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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 7, 2023


Mark's opening night was two weeks away, and things were crazy. There were some nights when he'd come home at 2 or 3 fall into bed, sometimes without a goodnight kiss. Jack did what he could to make things easier for his man. The fridge was filled with all his favorite foods, there was always coffee, he made sure his clothes were clean and his bills were paid, but it was a very rough time. Jamie's relationship with Jon seemed to be cresting too, so he wasn't home a lot. Jack told himself more than once " well good old right hand, time to see if we can still make it work"

Felix could see his boss was lonely " Hey chief. Carlos is coming over after my lesson with Mrs Malone. You wanna go catch a drink at the sports bar? ". Jack was flattered. " I'd love to but my treat". Felix laughed. " No arm twisting there chief". He had to say, those nights out with a Felix and Carlos were more fun than a lot of things he had done.

So were the meetings with Connor's "blue collar club." Talking about wrenches or cars, or wrestling - GOD it felt so good. And it reminded Jack that he really had feet in two worlds.

That week, he got a call from the jeweler. "Mr Robson ,your ring is ready if you'd like to inspect it." He asked if they were open on Saturday, and they were. He began to scheme....

That Saturday, Mark was at the table on his computer head phones on place. As they got closer, Saturdaybwas choreography day, so Mark would go in a little later to catch up on paperwork. Jack had him at home for about 4 hours. He dressed in an outfit he knewMark loved: a tight fitting lavender Oxford, and khaki twills. Then he smiled at Mark who,looked up at him. "Well, well. Are you going on a date? ". Jack laughed. " Bo love, but the laundry's not back. I gotta run to target to get some sealing gaskets. I'll be back soon". He walked over to Mark, to kiss him. Marg grabbed his ass. ". Oh GOD do I want this. ". Jack smiled. "It's waiting fir you, and Mark pouted. " I know I know.

So is the blocking for Act 2 scene 3". He turned back to his cimputer and Jack headed out - to the jewelry store."

" Mr Robson, I hope you're satisfied with the piece. It's a lovely ruby, but positioning it....". Jack looked at it. It WAS exquisite. " Oh ,my, I don't quite know what to say."

"If I may say something Mr Robson ,if she doesn't like this ring, I'd find a new fiancé". Jack smiled. " I'll tell him you said that" and then watched the clerk blush redder than the stone. " Just a small box for it please. That's all."

" Superjack is gonna get laid today" he sang to himself as he headed home. He got in the apartment, and Mark was still at the computer, picking at a blueberry muffin. " I thought you went out for parts" he asked Jack. "Well you could say that. Hey can I take this plate away and maybe talk with my man a few minutes. Mark looked and smiled. " Just a few dear, ok"

Jack got rid of the plate and pulled up a seat adjacent to Mark. " So, tell me too man , how come you don't wear your engagement ring?" Mark blushed. " I think I lost it during our scene last week. I was gonna look for it when I got to the theater today."

"Nope you didn't lose it Mark. I borrowed it." Mark looked confused.

You BORROWED it? For what?" " For this". He ha boded Mark the box.

Mark opened it and sat, stunned. "Jack.... it's , well, it's more that beautiful. And it's something only you would do. ". He squeezed Jack's hand. " Why don't you try it on?" He did. It suits you. My gem. ". Mark began to tear up. " Jack this is your mother's ruby isn't it?" It's our ruby. She told me to give it to whomever steals my heart. I did". Mark began to bawl. " How did I earn being your partner?" Jack whispered. " I don't know but I think it's the wicked way you make love. Let's find out"

Mark forgot about Act 2 Scene 3. He forgot about everything but Jack.

On top of Jack, he kissed him sweetly On his lips. Jack opened his mouth for tongue and Mark shook his head and smiled. " Not yet," as he moved his tongue to Jack's neck and his ear. Jack beagan to moan , and Mark traced intricate patterns on his nipples before he opened Jack's shirt and moved his teeth to Jacks nipples.


" No , no directions from you my sweet. You're in my hands." He got Jack's shoes and pants off, spread his legs and kissed the inside of his thighs, his balls, his cock. Jack began to whimper the way Mark loved.

It meant he could have his way with him. But this afternoon, one last thing. Mark was not a big fan of rimming but Jack loved being rimmed.

Mark was up fit the task, and Jack was writhing. " OH FUCK I NEED COCK". Mark slipped on a condom and began to take his boy. He kept his cockhead right at the entrance for about 3 minutes, which made Jack writhe even more. Then , he pushed in slowly, remembering everything he knew about Kama sutra. Jack had been very patient, and sweet , and today he was gonna get what he deserved.

"OH, OH. Mark this is like , fuck top ten EVER. Mark smiled and stroked Jack's hair. " Let's go for top 5, and he RAMMED into Jack, HARD. He saw Jack's eyes roll , so he knew he was doing good. He could feel Jack tightening his muscles , trying to hold his cock hostage, but he pulled out in time. " Nope superjack. This is ALL ME." Jack smiled and said. "Yes sir," and those words pushed Mark over the top. He filled Jack with jizz and it just kept on coming. He collapsed, smiling, on Jack who said. ` Mark, you're gonna be late."

"OH SHIT. You're right. But I didn't finish you. ". Jack smiled. " " you'll be home. I'll wait. Mark hugged him HARD. " I don't want to leave." " Then come back". Jack kissed him. I'll be here.

Jamie should be at Jon's so it'll just be us.

Jack began drifting off to sleep on the sofa, when he heard the door slam, HARD. He heard heavy footsteps, and ... did he hear something break. "Jamie? Are you home?

"Yeah, I'm home. That fucking piece of shit bastard broke up with me today." "OH, Jamie. That's awful. WHY?" Jack came up and held Jamie from behind, as the man began to cry. "He told me I wasn't smart enough for him. The sex was great, but he wanted to be able to go shows, to movies, without having to explain them to me. " He took a breath, and began crying again. "Jack, he called me a country BUMPKIN" Jack whirled him around and hugged him face to face. "Jamie, you don't need that shit. Better now than later. I'll be honest: none of us who know Jon thought he was the right one for you, but, you seemed smitten." Jamie kept crying . "I was Jack. I was. He paid attention to me, and he seemed to want to make me happy in bed. That doesn't happen often. " He began to cry some more. "I WANNA GO HOME." Jack held him tighter. "Jamie, you ARE home. " He looked at his friend and kissed him. "You have too much free time on your hands kid. We gotta find something for you to do. You'll forget Jon as soon as your hands are in something."

"But what Jack? What can I do? I know house restoration. Not much of that here." Jack smiled. "Well, yes and no." He went looking for the card of the guy he met at the backer's party: Cooper. "Wait just a minute kid. Hey Cooper, Jack Robson here." Jack smiled. "Oh , that's kind of you. I felt the same way. I just feel bad about not calling you and now, when I call, I'm asking for a favor. I have a friend here, expert in interior restoration, about to sell some bed and breakfasts in the south." There was a pause. "Yup, that's the deal. So he's looking for something to do. I was wondering if maybe he could try out with your group- see if his skills match your needs. I can vouch for any of the qualities you want in a guy like that." Another pause. "Thank you Cooper. We'll come down Monday afternoon, if that's ok. Jamie can come on his own in the morning, but I don't get free until about 3. 4:30 then? PERFECT. Thank you Sir. Monday then." Jack got off the phone.

"Well, that's a start." "What is it Jack?" Jack smiled. "When I went to the party for Mark where we almost broke up, I met Cooper. He's an older chap, but he's got a business in restoring interiors of the wealthy in NY; big apartments, brownstones, etc. I thought you'd be perfect. "You think?" "No, I know. And so will you. Monday. "

Jamie looked down, thoughtful. "Jack, I ... I just don't know what to say. You took care of me then you take care of me now. He came over and hugged his friend. "WHO TAKES CARE OF YOU, BIG MAN?" Jack smiled. "I think my mom does. I talk to her all the time. She's watching me. I know she is." Jamie looked up at him. "I believe that Jack. I believe that she's very proud of you." "OH, Jamie. I know she is.But you being proud of me is way important to me too. I want you to think of me as the guy who proved you don't need to be what you're not to succeed." Jamie smiled. "Jack, you've always been YOU. Don't ever change that?" Jack smiled. "See what's on the tv? A Japanese monster movie. Isn't that what I watched on that little tv?" Jamie laughed. "OH GOD YES. You were addicted. I tried to stop you from watching them by, well, keeping you busy." He smiled. Any chance I can keep you busy now?." And then Jack smiled. "Now, I wonder if I could keep you busy now too. See, Mark and I made love today, but I asked him not to jerk me, just in case.." He dropped his pants. "This can be your way of saying you're welcome." Jamie, already frustrated by the day with Jon, was wickedly horny Jack was awfully erect too. He was more than happy to get down on his buddy's cock. He got on his knees, wrapped his tongue around Jack's cock, and got to work. He worked slowly, drawing Jack out more and more until finally... Jack couldn't take it and shot everywhere.

Jack got down on the floor and hugged his friend. Jamie sighed "How come we're not together Jack?" Jack smiled. "Oh, darling, you know we'd kill each other after 6 months. " "True." He kissed Jack. "You know, I never thought you and Mark were gonna work, and I never thought I'd enjoy three ways, but..." Jack finished. "Ain't life funny?'

Meanwhile, down at the theatre, things were pretty quiet for Mark. Choreo days were the days he could catch up on paperwork, answer emails from journalists, and stuff like that. Today, he was working on the list of tickets: who got free passes? There was HIS cadre: Jack, of course. And Jamie (he knew that without Jamie, there wouldn't be a Jack, and Jamie wouldn't miss a Broadway opening for anything). Then there was Laurie, and the backers. He didn't have to worry about Jon or Abigail, or any of the theatre folks: they all got their own tickets too, and they'd be inviting their people. He wouldn't be able to be in the audience on opening night, to sit next to his love on his triumph night, but he WOULD get to walk in on Jack's arm, and feel proud at the same time he was making ever queen jealous. He was cracking a smile, and looking at the picture of Jack on his desk, when there was a knock on his door. "Mark, excuse me," his assistant entered. "Sure, Rosa, what's up?" "I'm sorry to bother you, but there's a persistent chorus boy who wants to see you . He's been by four times, and he won't take no for an answer. " Mark laughed. "Oh goodness. So it's at that point. The dancers are interested. Ok, send him in." She smiled. "Mark Riley, this is one of our dancers, Ryan Sloven. Ryan, please meet your director."

Mark stood up to meet a VERY short, VERY muscular young man- maybe 5'3'' and MAYBE 22, with the body of an Olympic gymnast. White teeth - they ALL had white teeth. "Mr Riley" he held out his hand. I've been wanting to meet you since, like, I was hired. I'm Ryan. "Nice to meet you Ryan." As Mark looked him over he thought. "GOOD LORD. Is he Jack's little brother. "Sit down, young man. What brings you to these sacred rooms?" Ryan laughed. "Sacred. Like a religious temple huh?" Mark laughed. "Not really, although you will hear me yell "OH MY FUCKING GOD" or "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST every now and then." Ryan laughed. "I just wanted to meet you. I've been told that in order to advance in a dance company, it's always a good thing to meet the director." He smiled and spread his legs in his seat. The boy had a good 9 inches. Mark knew what was going on: he had been in that seat. He laughed. "Well, another rule is that you have to know not to lead with something your director isn't interested in, Ryan." Ryan blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry. I had been told you were gay." "Well, I am. " Ryan seemed to need a moment to process. "OH. Okay, now I get it. Should I stand up and show you my other side?" Mark couldn't help but laugh out loud. "No sweetie, I don't think so. Let me show you a picture. That's my fiance' with me." It was a picture of the two of them at the playground in Central Park. Mark was pushing Jack on one of the swings, and the joy in Jack's face was one that they had been lucky to catch. Mark's joy was evident too. "You know, the photo doesn't really do him justice, or you, but if I lined the two of you up, you could be his younger brother."

Ryan laughed. "Well, look at that. Then you could live out a fantasy of having two brothers at the same time." Mark was used to this kind of talk. "Now, Ryan... I really am flattered . But this is NOT going to work. If you're trying to advance in the chorus, I will speak to the choreographer. I'll ask her to focus on what you say are your strongest, DANCE moves. See if she has anything of a solo nature for you. And, incidentally, however good your dance moves are, if you're going after older men... work on your pickup lines." Ryan looked almost offended. "Gee. They've always worked before," and Mark answered "Maybe you were trying them on older men who weren't happy. You see those faces Ryan? That's a happy couple. Jack and I know each other for more than 20 years. This is our second time dating. He was an undergrad, I was a grad student when we met the first time. ''

"And now he's a building superintendent. He must be good in bed." Mark began to get angry. "Well, first of all, he is. No, let me change that. He's FUCKING AWESOME in bed. But beyond that Ryan, I get your suggestion. And no, he's not all butt and no brain. " He smiled. "what is the word you dancers use to describe a dummy: a bunhead? He's hardly that. I'll make sure you meet him on opening night." Ryan smiled. "Betcha I can seduce HIM easier than you," and Mark just howled. "I'd take that bet, but it would be stealing candy from a baby. Now listen, baby boy, get back to dance class. I want you to meet Jack. Maybe you'll grow up to be the prince he is."

Before Mark left that day, he went through the cast photos and he took the one of Ryan home with him. He had to share this story with Jack. He called before he left. Jack picked up his cell. "Hey gorgeous. Am I really gonna get to see your face tonight?" And maybe some more of me, stud." "OOOH. I better go peel my facemask off." I have a very funny story to tell you tonight." Jack paused. "Well, I have a story to tell you too, and it's not so funny. I'll tell you part of it now: Jamie and Jon broke up.

"WHAT? Jon has been around here all day and he didn't say anything. " Then it hit Mark: Jon worked with the choreograph crew. Hmmmm. This was gonna have to be considered more. But now, there was dinner, and bedtime with Jack in front of him. He looked at his ring: the one with the ruby in it. "This guy is a keeper. Don't fuck it up Mark."

Next: Chapter 24

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