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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 3, 2023


Saturday night, Mark and Jack slept in their usual spoon position. Jamie was 'visiting a friend' as he called staying over at Jon's. He had told them that they were probably going to make a day of it. Jon would meet up with Mark at late afternoon rehearsal, and Jamie would come back to Jack's.

Jack was a sound sleeper- very peaceful, very little noise. Tonight, though, something was different. He woke Mark, twice, talking in his sleep. It would have been gibberish to anyone else, but Mark picked it up. Jack was dreaming about Jamie. Names that he knew from the past were coming up, the town where his work had first gotten recognized, and his fiance went between looking happy, and troubled, as he slept. It took Mark a little bit of time to figure out what was going on, then he thought he had it.

When they were both up in the morning, and Jack had given Mark his morning blow job ("how could I say NO to a boy with such cute hair," Mark laughed as he fucked Jack's face), and were cuddling, Mark leaned over, running his finger over Jack's chest. "Hey. I have an idea. Why don't we go and have brunch this morning? That place we had our first date?" Jack laughed "Mark, the food is terrible there." Mark smiled at him, and kissed him. "I don't care. I just want to be in a place away from here, to have a chat. A few things on my mind."

Jack looked puzzled "Mark, did I do something wrong? " "NO, NO Jack. You did everything right. Really. This is about what you did that's right, to tell the truth. I wanna hear what you figured out about your ring, and I just wanna have a drink with you, 'where it all started' before we come home... and maybe continue it."

Jack shrugged his shoulders "Sure, I guess. " He paused then smiled. "You know, going back to the scene of the crime might be fun." He got showered and then, he dressed in the outfit he wore when they met: the grey buttondown shirt that hugged his chest, the black jeans. He added a baseball cap from the stack Mark and Jamie gave him. "Will you wear one too, Sir? With the brim forward." Mark smiled. "You bet handsome.." He came up from behind Jack and whispered "You know, you're very close to either not getting brunch, or getting the velcro strips... , or both.." Jack slid his hand down and took one of Mark's putting it on his nip. "why do I need velcro when I've got better?" Mark couldn't help himself, and Jack began to pant "GOD you feel good Mark. You always do.." Mark laughed and patted Jack on his butt. "I'm saving that for later. I gotta get something to bring with us too. " He headed to the closet, and came out with a shopping bag with a cardboard box in it.

They got to the bar/restaurant, and after a short wait, they were seated. Their waiter was a slightly chunky, young blond man with blue eyes. Not as blue as Jack's but blue. Mark smiled. "I'd like to see how Jon would react to him, with Jamie around." Jack smiled. "Jamie is a sure thing. I'm sure Jon is smart enough not to give up a prize like Jamie for some little trick." Mark smiled and took Jack's hand. "I'm pretty smart too. I'm not giving you up." Jack blushed. "Were you worried?" Mark smiled and didn't answer. "SO, what did you find out about your ring, handsome?" Jack smiled. "Well, Victor looked at it, and he told me that the silver part of it, is from old streetcars." Mark smiled. "That's right. I found the ring in an old pawn shop and got it there. " "I learned that they used that alloy because it's very strong, and very durable. I think I read that in the 40 years they used it on the street cars, there were only ten breakdowns. That's amazing. " Mark was smiling. "But the under side of the ring - it's gold. That I recognize. But I don't understand. And yours? Yours is well.... It looks like brass."

Mark was smiling some more. "Every time you figure something out Jack, I ask myself 'how could anyone think he's not one of the smartest people in the world'. "Well, thank you Mark, but, why do we have different rings? "Tell me why you think Jack." Jack paused. "Well, I can figure out the alloy - I think. You picked it because it's strong, and durable, and can't be broken. That's sort of like me." Mark was almost laughing. "Keep going." And the under side... WAIT.. NOW I GOT IT. Gold isn't tough. It's pure, but it's soft. It can be molded, shaped... and it's on the other side of the ring, where you and I know it is, to remind both of us of how you took that hard, tough , unbreakable metal - me - AND BROKE IT." Mark reached out and kissed him. "You nailed it. I picked that alloy because it's old fashioned. Like you. " He saw Jack's face "Jack, sometimes I suspect when people ask where you live you're going to answer 'in the past.' Jack smiled. "Well, that's kinda true. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but... that's me. " Mark held Jack's hand before he took a drink of his mimosa. And mine is brass. You can figure out why." "Because you're brassy, Mark?" He smiled. "That's right." "But Mark, you ought to have a gemstone in it, because gems are rare, and you're a rare kinda guy. We gotta get a ruby put in. Yeah, a ruby. They're my favorite stone."

"REALLY? I didn't know that." Jack got quiet. "My mom wore them. I don't keep anything like that around because I don't want to think more about her than I do." Mark looked right at him. "Were you dreaming of her last night?" Jack blushed. "I dream of her every night. " "Hmmm. " thought Mark. Then I'm right. "Jack, I wanna go back to your dreams, but first... I wanna give you an early birthday present. I spoke to Laurie, and she spoke to Aldo, because he had your measurements on file." He handed the box to Jack. With presents, Jack was like a child "Probably didn't get any when he was a kid," Mark thought. As he opened it up: the hat, the jacket, the shirt, the string tie, the chaps... , he began to put it together. "MARK! Is this... Is this a Jim West costume?" Mark began laughing "It sure is, handsome. And I know it's gonna fit you well, until I get you out of it." "OH WOW. Mark.. " he lowered his voice. "I'm getting hard thinking about it. THANK YOU. I'll look at the videos to pick my favorite scenes."

"Well, you don't have to, but you could... See, are you forgetting your lover writes plays?" Jack's eyes opened. "OH MY GOD. You wrote an original Wild Wild West? FOR ME?" "For us stud. Next week, after rehearsal. You come down to the theater, and we're gonna do it. I'll give you the script. You'll be ready.

"Mark.. this is just, just, FUCKING AMAZING." People heard Jack as he got up and nearly attacked Mark with his mouth. "This may be the best gift EVER." Someone at another table whispered "honey the best gift ever would be if you came home with me and turned that cap around." Mark heard, and gave him a look."

"So I guess you like it?" "Oh, I DO . But I like the other parts more. THANK YOU. THIS IS SO GREAT. And... can we use the costume more than once?" Mark laughed. "OF COURSE. As often as you like. But the first time, it's my story. " Mark signalled for the check. "Let's go back. I wanna talk about something with you. I was gonna do it here, but it's too crowded.

"Well, ok, Mark, but please don't make me sad after this. This made me SO happy." Mark took his hand. "I REALLY don't think it will make you sad. I hope it makes you happy."


They got back to the apartment, holding hands all the way. "Hey, Mark, before we talk, can we maybe... kiss a little?" Mark smiled. "Not yet, big guy. That's coming, but first.. Come sit near me, let's talk."

Jack sat down next to Mark, who put his arm around his shoulder. "Let me ask you something, Jack. I'm serious with the question. Are you happy being my bottom?" "HAPPY? Mark, I've never been happier in the world. GOD. Every night with you is a new adventure, and I always want more." Mark took a deep breath. "Maybe I should ask that a different way. Do you miss being a top?" That one made Jack pause. "Oh, wow. That's a tough question to answer Mark. You know, I guess if you count one night stands, I've topped more than one man, but the only man I've ever really enjoyed topping was.." and they answered together "Jamie." Jack looked down. "Yeah, having him around here had brought back those memories. All good. "

"I did notice" said Mark, and Jack looked up. "OH MY GOD. Have I been out of place? Have I disrespected you? I didn't know Sir. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'll ask Jamie to move out. I promise." He put his head down in his h\ands.

"JACK JACK JACK. NO. This is what I was afraid of. What I meant by noticing it, you're hornier. You've always seemed to enjoy sex with me, but now, well, you seem to be enjoying it more." "Well, I am Sir. Now that you mention it. I thought you were doing things different. Like the position the other night. OH was that HOT. " Mark smiled. "You know, I would never have used that position, but Jamie asked me if I had ever done it to you. " Jack blushed. "Yeah, Jamie's the only one who knows about that fantasy."

Mark paused. "Jack, last night, you were talking about him in your sleep. You miss your relationship with Jamie." Jack choked up a bit "I... I hope you're not jealous. I haven't done anything with him. I PROMISE. If you want to make sure... I won't be happy with it, but you can get one of those chastity things and put it on me." Mark started laughing. "OH, boy, is this going the wrong way Jack. I better stop complicating things. "

"Listen, this may sound vain, but I'm going to say it. I think I know pretty well, that I'm your man." "You ARE Sir. Totally. Absolutely." "Well, that's why I can say this: not when the three of us are in the apartment, but... I'm not going to be mad if you and Jamie go at it.

Jack looked at him , stunned. "Am I understanding? Did you say that if I wanted to top, I could?" "Now, now, not so fast. I said you could top JAMIE. And only when he's here, and I'm not. " Jack began to think. "Oh boy. I think I just figured out something." "What's that love?" He took a REALLY deep breath. "Jamie told me, that you and he were planning a joint gift for my birthday. This is it, isn't it?" Mark smiled. "It's part of it. " Jack began to cry. "I don't know if I can do this. I want to but..." Mark pulled him close. "Whaddya mean you can't do this. Jamie told me what a STUD you used to be." Jack blushed. "Yeah, but now he has a standard. Jon..." He paused. Then Jack collected himself. "I think I may need a tutorial in topping. Do you know where I can find a teacher?" He grinned at Mark, who grinned back. "Well... let's see what I can do. First, you relax your guy, by doing things like rubbing his neck... his shoulders..." Mark got to work and he could feel the tension leaving Jack. "Oh yeah. That works. That works good sir..' Mark smiled. "I know what I'm doing. Then, a kiss. Maybe a few. Little ones. Before the big one." He began pecking at Jack's lips, before he opened them, shoving his tongue in deep. Mark put his hand on the back of Jack's head, and when Jack tried to push in for more, he laughed and pulled his head back. "Nope. Nope. Gotta save some. Don't let him cum too soon, studpuppy. Instead.... if you happen to know a hotspot, like I know about you..." he moved in to Jack's nips. "Jamie got sensitive nips, stud?" Jack whimpered "Yes, but his ears are more.." "WELL THEN..." and Mark moved his tongue up to Jack's ear, and began nibbling. He whispered. "If you don't ask, I'm not gonna fuck you." Jack tried to resist, and then, he heard himself almost begging. "FUCK ME. FUCK ME PLEASE SIR." Mark giggled. "Now you see how I conquered you, ya big stud. And I'm not done..." He took Jack by the hand... "I'm not finished." He brought Jack into their bedroom, but him on his back and began necking with him. Jack wrapped his legs around Mark. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE SIR. SPLIT ME." Mark laughed. "Gonna do something different. Roll over.. "Yes sir," and Jack obeyed Mark pulled off his shoes, and his jeans. He spread Jack's ass cheeks. "OH. Look at that pretty hole... Jack couldn't see what was happening, but he felt Mark's cock head, right at his hole. He didn't push though: he just let it rest. It was driving Jack CRAZY. "GOD SIR. Please take me. PLEASE. I WANT YOU SO BAD." Mark whispered into Jack's ear. "Remember who's chain you're wearing stud. " Yes Sir. Yours. The man who made me submit..." "THAT's RIGHT." Mark slid in. Slowly, stopping every bit of the way, until he had Jack impaled. "GOD YOU"RE SO GOOD SIR. I'LL NEVER BE THIS GOOD." Mark kissed Jack's ear. "Don't sell yourself short, handsome. " He pushed hard, once, and shot, filling Jack good. He rolled Jack over, so they could stare into each other's eyes. "You know, babe. I'd get you off now. But not tonight." He leaned down and kissed Jack. "You have a date tonight. . You're gonna need ammo."

"WAIT. WAIT MARK. Where are you going?" Mark came over and stroked his hair. "To work. And you, my sweet man, are going to go on a date with Jamie. Where you go, or don't go, is up to you, but I am outta here. I'll see you late tonight. "

Then there was silence. Jack may have slept for a few minutes. He got up, took a quick shower, and pulled himself together. He couldn't believe this was happening. He got dressed, and walked into the living room. He stopped.

"Hey." There was Jamie, sitting on the sofa, looking incredibly cute. "Wanna make out, big guy?"

Next: Chapter 22

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