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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 20, 2023


The day before opening. Mark seemed remarkably composed and calm . That was his acting training. Internally, he was wound as tight as a wire. Jack saw it, and he was trying his best to make things easier, or to get Mark's mind off of the opening. As he got dressed for work that morning, he chose clothes that for whatever reason, seemed to drive Mark wild. A black short sleeve work shirt with button pockets over each pec, and black work pants. He hadn't intended it, but these pants flattered Jack's ass - at least that's what Mark and Felix told him. Finally, the "Mark's boy" cap. Then down to work.

Jack had started at 6, and at 9:30, he heard Jamie's voice at the elevator. "Jack man, please come upstairs ." He looked around. Felix was on, again today, and Jack gave him a look "No problem chief. Take care of business. You'll be back." In the elevator, Jamie was smiling, but keeping mum. "Jamie, what's going on?" "You'll find out studmuffin. You'll find out. All I will say is, I'm glad I was here for it."

When he walked into the apartment, he saw Mark, smiling, and a man he didn't recognize. Mark was smiling. "Hey," he said to Jack, his usuall flirty greeting. Jack smiled, but he was confused. "Dude, what's going on?" Mark turned to the man. "This is Jackson. He's a jeweler. He's here ..' Jack jumped in. "OH COOL. What a surprise. He's gonna pierce me, right?" Mark started laughing. "Yes. You sound so excited Jack. Like it's Christmas." "Well, for me, in a way, it is. I wanted this for so long, and you did it even with the show tomorrow."

"MMMM. I did a little more, kitten". Mark opened his shirt, and he had a ring through his left nipple. "Come see what it says..." Jack went over, and looked. "Jack's man." Jack began to tear up. "You did that? For ME?" "For us Jack." Mark was a little taller, so he kissed Jack on the forehead. "Now, you've got to get back to work, I've got to get to work, so let's do this. "YES..... SIR!!!!!" Jack began opening his shirt. Mark motioned for a chair for him to sit in. Jackson asked "Do you want to do the honors." Mark looked at Jack: do you want me to shave the spot, or should Jackson?" "No offense Jackson, but this dude always makes me hot. Can he do it?" Jackson laughed. "Of course. Just try not to play with the nipple too much Mark." "Don't listen to him," Jack answered. "Now, now. We'll have some time for that." "Not for a few days," Jackson warned. "It's not much of a wound, but it IS a wound, and you should give it 2-3 days to heal. So no nip play - at least on THAT one - for a few days. " Mark gave it a squeeze. "I'll be back... baby.." Then he took out the clippers, and did a clean shave of the area around Jack's right nip. "Fuck, I'm so excited.." "Yeah, we can tell." Jamie pointed to the wet spot over Jack's crotch. "OOPS. Sorry about that everyone. " Mark kissed him over his ear. He whispered "I can't wait until I can fuck you harder than I've ever fucked you." Jamie heard some of it and said "Uh, if that was intended to stop the leaking...."

Jackson interrupted. "Ok, I'm going to clean the area with alcohol, and then get on with things. Jack, do you want to see the ring. "SURE. I wanna see it up close. " Jackson brought it over. Jack misted up again when he saw the words "Mark's boy" on it. "It's just what I wanted. But I may struggle. Mark, you better hold me down." Mark laughed "you're such a pisser, Jack." He grabbed his arms and pulled them behind him. "Don't struggle super jack. Otherwise... he may miss." "Yes sir," Jack was quiet. The jeweler came up, rubbed the nipple with a bit of alcohol, and then he took what looked like a tool for cutting a hole in paper. He positioned it around Jack's nipple. "It may sting, just for a second. Jack closed his eyes, and felt the metal close on his nip. "All done... Mark, I think you should put the ring in. " "OH YES. YES. Absolutely. Jamie can you photograph it? Please?" Mark came over. "It's like when I proposed to you. " "DUDE I KNOW. Isn't this great? I feel like you're asking me to marry you again. The answer is still yes." Mark's eyes were filling with some tears. He found the holes, and Jackson guided him. There was a very low volume "snap" as the ring closed. "Take a look in the mirror guys. See if you like it"

Jack and Mark went off to the bathroom. Mark stood behind Jack and encircled his waist. "How do you like it?" Jack twisted his head to kiss him. "Mark, I LOVE it. THANK YOU. Now I really feel like I'm yours." "And I'm yours, superjack." Their lips locked, until Mark pulled back. "We can't do this right now." "I know. I know. Tonight maybe. " Mark held Jack's face in his hands. "Tonight, lover. Cause I LOVE YOU SO MUCH."

When they came out, they saw that Jamie had baked a surprise bunch of cupcakes. Half said "Mark's boy," and the other half, "Jack's man." "OH WOW. Come on, let's photo this too. This is great. I bet I know what flavor too." Mark laughed. "Ok, what? " Jack smiled. Don't laugh. It's trash food. It's strawberry quick cake with tang frosting." Mark picked one up and tried it. He looked at Jamie "greater love has no man," and Jamie answered "OH SHUT UP BITCH. DARE I SAY YOU'VE HAD WORSE THINGS IN YOUR MOUTH?"

When he got back to the basement, Felix came up to him. "Chief, everything ok?" Jack smiled. "Yeah, everything is great. Let me show you." He opened his shirt and showed Felix the ring. "Mark's boy. That's cool. Now we're twins?" Felix was in a t shirt, so he had to pull it off. That's how Jack saw HIS ring It said "return to Carlos." "Yeah, chief. My Papi chulo had me get this about a month ago. I just didn't tell you. "But wait.. You've got one in each ring," and Felix smiled. "didn't Jamie teach you what versatile means? Yeah, most of the time, I'm under Carlos, getting plowed to heaven, but sometimes, that man wants my skinny pinga in him." Jack laughed. "which one do you prefer?" OH CHIEF. If you saw Carlos' piece, you wouldn't have to ask. Hey, by the way, while you were upstairs, Connor called you about the school."

Jack went into his office and called back. "Hey Connor, it's Jack. Sorry, I had to take care of a personal thing. What's up? Did anyone quit because of me?" Connor laughed. "Hey Jack. NAH. Nothing like that happened, but they DID talk to admin, and, well, a few things. First, can you pick up that class for the rest of the semester? Second, the license exam is next week. I know your specialty is cooling, so could yu be the Examiner on that part of the exam?" He took a breath. "Finally... we want to offer you a position teaching when the new academic year begins. You were so good in that class, and we've NEVER heard such good reviews. Also, and you know this, Felix is the star student -- the star student for the last ten years. No theoretical shit, no. You'll be teaching the hands on classes." "DUDE, are you fucking SERIOUS?" Connor was laughing "Yeah, dude, I AM fucking serious. Do you need time to think about it?" "Shit no. YES to all 3 . THANK YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH. "Jack, I hope Mark realizes what a treasure he has in you. Don't lose that enthusiasm, EVER. I'll see you at the after party on Saturday. I should warn you though: Gloria has decided you and she are singing duets. She's just not telling you what you're singing. " "Ha ha. If she does that, I'm gonna insist your wife do an Elton John song with me." Connor laughed. I'll look forward to it. OK, I gotta go and get to an industrial glass installation. See ya soon."

Jack came out of the office and tried to look stern. "Something wrong chief?" Felix asked. Jack folded his arms. "Young man, all I can say is you better start studying, because you are looking at Examiner Jack, chief examiner of coolant for the superintendent license exam." Felix' mouth dropped. "NO SHIT. CONGRATULATIONS. Now I'm glad I studied so hard. Chief, this is inappropriate but..." He grabbed Jack and hugged him. Jack smiled. "Dude. Hugs are ALWAYS appropriate." He had to call Mark to tell him.

Except he couldn't get to Mark at that minute, because Jon was in his office , yelling at the top of his lungs. 'LOOK IF YOUR PLUMBER BITCH IS RESPONSIBLE I AM GONNA SUE HIS OVERUSED ASS UNTIL HE CAN'T AFFORD A CAN OF DEODORANT." Jon was showing Mark a line of cigarette burns up and down his right arm. He had told him how, last night, he had been grabbed and pulled into a building. The guy had covered his mouth, and whispered "I can't make you a true bitch, but I can make you look like one from prison." He was with a buddy, and while he held Jon, and covered his mouth, the guy took one of Jon's cigarettes from his pocket, lit it, and held it to Jon's arm, up and down, five seconds each touch. Before they left Jon there, in the doorway, the guy said "You leave my friends alone. Or next time, it's gonna be below the waist, MARICON."

Mark looked at the wounds, shocked. "Jon, what the fuck? I'm so sorry this happened. You have to file a police report. NOW. I'll go with you. " Then he paused. "But don't you EVER talk about Jack that way again, you jealous old fart. Now I will take you to the police, and we'll file the report, but you're gonna have to show Jack some more respect. He's sticking around. "


Mark just looked at him. "GET OUT. GET OUT NOW. Forget about me going to the police with you. I hope they don't heal. Oh, and by the way, before you want to start blaming my fiance', I was with him from 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. "

"What about his fucking spic friends?" Mark laughed. "they were with us too. In fact... he leaned over and lowered his voice. 'we went out for drinks and then went back to the building and had a fucking orgy with them, Jamie and Cooper. We didn't even think of inviting you, you skinny assed pseudo top."

Jon stormed out of the office. "This isn't over Riley. Not by any means." Mark laughed. "Oh, you better believe, it's not over."

When Jon was gone, he called Jack. "Hey... how are you doing?" "Mark, I can't stop looking at it. It's making me hot." Mark laughed. "Well, I'll be home soon and I'll try to help . But listen, I don't want to upset you, but Jon was in here. He's pissed. "Jon's always pissed Mark." "No, this time he has reason to be" "Why? What happened?" "Well, he got jumped last night, and the guys left a line of cigarette burns on his arm, and threatened to do it to his cock next time." "HOLY SHIT. I mean, does he think I? " "No, but he's screaming about Latinos. Just do me a favor. Warn everyone in the building to keep him away. "Will do Mark. SHIT. Who would do that to Jon?" Mark laughed. "I don't have enough time to go over the list. Just do me a favor. Keep on your outfit. I'll be home in time to... help you undress."

As that call was happening, Cooper was speaking to Jamie. "All done.

Very clean, no one seen." Jamie smiled. "Thanks stud. I owe you for this."

Jack washed up after the day was over, and went home to wait for Mark. He didn't know Mark was already there, until he grabbed him from behind. "HEY. WHAT THE FUCK?" Jack got into the scene right away. Mark couldn't immobilize him using tit play, so he scruffed Jack's neck until he was putty. Then he tied him to the chair where he had been pierced that morning. "So... who has a horny cock? " "I don't know" said Jack, as he struggled against the ropes." "Well, I think I do..." Jack moved in, and pressed his knee against Jack's penis. "FUCK. FUCK. Don't do that. Please." "I'll do what I want. And I'll take what I want. And what I want now... is a blow job from those boy lips. And if I don't get it..." He pushed his knee in harder. "Ok. Ok. Yes. I'll do it."

Mark dropped his pants, and brought his cock to Jack's mouth. He teased, and then drove in, deep, nearly choking Jack. Jack sucked like the pro he had become. He got Mark good and hard, and wet. "That's enough. I want your ass sweet boy. I want it split like a watermelon." He pulled Jack out of the chair and took his cap. "Mark's boy, huh? Well, tonight, you're MY boy." He dragged Jack into the bedroom, and turned him on his belly. He began caressing Jack's ass. "So sweet. So fucking sweet. Wonder how it tastes. "NO. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT," as Mark laughed and pulled down his pants, then his underwear. He pushed Jack's cheeks apart, and began running his tongue around the exterior, very lightly. Jack was gasping. "OH GOD. OH GOD. You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't have me tied up" Mark laughed. "But I do. And you're not getting loose." He paused to run his long nail up and down each of Jack's arms. "STOP. STOP. THAT TICKLES. OH SHIT... Now Mark has his thumb pressing up against Jack's prostate gland. "I am gonna take this ass like you belong to me boy. "YES YES. PLEASE FUCK ME. FUCK ME LIKE A WORTHLESS WHORE. GIVE IT ALL TO ME." Mark "dressed" as they called it, and then began sliding in. The last inch was always tough for Jack, but this time, he chuckled "that all you got big man? " Mark took the cue. "Nah. I got THIS." and he pushed, hard. "OH SHIT. Did you just put a pole in me? OH GOD FUCK..." Mark began to plow him, changing the speed. He laughed when Jack tried to tighten his cheeks and trap his cock. "Not gonna work, studmuffin. " He covered Jack's mouth with his hand. "I am gonna come back for this ass any time I want. And you're gonna give it to me.." Jack shook his head no, and Mark pushed harder. "Yeah, you are. Cause if you don't give it to me, I'm gonna take it. You may be Mark's boy, but you're MY boy now too." "FUCCCCCCK. " yelled Mark, and then he shot deep into Jack. Jack screamed so loud he almost bit Mark's hand.

"Can you untie me Sir? I wanna get off too. " Mark smiled "NO. Because I'm gonna get you off. I watched Jamie. I know what you like. Mark began fellating Jack. He couldn't remember the last time he had given someone a blow job, but this STUD... "MARCO . MARK MAN. I'M GONNA SHOOT. PLEASE Move outta the way. I can't control it. OH FUUUUUUCK" and Mark sprayed a load all over his fiance.

"Mark, that may have been the best sex EVER. " Jack and Mark were cuddling on the bed. Mark kissed Jack's nose. I wanted us to forget about things for a little while. Hey, when I came in, Felix told me you had some news." "Oh, yeah. I tried to call you but you were busy." He told Mark about the school thing. "Jack! This is fucking awesome. We have a professor in the family." "AW shucks Mark. When I say my prayers tonight, I'll tell my mom. She'll be so happy." Anytime Jack talked about saying his prayers, or mentioned his mom, Mark welled up. Not many knew that he grew up in an orphanage. The DID know he had no patience for God or heaven or anything like that. And this pure sweet boy seemed to have enough contact with those things for both of them."

"Hey, sweetums, I know you hate this things, but a question. After we get cleaned up, can you come downtown with me? It's a pre opening dinner celebration/party. I promise you there won't be sushi." Jack laughed. "Will there be a piano?" Now it was Mark's turn to laugh. "Performers out for an evening, without a piano? That's funny. " "Good. Because I'm in the mood to sing." He kissed Mark on the forehead. "I'm grabbing the shower first, and I'm using all the hot water. You can complain to the building super about it. But while I'm cleaning up, pick me something to wear. I don't know what to wear at these things."

By the time Mark could get up to give him a kiss, Jack was already in the shower. He laughed. "You know, for someone who doesn't have any time for you, you sure seem to be taking care of me. Thank you" he looked up to the skies.

Next: Chapter 30

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