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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 17, 2023


Jack pushed that photo, and the dream, out of his head. The chance of Mark coming to this town was slim - it didn't even have a theater - and he wasn't going to be looking for the man at all. He went back to his work. A second becomes a minute, a minute becomes an hour, an hour becomes a day, and in a blink, Jack had been in the town for three years. Things had changed somewhat: he had found a furnished apartment near the bus depot, and moved in there, leaving the apartment to Jamie. Jamie had, essentially, become Cora's partner in the business, and his hours were so different from Jack's, that it just wasn't practical to room together anymore. Also, Jack had earned enough money to live on his own.

One shouldn't assume that Jack and Jamie had drifted apart - far from it. It would be wrong to call them lovers, and it would be wrong to call them something like "fuck buddies." They were somewhere in between. Jack would go over to visit, and Cora would gush over "my two favorite boys," and he and Jamie would go at it. There was never a question from Jamie about changing roles. He LOVED bottoming for Jack, and Jack loved being in charge, taking control of the smaller, passive Jamie. He had planned to introduce Jamie to bondage the way Mark had introduced him to it, but it turned out that Jamie was already WAY more experienced than Jack was.

"Now, if you want to let the bottom escape so you can recapture him, you tie THIS knot. And if you want him immobile, you tie THIS knot. Jack was always astonished at how much this young man knew, but every attempt to get information got the same sort of deflection. Jamie just wasn't talking.

Jack had managed to buy a used car as well, and occasionally, they would take a ride together, to the nearest gay bar. It wasn't that cheery a place, but it allowed Jack to try out what he was learning from Jamie on other guys. He found that he was way more popular than he thought he would be. He had no idea how he came across to people, but the work at the depot had given him a look that could best be described as "worked, not worked out." He had a solid body, with big strong arms. By the standards of body building, he couldn't be called "defined," but he was solid, with a big barrel chest, strong shoulders, killer legs, and a smile that would break a heart. He learned that his look was such that other guys just assumed he would take charge, and he was happy to do so.

Jamie always scored too. His frail, gentle beauty rather than handsomeness got him more than his share of suitors. For a while, he dated a dark haired, older man, who seemed to be head over heels for him. Until his wife found out and put an end to it. Jamie shrugged his shoulders, and moved on. He did appreciate the tv the man had bought for him.

Sometimes it takes events out of our control to change our events, and bluntly, to "kick us in the ass." So it was with Jack. The signs were there: the depot had stopped hiring new mechanics, and the buses that came in for repair needed more and more work. The company wasn't buying new ones. Buses that probably should have been taken out of service, were patched together, and put back on the road - until they came back again.

"If I were you, Jack, I'd start thinking about moving on," Charley told him one day. "You think so Charley? Is it that bad?" Charley frowned, and nodded. "Jack, it's worse. I've done well by having my wife take care of my money, but these guys who think that a pension is coming their way, are gonna be disappointed. You're still young. Get out while you can." Jack kept that in mind, but he didn't want to leave Jamie.

Then he didn't have any choice. The news went through the depot like wildfire. The bus company had gone bankrupt. The buses were to be seized as assets and sold for scrap, and the depot would be closed. On Monday, everyone had come to work, and on Tuesday, they were all let go. Jack had saved money, and he would be ok, but it was clear that it was time to go. Everyone in town knew the news, of course. When Jack got to the Boarding House to talk to Jamie, Cora took his hands. "Jack, I am SO sorry. If you'd like to come back, I'm sure I could find something for you here." He smiled at the sweet woman. "Thank you Cora, but I have to take this for what it is. It's a sign I need to move on. Is Jamie around? "

"Sure Jack. He's upstairs. I think he's expecting you." The door to the room was opened, and Jamie was watching one of the old movies he liked so much. "Hey cutie", Jack knocked on the door. Jamie smiled. "Studman, come on in." Jack came in and closed the door. He sat down next to Jamie who put his arms around Jack's shoulders and hugged him. "Dude, this really sucks." "Yeah Jamie, I know. I have a plan though. You know I always meant to get to New York City. If this isn't a sign to "use it or lose it," I don't know what is. Jamie looked down. "I think you're right. It's time to move on." Jack took Jamie's hand. "I'm going to leave tomorrow. Can you be ready?" Jamie looked away. "Jack.... I'm not coming." Jack's mouth dropped. "WHAT? But, but., Jamie, we're a team." Jamie began to cry. "I'm sorry Jack, I'm really sorry, but this is YOUR dream. It's not mine. All I wanted, and all I want, is something stable. And I'm just not cut out for a big city. Cora wants to retire, and I'm going to take over running the boarding house.

This is where I belong, Jack. Not in the big city. I'd dry up like a plant. I'm just not aggressive enough." Jack sighed, when Jamie began to cry. He knew Jamie was right, but it was breaking his heart. "Jamie, if you knew how important you've been to me, you'd understand how much this hurts." "Well, thank you Jack, but you're not the only one who's hurting. I wish... GOD do I wish, it were different. I won't EVER forget you. Come and visit sometime. " Jack put his face in his hands, and Jamie came over and kissed him. "Stay tonight Jack. Please. Just hug me, make love to me one more time. "

Jack didn't want to do it. He was hurting so much. But Jamie knew how to arouse him. And he did it again. It didn't take long before they were locked in an embrace on Jamie's bed, Jamie throwing his legs over Jack's shoulders. 'POUND ME STUD. PUNISH ME FOR NOT GOING WITH YOU. HURT ME. HURT ME PHYSICALLY." Later, Jack regretted it, but he did. He fucked Jamie so hard he was screaming "IT HURTS. IT HURTS. DONT STOP PLEASE DON'T STOP."

When Jack woke up, Jamie was not in his bed. The work at the Boarding House started early, and he was out getting supplies. He had written a note to Jack. "Don't forget me. EVER. I'll always be your first. Jamie."

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Jack knew it was time to go. He went around town that day, saying goodbye to his friends. He saved Charley for last. When he got to Charley's house, the man grabbed him in an embrace. "How's my boy? " "Well, Charley, not that good. I thought Jamie was gonna come with me, and that's not happening." Charley took Jack by the shoulders and looked right at him. "I know you're hurting. I also know you know that's the right thing. You're not a settling type Jack. At least not yet. Maybe never. You and Jamie would be yelling at each other sooner than you could say 'hot corn bread.' Jack smiled. Charley's wife had taught him to say that instead of "FUCK" "Yes Sir. You're right. It just hurts." "Well, son, let me tell you. Love is gonna hurt you again. It always does. But you're tough, and you're strong. And you're goddamn good looking , but most of all, you had the best teacher you ever coulda had. "

"I did Sir . I wish I could do more to say thank you." Charley smiled. "You can thank me by becoming a success. I know you can." He paused. "You're heading to NYC, aren't you?" "Yes Sir, that's my plan." "Well, hang on a minute." He went into the house and came back with a piece of paper. There was a name on it. "Carol Smith is my sister. She's married to a NYer who's got some clout in real estate. If you're willing to go back to doing something like janitoring, or portering, or some crap like that, he'll find you a job in a minute. I spoke to her last night. " Jack looked at him. "You called your sister for me?" 'DAMN IT JACK I CALLED HER FOR US. I can't let one of my best students fail now. You get in that car and you get going. You call Carol when you get closer to New York City, and you make it for ALL of us there. All of us guys who didn't do school, but who are smarter than any of those suit and ties." Jack puffed out his chest. "I will Sir. I'll make you proud." Charley smiled. "You already did. Now GET MOVING. Travel when there's light. " They started by shaking hands, and then they embraced. Jack could feel Charley watching him as he got in his car, and took off.

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The time at the depot had done a lot more for Jack than he had realized. He had worked so hard, and taken on odd jobs, so that he had more money than most young men his age had. His body , though still young, was showing signs of how it would look as a man. And he knew so much more about fixing "stuff" than he had when he started. Charley had been a good teacher, but he had been a good student too. So when the hunk of junk he was driving began to cough, he knew what to do to coax just a bit more out of her.

He wasn't too proud to stay in the cheapest hotels and motels. He was so sleepy at the end of the day that it didn't really matter. He'd fill his bottle with water, and take off. In every town where he stopped, he found a grocery store, and a laundry, and he would eat whatever he bought while he washed whatever he needed. And then, as he was getting close to NYC, he stopped, got rid of most of his stuff, and spent some of his hard earned money on some decent clothes, and a train ticket, so he could ride into New York clean, and looking respectable, rather than like a slob.

It was easy enough to find Charley's sister's address. If Charley were a good man, Carol was a better woman. She, too , had gotten out of the cycle that people like she and Jack seemed destined for. Within two hours of their meeting, Carol had a job for him, at one of her husband's buildings. "It's just janitor work, but from what Charley told me, you're going to do just fine." "Thank you ma'am. I hate to ask for one more favor, but... could you point me in the direction of where I could find a cheap place to live?" Carol was on that, too. She wrote down an address and a phone number. "These gents have a free room that they're wiling to rent. I just better give you a heads up: they're fussy, and they're a couple. " She paused. "They have an 'open relationship'. They WILL approach you, but just tell them kindly 'no thank you', and you'll all be fine. Jack held out his hand. "Ma'am, thank you. Anyone who says there's no kindness in the world just doesn't know where to look." Carol smiled tightly. "Remember that Jack. You may need it some day."

The job was a perfect fit for Jack. It was very basic janitorial work, but he was good at it, and since he had no connections in the city, he was willing to work the shifts no one else wanted. Holidays, late evenings, it didn't matter. He did it. Doorman didn't come to work? He hated the uniform, but he put it on, and did that too. Someone needed something done after hours? Jack was their man. And little by little, he learned that business too. He learned he needed to be a union member, and that if he were going to advance, he'd need licensing. In his typical fashion, Jack put his head down, and got to work. He'd get to the building where he worked for his shift, usually 6 a.m. to 2pm, and then get out the books to learn the theoretical material he hated. If there were a project at the building where he could help the superintendent and learn something that would be useful for those exams, he stayed.

Jack's diligence did not go unnoticed. The superintendent reported on it to management, and when a mid level position became available at another building, they offered it to Jack. The money was better, and the hours were slightly better, so after 3 years at the first job, he moved to another one. Two years after he started studying, he took his exams, and passed them all. Now, at 28, he officially had a superintendent's license. He didn't tell his colleagues , but he did pass the information on to his union, and to the management of the building, in case "something opened up." Something did.

Two years into this new job, Jack got a call from his union representative, Pete. Pete asked him to come in to his office. He'd make sure Jack got the time off.

Pete began "Jack, I don't think it's a secret. The union, and the buildings , are watching you." Jack grinned "I hope for the right reasons, Sir." Pete smiled. "ALL the right reasons, Jack. ALL of them. Listen, it's no secret that this profession is aging: younger guys come in, they can't take the work, and they leave. You're sort of the exception to that . "Well, I'm not all that young anymore Pete. I'm about 30." Pete laughed. "That's young for this , Jack. Your superintendent is 60, and he's on the young end of who we have these days. "I didn't know that Pete. I just tried to do my job. I like it." "Yes, it's clear you do, Jack, and that's why I want to ask you something: are you willing to take a job as Assistant superintendent at a large building?" Pete went on to describe the duties, and the salary. Jack's mouth dropped at that. It was about 40% more than what he was earning now.

"Pete, if I can ask. I've learned that if something sounds too good to be true, it is. What aren't you telling me?" Pete laughed. "You know, Jack, they told me that you were much smarter than the typical porter. Yes, I'm not telling you something. This is a building where we need a guy like you because, quite frankly, the Superintendent is a jerk. He's lazy, he doesn't follow up, and he spends more time trying to find ways to avoid getting caught, than doing work. So, really Jack, you're going to be doing a job and then another one. " He paused. "There are going to be openings in other, better buildings, in the near future. I'm going to put your name at the top of the list if you take this one." He stopped talking and Jack was silent too. Then he spoke. "When do I start?" Pete put out his hand "you're a good man Jack. Some woman is going to be lucky to get you. End of month."

"Some woman is going to be lucky to get you" Jack thought, as he went back to his job. He laughed. Well, that wasn't going to happen, and he head been so hell bent on moving ahead, he hadn't had much 'action' at all. He got to go to a bar, maybe once a month if he was lucky. With his work schedule, he usually needed to leave before things would get interesting. He learned that other men found him attractive, and rightfully so. He took tasks that worked his muscles, and when he WAS at home, he had his set of weights, and a treadmill. He kept active.

When the bars he went to got boring, he asked around and found what someone would call the "darker" bars, where men were interested in more of the things he was: bondage, control, domination. It's what he liked. Mark had done it to him, and now he was doing it to other guys. Always one night stands. No one left Jack's place unsatisfied: he was attentive, tied a good knot, and while he didn't have , as he called it "the finest tools of the trade," he used them well.

One problem with his job was that he did get approached, occasionally, by tenants who wanted more than help changing a fuse. When he started out, it was just about always women. As he was moving up and getting older, it became a mix. He always turned them down, as politely as he could, although he was sorely tempted one time, when a tenant with a son who reminded him of Jamie had him change a water filter. The son looked at him with a smile, and chatted about his tool belt. Jack had blushed, and knew that he had to get out of that building.

Jamie was never far from his mind, even these years later. He would write to Jamie when he got the chance, and Jamie would return a response when he could. He and Cora had actually bought a second boarding house, and Jack had joked about "my buddy the slum lord." Jamie wrote back "your buddy the BOTTOM slum lord." that letter was enough to keep Jack out of the bars for a few weeks.

In short, Jack was progressing everywhere but with relations. He worked so hard that he didn't have many friends, and he certainly didn't have any boyfriends. At least, he would think to himself, he was content.

He'd have an occasional bad dream about that night where Mark had smacked him, but he realized that now, if ANY Mark tried it, he could break his arm.

Pete hadn't been wrong about this new building. There were days when Jack was busy 13-14 hours a day, because the super couldn't be found, or just couldn't be bothered. He liked the building, and he liked the people, he just didn't like Ron, the superintendent. He began to get jealous of him too. It was a live in position, and Ron had a two bedroom apartment with his family, although his wife was never there. Also, while everyone on staff had to wear a uniform, Ron could parade like a peacock, and he did. Jack thought Ron never even had dirt under a single fingernail.

Somewhere between a year and two years into the new job, Pete showed up at the building one day. The staff, of course, razzed him big time for his suit and tie - Pete had been a porter at that building once himself.

He looked for Jack: "Is there someplace we can talk, Jack?" "Uh, yeah. Ron isn't here today, and his office is open. Should we use that. " At "Ron isn't here today," Pete smiled. "Sure. Let's go talk."

"Pete, can I scrabble up some coffee for you or something? " Jack asked. Pete shook his head no. "Sit down, Jack. There's a reason Ron isn't here today." "Is he ok?" Pete grinned "Well, he is health wise, but I'm afraid he's got some other problems. " "Oh my God, Pete, what happened?" A pause "The financial department found some forged checks. They traced them back to Ron. Then they found more. They found articles residents had reported as stolen. " Another pause. "I believe he's being arraigned right now. " He looked at Jack. "It's a horrible situation, but life has to go on. I promised you your name was on the top of the list, and it is. Would you take this job, Jack ? Building superintendent." "With the apartment?" "Yes, with the apartment?" "And the salary." Pete paused. "Ron had a LOT of seniority, so I'm afraid we can't offer you more than about a 15% raise, Jack. But you know this building is generous with their tips. And I'll do what I can to make sure you're treated fairly." Jack was silent. "Can I think about it for a day?" Pete laughed "Well, no. I'm sorry Jack, but we have to make that decision today, because right now, there's no superintendent in chief." Jack looked down. "You know, as far as I can remember, I've worn a uniform. It's gonna be difficult to give them up." Pete laughed. "Well, maybe one of your dates will ask you to wear one." Jack blushed. "I beg your pardon?" Pete smiled. "My son is gay. He was at a bar once. You and he... no, nothing, but he recognized you. He works at the union house. He told me. " Again, Pete paused. "Honestly, Jack, we would never do this without your permission, but at some point, someone is going to find out, and it would do the managing agent real good in publicity, if they could speak of having hired 'the first openly gay superintendent'. Jack didn't flinch. "That one I WILL have to think about Pete. It's really no one's business." Pete shook his head. "No, it's not. Think about it. Superintendent Jack." He shook Jack's hand, and Jack smiled. "Thank you for this opportunity. I'll do my best to make you proud." Pete smiled. "You're welcome, and you already have.

The next day, Jack moved what few belongings he had into Ron's old apartment. Now he had a place for Jamie to stay if he visited - Cora too. Maybe, just maybe.

A week later, he called Pete and agreed to let the agent publicize their gay superintendent. What followed was the magazine story "The hunks who run your building." There was an interview with Pete, three pages into the article.

One person who read the article, was Mark. He thought the picture looked familiar, and as he read the article, his opinion was confirmed. He smiled. "It's taken years, Jack, but I've found you. I'm not letting you get away again."

Next: Chapter 4

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