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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 24, 2023


Jack had never been a heavy sleeper, and the excitement of the night kept on waking him. And every time he wakened, Jack looked at the silver band on his finger. "I'm engaged." He thought. "I'm going to get married. I'm going to have a husband." He had to keep repeating it to himself, because he didn't quite believe it. "Yes, you are. Yes you are. And yes you are." He heard Mark's sleepy voice, as Mark readjusted his hand on Jack's nip.

"Oh, I'm sorry Sir. I didn't even know I was speaking out loud. "

"I liked what you were saying. But now, you have to stop talking and do your morning job. "

"Yes, sir. You're right." Jack pushed the blankets off, and moved his head down to Mark's erect cock. He slide his mouth expertly up and down over it. Now Mark was the one moaning. Jack slid his tongue around the base of Mark's cock head. He licked the top of the head, and he moved his tongue down to his balls.

"No, super super. Get it all in your mouth. ALL of it." "Yes Sir." Jack answered. He slid back down, taking every bit of it - something he couldn't do when he was younger. When Mark began to buck his hips, he started to pull his head away, but Mark pushed it back down. "NO WAY sweetheart. You're starting breakfast with a protein shake. OH SHIT...." Mark exploded in Jack's mouth, and Jack took every bit. His eyes smiled as he did, and Mark saw his lover's hard cock.

"Straddle me. Jerk on me. Cover me with your super jizz." Jack smiled. He had done this to Jamie, but never to Mark. When he started, he decided "what the hell," and moved his free hand up to Mark's nipples. Mark gave him a look, but when Jack squeezed it, his head fell back. "OH FUCK. You had a good teacher." Jack didn't make a lot of noise when he came: too much training as a building super. But cum he did. Lots of it. All over Mark. When he was finished, Mark held him, hugging him. "OH damn, stud. You give a good blowjob." He pulled Jack's hair lightly. "Now, why did you tweak my nip?" Jack smiled. "Just wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine Sir. I won't do it again." Mark looked at him. "You are NOT a good poker player Jack Robson. I KNOW you're gonna try to do it again, and if I have to tie you up every night to stop you from doing it." Jack smiled. "I'm STILL gonna get ya once in a while Mark Riley" Mark sighed. "Serves me right for wanting a man who can beat the crap out of me." He ran his hand through Jack's hair. "Know what I want to know, sweetcakes? I wanna know what you won't do. And you know, we've only done two of your fantasies. I wanna know the rest."

Jack took a big sigh. "Well, I think you probably won't mind MOST of them. I don't wanna do things that use blood or piss. Or shit. And I don't wanna get fisted. Ever. I saw a video of it once and it made me vomit. Just not me. No cutting either. No choking. " He smiled. "but I guess, for the rest, I'm game."

Mark was thinking "Hmmm. I DID want to think about fisting this man, but .. ok," He kissed Jack. "Should I write them into our vows?" Jack laughed. "NO, you'll promise NOW not to ever ask for them." Mark laughed "Ok, that's fair. I won't ask you to do any of that. And if there's something you forgot, well... just tell me. " He sighed. "Does it bother you that you're probably never gonna top a man again." Jack paused. "You know, I don't know the answer Sir. If keeping you means I'm on the bottom all the time, I'm ok with that, because I . JUST. LOVE what you do to me. " He smiled. "Now, of course, if you ever told me to fuck someone while you fucked me, well, as the bottom, what could I do but say yes?" Mark looked at him. "Is that one of your fantasies Jack?" Jack smiled. "No, but I KNOW it's one of yours." Mark blushed. "Abigail is an easy drunk, Mark. You shouldn't tell her so much." He laughed. "Ok, we only did two of your fantasies. What are the others?

"Well, Sir. We actually did 3 of them." "How come I only remember two?" And Jack reached up and kissed him. "Because one of them was having a man collar me and marry me." Mark held him tighter. "Oh, you sweet man. I think you're still entitled to 3 though." Jack smiled. "How about I save them? I'll tell you as we go on. BUT.... " He climbed on top of Mark and pinned him down, stunning Mark. "Remember when you promised to undress me, piece by piece, when I got dolled up for your party?" "You bet I do" said Mark . "Well, that wasn't one of mine, but I'll be damned if you're gonna get away with not doing it. I almost kept the suit on when I came home that night, but it's easier to grip tits through a t shirt than a dress shirt.

"YOU HAVE ONE DIRTY FILTHY MIND AND I LOVE IT." Mark laughed, and twisted out of Jack's grip. Now he was on top. He was pretending to hump Jack when the phone rang.

"You know I don't wanna let you go," Mark said. Jack nodded "and you know I don't want you to. But that's the private line. Someone on staff is ringing.

"Hello there," he said, after Mark finally let him up. He was holding the phone with one hand, trying to bat Mark's hand away from his nips with his other one. "Boss Jack. I'm sorry to bother you. It's Ramon." "Hey Ramon. What's up?" "Well, it's not Felix' day on, but he's here in the lobby. He said he really needs to talk to you. It's important. " Jack sighed. Ramon heard it "I'm sorry Boss. I know you have company, but Felix said he really wants to talk to the both of you."

"The BOTH of us?" He turned to Mark. "Hmmm, wonder what that's about. Ok, ask him to give me 15 minutes to... brush my teeth." He looked at Mark "and to put some decent clothes on. I'll ring down again."

Mark looked at him. "What's up?" "I wish I knew. Felix is here. He actually wants you to be here when he talks to me. "

They got as clean as they could in 10 minutes, and threw on some clothes. Jack buzzed down and Mark went to make coffee. Felix buzzed the door. Jack wasn't used to seeing him cleaned up, or out of uniform. He was a cute kid. "Boss, I'm really sorry for interrupting your weekend." He looked behind Jack. "HEY MR. MARK. You studying your Spanish?" "Come on in, Felix. Let's have some coffee. But I don't have sugar in the house. " (Jack drank his black, and Mark took milk but no sugar). "it's ok Boss, I always carry my own." Jack and Mark were silent as this skinny young man emptied about 8 packs of sugar into his coffee.

"Boss, you know that Mrs. Maloney is tutoring me for my GREs, don't you?" "Sure Felix. I was there when she offered. How is that going?" "Well, boss, she's a really good teacher. She's not strict, but I'm learning." "Ok, so is there a problem." "There kinda is boss. Last week she asked me if I'd stay the night with her." Jack looked at Mark and he looked back. Mrs. Maloney, a cougar? Well, ok. " Well, Felix, you know the building has a rule against that kind of thing."

"Oh, I know boss, I know. And she's a very nice lady, but... " Jack figured it out before Mark did. "Felix..., you like guys, not women."

"EXACTLY BOSS. And I'm afraid that if I tell her, well, she'll hate me." Mark looked at him. "Felix, what you just did was very brave. Let me ask you. Do you have a boyfriend?" "Oh, no Mister Mark. I've been too busy wit h school, and work and everything." Mark put his hand on Jack's shoulder. "Sounds like someone I know very well." Jack elbowed him. He turned to Felix. "Know what Fel? I'll talk to Mrs. Maloney . She's always been a very nice lady, and IF you were interested, I might have just looked the other way. But you're right. You can't do that to yourself or to her."

"You'll talk to her? I don't have to worry about my job?" Jack looked perplexed. "Why would you? " "Oh, I dunno. I guess some of the guys said..." Jack stopped him. "Do me a favor. Don't tell me what the guys said. I've heard it all. It still hurts." Mark put his hand back on Jack's shoulder. "I'll call a team meeting on Monday. We'll talk this out. And Felix, if things get uncomfortable for you, I'd hate to lose you, but, we'll find you another job."

Felix got sad "Did I say something wrong Fel?" "Well no boss. It's just that...., when the story about you came out, I asked to be assigned here as soon as a job opened. I thought that I could learn how to be a GAY super rather than just a super."

Jack thought he was going to cry. HE was a role model for someone?" "Felix, I don't know what to say. Then we'll do this another way.

We'll still have that meeting, but what I say, will be different. " Mark told a white lie "you know Felix, Jack talks about you. He says you're the best junior porter he's ever had." Felix smiled. "REALLY? You mean it." Mark smiled. "He does. " Then he paused. "Now, have you ever known Boss Jack to tell a lie?" "No Mister Mark NEVER." "Ok, then you scoot outta here, and know it'll get taken care of. Go study, or cruise, or do something a 24 year old should be doing on Saturday. And Felix..." "Yes Mr. Mark?" Tell me where you got your shoes. I love them. " Felix smiled. "OH WOW. Thank you. Boss Jack never noticed them. I began to wonder if he really was gay. " Mark smiled. "Trust me, Felix. He's really gay."

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That afternoon, Jack put on some more presentable clothes, washed his face, and made a call to Mrs. Maloney. She answered the phone with her usual, beautiful voice. "Mrs. Malone, it's super Jack."

"OH, Super Jack. What a pleasant surprise - I think. Is the bathtub leaking or anything like that? "

"No no, Mrs. Maloney, nothing like that. But I was wondering if I could stop by and discuss something with you for about 10 minutes? It's about Felix."

"OH heavens! Is he ok? " "Yes Mrs. Maloney, he's fine." "Oh, thank Goodness. One never knows these days. But yes, of course. Why not come up now. I've just made some tea. Please join me."

Jack really did not care for hot tea, but Mrs. Maloney was such a treasure, he drank it with her. Mark was still there, admiring Jack's ass in his chinos. "You know super Jack, if you're going to wear tight polo shirts, I may either have to put a band on your right arm, or tie you up, or fuck you, or all three."

Jack blushed. "I understand the last two, but a band on my right arm?" Mark smiled. "Dear husband to be. At some point, you and I are going to read Candide together. It's short, don't worry. For now, let me just say: in the communities we love, the top man puts a band on his left arm, the bottom puts it on his right. " "So no one is confused?" "Yes darling. And with you, if you don't put that band on, a LOT of men are going to be confused." Jack blushed. "You think I look like I could be a top man?" Mark huffed. "Jack. Do you know how many of my actor friends INSISTED that I couldn't be dating you because you were a top, and I was a top." Jack came over and kissed him. "Well, you never know. Maybe one of these days I'll flip you." Mark smiled. "Think about that stud. You wanna give up me putting my cock in your ass?" "True. Good point. Maybe not. Let me go see Mrs. Maloney. I'll be back soon.

Up on the 15th floor, Mrs Maloney let him in. "JACK. You look absolutely RADIANT. What is this about?" Then she noticed his hand. "JACK YOU GOT ENGAGED TO THAT MAN? OH HEAVENS. CONGRATULATIONS." She hugged him. "I want to hear the WHOLE STORY. And now, I INSIST that I be invited to the wedding." Jack was blushing and laughing at the same time. "Well, Mrs. Maloney, we have to set the date and a lot of other things first, but of course, you're going to be invited. " "Jack. NO ONE deserves this more than you. Did you tell me he was an actor." "An actor, a writer and a director, ma'am. " "She sighed. "Oh dear. I'm here if you need me. I told you , actors...." she pointed to a shelf with four statues on it. "do you know what those are?" "No ma'am, I'm afraid I don't. " "Tell your man that my husband won four Tonys. He'll tell you." I will ma'am. Do you mind if we sit down."

OH OF COURSE. Let me get the tea." She brought it out and poured. "Let me cut to the chase Jack.. I'm guilty. I asked Felix to spend the night with me. He's so adorable, and I've been SO lonely. I won't do it again." Jack found her honesty refreshing. "Well, thank you Mrs. Maloney, you made the first part of what I had to say easy. The second part, well, there's good news and bad news." "Oh dear Jack. I like good news first. " "Ok. Felix told me that he found you very attractive, and a wonderful teacher. "OH, isn't he sweet. And he's a good student too. We're reading Candide." Jack laughed. "Mark just told me we had to read it together. "OH YOU HAVE TO. You know, I like this Mark. You very much ARE a modern Candide Jack. You'll see. Now, what's the bad news?" "Well, it's not really BAD news Mrs. Maloney, it's that, well, Felix is gay, so..." Mrs. Maloney started laughing. She was laughing hard. "Mrs. Maloney, did I say something especially funny?" She caught herself, holding on to Jack's hand. "No, no, no. I'm laughing at myself because 'I sure can pick em. Jack, you wouldn't know this. My husband was gay."

'WHAT?' Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Maloney. Excuse my manners. " "Oh, no Jack, not at all. Rory was from the south, and, well, the pressure to fit in. It was just very hard. We DID have a marriage of convenience, I guess. I was never all that interested in sex, to be honest, but I was interested in theater and traveling. When Rory became well known, and he began to travel, I went to all the most wonderful parties, and places..." She paused. "Jack, your husband to be..., can you?" He smiled. "We talked about it Mrs. Maloney. I love him. I love him something awful. But I hate his friends. And I told him that. "GOOD FOR YOU JACK. I would HATE for the two of us to have to take them down, because I have LOTS of experience." He looked at her. "You went through it?" "OH JACK. You have to understand. Most of these actors have a very hard time thinking outside of their own navel. I lucked out with Rory. I assume, because you're so much smarter than so many people, that you did too. " She got up and hugged him. "Please tell Felix that if he needs me to help him find a husband, I am pretty good at that too. I will ignore that YOU never asked my help, but you did fine. And in the meantime, you look at your collective schedule, and the three of us are going to have dinner because..." and she waved her finger at him. "My super Jack is not going to get married unless and until MOMMA approves of it." She came over "Thank you for coming by Jack. Thank you for pretending to like tea, and CONGRATULATIONS YOU SWEET MAN."

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He got back to the apartment, and he saw that Mark had laid out some sex toys, and ropes, and a chair. Jack got hard right away. "SIT " Mark's voice came from behind him. "Sir, please, just a couple of minutes. Mrs. Maloney wanted me to ask you something. I think you may be interested.

"Ok.... this better be good, because I AM very interested in fucking the shit out of you right now, and I don't like to wait." "I understand Sir. I do. She told me to ask you to explain a Tony award to me." Mark laughed "A TONY award. Oh, Jack, that's a great honor. All of us want them, very few of us get them. There's a tv show every year, maybe some day we'll go. I'll get you to wear a tuxedo you sexy beast. You have to be nominated though. How did it come up?"

"Well, she had four of them on her shelves . Her husband was an actor and he..." "WAIT. Did you say her last name was Maloney?" "Well, yes, I did. " "Was she married to RORY Maloney?" I didn't know his first name before today, but yes. " Mark looked at him. "I am not just going to fuck the shit outta you, I am gonna TICKLE the shit outta you for not telling me that. You have no idea what a GREAT actor he was. We'll look for a movie he was in. "He did movies too?" "Yes, just a few but the ones I've seen. OH...."

"I'm sure she has the film, Sir. And she's invited us to dine with her. " "TONIGHT? I'll cancel rehearsal. " "No no. She said to check schedules. "Well, we ARE going to see the widow Maloney. Everyone knew he was gay, and she was ALWAYS by his side. ALWAYS. I can't believe you know her. "

"One of the nicest tenants in the building. "

"I can't wait. Meanwhile, speaking of waiting. SIT." Just the tone of Mark's voice got Jack hot. "Yes Sir." He sat down, and put his hands behind his back. "GOOD. You're learning . NOT that means it's gonna be any easier on you." He felt Mark tightening the restraints on his wrists. "I didn't think I'd be in the mood so fast, super jack. But..." and he began to run his finger over Jack's nip. "That blue polo fits you so well, and it makes you SO fucking sexy. While you were gone, all I could think of was... what am I gonna do to him?"

No matter how many times Mark worked his nips, it always felt like something new to Jack. He began to moan. Mark covered his mouth with his hand. "Now, if you don't want me to switch to clamps, you're gonna suck in that gut, and point out those nips, every single time you're in that chair. Understood?" Jack shook his head. He really didn't like the clamps.

Before he could say anything, Mark had his mouth stuffed with a cloth. Jack thought he recognized the smell. Mark laughed "Yeah, it's the wash cloth I used to clean up the jizz this morning. I saved it specially for you." He covered that with a piece of Jack's duct tape. Now, he was tied up and gagged in the chair, helpless, slowly getting harder and harder. Mark pulled up a chair opposite him. "Hmmm. A blank stage to go to work on. " He moved his thumbs vertically over each of Jack's nips. "Spread your legs, boy. Nips out and legs spread. Or else. " He smiled and showed Jack a ball paddle. Jack shook his head to indicate he understood. "So I have a few things in mind for you handsome. " Mark got up and stepped behind Jack. Then his fingers dived into Jack's ribs. "Told you I was gonna tickle the shit outta you."

"MMMPH MMMPH MMMPH. " Jack was trying to get Mark to stop. He wasn't getting very far, and he was heaving with laughter. Mark, in the meanwhile, was thinking "I can't believe I've finally got him. He's MINE" That thought edged him on, and the tickling became more brutal. He saw that he really needed to ungag Jack if he was going to work him that hard. He wasn't planning to ease up, so he undid the gag stuff.

"WHY AREN'T THOSE NIPS OUT, BOY?' "Sorry Sir. I was having trouble breathing.." Mark dived back in, and jack was howling. "Who's your topman? "YOU ARE SIR. " 'WHO DO YOU BELONG TO" "I belong to you Sir." Mark grabbed Jack's hair and pulled , hard enough for Jack to notice. "SHIT. " He thought. "He never did this before. It's hot."

"You're getting on the bed. First you're gonna take your shirt off big man." Mark undid the ropes. Jack thought about pretending to try to escape, but he was having too much fun. He was too horny. He wanted Mark in him.

"Sit for a minute, handsome. I don't want to start right away.." Mark came over to Jack, sat next to him, and shoved his tongue down his throat. "DAMN " thought Jack "He's always been a killer kisser, and he still is. I want MORE. He tried desperately to get more of Mark's tongue. Mark knew what was going on, smiled and pulled back.

"You like being kissed, stud?" "Yes Sir. By you. Yes. Always. " Mark smiled I like kissing you too But I like other things too. SPREAD OUT." Jack got into position, and Mark tied him down. "Now, I have a few things planned today.." He brushed his hand over Jack's mildly hairy chest.. " You can use a shave, you know." Jack pushed against the ropes. "NO. NOT THAT. C'MON MARK. THAT MAKES ME A MAN" The struggling did no good, and when Mark went back to his nips, he began to whimper. "Chest hair grows back, Jack. And it'll remind you of who you are. " Jack was still struggling, but his strength was draining from the tit work, and his cock was getting harder and harder. "Besides, super jack... you belong to me now. I can do what I want."

Losing his chest hair was making Jack very emotional. No one had ever shaved his chest before Still , he had taken Mark's collar. Mark didn't ask for permission. He brought over a bowl of warm water, some shaving soap, and a razor. "Be very still Jack. I wanna take my time. "

He did. Mark started low , near Jack's navel and waist, and it tickled. "Now now, Jack. If you move too much, I may slip. " Jack tried his best to keep still. Mark kept on teasing his nipples, which made that even more challenging. He smiled at Jack. "I know. I'm a bastard. With a big thick cock. "

The warm cloth Mark used to clean away the shaving felt good, as he moved further up Jack's torso. "You are gonna look even hotter, Jack. Just wait and see." "GOD, if he's hotter, this play isn't gonna go on, because I'm gonna be fucking him 24/7" thought Mark. In fact, he liked Jack hairy, but he had to learn who was boss.

Mark moved up to the skin around Jack's nips. "Got to be very, VERY careful here. Wait until you see how big your nips look after this. "Jack gasped out. "You don't seem to have any trouble finding them you bastard." Mark took that as a bit of a challenge, so he reached down and grabbed Jack's cock. "You know, I COULD lock this up right now, the way SOME topmen do. You want that? " "NO SIR" Jack whimpered, although the thought did sound fun. "So, you're gonna have to learn to modulate your tongue. I can't stop you from thinking what you want, but I make the rules for us."

As Mark finished up the shave, Jack began to get more and more aroused. He was NOT going to cum in his pants. No, he wasn't. He wasn't. Then Mark bent down and licked his nips.

OH SHIT MARK. YOU GOT ME AGAIN." Mark laughed as Jack bucked, and his pants showed a bigger, wetter spot.

"OH my. That may be nearly as big as the super super fantasy." Mark whispered in Jack's ear. "And THAT fantasy was hot. We're gonna have to do it again, after super super escapes and gets recaptured. "OH FUCK SIR. That sounds hot."

"Know what sounds hot to me, now, Jack? PLOWING you." "It sounds hot to me too Sir." While Mark was undoing Jack's pants, Jack noticed that one of the wrist restraints had gotten loose. What should he do? He grabbed for Mark. THAT was a mistake. Mark had his wrist back in the restraint in no time. "Now, THAT was silly you big bottom. He played at Jack's nip until Jack was moaning. "Please sir, I won't do it anymore. " Mark laughed. "No, you won't. Because we're gonna get better restraints than these. "

He went back down to Jack's butt. He pushed his legs up, and then... he slid a finger into Jack. He had never done that before, and Jack liked it. He twisted, and moaned. "OH FUCK. It's like something's crawling in me. Mark just grinned. He slid in another one, and Jack nearly exploded again. "I'm gonna do that to loosen you up, big man. For MY big man.." Mark's cock seemed even more engorged than usual, as he slid it into his future husband. 'OH MARK. YOU FEEL SO GOOD SIR. SO GOOD. DEEPER SIR PLEASE DEEPER. TAKE ME. TAKE ME HARD. " Mark laughed. "You sound like a 2 dollar whore." He saw Jack's face. "That's a compliment. It means you're getting into it. " OH SIR. I'm getting into it every time you get into me. SQUEEZE MY NIPS. PLEASE... " Mark was happy to comply, and then he shot. As had been the case with every time he fucked Jack, the size of his orgasm stunned him. What was this man doing to him besides, well, arousing him constantly.

He laid down next to Jack. "You were a good sport stud. I REALLY wanted to shave you. " Jack wasn't all that happy. "It's a good thing you have me tied down Mark, because I might have to let you know how pissed I am. Mark smiled. "Pissed? Pissed at doing what your topman says. Pissed? You may need some more tickling. "NO NO NO. Please. I'll keep my thoughts to myself. Just kiss me Sir. Please. " Mark remembered the mistake he made last time , when Jack wanted a kiss. He lost him. He wasn't gonna lose him again. "All the kisses you want, all the time. " He began untying Jack. "That hair will grow back in no time. You might just like it. But if you don't, I won't do it again. I promise." Mark grinned, knowing that ultimately, Jack would let him do anything he wanted.

Jack got up and looked at himself in his bathroom mirror. He thought he actually DID look hot. Maybe he could use a shorter haircut now? He'd check with his new Master.

Next: Chapter 13

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