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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 19, 2023


Jack was right about Mark becoming more than a little frantic before the opening. When he opened his eyes on Thursday morning, Mark was already awake, FULLY awake, staring at him and smiling. "Mark... didn't you sleep?" Mark smiled and pulled Jack into him. "I did. I slept ok. I slept with the best cuddler on the East Coast. " "AWWW. That's sweet. You're not usually sweet in the morning." He looked directly at Mark. "You scared baby?" "A little. What if they don't like it?" Jack kissed him. "Then they're fools. And really: for what it's worth, my views of you are not going to change regardless of the show." Mark hugged him again. "I know you need to get down to your dungeon, but moments like this just make me want to hold onto you and never let you go." Jack squirmed out of his grip. "Tonight Mark. You may need to convince me that people don't hate me."

"OH THAT'S RIGHT. YOU'RE TEACHING THIS AFTERNOON." "I am. It's the basic class, so I won't have Felix for support, so, I'll be on my own. " "Mark ran his hand over Jack's hair "something you're better at than just about anyone." Jack smiled. "I think Jamie's up too. I smell coffee."

The three of them had become so familiar Jack usually didn't put anything on when he went out to get coffee, but when he opened the door, he saw Cooper, sitting there with the paper, and a coffee, smiling. "Good morning," he said, and Jack ran in to get a robe. "COOPER. I didn't know you were staying over." "Neither did I. We just got, ahem, busy. " He laughed "By the way Jack, I've seen everything you've got. Way more than once."

"Yeah, but Jack's is better than just about all you've seen," Jamie made his presence known. He laughed. "You know, we have enough for a hand of bridge, and if you can call some of those cute boys up from the basement, we have the makings of an orgy."

'JAMIE' came out of all three mouths at once. He shrugged his shoulders "Look, a girl can just let people know what their options were." "That was no girl in the bedroom I stayed in last night," added Cooper. Mark started laughing because he knew exactly what Jack was going to do . He began shaking his head, and started back to the bedroom. "I can't. I just can't process this." Mark heard the shower head turn on. "You know, that's a good idea. Maybe he isn't cooking lobster in there..." "Go for it, stud" said Jamie. He turned to Cooper "What do you want for breakfast? Toast? Muffins? Sausage?"

Cooper looked up as if to say "help me."

In fact, Jack was taking one of his steamers. Mark had said those showers were single handedly responsible for keeping the wrinkles out of his face during the rehearsal run. When Jack came out of the shower, he smiled. "I hope you left some water for me," Jack smiled. "Yeah, I know. I like those showers, gets me ready for the day." Mark came up to him, and took his nips in his fingers, and Jack sucked in his breath. "OH fuck yes. " Mark smiled as he played with them. "You still want that piercing?" "OH, yes sir. I do. I want it real bad. " "Well, I found a jeweler who'll do a house call. Tomorrow?" "FUCK YES. That way I'll have all my jewelry for your opening. " Mark kept playing with his nips. "Now, one thing you need to know, Jack. I'm gonna have to get rid of your chest hair for the pierce to be clean. Are you gonna be good with that?" Jack was still breathing hard, and his towel was sticking forward. "I'm not thrilled, but I want that ring. And it'll grow back." He moved Mark's hands off his nips. "Mark.. you'll hold me when he's doing it?" Mark gave a big smile. "You didn't have to ask that question. And you better leave some time for a 'celebration' when it's done.

Down in the basement, Jack greeted the guys. Felix was on again today. "Yo, chief. Or do I call you Professor jack now." Jack laughed. "Chief is fine. Super jack is always fine. And my new character is..." He opened his shirt to show off the new tshirt. "Meet BATJACK" Felix laughed. "OH YEAH. Jack's got quite the bat. That's what Jamie says." He high fived Ramon and Victor, who were there too. "Son of a bitch. That got chief quiet." Then Jack began to laugh. "You're lucky I'm not teaching the license class, young man. " "Chief, seriously, you're gonna be just fine. My class ends earlier than yours does, so if you want, I'll wait around for you." Jack smiled. "I'd like that."

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"Good afternoon to all of you. Your regular instructor was injured, so I'll be covering for him tonight." Jack's name was up on the board behind him. "Now, let me just establish a couple things first. Yes, I'm the guy in the New York article." There was some muted laughter. Second, my full name is up there. If I hear anyone call me Professor Robson, or Mr. Robson, or Sir, or any other shit other than Jack, I'm tossing you. A clogged drain doesn't care if you're the Queen, the President, the pope, or Jack. With that out of the way, any questions?" He went on "this is a practical class - I guess they call it a clinical at universities - we're gonna work, and today, we ARE in fact going to work on the most common problem in a superintendent's life: the clogged drain. Now, something your book - which I want you to ignore as long as I'm teaching, doesn't tell you, is the first part of diagnosis. Take a look at me. If I called you and said I had a clogged drain, what causes would you think of right away?" There was silence. "FOLKS. This is a participation class and I grade you on that. Now, don't be shy. Speak up." There was a timid voice "Well... Jack... you seem to be well fed, so I'd guess it could be food waste. Maybe a grease clog?" He blushed, and Jack smiled. 'GOOD. That's a great answer and it's spot on. And beyond that, you are.... 'Peter, Sir." "Peter JACK. I applaud you for your balls. Your teacher's a big guy. He eats. He eats a lot. And that's what I would think too .. I'd think of another thing too. Any guesses?" Jack began giving a hint by running his hand through his hair. There was a young lady in the class. "OH YEAH. OF COURSE. Your hair is long, you shave, you probably shave your chest .. HAIR." There was laughter as Jack made her introduce herself. SPOT ON JAZZ. In fact, I RARELY shave my chest. NO I won't show you, but yes, every time you wash your hair - and you wash your hair a LOT in this job - you're adding crap to the drain. So, my first teaching, before we get to work, is KNOW YOUR APARTMENT. I'll give you one example from my early career that will drive this home. My boss sent me to an apartment to clear a drain, and the rest of the staff was laughing. Why? The family had three small kids - two in diapers. " There was silence. "Yeah, and trust me guys and gals, there is nothing harder to get out of your hair than baby shit." There was laughter and applause.

"Ok, so each of you, get a drain. They're each clogged, not necessarily the same way. Let's check your diagnostic skills." He went around the classroom, after each student had checked the drain. There were a lot of 'GOODs" and "WELL DONE", and an occasional, 'you might e right, but I may have a different idea." When that was done, he came back to the front "OK. You all did well on that part, now the fun part." He smiled. Time to clean it out. You've got your diagnosis, and you know the remedy for each kind of clog. Let's see you clear it."

Again he walked around. From the corner of his eye, he saw one student reaching for the lye. 'HOLD ON A MINUTE YOU'RE ALL GONNA GET THE MOST IMPORTANT LESSON YOU'LL EVER HAVE." He went over to that station. "You are... "Richard." "Richard.. ok, get used to being called Rick. Now, you just did something which isn't bad, but you forgot something. What did you forget?" Richard looked at him totally terror struck. Jack looked up and he saw Felix in the doorway. "Hey, my prize student is here. Felix, come on over. What's the first thing I taught you?" "You chief, when you're using lye, put something over your eyes." He high fived Felix. "That's exactly right. You have no idea what's in there, how long it's been there. Put on your specs, Rick." Once they were in place, Jack stood back. "ok, give it a go." Rick added the lye, and there was a small eruption with liquid going everywhere. "FUCK. I coulda been blind." Yeah, you coulda, and it would've been your fault. With experience, you'll be able to tell, most of the time, if a clog is problematic, but not always. RULE 1 WEAR YOUR GOGGLES."

At a few minutes before six, Jack went back to the front of the lab. "Ok, folks, you all did well, and I'm giving A's to everyone for today's class. Lessons learned: be careful. Know your client. Ask questions. Especially at your start, you're gonna have someone there who knows more than you do. Clogs seem hard. They're not. But.... if we let the tenants know that, they don't need us." There was laughter. "Seriously kids, great job from all of you. I hope I get to see you all again, but if I don't, thank you for this opportunity." As he began to erase the blackboard, the students started applauding. He turned around and smiled. He gave them a "thumbs up."

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"Chief, you were GREAT. I didn't expect anything else, but DAMN. You read that room, you saw who needed help, and you just nailed it." "Aw, thanks Felix. You know, I thought about teaching you, and I kept on thinking 'what would Felix do," and that was my guide." Felix smiled "Well, what Felix would do now is go out for a beer with his fella." Jack saw Carlos coming up. "HEY GUAPO. WHAT A NICE SURPRISE." And the two of them would ask the chief if he wants to go. "Well, thank you, I would, but Mark has a hard next few days, so "so Mark came down to get an evening beer with some of his favorite people." Yup, there was Mark with his geeky grin, standing up against the wall the way he always did that made Jack absolutely melt. " OH WOW. Now I CAN'T say no. Just one though. Tomorrow is a busy day." There may have been some heads turned as the two couples walked hand in hand down to the tavern, but our four guys didn't notice. "I'm so flattered you came Mark. " "Well, I wouldn't miss it. You know I watched the last fifteen minutes of the class." "YOU DID? " "Yeah, and you're a natural teacher." "Oh I don't know about that." "I do chief. Mark is right. "

As they sat with their beers, Felix said "hey, chief, you may wanna check in with Jamie. Someone came by the building today. Scary looking guy. Jamie was out, and he left a package, but he was REALLY creepy." Mark paused and pulled out his phone. He showed Felix Jon's picture. "Was this him?" "YEAH. He was. But he asked for Jamie. NO, wait.. He asked for chief, and then he asked for Jamie. Chief, you were at the hardware store." Jack and Mark looked at each other. "Thanks for telling me. Look, Felix, I'll tell you more tomorrow. I don't want to spoil the evening, but spread the word to the guys DO NOT LET THAT ONE IN THE BUILDING. HE'S TROUBLE." OH, Chief, we already decided that. " He laughed. He asked for "Mr. Robson," so we KNEW he didn't know you, and he called Jamie "James." Mark just started laughing "Felix, you are PERFECT. I want you as my body guard." Felix turned to Carlos. "No, HE'S the one you want as a body guard. This is the toughest street fighter in Queens. And he's MINE."

In a cab on the way back, Mark draped his arm around Jack, and Jack moved in to his lover. "You know, we're gonna have to fix this with Jon." "I know Mark, I know. I've got some ideas, but I wanna talk to Jamie first. I think I may have a plan, but I'm not sure yet. " Mark grinned and began squeezing Jack's nip through his shirt "What's the plan? Tell me, or the torture will continue."

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Back in the apartment, and in the bedroom (after they checked to make sure Cooper and Jamie were still out), Jack looked at Mark. "Seriously, stud, I'm not ready to talk about my idea . It has a lot of moving parts, and involves a lot of people, so please don't ask about it. " Mark smiled. "Well, there are always OTHER reasons to tie you to the bed and work you over. He kissed Jack and then whispered. "on your back. Spread out." "Yes Sir." was Jack's answer. Beer always made him a little horny, and thinking about the morning, and the beer, and the thrill of the class. GOD did he need it. Mark had been thinking along the lines all day too. After he had taken HIS shower, and gotten through a relatively calm day at the theater, he realized that the more he thought about what Jamie had said to him, and the more he thought about how Jack had just, literally, rolled over and let Mark fuck him, he wanted him more. He tied Jack's wrists to the corners of the bed. "Now... I'm gonna give you a choice, batjack. Either foot tickling, or I get the velcro glove." Jack pulled at the restraints. "You know you're gonna do both Joker, so why are you even asking me." Mark laughed. "Indeed. Why am I even asking. But opening that shirt is probably gonna be easier than getting off your boots.. Although... Hmmmm." He moved down to Jack's boots and got them off. Then he pulled off his socks. He tied them together. "WAIT. I've been wearing those all day.. You're not gonna MMMMMPH." Mark had him gagged with the sock gag, before he put the glove on. "Now, gently, gently..." He began to work the glove up over Jack's torso, threatening his nips, but not touching them. "Batjack, you're in a lot of trouble right now... I'm not gonna use this on those nips." "MMMMMPH " Jack knew that meant fingers. And it did. Mark went to work on his nips, playing with them like only he could. "I haven't heard you surrender, batjack. I guess you haven't had enough yet. "MMMMPH MMMMPH MMMMPH. Jack was trying to scream out "I submit," as Mark moved down to his feet. He saw Jack's pleading face and he saw the wet spot at his pants. "I think we'll save that for another time. For now..." He opened Jack's belt, slid down his pants, and put his legs in the air. He slid in, and took his lover hard, bending over to kiss him through the gag. At one point, he stopped, and whispered "I love you so much Jack Robson. Or super jack . or bat jack. Or professor Jack. I love you regardless of your name..." Jack was signalling hard to take off the gag, and Mark did. "Kiss me you mother fucker. Kiss me. KISS ME DAMN IT." Mark filled Jack's mouth with his tongue, and he was digging deeper when he shot. He grabbed Jack's balls and squeezed them. "Gonna get some juice out of these oranges. " It didn't take long, and Jack was covered with jizz." He looked at Mark. "Can we compromise? A little too hot for you, a little too cool for me, but let's get this splooch off of us before bed. " Mark smiled. Sure . But first... He set a timer. "Three minutes of tickling. "OH SHIT. NO NO... But it was too late. Eventually, Mark tickled him for six minutes, and yes, neither one of them loved the shower, but they went to bed, clean.

Next: Chapter 29

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