Bottom to Top to Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 11, 2023


The phone rang very early in the morning: maybe about 7. That wasn't an everyday think for Jack, but he was used to it He struggled out of Mark's death grip, and pulled the phone into the living room. "This is Jack here. How can I help?" , he answered as if it were a building call. "OH. COOPER. This is a surprise. How are you, and is everything alright?"

"Well, Jack man, your temperament is much more even than I expected at this hour on a Sunday And I apologize for this call. The thing is, young man, I'm in a bit of a bind and I thought you might be able to help. I have a job involving a whole many parts. We even got Sunday permits, because, well, we have asbestos removal, and we have a time limit. And one of our certified guys has an emergency with his family. So we don't have back up for our guy. You wouldn't happen to know anyone who's certified who can give us some help for the morning.

"I'm certified Cooper. If you give me the address, and about 30 minutes to get to where you are, I'll be there."

"Oh, JACK. I can't ask for that.' "You didn't Sir. I'm glad I'm not leading. I haven't led asbestos removal in a while. If he gives the orders, we'll get it done. "Well, you're a good man Jack." "Back at ya. Now let me go and get Jamie. If work is going on with asbestos, something's going on elsewhere too. He may be able to help you." He got off the phone and knocked on Jamie's door.

'JAMIE BIRD. TIME TO GET UP. " "WTF" Jack laughed "C'mon. A friend just called asking for some help, and I'm going. So are you. You can help him. I just gotta go and get my gear Wash up, get some coffee and we're on the road."

He went into the bedroom where Mark was in and out of sleep. He leaned over and kissed him. "Sorry sweetie. Cooper has a minor emergency, so..." He pulled his asbestos gear out. "Should be done by 1 These jobs can't go on too long. They get too messy. I'll see you then. " He leaned down and kissed Mark again. "You KNOW I"d do it for you, so I'm going it for Coop."

Jamie was looking at him when he came out as he poured down a second coffee. "WTF is this?" "Well, Cooper is up against a deadline. He got permits for asbestos removal, for today, but the second guy on the job called in, so I agreed to go help. YOU"RE going because there's probably some evaluation of the furniture to do, and you get to meet Cooper too. "Why can't I help with the asbestos? I"m certified?" Jack looked at him "WHAT? When did that happen?" "When we converted the Boarding Houses. Someone needed to take the tests, and... he laughed. "the choices were Cora or me, so yeah, here's country boy Asbestos queen." Jack smiled. "Full of surprises. When we get there, I'll see if they have extra gear. I don't have any that would fit you."

They left and headed downtown. Meanwhile, Mark shook himself out of sleep, caffeined up, and went to neaten up the bedroom. When he made the bed, a small book fell out from under the mattress. He picked it up. The title was "The Submissive's Manual. How to be the best sub you can." He held it in front of him, in a mix of emotions. Then he sat down and began reading it Halfway through it he realized: Jack and I need to talk. This isn't at ALL how I want my man to be. " He realized that , while they talked out scenes, and restaurants, and everything else. This was something they had in fact not discussed. He hadn't even thought much about it himself. Maybe he didn't WANT a sub. He needed to think, and he and Jack needed to talk. And thinking about Jack sitting there, reading that book at night, underlining sections (yes, there were yellow marks in the book), made him smile, shake his head and cry at the same time. "I don't deserve you," he thought to himself. "But I love you so much.:

When they got to the job site, Jack recognized a few of the guys from his Wednesday night club meetings. One of them was actually working the asbestos. "COOPER! How's it going?" He smiled and shook Cooper's hand. He looked well. He had shaved his beard a bit, and seemed to have been doing some working out. "Cooper, can I introduce Jamie to you? He was gonna come down tomorrow, but no time like the present."

"How do you do Sir? I'm Jamie. Jack speaks very highly of you," and he began to think "This is an older man, I've met him two minutes ago. Why am I getting a hard on? Is it the white hair in his shirt, or am I just desperate." Cooper was having similar reactions. "WELL. I wish it weren't a situation like this, but I'm happy to meet you earlier Jamie. Jack, you know a lot of the crew here today. They All said I should call you. "That's flattering Coop. Let me get my gear on, then let's head to the room. The asbestos guy was named Don, and he had sealed the room so just the two of them could go in. "Ok, let's go. Point to a wall, and I'll rip."

Cooper couldn't take his eyes off Jamie. "Let's go look at some of the wood in the living room," as he thought "I'll show you some more wood later." He put his hand on Jamie's shoulder, and Jamie sunk right into it. "Strong hands Cooper. You know what you're doing." Cooper laughed. "I hope so. I'm old enough.. " He squeezed Jamie's shoulder. "Seriously, let's go get some work done, and maybe you'll let me buy you dinner tonight. "

In the asbestos room, Don and Jack worked efficiently, and professionally. They respected each other's work, and they didn't need to check in. They would spell each other ever 30 minutes, and then, after 2, it seemed that the work was done, way sooner than anyone thought it would be. As they stepped out, and got out of gear, Don shook Jack's hand. "You know, they told me you were good. I didn't know you were gonna be the best I ever worked with." "Why, thank you Don. I appreciate that. If you just respect that the person in charge knows what he's doing, and you follow him, shouldn't be a problem. "Hey, can you and Jamie join us for a late breakfast/early lunch? We've got food in the kitchen. The other guys should be joining us. "Don, I never say no to free food. Let's just hope the coffee's good, because Jamie, well..."

He found Jamie in the library with Cooper. Cooper had his arm around Jamie's middle, and Jamie was nestled in as they looked at some wood grain. Jack laughed to himself. "I don't think anyone knew Coop was gay, and maybe he wasn't. Jamie had a way of 'bringing people out" thought. He stepped out, so he wouldn't surprise them "JAMIE... JAMIE. COFFEE AND DONUTS" That gave Jamie and Cooper enough time to look "normal" when he came in. "Oh hi. Yeah, we'll be in in a minute. Don't wait for us." Jack smiled "as you will." He went off to a side room and made a call to Mark. When Mark answered, Jack could tell he was crying.

'MARK? Is everything ok? You sound like you've been crying." "Oh, I have stud. But not because I'm sad. I'm happy. I'm very happy. " "OH, whew. I thought something was wrong." "No, no, nothing wrong. Hey, listen superJack, can I take you out to dinner tonight? That place where I proposed to you?" Jack smiled as he thought about that night. Getting the ring was great. Getting the collar, was even better. "Oh, that sounds good. I'm leaving here now.... alone." He and Mark laughed. "Yeah, that slut may have brought out Cooper."

Jack went around and said his goodbyes, and then went to Cooper and Jamie "I'll be back later, but don't wait up for me, big bro." Jack smiled. "I don't think I will be kid. Listen, Mark is taking me out to dinner tonight. I'll catch up with you, well, whenever. " He smiled at Cooper "He's sneaky, and wicked strong. Be careful." He came over and gave them both a hug, then walked to the corner to find a cab.

It was an unseasonably warm day. That, the asbestos work, and Jack's hairy body left him covered with sweat. He needed a shower, badly. Ramon even made a gesture holding his nose as he went in. He got into the apartment, and he saw Mark sitting there. "Hey gorgeous." Mark got up, grabbed him, and hugged him tight. "Jackman. I missed you. OH GOD did I miss you," and he began crying. "Hey, hey. What's going on big man." "Just hold me for a minute, ok?" "I'm good with that Mark. Maybe I can get a shower, and a nap. You can join me if you want. " Mark pulled back and looked at him. "Sweaty as you are, I wanna throw you on the bed and kiss you all over. "Well.... the shower can wait. " Jack smiled. Mark grinned "If I trusted myself to stop with kissing, I'd do it. Get your shower. I'll be waiting for you."

When Jack came out, he did, in fact, find Mark in the bed, naked. "Oh, THIS was not something I was thinking about during the asbestos dump. " Mark looked up at him and smiled. "Will you just get your hot ass in here, next to me?" Jack didn't have to be asked twice. He slid into spoon position, and put Mark's hand on his nip. "Just hold it there stud. It'll help me sleep." Mark kissed his ear, and left his mouth there. The soft, deep breathing was relaxing. "This is SO nice Mark. I hope you'll share what made you cry." Mark pulled him closer. "I will. I want your input too. " He paused. "GOD do I wanna play with your nips." His cock was hard against Jack's butt, but the man was already in his blissful, boy sleep. He was dreaming of Mark inside of him, and he was smiling.

He slept for about 2 hours, and began to stir. He remembered back to the early days with Mark: how he'd squirm in Mark's grip, which would provoke Mark to play with his nips, roll him over, and fuck him. Coquettishly, he bumped his ass up against Mark's cock, before he slid his chest around under Mark's hands. It worked. Mark began to pinch, very very lightly. He whispered "where you going studmuffin?" Jack whispered back "what's it matter to you?" "You don't wanna leave. " Mark began to pinch Jack's nip, until he began to squirm more, and moan a little. "What're you doing to me? What do you want?" "Hah hah. You haven't figured that out, studboi? Roll on your back." NO WAY OH FUCK" Mark pinched his nip a little tighter. "I SAID, roll on your back..." "NO." Mark nibbled his ear, and then "chicken winged him so Jack was underneath him, pinned. "FUCK, you bastard. You fight dirty. " "Yup.. To get what I want. And that's you." Mark began nibbling one of Jack's nips. He moaned louder. "I'm not giving you anything." "Then I'll take it. " He had Jack pinned down tightly and when Jack pushed against Mark, he made no progress. "Look at that tough guy. A little nip work, and you're a kitten. A helpless kitten." Mark smiled. "But I like kittens..." He began kissing Jack's lips. "OH SHIT. OH, that feels so good. " His tongue went into Jack's mouth, and stayed there for a while. When it came out, Jack whispered. "Take what you want. FUCK ME. FUCK ME GOOD." Both of the men were erect, and pumped. "Who would think this big studly man, would be underneath me in bed... " Mark pulled Jack's legs up. He had his condom on, and began slowly inching into Jack. "OH YEAH. OH YEAH. THAT FEELS GREAT. TAKE ME STUD. POUND ME." Mark did what Jack loved so well. He took his ass slowly, and gently, then quickly and rough. There was an evil look on Mark's face. "I think you need something to bite down on stud." He grabbed Jack's briefs and shoved them in his mouth. MMMPH MMMPH came out of Jack in a high pitched whine. It was the whine that he made before he shot. Mark pushed in further, and moved his fingers to Jack's nips. That was all it took, as Jack SCREAMED into the gag, and began shooting wildly. Mark followed, shooting deep into Jack. He collapsed on top of him, exhausted, but happy. "You're so good to me Jack. SO GOOD." Jack ran his hands through Mark's hair. "Hey. I'm the one who needed that. Who's good to who? But now I need another shower. Time for dinner after that? " "Make yourself pretty when you come out Jack. I'll make myself pretty too. " "OH GOOD. You're not gonna wear clothes!" Jack teased before he went in to wash again.

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When he came out of the shower, Jack draped his arms on Mark's shoulders. "It almost seems unfair to me Mark. Anytime you want me, you go for my nips, and it's just a question of time." Mark laughed, got up and held Jack. " I think you have to take it up in prayer.

Meanwhile, I'm not complaining,". Jack smiled. " Neither am I. Are you feeling a little less sad , my stud?" Mark smiled and slipped away. " I'm serious. I'm not sad. I just want to talk serious tonight.

BUT.. would you model a shirt for me? I saw someone wearing it, thought you'd look good in it, and if you like it, maybe gratify an old man's ego and seduce him at dinner by wearing it.?" He handed Jack a button down oxford, in dusty rose. It was snug, and it looked better than Jack thought it would.

"Mark, I love it. Does it make you wanna fuck me? ". He teased. Mark didn't rise to the bait. "You liking it is the inky important thing."

Let me put on my boots and we'll go"

They began walking hand in hand to the restaurant, then Mark pulled Jack over and put his hand on his neck. Jack wrapped his arm around Mark's waist. The feeling of Mark's hand, and his own hand on Mark's hip, was intoxicating.

Mark had asked for a table where they sat adjacent each other, and once they were seated, he ran his hand along the inside of Jack's thigh, and saw him smile. He looked directly at Jack "Do you have any idea how hot it makes me when I look at you, and I see my collar around your neck? Just a little bit?" Jack blushed. "It's really an honor to wear it Mark. You know so many people, so many handsome men, but you picked me. " Mark smiled "we picked each other handsome. " The waiter came over with menus, and Jack handed his to Mark. That's when Mark took a big sigh, and Jack said "SO. NOT everything is right. I just did something wrong. What did I do?" Mark hesitated. "No, no, you didn't do anything wrong, Jack. I did something VERY wrong, and I only realized it this morning. Part of this dinner, is me trying to fix it. " Jack looked shock. "What happened?" "Well, when I was making the bed, your book fell out." Jack blushed. "I'm sorry Mark. I'm not sophisticated, and this is all new to me. I know you've had subs, but I've never been one before. I'm trying to learn what I'm supposed to do. According to that book, letting the Dom take care of the ordering at restaurants, is something a sub is supposed to do."

That's when Mark moved his hand from Jack's thigh to his hand. "I wasn't very good at explaining what I wanted. It's not a sub like in that book, Jack. That book wants you to give up your soul, your brain, every bit of you. Even the right to eat what you want." Mark smiled as he handed Jack back the menu. "So, let's start with ordering food. Someone who won't even say what he wants to eat, is not what I'm looking for." Jack breathed a big sigh of relief. "I"m so glad you said that Mark. Because I read some of the things I was supposed to do, and I was never going to be able to do them. I mean, I'd try, but I'd never be good at it. "

"Let me ask YOU something Jack. You did without a man for many, MANY years. But you decided to submit to me. Can I ask why?" "Well, I thought I told you, but maybe I didn't. People look at big boy Jack and they assume: he's a top, he wants to be in control, he wants to do what he did as a 20 year old. And that's not true. I've wanted to be on the bottom since college - since you. If it could be with bondage, or a control game, or something where I have to surrender, oh boy do I get excited. " He paused. "You came by, and I knew - just like you do Mark - that if I wanted to , I could knock you out with one punch. And I thought about it. But you knew it too, and you kept on coming - and you kept on coming, not to negotiate, but to conquer. And you did. Some of it, I let you do, but a lot of it: you knew what you were doing. You studied me, you figured out how to get me under control, and once you had me there, well..." he smiled "that wasn't enough . You wanted submission. And you didn't stop until you got it. " Another pause. "You were the first man who ever really seemed to get me. " He smiled. "And now, stud, 'you got me.' Mark signalled the waiter to give them just a few more minutes. Then he spoke.

"Look, Jack, you're right. I wanted you. I have a pretty good sense of when a man wants someone else to take control. I got a strong sense of that from you, and I thought, once I conquered you, I'd move on. I could brag about fucking the hunky super, I could PROBABLY get in any time I wanted, and I could move on. But you liked it so much. You were SO INTO IT, I couldn't help getting into it. " He squeezed Jack's hand. "Jack , I'm a top, I always will be. And I'll always want to be in control. But I don't want a standard sub. I want to always wonder; "do I still have him? Do I have to reassert who's in charge every time? Do I have to conquer him new, each day?" He smiled. "And I want that badly. And I get it with you. Sometimes. Sometimes, I think you give in because you think I want something."

"Well, that's true, Mark. Can I give you an example? Remember when I said I'd be good with having my nip pierced? I MIGHT be. But I think I need persuasion. I think I need to lose a fight over this, before someone shows that he's in control by doing it." Mark laughed and whispered. "do you know how hard you just made me?" Jack laughed. "Let me see. OOOOOH. I did , didn't I?"

Mark smiled. "Jack, why don't we do this? I don't want to start over. I want to marry you, I want you wearing my collar. Just throw out that book, and let's talk more. A LOT more. After we have dinner. So why don't you look at the menu and pick something OTHER than a hamburger. "What happens if I order a hamburger?" "Mark smiled. "You want to find out?" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jack didn't order a hamburger, and he and Mark had a lovely dinner. As they walked home, Jack took Mark's hand. He squeezed it, and stopped walking. "Just a minute Mark, please. Kiss me. Right here. . A man's kiss." Mark smiled and grabbed his lover, and dug into his mouth, Frenching him right there on the street. As they walked back, Jack began to smile, and then he brought it up. "you know, I know that it's what you want Mark, but I just can't see myself getting a nip pierced. " Mark rose to the bait. "No? Well, maybe we need to talk about that some more at home. "

When they got home, it didn't take Mark long. He grabbed Jack from behind and pinned his arms to his side. Before Jack could break the hold, he pulled them both to the sofa, and he wrapped his legs around Jack's waist. He began to laugh. "Yeah, you're a big strong boy, Jack, but I used to be a dancer. My legs are still pretty strong. Go ahead, fight it. I've got you locked in." It was true. As Mark pulled his arms behind his back, Jack knew, that leg lock had him fixed. He wasn't going anywhere. "C'mon, let me go Mark. " "Nope. We were gonna talk about that tit piercing, so... let's talk..." He moved a finger to Jack's right nip, and brushed it back and forth. "OH SHIT. C'mon. That's dirty pool. " "It's ok, Jack. Here's what's gonna go down. I REALLY want you pierced. And we're gonna talk until we come to agreement. Let's say, hmmm. Three minutes of nipple play, and three minutes of anything else.." "NO. That's not fair... OH SHIT." Mark's fingers had come down on Jack's nip again. "What's not fair? I'm giving you breaks in between the nipple torture. You want it two and two? I can do that..." He rested his chin on Jack's neck. He rubbed back and forth. "Like that better than the finger work?"

"Please. Please stop. This isn't discussion. This is torture. " "Oh, I don't think so, superjack. I'm discussing it with you. What i do after I work your nips, how long I work your nips, lots of discussion." Jack began to whine. "Is the tit work making you hard Jack?" Jack moaned "What kind of question is that? You know what it does to me?" "Well, I thought you LIKED BEING HARD...' He kissed Jack on his neck. "You'd look SO HOT with a tit ring in your right nip. He stopped playing with Jack's nips, but kept him securely held down. Jack struggled, and didn't make any progress. "Maybe you're not as strong as you thought you were Jack. Or maybe I'm stronger than I thought. Anyhow, break over." Mark took his second and third finger, and formed a small pincer and got to work, as Jack writhed. "PLEASE. You know you can do whatever you want to me." "OH, but that's not true Jack. I wanna have you pierced, but I need an ok for that, and I didn't get it." He whispered into Jack's ear. "And I've got a nice, hard cock for your ass for whenever you decide, I may be right. "

Mark had tormented Jack's tits many times, but never like this. It was unrelenting. The breaks were just enough time for the latest wave of stimulus to recede. Then it started again. A small wet spot appeared at his pants. "And that shirt makes you look SO handsome Jack. And I'm not even tired. I could probably do this for, oh, 2-3 hours more..." He chuckled. Another nipple rest was over, and Mark went to strumming his nips like a guitar. Then he started chewing on Jack's neck. "OH GOD. OH GOD WHAT DO YOU WANT? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME? JUST FUCK ME, OK?

"Nah, nah, Jack. That's not what I want. I want your tit pierced. Very simple. " Jack shook his head no. "Ok... " He slipped Jack's shirt buttons open, and now those nips were exposed, and the skin on skin was more intense. So intense that Mark started covering Jack's mouth to calm down the sound. "I could probably reach in and pull out a hanky. That would keep ya quiet, stud" Jack felt like his mind had left his body. He didn't want to lose this one, but... Jack's nail went back to his right nip. It was over. He knew it. "Ok, Ok. I give. I give. I'll get it pierced. I'll let you pierce it. Whatever you want. Please. Just ease up. Let me go. Fuck me.

Mark stopped the play, but kept his hand firmly on Jack's pec. He whispered. "You surrender?" Jack responded. "Yes.. Yes. I surrender. " "You're gonna get the pierce? " Then Mark toyed with his nip again "You sure? Because I'd be happy to do this again." "NO NO. I'll get it. I want you to be there though, Sir. I want you to be holding me when they pierce me. Make me remember my place." Mark kissed him. "DAMN you just made me even harder jackboi" Jack gulped "How hard are you gonna be tonight Sir?" Mark laughed. "Maybe the hardest I've ever been." "OH damn. OH fuck. " and Jack was smiling. Mark began to push up from the bed. "It's a school night, but I think you NEED a fuck thrown into you. " "YES SIR." A victory fuck. A conquest fuck. ." He led Jack to the bedroom and laid him flat down. "We're gonna start here, so I can just love your body. Then you're getting on all fours. You'll FEEL it even more."

Mark began to run his hands over Jack's body, cooing and making sounds of admiration "GEEZ what beautiful muscles. What a great chest. " He pushed Jack's thighs apart, and ran his tongue up and down Jack's balls. Jack couldn't help the dripping jizz. "OH MAN. Mark this is great. This is so over the top." Mark smiled. "GET ON ALL FOURS. On the bed. Your ass over the edge. "Yes SIR!" Mark had taken him liked this before. He loved it. He heard the rip of the condom, and the slide onto Mark's cock. He felt him position his cockhead right at his ass. "I think you are going to get fucked at least once a day from now on." Jack was grinning internally. If he were tortured once a day too, it would be perfect. Mark began to slide in. He was HUGE tonight, and it just kept coming. "How are you doing, superjack." "Just fine Sir. I can take... more.." Jack winced as Mark shoved the rest of the way in. "OH MAN THAT FEELS WONDERFUL MARK. ROCK ME" Mark took a very slow rhythm. He knew that he and Jack had crossed a major bridge tonight, and neither one knew where he was. But they were going to travel together. Jack was moaning with sheeer pleasure, and Mark was whispering words like "holy shit. what a great fuck," as his movements got faster and deeper. 'TAKE ME MASTER . TAKE THIS SUPER'S ASS. SHOW ME WHO'S IN CHARGE. SHOW ME!!!!" Mark forgot about Jack's little trick, and now he tightened his sphincters, and wouldn't let Mark's cock go. "BASTARD!' Mark laughed, as he lost control and spillled into Jack. He put a hand down under Jack's cock, because Jack had just begun to jizz too.

When all was done, and they were spooning in bed, Jack sighed. "That was such an awesome evening Mark. Gonna be hard to bed." Mark laughed. "You just wait young man. You just wait. I got plans. " He rolled Jack on his back again. "And I meant it about fucking you every day, so you better recover for tomorrow. Jack looked at Mark's eyes. "Kiss me. Then spoon me. It's garbage day tomorrow. " He played with his collar. "GOD AM I PROUD TO WEAR THIS."

Next: Chapter 26

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