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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 15, 2023


Everyone knows of a young man who , with aspirations of some kind, sets out for NYC, with Jack's attitude. And we all know how , if that young man gets here, it's usually not right away.

Such was the case for Jack. As he got on that bus that afternoon, looking over his shoulder to make sure he wasn't being followed, he had a suitcase of clothes, his tools, and all the money he had in the world.

His tools, and his hands, would be what got him to the point where he was a magazine cover.

Thinking back, again, to the title of the story on college, Jack thought of that first bus ride. His plan had been to take this one to its terminus, maybe find a flophouse for a night, get on the next bus, and go on. If he ran out of money, there were very few jobs he was too proud to take.

Three hours out of town, his bus broke down. They were in a very rural part of the state, and while there were filling stations along the way, as a diesel vehicle, and a passenger bus, it would be a while until someone could get out to repair it.

Jack went up to the driver. "Excuse me Sir. I don't mean to poke, and I'll just go back to my seat if you say so, but I have some experience in engine mechanics. Would it be alright if I looked? The driver seemed skeptical "Sure. Just don't do anything without clearing it with me."

One of the first odd jobs Jack had done was repair work for the buses that took him to school as a young man. By 7th grade, he knew more than most mechanics, and the ones who knew more were more than happy to have this inquisitive kid follow them around to learn more. That didn't happen: they were more used to "MY daddy says I won't have to be a mechanic." So Jack had some idea of what he was doing when he looked at the engine.

The problem was very evident. Yes, there WAS a need for a part, which they didn't have, but he thought he could "gerry rig" the thing so that they could get another 50, maybe 100 miles out of the bus. That would get them to a terminus, where it was easier to find someone who really knew what he or she was doing.

He went to the driver and made his suggestions. The driver was receptive "Hell, give it a try. What can it hurt? Doesn't sound like it'll blow anything up, and we sure aren't moving. " Jack went to the luggage compartment, pulled out his tools, and got to work. It was warm, and he stripped to his t shirt, a fact not lost on the women in the bus, and one young man. As he got to work, the young man came over. "Excuse me Sir. This must be hot work, and I have a thermos of iced tea. Can I leave it for you?"

"Why, thank you. I appreciate it," was Jack's response. He got back into the engine, stopping every now and then to have a sip of the tea, and when he was done, went to the driver. "Like the surgeon said, 'I've done all I can do. How about giving it a try?" The driver smiled, put the key in the ignition: and the bus began to rev up again. Jack was a hero with the passengers. They applauded him, the ladies continued to check him out, and Jack got back in the bus, but instead of taking his seat, he found the one where the young man was sitting. The kid couldn't have been more than 19 - a few years younger than 22 year old Jack, but he sure looked younger. "Hey, thanks for that iced tea. It hit the spot. Can I sit down next to you?" The kid looked like he had just won a prize. SURE! My name is Jamie. "Jack here" and he offered his hand to Jamie. "Jamie that was very kind of you. I didn't finish it, so maybe we can share the rest." Jamie was blushing, ear to ear. "Sure Jack. Where are you heading to?" Well, I'm hoping to get to NYC. How about you?" Jamie looked down. "I'm not sure. I'm on my way to my aunt's house, hoping she'll take me in. My mom found me in bed with my best friend and threw me out. I didn't have any place else to go. So I grabbed what I could - she gave me a little time to get ready, and I got out.

"You know, that really sucks Jamie. I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something." He brushed the kid's hair out of his face. "Jack, I think you just did. You're the first person who's been nice to me since I got thrown out. " Jack felt tears forming in his eyes. "It'll work Jamie. I'm running from something too. It'll all work out." Jamie began to cry and Jack put his arm around him. "Thank you Sir. You feel so warm. " Jamie cried himself out, and fell asleep on Jack's shoulder. Damn if that didn't give Jack a boner.

The bus made it to the terminal. Jack went and looked at the schedule, and saw that the next bus he could take wouldn't be leaving for another day. He sighed, and resigned himself to finding sleeping arrangements.

"Hey, boss, where you goin?" called the driver. "Get over here. I want you to meet our head mechanic." "Matt here" the guy put out his hand. "I'm Jack" as he returned the handshake. "You know, that was pretty clever what you did with that bus. " Jack smiled. "I've been around machines for a while now. I can't say I'm an expert, but I know a bit." Matt looked him over "Well, I know you're on the road but I wonder if you'd like to stick around. We need guys like you who can check out the buses. We DO have a specialist, but you know, they're like college kids. They know everything but don't know nothing. I can get you a job. Money's good, and it's steady. Wanna think about it."

Jack paused. "I don't have to think about it. That sounds good to me. Just one thing Matt. I got here with no place to stay. My little brother and I" he pointed to Jamie. "need a place to stay while we're here. Any recommendations?" "YUP." Came Matt's reply. "Most of our mechanics stay at this boarding house, about half a mile from here. Food's simple but it's good, and the rent is cheap. If you and Jamie don't mind sharing a bed, I'm sure Cora has a room for you." Jack looked at Jamie, who was looking at him like a starved puppy. "Jamie, you up for that?" "OH . Yes Jack. Absolutely." Matt went on. "Looks like you're a wee bit too little to work on buses Jamie, but I suspect Cora can find something for you to do at the house. She's always looking for someone to help her. She's not young. But don't mess with her."

"Thank you so kindly Matt" Jack put out his hand. Matt smiled and said "NO, thank you. If you knew how much trouble you saved us. " He lowered his voice. "And let's just hope the police don't look for your "little brother."

They found their way to Cora's Boarding House. Matt had called ahead of time, so she wasn't surprised when two dusty young men walked in. "Afternoon boys. I'm Cora. Matt told me about you." "HI CORA" chimed Jamie and Jack swatted him on his head. "Mind your manners Jamie. It's Yes ma'am." Cora laughed. "Oh, we're not that formal here Jack. So, the room is 150 a week, with two meals. You'll have to find lunch on your own. Jamie, if you're gonna work for me, I suspect you can eat what I eat. " This time, the answer was "Yes ma'am."

Cora took them to a plain, clean room, with a bed that really was only big enough for one, but could fit two in a pinch. "shower is down the hall, so is the bathroom. It's shared, and we're kinda full now, but it'll be ok boys." "Yes ma'am, it will be. " Jack laughed. "Sorry. That's how I was raised." Cora looked at him. "There aren't many who were raised that way these days, Jack. You'll do fine. " She left them to the room. Jamie turned to Jack , his eyes big and wide. "You mean, I don't have to go and stay with my aunt?" Not if you don't wanna and you can put up with me, pup" Jack ruffled his hair. Jamie looked at him with awe. 'THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Should I call you Sir, or should I call you Jack?" Jack laughed. "you can call me Jack. Just know, this isn't a free ride. You're not gonna get paid much for what you do, so I'll be covering expenses. But you'll have to chip in some way.'

Jamie looked at him. "How can I do that Sir?" Jack smiled. "Well, you can start by taking a look at this: he pointed to his crotch. "I haven't had any action in four days. You think you can take care of it?" He repeated words from one of Mark's plays, not really knowing what he was saying. Jamie looked eager. "Yes Sir. SORRY Jack. I always use SIR when I'm giving a blow job." "Well then, call me Sir. "

Jamie got down on his knees after Jack had dropped his pants, and got to work. His blow job was MUCH better than the one that girl had given him many years ago, and within minutes, Jamie had him moaning. "DAMN KID. You know what you're doing." There was a twinkle in Jamie's eyes, as he continued. He paused for a minute. "Do you want me to swallow Sir?" Mark had always made him swallow, and he hated it. "NAH. Just finish the job. " Jamie shook his head yes, and got to work. Soon, Jack was moaning. He bit his lip so as not to disturb the other tenants. "fuck... fuck... fuck... " he whispered. He yanked Jamie's mouth of his cock, and aimed so that it landed on his tshirt. "OH SHIT Jamie. That may be the best one I've ever had." Jamie laughed. "You haven't had many have you Sir?" Jack laughed. "I think that was my second one. But it was the first one from a guy. And it was GOOD. You just set the standard sweetpea. He laughed. "Now I think the first order of business tomorrow, may be to ask about laundries. Because apart from this, we are fucking filthy."

That night, they put on the cleanest clothes they had, and ate Cora's generous, but simple dinner. There was meatloaf, potatoes, some canned beans, and a peach cobbler for dessert. Jamie ate like he hadn't eaten in a long time. Jack whispered "Jamie. Not so fast. Leave some for other people. " Cora laughed. "Oh Jack, don't be so strict. There's plenty. You want some more of anything Jamie?" "Yes ma'am. Of everything." Cora laughed even harder. "No one has enjoyed my food like that in a long time. Jack, you'd best be careful. I may keep your little brother with me after you move on."

That night, as they got ready for bed, Jamie asked him which side he liked better. Jack didn't know. Mark never gave him the choice. He turned it back to Jamie. "Well, I always like to be near a window, because if I have to get away, I can go through that. " Jack looked at him. "GOOD LORD JAMIE. WHAT KIND OF LIFE HAVE YOU HAD?" Jamie put down his head. "There's time for that Jack. For now, can I ask that you hold me tonight? Just hold me while I sleep? You can have my ass tomorrow,but for now.." Jack was stunned. "Jamie, did you think this was about your ass?" Jamie looked at him "Jack, it's ALWAYS been about my ass." A big sigh came out of Jack's mouth. "Jamie, a bit of a confession for you . I've never been in a man's ass." Jamie looked at him with shock. REALLY? But you're such a stud. " Jack just started laughing. Hard. "We both have stories to tell Jamie. Tonight, I promise, nothing but cuddling. Tomorrow, I'll reassess the situation, and maybe you'll introduce me to the art of butt fucking on top.

Jack went in and out of sleep that night. For the first time, in a long time, he dreamt of Mark. He kept on coming up in his dreams, like a character from a novel. The last time he saw him in a dream that night, he whispered "I'll find you," before Jack woke up. Pressed next to Jamie, he had a raging hard on. Jamie noticed. "Want me to take care of that for you stud?" He smiled. "Uh, sure Jamie. What did you have in mind?" Jamie grinned. "Just a simple handie..." He reached down and took Jack's penis and began to stroke him. Slowly, then quickly. Just like the blow job, but with more friction. It felt great to Jack. He was in such a state that he really couldn't do anything else. Indeed, one thing he had learned from being with Mark, was that when his hot spots, as Mark called them, were played, he was helpless. Absolutely unable to do anything . Jamie had him in that state now. He laid back, because he was pretty much incapable of sitting. Jamie just crooned "easy does it big fella. A man with a cock as pretty as yours, deserves the best." The walls in the boarding house were thin , and Jack tried his best not to make too much noise. After about five minutes, he was getting close to cumming. That's when Jamie smiled, and let go.

"HEY. WHAT THE FUCK ? YOU'RE NOT GONNA FINISH.' Jamie laughed. "take it easy tiger. This is what's called edging. Trust me. In about 10 minutes, you'll thank me." He grabbed Jack's penis before he could get up, laughing at the power he had over the older man, and went back to work.

It didn't take 10 minutes. Jamie tried to vary things a little and, with his free hand, he went up to Jack's left nipple. He didn't know that Jack had hot spots, and HOT SPOTS. The simple touch, with the hand job, set Jack off. He bit down hard, so he didn't wake the house, and shot all over himself, and the bed. " Jamie put his arm around him, and gave him a kiss. "Now we REALLY have to find a laundry, Jack." Jack could only laugh. "Do you want me to take care of you Jamie?" Again, Jamie smiled. "Yes, and no, big guy. First of all, I get off by doing stuff like this. Second of all, tonight, when I teach you how to fuck ass, you're gonna get me off. I promise."

Those thoughts moved through Jack all day, as they showered, got dressed, and went down to breakfast. "GOOD AFTERNOON LADIES" joked one of the other guests as they sat down. Cora was smiling. "I hope you boys slept well." "We did ma'am. Thank you" said Jack. They plates of food passed to them, and Jamie ate heartily, although not like he did the night before. Jack was content with some coffee and a little of the muffins. "Jack, will that be enough for you today?" Cora was concerned. "I think so ma'am. I've never been a big morning eater. I'll find something near the repair shop." "YOU WILL DO NOTHING OF THE KIND YOUNG MAN" Cora exclaimed, which led the others at the table to laugh. "You will sit here for a minute, and Cora will get a lunch together for you. Buying food from those shacks indeed. I never heard of such a thing."

In ten minutes she came back with a sack of enough food to feed three people. "You have a good first day . Billy here works at the plant, and he's gonna go in with you. Jamie, you come with me to the kitchen. I'll start teaching you what needs to get done around here.

Billy turned out to be very chatty. He told Jack about the other mechanics, who was helpful, who wasn't, how to get help if he needed it, and other information that could be very helpful to a rookie. "I'm very grateful to you Billy. I hope I can return the favor." Billy laughed. "NAH. I was in your shoes once kid. Someone helped me. We're all in this together."

The bus depot was huge. There were at least 60 buses waiting for someone to check them and approve them for travel, or to repair something or to take them out of service, etc. Jack was assigned to a senior guy named Charlie. "You did well kid." Billy told him. "Charlie taught me." After a quick hand shake, Charlie hustled him over to a bus. "Let me see what you know. I know what's wrong with this one, but I'm not telling you. You tell me, and tell me how you'd fix it." Jack took a look. The problem seemed pretty simple to him: a fan belt had misaligned. It was an easy fix. Then he thought. "That's not why it's here. Even a driver could fix that." He looked around some more. There it was. There was a leak in a gasket. The bus was losing oil. Not a lot, but drop by drop. Over time, it would burn out the engine. He came back with his report to Charlie, who was smiling before he got there. "Jack, I saw where your nose was heading and I knew, I already knew, you had it figured out. Good job. " Then he got mildly serious. "Ok, now FIX IT" "YES SIR" barked Jack, as he pulled out his tools and got to work.

When the 4 pm whistle blew, Charlie came over to him. "Good work today young man. We're glad to have you here. We'll move onto some harder stuff tomorrow. Hey, if you're at all interested in getting cleaned up, there IS a work shower over there. I know Cora's place, and she works hard, but you can wait a while to get cleaned up. "Thank you Charlie. I do appreciate that and I'll take up the offer."

The shower was not fancy, but it did the job. While he was washing up, Jack thought he heard the sounds of two guys going at it, from somewhere off to the side. He really didn't care. He was tired, and happy. And he missed Jamie. He was heading home.

At the Boarding house, Cora had spent the day showing Jamie how to bake the breads she made every day. "When you're finished, Jamie, take a pinch of the dough and put it aside. That's our sour for the next day. Never need to buy yeast if you remember to do that." Jamie did, in fact, seem to have an affinity for the baking. He liked it a lot more than cleaning. "Hey, Cora, is there a laundromat around here? Jack and I, well..." he blushed, and Cora smiled. "OH YOU STOP! I'm not 22 and I've had young men in this place before. I know how to handle that stuff. Just ball the sheets up and leave them. I usually don't change sheets but once a week. I'll make an exception for you. But tomorrow, you learn laundry!"

At dinner, everyone wanted to know about Jack's first day, and how Jamie had gotten on with Cora. Cora answered that question "Jamie's a keeper guys. " She looked at him and smiled. "I wish I were young again." Jack kept on thinking about his lesson that night. Finally, dinner was over, and they went up to their room. Jamie hadn't forgotten. "Ok, topman. Let me go get cleaned up and out, and I'll be back. " Jack understood the clean up, but out? Jamie looked at him. "You really ARE new to this. Where's that cock of yours going tonight? "Uh, up your butt." "Yeah. And what comes out of that butt?" Jack blushed. "Ok, so let me go get cleaned out. I don't want you to be grossed out the first time."

He came back, smelling sweet and looking clean. "Cora gave me some of her lotion today. I thought it was good for celebrating. So, ok, Jack, now this is how it goes..." Jack was scared to death, but Jamie led him through each step, slowly and carefully. When it was time, he got on all fours, and told Jack to pull his cheeks apart and to move in GENTLY. Jack remembered that Mark had never been gentle, so he had no model. "That's great stud, that's great. You're doing fine. Little by little. Maybe even a little faster." Jamie clearly had way more experience at this. Finally, Jamie took a deep breath "Ok stud. Stop there. You thicken up at the top, and that's all I'm gonna be able to take. Now slide back, and slide forward. Keep repeating." Jack did as Jamie said. The friction sent more pleasure through him, even more than the hand job or the blow job . No wonder Mark liked doing this. Of anything Jack had done, he liked this the best.

"How's it going back there, stud? " "I"m just fine, Jamie, I'm enjoying this. " OK, now take your hand and reach around and do to my cock what I did to yours this morning. FUCK YES. . Your hands are so nice and rough Jack. A man's hands. OH YEAH FASTER STUD . BOTH WAYS...." Jack's slow rhythm got faster, and Jamie began to moan and twitch. Jack blew a load first, and Jamie followed. They collapsed onto the bed. Jamie grabbed Jack close to him. "How was your first?" Jack smiled, and kissed Jamie. "Jamie, it was GREAT. Thank you." Jamie smiled. "You're a good student. You're not rough. I'm used to rough." Jack looked puzzled. "Used to?" Jamie smiled. "You told me you used your hands to support yourself . What do you think I've used?" Then it hit Jack. That's how Jamie knew so much. "How long, baby boy?" He asked "Four years. Four years of slinging ass. " Jack pulled him close. "Promise me you'll never do that again. " Jamie looked at him. "Promise me you'll never let me go." They fell asleep that way.

Jack wasn't much of a reader, but the next day, at work, someone had let a newspaper fall, and it had blown open to the arts section. What he saw made him weak at the knees. It was a photo of Mark, with a story about a play of his being performed three towns over. Apparently, Mark was building himself and a career. Jack began to think of the dream he had.

Next: Chapter 3

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