAMN I WAS GOOD." People heard her, and they applauded, and some were yelling 'TONY. TONY. TONY." Gloria came over to Jack and put a hand through his arm. "So, you big handsome stud. You ever heard a song called "Drinking Again." "No, I don't know that one." GOOD. That's what I'm gonna sing. What are you gonna sing? Jack thought for a minute. "OH. I know it. Another Judy song my mom taught me. " He smiled. "But I'm not telling you. "

The partying went on to another level. People were getting totally soused by the alcohol, and when the singing began, it seemed like it was survival of the fittest. When Gloria went to the mike she introduced her song by saying "this seems appropriate here and now. I'm dedicating it to my husband Connor, but DON'T read anything into it. He just likes it. She began, and Jack was awestruck. He was thinking "I gotta learn that one. Jamie and I could nail that. Then it was Jack's turn. "This one isn't true either, but hell, it's a pretty song. It's Judy's song." He began to croon "The Man I love." Jamie wasn't shy about getting up and joining him, and the two best friends just rocked.

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"Guys, I'm spending the night at Coop's tonight, but I'll be by with him tomorrow. We need to chat. And you gotta see the building. "Sounds good, Jamie." Jack and Mark were sitting at a table, Mark's arm around Jack's shoulders, just gently touching his left pec. He whispered "you wanna head out of here, stud." "Where we going?" Mark smiled "Well, to your place, vertically, and then horizontally?" He dropped his hand to Jack's crotch and it was clear that Jack was ready. They said their goodbyes, and missed Jon, scowling some more, at the front, with a cigarette in his mouth. He was ready to toss it in their direction. "I wouldn't if I were you, stud." He heard Carlos' voice, but he didn't see him. "Who the FUCK are you? Are you man enough to show yourself?" There was a laugh. "If I were you, I'd be careful about saying who is and isn't manly. What you got today you may not have tomorrow." Jon , freaked, ran.

In the cab home, Mark and Jack necked furiously. "Oh, are you gonna get put through your paces tonight, handsome," he whispered to Jack, who was already moaning a little. "And we're gonna start by seeing how much better you've gotten at sucking cock."

In the apartment, Mark was not shy about pushing Jack down in front of him. "You got pretty clothes on stud, but you get your hands behind you, get my zip opened with your teeth, and get to work. "Yes Sir. Right away." Mark had taught Jack how to get a zipper open quickly from that position, but he teased by pulling away. "Aw come on dude. This isn't fair." "Every second you waste, is gonna be a second of tickling Jack. I'd get busy. ." Jack finally got the zipper down. He buried his face in Jack's crotch. "GOD YOU SMELL GOOD. MARKSWEAT. I LOVE THAT SMELL.'

He began licking the head of Mark's cock, until he got some appreciative moans, and then Jack's hands, pushing his head forward. Just before he went down, Jack looked up. "I ain't bringing you off stud. That cock is mine tonight. "

"Damn right it is bottom," Mark shoved Jack's head forward, but as Jack sucked greedily, he pulled him off his cock. "Compared to the first time, you got an A plus tonight, boy. Now, get in that bedroom. Jack got his jacket off, and then Mark grabbed him, throwing him down on the bed. He yanked off his own red leather tie, and bound Jack's wrists. Then he pulled out a second one, got his ankles together, and had Jack in a hogtie. "You think I forgot about the tickling? HMMMMM?" "OH SHIT Please. How about another blow job?" Too late. Mark had Jack's shoes off, and he was running those nails over Jack's soles, as Jack twisted, and squirmed, and yelled STOP. PLEASE. I CAN'T BREATHE.

When he was done, Mark untied Jack, but only so he could stretch him out on the bed and tie his wrists down. He opened Jack's shirt. "Hmmm. This is healing nicely, and he pulled Jack's ring gently. "OH FUCK. I think my cock just got an inch thicker, fucker." Mark smiled. "Who cares? I wanna know if your ass tightened ." "I guess you'll have to find out."

"Not yet handsome. No work tomorrow? Someone may have a hickey. GRRRRR." He dived in and began chewing on Jack's neck as Jack yelped like a dog. "NO. NO. PLEASE AWWWW.. " When Jack switched to kissing, and licking, the yelps became purrs, and then Jack took his magic tongue, and got down Jack's throat. "OH man, Mark. You know what that does to me.' Mark grinned. "Yeah. Exactly what you do to me." He showed Jack his totally erect, fat cock. "In me stud. Please. Fuck your boy.

Fuck the man you're gonna marry. Show me who's boss. " Jack smiled. "All of that at once. Well, let's see if I can take the pressure. " He slipped on the condom, and he looked at Jack, their eyes locking. "Have I said I love you ? tonight?" "Not often enough, topman. "I love you." He kissed Jack's right cheek. "I love you." He kissed his left cheek, and then his neck, his chin, his forehead. "I love you more than anything in the world. " Then he began sliding into Jack's butt, slowly, trying to twist a little from side to side. "YES. YES YOU FUCKING STUD. PROVE WHY I'M WEARING YOUR COLLAR." Mark grinned and shoved his cock in deeper. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. All the way. Up to my eyeballs. DO ME STUD." Mark pulled out, smiled , and shoved in , HARD. "YES. YES. Push up my legs, make me feel it. "

"Who's your man superjack? Who wasn't afraid to take you on, and win?" "You Sir. My man. My top. My fucking stud. "

"Yes. YEs. YES!!!!!" Mark shot, filling the condom, as he ran his tongue around Jack's cock tip, just enough to bring him off. "Please untie me Sir. I wanna hug you. I wanna hug you so hard." Mark grinned. "Yes, but you're getting tied up again later, because I'm gonna have you all night.

"Yes, my morning star. My evening star. My start stud." Jack grabbed his man. He could crush him with his strength, but he held him gently. He was thinking "It won't be long. I'm gonna be married to this man."

Next: Chapter 32

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