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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 23, 2023


Jack asked Mark if they could walk to their reservation instead of a cab. "I need to have air, to clear my head and to think," and Mark agreed. As they left the building, Jack turned to the doorman. "I may be back a little late, in case there's an emergency. You have my cell, don't you?" "Yes Boss Jack. Enjoy your dinner." On the street, he put his hands behind his back as he and Mark walked together. "You know, Mark, this is all very much a surprise to me. I'm more than a little bit overwhelmed, so I'm trying to put my thoughts together. That's why I'm not calling you Sir right now. After I tell you what I'm thinking, you may not want me to call you that. Or Mark. Or anything. "

Mark stopped walking, and looked at Jack. "HUH? What are you talking about?" "Please Mark, can we wait until we get to the restaurant. I'm not looking to break up with you if that's what you're thinking. Far from it. But I just want you to know as much about what I'm feeling as I can tell you, because after I'm done, you may want to break up with me."

Jack clearly didn't want to get into things heavily, so Mark backed off.

He was giving off confusing signals. While he walked with his hands behind him, he wasn't calling Mark Sir, and he wasn't wearing the necklace, but Mark did see him put it in his pocket. Patience was not Mark's strong point, but he wanted this to work, badly. He wanted it to work HIS way but, well, that might have to change.

They got to the restaurant, which was not that crowded, and got a table. Mark knew the host - a former actor - and they were at a good table. They were sitting at a right angle to each other, and Mark put his hand on Jack's thigh, the way he did when they were together now. Jack smiled, and didn't do anything to remove it.

Jack began to speak. "Mark, I'm going to be talking a lot tonight. If you choose to gag me for the rest of the weekend after I'm done, I'm good with that. " Mark smiled. "I'll keep quiet. As much as I can. " Jack smiled now. "Let me say at the start that, I don't want you to go. Not at all. And I want to accept the necklace, and your ring. But I want to make sure we're on the same page, on a lot of things."

Mark shook his head yes, and he was concerned. He didn't know that Jack had spent any time thinking about this relationship, but clearly he had.

"You know, Mark, in a way you're like most other guys I meet. You underestimate me. I don't know if that's because you think I'm not smart enough, because I didn't finish school, or because of my job, or you think you're way smarter than me , but whatever the reason. " Mark did interrupt. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, Jack." Jack grinned a little. "If you think I don't know you prompted those assholes at the party to talk me down where I could hear it, then you've underestimated me." Mark blushed deep, DEEP red. "How did you know?" Jack laughed. "You know, I know I don't have a gym build, and I'm good with that. But I also know, I'm in way better shape, and way stronger than any of you actors. And you all know it too. That's why YOU go for my nips instead of wrestling me." Mark had to smile at that, because it was true. "And when you've worked the jobs I do, you know no man who KNOWS his ass will get kicked, tries to start a fight with me, unless he's got some reason for it. WHO, besides you, was interested in me making sure I knew my place ?"

"I'm... I'm sorry Jack. Yeah, I did it. I had reasons for it, all selfish." "What were they Mark? That's a serious question. I mean, I figured that you did it, but I can't figure out why." Mark lowered his head. "I felt like I needed to break you. To conquer you. And that was how I was going to do it. I needed to make you feel inferior, and to feel lucky that I was interested in you again. I wanted you MY way, and I didn't think you'd go along unless I, well, convinced you that you were lucky to have me interested in you"

Now, Jack put his hand on Mark's. "You know, I didn't need to be convinced I was lucky you were interested in me. I felt that when you came to the apartment the first time. Well, maybe between the visit and our date.

"WHAT?" asked Mark. Jack went on. "I know you can't read my mind, any more than I can read yours. Yes, I was surprised to see you. And I had, and I'll always have, my buddy Jamie in my mind. But - and maybe I'm too simple, Mark - when someone remembers you after 20 years, comes looking for you, shoves his tongue down your throat, and makes clear he has a hard on for you . You think that didn't register with me?"

"I really didn't know," Mark answered, and Jack laughed. "You know, for a PhD, you sure don't know much . If it didn't register, why do you think I called you to set up the date?"

"But... but... you had topped before I found you." Jack smiled, and sighed. "You know, people look at me and assume "top man," "he wants to fuck me." "I'm gonna be taking his cock." He paused. "You showed up, and you didn't really care about all that. You wanted me a certain way, and you came after me. If you don't think that's hot, well, like I said, you don't know a whole lot. YOU'RE the true topman. You didn't really care about anything else but taking me". He paused. "And DAMN was I THRILLED about that. I'm serious. "

"But... Jamie..." Again Jack sighed. "Jamie was my only friend in the world. I don't want to over dramatize, Mark, but do you remember the line in the Bible "when I was thirsty, you gave me to drink?" Mark shook his head. "That's how Jamie and I met. He brought me iced tea when I was very, very thirsty. And I think you know, I can't even look at a sparrow with a broken wing without wanting to take care of it. Jamie had two broken wings. And so did I. You broke them. Jamie and I repaired each other's wings. I guess I'm being overdramatic, but hell, you write plays. "

"I think I'm beginning to get this, Jack. I think I was jealous of him. I always will be. And I couldn't really believe that you were interested. I thought it was the nip work, and only the nip work. Jack frowned "Mark, however much I love you, and I love you very, VERY much, I am always going to love Jamie. That will never end. And that's part of why I've been reluctant to commit all the way: don't ask me to give up Jamie. What I mean is, I'm not going to sleep with him, ever. In fact, what I want is to only sleep with YOU. But Mark, with or without you, I am going to his wedding. And if he needs a place to stay, he's staying with me. Or us. That's not a subject for negotiation." A pause. "And yes, the nip work did tip the scales the first time. After that, I could've just said no. I DO know how to do that." Jack grinned. "I mean, you're hot, but I'm not convinced I wouldn't meet someone else."

"I can accept that Jack. Part of what makes you so adorable is your hard headed devotion" Mark laughed, and so did Jack. "Yeah, I've been called hard headed by a lot of people. Jamie among them. "I have to meet him someday," said Mark. "You will. You will. I'm going to come back to that. " Mark continued "I really, REALLY wanted you, in the worse way. And I didn't think you'd give in unless, well, I broke you."

Mark paused. "I'm not ready to gag you yet, so what else? Seriously. Please tell me. " He said this even with his dick getting harder and harder, over this sweet stud.

"And don't, don't EVER ask me to give up my job for you. I did do some research. I know about actors and touring and summer stock and all that shit. Mark, I'm staying here. You're more than welcome to move in with me, whenever you want. IF you want. But I'm not traveling around the country with you . You'll always have a base with me though. "

Mark felt his heart just about break open at that point. "Thank you Jack. Thank you SO much."

" "one last main thing. That party. Yeah, we've got it out in the open that you spread the stuff for people to say. That doesn't mean they don't say it without you prodding them. 'Dirty fingernails' ' trailer trash' 'dummie.' "all brawn no brain." Yeah, I know them all. He laughed. "I've worked in high class buildings. I've heard it from people who are a LOT better than your actor friends. I'm used to it.

But I don't like it. And if I'm not good enough for them. "I'll get rid of them" Mark interrupted. "NO NO NO. They're your life. Just don't expose me to them. And don't get angry if I defend myself." He paused "And I have a LOT more experience defending myself than they do in attacking. They'll get hurt worse." Mark laughed. "THAT is something I have no doubt about. " Jack answered "I'm not talking about my fists, Mark," to which he got the answer "Neither was I. Abigail told me about your takedown of Tyler. And Jon told me about your takedown of him." Jack smiled "YEAH. That was fun. Jon is a challenge, but he's a good man. Tyler ? PHEH. It was like picking on a four year old"

Jack took a big sigh. "I think I've pretty much said most of what I have to say. Is there anything you want to ask about it?" Mark grinned sheepishly. "Not a thing." Then Jack smiled. "Ok Sir. Then this is what you're going to do. You're going to put that necklace on me properly, and then you're going to get down on your knee and propose.

Right here, and now." He handed Mark the necklace. "No, Jack. Not right away. First..." And he leaned in and kissed Jack in front of the restaurant. "Now..." Mark slid the necklace around Jack's neck and whispered. "Now you're mine." and Jack simply whispered "yes sir." Then Mark got down on his knee. "Jack, will you marry me?" Jack began to cry. "Yes Sir. Absolutely yes. " Mark slipped the silver ring on Jack's hand. Another BIG kiss followed, and an ovation from the other people at the restaurant. Jack began to cry harder . "you know, Jamie got engaged this week. I was happy and jealous. He asked me to be his best man." He continued to cry a little. "And now, I can show him MY ring, and my future husband.

Mark grinned. "NOT until we celebrate our engagement. And I'm NOT going to gag you. Not yet anyway. I want to make you moan, and I want to hear it. " Jack smiled. "I'll do my best Sir. "

They ate dinner as quickly as they could. And they did take a cab home.

On the ride, Jack teased Mark. "Isn't it the rule that after engagement you can't have sex until you're married." Mark grabbed him and pulled Jack over "Then this cab is either going to Vegas or you're giving me back that ring." As Mark slid his hand down Jack's shirt, Jack held out his hand and crooned. "My Preeeeeeeeeeeeecious." Mark responded by squeezing Jack's nip and saying "MY precious." After all these weeks of serious nip work, Jack was still absolutely helpless when Mark did what he was doing, and Mark knew it. He whispered "I've got you my pretty" and Jack answered "yes sir. Yes you do." Mark smiled. "You get anything you want tonight, as long as I get my cock deep inside you. " Jack was absolutely at Mark's mercy. "Rim me Sir. Get me moist with your tongue. Please Sir." Hmmmm. That sounded like a capital idea to Mark. As they got into Jack's building, he had to stop in front of the doorman's station. "Rafe', mira mira." He showed him his hand with the ring. Rafe' looked, and then looked at Mark. "Mister Mark, you did the right thing. You still gonna bring me espressos?" Mark draped his arm around Jack and said "as many as you want Rafe'. If you hadn't let me in, we wouldn't be here. " Rafe' smiled. "you boys have fun."

Usually, Mark attacked Jack in the elevator. Tonight, he was making him wait. Jack was rubbing against him, looking to get more nip work, and Mark was just smiling. He was a "gentleman' to the door of the apartment, and even when they got to the bedroom. When Jack began to unbutton his shirt, he became an animal. "DON'T YOU DARE. I WANT TO UNDRESS MY FUTURE HUSBAND." He put Jack down on the bed, and nuzzled at him gently, while Jack began to moan. He tried to embrace Mark, but Mark grabbed his wrists and pinned them down. "Nope. Nope. I told you I'd do what you wanted. You didn't say that. All you said was rimming, and rimming you shall have. The rest.... is mine..." He began to suck at Jack's nips, and Jack reacted the way he always did. He moaned, and pushed his hips up in the air. "Please Sir. PLEASE. I'm so hot for you. PLEASE." Mark just smiled. "Patience is a virtue, stud" He got Jack's shirt unbuttoned, then his jeans. He nuzzled his face over jack's cock and balls. Then he pushed his briefs down, and pushed his legs in the air. Then Mark's head disappeared, and Jack felt his tongue, probing. OH FUCK. Why hadn't he asked for this before? The combination of Mark's perpetual stubble, and his tongue, was igniting nerve endings Jack didn't even know he had. Mark looked up, smiling. He knew what he was doing to jack, and he stopped for just a second, to run his finger up and down the back of jack's cock. "OH GOD SIR. PLEASE DON'T DO THAT PLEASE. I MAY EXPLODE." Mark grinned. "Now, now. You know, since you belong to me now, top man cums first. " "THEN HURRY SIR" yelled Jack, which just pushed Mark over the edge with laughter. He rimmed Jack for a few more minutes and then he looked at him. "Ready?" Jack nodded "Yes Sir. PLEASE." Mark covered himself with a condom, and then dived in. This time, it felt almost luxurious to Jack. There was no pain: he thought of the sensation of eating ice cream. He felt like that, as his fiance' drove in, driving him wild. "OH GOD. You better shoot fast Sir. Please please..." When Mark continued to tease at him, Jack used his secret weapon: he tightened his sphincter muscle around Mark's cock. THAT finished him off. He began gushing into Jack, and finished just as Jack began shooting.

When they were finished, Mark was laying next to Jack, smiling, playing with his hair. "You never did THAT before you stud." Jack smiled. "I keep on telling you, Sir. You underestimate me. " Mark laughed. He kissed Jack "You're gonna keep me on my toes. That's for sure. " Jack answered "you're gonna keep me on my back. That's for sure. " They laughed together at that, then Mark turned off the light. They got under the covers, Jack spooned into Mark. "These things don't happen to guys like me, do they?" He had a happy cry, as he fell asleep, Mark's arms around him, Mark's cock pressed up against his ass.

Next: Chapter 12

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