Born to Serve Series

By moc.loa@9691rahmf

Published on Oct 4, 2019


Archive: "Born to Serve Chapter Seven" {Rob} Authoritarian (MMBB oral piss)

Another chapter in the introduction of the compliant Kevin Jones into the life of a sub. Thank you to those who have written telling me you have enjoyed Kevin's story and asking when the next chapter was coming out. Please let me know what you think of this one. I apologise for the long time it has taken to write. I've had lots of troubles, including writer's block and the difficulty of working on more than one story at a time, which I shouldn't have done! Rob at

2019 Copywrite mine but you're welcome to share

If you're not of legal age, please leave now.

Remember this is a fantasy. In real life Be Careful, Be Safe, and Don't Do Anything You Don't Want To Do!


Born to Serve Chapter Seven

"We'll go to the dining hall for lunch as soon as Kevin finishes with the boys. Teddy, make yourself presentable, Mike, you and Kevin will eat at the main table with the rest of us," Dr. Huntington announced. He walked over to the other side of the room and stood for a few minutes watching Kevin on his knees sucking the two semenarians' cocks. "Jess, Sam, is he doing a good job?"

"Oh, yes sir. He really knows how to suck," the dark-haired one, Jess, who had Kevin's face pressed against his groin, his nose buried in his curly dark pubes as he fucked with short, fast strokes.

"Taking you all the way down, I see."

"Yes, sir. His throat feels like a hundred little hands massaging my cock. "Ohhh! Sir! I'm about to come! Oh shit! It feeeels sooo goood, Sir!" he moaned as he held Kevin hard against his belly and filled his mouth and guts with his young-man's cum. Finished, he pushed the boy off his too-sensitive cock, and Sam, the other one, took hold of Kevin's head and pulled it onto his hard pole.

"I'm almost there! I'm about to cum! Yes! Yes! Ohhhhh fuuuuck! Take my load, fag!" he groaned as he pumped down Kevin's throat.

Glancing over, Dr. Huntingto saw that his grandson had gotten himself dressed. He walked to the stand, got his suitcoat and put it on. "Piss in him if you need to then get him cleaned up and dressed and join us in the dining hall," he said to his assistants as he walked over to the door and ushered his family and Mike out of the study.

Both semenarians were ready to empty their full bladders into Kevin's belly, making five bladdersfull since he came into Dr. Huntington's office. Jess showed him into the adjoining bath room telling him to sponge himself off while Sam gathered up his clothes from the side of the preacher's desk and gave them to him. All dressed, Kevin went with Jess and Sam to the dining hall. On the way Sam, who was a good-looking blonde jock type with a flattop, said, "You're a great cocksucker. I've had my share in college and there are plenty of guys in seminary willing to swing on a cock, but Jess and I both agree that for a beginner you've got real talent. We both hope you'll let us use you these next three weeks, with Reverend Stewart's permission of course. And, after you lose your cherry we'd like to use you as a team - double team you - fuck your mouth and ass together, again with your master's permission."

Kevin thought of their big cocks, the muscular bodies that were obvious under their well-tailored suits. (Dr. Huntington provided clothes for the seminarians he chose as assitants.) They had both been tough, but considerate mouth-fuckers. Kevin had enjoyed servicing them. "I'd like that. If Pastor Mike says okay."

They reached the dining hall and took their places at the main table, Jess and Sam at the end, Kevin next to Mike. Dr. Huntington was in the middle with his son (IV) on his left and the Camp Director on his right. His grandson (V) was at the end opposite Sam and Jess. He had a couple of campers, Jocks by their looks, keeping him company. Kevin was seated at IV's left with Mike next. The rest of the table was filled with various camp officials. As Kevin sat down, MIke whispered to him, "Dr. Huntington's son is sometimes a loose cannon. Not as bad as the grandson, but he's taken with you. Whatever he does, just ignore it or go along. I'm right here."

The Blessing said everone began to eat. In moments, Kevin felt IV's hand on his thigh. The table was covered with a cloth, so no one could see. The hand moved from caressing the boy's thigh to cupping and fondling the cock and balls inside his pants. "Open your trousers!" the man ordered out of the side of his mouth. Kevin's cock was already half hard. He looked up at Mike. Their eyes met, and Mike nodded. Kevin unzipped and spread open his trousers. The hand pushed in and passing over his hard cock squeezed and worked on his balls trapped in his underpants. Then the fingers moved back to the straining cock and stroked it. It was all Kevin could do not to moan out loud. "You like this, don't you, you little cunt?" the man whispered as his hand moved up under the boy's shirt the rub his flat belly and tease the line of light hairs that grew on it before pushing down under the waistband of his shorts and taking hold of his hard cock. "Like I said, I like a boy with a cock - a clit to hold onto while I'm fucking his pussy. The old man may have saved your cherry, but I am going to be fucking you, me and my son and probably the old man, too. You're going to get fucked by the Huntingtons more than once before this camp is over. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Ohhh goddd yeesss!" Kevin groaned under his breath as he shot rope after rope of hot teenaged cum onto the man's hand and into his own underpants. IV surreptiously jerked his hand out and wiped it on the napkin in his lap. As his cock began to soften, Kevin was horrified to feel warm urine uncontrollably flowing out of it to soak his clothing with all the piss he had drunk down in the preacher's office.

Mike, knowing what IV had been doing and figuring out what had happened, leaned down and whispered in Kevin's ear, "Pull your shirt out of your pants and get them closed!" As Kevin worked to cover himself, Mike spoke to the older man, "Dr. Huntington, Kevin isn't feeling well. I'm going to take him upstairs to rest, if you will please excuse us," he said as they got up and made their way out the closest door. Fortunately it led to a back hall that led to a stairway that would get them to their wing of the dormitory. As they started up the stairs, Chris Horneby came from the other direction and joined them.

"What's up Pastor Mike. Is Kevin okay?"

"Come with us." The three made it to the room without running into anyone. As the door closed behind them, Mike said to Kevin, "You better get out of those clothes." Kevin toed out of his shoes and took off his shirt and dropped it on the floor. There was a huge wet spot on the front of his pants and running down the pants legs.

"Whoaaa, buddy. What'd you do? Piss in your pants!" Chris exclaimed.

"It's cum and piss," Kevin replied as he stepped out of the cummy wet trousers, pushed down his undershorts and stood naked before the man and boy, his head hanging down.

"I've got to go and meet with the group to organize the afternoon," Mike said. "Will you stay with Kevin, Chris." Mike had learned enough about Chris Horneby from his former minister and their talk earlier when he had pulled the young stud out of Bible Class to know that he could do as much to help Kevin deal with the events of the morning as he, Mike, could.

"Sure. Whatever he needs."

"He's been through a lot today. Get him to tell you. He needs a friend who knows and understands. He needs you to help him understand about today," Mike said as he left the room.

"First thing, let's get you cleaned up," Chris said going the the washbasin each room still had from before the expansion of the bathrooms. Kevin followed him, and Chris took a washcloth from the rack and wet it with warm water. He went down on one knee and started wiping the cum off Kevin's stomach and crotch. The other boy immediately sprung a hardon. "Fuck! This turn you on?" Chris asked as he began to clean up Kevin's balls and run the cloth up his thighs into his crotch.

"Oh god, Chris, I can't help it. I've been hard almost all morning. I had to cum when he started playing with my cock and then after I came my bladder was so full, I wet my pants."

"What the hell! Who was playing with your cock?" Chris exclaimed as he finished and handed Kevin a towel. Kevin dried off and sat down naked on the bench beside the basin. He made no move to cover himself with the towel or get clothes to put on. He realized he liked being naked in front of Chris. He now thought of his teammate, who he had thought badly of when he first knew him - flaunting his nakedness and his sexual needs, boasting about his conquests at his old school, complaining about "not getting any" in his new home - as more of a man than himself, as an alpha male. He thought of last night when he had willingly gone down on his knees before the younger boy and taken his hard cock into his mouth and swallowed his load. He wanted to do it again, and it made him hard just thinking about it.

Chris sat down next to Kevin and put his arm around his shoulders. "Tell me," he said. Kevin poured out the story of his day: About Buck and Art, sucking their cocks, drinking their piss, being pissed on. About everything that had happened in the preacher's study. How Mike had almost let him be fucked. How Mike had told him to let the man sitting beside him at the table do whatever he wanted. How he couldn't keep from cumming. The entire time he was relating his tale of misery his cock was hard as steel.

"Fuck! Shit! Look at me! You've got me hard just like you! Feel it!" he said as he took Kevin's hand and placed it 0n his crotch. He took his other hand and, placing it under Kevin's chin, raised his head up so they were looking into each other's eyes. "You want to help me out? Take care of this for me?" Chris asked as he opened his pants with the hand that had been holding Kevin's against the lump between his legs and pulled out his hard cock. Kevin stared down at the thick pole of jockboy cock. He had seen it many times in the locker room back home, had sucked it last night and drunk piss from it and sucked it this morninng, But, now he saw it differently. As it grew larger and harder while he stared at it, he recognized it as belonging not to a younger teammate, but to a man, his superior. He could see the blood pulsing in the veins that ran up and arount the thickening shaft to the mushroom head, shiny with the cock-slime that was oozing out the little mouth at the top. "Is this what you want, what you need, Kevin?"

"Yes, sir."

"Get on your knees!" he ordered as he raised up and pulled his pants down and off. He pulled his shirt over his head. Naked, he sat on the bench, his hairy legs spread open, his hair-covered ball-bag hanging down under his rampant cock and demamded, "What do you see? What am I?"

"A man."

"What kind of man?"

"A real man."

"What do you call a man like me?

"An Alpha."

"Right!" Chris then told Kevin how Mike had taken him out of Bible Study and had a long talk with him. How, since he had other duties during the day he needed Chris to help Kevin to fully understand his place as a sub. "I can use you and find other campers, other teen-aged alpha males, to use you. He will continue to use you and give you to other men to be used. You are ours to use and give to anyone we wish, anytime, anywhere, Buck and Art, Dr. Huntington, his son and grandson, his young assistants. The man at the table? Other men Mike chooses? Campers I choose? You will serve anyone we tell you, whenever and wherever we tell you. You have two masters now, and I want you to suck my cock. Now! Get on it. If you do a good job, I'll let you drink my piss."

Kevin put his hands on Chris' thighs and leaned in to take his entire cock into his mouth and down his throat. After all the cocks he had sucked this morning, his throat had learned to take whatever was shoved into it. Once he had gotten used to it, he could easily swallow Chris' big cock until it was wrapped into the satiny soft lining of his throat and worked it over before he had to pull up.

As he started to go back down on the slobbery pole, Chris ordered, "Hands behind your back! No hands! Now, lean in and take it all the way down! Take it slow! Make love to it with your lips and tongue as you go down!" When Kevin had all of his new master's cock in his throat, Chris placed his big hands on the top of his head and pressed down gently. "That's a good boy! You've learned good! Now swallow! Gag on that big knob. Make me feel good! Oh yeah! I can feel your throat working on it! Not yet!" Chris was enjoying the feel of Kevin's throat spasaming around his thick rod. "Keep it down!" he demanded as he pressed down a little more on the top of the choking boy's head. "You've got to learn! My cock is the master of your throat. Your job is to make it feel good! Choke on it, slut! You're nothing! I'm everything! Your throat, your ass when the time comes are only receptacles for your master's cock, holes to be filled with thick, hard cock!" Kevin, moaning loudly as he fought to pull off the huge invader filling his throat, thought he was going to die when suddenly the hands pressing down on his head were gone, and he was able to pull up, gasping for air. Before he could come up all the way, the big mushroom-shaped head still in his mouth, the hands returned and he heard the voice above him growling with lust, "Breath! Take it down, cocksucker! I want to feel you choking on my cock again! You better do a good job or I may not let you up this time!" As the big knob relentlessly buried itself back down into his gullet, Kevin obediantly began the work it over with his throat muscles, praying that he would do a good enough job so his teenage master wouldn't carry out his threat. "Yeah! That's good! Work on that cock! Take it down that pussy-throat!" Chris demamded as he fucked down with regular little jabs into the convulsing warm, wet chamber. Each time he pulled out just enough to allow Kevin to gasp in a tiny breath of air. "That's a good pussy-boy! You're learning fast! You're gonna be able to take every alpha cock at this camp brfore these three weeks are up! You're about to make me cum, but I'm not ready. You've got lots mmore to learn about pleasing your man with that whore mouth, fag-boy," he said as he roughly pushed Kevin away as he jerked his rampant pole out of his mouth.

Kevin, his cock hard and straining up from his crotch, fell back onto the heels of his feet, his eyes fastened onto the sight of the thick cock standing out from his younger master's hairy crotch. The prominent veins wrapping around it were pumped full of hot blood. The smooth surface was thickly covered with Kevin's slobber and throat mucus as well as the pre-cum that was pumping out of the gapping mouth at the top of the crown. "Did I do good?" the kneeling boy asked in a pleading voice as he tore his gaze away from the huge cock he wanted more of up into his master's eyes.

"You did good. But you need to know more about servicing a man that just sucking his cock. Get in here and lick my cock clean. Get all your mouth and throat slobber cleaned off and suck up all the cock-snot pumping out." After Kevin had finally gotten Chris'cock cleaned to his satisfaction - The meatus was still pumping out slime from its wide-open mouth - Chris pushed his head down below to his ball-bag. "Get on my balls! A man likes his boy to love servicing all of him. Yeah! That's a good pussy-boy! Suck that hairy bag! Lemme feel those sweet lips, that soft tongue. That's good! Yeah, that feels good. Now get your tongue down under," Chris commanded as he raised his muscular legs up and propped his heels against the edge of the bench. "Get down into my crotch. Lemme feel your tongue making love to that part where my ass-crack begins. Lick up my sweat, smell that man funk! Yeah, that's a good boy. Get your tongue up in the crack," he demamded as his strong legs raised his butt up higher. "Get in there with your mouth. Nibble on that hairy crack. Reach in with your tongue. I wanna feel your tongue on my asshole. Yeah,that's it! Kiss that fuckin' hole. Lick it!" he said as he scooted down and raised his legs up, pulling them apart with his muscled arms. "Get in there and make love to my asshole, fag. Faggots love making love to their man's hole. Fuck your tongue into it. Fuck my tight hole with your faggot tongue!" Chris commanded as he dropped his legs down onto Kevin's shoulders and pulled his face even tighter into the musky depths of the hairy furrow.

Finally satisfied with the aptitude his older former teammate was showing on his journey to total subservience to the dominant male, Chris pulled his legs up and placing his feet on Kevin's shoulders, pushed him away. Caught by surprise, the older boy was sent sprawling on his back onto the floor. Chris rose up to stand over his former friend, now his obedient fag. His cock stood proudly out from his thick, muscular thighs, his hands on his hips he looked down t the prone boy with a sneering grin on his handsome face. "You're learning, slut. By the time canp's over your gonna be trained good. Get up! On your knees! I'm ready to come now, but first bow down and kiss my feet. Worship a real man. This is what you're gonna be doing for the rest of your life," he said as Kevin obediently did as instructed. "You're going to be on your knees worshipping real men, like Mike and me and others we find for you here. When you go to sports camp, your gonna be ready to obey and service your coaches, your teammates and any other alpha male who wants you. But now get up here and take my cock down your worthless cock-sucking throat and swallow my load!"

Kevin eagerly reached out and pulled Chris' hard, leaking shaft toward his mouth. He didn't gobble it all the way down into his throat as he had done before. He licked and sucked on the hairy ball sack before moving to the thick shaft, making love to the full bag with his lips and tongue chewing and pulling on the hairs before moving to the hairy pubic thicket surrounding the base of the throbbing rod. With lappings of the tongue and small kisses he worked his way up to the bulbous head. There he wrapped his soft lips around the top of the shaft, below the flange. Encouraged by the groans and expressions of encouragement from his superior standing, hands on hips, in front and over him, he carressed the silky smooth knob with his tongue, sucking gently to milk out the copious flow of warm cockslime and savor it as it rolled down his tongue into his throat.

"Fuck, slut! You're learning fast! I've already got my eyes on some hot jock studs here at the camp I'm sure are gonna want to use this mouth of yours. When we get your cherry busted and your ass-pussy broken in, they're gonna be standing in line for you to service them. Between Mike and me we're gonna change your life forever. Now, open up! I'm ready to cum!" Chris demanded as he grabbed Kevin's head and rammed his cock balls deep down the kneeling boy's throat. "Take that cock, faggot! Take your man's cock!" he ordered as he fucked furiously in and out of the receptive throat-pussy. "Oh fuck! Fuck! I'm cumming! Take my load! Drink that fuckin' load! Swallow my cum down into your no-good faggot belly! Take it, cocksucker! cum-drinker!" the muscular younger baseball player yelled as he emptied his balls into Kevin's mouth and down his throat. Pulling his softening cock out of the tightly gripping throat until the last few inches rested inside the mouth on the flattened tongue, the fucker Panted as he came down from the force of his orgasm. "Sooo goood!" he groaned as he relaxed his bladder and let his bottled up piss flow in a hot, acrid stream of urine into his sub's mouth and down his throat.

After Chris had washed his cum down with a bladder-full of piss, he ordered Kevin to get on the bed, still naked. "Mike will be up to check on you. You're to stay here until he comes," he said as he dressed and left the room. Kevin drifted off to sleep. It had been an eventful first morning at camp.


Next: Chapter 8: Born to Serve 8

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