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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 31, 2023


Thanks you, Darrel, for donating to Nifty because you like this story. THAT's how it's done. And thank you Peter, for the information on the Velcro for inside shirts. How evil, and how wonderful.

Jack, Jamie and Mark hung out in the apartment for the rest of the night, watching television. Jack took his usual position, reclining up against Mark, who had his hand on Jack's pec. He tweaked it every now and then, which would get a sigh out of Jack and a smile out of Mark. Jamie sat up against the base of the sofa, and Jack had his hand on the back of his neck, rubbing it every now and then . "I feel like a cat sitting on daddy's lap" Jamie said at one point, which made them all laugh.

At Jack's early bedtime, 10, he got up. "Listen guys, Monday is the WORST day for a super, and I'm gonna be down one staffer tomorrow, so I'm heading off to bed. " He saw their faces and continued. "I want a goodnight kiss from each of you, but before you ask, No. Jamie, at least for tonight, you sleep in the guest room. We'll talk tomorrow." He bent down and kissed Jamie warmly, hugging him "I'm so glad you're here." Then he kissed Mark. "I'll be waiting for you."

Jack didn't have any trouble falling asleep, and he woke up, as usual, without the alarm, at 5:30. His head was on Mark's chest, and Mark had his hand laced through Jack's hair. He was snoring very gently. Jack's nose told him that Jamie was up already, cooking. As he began to stir, Mark pulled him into his body. "Hey" was all he said. "Mark, not this morning. I gotta go help the guys with the recycling. It's always a mess on the weekend. " "Just five minutes, please . I need to ask you something. Are you ok with what happened yesterday?" Mark's eyes were serious, and Jack answered him honestly. "Yeah, it was great. " "Are you sure? I feel like you said we'd talk about something, and then I just went full steam ahead?" Jack laughed. "NOT something I didn't expect stud." He did something he rarely did, and climbed on top of Mark. "Listen up. I gave you my limits a while ago. I know we're still exploring them, like that finger trick you tried. But I understand my role, and I HOPE I don't have to explain what being a Dom and a Top is to you. " He kissed Mark. "If you tell me we're having a three way, then we're having a three way. My one 'NO', for now, is that no one gets in my ass but you." Mark was listening closely. "Giving Jamie a blow job was a surprise, but that was fine. " He laughed "I KNOW that if you had told him to fuck me, he would've run from the room. That's not the way he is. Period. " He went on. "I said No to sleeping together last night, because we would've had too much fun. I wouldn't have gotten my rest. And today... I NEED it. Maybe later in the week, I dunno. " He climbed off Mark. "Being on top is hard work, GEEZ. " Mark laughed. "Not with you, studboi." Jack smiled and finished off. "Just know this: you and Jamie are gonna be alone for part of the day. He likes you, and he's vulnerable. Be nice to him. And... the cock that goes in MY ass better NOT go in any other one.: He reached down and grabbed Mark's cock, hard enough for him to know Jack meant business. "We clear SIR?" Mark laughed. We are, but you're not leaving here without a big hug."

Jack finished a quick shower, and went out to get some coffee. Jamie was sitting there, looking at the news on the computer. "Good morning Jack man." "Jamie bird. What'd you make? It smells good." "Remember that scrambled egg dish you liked so much, with spicy peppers and tortillas" "OH YEAH. Haven't had that since the day." "Well, I did the best I could. I found that bag of tortilla chips you're eating at night, and I found some chili powder, so..." he got up and brought Jack back a plate of eggs.

"You made me breakfast, birdman?" Jamie smiled. "OF COURSE I DID. " He put his hand on his hip and sashayed. "you think this girl stops feeding a man with sausage?" Jack blushed.

"Hey, Jack man, are you ok with last night?" Jack smiled and began to laugh. "I don't want to wake Mark, so I'll keep it low. He asked me the same thing. Yeah, I'm fine. I had a blast. " Jamie looked at him. "Did you learn to lie in NY?" Jack laughed "Well, yeah, I did, but I'm not lying to you, Jamiebird. I began to think about how we'd sleep together as soon as you said you'd come to NY. I'll be honest, I didn't think about blowing you, but it was fun. You didn't know I knew how to do it." Jamie laughed. "You know, you're right. I didn't. You're good. Not as good as me, but you're good." "Come sit on my lap sweet boy," Jack told Jamie. "Yes sir." "Now, if you think you're ever gonna be out of my heart or, ahem, other parts of me, you're wrong. So forget that right now. On the threesome thing: you and Mark have a ton more experience than I do: that was my first." Jamie's mouth dropped open. "Yeah, it was Jamiebird. I'm a simple guy. Most of my sex hasn't even been two ways: it's been one way." He made a gesture of jerking himself off. "I like having the two of you at the same time. It was hot. I wanna do it again. Just not today. Garbage duty calls." He kissed Jamie. "But DAMN those eggs are good. If I had remembered to buy rolls, I'd be bringing a sandwich downstairs."

"Hey Jackman, you said you're one body short today. I've done this stuff. Can I help out?" Jack shook his head. "Union big boy. I'd take you up on it, because it's gonna get ugly. But I can't. Your new friend Felix has the day off today, and he's become my best guy, so it'll be me, Victor, and Mario . Come on down to the basement if you wanna say hello, but give me a couple of hours head start." He kissed Jamie again. "Mark promised me he'd start helping you shop and look for a place. He'll be around until about 4. I get off at 2, and if you guys get back at around 3, well.. you never know." He saluted Jamie and went down to the basement to get to work.

Jamie sat back, smiling. Jack hadn't really changed very much at all. He wished that he could just go with the flow the way Jack did. He never had been able to just "let it happen." He liked Mark: he kept on thinking that, in a lot of ways, he and Mark were alike: stubborn, driven, not prone to taking advice. Hmmm. Wasn't that Jack too? What was that song Jack had sung once at the Boarding house with Cora and her friend? "Three little maids at school are we?" Was that the title? Well, are we the three little maids?

"Hey, can a guy get some of those eggs?" Mark came into the living room. "OH, good morning. Jack told me you're usually up later. One second. I made plenty. There's coffee too." Mark took a cup and whispered "don't tell him I said this. Your coffee is better than Jack's." Jamie smiled. "I know. I used to make the coffee at the Boarding House after people complained about his. I don't know if you noticed, Mark, but he didn't set the coffee up before he went to bed." Mark scratched his head. "No, now that you mention it, he didn't. He always does that." Jamie smiled. "That's because he knew I'd dump it out and re-do it. Mark laughed. "You know, I feel like I'm marrying a guy who's part of an old married couple." Jamie smiled "Well, you are. By the way, when is that happening?" Mark sighed. "I don't know Jamie. I feel like it's too soon, but I don't want Jack to get away. " "Why do you think it's too soon, Mark?" "Well, there's no guarantee this play is gonna be a success, and if it isn't, well, I'm gonna have to find work, somewhere. And I think Jack and I are still negotiating the relationship. But on the other hand, as people meet him, they're gonna flock around him. What if he finds someone better?"

Jamie sat down adjacent Mark. "You want my thoughts?" Mark looked at him. "Yes, please. " "Well," Jamie began "you're not gonna lose him. That's for sure. If anyone knows Jack, it's me. If he's told you he's committed to you, he's committed to you, period. I'm sure he's given you his STOP signs: he's always been clear about those. So to me, you shouldn't be worried about losing him, but I understand why you think that. Now on negotiating the relationship, well... , show me a successful relationship where that doesn't happen all the time. On having to move for work.. yeah, that's a tough one. Jack's not leaving here. I can guarantee that. But let me ask you this: when is the play a success? Six months? A year? Two years? Movie rights? I think you have to set a date in YOUR mind - don't tell Jack - just decide that "on day.... , I'm gonna either marry him, or move on."

Mark paused "you know, Jack told me bits and pieces of your background, and of course I know his. Here's what I want to know: how did you two get to be so smart?" Jamie smiled. "I have an answer for that, too. We didn't go to school. I think it was Mark Twain who said "colleges are repositories of learning. That's because the students go in with a little, leave with none, and it all stays at the college. " Mark began to laugh. "I'm serious Mark. We didn't get a chance to do anything but figure it out as we went along. We did ok."

"Yes, yes you did millionaire." Jamie laughed. "It's unbelievable. Besides opening up a park in Cora's memory, I don't know what else I'll be doing, but let's look for apartments. Take me shopping. Take me grocery shopping later. And let's be back here by 3. Jack told me the two of you usually have an hour or so before you have to head downtown..." He cracked a feline grin. "you wanna leave me in the house alone with your fiance? I hope he told you: I'm the one who introduced him to bondage." Mark shook his head. "THAT part he left out." Jamie made a wry face. "He also never told me how sensitive his nips were," and Mark blushed. "I think I'm the one who taught him."

Jamie got serious. "you taught him a lot of things Mark. Like not to put up with being abused." Mark put down his head. "I'm not proud of that, Jamie." "You shouldn't be. In fact, after I tell you a story, you should feel lucky to be alive, let alone that he let you back in his life." "You know, he told me how you hit him, and how he laid there, shocked and hurt. You got away easy. About a year later, Jack and I were out at a bar, near where we were living. No one ever gave Jack trouble , but me? HA! All the time. One day, someone called me a 'fucking little fag boy.' Jack heard. Well, the guy spent three months in the hospital, Jack beat him so badly. Jack did go to jail for two days before Cora bailed him out. She told him if he did it again... she'd bail him out again." Mark looked up. "She was a VERY good woman." Jamie got teary as he told him "yes, yes she was. I don't know if she knew she had a gay son, but she adopted two more. But that's besides the point Mark. My point is: Jack could very well have waited until you came back, and beat the bloody crap out of you. Have you ever considered that?"

There was a silent pause "No, Jamie. I haven't. " Jamie stared at him. "you know, maybe you should. When he told me he was back with you, I was skeptical - very skeptical, and to be honest, I'm still a little. But Cora told us that when you start questioning what your heart tells you, then you may as well stop living. Jack's not anywhere near stopping living. He doesn't question his heart. Sometimes I think he should."

Mark's voice dropped. "Jamie, do you think he should break up with me?" Jamie shook his head no. "He CLEARLY wants you. I think - and he may have told you this - the part of you that appeals to him, is that you never seemed to care that he didn't have the education you did, and you never seemed afraid to go after what you wanted with him. You didn't take no for an answer. Jack respects bravery. And balls. And you were brave and ballsy. And it got you one of the finest men on the face of this earth. " He paused. "I'm no philosopher and I'll stop. I want to go and shop. I want to get a present for Jack. And I want us both to be back here when he's done with work, because the three of us, we only get a little time with him, and you know...." He smiled a wicked grin and Mark joined him. "I sure do."


Jack had been right about thinking that the back up from the weekend was going to be especially huge this Monday. It was. Now, he wished he had taken Jamie up on his offer. Jack's approach to getting the most out of his team, was simply to work the hardest. If they saw him work, they'd either catch on, or he'd find some reason to get rid of them. There were reasons his building was considered one of the best run in the city. In addition to the Monday recycling, there were three requests for someone to check leaks in their apartments, a few fuses to be changed, and a move in. Someone had rented an apartment that had been vacant for six months. That meant the service elevator was going to be occupied, and that his crew was going to be using the stairs for most of their work. They were all pretty played out when their early lunch break came. Jack buzzed up to Rafe "Rafe man, you've got my card info there, right? How about ordering in something for the crew. Something nice. NAH. Not pizza. See if that Italian place with deliver the eggplant parm. Not the heroes. The full dinner." He did that for his crew when they worked particularly hard, like today, and then he had his lunch with them. As they were eating, one of the guys asked "So Chief, you're gonna be a married man soon?" Jack blushed "Well, Victor, it looks that way. I haven't been asked, but I've got the ring." He held it out." Victor looked at it. "Oh, Boss, you know that material? Well, that's very old. You can't get that anymore. " "You can't?" Jack was interested. "No, no. That's an alloy they used on the street cars back in the early days. I didn't know there was any of it left. I bet your fiance' doesn't have the same ring. It's VERY rare." "Like him" Jack thought. "Thanks Victor. I'm gonna look it up." "One other thing Chief: you know, you said you weren't asked. Well, is there a law that says you can't?" "Hmmm." Jack's mind started working. What law said that Mark had to ask? The law that he was the Top? Well, he could say NO. Food for thought, as he plowed through his lunch. "OK, guys, nice to get some good food, but let's get back to this crap."

By 1:45, things were beginning to get finished. They were all filthy. "thirty more minutes guys and we got this. " While Jack was washing his hands, he checked his phone. There was a text from Jamie. "We're in a cab. Too many packages to carry home. See you soon." There was also a text from Mark. "Send me a snap you sexy man. Clean, dirty, whatever. You're gonna remember me tonight after I go to rehearsal." THAT got Jack's attention, on several fronts. He excused himself, went to the basement bathroom, and took a selfie with his shirt opened. "They're waiting for you Sir." In the cab, Mark smiled. That shot got HIS attention.

Mark and Jamie had gone from store to store, getting clothes for Jamie. Mark had a good eye, and Jamie's sinewy body was a natural for the clothes he favored. The had at least ten outfits, before Mark suggested "we should get something for Jack. Actually , we should get TWO somethings for Jack. Something he would like, and .... his eyes twinkled. "something WE would like."

"Mark, I like the way you think. Now, what do you get for a man who has simple tastes, but won't indulge them?" They wandered around, and then Jamie saw it. 'WAIT.. I think I have an idea. Doesn't he almost always wear a baseball cap?" "Well, yeah, still does. I love how his curls come out through the bottom." "Well...." Jamie pulled Mark over to a kiosk that did printing. "Do you have baseball caps?" "Oh yes, we do, Sir. In several colors." The sales girl showed him one in dark blue, one in dark red, and one in black. He turned to Mark. "How about one of each, with "He's mine" on them?

"Jamie, it's BRILLIANT. I love it. I think he told you that we went to a ball game last week, and when I saw him in that cap... OH God. I wanted to fuck him in the seat. Right there."

"Now wait, though. Are we getting this for him, or for you?" "Fair point." Jamie smiled. "We'll get him something else too, but we have to get this ." Thirty minutes later, they left with the three caps . Mark was grinning "Jamie, I'm getting hot thinking about them." Jamie stopped. "Let's go back. " In another thirty minutes, they had three more, for Mark. The each said "He's mine" too.

Their shopping continued. Finding things for Jack was much harder than they thought, then Mark saw something. WAIT... WAIT.. In that CD store..." They went in. "Jamie, did Jack ever sing to you?" "OH yeah, all the time. I was scared almost every day, and I couldn't sleep. He'd sing me to sleep. ' "What did he sing you?" "Well, he sang a lot of things, mostly in German, but the one I loved the most, was that one about the Mockingbird. You know "hush little baby don't you cry..." "And then" Jamie smiled at the memory. One day, he told me we should sing together. We did that song by Elton John and Kiki Dee. We'd alternate. One night he'd be Elton, the next night, Kiki. "Let's go get him some CDs."

Our intrepid shoppers came out with another purchase. Now.... Mark smiled. "Let's go see what the pleasure store has." Mark new the proprietor. They shook hands, and Mark explained "So, you have anything to drive a sub with sensitive nips crazy?" "Hmmm. You already have clamps." "I do. Something , well, more subtle. " He thought for a minute. "AH. I think we just got something in that will serve you well." He brought out a set of what looked like two very fat eyebrows. "It's just velcro, but it's cut so that you can attach it at the level of the nip, inside a shirt, OR, right on the nip. That way, he'll itch like crazy, while you do other things. By the time you take them off, he'll be BEGGING you to play with them. " They looked at each other "PERFECT."

Jack had finished his day, and had washed and cleaned off by the time they got home. Rather than his usual grubby jeans and t shirt, he put on the very same outfit he had worn the first night he met Mark: the dark blue shirt, the white jeans. When they walked in, Jamie heard Mark mutter under his breath. "FUCK."

"GUYS. Welcome home. " Jack took them into his arms, hugging them both. Jamie's kiss was only slightly less chaste than the one he gave to Jack. He smiled. "I hope you're well fed, and rested. And I hope you can model and put your stuff away later Jamie, maybe after Mark's off to work."

"Well, yes, I can wait Jack. And we gotta go do some grocery shopping so I can make your dinner, but first..." he paused. Mark and I wanted to do something for you, so we got some presents.

"Presents? FOR ME? It's not Christmas." Mark smiled "Well, for me sweetie, every day with you is Christmas." Jack made a face. You trying to give me diabetes, Riley?" Mark looked at him. "You know, I'll make you a sentimental softie if I have to deny you cock for six months." Jamie interrupted. "And Jack, to be honest, having a place to crash as nice as this, and to see you again, it really IS Christmas. So, come on, sit down. Let's look at your gifts."

Jack opened the CD box first. "OH WOW . JAMIE. You remembered. We can do duets tonight. And... WOW. Great Baritone arias. I KNOW a lot of these. Now I can practice for when we go out Mark." He kissed them both.

"Now for the second one. Mark gave it to Jack. "It's actually for both of us. I'll show you my half after you open yours. Jack opened it. "BASEBALL CAPS. THANK YOU. I needed some. OH. Look what it says. " He turned it over, and then looked at Mark. "you mean it?, as he tried on the blue one. "I sure do," Mark opened the other half, and put on the red one. "OH BOY. We're gonna look so cute."

Then the final one. Jack opened it, and looked puzzled. "I'm not sure I get this." Mark smiled. "Well, Jamie knows more about fabric than I do, so he'll show you. Open up your shirt, Jack. "Ok...." Jack did, and Jamie attached the two strips. Now, button up your shirt again. Jack did. "OH FUCK. It feels like your fingers are on me Mark. I'm getting hard already .. OH SHIT. I can use them when you're away."

"And you can put them on without the shirt too. "No, I don't wanna do that Mark. I want your fingers there when you're around." He put down the last box. "Guys, I don't get gifts a lot. Yeah, at Christmas some of the residents are generous, but... " He broke off. "Can you excuse me, I need to wash my face."

Jamie looked at Mark. "We did good, Sir," and he gave him a high five. "Yeah, but now we only have a half hour. " Mark smiled. "Leave that to me. " Jack came out of the bathroom, and Mark looked at him. "You know Jack, you didn't do your morning chore today. "I know Sir. I'm sorry. " "Don't be sorry. DO IT NOW. With those strips on your shirt. " "Yes sir." Jamie reattached them, and Jack began to moan. "And I'm gonna take care of you big boy. Just like I used to. " The positioning was difficult, but soon, almost like a classic daisy chain, Jack was sucking Mark, and Jamie was sucking Jack. He was jerking himself with his free hand. Jack climaxed first. That velcro was doing its job. Mark would have been first, but Jack was becoming a more creative cocksucker every day. He edged Mark to the point where Mark was going crazy. He actually finished last. Jamie was so excited to be with these guys, he came really, really fast.

When it was all done, and Mark was getting ready to leave, Jack said "Hey Mark, can I just compare our rings?" "Well, sure.." Like Victor had suggested, they weren't the same. "Mark, someone told me about the construction of this ring today..." Mark cut him off. "tomorrow morning cub scout. I'll explain the choice. Now, I gotta get to the studio. " He smiled at Jamie. "Take care of my boy." "we're going shopping for food, and then having dinner. How much trouble could we get into?" Jamie smiled back. "Jack by himself? I'm not worried. With you. Oi vey." As he gave his lover a kiss, he said "don't forget. Karaoke this weekend. with Abby and her sister. And her sister's husband. You should meet him. He's a contractor. Jamie, you gotta come too. I will PAY to see the two of you do Elton and Kiki.

Jamie smiled "Maybe we will, maybe we won't," teased Jamie, but Jack was intrigued. "Wait Mark. Just two minutes. Gloria is married to a contractor? A real hands on guy?" "Oh, yeah, I only found out last week. I was talking to Abigail at rehearsal. She wanted to know why she didn't see you around more, and I gave her a quick story. Gloria's guy - his name is Connor by the way - he went through a lot of the same stuff with her opera company. Nice guy. REALLY nice guy. He does houses. Now I'm running late. I gotta go." He kissed Jack and kissed Jamie again. "See you later."

Jack turned to Jamie after Mark was gone. "This is going to be a good evening. If I'm going to be hanging out with some of these people, I'm going to need some support from guys like you and me." Jamie smiled. "you'll tell me on the way to the store, but let's get moving. I wanna eat, you wanna eat" He smiled. "And man sausage ain't gonna do it."

Next: Chapter 19

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