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By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 13, 2023


"COLLEGE MAY NOT BE FOR EVERYONE" ran the title of the article in the magazine Jack held in his hands. He had to laugh. He had known that for 20 years, since he had dropped out of school. The magazine had Jack on the cover for an article " Superintendent Hunks of New York,". Not the " center square" , but in the middle of the right side. And an interview too! Not bad for a college drop out . College life had really not suited Jack. He went because, well, everybody went. It was the way to advance . To make more money. To get more prestige. And so on and so forth. Well, Jack had never been adverse to more money. Prestige? Not really a factor to him. Given the choice of going to class, or being somewhere working with his hands, he always picked the second one. As a young kid, they called him "handy." As a young man, they called him "skilled." Now, in his 30s, they called him "Boss." The only good thing that had come out of his college experience had been his two years with Mark. And then that went sour too. He remembered meeting Mark. At the time, Jack was making some extra money, working as a stage hand for the University theatre. There was a complicated production that was scheduled to begin, and so, one Saturday afternoon, after the rehearsal had ended, and the regular crew had left for the weekend, Jack had stuck around to get some of the odds and ends done. He was busily at work, sanding down some platforms, when he heard someone clearing his throat. He turned around to see a lanky guy in big glasses, a little stubble and a receding hairline, with a sneaky smile standing with his arms folded.

Jack put down his tools . "I'm sorry. I didn't hear you there. Is there something I can help you with?" The man unfolded his arms. "No, I'm good, thanks. I was just watching." He held out his hand "I'm Mark. I don't think we've been introduced." Jack shook his hand "Jack here. No, I don't think so. I'm not here much, usually backstage, putting this stuff together. "

"I know you don't work alone, Jack. Can I ask why you're here ?" "Well, it has to get done sooner or later, and I'd rather it got done sooner RATHER than later. And I can always use the overtime. Doesn't hurt." Mark had gone back to standing with his arms folded with the little smile. "This may sound rude, but can I ask why you're here, Mark?" The smile never left Mark's face. " Now I'm sorry . I'm the director of this little show. I'm a grad student here. Hopefully finishing up in a few years. So I'm around a lot. " "Jack shook his head. "You smart guys are too smart for me. I could never put on a production like this. Hell, I can't even understand what they're saying." Mark laughed. "If you sit out front and say that, I'm in trouble." Jack laughed "Well, I'm usually in the back, so what do I know?"

Mark unfolded his arms again. "You know, I should be honest. I stayed around because I noticed you working before. What can I say? I wanted to invite you out, I don't know, for a drink or something?" Jack blushed. He had been whistled at before, and he had gone on a date or two with some classmates, nothing serious, but a guy had never asked him out.

"Like a date or something?" Mark laughed. "Maybe more something than a date. I'd like to get to know you better. What do you think?" Jack looked down at himself. "Well, I'm awfully dirty and messy right now, if that's what you were thinking. I don't think I'm fit to go out." Mark smiled again. "How about coffee at the cafe' theatre? Just a coffee. "Well, I could use that if there's some water, too, Mark. Can you just give me a few minutes to get my hands clean and toss some water on my face.

"Ten minutes, Jack?"

"Sounds good. I'll meet you up front."

Jack went off to the bathroom. He was more than a little bit flattered. He had never been out with a guy before, but Mark was handsome, and he was an older guy, and smart. A graduate student. WOW!. He was just a sophomore, and....

Meanwhile, Mark had other ideas. Coffee was not what he had in mind. A quick blowjob was what he was thinking. But Jack was hot. Big arms, a big chest. Maybe there could be more than a blowjob. Let's see.

Jack washed off his hands and face, and looked around for his flannel shirt. It was a mess too, and it looked messier if he buttoned it. He threw it over his shoulders, and left it opened, and came out to meet Mark. "MMMM. I like those tits" Mark thought to himself, as they went to the cafe'.

The conversation had been pleasant. Mark didn't expect any deep intellectual insights from Jack, and he didn't get them. But the kid was sharp. He had picked up who liked whom in the cast, where the conflicts were, and he had some suggestions for the staging that just might work. Jack was just so thrilled to be with someone who paid attention to him, he wasn't thinking much of anything else.

Mark looked at his watch. "You know, I'm enjoying talking to you Jack, way more than anything else today." Jack smiled. "that's mutual Mark." "Jack, are you going to see the play?" "Oh, I don't think so. I don't really understand this stuff. My English professor says I make an effort, but my ideas are... what did he say, 'half baked.' "That's not kind" Mark answered. Jack shrugged his shoulders "I don't really care, Mark. Honestly, this place isn't for me, and to tell the truth, that same professor probably couldn't start his car or hang a picture if his life depended on it. " Mark laughed. "Well, that makes two of us. But listen. I wonder if we could have another 'something' more like a date. Would you be my date for the opening?" Jack blushed. "You mean, I would get to sit with the Director?" Mark was thinking "and maybe something else with 's'." "Yeah, that's exactly what I mean. Opening is in a week.

"You know Mark, I've never even seen a play. Are you sure you want to take me with you?" "Very much Jack. " Jack smiled. "Ok, then sure. Is it formal, because I don't think I have formal clothes." And Mark laughed again. "Nah. For this I think you would need to clean up, but a shirt and slacks is going to be fine. It's not like the old days when people dressed for the whole day before a show." Jack laughed. "Well, I sure wouldn't have fit in there. " Ok, it's a date then, Jack." Then Mark paused. He looked around. The cafe' was empty . "I'm going to do something, and if it bothers you, just tell me. But I've wanted to do it all afternoon." He leaned over, and kissed Jack on the lips. Jack was surprised, but it felt good. "Was that ok, Jack?" Mark asked, looking concerned. "It was more than ok. Can you do it again?" Mark smiled and gave Jack another kiss, this one a little longer. "I'll see you around the theatre between now and the opening. Here's my number. You can call me if you want, and we'll meet up a bit ahead of time. Maybe this time for a real drink."

Jack had enough trouble paying attention in class as it was, but that week between coffee with Mark and the play was sheer torture. He was even having trouble paying attention to his manual labor. He came close to hitting his thumb at least twice, kicked over a can of nails, spilled paint, and was just "in the clouds" as his mother used to say. But the day of the play, he called Mark. "Hey, it's Jack." "Jack, good morning, how are you. " "I'm fine. I just wanted to do two things. Well, three. First, I wanted to find out where we should meet before the play. Second I want to wish you good luck, and third.... well, can I get another kiss from you tonight?" Mark did a fist pump . "Oh, ok, those are easy. But first, let me just tell you that when you talk to theatre folks, and why you would I don't know - we never say good luck. We say "break a leg" " "Why do you do that?" "Oh, I don't know, it's tradition." "Ok, guess it's something else I don't know." Mark laughed. "Jack, I'm sure you'd know how to set a broken leg" "Well, I would. " "Then don't knock yourself over the rest. How about 7:00 at my place, I'll give you the address. That'll give us time for a quick drink. Let's see about the third. If you hate the play, you may not want it." "Then how about BEFORE the play?" "Jack you are making this WAY too easy, Mark thought ." He laughed. "Ok, sure. Drinks and kisses 7pm. See you then."

Jack went to his closet to see what he had that might be good. There wasn't much. He didn't need to dress for class, and his work clothes had to be sturdy, not pretty. He found a blue oxford shirt that he had worn to a wedding. Did it still fit? He tried it on. Snug, but ok. He left two buttons opened, so that it wasn't as tight as it might be. He found a clean pair of chinos too. He had no idea where those were from. They fit, but again, they just about did it. He had one pair of good shoes, and he got those on, put on his old baseball jacket, and headed out to Mark's place.

Mark opened the door when the bell rang. "Holy crap," he thought. "I knew he'd be beautiful but... OH SHIT," he was getting hard already. "Well, hello handsome. Come on in."

Mark's apartment was, essentially, a larger version of Jack's . Messy, but not dirty. The difference was, Mark's apartment was filled with books and papers everywhere. Mark was dressed in a black shirt and tie, jeans, and Jack saw a sportcoat over the chair at the table. "Let me take that for you Jack. The place is warm." He took Jack's baseball jacket, and came back with two glasses and a bottle of wine. "The table is small, but if you don't mind sitting close. " "No, don't mind at all. Especially if there's alcohol. " Mark laughed and poured two glasses. "Jack held up his "Break a leg tonight, Mark." "Thank you, che crepi il lupo" Mark answered. "HUH? " came from Mark. "Oh, it's also theatre. It just means I'll kill the wolf. Means thank you." They clinked glasses, and drank. Mark looked at Jack. "Now, about that kiss." He leaned in, and kissed Jack. This time it was longer, and he gently pushed Jack's lips apart and slid his tongue in and held it there for a while. While he was kissing Jack, he put his hand on his left thigh. "Gee, Wow. I've never been kissed like that before Mark." "Did you like it?" "I think so. It's just so new to me. " "Well, let me give you another one." This time, Jack opened his mouth for Mark's tongue, and Mark got up so he could get in deeper, and when he was finished, he put his mouth over Jack's ear. "You are a handsome sexy man Jack." Jack could feel his penis getting harder. What was happening?

"Shouldn't we be getting to the theatre Mark?" He got a smile in return. "Yes, let's. Maybe I can take you to dinner afterward, and ... he paused, I wonder if you'd like to come back here afterward."

Jack smiled. "I think I'd like those both. "

At the theatre, Mark sat on the outside. He explained to Jack that, since it was a premiere, he'd have to go up with the actors to take a bow at the end. All through the production, he kept a hand on Jack's left thigh. Sometimes he squeezed, sometimes he just left it there. Jack didn't understand what was happening, but he liked it.

At the end of the play, Mark leaned over. "Gotta go on stage. Meet you outside." Mark went up the steps to the stage, and stood in the middle of the actors smiling. Jack knew enough what to do here, and got to his feet for an ovation. He was standing outside afterward, when he felt a strong hand on the back of his neck. "Hello handsome. I hope you liked the play. " "I did. I mean, the parts of it I understood. But I liked seeing it with you Mark. That was the best part. " Mark laughed. "Oh, you sweet young boy. C'mon, let's go get something to eat. " They wound up at a small Italian place. Mark ordered a bottle of wine, and they shared it. Between that, and the wine before the show, it was more than Jack had ever drunk. He was feeling a bit woozy as they left. Mark put his hand back on his neck. "Still want to go back to my place?" "Uh, sure. If you'll have me." "Mark's evil mind thought "Oh, I'll have you alright."

When they got in, Jack took off his jacket. That's about as far as he got before Mark wrapped his arms around him. "You are just so handsome, and so inviting. He kissed Jack's neck, and then, slid his hand down Jack's shirt. He found a nip and twisted it a bit. "OH FUCK. What did you just do? I feel like I'm on fire" Mark snickered. "it's called pushing your buttons Jack. I found a hot spot on you . And speaking of buttons..." He began to open Jack's shirt. He spun him around and started squeezing both nipples. Jack began to make little, high pitched sounds. "This is all new for you, isn't it Jack, Mark asked. " "It is. I've been with chicks a couple times, but no man has ever done this to me. " Mark's voice deepened. "Jack, I'm gonna do a lot more than that to you tonight." He led him to his bed and began kissing deeply. He kept on playing with Jack's nipples, and after a bit, he pushed him back on the bed. "Hey, Mark , wait... I...." "SHHHH Jack. Just go with it." Mark rubbed the little bit of his beard over Jacks neck before he nibbled on his ear. "OH GOD. What did you call them Mark, hot spots? I think you're hitting all of them. " Mark reared up and opened his own shirt. "I'm just starting to find them, sexy." He kissed Jack again, and then started chewing his nips. "OH GOD. OH GOD. MARK Please please. stop. please. I... I... "OH SHIT...." Mark hadn't been with a newbie in a while, so he wasn't prepared for the sudden orgasm Jack had. "Mark, I'm so sorry. Did I stain your sheets?" Mark fell on top of him and hugged him. "Sweet boy, you have nothing to be sorry about. " He kissed him again. He stared at him. "You've never been with a man? " "No, never. " "Then you've never had a dick in you." Jack blushed. "No Mark, I'm sorry if that's what you thought." Mark shook his head. "no no no. I didn't think, period. So you've never given a blow job?" "No. I've gotten one from a woman. It felt good. " Mark laughed. "They do feel good. And I want you to make me feel good tonight Jack. How about opening your mouth? I'll lead you through it. " Jack was reluctant. "I don't think I want to..." and then Mark started squeezing his nips again. "Ok. Ok. Yeah. Sure... " Mark unzipped his pants, and slid his hard cock into Jack's mouth. "Now, just close your lips, and keep the teeth off my cock. Good boy. Good boy. " Mark held Jack's head and he began to rear, back and forth. Jack was new to this, so he would do most of the work. It didn't take long. He was so excited about being with this beautiful young man, that he screamed, and the jizz flowed down Jack's throat. Jack didn't much like the taste, but he liked how Mark smiled, and how he stroked Jack's hair when he was done. He held Jack's face in his hands. "Please spend the night with me Jack. I promise. I won't hurt you, and you might enjoy yourself. "

Jack was very confused by his feelings. He didn't want to stay, but if staying meant he'd feel this good all night. "Ok. Sure. I'll stay." Mark smiled "Maybe you'll learn how a man give a blow job Jack. You've got to recover first though. " Now Jack smiled. "Oh, that won't take long. I only need about a half hour before I can cum again. " Mark laughed. "Really? Well, we're going to have a very interesting, fun night Jack. " He got undressed and signalled to Jack to do the same. When Jack was fully naked, he pushed him back on the bed,and began kissing him, playing with his nips, and rousing Jack all over again. "Mark, I've never felt this way" Jack murmured at one point. "Know what Jack? Neither have I" Jack was going to be Mark's first virgin. He had to take this slowly. He knew he was a good top, but he had never been with a virgin.


That was how Jack and Mark had started. It was about two weeks after they started dating, that Mark fucked Jack for the first time. Jack had cried afterward, but he did have an orgasm. It was about three weeks before Mark tied him up. And that REALLY got Jack roused. Mark had found out about Jack's nips, his ears, his neck, all on the first night. When he tied Jack up, he learned that the boy was really ticklish too, and tickling him could get him to do anything Mark wanted. And Mark wanted a lot. The blowjobs, the fucking. Mark began referring to Jack as his "girl" or his "woman." He once introduced him to a friend as "my future wife." He wanted Jack to give up his own place and move in, but Jack drew the line there. It turned out to be a good decision.

Little by little, Jack became Mark's bottom. Mark would call him, and leave a message. "Tonight handsome. Wear...." giving him a list of things to wear. If he didn't wear them all, or if Mark didn't like the way he looked, he'd get a spanking. Sometimes ten shots, sometimes twenty, and then a fucking. Somewhere along the line, Mark rimmed him for the first time.

The relationship went on for about two years. Jack had given up college, but found work as a janitor/porter at an apartment building. He would finish his shift, get cleaned up, and go to Mark's. Inevitably, at some point during the night, he'd get a pounding from Mark, either with or without bondage. Always with nip play. Jack couldn't say he was unhappy, but he began to wonder what it was like to play Mark's part. So one day, he asked. "Mark, would it be ok if I fucked you?" It was the first time Mark visibly got angry.

"NO, IT WOULD NOT BE OK. " "But why not?" 'BECAUSE I'M IN CHARGE AND I SAID SO.' So, Jack let the matter drop, and put his legs on Mark's shoulders so Mark could fuck him.

The topic came up again one night, when they went to a party. Mark insisted that when they were out together, Jack keep his hands behind his back as if he were tied "so that you remember your place, handsome." They were speaking to a friend of Mark's . "How nice, Mark. You've got this handsome young man to fuck you. I'm jealous." Jack saw Mark's face cloud up. "I think you have that wrong, Joey. You know I'm always the top." That night, after they got home, Mark was so angry that, after he tied Jack up, he pulled off his belt and whipped his ass before he fucked him. When Jack began to beg him to stop, Mark shoved a pair of socks in his mouth. 'CHEW THOSE SOCKS YOU FUCKING BOTTOM" The sex was still good, but Jack couldn't forget that beating.

A few weeks later, Mark had to go out of town for a writers' conference. 'DO NOT LEAVE THIS APARTMENT BITCH. I'M SERIOUS. I DON'T WANT MY BOTTOM STRUTTING HIS STUFF IN FRONT OF PEOPLE." Jack looked at Mark before he left. "Please. Can I have a kiss goodbye?" Mark sneered. "Yeah, here's a good one," and he SMACKED Jack so hard, he went down on the floor. "Mancunt, " he said as he walked out the door. Jack began to cry. What had he done? All he wanted to do, was try something else. And why was Mark so mean all the time? He hadn't done anything. "

That night, sleeping in Mark's bed, Jack had a nightmare. It was the future with Mark. He dreamed he was tied down, with Mark tickling him, putting clamps on his nips (yes, Mark had introduced those too), and after he had fucked him, shoving a much bigger dildo up his ass. Jack woke up in a sweat, and he had also cum. He didn't know quite what to do. But he had to do something.

He still kept that apartment, and while he did pay the rent on it, living with Mark had reduced his expenses so he had enough money to get out of town. He packed up what little he had at Mark's place, and in the middle of the night, went back to his old apartment. The next day, he quit his job, put his apartment up for sublet, and caught a bus out of town. His goal was to get to New York City. Maybe things would be better there, maybe not. But New York City was big. He had a better chance of hiding from Mark there, than anywhere else. How long could it take to get there?

Next: Chapter 2

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