Boss New Fish

By moc.liamg@sonimulpillihp

Published on Oct 14, 2017


Boss's New Fish

Chapter One

I came into the bar and sat next to Johnny. I was wearing the tight fitting short shorts and the too small tank top he had given me for chores on his farm.

I sat quietly, lowering my head, inhaling the odor of the cows and the barn on my chore clothes, which I was not permitted to wash.

The bartender walked up to me and I lifted my head somewhat and looked at her, a girl who had graduated in the same high school class with Johnny.

"Beer, Duane?"She said.

"Give him a Blatz on tap." said Johnny not looking at me at all, just looking at the bartender.

I looked down again, and inhaling the cow smell on my chore clothes. I was sure Susan, the bartender, could smell it too and I wondered what she must think since she knew that my parents ran a motel and did not farm.

"Thank you Boss." I said, my head still down.

"You drink this one and we go for chores, fish." Johnny said. My cock hardened at these words.

"Yes, Boss."" I said. I began to drink my beer.

The bartender listened to our exchange and said nothing else to us before she moved away. She had changed in her demeanor toward me since I had come back from college and had become good friends with Johnny, especially since I had been helping him out at his farm. While I was in college, Johnny had served a three-year prison sentence for car theft. We had never been friends until we began to drink together in the past Summer.

"Did you walk here fish? Like I told you?" asked Johnny.

"Yes Boss." I answered.

"You are going to be processed tonight, fish, before milking and barn cleaning." Johnny said softly.

"Thank you, Boss." I answered, hardening still more.

"You don't know what you're thanking me for, fish." He said, grimly.

"Yes Boss." I nodded to him.

"When you finish that beer, get up and go out to my truck. Climb into the cargo bay, close the tail gate and the topper after you." He said.

"Yes Boss." I lowered my head and wondered if my hard dick was visible through my chore shorts.

Johnny said nothing to me when he came to his truck, climbed in and started up the engine. We drove out of the downtown of the small town where we both had attended high school. On the way out of town we passed the motel I was helping my parents run. We headed out into the country to the farm that Johnny had taken over from his parents when he came back from prison.

We drove up to the dairy barn. The cows were still out in the pasture. Milking would begin in about an hour. Johnny opened the back of the truck and said:

"Get out fish. Hands behind your head. Go into the barn and strip."

I obeyed Johnny immediately. I hoped my hard cock would not be too visible when I stripped, but it was.

"Getting hard fish?" asked Johnny with a laugh.

"Yes Boss." I replied lowering my head to show my submission.

"Throw your chore clothes over into the barn gutter and kneel on them. I'm showing you some kindness there." Johnny said.

"Thank you Boss." I replied, throwing my ill-fitting chore clothes on top of the hay and cow manure in the barn gutter.

"Kneel fish. Don't make me whip you." Johnny said with a measure of irritation in his voice. He carried a leather beat strap in his right hand, the type he told me that had been used on him in the state prison farm.

"Yes Boss, right away Boss." I said. I did not want to be beaten again, but then I did want it too. But I quickly kneeled as ordered on my chore clothes now soaking in fresh cow manure and wet hay. As I knelt in the barn gutter I was about six inches below the level of the concrete barn floor. Johnny stood astride the edges of the barn gutter and unzipped his jeans. He pulled out his man cock and approached me. I opened my mouth and prepared to receive cock. I noticed he carried in his hand a cow clipper, used to trim hair from a cow.

My lips wrapped around his man cock and I pressed my face into his pubic hairs and inhaled the smell of his cows and manhood. He began to empty his cock into my mouth and quickly, carefully drank his piss. At the same time, he shaved my head for prison. I knew from then on that I could never think of this man again as Johnny, he was Boss, my prison Boss, in charge of my punishment.

After I was prison shorn, Boss told me to stand and go into a nearby horse stall. There was a pussy bench in there, one we would use after chores. On the pussy bench was my folded-up prison garb: Khaki pants, jock strap, T-shirt, and khaki outer shirt. Each item of clothing was marked with DOC and the number 873-290.

"I'm permitting you to have a prison number one different from my own. I was 873-289. Yours's is higher since your sentence started later than mine." Boss said with a measure of something resembling kindness.

"Thank you Boss. And thank you for the gift of your piss Boss." I said, hoping to cover all bases.

"You are too late in thank me for the piss, fish. You get ten strokes of the strap for that. You thank your Boss for everything you receive, fish." He said

"Thank you Boss." I answered.

"Put on your fish suit. Now." He said walloping the leather beat strap in his hands.

I put on my fish suit for the first time. When I was dressed, Boss told me to stand up against the barn wall, hands at my side. He pulled out his cell phone and took my picture.

"Turn right." Said Boss.

I obeyed. And Boss took another photo.

"Turn left" Boss took another photo. He fiddled with the phone for a couple of minutes

Boss let me look at the three photos of me, now a head shaved convict in prison garb. My name and prison number were below each image.

"Those pictures are now posted on a secret Facebook page which I manage." Boss said.

I cringed at the thought that my degradation was one click away from public knowledge.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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