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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 2, 2023


Jack snuggled up against Mark. He felt Mark's arm wrapped tightly around him. He knew he wasn't getting out of that grip, and that was ok for now. Was this afterglow? He had heard the term before, but no one could really explain it. He certainly felt glowing, and snuggled in and kissed Mark lightly, but it was enough to get a smile, and Mark's eyes open. "Hey," Mark looked at Jack. "Good morning Sir. " He gave Mark another kiss. I didn't mean to wake you, but... "It's ok, I was up anyway," and Mark made a smile. "Before I get to work, can I just say, last night was, without question, the BEST sex I have ever had with you, Mark." Jack nestled in closer. Mark WANTED to ask "Best sex EVER?" , but no. He had learned: don't start comparing to Jamie. That was hard, but if last night didn't make Mark feel secure, what would?

"I hope we get to have more like that, pup," Mark ran his hand through Jack's hair. "Now, you have a job to do don't you?" I do..." And Jack began to slide down the bed, before Mark rolled over on him, and pinned him down. "OH NO you don't.. No you don't. Not after that trick with your fingers last time." Jack grinned as he squirmed under Mark. "you had THAT coming. You needed to feel a little of what I was feeling." Mark grinned. "you were gonna do it again, weren't you?" Jack smiled. "I ain't talking." Mark kissed him. It's ok. I have to whet my nails today and they're good for one last tickling if need be. But.... we're gonna do it THIS way from now on, stud.." Straddling Jack, he fed him his cock, cradling Jack's head gently, as he began to suck Mark, bringing him closer, and closer to orgasm. "WHAT does this boy bring out in me? " Mark thought. He had been in relationships with younger men, and he had been younger too. But something about Jack... something kept him wanting more, and more, and more... He remembered his talk with Jamie, and maybe some of that was going on. Maybe how "clean" Jack was. Maybe it was how much Jack enjoyed it - because he could tell from Jack's hard on, and his smile, that he was.

Mark began to push, harder and harder. He wanted release. He wanted what little was there after last night's awesome fuck, to get out. Jack grinned, and tightened his lips around Mark's cock head. "OH YOU SNEAK!!!!!" Mark yelled, as the jizz poured out of him, coursing down Jack's throat. As Mark fell on him, Jack whispered "can you jerk me sir? Please?" Oh GEEZ. The way he said please every time he wanted something, even a hand job. If it were possible to cry and laugh and kiss and swoon at the same time... Mark worked him slowly, as Jack muttered "Oh stud, you're the best. You just drive me nuts. Just fucking .... NUTS... as he jizzed all over himself.

As he finished, they heard the apartment door key in the lock. "GUESS WHO'S JUST DONE THE WALK OF SHAME? YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SLUT."

JAMIE???? Jack yelled. "You scared the shit outta me. Let me put on some clothes. "Oh, don't bother Jack. I've seen you nekkid before, and I like it. Mark had already wrapped a towel around his middle. "You look like a mess. Did you get any sleep?" Jamie smiled. "VERY little. I think I'm in love. Or at least lust.. Your friend Jon. OH MY GOD. What a night.. " He held out his arms. "Are there marks on my wrists? I haven't been tied up that long in... well... EVER... " Jack was shaking his head "I don't think I wanna hear this." Mark grinned "I do." Jamie smiled. "Let me go make some coffee. Thank God I got here before Jack started making it. Jack threw him a finger, and Jamie smiled. "Yeah, that too."

WOULD YOU STOP YOU DISGUSTING PIG?" Jack was laughing. "EXCUSE ME? You're parading around buck naked and I'M the disgusting pig? I may be wrinkled but I'm decent. " "For the first time in about ten hours, I'd say." "Uh, and how did YOU spend your night sticky boy?" Jamie looked at Jack and Jack blushed. "I'm going to the shower. You whores can talk amongst yourself.

"Wait. Before you go Jack man, I need to say something. He got real serious. "Jon. His cock. It's not as long as yours Mark, but thick. OH MY. And Jack. It's not as thick as yours, but it's longer. I got the best of both worlds last night. "

Mark looked at Jack. "you know, he's the only person in the world qualified to make that comparison." "I'm going. I don't wanna hear anymore. Until later. I need hot water. I need coffee. I need... oh , never mind."

Jamie got some of the coffee for he and Mark. "it REALLY was a great night, Mark. I'm glad you introduced us. The bad news, kid... I don't think you're gonna get any more threesomes with me. Jon is.. "yeah, I know, Mark finished. Jon is very possessive." "And he ties an awesome knot. I mean, I can usually get out of any man's ropes, I just choose to stay in, but he had me ALL WRAPPED UP. GOD IT WAS GREAT. A bottom's dream." He smiled, and looked at Mark. "So, I hope you haven't forgotten that it's Jack's birthday in two weeks." Mark nearly spit out his coffee. "WHAT? No, I had no idea. He never said anything." Jamie laughed. "That's Jacko. He's gonna tell you it's not one that ends in a 5 or a 0 so it doesn't matter. He learned that from Cora. Don't listen to him. I'm serious, Mark. When we were together, we never had enough scratch to do anything more than a night at Chipotles for a birthday. He never said a thing. If anything, he'd buy us all chocolates because he wanted to thank us for the gift of our love. And he remembered everyone's favorites. Do something for him."

"Well, what are you doing for him Jamie? " Jamie smiled "Know what? I'm gonna buy a case of champagne, I'm going to bring it to Chipotles, and I'm going to invite a few of his friends. That girl Laurie. Connor and his wife, you know, that kind of person. Maybe whoever isn't working door that night. " He smiled. "I'd hire a stripper, but he'd be embarrassed.

"NO. NO. Hire a stripper. He needs it. I can tell you exactly the type he wants. "Well, ok, tell me the type. " Mark smiled. "You really need me to tell you?" "COME ON MARK. No games." "Jamie, why don't you look in a mirror? THAT's his type."

"HUH???? You know, not to put to fine a point on it Mark, but you and I ain't exactly similiar." Mark laughed. "I know that. But why buy milk when you have a cow? Unless you're gonna bring Robert Conrad back from the dead, you're his type. " Jamie paused, and in a low voice. "You're saying he still has a thing for me." "Jamie, he's ALWAYS gonna have a thing for you. It couldn't work what the two of you had, at least not in NY. But he said to me: you're in his heart, and other places. We need to do something for him that shows how much we love him, how much we appreciate him."

Jamie showed he understood. "By the way, if I could bring back Bob Conrad, lemme tell you. I would not be sharing him with Jack." Mark laughed. "Neither would I stud. Neither would I, and Jack wouldn't share him either." Jamie paused. "Are you sure about that? Our pure hearted Jack?" Mark thought for a minute. "Nah. I think he'd even come out of top retirement if we brought him Jim West tied up and gagged."

Jack came out of the shower, drying off his wet curls. "Stud boy, you need a trim. That's late this afternoon." Jack smiled. OH MY GOD. I forgot how you used to cut my hair. I'd LOVE that Jamie. " Mark was shy for a minute. "You know guys, don't be insulted, but.. can I watch? I find a haircut one of the most erotic things in the world."

"Oh yeah, of course. " Jamie had an evil grin. "AND... if you tied Jack up and gagged him, and then ordered me to start shaving if he didn't submit, I don't think anyone would mind." "I'm on board," Jack was the first one to speak. "Yeah, I can tell. GOOD LORD I just..." AAAAAAAAAA Jamie feigned not wanting to hear. "Later this afternoon, I'm gonna find out EVERYTHING the two of you did last night, and then I'm gonna bring it back to Jon. I'm going over there tonight, studs, but, I promise. I'll be back tomorrow.

So, that afternoon, it was time for the shearing of Jack. Jamie and Mark developed a somewhat involved fantasy. Jack was in camouflage pants, and a military green t shirt. They brought him in, tied up, with a sack over his head. They sat him in a chair. He was gagged with one of Mark's used socks, and the smell itself was getting Jack hard. They sat him down, and Mark, who had played a military cop in an old play, got into character. "SO.... you know things we want.... It would be SO easy to let us know." Jack shook his head. and Mark laughed. "We shall see. You know, whether you tell us or not, the mark of an informant, - a convicted one - is a shaved head. Jamie, get to work.." Jamie grabbed a lock of hair. Jack resisted and Jamie just pulled his head back. "I wouldn't fight it if I were you. I'm just going to take it off, little by little, until you tell us what we want. He pulled the sack off of Jack's head. He was gagged, and the look in his eyes showed: he was into this. "Before you start, Jamie, I'd like to make Jack a little less... comfortable..." Mark sneered, as he pushed his knee between Jack's legs, and slowly rubbed it over Jack's hardening dick. "He's not going to talk... Take a little off until he's REAL pretty. And then, after I give him what he wants... he'll talk.." Jack took the barber clipper, and got to work. He took about a half inch off the longest part of Jack's hair, and then he began the finer work.

"MMMMPH. PLZZZ. DNT D TS" Mark laughed. "He's begging us not to do this. How sweet.. Keep cutting Jamie..." When Jack squirmed, Mark moved in and took his nips through his shirt. "You gonna calm down, big boy..." "MMMMPH MMMMMPH MMMMMPH. " Jack stopped squirming. He shook his head yes before he bowed it in defeat. "He's ours Jamie. . What should we do with him?" Mark slipped his hand under Jack's chin, and held his head up. "GOD, you're PRETTY" he whispered. Jack looked at him with pleading eyes. "I think my work here is done. I need to go off to another assignment. I'm sure he's in good hands with you Mark. " He rustled Jack's hair. "But I'll be back later, to make SURE he's been in compliance. " He put the clippers down, went and got a jacket and came back. Mark was working on Jack's nips, and he hadn't ungagged him yet. "Seriously, Jack baby. Take care. I dunno if I'll be home tonight, but I WILL see you." He kissed Jack on the forehead. "You're SO HOT when you're tied up. Why I didn't do it. Missed opportunities." He walked out to go downtown to meet Jon.

Mark and Jack were alone. Jack, helpless, bound, gagged, with a hard on, and Mark with his fingers on his nips. "You have NO IDEA how much I want you right now Jack. Even if I don't get a drop out. But... I think we need to talk about something. So I'm gonna untie you, take off the gag, and maybe we'll have a little fun before dinner, but for now..." He untied his lover, and then pressed his hands down on Jack's shoulder. Jack began to moan. "OH, that feels so good after you tie me up. Mark, I'm still thinking about last night. And now this. This is all so awesome. " He began to cry. "I feel so lucky. YOU, of course, and then, my Jamie. " Mark came around. "Jack, stand up so I can hug you, please.. Because I don't want you to see me cry. " He hugged him and whispered in Jack's ear. "You drive me crazy. I fill with love for you, and I fill with lust for you. I wanna love you. I wanna fuck you. "

He stepped back. "But I WISH you would let me know how to be good to you."

Jack was confused "Mark, I don't know what you mean. I tell you when I'm horny, or when I'm hungry, or stuff like that. " Mark put his hands back on Jack's shoulders. "Jacko - I hope I can call you that. Jamie uses it, and I love it, but if it's not good." "No Mark, it's ok. One day I'll explain it," "It's more than that. Know how I knew you wanted to go to a baseball game?" "Uh, no." "Someone else told me." Jack blushed. "Oh, yeah. Well, you're busy, and I know you don't like sports, so I just figured I'd go when you were busy with your work."

"JACK. THAT'S THE POINT I'M TRYING TO MAKE. Would you start letting me take care of you a little? Even just a little?" Jack looked at him. "but you do Mark. And I can handle the rest. You're busy. " Mark took a deep breath. "You know, I thought getting your ass was gonna be tough. It wasn't all THAT hard," he smiled. "But getting you to accept this...." He paused. " I found out today, from Jamie, that you have a birthday coming up. " "Oh , yeah, it's not an important one. No 5 at the end, no 0. Mark laughed 'THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT JAMIE SAID YOU'D SAY.

Jack, I want to celebrate you. You're such a good caretaker, well, will you let someone take care of YOU?" Jack put his head down and spoke in a very low voice. "I've been taking care of myself since I was 15. It's hard to stop." Mark looked at him "Treat it as a new car you're taking apart, ok. I wanna do something for your birthday. And you know what? Here's the first thing. " He smiled. "I KNOW you fancy being Jim West in a fantasy." Jack blushed. "Well, yeah, I think it would be hot, but I hate that he escapes every time. I'd like to see him submit. " Mark smiled. "You know, it would be hard to do one here, but ... I DO have access to a theater. Maybe we'll go some time when the place is officially closed? You can write out the scenario you want." Jack looked up. "You'd do that for me?" Mark shook his head. "I'd do it for us. " Then Jack dropped his voice again. "Can we have a party here? I don't know a lot of people, so just a small one." He raised his head and smiled. "Maybe we can rent a karaoke machine?" Mark smiled. "You know, you're not asking for anything that's hard, and you're not surprising me. Then Jack began to tear up again. "Well, this one might be harder. I want you to make me a promise." "Mark kneeled down. "I'll try. " "Jack, we talked about this a little, so I'm sorry for repeating things. The play you're working on, it might not be a success. " He paused. "Promise me you won't leave me." And Jack began to cry very deep, deep sobs. "I'm so used to people I love leaving me. Don't do it. PLEASE. Promise me you won't go."

Mark wanted to say "THAT's ALL you want?" , but he realized on some level, how hard asking for that had been for Jack. "Sweetie, I have to be honest. I thought I was gonna fuck you for a week, and move on. I was gonna stay in NY, and never spend any time with you ever again, because I got what I was looking for. " He paused. "I got that. And I want more. I want you. I want you forever. So, no darling, I'm NOT leaving. EVER." Jack stopped sobbing a little. "Thank you. Now take me to bed. Don't fuck me if you don't want to, or can't, but make me feel you on top of me. Make me feel your fingers, your tongue, everything. "

Mark growled. "Now THAT's easy. It woulda been easy without the haircut. But now... GET IN THAT BEDROOM. " "YES SIR" Jack answered. " Mark was on top of him in an instant, kissing him, regular kisses and French, nibbling his ear, rubbing up against his neck. "What do you want, boy? What do you want your top man to do?" "Chew my nips Sir. Make them sore. Make those velcros unnecessary." Mark pulled Jack's shirt off and got to work. He licked, nipped, and chewed, while Jack moaned. "OH HELL. It's been so long since you did this. I'm so damn lucky. " He paused and looked at Mark. "have you got enough juice to fuck me Sir?" Mark made a grin. "I think you drained me. Sorry. " "Then just hold me. I'm tired. And I want to fall asleep with you on top of me. You don't have to leave tonight, do you? It's Sunday."

"I'm here until tomorrow afternoon sweetpea." Jack hugged him so hard, Mark couldn't breathe. "I'm gonna wear that hat you got me all day tomorrow . And then, I'm gonna tell you what I learned about my engagement ring. " Mark smiled. He had picked that ring, because he knew that eventually, Jack would be intrigued enough to learn about it. It took less time than Mark thought it would.

Next: Chapter 21

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