Born to Serve Series

By moc.loa@9691rahmf

Published on Feb 18, 2020


Archive: "Born to Serve, Chapter Eight" {Rob} Authoritarian (MMBB oral)

Another chapter in the introduction of the compliant Kevin Jones into the life of a sub. Thank you to those who have written telling me you have enjoyed Kevin's story and asking when the next chapter was coming out. Please let me know what you think of this one. I apologise for the long time it has taken to write. I've had lots of troubles, including learning to use Microsoft 10, writer's block and the difficulty of working on more than one story at a time, which I shouldn't have done! Rob at

2019 Copywrite mine but you're welcome to share

If you're not of legal age, please leave now.

Remember this is a fantasy. In real life Be Careful, Be Safe, and Don't Do Anything You Don't Want To Do!


Born to Serve Chapter Eight

Kevin was awakened by a knocking at the door. Still mazed from his sleep, he called out without knowing who was knocking, "Come in." The door opened and Andy McClary, the young redhead Kevin and Chris had had to rouse from his sleep that morning to get him down to breakfast, walked in to stand beside the bed where the eighteen year old athelete was lying, completely naked and uncovered.

"Hey, Kevin. Are you feeling better? Chris told me to come up and see you, see if there's anything you need....You've got a big dick. It's almost as big as Chris'. Mine's pretty big. Chris says it's still growing....See," the boy said as he pulled the front of his shorts down exposing his thick six-inch dick and little-boy bag.

"Huh, what are you doing, Andy?" Kevin asked in surprise as he reached for the sheet to hide his cock, which was beginning to chub up a little. "You shouldn't be doing that."

"It's alright. I do it all the time with my older cousin. He likes to feel it. I'm bigger than him."

"Well, I'm not your cousin, and how do you know how big Chris' dick is, anyway?" Kevin asked, forgetting his need to cover his groin in he curiosity about Chris and Andy.

"When we came upstairs after breakfast he showed it to me and I showed him mine. His is so big. I wanted to feel it. He let me, and then he felt mine. He made me really feel good. I told him how my cousin and I play with one another."

"What else did you and Chris do?"

"Nothing, he said we had to get our clothes back on and get to Bible Class or we'd be missed."

"Why did you have your clothes off?"

"I took mine off because I was going to take a shower, and he said he would take one with me. But we didn't have time to shower after know...."

"So you liked what you did with Chris?"

"Oh yeah! I liked it a lot! Your dick is getting hard. Can I feel it like I did his? You can feel mine, if you want. It's getting hard too," the innocent looking boy said as he pushed his shorts down and off and crawled up on the bed, kneeling beside Kevin, who without thinking reached up and began to feel up the kid's cock.

"We shouldn't be doing this. You can't tell anyone."

"I won't. I never tell. I'd never told anyone about me and my cousin until Chris, and I wouldn't've if he hadn't shown me his dick. I figured he wanted to do something with me. (Not as innocent as he looks?) "Oh that feels so good," he said as Kevin began to to stroke his hardening cock. "I really like it when my cousin and now you and Chris play with my dick. I'm gettin' hard."

"I can feel. Squeeze harder on mine and pull up and down, like this," Kevin demonstrated. Andy, being no novice at mutual jacking off, followed Kevin's instructions, and soon both boys had full hardons. During their intiial explorations, Kevin had positioned them so they were lying on their sides in classic sixty-nine position. Kevin kept feeling he shouldn't be doing this with such a young kid, but it was such a new experience, engaging in mutual sexual exploration, not being the only one giving pleasure. The two continued their mutual masturbation for a few minutes.

"You're really leaking a lot," Andy remarked.

"That's precum. Can you cum?"

"No. My cousin says my balls haven't dropped. Feel my bag, there's something in there. Chris felt it and said they're gonna drop any day now and then my ball sack will catch up with my dick."

"It's got a long way to go," Kevin said as he lightly fingered the little mound of tight skin enclosing two little hard nubs he could barely feel. "You've got a really big dick for a kid your age." As he spoke, he felt Andy's smallish hand fondling his big, hairy scrotum. It felt good. He moaned slightly.

"Do you like that?"

"Oh yeah, feels good," Kevin moaned again. As he enjoyed Andy's hand feeling up his goods, his fingers pulling on the hairs that covered the silky surface, he felt the hand that was playing with his cock let go, letting it plop up against his hard belly and sensed Andy was slightly changing position. Then he felt the other boy's face down in his crotch, the soft wet lips open against the loose skin of his sack and the hot, wet tongue lapping and slobbering as the mouth sucked in one of his balls. "Oh fuck, Andy. What're you doing little buddy. Ohhh Yeeaah! Feels so goood! Nobody's ever done that to me before," he moaned as the boy gently pushed him over so he was lying on his back, his legs slightly spread apart. "Oh fuck!" he moaned as the boy climbed over and knelt between his legs, his mouth returning instantly to sucking and slobbering over Kevin's ball-sac. With the hand that had been working his cock gone, his hardon was laying heavy on his belly oozing out precoum onto the hard, flat surface. The absent hand had joined the other one as they both rubbed up and down the inside of Kevin's dark-haired thighs. With a slight pressure they pushed his legs further apart as Andy's mouth and tongue worked their way down into the depths of Kevin's crotch, to the space that divided crotch from ass, his tongue teasing the little ridge that ran from the base of the older boy's scrotum back into his ass crack, the lips kissing and nipping at the sparse hairs growing there.

"Raise you legs," Andy commanded as his hands pushed up under Kevin's knees.

"What...What're you doing?" Kevin moaned as he felt the strong, wet tongue move down into the hairy furrow of his ass. "You...You can' that...No...Don't..." the older boy protested weakly. "Ohhhh nooo," he groaned as he felt the mouth and tongue enter the fastness of his secret place, the inner sanctum that he knew must be kept inviolate until it was given by his master, Mike, to some Alpha of his choice. Kevin reached down and tried to push Andy off but his arms were weakened by a desire that he didn't understand, and the boy was surprisingly strong for one so young. Kevin felt his legs being pushed up and back onto his chest as the voracious mouth, having found his asshole continued to kiss, lick, and suck, causing pleasure to his sensitive virgin hole that Kevin had never before experienced.

"Just relax. Feels good, doesn't it. Your hole likes it. Just think how it will feel when you've got a hard cock in there. This is just a hint to get you thinking about it, wanting it."

"Ohhh Godd! What are you doing to me! Ohhhhhh fuuuuck!" he screamed as the hard tongue of the all-too experienced boy penetrated his tight pucker and fucked quickly in and out before withdrawing. "Ohhhhhhhhh Shiiiiiit! I'm Cuuuuming!" the helpless older boy groaned out as his hard cock began to shoot spurt after spurt of hot teen-boy jock cum across his belly and onto his chest.

Andy immediately pushed himself up and took the still-spurting cock in his mouth and sucked it dry. Then, pushing forward more, his muscular little body spreading Kevin's legs wider, his hard cock pressing down on Kevin's balls and the base of the softening tube of manmeat, he began lapping up all the still-hot cum from the older boy's stomach and chest. "Did you like that? I could have fucked you like I do my cousin, but I know you're a virgin, and Chris said you had to have permission to lose your cherry. I would like to fuck you after you're not a virgin anymore, but right now, Chris said you would suck my cock. What about it?" Andy said with a mischevious smile as he managed to move his agile body up so he was sitting on Kevin's chest. His six-incher was still hard as a steel rod.

"You little devil!" Kevin said with a laugh. "What happened to the innocent little boy embarrased for us to see your dick we pulled out of bed this morning? And how did you get so much information out of Chris?"

"That's just a pose to keep me out of trouble. There are plenty of sissy-boys my age who want to suck and ride on my big cock. I don't need to get any more attention from older boys than I already get in the showers and locker room as a little kid with a big cock. You two interested me this morning and it wasn't hard to get Chris to talk once I let him have a go at me."

"Did he fuck you? He's a real horney stud."

"I played innocent and said maybe. My cousin has fucked me a few times, and I wouldn't mind a go with Chris, but that's a big lance he carries."

"Yeah! I've sucked it down my throat a few times the last few days."

"Well, how 'bout gettin' to work on this little-boy dick," Andy said as he pressed his thick, still-hard meat into Kevin's mouth, straight down his throat. (No innocent, inexperienced mouth-fucker this little boy!)

It didn't take long before Andy was writhing on Kevin's chest, the little pucker at the center of his spread ass being teased by the small patch of hair growing in the cleft of the older boy's pecs. In the throes of an intense dry orgasm, he threw back his head and moaned loudly. When the two boys recovered, Andy from his bone-shaking ecstasy and Kevin from the battering the younger boy's six-inch cock had given his throat, they got out of bed and wiped off with damp cloths. Putting on clothes, they decided to go out to the playing fields and see what was going on.

When they got to the boys playing fields there was a baseball game going on one side and a ferocious soccer game on the other. One of the younger boys came up to Andy and led him over to the soccer field where some of their age group were standing on the sidelines watching. As Kevin started to walk toward the baseball fields, Buck Davis came out of the field house and caught sight of him.

"Hey, Jones, Mike said you could help out this afternoon. I need you in the locker room to clean up the showers. This next bunch of guys will be coming in soon. It's the eighth inning and the place is a mess from the last group. Kevin obediantly headed into the locker room-showers. Buck followed him in and said, "May as well get out of your clothes you'll get them all messed up if you don't. Use this locker," indicating one on the wall next to where the big man was standing. Kevin went over and stripped down and put his clothes in the locker, Buck leaning against the wall watching.

When he was naked he just stood there waiting for orders. The man moved directly in front of the boy. "Too bad Art isn't here. I bet he'd like another blowjob, but he's in referring the soccer game," he said as he ran his hands over the obedient boy's body, pinching his tits, before leading him into the shower room. "Turn around, lean over and put you hands on the wall. I want to make sure that pussy is still virgin." Kevin obeyed and Buck leaned down and pulled the boy's cheeks apart. He ran his rough hand up and down the lightly-haired furrow. "Oh yeah this is one sweet ass, prime first-grade pussy," he said as his fingers played around the rosy brown pucker. Leaning over further he gave it a few licks with his rough wet tongue. "Sweet as suger! Can't wait 'til Mike lets me get my cock in there," he said as he raised up and gave Kevin's ass a few hard whacks as the boy stood.

"Hey, Coach, I....uh...." a good-looking, seventeen-year-old boy, all sweaty and dressed in athletic shorts and a t-shirt that was clinging to his muscular torso, came bursting through the entrance to the shower room.

Without any sign of embarrassment Buck turned to him and said, "McGraw! Come here! I want you to meet Mike. "He's gonna be helping out with things for the next few weeks....Turn around, Mike, and say hello to Ian McGraw. He's one of the guys you'll probably be getting to know. This's his fifth summer at camp. When did I cop your ass the first time, McGraw?"

"When I was fourteen. My second summer."

"Hello," said Kevin, who'd been standing naked before the other teenager during this exchange.

"Got a hot bod, big dick, you want to feel it. Go ahead. He doesn't mind, gets off on it." The kid named McGraw stepped closer and reached out to take hold of Kevin's cock that was actually beginning to chubb up. "Look at those abs and that chest. You can tell he's a real athelete. Feel those muscles," Buck urged the other boy to feel Kevin up, which he did eagerly, getting into the drift of things. "Feel his nipples. Give 'em a good squeeze. Yeah, you can tell he likes that. Squeeze harder. Look at his cock. It's gettin' hard."

"Fuck, Coach. We shouldn't be doing this in here. Anyone might come in."

"No one'll be coming in for the next twenty-thirty minutes or so. You want to see McGraw's cock, Mike?"

"If you want me to, yes sir."

"Drop your shorts. I see you're commando and already getting hard."

"What d'ya think of that hang, boy."

"It's big, sir."

"Big, like you faggots like.... When Kevin didn't say anything, the rough man yelled, "I said you faggots like big cocks!"

"Yes sir," Kevin responded with his head hanging down.

"Don't look at the floor, bitch! Look at that big cock, cocksucker! You want to suck that big cock, doncha!. You want McGraw to fuck your faggot pussy-throat with that big cock of his?"

"If you say so, sir."

"Get on you knees and start sucking, faggot."

Kevin quickly obeyed and just as quickly Ian, fueled by an excess of seventeen-year-old testosterone, was throat-fucking him without mercy. "Oh shit! Suck that cock fag! Take it! Suck my big cock down your faggy throat! Get ready to swallow my jock load, you worthless piece of shit!" he shouted, showing off in front of the watching man who had been fucking his ass since he was fourteen. Ian might be bottoming for Buck and Art, his college-boy assistant, and maybe a couple of other campers, but he knew how to treat a real fag. Within minutes Kevin's throat and mouth were flooded by hot, salty seventeen-year-old jock cum.

As Ian slumped over Kevin's kneeling body, Buck stepped closer and ran his big hand down into the panting boy's sweaty ass-crack. "That was hot, Mcgraw," he said as he roughly plowed up and down the lightly-haired furrow, "so hot it got me wantin' a piece of this sexy ass. Get into my office and assume the position."

"What about the faggot?" he asked, jerking his head at Kevin who had just straightened up and was standing waiting for his next orders.

"He's got shower clean-up. Give him your shorts. That's all he needs....Git in there and start cleaning up," he ordered Kevin, handing him Ian's athletic shorts. "These ought to fit you....And you, get in the office and bend over the desk!"

Kevin quickly started picking up the wet towels scattered around the drying-off area and putting them in the hampers. Then he took the mop he saw leaning in the corner and started mopping up the puddles of water. He had just finished mopping when twenty or so teenaged boys, none of them from his church group, came storming into the building. Lockers slammed open and the sound of boys undressing while talking about the game that just ended, yelling jocular insults at one another exploded. Within the next few minutes, the shower room was filled with naked boys from sixteen to eighteen talking loudly, turning on showers, grabbing asses, their cocks, large and small, cut and uncut, bouncing around as they moved.

Kevin stood against the wall, staring. He was used to seeing naked boys in the showers; strong, muscular teenagers jumping around under the hot sprays, soaping their athletic young bodies, washing their cocks and balls, running their soapy hands up and down the creases of their hard, round buttocks. He'd been one of them since he was fifteen. But now, he was looking at them differently. He was a differently person now. He was filled with desire, a hunger he had never known before. The hunger had been growing in him unabated yet unsatisfied ever since that momentous afternoon last summer when he sucked cock, sucked Pastor Mike's big cock over the bathtub. The last three days, the things he had done with Mike, Otto, Buck, Art, Dr. Huntington, his son and grandson, his assistants, Chris, Andy had brought it fully to the surface. He now knew fully that he was a subservient cocksucker meant to serve real men.

As he looked at the crowded shower room, he realized that to him now they were all real men, the fourteen-year-olds with muscles just beginning to show under their pale skin, hairless except for fluffs under their arms and little nests around the bases of their flopping cocks and the tall hard-muscled variously-haired eighteen-year-olds. He wanted to serve them all with his mouth in any way they wanted. Even though he was still an virgin, his ass-pussy had been awakened just this afternoon by Andy's teasing tongue. He knew he wanted to feel their cocks in his ass, large ones and small ones, thick and thin. He fully realized he wanted to be prostrate at the feet of all these males. As these thoughts rushed in mere moments through his head, his cock responded by hardening to its full size and pushing the flimsy fabric of the shorts he was wearing out into an obvious bulge.

As he stood staring, unconsious of his cock at full mast under the shorts, one of the younger boys noticed him and shouted, "Hey guys! Look at that pervert watching us! He's got a hardon!"

There was an almost instantanious hush as the the showering boys turned to stare back at Kevin. "So what! I got a hardon," one of the sixteen-year-olds said laughing as he held out his hard seven inches. "That make me a pervert? You want to suck on it little boy?"

"Fuck off, shithead!" the younger boy responded. "You ain't standin' there starin' at us."

One of the eighteen-year-olds, a tall, heavyly-muscled, brown-skinned Latino with a long, almost black-skinned uncut cock hanging down out of a wet mass of long silky black pubes, moved over to stand in front of Kevin. He reached out and gave him a hard tap on his chest with his open hand. "What's with you, guy. What're you doing in here watchin' us?" When Kevin didn't answer, the big guy gave him a harder slap and shoved him back against the wall. "I'm talkin' to you, fucker!" he shouted menancingly as he moved closer to the slightly stunned boy and gave him an open-handed punch on his flat belly. His hard abs weren't hurt by the jab, but he was so stunnned that his legs gave way and he collasped down the wall, ending up on his knees on thei Its ruffled covering of thick skin. He tried again the speak, but only managed to moan a soft "nooooo."

"NO! No what? You some kind of pervert?" Lowering his voice, he said, "You a cock-sucking pervert? You wantin' to suck my big rod? You a fuckin' cocksucker wanting this big dick in your mouth? wantin' to suck all our dicks?" he demanded as he reached down and stroked the underside of his hardening shaft, pulling the skin back the reveal its pinky-purple bulbous head. "You want this, faggot? You want to suck a load out of this big pinga?" he whispered as he pushed the knob, slimy with drooling cock-snot, against Kevin's pouty lips.

Just as the moaning boy was about to open up and take it in, Buck came in carrying a pile of dry towels. "WHAT THE FUCK'S GOINN' ON IN HERE! WHAT THE HELL, DIEGO! I just made you the captain of this team. You're supposed to be keeping these boys in line, and I come in here finding you acting like some shithead bully!"

"Sorry, Buck," the big Latino stepped away from the kneeling boy, trying to hide his fast deflating cock from the sports director. "This guy was just standing here with a hardon staring at us. Larry," indicating one of the younger boys, "noticed him. We thought he was some kind of pervert gettin' his jollies perving on us."

"This guy is helping me out mopping up after you bunch of slobs and giving out towels when you finally finish messing around in here. Now get finished and get out!" He opened a cabinet in the wall that was full of clean, dry towels. Speaking to Kevin, he said "one each and then get this place mopped up. The soccer game will be over in a few minutes and this place'll be bedlam....You guys have had your fun, gawking at one another and comparing cocks!" With that he stomped out. The room quickly emptied out and Kevin picked up the discarded towels and began mopping the floor. He had just finished when the big Latino, Diego, came in, dressed and ready to leave.

"I don't know what the shit's goin' on with you and Buck, but I'm gonna find out! You are a cocksucker! I could tell you were about to go down on me, and when I sniff you out, you are gonna be sucking this big cock of mine, not only mine but some of my buds!" he said as he groped the big bulge filling out the crotch of his shorts before abruptly turning and leaving without a backward glance at Kevin, who stood staring at the big muscular stud as he walked away. He knew he was right; the next time they met he would be on his knees sucking on that big dark cock, his mouth and tongue worshipping that smooth ball-bag hanging between his hard, muscular thighs.

His reverie was interupted by Art, Buck's college-stud assistant, coming in the shower room hot and sweaty from the soccer game. Kevin hadn't noticed the noise of the soccer players coming in, yelling and banging their lockers open. "I want you in my office! Leave the towels on the shelf!" Kevin immediately did as he was told and followed the muscular college-boy. As they walked through the milling group of naked or near-naked boys his eyes were locked on the hard round melons of his ass.

As they passed by the closed door of Buck's office, they could hear moans and grunts through the thin door. "Sounds like Buck is gettin' a piece of somebody's ass. He likes to bend 'em over his desk and tie their hands to the drawer pulls. I bet you'd like it that way. Won't be long, you'll be in there tied down gettin' fucked by both of us just as soon as Mike gets you broken in." They walked on past Buck's office and the door to the storeroom when the came to a door at the end of the hall. Art had a small cubicle of an office a few yards from Buck's. He unlocked the door and stood aside to let Kevin pass through. As Kevin walked in, he saw a small wooden desk and a wooden swivel chair with arms that curved around and up to form the back. Over against another wall was a metal table with a padded top. Kevin figured at first that it was a massage table, but then he noticed it looked more like a doctor's examination table. The top looked like one end could be raised up and there were metal arms hanging down at the other end.

On the third wall there was a open cabinet. "Oh fuck! I thought I closed that before I left!" Art said as he quickly pushed past Kevin and closed it. "Just some playthings you're not ready for yet!" the college jock said with a evil grin. "Okay, now, drop those shorts. You should always be naked when your in front of a man!" Art ordered as he moved over to the chair and pulled it out and turned it so he could sit. "Come over here and take my clothes off."

Kevin quickly moved over in front of the young man. He reached down and pulled the sweat-soaked white athletic shirt up and over his head, his eyes taking in every feature of the hard-muscled torso as they were revealed, the six-pac abs with the trail of hair that ran up from under the waistband of the equally sweaty shorts, the beginning of the girdle of Adonis at each side, the base of the hard plates of his pecs each adorned with its hard brown nipple. By the time the shirt got to the level of his upper chest, Kevin was staring at the cleft running up toward the throat, its fine mat of hairs fanning out toward his shoulder and running in a narrow line into the hair-cupped armpits. His mouth was dry. He wanted so badly to lean forward and cup his lips over the brown nubs and make love to themwith his lips, tongue and teeth before lapping and sucking on every inch of the hair-covered skin of the hard muscular chest before burying his face into the dark pits and licking and sucking on the dark hairs; sucking out the salty sweat and reveling in the manly smell of the hot jock-stud standing before him.

But he knew he couldn't do any of those things unless ordered to do so. He had only been told to take off Art's clothes, nothing else. His cock was standing out from his pubes, hard and constantly dripping as thcock-slime oozed out of his peehole onto the floor. A step closer and it would be touching the front of the older boy'd shorts. He quickly finished pulling the shirt over the college jock's head amd lrt it drop to the floor.

"Pick it up. Fold it and put it on the desk," Art commanded in a harsh tone.

"Yes sir," Kevin said as he went down on his knees, picked up the shirt and started to stand up as he folded it.

"Stay down! That's where all faggots belong, at a man's feet. "I'm not gonna wear that again. Put it in your mouth and crawl over there and drop it in that basket." Kevin eagerly cramed the sweaty shirt in his mouth and almost drunk with its smell and taste slowly crawled over the the dirty-clothes basket beside the closed door. "Get back over here!" the seated stud yelled. "I know you'd like to suck on and smell my dirty clothes all day, but you've got work to do and we don't have all afternoon."

Kevin guickly dropped the shirt in the basket and crawled over to kneel at the athlete's feet.

"Good puppy. Now get your face up in my crotch! Get your muzzle up inside the legs of my shorts and smell my stink. Get your face in there and lick my balls! You like that, don't you?"

"Yes sir. You smell good! I love smelling your hairy, sweaty balls! It makes me so hot! Please, sir, can I take your shorts off?"

"Okay faggot, pull 'em off!" Kevin quickly had the jock's shorts down around his ankles. He bent down and pressed hid face into the puddle of cotton fabric taking deep whiffs of the dank, musty smells the stud's crotch had impregnated into the briefs in the course of the afternoon. After a few seconds, Art lifted one of his feet, "Okay! Enough of that! Get 'em off!" Kevin started to take hole of the briefs with his hands. "What the shit! Do puppies have hands! Use your teeth!" Kevin, holding tightly with his teeth worked one side of the briefs over the raised foot and them moved to the other one. When he had it free of the second foot, he raised his head to look at the now naked man sitting in the wooden chair, his legs spread, his crotch open and his semi-hard cock and balls hanging down surrounded by a thick nest of dark hair. Kevin knelt, the briefs hanging from his mouth, waiting for his next orders."You are a dumb pup! It's too bad you're not mine! I know how to train new puppies! Go put those in the basket and make it snappy!"

When Kevin crawled back to the chair, he knelt in front of the chair and looked up longingly at the man he was serving. His body was still damp with a sheen of sweat. It was hot in the little office. The window high up in one wall was open and the ceiling fan was going, but there was no airconditioning. Kevin could smell the powerful musk coming from the sweaty athlete in the chair. He suddenlly realized there was another smell, the special of stink coming from the large feet on either side it him. He turned his head and bent it down slightly to get a better smell. The mouth of the jock sitting over him curled up in a sneering grin. "Yeah! My feet stink. Get down there and smell 'em puppy! It's a good thing for new pups to learn the smell of their master. I'm gonna be using you for the next three weeks, you may as well learn my smell."

Kevin bent down and pressed his nose against one show and snuffled in its musky stink, the stink of a strong, athletic man's foot encased in a thick sock and athletic shoes that have been worn in the heat. He moved to the other foot and drew in the intoxicating smell and moaned. "Stick out your tongue and lick it! Lick the dirt off those dirty shoes," Art commanded. Kevin immediately obeyed slavering over the dirty surfaces of the two shoes, licking off the dirt that had accumulated on them during the day. He could feel the grit on his tongue, in his mouth as it mixed with his spit and was swallowed down into his belly. After Art was satisfied that he had covered all the surfaces of the two shoes, including the cleated bottoms, he gave Kevin's shoulder a push with the foot he wasn't working on. "That's a good puppy. Now take them off - teeth only!"

It was difficult, but Kevin finally managed to get both shoes off, and without being told pressed his mouth onto the socked feet, licking and chewing on the smelly coverings as he sucked in the ripe smells. Giving the boy a few minutes to enjoy the dirty socks, Art ordered "Get them off!" Without being told Kevin managed to get the socks off using only his teeth. When they lay in a smelly pile on the floor, the boy looked up at the man in the chair. Art nodded and Kevin picked the socks up with his teeth and carried them over the the dirty-clothes basket and came back to wait for his next instructions.

"Good puppy! You're learning to be a good pup! I'm proud of you!," Art said as he raised up one bare foot and rubbed it over Kevin's face and put the other onto his shoulders and ran it across his chest and down his stomach until it was prsssing into his crotch and onto his hard drooling cock. The feet smelled like the shoes and socks, but not as strong. "Oh! Puppy has a hard cock! Does puppy like what we're doing?"

"Oh yes sir!"

"You like being Art's puppy? Being Art's bitch pup?"

"Yes sir! I do. It makes me feel good. I like doing what you tell me. It's exciting."

"I can tell that," Art said as he played with Kevin's hard cock with his foot. The other foot was still rubbing across Kevin's face. It stopped at Kevin's mouth. "Open your mouth!" When Kevin obeyed, the jock pressed his toes in. "Open wide!Take all my toes! That's good! Good puppy! Suck your master's toes!" he demanded as Kevin stretched his mouth as wide as he could and all five of the man's toes were encased in the boy's stretched out mouth. "Suck 'em, puppy! Now lick master's foot! Lick the bottom of my foot! Lick it all over, puppy!"

Kevin pulled his head away from the foot he was avidly kissing and licking. "Oh sir! Oh sir! I'm going the cum! Oh sir! Ohhhh! Ohhhh!" he cried as his cock began pumping out a huge load.

Art could feel it shooting all over his foot and leg. He pushed Kevin away with his free foot. "Bad puppy! Bad puppy! Get down there and clean master's foot."

Kevin fell to the floor and taking Art's foot in his hands bent down and began licking his cum from off the foot and the hairy shin. When he had gotten all his cum cleaned up, including what was on the floor, he looked up before putting the big toe in his mouth and sucking it. As he moved to the next toe, he licked down to clean out the tasty deposit between the toes. He suck and cleaned between all five toes, all the time looking uo at Art's face with wet eyes. When he finished, he begged, "I'm sorry, Sir. Please forgive me, Sir. I couldn't help it! I tried to not do it, but I couldn't."

"I know, puppy. I know all puppys have accidents. They can't help it. But they have to be punished. They have to be punished to help them remember." He got up from the chair and walked over the the cabinet that had been open when they came in. He reached in and got something. Kevin couldn't see what it was. It was in Art's closed hand. The man walked back and sat down. "Come here, pup. Come closer." He reached out and took Kevin's nipples in his hands and squeezed them between his thumb and forefinger. He squeezed tight. Kevin closed his eyes and moaned. You like that?" Kevin moaned. He squeezed harder and pulled on the little nubs making Kevin mooan louder. The man squeezed tighter and tighter until Kevin's moaning turned from pleasure to pain. Then the fingers were taken away and something else was squeezing the boy's nipples in a painful embrace. He opened his eyes and looked down. On each nipple was a small metal clamp. They were hooked together with a chain that hung down across his chest. As he watched, he saw Art's hand come up and turn a little nob on each clamp. It made them tighter and hurt more. Then he pulled down on the chaim.

"Ohhhh! Ohhhh! Please noooo! the boy moaned.

"I know it hurts, but puppies have to be punished so they remember not to do things they shouldn't do," Art said in a soothing voice and removed his finger from the chain. There was a little relief, but it still hurt. "Do you understand, pup?"

"Yes sir," Kevin said in a low, trembling voice. "If you say so, sir."

"Now, get down in M crotch and suck my balls and then suck my cock and swallow my cum, puppy."


Next: Chapter 9: Born to Serve 9

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