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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 25, 2023


For the one, and only time in their relationship, Mark woke up first the next morning. That alone concerned him. What concerned him more, was Jack's face. Mark had seen Jack sleeping often: he fell asleep almost immediately after going to bed while Mark would toss and turn. To say that Jack looked like an angel when he slept, was an understatement. There was always a look of happy satisfaction, a light smile, and a sweetness that made him look much younger. Not this Sunday morning. There was no smile, and his overall mien was one of someone troubled. The last straw for Mark, was the talking in his sleep, although talking was not the right word: it was almost like crying. "Mark... please.. don't go.." repeated over and over again. Mark didn't want to disturb what sleep Jack was getting, but he was really worried. "Hey, sweet babe. Wake up. Please. Wake up. It's Mark. I'm here. I'm not going."

Jack's eyes opened, like he had been given an electric shock. "OH. OH I FORGOT. I'M SORRY SIR." He pushed the blankets away and dived for Mark's cock with his mouth. It took all of Mark's strength to pull him back.

"JACK, JACK. No. Not today. NO. " Jack looked up at Mark. "Have I been doing it wrong?" Mark smiled. "Jack, I don't want to sound like a movie, but "Nobody does it better." He hugged him. "But today... today is not all about hot sex. At least not yet. We need to be presentable.

Mark went to make coffee while Jack showered. Jack's showers were always steaming but this one... the fog was coming into the living room. "SWEETPEA, DON'T COOK LOBSTER." Jack didn't pay any attention. He was in for a long time - MUCH longer than usual, while Jack put in a call to Abigail. She wasn't pleased about getting up that early. "Whoever the fuck this is, it better be good." "It's Mark Abigail. " "Oh , who cares? Go fuck your boyfriend. " "Abby, please, please pay attention. Laurie Maloney is in love with him. Not physically, but she treats him like her son. Get down here. If she wants to hear him sing, we're going.

She sighed "Ok, but you're paying for the cab." "Deal. Don't even put on your makeup." She paused. "That's for Jack, NOT for you, bitch" She hung up the phone, took a quick shower, fluffed out her hair, and got in the cab.

They met at Jack's apartment, and then Jack called Laurie "Mrs Maloney, it's Jack. " "JACK! You remembered!. Have you had something to eat? " Well, coffee." She laughed. "I KNEW they had you eating like an actor. Get up here. We'll chat, have some toast or something, and then, young man, you are going to sing for me."

The warm smell of baking bread came from her apartment as they went in. It was the biggest apartment in the building, and the piano was almost lost in the living room. Abigail saw the Tony awards. "Are those...." "Yes dear, they are. And after we've eaten, and had some music, I'll tell you which is which. I'll show you a scrapbook if you're interested, but you're all coming back. We have some work to do here today."

Mrs. Maloney took Jack over to the sidebar, to give him some eggs, and some toast. Mark and Abigail were talking "Why does he call her Mrs. Maloney?" she whispered to Mark. Laurie heard them. "An EXCELLENT question. Jack, tell them what you told me." He blushed, because he still had food in his mouth. "I work for Mrs. Maloney. I don't mind if my staff calls me Jack, but I'll use formals for my employers, thank you." Mark smiled at Abigail. "What can I tell you? Old school? He's beyond old school."

"And there's nothing wrong with that, Mark," said Laurie. "But I do wish you'd call me Laurie Jack. "I'll try Mrs Maloney," and he laughed. She did too. "Ok, now talk to me Jack. Your mom was a singer?" "Well, I don't know. She sang around the house, and sometimes she sang in our school shows, but she wasn't a professional or anything." "And she spoke German?" I think so ma'am. She had some relatives in town and they would speak a language I didn't understand, so I guess it was German." "And what about your father, Jack." Jack bit his lip, he was trying not to cry. "I think he was American. He wasn't around much. He drove a truck. When he was in town, we hung out, and he taught me a lot about engines, and stuff like that. He loved my mom something awful, but they fought a lot. Especially about me. She wanted me to go to school and he didn't think it was important." He paused. "He died when I was 15. He had lung cancer." Mrs Maloney took his hand. "Oh, Jack. I'm so sorry." "Thank you ma'am. My mom taught me some songs to help me grieve. I won't sing them anymore."

"Well, Jack, will you sing for me now?" "Well, I'll try. What do you want me to sing?" She smiled. "Let's start with this one, if you know it." She sat down at the piano and played a few notes. Jack smiled. "OH YEAH. That's the cute one about the fish swimming in the brook. He took a breath, like his mom taught him, and the Schubert poured out in a rich baritone.

Mark turned to Abigail. "THAT's my fiance? The boiler repair guy who drinks beer and eats Oreos? " Abigail hushed him. "I could drown in that voice."

Laura smiled. "Jack, that was BEAUTIFUL. Now, how about this one?" She began playing another piece. "NO MRS MALONEY NO. That one is too sad. That's about that mean guy on the horse who steals the kid. NO NO. I can't sing it."

"Yes, Jack, you're right. Bad choice for today. So tell me, do you have a favorite one." Jack thought for a minute. "Well, yeah, I do. My mom taught it to me in German and English. I think she said it was from an opera called "Dead City." "Yes, Jack, I know that one, by a man even younger than you." She said the title was "Dance song," but I couldn't imagine someone dancing to it. She laughed. "I agree Jack. Do you want to do it in German or English. ? "I think I know it better in English Mrs. Maloney." Well, let's begin.

Abigail turned to Mark. "I know this one. It's going to rip out your heart."

Laurie began playing and Jack began. The first words "My yearning..." and then he continued. The next to last lines "And I learned how to kiss while I was crying," did it for both Mark and Abigail. "Oh geez, can I love him more," Mark thought. Abigail was thinking "he's a fucking heartbreaker. "

He took the final high note and floated it. Laurie smiled. "Jack, WHY haven't you pursued this? It's a GIFT." Jack smiled shyly. "Well, maybe I DO know a little German. I think my mom told me to be careful of gifts, because Gift means

"Poison," said Laurie. Yes, it does. "So I'm always careful when people say "gift," Mrs Maloney. And I never really wanted to sing for anything but pleasure. I sing sometimes when I'm in the basement by myself, but never in front of people. "

"I think that may be something we have to convince you to change Jack. But for now, ok. I think though, that you and I are going to become hamburger buddies and concert buddies. I think you need to hear more music."

"She's right Jack," said Abigail. "Look, our rehearsal schedule is going to get very busy, and even though Mark is moving in, he's going to be away a lot - downtown, not really away'" she added when she saw Jack's look of horror . "I'm jealous of the two of you. Music and hamburgers. " "And beer" Laurie added. "That's another thing Jack, whatever you do here, is up to you, but in the concert hall, and at the burger joint, I INSIST. I'm Laurie.

"I'll try ma'am. I really will. But I'm slow. It may take a little time. " Mark looked at Abigail. "SLOW" is the "LAST" word I'd use to describe him. My fiance' may be the smartest man I ever met.

"He IS the smartest man I ever met," Abigail added. "including you." Laurie stood up from her piano. "I am SO glad you kids came over today. I think we had a wonderful morning. But momma has to begin to get ready for a very dreary fund raiser, so I'm going to excuse you. "Let me help you clean up Mrs Maloney" Jack rushed to the side board. "Jack Robson, you will do no such thing. You are spending the rest of the day with your fiance', whom I'm going to speak to for about ten minutes alone. " She kissed Jack, hugged Abigail and sent them on. "The two of you, gone. for now. " Abigail looked longingly at the place. "Yes, Abby, you'll be back. Just not today."

The two of them left, and Laurie turned to Mark. "Let me ask you something Mark. You have a precious jewel there, do you know that?"

"I do ma'am. Unpolished, but a gem." She frowned. "Perhaps not polished in the way you'd like, but polished nonetheless." She paused. "How much do you know about what he likes, besides you and sex?" Mark blushed . "Well, I know he likes hamburgers, and he likes oreos." She giggled. "I suppose relationships HAVE been built on less than that, but do you want one like that?" Jack paused. "I didn't think about it ma'am, but when you put it that way, NO."

"Ok, so this is what you need to do, Mark. Before you head down to pack up, and in the days to come, check with his friends - the doormen, the porters. Get Jamie's facetime address, and talk. " She paused. "Mark, he went to your BACKER's party. A BACKER'S PARTY. In my view, that's worth at least ten gladiator movies, or football games, or something. " He paused. She took his hand. "You know, Mark, I hope that it doesn't happen. He loves you so much it isn't funny. But you could lose him if you don't pay more attention to what he likes outside of the bedroom."

Mark thought about this wise woman's message. "Thank you ma'am. Thank you so much. Yes, I have to think about this. NOT to decide whether to do it or not - I'm all in on that - but what does he like." He came and hugged her. "You are so supportive of us. GOD I wish I had met you sooner." She looked at him and smiled. "You are going to see a lot more of me Mark Riley. Whether you like it or not.


There was a text on Mark's phone. "A little bit overwhelmed by everything. Going for a walk, a long one. Doorman has the keys and everything you need if you get back before me. Love you."

Every time he saw something about how , well, "clean" Jack was, Mark felt his heart open a little more. He had an idea for something that he thought Jack would love. Laurie was right: when he thought about what they had done since that first night, it WAS all about him. Jack had soldiered on, through that backer's fiasco , and so much else. Mark hadn't asked him, once, about what he liked or wanted to do. THAT was going to change.

After he left Mrs. Maloney's apartment, Jack sat for a few minutes. The last month or so had been, well, crazy. Mark coming back for him, Jamie's news, Felix, and now this music thing. He was a simple guy. He needed to go out and clear his head. The weather was getting a bit chilly, so he changed to a warmer shirt, put on his favorite baseball jacket, a cap, and headed out. He left information with the front desk in case Mark got back with his stuff before he did, and started walking to Central Park.

The music had brought back memories of his mother, his father, and his whole childhood. He knew that he was , well, "different" when he used to watch those television shows. Mostly, older ones: he couldn't watch "Wild Wild West" without getting excited. "I wish that were me," he'd think, every time Robert Conrad got into some bondage predicament, and he always regretted when he got out of it. Those thoughts made him smile now. Every time Mark restrained him, he felt a little like he was back in one of those shows - except there was more. A guy like Mark had to meet guys who were into this kind of thing, all the time. But he came looking for Jack. And he wouldn't take no for an answer. Jack had to admit: the absolute refusal to go away, had gotten him as excited as the nip play - and the nip play got him pretty excited. Mark was difficult - and his male friends very much seemed to be worse. Jack wasn't quite sure how he was going to deal with that, but he'd take it apart like a carburetor, and figure it out. Mark had gotten into his heart, the way only one other person - Jamie - had.

He looked at his watch. He had been walking for 2 hours, and he was way uptown. It was getting colder. He figured he could walk for another hour or so, to get back home. He snickered, because he knew Mark would tell him to get a cab. He pulled out his phone. There was a text from Mark. "I love you. I loved you before you knew you could sing, and I love you now. I can't wait to live with you. " It was followed by three hearts. Jack texted back "are you back yet?" He got no answer. Maybe it was time to catch that cab.

When he got back to the building, Felix was covering for the evening shift. "Hey Feel. How's it going?" "It's good Mister Jack. Hey, lemme show you a picture." He pulled out his phone and showed Jack a handsome, dark skinned man. Jack smiled "your boyfriend?" Felix smiled "It's been two weeks. I think I'm in love." Jack smiled. "Yeah, when it happens,it happens fast and hard Feel. Trust me. Hey, has Jack come back yet?" "Oh, I don't know Mister Jack. I only came on shift twenty minutes ago, so if he got here before me, I dunno." "Ok, Feel, thanks. You know, he's gonna be living here from now on." Felix smiled. "Hard and fast, huh Boss?" He gave Jack the high five. "You deserve to be happy boss. Go for it."

Jack got to his apartment. He didn't know that Mark and Felix had a deal, and Mark was waiting for him, when he got in. He was standing in a doorway, smiling, his hands deep in his pockets.

"Welcome home," was all he said. Jack smiled as he walked over. "Same to you bud. Can I have a kiss." "You can have two . No. Make that three." Mark kissed his lips and each of his eyes. "You're cold. How long were you out?" "About 3 hours." Mark laughed "come to any big decisions?" "Only that I love you, and I hope we're gonna celebrate you moving in tonight, with something hot." Mark smiled. "Well, those are big decisions. " He paused. "Hey, I bought you something today." "You bought something for ME?" "Yeah, I did. It's small, but..." Mark reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope. Jack opened it, and Mark smiled broadly as he saw Jack's face.

"YANKEE TICKETS? BOX SEATS? SATURDAY AFTERNOON? MARK, HOW DID YOU PULL THIS OFF?" "Let's just say that I have a past with a ticket agent, and I decided to, well, call in a favor."

"Mark, I, I, don't know what to say. " "Well,how about 'Mark, will you come with me to the game'? "But Mark, you HATE baseball." Mark came over and collected Jack in his arms. "And you hate pretentious people who make fun of you. But you did it for me. I think I can watch athletic men bend over for 3 or 4 hours for you." Jack was tearing up again. "If I catch you staring at any asses but mine."

Mark held him tighter. "Speaking of that... I like how those jeans fit on you. Now, about the celebrating..." Jack looked at him. "I still have to take care of my morning chore." "Yes, yes you do. But I think you're gonna have to do it twice tomorrow, because I need that piece filled tonight, because... well.." He spun Jack around, and pinned his arms behind him. He whispered. "a heavy shirt is not gonna save those nips." He slid his hand inside the shirt, and got Jack's left nip before Jack could do much struggling against his grip. All of Jack's strength went out of him. "OH GOD. OH GOD that feels so good. " "MMMM HMMMM." Mark moved his tongue to Jack's ear, and ran it along the outside. "You can resist if you want, but you'll give up. " "Oh fuck. Oh fuck.." Mark continued to play his nip. "Please. Please put me on the bed. Please top me Mark. Please. Please FUCK ME. I've wanted it all day. "

In the bedroom, Jack saw that Mark had brought the restraints from his hotel room, and had attached them to the bed. "No more makeshift superstud... Now.. " he kissed Jack. "The real thing, for the real thing. "YOU" . He attached restraints to Jack's wrists, and then slipped out of his shirt. He opened Jack's and began kissing his torso, starting at his nips, working down to where his jeans met his lower abdomen. Then he worked up again, licking, as Jack whimpered. "You never did this before. I like it." Jack took his mouth, french kissing deeply, before he went back to Jack's ears. "OH GOD. I don't know how long I can wait Mark. PLEASE..."

"Ok, my pretty. My handsome, handsome man with a beautiful voice, and a more beautiful soul." He slide Jack's jeans off, and got his legs in the air. "You ready?" He teased Jack, holding his cock in his hand. "YES SIR. YES PLEASE. I WANT YOU IN ME. DEEP AND HARD." Mark smiled. "You don't want gentle?" "NO. NO. Not tonight. PLEASE I WANT YOU TO TREAT ME ROUGH." Mark smiled " rough it is super Jack", and he RAMMED his cock into Jack so hard, Jack yelped. Oh, I'm just beginning handsome". He pulled his cock back, took a breath and rammed Jack again. This time, he didn't pull out, he just impaled Jack while he squirmed. He held the save collar Jack hadn't ever taken off. " KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?" " It means I belong to you, Sir". That's right. ALL of you. " Yes Sir. Yes sir. OH. OH. I CANT HOLD IT SIR". Jack shot like a rocket. Some of it caught Mark in the face, "Oh shit. I'm sorry sir. I'm sorry. Let me clean it up, please? ". Jack laughed. " My super Jack Always needs to clean up. Not this time". He wiped the cum off his face and tasted it. "it's as sweet as my lover. And as spicy." He laid down on top of Jack and purred. " You know m if we didn't have a dinner engagement I'd keep you just like this"

" We have a dinner date Sir?" " We do. Someone is taking us out to celebrate our living together." As he untied Jack he nuzzled him before he whispered " thank you for letting me make my home with you". before he kissed him tenderly. The guys cleaned up, and then went downstairs. Ramon was working the night shift this evening. "Hey Mr. Mark. You moved in, yes? " "Yes Ramon, I did. " "Well, you know, just because Boss Jack doesn't bring me coffee every day doesn't mean you shouldn't." He grinned, as the elevator opened, and out walked Laurie Maloney, more casually dressed than they had ever seen her. "Well, well, gents. Don't let me separate you, but I'm NOT giving up this opportunity to have a handsome man on each of my arms. " Jack blushed, and Mark laughed "Well thank you ... Laurie" (it almost seemed to pain Jack to say that). It's very kind of you to take us to dinner. I just hope I'm not going to embarrass you at the places you like." Laurie laughed. "Jack, I should have told you. This is the first meeting of the weekly burger club. We're going out for burgers." Jack grinned "REALLY? You mean it?" There was a big smile on Laurie's face. "Now Jack, everyone says you're the most honest person they've ever met. I may be number 2. I am not fooling you." She pulled them both close. "Mark, Abigail told me that you're not one for a lot of red meat." Mark laughed "She probably didn't put it quite that delicately." "Well, no , she didn't?" And Jack laughed. "Rest assured you'll be able to eat whatever you like here." She had them stop in front of a restaurant that was closed. Jack knew it. It was a very exclusive, very fancy French restaurant.

"HERE? You ARE fooling me, aren't you Laurie," and her tinkly laugh started again. "No, I'm not. You'll see." She pressed buttons on an intercom, and they heard French. Laurie answered in French and the door buzzed open.

"You speak French?" Mark asked "Oh, mais oui. All those years of finishing school, but I'm not sure what they finished. Anyway , this place becomes a private eating club on Sunday. Marcel only invites people he likes, and there is no menu. " They entered, and to Jack's surprise, no one was "gussied up" as he would call it. He could smell familiar food: macaroni and cheese, fried chicken, and hamburgers. " A waiter smiled and brought them to a table. He spoke to Laurie in French, and it went back and forth for a bit." Then she turned to the guys. "I told him that you and I, Jack, would like cheeseburgers and fries. Mark, you may order anything you like. Jacques will tell you what they have if you want to know. "Well, that's ok. A cheeseburger sounds really good to me too." And then Laurie smiled. "Jack, I know you like your beer, but just try a little red wine tonight. You've had a tough week, and wine is very restorative." Mark smiled. "Drink a lot of it. If you get drunk I can take advantage of you." Laurie smacked him. "YOU NAUGHTY BOY. " Then she added. "But I'd do the same thing." Jack blushed beet red through this all.

Their food came, and Jack was trying, very hard, not to wolf things down. He WAS hungry. He couldn't remember if he had eaten after Laurie's apartment that morning, and that long walk , and then sex with Mark, had worn him out. He marveled at the small bites Laurie took and the way Mark cut his burger up with a knife and fork. "OH MY. HOW FANCY we are" Laurie teased him. "You eat burgers like this." She picked it up, and bit into it. The juices ran all over her hands, and she just licked them up. Jack was more than a bit surprised. She looked at him "Jack, when we're alone, we'll talk. You'll find that you and I have a LOT more in common than you might think."

She ordered cream puffs for dessert. During the burgers, and dessert, Mark had managed to knock Jack's shoe off under the table, and he was running his toe up and down Jack's sole, while Jack tried desperately not to giggle at the table. Every now and then Mark gave him a look like "I GOT ya."

When they finished eating, Marcel, the owner, came out to give Laurie a kiss. "He's HANDSOME" thought Jack "but not as handsome as my Mark." As they walked back, arm in arm, Laurie asked a question. "SO, Jack, I was talking to Abigail and Gloria, and we three chicks were wondering: Gloria told her voice teacher about you, and he was wondering if he could come up and hear you sing. Would you be interested.?"

"Oh, Laurie, I don't know. I sing for my own pleasure, and I don't want people to make a fuss about it. " Mark looked at him "Oh, come on Jack. It'll be fun. Maybe we can ask Gloria to sing a duet with you." Jack's face brightened. "Now THAT'S something I could get into. Laurie, if we can sing together, I'll do it, for sure."

"GOOD. I'll call the ladies tomorrow. I will let you boys know, since I know where to find you." She kissed them both in the elevator. "Good night, sweet boys, enjoy your time with each other." They got off on a lower floor, and on the way up, she said, to no one in particular "Rory, it's like kissing you again. I miss you love"

When they got back to the apartment, Mark smiled at Jack. "So, you still have to tell me about those fantasies handsome." "I know. Maybe not tonight, Mark. They get a little involved. " "Well, tell me one. We won't do it. I have something else in mind, but I'd like to know."

"Well... ," and Mark could see Jack blush. "I've always had this fantasy that I'm the cable repair guy, and I get fooled into coming to the apartment of a guy who wants me. He grabs me, ties me up, gags me, plays with me until I give in, and then he fucks me. Over and over." Mark growled. "Hell yeah, I could get into that. But now, I wanna know something much simpler. Jack, would you tell me ONE THING that I do to you that is your favorite."

Jack looked down. "I like just about everything you do to me Mark, except maybe when you play with my feet." Mark grinned and blushed. "But... and you only did it recently. When you put your hands on my shoulders and just rubbed them gently, oh boy. I felt like I was going to melt. And I kept on waiting to hear you whisper 'put your hands behind your back. Now,' and then tie me up, and play with my nips until I gave in, and then keep on playing. "

Mark could feel his cock growing. "All of that, over rubbing your shoulders?" "Well, Mark, the shoulder rubbing would be more than enough. You made me feel like I was safe. I don't feel that much . The rest of it was all gravy, but I like sex. You know that."

"I do. How about you just sit in the chair? Let me take a crack at your shoulders, we'll see how it goes?"

"DAMN. I'm getting everything I want tonight. I wonder what bad is gonna happen tomorrow?" That comment shook Mark. "Having something good doesn't mean something bad, Jack." Jack was quiet. "For another time Mark. Can you rub my shoulders"

"Sure sweetcakes." Mark dug his hands in,and he could feel Jack relaxing. "WHAT had this boy gone through? Good is always followed by bad? Who did he have to kill to fix this. "

"OH MARK. That feels SO good. Can you just hug me from behind for a minute? Just a minute?" Mark felt such tenderness for this sweet man. He wondered why he had ever wanted to hurt him." He leaned his head on Jack's shoulder "I could hold you forever, love." Jack purred. "Well, then you couldn't tie my hands behind me if you wanted to."

Mark smiled. "In the middle of his bliss, he's thinking about me. Am I lucky , or what?" "I want to." He grabbed Jack's wrists, and pulled a necktie from the recent events that Jack had left on the table. He had Jack bound up in a second. "If you don't let me go, I'm gonna SCREAM" Jack gave a prompt, and Mark covered his mouth with his hand. "Now you're not gonna scream big guy are ya?" Jack struggled in the chair while Mark worked on his nipples. Slowly he stopped struggling and shook his head no. " I didn't think so. Instead, you're gonna do what you're here for handsome." Mark pulled down his zipper. SUCK ME. SUCK ME NOW, HANDSOME." "Yes sir," Jack answered, taking Mark's cock in his mouth. He LOVED the taste of Mark's cock, and he worked it, slowly than quickly, bringing Mark to moaning pretty quickly. "OH DAMN. I thought I was gonna fuck you tonight Jack, but, but....." Jack grinned and took his mouth off Mark's cock. "There's still time, stud." "NO. THERE's NOT.. " and he shot all over Jack's shirt. "OH FUCK. I'm sorry Jack. " Jack laughed. "Nah, nah, it's ok. After work tomorrow, I've got laundry to do. Won't take more'n a minute to get it cleaned. "

Mark untied his lover. He pulled him out of the chair and hugged him tight. "I wish I were strong enough to just carry you to the bedroom Jack." Jack laughed. "Well, start working out top man. For now, though." Jack lifted Mark in the air. As Mark laughed, Jack carried HIM to the bedroom. He fell backward so Mark would be on top. "This is one of my favorite positions in the world." "Mine too, answered Mark, as he ran his tongue along Jack's neck. "I'll massage your shoulders every day, Jack. Bondage optional. " "I hit the jackpot," Jack said, just before he fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 15

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