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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 9, 2023


After Jack and Mark had spoken on the phone, Mark began to pack up his stuff for the day. Jon stopped by. "Hey. Got two minutes." "I think so Jon. I wanna see Jack tonight, so not too long." "No, it'll be ok. Just a few. He paused. "Mark, this is beginning to look like it could be a hit," and Mark smiled "Well, gee, that's a great thing. Insider talk? " "Yeah, insider talk. " He paused again. "More insider talk, about the guy Mark is dating: I think the expression I heard was "Janitor Jack." Mark looked up. "Is this written down somewhere? Can I see it?" "Well, it's not written down, it's just the stuff people I hang with say." Mark could feel himself getting a bit heated. "Well, first of all, he's not a janitor, and second of all, why is this important?" Jon smiled "Look. I hate to bring up things like this, but they're true. You're about to be in the big leagues kid. Big money, big tickets, big evenings... and you need to have an equivalent date." Now Mark was steaming. . "So, you sent that dancer because he's Jack's type, and I'd maybe dump the big stupid Janitor to be with a pretty dancer?" Jon said nothing, he just kind of shuffled around. "And this may be why you dumped his equally low quality buddy, who you'd been fucking for a week." "Look Mark, these folks are fun, no question about it. Sometimes they even impress you. But ... well... do you think you can show up at a GALA with Jack?" "YES. As a matter of fact, I DO. I've seen him in a tuxedo. I wanted to throw him on the bed and fuck him. And you know what? He can't talk about performance practice in Elizabethan England, but he knows how to hold a chair for a lady, he pays attention and lets people speak, and frankly, none of that matters because.. I LOVE HIM" Jon shrugged his shoulders. "Suit yourself. But think about it bud. I'm not telling you to break up, but I'm just saying, maybe there would be a better companion at these things for you? Jack doesn't like them anyway. " "I think we need to give Jack the choice of going or not. Now, if you'll excuse me..." Mark stormed out of the theater. As soon as he was gone, Jon put a call in to Brian. "Listen Bri, Jon here. Yeah, send a dozen roses to Mark tomorrow. I think it's working."

Back at the apartment, Jamie and Jack were plotting and scheming. They decided to make a really nice dinner, to celebrate what was coming up. Jamie had gone out to get the makings of cosmos, Mark's drink of choice, while Jack was getting steaks marinated. Jamie came up to him and massaged his shoulders. "Hey. . You wanna give your man something more than dinner tonight?" He gave Jack a look. Jack smiled. "Hell yeah. What did you have in mind?" "Well, I thought we'd give him a bit of the familiar... and a bit of the off beat. " He began to explain. Jack was grinning, laughing, blushing, and getting hard, all at the same time. "I LOVE IT. We can call it. "MISSION: CAN WE GET MARK TO BOTTOM?" and the two cackled like witches.

The bad feelings Mark had after meeting with Jon were dissipated a lot by a text he got from Jack. He sent a picture of himself in a kitchen apron, no clothes on underneath, with the message. "Dinner is almost ready. Don't be late." He need this. He needed Jack's purity, his honesty, and his integrity tonight. He understood what Jon was saying, but damn it, Jack would decide, not Jon.

He got up to the apartment, and let himself in. He could smell the food cooking, and Jack came out of the kitchen. No apron, and dressed like he had been when Mark left that afternoon. Jamie was nowhere to be seen. "Oh, my man.." He went over, and kissed Mark. "You've had a rough day, haven't you?" Mark smiled at him. "I did, and it may mean you're gonna have a rough night. He turned Jack around and put his arms around his middle, as Jack said "I wonder what that means?" to which Mark laughed. "I guess it'll wait till after dinner. Or maybe not. Remember when I used to do this? Before I knew about your nips?" He began just gently rubbing his little bit of facial hair over Jack's neck. When Jack was an undergrad, that drove him crazy. It still did. He began to breathe hard, and to moan a little bit. Mark had his arm around him tight, so he wasn't going anywhere. "Now if I dove to your nips... we may not even eat dinner tonight.

That's when he felt Jamie's wiry, muscular arms, encircle him from behind, breaking his hold on Jack, and pinning his arms to his side. "HEY. WHAT'S GOING ON?" He yelled, half serious. Jack smiled. "Jamie and I thought you might just enjoy a little of the medicine you dispense so well, Dr. Mark. Jamie may actually even be stronger than me, and you're not getting away from him.

"NO, stud, you're not... " Jamie pulled Mark's arms behind him. He was trapped. "Now, you see what that does to you," grinned Jack. "It pushes your nips right up front, so that even an amateur, like me, can play with them a little. " Mark DID have sensitive nipples, and he struggled, but Jamie held him fast. Jack began to run his fingers over Mark's nips, through his shirt... Mark was trying hard not to moan. "You're gonna pay for this Jack Robson. So are YOU Jamie." Jamie laughed, and Jack just smiled. "It's ok. I'm not really interested in your nips, although Jamie might be. I want ONE thing right now. One thing only." He slipped his hand down, and opened Mark's jeans. "OH. SOMEONE is excited. GOOD. Makes my job easier. " He kneeled down and began to lick at Mark's cock head. "YOU FUCKING BASTARDS. I'M GONNA KILL YOU BOTH... OH SHIT THAT'S GOOD." Jack began to slip his mouth over Mark's cock, as Jamie took possession of his ear. "See, stud? Bottoming isn't that bad? It's even quite fun.... Jack looked up. "Don't move too much Mark. I might slip..." and he got back to work on Mark's cock. Mark's struggles soon became moans, and pushing with Jack's rhythm of sucking. "How's it feel to be out of control, topman?" Jamie was whispering into Mark's ear. " "Maybe when Jacko is done jacking you, I should flip you over and give you the full treatment. You want that stud?" Mark was more than a little overwhelmed. He had never been restrained like this, and "topped" by two guys at once. The feeling was, well, overpowering. "OH SHIT. OH FUCK. HERE IT COMES" and it did indeed. Jizz started spilling out of Mark's cock, all over everything. Jamie continued to hold onto Mark, and he and Jack were laughing like hyenas. Mark was trying to catch his breath, and heaving out "you guys are gonna pay for this. You wait." Jack got off his knees and kissed him. "Mark man, you had a really, REALLY bad day. We tried to give you something new, to take your mind off it. " Mark laughed. "Well, geez, you sure did. Jamie, you can let me go now." Jamie laughed. "I don't think I wanna. You're a good squirmer, and hmmmm. I think I was only 16 when I took my first virgin ass - yeah, just about 5 years ago." They all laughed at that. He ruffled Mark's hair. "You're a good sport Marco. I wasn't sure, but now... yeah, you and Jack are made for each other. " Jack was out of the room, getting drinks. "How so, Jamie?" "Well, you both truly enjoy what you enjoy, which is great. And from what I can tell from Mark, he doesn't really care what anyone else thinks." THAT got right to the heart of Mark and he realized, he didn't. If people thought of his partner as "Janitor Jack," he couldn't change that. If they SAID it, he could, and would. And if they worked with him, well, it would be a past tense.

"So, boys, let me take out the casting shot of the kid that came to my office today." He brought it out, and Jamie saw it first. "OH MY GOD. Are you sure you don't have a kid brother Jack?" Jack took the picture and looked "OH, WOW. He's hot. " He looked at Mark. "You turned him down? Isn't he your type?" "YES I turned him down, and he is NOT my type. You're my type. And if I get it together you're gonna find that out tonight.

"Brian... Hmmm. He have a last name?" Jamie asked "Yeah, it's Brian Massey." "Good to know. I may have to do some research. " As they had their drinks, Mark was sitting in between them, his arms around both of their shoulders. "Guys, first of all, thank you for an amazing, surprising, wonderful welcome home. I'll remember that for a long time. But now, maybe we need to figure out what to do about Jon and this little twinkette. I thought Jon was my friend, but it doesn't look that way anymore."

Jamie began to think. "Did you and he begin talking about this show before anything happened?" "Oh, yeah, but that was about 12 years ago. Then he disappeared, and he wasn't a real part of it. " Jamie looked at him. "He sees a hit happening and he's not thrilled with his lack of role in this. He's trying to make you pay, one way or the other. Mark paused. "I think you may be right. He's jealous. He's angry. And now, he's dangerous."

"Well, he's not going to burn down the theater or anything like that," Jamie said "but he's going to do everything he can to make sure you have a very unhappy time with this show. We've got a bit to think about it, so let's brainstorm and return to it tomorrow. I think for now, we've all had enough stress in the day. 'AMEN AMEN AMEN' said Jack. "By the way, that Brian IS hot. Jamie, why don't YOU go after him?" He was teasing, waiting to get Jamie's "Jon's friend, EWWWWWWW" .

The shared their dinner together, and then watched the usual Saturday night tv. Jack was in his favorite place: he would sit at the foot of the sofa, in between Mark's legs, as Mark either massaged his neck, or toyed with his nip, or something like that. Jamie leaned against Mark, curled under his arm. He whispered "every think of polygamy big man? ". Mark laughed. " Since you visited? At least twice a day."

"You boys discuss changing society. Superjack needs to sleep". Mark turned to Jamie. " you gonna be ok alone?" Jamie pursed his lips and made a raspberry noise. "I'm not gonna get upset about that shit. He overplayed his hand. Just stay out of the way as the trailer trash twins get to work"

Mark followed Jack into the bedroom and wrapped his arm around him as he began opening his shirt. He rested his chin on Jack's neck. " think I'm gonna miss a chance to get you naked myself?" Jack giggled. " I think I'd like that." Mark held Jack's face in his hands and kissed him , before easing him down on the bed. He began kissing him softly, sweetly, just like the afternoon.

" This is nice Mark. I like it" . Mark climbed on top of Jack , pinning his wrists. "All I could think of since that shit came to my office, was how much I wanted to be with you. How much I wanted you."

He went back to rubbing his chin hair on Jack's neck, making Jack purr and moan at the same time. " You have no idea how much you excite me Jack Robson, " whispered Mark before he stared gently squeezing Jack's nipple. " Oh fuck Mark man. You made me hard. Real hard." Mark smiled at him. " hold that thought," as he began slowly undressing Jack, licking his chest and nibbling his nips. " Oh GOD. Please. . Please fuck me top man. Please". "Yes. But only if I get to kiss you while I do. ". "Hell yeah Sir. Hell yeah." Jack tried to unbutton his pants, but Mark wouldn't let him. He slid the jeans off, and kissed Jack's legs from thigh to ankle, slowly. Each time he saw Jack move his hands near his cock, he pushed them away. Finally, he firmly pinned down Jack's wrisers. "Now now, pretty boy. You're wearing my chain, remember? " Yes Sir. Always." "So sub boi, you get my ok before you play with yourself." Mark had just increased the level of control, which was driving Jack crazy. " I understand Sir. But I'm so hot for you! I want you SO BAD. PLOW ME. PLEASE."

Mark pulled off his own pants. Jack had milked him just a few hours ago, but Mark was rock hard. He slid into Jack, who gave a big sigh of relief and sighed "thank you Sir".

Mark lay flat down on Jack, nibbled his ears and shoved his tongue in Jack's mouth. Jack wasn't letting it go, and Mark, inspired, pushed harder, getting deeper and deeper into Jack. It was clear, to both of them, that Mark wasn't going to shoot. Jack embraced him. " deeper Sir. Deeper. Make it HURT. PLEASE."

Mark whispered into Jack's ear. " you wanna cum pretty boy? ". Jack shook his head no. "Not if it means you pull out. I want you in me."

Mark looked down at Jack. " I'm not interested in Brian. Not even a bit. I want you. ". Jack hugged him and began to cry. " Thank you Mark. I knew that but you said it. Thank you"

Mark did manage to get his penis out. When they slept, he held Jack like he didn't want this prize to get away. And every time he woke up that night, he stared at his new engagement ring

Next: Chapter 25

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