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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 15, 2023


If there were anyone who had the right to hate Mondays, it was Jack. Up at 5 to get ready for a 6 a.m. shift, the first part of which was recycling garbage for a 150 unit building. This Monday wouldn't be as bad as usual, because his star, Felix , was working the shift. He had a new guy, Mario, who was strong, eager, but none too experienced, and Estefan, who had been with them for about four months. Every time he worked with Felix, Jack wondered how much longer it was going to be. Laurie had gotten him through his GREs, and Felix was flying through the superintendent licensing course. Anyone who didn't hire him, was stupid. Just plain stupid. Still he had him for a little while, and he was grateful. He was also grateful that he didn't have to pay much attention to what he wore. He put on a blue short sleeve shirt, didn't bother to tuck it, some old painter pants, and his new favorite cap, the one that said "Mark's boy" on it. He bent down to kiss the sleeping Mark, whispering "best of luck today handsome. Five more days. Hope I get to see you." Mark smiled, and then nodded off again.

Jack went out to the living room to get some caffeine into him. Had Jamie EVER come home? Yeah, he did. He just didn't make it to the bedroom. There he was, snoring on the sofa. Jack shook his head and laughed . There were stories there. He HAD to hear them. He went over to Jamie, and stroked his hair. "You're happy. I'm glad Jamie. Not something I saw coming, but you're happy. " Jamie opened his eyes. "BEST SUNDAY EVER. " He smiled. "Cooper ties a good knot. And he struggles beautifully. Have I gone versatile?" Jack smiiled and looked at him. "Stranger things have happened. Listen, you may wanna wear a turtleneck today, or be ready to explain the row of love bites. " That white hair isn't as soft as it looks," Jamie grinned, just a bit guiltily. Jack gave Jamie a kiss on his forehead, and headed downstairs. Just before he did, he turned "You better be ready to tell all, Jamie."

Felix was already downstairs , setting up. Jack wasn't surprised.

"HEY CHIEF. Good weekend?" " "Hey Feel Yeah, terrific. Hope yours was good. How's the fella. ?" Felix smiled. "Oh, BOSS, when I saw you smile about Mister Mark, I thought 'it can't be that good', but you know what? It's better. I don't wanna leave him." Jack teased. "But you left him to come to me." "Oh, chief, I don't wanna leave you either. EVER. This is such a great place. You're aces. " "AWWW, Feel, that's terrific. How are classes?" "Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. Licensing is in two weeks. But also, one of those guys you know from that weekly club? He teaches at the school, and he's gonna be out. They wondered if you could cover." Jack guffawed. "ME? TEACH?" "Chief, it's not calculus, geez . It's fixing air conditioners, unclogging toilets, restarting boilers, shit you know already. I swear. You never have to look at a book. It's all hands on." "Hmmm. Let me think about it. You have a number for me to call. ?" "Sure do Chief. Chief's rule 3: always have a contact number, two if possible," and Jack began to laugh: it WAS one of his rules. "Felix, I am going to write you the BEST letter of recommendation anyone has ever had. I SWEAR." Felix was surprisingly subdued at that. "Let's see chief, ok?"

When the whole crew was on, Jack took a minute to call Billy. "HEY JACK. Thanks for the call back. So , this is what's going on. This week, the licensing class - the begnners - take air conditioner repair. I know that's your specialty, and the teacher had an accident and is kind of in pain from falling down some stairs. I was wondering if you could fill in. Two hours, roll up your sleeves and fix it kinda stuff.' He paused. 'Your guy Felix is in the advanced class, and his teachers think he's the best they've ever gotten. When they tell him, his answer is always the same. "You work with Super Jack, 100% isn't good enough, and you're glad to give 120% - because you're gonna turn around and see he just gave 130, and he bought you lunch.'

Jack laughed 'Well, I'm not buying lunch for a class, afraid that's out of my budget, but sure. It sounds like fun. How many? Used to be ten in a class." "Still is Jack. It's Thursday 4-6" He gave him the location. This would be perfect because by Thursday, Mark would be a nervous wreck because of the opening in two days.

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When he got back to the apartment after shift , Jamie was there, cooking for them. Jack went into the kitchen, and kissed his friend's ear. "You're not making possum, are you?" "How'd you know?" Jamie laughed. "No, Mark told me you love eggplant parmagiana. Wasn't a big thing in the south but as Cooper said to me "You're never too old to learn something new."

Jack shook his head "you know, there are so many things about 'this picture' that make no sense to me. I know you like older, but Cooper is OLDER I never thought of him as gay or bi, or anything other than a nice man who took care of himself." "That's kinda accurate Jack. He told me that when he saw me, he thought I was the most beautiful person to walk into the house since his daughter was born. He wondered if I'd, well, put out, and hey, who's gonna argue with that charm? Then, when he saw my tools... " Jamie began to blush. "I'm seeing him tomorrow night too, Jack, so no dinner. here for me. "

"JAMIE. I'm so happy. He's much better for you than Jon. And Mark and I are gonna have to have some words with Jon soon."

"Indeed we are. We're gonna be doing a few things together." Jack felt Mark's arm around his middle, as he pulled him into his body. "Mark," Jack giggled. "Come on. I stink. I just came back from the basement. "You smell like a man to me, stud. And man smell makes me horny. Especially when the man I'm smelling... has really sensitive nips." Mark put a small pincer move on Jack's right nip - the more sensitive one - but didn't move it. "Shall we see how much movement it takes to get this big stud to be ready for his daily fucking? Jamie smiled "I think they answer is, you just found out." Jack giggled "c'mon. I'm filthy. I stink. " Mark flicked his fingers on Jack's nip and whispered. "And you're hot as hell. And I want you . NOW"

Mark led Jack to the bedroom, putting him on his back. He began playing with his hair. "You know, I'm looking forward to the opening, but I want it over, for one big reason.' "What's that Mark?" He squeezed Jack's hand. "Well, once the show opens, we're dark on Monday and on Sunday night. I can spend more time with you.." He held down Jack's wrists "And in you." He growled "You have the hottest ass Jack Robson. I thought about it all day and what I wanted to do to it. And you. Jack smiled. "Geez, you're usually not THIS horny at the end of the day." Mark smiled back "I KNOW. It's the stress. But it's also you in that outfit. . He paused, and laughed. "I KNOW. NIPPLE GAME. HAVEN'T PLAYED IT IN A WHILE." "OH Mark, come on! You know you're gonna win. " Mark pinned Jack down, and began slowly playing with one nipple as he brushed his scruff over Jack's ear. "OH GOD. I can't resist that. You know it. ." Mark said nothing, just kept up both forms of stimulation. Jack started moaning, and then his hips were bucking. "Let me up Mark! Come on! You know I'll do anything you want. " Mark laughed. "You'll do that anyway, so... NO" A pause and then "gimme your neck boy" He began to push at Jack's chin with his own, until he got a space, and got in for nibbling, driving Jack even crazier.

"Hey. Dinner's in the oven, it sure seems hot in here, and maybe I can claim what's mine," Jamie was in the doorway "OH SHIT" Jack remembered. "That's right . Jamie owned his cock." Mark smiled. "Studmuffin hasn't surrendered yet. Once he does. " "OH, I can make him give up, Mark..." He grinned evilly. Jack knew what was coming. "JAMIE. NO!..." "Unbutton his shirt Mark, then pin him down at the top. My nails are in good shape. "YOU BASTARD. YOU'RE GONNA TICKLE ME." Jamie just laughed. "Only your ribs. I could do your feet you know..." He began to rake over Jack's sides. Jack bit his lips, trying to hold in the laughs, and then they just burst out. He struggled fiercely. He knew that, if Mark hadn't drained him through his nips, he'd get up, but of course, he had. "This is FUN Jack. Jamie went on. "Maybe we should tie you up at the end and just come in every twenty minutes to tickle you.' "Hmmm. Good idea," Mark responsed. 'YOU GUYS ARE FUCKS. Jack got out before he began laughing again. "Gonna give you a ten second break Jack," Jamie stopped. "Maybe you have enough time to say 'I surrender. " "NOT HAPPENING," he yelled, and Jamie dug back in. "Know what Mark? I think I may have to do his feet today.

'NO. NO. PLEASE. NOT MY FEET. I'LL SURRENDER, OK? No feet, please. I surrender. I surrender. ' Mark looked down at him. "You always make me so hard. But Jamie, your turn first. " He continued to pin Jack, as Jamie unzipped him and got his mouth around Jack's cock. "Hmmm. Big and salty today. You sure there's nothing going on between you and Felix?" Jack tried to answer, but he was moaning. Jamie did such a good job at cocksucking. He brought Jack to the edge a couple of times before he finally let him explode. "OH GOD. I needed that.

" Jack gasped. Jamie smiled. "I'm a doctor too. I diagnose sex needs. And Dr. Jamie is gonna go back to his operating room, because Mark needs ass. "

"I do. I need ONE ass. This one.. The one that belongs to me. " He started to slide down the bed and stopped. He fingered Jack's neck chain. " MMM. Smartest thing I ever did. " He shoved his tongue down Jack's mouth. Jack was thinking "smartest thing I ever did was surrender." When he got to the bottom of the bed, Mark flipped Jack over. He was taking him from behind. Jack liked that because Mark's cock got in further, but he didn't get to see Mark's face while it was happening . This time, Mark began with a half dozen smacks to Jack's butt. Not Jack's favorite, but Mark liked it. And he knew Mark would nuzzle his ears at the end which was something he did love.

He felt Mark's cock pointing at his ass. They had done this as college kids. Mark would put his cock head right at the entrance of Jack's ass, and hold it there When Jack begged, and pushed back, Mark would move. Sometimes, Jack got so excited, he'd cum before Mark went forward That wasn't going to happen today, and Mark slowly began pushing in. "OH SHIT" thought Jack. He IS stressed. He always seemed 2 inches longer when he was nervous. And merciless. Mark just plunged in hard, and fast.

"OH FUCK. You're huge SIR! You're making me KNOW you're a stud. A FUCKING BROADWAY STUD.'

'FUCKING MY SUPER MAN. TAKING HIM. MY MANBITCH. " He shoved one last time and the jizz started spilling 'oh yes, oh yes' Jack was wimpering. Mark fell on him and spooned him. "DAMN. Every time with you is GREAT. You make me feel so good Jack. I'm glad I snagged you while there was time."

Mark went out to the living room while Jack showered. He was still "gritty" from his day in the basement. While he was cleaning up, Mark asked Jamie something "Hey. This is gonna sound like a really cruel question I'm gonna ask about Jack, but...." Jamie smiled. "Nooooooooo, he's not going to embarrass you by dressing wrong to the opening Mark. Momma Jamie has already gotten involved." Mark blushed "YOU KNEW I was worried?" "Mark, darling. We all love Jack for so many of his qualities, but let's be honest: fashion sense is not his strong suit. And Momma Jamie has a much better sense for these openings than our super man does. So...., last week, we had a talk. And then we went shopping. And yes, he's well equipped, and he'll surprise you. But if you wanna see it now, I'm sure he'll give you a look."

"Can I? He won't be angry?" Jamie smiled. "As my mom used to say 'you know for someone so smart you don't know a lot." Jamie went over to the bedroom "Hey, Jack-o. You and Mark are going to have to go to the theatre separately on Saturday, so he's not going to get to see your gorgeous outfit until everyone else does. And that's not fair. How about a little modeling for us?"

"Uh, oh, sure guys. But Jamie, I'm gonna need help with the tie." "Of course, big Jack. Just call Momma when you're ready." Mark whispered "Help with his tie? But he knows how to wear a tie." Jamie just grinned "Patience top man, patience." It took a few minutes and then Jack called "Jamie.. I can use a hand" He smiled at Mark. "You're gonna be REAL pleasantly surprised.

When the two of them walked out, Jack looked concerned: "do you like it Mark?" Mark's mouth had dropped and he had whispered "HOLY SHIT. I'm gonna have to keep him locked up before he gets kidnapped. " Jack had a tuxedo style suit on, but it wasn't a tuxedo. Jamie had gotten a custom made shirt for him, with a piece of fabric that they had dyed to match Jack's eyes: brilliant blue with flashes of gray. And then... the bright bubble gum colored bow tie. Jack smiled. "Jamie told me that your partner should stand out at the opening, but not in a bad way. I hope this isn't a bad way."

Mark got up and started walking over toward Jack. Jamie saw what was happening and pulled him back. "Easy tiger. Those clothes gotta stay pristine through Saturday. What shape they're in on Sunday, is up to you. But for now... you keep your hands off my baby."

"Jack.... oh my God, Jack... What can I say? You're drop dead gorgeous - everyone knows that. But in that suit... Oh, SHIT. " He was tearing up. "You're gonna get business cards, phone numbers, all kinds of shit on Saturday. Please promise me you won't dump me." Jack looked shocked at the statement. Before he could answer, Jamie intervened " Momma will be there Mark. No one's gonna take Jackie home but you." "He's right," said Jack. "Remember, I'm ok with the show, but the after parties... only for you stud." Mark just kept staring "You are so GODDAMN GORGEOUS. " Jack was blushing. "Now Mark, you better get to work. I promise. We're gonna get Jack-o out of this outfit right now , and I won't let him out of the house.

"Just a kiss sweetie. Just one. " Mark came over and reached in to kiss Jack, so he wouldn't have to touch anything. "GOD I'm going to lose my mind tonight," he laughed as he got his stuff together for the theatre.

When he got to his desk, there was a big bunch of red carnations on it. There was a note. "So glad we chatted. Let me know if you need anything xoxoxoxoxxo Brian." Mark was infuriated. What the hell was this kid up to? Clearly, not anything any good. While he really had no business on the stage floor when dance practice was going on, he went up to the choreographer and had a bit of a chat. She shook her head . "OK boys and girls. Fifteen minute break. Thanks for your work tonight. Brian, please see the director in his office." The other dancers were wolf whistling Brian Someone even mentioned "casting couch," so he went off to Mark's office, pleased as punch, as Jamie would say.

CLOSE THE DOOR AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN . NOW! Mark bellowed at him. "Uh, sure. Yes sir. " Mark took the flowers. "I'd like an explanation. But moreso, I'd like an explanation of this school girl sickly note. Brian, I TOLD you I'm spoken for, I showed you his picture, and I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE. NOW, FRANKLY, YOU'RE NOT SMART ENOUGH TO DO THIS ON YOUR OWN, SO I WANT AN EXPLANATION, AND HONESTLY, IF I DON'T GET A GOOD ONE, WE'LL OPEN ONE BODY SHORT."

There was a pause, and then Brian began to cry. "I'm... I'm sorry Mr. Riley. I thought I was doing something good that would help me too, but... " THIS ISN'T HELPFUL BRIAN . GET TO THE POINT." He stopped crying and looked up. "Jon told me that you and Jack were done. That you had caught him with a custodian - some guy named Felix - and it was over. He told me you were really broken up about it, that you missed sleeping with someone and... well, I'm not going to lie Sir, I think you're attractive, and, well, if it could help my career...."

Mark was dumbstruck. The kid was as stupid as a rock, that was for sure. But it had come from Jon? JON???? WHY??? He had to believe Brian was telling the truth, because he mentioned Felix. Not a lot of people knew about Felix, or how Mark was mildly jealous of him getting to work with Jack every day, watching him change when he got sweaty, all that stuff. He had told... Jon. "

He needed a minute to catch himself. "I appreciate your honesty Brian. This is what I want you to do. I want you to go back on stage and keep dancing. And I want you to take these flowers, and bring them back to Jon. No comment, no nothing, just bring them back to his office. And then it's done. Period. Well, maybe not..." He paused. "At the after party, I want to introduce you to Jack. And I want you to realize that IF you're lucky, one day you will meet a man half as good as him, who will love you half as much as he loves me. But if you keep acting like this, you're gonna live one lonely life, with people like Jon. Now get the hell out of here."

"Yes Sir. Again. I'm sorry... " "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW."

Mark took a few minutes to think about the situation. Jon knew too much about the show to lose him to production now. But there would be time. Right now, though, he needed to call his super Jack. He picked up the phone. When the sweet cadence he knew so well picked up the phone, he smiled. "Hey babe. Sorry to interrupt, but it's been a rough one tonight, and I just needed to hear your voice." Jack laughed. "Well, what do you wanna hear it say: you want me to beg for cock, you want me to moan, you want me to try to scream like I'm gagged? Or is it enough to say 'I can't wait until you're here every Monday and I can force you to watch bad Japanese monster movies with me. " Mark laughed. "Actuallly, the first movie we're gonna watch, is one where a model does something to another model, that I wanna do to you."

"OOOH. I'd give up Rodan meets Godzilla for that" Mark howled. "That is high praise Jack-o. I should get back to work, but thanks for being there, and thanks for everything. Leave some room in the bed tonight though, eh? " "Well, it's lonely without you here Mark. But I'll think of you when I go to sleep. Come home soon."

For about the tenth time that month, Mark found himself wondering what he had done to be so lucky.

Next: Chapter 27

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