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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 1, 2023


Jack grabbed a light jacket and stuck on a baseball cap, then he and Jamie headed out to shop. "I'm so glad you're here Jamie. I missed you." Jamie grabbed Jack's hand. "The day my Jackster left was the second saddest day in my life. " "Cora was first, kid? " "Yup. It was time, she knew it was time, but still." He paused. "I remember her saying 'no one's got a right to live to 96, especially with the good life I had." He paused again, and then she said to me "Jamie, make sure you look after Jack, no matter where he is." He smiled "And here I am." "You gonna stay Jamie?" He sighed. "In NY, yes, but not here with you guys." Jack's mouth dropped. "you know , you can." Jamie grinned tightly. "Actually, no, I can't. You don't see it Jack, you're too good, but I'm making Mark incredibly jealous and insecure." "WHY? I don't see that." "Jack, I think that's because you're such a straight shooter. Mark sees me bringing the top man out in you. He's going to lose you because, well, it's clear. Mark doesn't bottom." "I know, and I'm good with that." "Yeah, but he's horribly insecure Jack. Remember, he's always gonna remember what he did to you, and he is NOT going to forget that if he tried that again, you'd kick the crap out of him."

Jack sighed. "Yeah, I know. I really want to think that violent side is gone, and I haven't seen any of it. But you're right. " Jamie stopped and looked right at Jack. "You know, you finally found your happiness up here. With this job, with this man. You're getting to be yourself Jack-o. Jamie's gonna be around, because you DO need looking after. But I'm a big boy now, too. " He laughed. "And you guys are PIGS. I could never stay in that apartment too long."

They brought sacks of food back to the apartment. Jack laughed "you know, for someone who isn't gonna stay, you sure bought a lot of food." Jamie smiled. "You two are big boys. So am I. And you got friends. You never know when you might wanna throw a party. Now, get that jacket off. I need those biceps for taking care of these avocados, because the guacamole ain't gonna make itself.

They had a Mexican themed dinner that night, and when Jack cleaned up, he called out "so, you gonna come to karaoke tomorrow?" Jamie smiled. "I can't believe you've become a karaoke queen." "Well, I wouldn't call it that, but I never thought people would like the way I sing." "HEY. " Jamie yelled. "I'm a people, and I love the way you sing. When I was so scared, you faked it, and calmed me down with your voice." "How'd you know I was faking?" Again, Jamie smiled. "Don't you find yourself saying 'I'm a lot smarter than you think? Well, you're not the only one. And darlin' not to bring up the past, but learning to stay alive made me a pretty good judge of human character. " He went to where Jack was up to his wrists in soapy water. "You know, Jack, when I have a late night chat with Cora, I'm gonna have to tell her that she didn't have to worry. She WAS worried, in her words, that NY was going to 'pollute' or 'stain' her boy Jack. It didn't. You're the same prince you always were."

"Well, maybe sometimes a princess," he flicked soapy water at Jamie, before they hugged.

Jack was only half asleep when Mark came in that night. "Hey, handsome. Wanna turn on the light so I can see your face?" Mark smiled. "I'd rather be the mysterious stranger who comes in your window every night, ravages you, and then leaves.:

"OOOH. I like the first two parts, but not the third." Mark had gotten undressed, and into bed. "I'm not leaving Jack. " He hugged him to his chest. "c'mere. I want my boy near me tonight. " Jack put his mouth on one of Mark's nips. "OH, you're feeling a little frisky tonight, aren't you?" Jack laughed. "Maybe." "What about the sleep you need at night?" "Maybe tonight I need a pacifier. A big, beefy one, attached to a big studly man." Mike laughed. "Well, making sure my baby gets his rest, is something I'm good at. " He straddled Jack and fed him his cock, sliding back and forth, slowly, then faster. "OH YEAH, Jack man. Take my cock. Show me you missed me. " Jack was licking and sucking, pulling, pushing back. He put his finger under Mark's balls - a spot Mark didn't even know was sensitive. "OH SHIT. WHEN YOU DO THAT...' He began to gush, and Jack took it all." He was messy, but smiling at the end. You know Jack, since you cleaned me out tonight, you might be excused from your morning task, but.... heh heh heh. We haven't played the tit game in a long time." "Start now, stud." Jack curled up in Mark's arms, spoon style. Tomorrow was Saturday. He could sleep late.

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Mark was thoroughly engaged in abusing Jack's nipples the next morning, and he let the call go to his voice mail. They were at the part he liked best. Jack was a pushover, and had surrendered after just a little bit of torture. Now, Mark was just playing with him, making him beg to stop. He loved the little whining noises Jack made "There's my kitten wanting some more milk, huh sweetie." Moaning, Jack got out "I wish I hadn't sucked you last night. I want more than milk, Sir." It was at that point that Jack came. Mark covered his mouth with his own, so they didn't wake Jamie. Laying on top of Jack, and just gently stroking his face, Jack smiled again. "You know, I can always get you to do anything I want if I get those nips. I wonder.... what if I didn't play with them at all ?" Jack saw something coming "you'd get a lot more resistance stud." Mark laughed "We'll see." He kissed Jack. "So, let me take that call. It's from Abby."

She was calling to confirm the karaoke. She and her sister, and her sister's husband were coming, so was Mark's best friend Jon, and of course, Jack and Jamie. They had invited Laurie, but she had turned them down "Oh, no, darlings, young folks should go out with young folks occasionally, and I may actually have a date," she had told Jack. "LAURIE. Congratulations. Can I ask who?" She laughed. "Well, this is going to come as big a surprise to you as it did to me. Aldo asked me out."

"ALDO? Tailor ALDO?" She laughed. Yes, indeed. Turns out he's straight. Who knew? " WOW" Jack thought. If anyone were gay, it were Aldo... but..., well, what did he know. He better be a gentleman, Laurie, that's all I can say. " "you set a high standard Jack. I'm not sure anyone can meet that."

Preparing for an evening out with Mark was always an interesting time for Jack, who's approach was to find whatever looked clean and matched, and that was it. With Jamie... it took on the proportions of Cinderella's ball. "Ok, now if I'm wearing my white silk shirt, that means neither of you can wear white, so...." "Jack , what were you going to wear?" "Well, I'm probably going to be singing something from the parrot man opera, so I was going to wear something green" Jamie shook his head. "Nope. You look terrible in green" Jack looked like he had been slapped. "Thank you Jamie. Maybe he'll listen to you." Mark had told Jack the same thing. "Seriously, Jack, with those eyes...." Jamie went through his closet. "Ok, Momma has to do a mercy mission shopping for you, but for tonight..." He pulled out Jack's "good shirt." A blue button down oxford. "I like this one." "It might be too tight," said Jack, while Mark thought to himself. "please God. Let it be too tight." It fit Jack well enough to give Mark a bit of an erection. "Jack, it's perfect. There are blue parrots. You'll be the exotic bird in the room. Now, jeans... which are tightest." "Uh, Jack doesn't believe in tight jeans," Mark answered. Jamie looked perturbed. "And you still got engaged to him? No, no. We're gonna have to find something. " He took a deep breath and went through Jack's closet. "WAIT. I remember these. You used to wear these pants when WE went out. " "JAMIE. NO. They're too snug. I can barely breathe. " Mark used his best top man voice. "Put them on. NOW." It stopped Jack in his tracks. "Yes sir." He slipped them on, squeezed them shut, and then, at Jamie's instruction did a turn. Mark got a little more aroused. "OH FUCK. He could wear a paper bag and I'd want him, but this.... " Jamie saw the look. "You know, Volpone, this is NOT an appropriate reaction." "Volpone?" "It means big fox. Because that's what you look like right now." Mark turned bright red. "Now, top man, let's find what you're wearing."

"I know what I'm wearing," he said, and Jamie answered "you THOUGHT you knew what you were wearing. There are three of us, and we need to form a triptych. Now let's see. Hmmm. I'm in white, Jack is in pale blue. What would the topman wear... AH. He found Mark's red silk shirt. "THERE we go . VERY Zoro, especially with your black jeans. " He grinned. "You can give Jack fantasies of grabbing him, throwing him on your horse, and carrying him off, all night."

"Sounds good to me. God knows I've been thrown on his horse before," Jack smiled. "Oh, you have no idea, handsome" Mark thought, but kept it to himself, as they headed to a cab to get to the karaoke bar.

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There were a whole bunch of the people who had been at Jack's backer's party, including the very smug looking Tyler. He seemed to be there with a professorial type, who kept on staring at Jack and pissing Tyler off.

They met up with Abigail, who looked radiant, and then her sister came in, with a big, burly man who looked like he hadn't shaved. Gloria ran over "JACK.. OH MY GOD. I haven't seen you in ages. How's my barihunk?" Jack didn't get the reference and neither did Connor. He held out his hand "Connor here. My wife says if you were straight, I should be worried." Gloria added 'you still should be." Connor's handshake was the firmest one Jack had encountered in NY. "Connor, I'm Jack. You have no idea how much I wanted to meet you. " "Feeling's mutual. Beer when these fancy schmancy's start wining it up , bud?" Jack began to think "I like this man. " "Hell yeah. I think we probably know a lot of the same people, we got a lot to talk about. "

"Not until you sing Jackster," Gloria added. "I know you picked something, but I picked something too. I wonder if we can do a duet." "Well, uh, sure, but I haven't practiced." "OH Jack. You know this one. Remember the Pappageno song?" He smiled. "OH . YEAH. I used to sing that with Mom. I can do that one. " Jamie's my best friend here. He's gonna sing with me too."

"So YOU'RE Jamie." The deep voice of Mark's best friend, Jon, came through the crowd. Jamie looked up, and nearly froze. He was mesmerized. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm Jamie. Nice to meet you... SIR." (why did I say that? Jamie began thinking? And did I just drip pre cum?). Jon stroked his little beard. "This table is kinda crowded. You wanna join me?" Jamie looked at Jack who smiled. "Yes sir." Off they went. "DON"T FORGET OUR DUET JAMIE" Jack called out. As everyone settled in, Mark put his hand on Jack's neck, and rubbed. "OH YES. KEEP DOING THAT. RELAX ME. I'm nervous. " "you're gonna do fine. And tonight... with no nips."

The singing began. Jack was up fifth, and his table gave him a big, big cheer, as did Jamie and Jon. Tyler's professor was clapping, until Tyler gave him a dirty look. "I'm doing a song my mom taught me. It's from Magic Flute.." Jack sang in German about how Pappageno wanted a wife. He had hidden a very small piccolo in his pocket and played it at the intervals. "GO FOR IT STUD" Gloria yelled from the table. When he finished, Connor turned to her. "Is that it? The singing?" Gloria smiled. "Maybe." She rubbed her hand on her husband's chin. "Jack and I have this in common. We love an unshaved man." Mark blushed as they looked at him.

Gloria's turn was next, and she dedicated "Glitter and be Gay" to Jamie, who nearly peed himself. Jon had his arm around him and had already whispered "you're coming home with me, boy."

They got around to the point where Gloria and Jack were doing their duet. "Also, from Magic Flute" Gloria announced. "And I want you to know, Jack is doing this on first read. We've never sung together before, and we haven't rehearsed, so be nice." The music started, and it was as if they had sung it together for years. A little competition went on as to who could sing faster, at the end, and they were both laughing hysterically when they embraced. "Doesn't it make you feel good," Gloria asked Jack, whispering in his ear. "Yeah, but you know, I just wonder why Tyler is getting madder and madder at me." Back at the table she told him. "He sings the same stuff you do, but you're better. He thinks Mark is going to replace him with you." Jack stiffened. "He doesn't have to worry. I'm not going on stage." Gloria patted him on his hand. "Let him worry. It's good for him."

Jack got up at some point to go and say hello to Jon and Jamie. He had to wait until their major lip lock ended. "Hey. Remember me, Jon?" Jon smiled. "OF COURSE. Jack. You're Mark's boy." "Well, that's one way of putting it, Jon. I'm also Jamie's big brother. You might want to keep that in mind." Jamie looked at him. "Jack-o, tonight, Jon is my date. It's ok. We singing soon?" "I think three songs."

Jack went back to the booth, and slid in next to Mark, who put his arm around him, and playfully unbuttoned his shirt at the navel. "You know, you are just SO cute. " he began circling Jack's belly button, making him giggle. "Jamie can take care of himself, but I love how you went over there to lay down the law... " He snuggled into Mark. "So, you're gonna get me to beg for cock without using my tits. Tickling is cheating." "I'm not above cheating, but I have other plans. And I have a feeling we're gonna be alone tonight."

Then it was their turn: Jack went and got Jamie, and as they went up to the stage, Jamie whispered "yes, I'm going home with him tonight, and don't worry. I have carfare, my phone... and my switchblade." Jack laughed. "I love you Jamiebird." "FOLKS, my little brother Jamie, is moving to NY, can we welcome him?" Jamie was already a star, so getting the applause was not hard. "Now, when we were living down south, this was OUR song. We'd switch roles, so... you topping or bottoming tonight, Jamie?" Jamie laughed. "Dear, we're both bottoming, but we can't both be Kiki. You're bigger, so you play her. I'll play Elton." Their patter was NOT rehearsed. It was natural, and endearing.

"He's a bottom? WHAT? The professor whispered, as Tyler answered "sorry, stud. Your dreams of a sandwich tonight are GONE. Just gonna have to be satisfied with my bony ass."

Jamie and Jack began their song. THIS part was practiced. The looks, the gestures, it was wonderful, and it brought down the house.

Jack's singing night was finished. He went over to Connor. "Can I talk you into that beer at the bar, Connor?" "FUCK I thought you'd never ask?" They were there for a long time. Connor had been married to Gloria for 8 years. He had lots of survival tips for Jack. The biggest one was giving him a card to an association he belonged to. "Like us, it's not fancy. We get together at a pub, we drink till we're shitfaced, we make fun of these obnoxious shits, and then we go home. " "Sounds great. I wanna go." "You call me Jack. No one's gonna give a shit about what you do in bed. Just bring enough to buy a few rounds, and have a good time." They gave each other a really serious handshake, as the party began to break up.

Jack couldn't find Jamie anywhere. "He left with Jon about fifteen minutes ago. " Mark laughed. "I should've called THAT one. Guess I didn't know Jamie's type." Jack laughed "Jamie's type is male, and dominant." Mark smiled "NOW you tell me." They headed to a cab after kissing the ladies good night. Mark moved from his hand on Jack's thigh, to his neck and then to his shoulder. "Let me say Jack, I thought you were FUCKING AMAZING tonight. Even Tyler liked it." "Sorry, Mark, but I could give a shit less about Tyler. " "Good. He's not important to you." He leaned in and whispered into Jack's ear. "What should be important to you, is trying to figure out what I'm gonna do to you. "

When they got into the apartment, and into the bedroom, Jack got a chance to unbutton one shirt button before Mark had him pinned to the bed.

"Now , you think it was my tit play that won you that first night?" "Sure was stud." Jack grinned. "No it wasn't. It was the way I kissed you. And I'm gonna kiss you that way now, and you're gonna BEG for my cock. "NO you're not." Jack moved his head away from Mark's lips. "Ok, well then. I'm glad I didn't shave this morning, and he went in for Jack's neck. Jack turned his head, and Mark went in for the other side. They played this "hide and seek " a few times, before Mark took the advantage. He scruffed very, very slowly, and Jack began to breathe harder. "Oh shit. You know what that does to me." "Yeah, I do.. Now gimme your mouth." "No... OH FUCK... Mark had begun digging a little harder. "I don't like the answer no Jack. " He stopped. "Gimme the other side of your neck. "No, please.... Jack tried to push up, but Mark knew what he was doing.. Then he did something new. He bent down and began gently nibbling at Jack's chin. "OH SHIT. I never felt that before. " "Your neck please... " Whimpering, Jack gave him the other side of his neck, and finally, opened his mouth. "Oh, I don't know anymore. HMmmm. Yeah, I do.." Mark plunged his tongue down. He released the pin, because Jack was so helpless, all he could do was hang onto Mark. When he could breathe again, he gasped out. "FUCK ME. FUCK ME PLEASE." Mark grinned. "MY WAY. Roll over. " Mark almost never took Jack from behind, but he had something planned. He grabbed Jack's wrists and tied them with a big, long bandanda. Then he slid down those tight jeans. Mark was outrageously hard. He began to slide in. "OH GOD MARK. You're hurting me. " Mark paused. "You want me to stop?" "DONT YOU DARE. YOU STOP NOW I"LL CUT IT OFF IN YOUR SLEEP." Mark laughed as he plowed in, deeper, and deeper. He could get in further from this position, and he did. "OH FUCK I FEEL LIKE I"M A MOUNTED TROPHY." "Good analogy," Mark thought. Then thought went out of his head. He just plowed, and plowed. He thought of the night. He thought of all those people staring at his hot lover, who unashamedly said he was a bottom. He belonged to Mark, and he loved it. The jizz began flowing out of Mark like a flood. In a frenzy, he tossed Jack on his back and began sucking him. "MARK. NO. DON"T DO THAT. NO. YOU'RE A TOP MAN." Mark didn't listen, but just worked Jack into a total frenzy, before he jizzed too. Mark fell on top of Jack, who hugged him. "You didn't have to do that, stud." "Yeah, I did. We both needed me to do that." Jack held Mark really, really tight. "That was better than any karaoke. Can we do that again." "You bet stud. Now, though, I need MY sleep.

Next: Chapter 20

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