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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 22, 2023


Mark and jack usually got together on Wednesdays and then for the weekend. Since they had spent most of Tuesday together , they decided on waiting until Friday night to meet again. Neither one was thrilled, but thought the other needed a break. Jack took the Wednesday as an opportunity to speak to his old buddy Jamie. Now that he had this face app on his computer...

"JACK! Welcome to the 21st century. How ARE you?" Seeing Jamie's face flooded Jack. They had been speaking on the phone, regularly, but they hadn't seen each other since that day Jack had left for New York.

"JAMIE. MY GOD. You look EXACTLY the way I remember you." Jamie laughed "Oh, Jack, you flatterer. I'm about 40 pounds heavier now - NOT from the gym mind you - I'm going gray too."

"Well, you still look good to me." "SO DO YOU STUD. I hope you're breaking someone's heart." Jack blushed, and Jamie saw it. "OOH. Someone's in the cookie jar eating the cookies I used to get." Jack laughed. "I'll tell you in a bit. Tell me your news"

Well, first of all, Cora retired. She still shows up, giving orders, telling me I didn't put enough salt into things, and that kind of thing. So I took the three boarding houses, combined them, and now they are "Jamie's B&B."

"JAMIE, that's great. You're gonna be the vacation tycoon of the south. " He smiled. "I'm doing ok. There's a staff of about 30 now. OH. My big news..." He held up his hand, and showed Jack the engagement ring.

"OH MY GOD JAMIE CONGRATULATIONS. WHO? WHEN? DETAILS YOUNG MAN DETAILS." Jamie smiled. "Remember Charlie from the bus yard?"

OF COURSE I DO. My first boss. How is he? Jamie sighed. "Sad. He developed some kind of lung disease. They were able to catch it but he's pretty much confined to home now. " Then he smiled. "But his son Brent came home to take care of him. Well, we met at the supermarket one day, and... the rest, leads to this. "

BRAVO JAMIE. I'm so happy for you.

"He reminds me a little of you, Jack. Always working, always fixing shit, just on the go. Here, let me show you his picture." Jamie held up a photo of a well built, handsome man, with a sparkle in his eyes. "That handsome guy reminds you of ME, Jamie." Jamie dropped his voice. "I had to teach him the way I taught you. He learned even faster."

"OH JAMIE, this is great. Have you guys picked a date? "Not yet. With Charley being sick, and the business being what it is, we're waiting until the busy season is over and then we'll see how Charley is doing. You'll hear. " Jamie paused again. "Because Sir, I assume you'll say yes when I ask you to be my best man."

Jack started to cry a little "Jamie, you were always MY best man. How could I say no? " "And, Jack..., should I book you for a single or a double."

Jack felt his crotch stir. "Well, we don't know what will happen do we? Who knows what will happen next week? "Yeah, yeah, che sera sera, love. ARE YOU FUCKING ANYONE."

"I am Jamie. It's a very weird story, but... I never told you about Mark did I?" "No, not that I can recall." "Well, he was the guy I dated in College. To cut to the chase, he came to NY after I got here, he saw that story, and, well, no other way to put it, he tracked me down. "

"Jack, help me here. If I recall, until you met me, you bottomed." "That's right." "OH MY GOD. This Mark. He must be quite the stud . Sounds like he flipped you back." Jack blushed "He did Jamie. And I love it." Jamie smiled. "Does he make you happy Jack?" "He does. Just about always." "Well then, what can I say other than "spread those legs and hold em high ". They both started laughing. "Listen, Jack boi, I wish I could stay on longer tonight. It sounds like one of us has to visit the other, but I'm making dinner for Brent tonight, and well... " He laughed "Sorry Jack, I gotta brag: 'I got something that Jack don't/I got something that Jack don't." "Indeed you do Jamie. I still love you so much." "I love you too Jack. " "Please send Carla my absolute best. " "I will. I tried to get her to be on the call, but you know her and "those darn modern contraptions." Jack laughed. "Remember what we had to do to get her to use a food processor?" More laughter. "Take care bud. Please send my love to Charley. I gotta write him. "Love you, you beast. You beast bottom you."

Jack got off the computer, and began to cry. They were tears of happiness, but he cried , long and deep anyway.

If Mark had anything to say about it, Jamie wouldn't have something that Jack didn't, for long. He had had another talk with Jon that afternoon.

"Jon, what can I say? I had to stay away from Jack tonight well, because, well, DAMN IT I'M SO FUCKING HEAD OVER HEELS I CAN'T STAND IT."

"From what I can understand, Mark, it's HIS heels that are going over the head, and not yours, Mark man." Mark laughed. "Putting that aside, you got to know him . He loves me. He said it." Jon smiled. "Well, what are you going to do Mark?"

Mark blushed, and then smiled. "I'm going to pop the question. Several of them. I need your help to pick out a ring."

"SEVERAL of them? " Mark became pensive. "Well, I wish I could say I had gotten over wanting it, but I haven't. I need his submission Jon. I need his surrender." Jon made a wry grin. "We better make sure the jewelry store accepts returns. "

That afternoon, Mark did a bit more shopping: a pair of nipple clamps, a pair of handcuffs, a slave collar, and a can of green paint. He bribed the staff and went up on the roof, and spray painted them all. He was going to pop the question after he fulfilled Jack's second fantasy: "Lex Luthor meets Super super." When the paint had dried, he put all the toys into his overnight bag, together with the box with the ring.

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On Friday afternoon, Mark showed up at the apartment with an espresso for Ramon. "Buenas dias senor. Esta Jack aqui?" Ramon smiled, and gave him a look. "ACCENTS MISTER MARK. ACCENTS." He's downstairs with Felix. He may not be able to come up right away, they're in the middle of something, but I'll call. "

"Yo Ramen" Mark could hear Jack on Ramon's intercom. "Senor super. Por favor. Tu amor esta aqui." He heard Jack's voice again. "Oh, sweet. Can you send him upstairs? Let him have the guest key. As soon as we dump this freon, I'll be up there."

Ramon smiled. You heard. " He handed him the key. "Oh, he wanted you to know: he's wearing a superman t shirt some kid gave him tha says "super super."

Down in the basement, Felix was urging Jack to go and see his friend. "No Felix, what we're about to do is dangerous and important. You need to learn how to do it right, or you can hurt someone. Freon is dangerous, and it's very cold. Watch. Let's drain it together." Carefully, and methodically, Jack took care of the freon reservoir of the refrigerator. "See? Not hard if you're careful. "Thank you Jack, but I really wanted to do it on my own. " "And you will. Next one, you do with me watching, and then, you're on your own." He patted Felix on the shoulder. "You know, I'm not going to be young forever - in fact I'm not young now - and you could very well do this if you wanted to." "I do Sir. I'm not a scholarly kinda kid. Mrs. Maloney is trying to tutor me for GREs, but..." Jack smiled. "Listen, study HARD . Take those exams, and ACE them. But then make your choice. DON'T make anyone tell you , that you have to do anything. " Felix smiled. "Will do Mr. Jack. And thank you for being such a good teacher." Jack smiled, and put his baseball cap on - backwards, the way Mark taught him. "If you're going to suck cock, the lid gets in the way, so..." He began to get hard in the elevator. He was dusty, and a little greasy, but that never seemed to bother Mark. He walked in the door of his apartment. "Mark? Hey, where are you?" "OOOF." Mark grabbed him from behind in a bear hug.

"You're not going anywhere super super,' he growled as Jack struggled. "I've got you." "OH yeah, we'll see." "Yeah, we will." Mark moved his fingers up and took one of Jack's nips in them, and began to squeeze. "OH SHIT. How did you find out?" Mark just laughed. "Not important. What matters is - I know." He started squeezing the second one. "Now, super super., we're gonna get you out of that shirt, and into that chair." "Ok, ok. Just leave my nips alone. Please." Mark just sneered.

Jack moved to the chair, and he saw Mark pull out the green hand cuffs,which he used to cuff Jacks hands behind his back. "You're gonna be making a LOT of noise superstud, so..." He strapped a big piece of tape across Jack's mouth. "THERE. What a fine, FINE sight." He had Jack tied and gagged, shirtless. His cap was still on, not for long, as Mark pushed it away. He took photos of Jack tied there, as Jack tried to look as angry as possible. He walked behind Jack and put his hands on his shoulders. "Now super super... " as he began to massage them. "I think you know what I'm after, but I'm going to tell you..." He lowered his voice. "I'm gonna FUCK you. But first, you're gonna surrender and become my slave." Jack shook his head NO furiously. Mark laughed. "We'll see about that.." He pulled the green nipple clamps from his bag and ran them over Jack's pecs. "I bet these are gonna feel REAL good on you." Jack shook his head NO, even more furiously, but to no avail. Mark attached them and while Jack howled in pain, no one would hear him through the tape. Mark was getting harder and harder. This WAS a fun fantasy. He pulled the clamps. "You gonna get on the bed nice and calmly, stud?" Jack saw the green neckties at all four corners. Again, he tried to scream, and again, Mark pulled the clamps. He whimpered "ok ok" and shook his head yes. "EXCELLENT DECISION. LET'S GET YOU STAKED OUT." He pulled the clamps to pull up Jack from the chair, whispering "DAMN that's a fine ass." And he thought, privately, "and this is a damn fine fantasy.

After he had Jack stretched out, he took off the clamps, and the tape gag. "Why are you doing this to me Lex? " Mark grinned as he circled a nip with his fingers. "Because I WANT you super super. I want you as my slave." Mark struggled against the restraints. "I'mNO ONE's slave." Mark chuckled ' yet'. He began to think of his plans after the fantasy.

"Now, let's see. Those nips. Ah yes, those nips. Sore now, huh? " He began to pinch Jack's tenderized nips. There was no scream, just whimpering, and an obvious hard on in Jack's pants. "Well, well. So the rumors are true. Super super is gifted, huh?" "LET ME GO YOU BASTARD... " Mark grinned and circled Jack's navel with his long nail. "I don't think so super super. I don't think I'm EVER letting you go. "

Jack came out of the fantasy at that moment, thinking "NO, please don't EVER let me go Mark." Then Mark hooked his pants, and slowly brought them down. "Oh, MY. Look at this enormous piece of meat. Can we make it any bigger? He began stroking Jack even more slowly than he ever had. "NO NO. PLEASE LEX. NOT MY MANHOOD. PLEASE ."

Heh heh. Manhood. And tits. I'm gonna take both. " He put his mouth on one of Jack's sore nips while he continued his assault on his cock. After he had chewed it for about three minutes, he moved his mouth to Jack's ear. "SUBMIT" he whispered. "NEVER." "We'll see, super super. " He ran his finger under Jack's balls, right at his hole, and circled that. "OH GOD. OH OH. NO . STAY AWAY FROM THERE." Mark laughed. "Know what, Super super? That hole is MINE now. It's just a matter of time before I take it. " He stared at jack. SUBMIT His answer was NEVER.

The response was 'I said SUBMIT," followed by a tickle assault on Jack's sides, from hip to pits, back and forth. Jack's laughter was deep and strong. PLEASE PLEASE OK OK. I SURRENDER. I GIVE . I SUBMIT. " Mark gloated. "Who's your Master ?" Through a tear choked voice, Jack answered "You are... sir." Mark smacked his balls. 'LOUDER." "YOU ARE SIR."

He grinned. "Now, it's time to mark my property. " He pulled out the green dog collar and wrapped it around Jack's neck. "Hey, wait," thought Jack. "This isn't part of my fantasy. But FUCK. It's hot. He thought of Mark leading him around on a leash, and got even harder. "

Meanwhile, Mark was untying his ankle restraints. BEG FOR IT. "FUCK ME MASTER. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. FUCK ME. "

Glad to oblige, you handsome stud." Mark was improvising here, but he meant it. GOD. He hoped Jack would accept his ring. He slid his cock into Jack's ass. It was even more receptive than it had been before. He plowed his captive. He fucked Jack so hard he began to sweat. Mark couldn't believe this big hunk of man was going to be his. "FUCK ME SIR. PLEASE PLEASE FUCK ME." In the middle of Mark's taking him, Jack exploded. He had done what Mark had told him to do, and kept away from jerking on Wednesday and Thursday. He was "Loaded." He screamed so loud, Mark covered his mouth with his own, just before he exploded inside Jack. Spent, he collapsed on top of him.

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Untied, Jack lay with Mark on the bed. Mark was wrapped in Jack's arm, cuddling against his chest. He was thinking "this man could snap my neck with no trouble. But he's gonna be mine. " Jack had his hand in Mark's hair, stroking it. "Never remember doing this. You ok, Sir?" Mark reached over and kissed him. "Never better. That collar looks good on you." Jack smiled. "THAT was fucking hot. I shoulda expected you to add something to it to make me want your cock even more." Mark cuddled into Jack more. "Do you know how much I love my super super?" Jack slid his hand down Mark's back. "Might be as much as I love you, but I doubt it. " They did some heavy kissing, before Mark suggested they get cleaned up, and go out and eat. He had made a reservation at a restaurant a little further uptown, that he thought Jack would like. Very basic, good food, no fanciness, and he could wear jeans.

While Jack was getting washed up, Mark took out the second collar, and put it in his pocket. He put the box with the ring in it into his second pocket. The collar was for here. The ring, for the restaurant.

Jack had done a little shopping over the last few days. He knew Mark liked it when his shirts were on the snug side, so he bought half in the smaller size, and half in the size HE liked. He took one of the tight ones: a light brown model, almost like a safari shirt and showed it to Mark. "Good Sir?" "Put it on, lets see. " Jack sucked in his gut so that he could close it easily. It emphasized his nips, which would always get a thumbs up from Mark. "NICE. HOT. How many buttons opened?

"Two sir. In case you want to slip your hand in. " "GOOD." Sleeves rolled so I can see my man's biceps." "Yes sir." Jack finished dressing. He ALWAYS looked like a masterpiece to Mark. He wanted him again . Maybe after dinner.

Jack had taken off the collar from the fantasy. Mark looked at his lover "Jack. You said you liked the collar. "Yes sir, it was HOT. " Well.. Mark hesitated. "I was wondering if you'd wear another one from me. But not for fantasy. Always. " He pulled out a slave chain collar and put it around Jack's neck. "What's this for Sir?" Mark looked a little serious. "Well, it signifies to everyone, and you, that you belong to me. Eventually, if things go right, I'll add a little lock to it, with my name on it. It'll say something like "Mark's boy," or "Property of Mark," something like that."

Jack felt a little strange for a minute. He put his finger through one of the links. He didn't say anything, which made Mark nervous. Then, he thought "nothing ventured, nothing gained."

Wait Jack. I have another piece of jewelry for you. "What's that Sir? A cock ring? " Mark laughed. "Well, no, but we'll get one of those if you want." He went down on a knee in front of Jack and pulled out the box. He opened it. "Jack, will you marry me?" He began to cry, and Jack's mouth dropped. To say he felt conflicted, was an understatement. As Mark stared at him hopefully, he stroked Mark's hair, and said "I'm honored. Let's talk about this at dinner, please."

Next: Chapter 11

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