Born to Serve Series

By moc.loa@9691rahmf

Published on Jul 6, 2019


Archive: "Born to Serve Chapter Five" {Rob} Authoritarian (MMBB mutual play oral piss)

In this chapter, the chronicles of Kevin's days at church camp begin. He continues to serve Mike. Buck and his assistant Art borrow him. Chris plays with a younger boy, Andy. I apologize for any errors. I still haven't mastered "Microsoft 10"! Please let me know what you think. Rob at

2019 Copywrite mine but you're welcome to share

If you're not of legal age, please leave now.

Remember this is a fantasy. In real life Be Careful, Be Safe, and Don't Do Anything You Don't Want To Do!


Born to Serve Chapter Five

Kevin woke the next morning as he had the day before, and as he will every morning for the next three weeks, lying between Mike's outspread legs with his head comfortably resting up in his crotch. Above him hung his master's hairy bag, heavy with the big balls that filled it. By craning his head, he could see the big cock he was already addicted to servicing. Gradually he inched himself up until he could take the bulbous head in his mouth and gently begin sucking on it. Like yesterday morning there the muscular legs spread wider to allow him to move so he could take more of the of the thick cock into his mouth. There was movement and a low moan from the man under him. He glanced up and saw his master rise up and partially support himself on his forearms as he looked down at the subservient boy sucking on his big cock. The position caused Mike's biceps and pectorial muscles to swell and his abdominals to tighten up under the light veil of dark hair that covered them.

"Better start swallowing. Here comes my morning piss," the man said with a smile as Kevin felt the first of the tasty, slightly acrid fluid begin to flow into his mouth. Drinking down the last of the hot piss, Kevin felt the cock rapidly hardening. "Now my first load!"

The two got out of bed and stepped into boxer shorts and flip-flops before picking up their towels and shaving kits and heading out the door to go down the hall to the communal bathroom. Since last year it had been enlarged and modernized. They had checked it out when they first got there. Along one side were a dozen shower stalls. Down the middle was a partial wall with washbowls and mirrors on the shower side and on the other, where an adjacent room had been taken in, were urinals on one of the walls and toilet stalls on the other. There were no more open toilets and bathtubs. Mike and Kevin were the first ones to arrive. As they were hanging their boxers and towels on the lines of hooks, Chris walked in.

"Hey, Pastor Mike, Kevin," he said as he looked around. "Where are the urinals. I'm about to piss in my pants?"

"Kevin, show Chris where they are and give him a hand like you did last night," Mike said with a nod toward the other side.

"Hey, thanks, Pastor Mike," Chris said, rightly interpreting the man's words as permission to use Kevin.

"Any time, Chris. But make it fast. You can take your time later."

"Fuck yeah," Chris said as the two boys went around to the other side.

"Watch your language," Mike said with a laugh.

Chris headed for the next-to-last urinal as Kevin followed.

"Don't you think we ought to go in one of the stalls?" he asked.

"Nah, live dangerously. You take the last one, and you can stand up and pretend to be pissing if we hear anyone coming in," Chris said as he pulled his shorts down under his balls and turned toward Kevin with his half-hard cock pointing at him. Kevin bent down and took Chris' cock in his mouth that was immediately filled with hot teen piss. "Ahhh! Fuuuck! That's goood! Nothing like a hot mouth to piss in!" Chris sighed as he emptied his bladder in his buddy's mouth. As soon as Kevin had lapped up the last drops, Chris pulled up his shorts and they stepped away. Kevin was completely naked since he had hung his shorts on the hooks when he and Mike had first come in. Both boys had half-hardons. As they were about to reach the end of the row, one of their teammates, a big muscular soon-to-be-senior linebacker named Jeremy, came around the corner. He was naked and his big cock hung free in front of the balls swinging between his thighs, the whole package nestled in his blonde crotch hair.

"Hi Kevin. Nice hang you got there! Chris, I'm surprised you ain't hangin' loose!"

"You wanta see my cock, Jeremy?" Chris laughed good-naturedly as he pulled his shorts down in the front and waggled his semi at the other boy.

There were eight or ten boys in various states of undress in the room by now. The group from the church were all high schoolers or those coming into high school. All the boys on the trip were jocks, or had seen one another undressed in the school locker rooms during PE. As Kevin glanced around, he noticed that there werre only one or two of the youngest boys there. The others must still be in bed. He made a mental note that he needed to check on them when he finished dressing. There was the usual ass slapping and high jinks going on.

All of the showers but one were occupied. Chris kicked out of his shorts and dragged Kevin into the unoccupied stall. "Come on Jones, you aren't afraid to shower with me are you? We can wash each others' backs. As soon as the curtain was closed and the water on, Kevin was pushed to his knees and had Chris' big cock shoved into his mouth. "Get on my cock, buddy! I need to blow my first load!" the agressive boy whispered. Kevin eagerly started sucking on the big cock. His practice with Mike the night before had loosened his throat, and he could take more of the other boy's cock in. Soon satisfied when he had emptied his balls down into the subservient boy's belly, Chris pulled Kevin up and the two boys quickly washed and got out of the shower.

"'Bout time you two finished. Did you leave any hot water for the rest of us?" Jeremy, the big linebacker who had joshed about Kevin and Chris' cocks as he passed them by the urinals, said as he jumped in.

Mike was just finishing shaving when they joined him at the washstand. "You two finish up and get dressed. I'll see you in the dining room. Chris, I hope Kevin has taken good care of you?" Mike said in a low voice, although there was so much bedlam in the room that it was unlikely anyone could hear.

"He sure has, Pastor Mike. Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, Chris. I told Kevin he was to take care of you. I understand they call you Horny Hornby?"

"Yeah. That's what the guys call me, but I don't think I'm gonna be horny for the next three weeks, thanks to you."

Mike grinned at the fiesty boy's response, rinsed and dried his face, splashed on some of the sexy-smelling aftershave he used and left. Chris and Kevin, sharing the same basin quickly shaved, put on deoderant and left to go to their separate rooms to dress. "See you in the dining room," Kevin said as they parted.

Mike was dressed and waiting when Kevin entered their room. "Good! I need to piss!" Kevin dropped to his knees and took Mike's cock in his mouth to drain the man's bladder. When he was finished using his urinal, Mike put his cock away and said, "Get dressed and join me for breakfast. We've got some scheduling to do, then meet with the group."

Kevin finished dressing and headed downstairs. Several members of their group were also headed down, including Chris. When they got in the dining room, Kevin wasn't sure where he was supposed to sit, with the group or with Mike and the other adult leaders. He saw Buck Davis motioning to him indicating an empty chair beside him and then Mike on the other side talking to another man. He went over. Before he sat between the two men, Mike turned to him and said, "You'll sit with us for meals, but before you sit down make sure all our group is here. Kevin went over to their group's table and made a head count. There was one missing. Where's Andy McClary!" he asked the group as a whole.

"Haven't seen him," several answered. Andy was one of the younger members of the group. He would be a freshman when school started.

"I guess I better go check on him," Kevin said.

"I'll go with you," Chris said as he got up out of his chair. "I know which room he's in."

The two boys headed up the stairs. When they got on the floor Chris stopped and looked up and down the hall. "In here," he said as he opened a door and pulled Kevin into a closet. "I need to piss." After Kevin had drained Chris' bladder for the second time that morning, they slipped out of the closet after making sure no one was in the hallway.

When they got to the room Chris indicated, Kevin knocked. "Andy...Andy, it's Kevin Jones. Are you in there?" No answer, so Kevin opened the door. Inside they found the kid sound asleep in the bed. "Hey, Andy, wake up. You're late for breakfast."

Chris reached down and shook him, at the same time pulling the sheet off. "Time to get..." Lying on his side in the bed before them was a completely naked fourteen year old! Without thinking, Chris bent down and gave him a pat on his pert, round ass."

"What the fuck, Chris!" Kevin exclaimed.

As the kid turned over on to his back, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, there before them in his spread-out crotch was a cute little-boy bag with no balls in it and a surprisingly ample, semi-hard cock with a little patch of red it matching the color of the hair on his head and in the pits of his slightly muscular arms. His lettle chest and abs showed the beginnings of some muscular development. As Andy's eyes focused on the two older teenagers standing over him, his hands went automatically to cover his crotch. "Whaaa...!"

"You've overslept, Andy," Kevin said "Pastor Mike sent us up to get you. Get up and grab on your clothes. You don't have time to shower. Everybody else is down for breakfast already."

The boy jumped out of bed, his hands still covering his genitals and began hunting for his clothes.

"He'll get over that after a couple of mornings in the bathroom with all the others," Chris said to Kevin with a big grin. "Cock that size and cute ass like that'll get some attention....Nice cock, Andy," he said to the boy scrambling into his clothes.

Andy, dressed in record time, the three boys went down to the dining hall where Chris and Andy found seats with their group, and Kevin sat down between Mike and Buck. Breakfast over, there was an hour break before the first Bible classes. (Remember, this is a church camp.)

Kevin saw Chris talking to Andy. As the two boys passed by him on their way out of the dining hall, he overheard Chris saying to the younger boy, "I'll show you where the bathroom is. You can get a quick shower before Bible study." Andy had been embarrased when the two older boys had seen him naked and was a little puzzled, but thrilled, at the soon-to-be-senior's attention. As they went up the stairs Chris casually said, "That's some cock you've got there, kid. When did you start growing?"

"It started gettiing bigger last winter."

"Have you learned what it's good for besides peeing?"

The boy hesitated and gave Chris a funny look before he said, "Yeah, my older cousin was visiting at spring break, and he showed me about jacking off."

"You cum yet?"

"No. He said my balls had to drop first, whatever that means."

"But it feels good when you jackoff"

"Oh yeah! It feels really good!"

"Did you jack each other off? Did you help each other out?" They had gotten to their floor. Chris guessed the answer was yes as Andy's face reddened. "That's okay. All guys do it - help each other out. Here's my room. It's closer than yours. We can get you a towel here," he said as he opened the door and stepped inside. Andy followed him in. As he closed the door, he said, "I think I'll take a shower, too," as he quickly dropped his shorts and briefs and pulled off his shirt. Naked, he walked over to get a couple of towels from the rack, giving Andy a good look at his muscular athelete's body and swinging semi-hard cock and balls, which hardened as he walked.

"You've got a really big cock," the younger boy said as he removed his shirt and started to unbutton his shorts.

"Is it bigger than your cousins?" Chris asked as he turned to face the other boy, reaching down to stroke the thick eight-inch pole that was standing out from his hairy crotch. As he continued stroking, he moved back toward Andy who had finished opening his shorts and was pushing them down. "Are you getting a hardon? You wanta let me see it?" Andy nodded his head and pulled the front of his white briefs down to let his now hard six-incher pop out. "Wow! That's some hard cock you've got there," Chris exclaimed. "Can I feel it?" Andy nodded. Chris stepped closer as he reached down and took the younger boy's hardon in his big baseball player's hand. As he did so the head of his cock nudged the upper part of the boy's thigh, smearing it with the pre-seminal fluid that was leaking out of the older boy's piss-slit.


"You like that?"

"Oh yeah!" the boy moaned.

"Feel mine," Chris said as he reached down and began to caress the empty little ball-bag with his fingers, as he continued stroking the surprisingly hard cock. He felt the smaller hand wrap around his thick hardon. The two continued their mutual masturbation and feeling of one another ball-bags for the next fifteen or twenty minutes, edging toward orgasm then pulling back and resting. Chris was surprised such a young boy had so much self-control. Finally he pulled his hand off the kid's cock and pulled his own cock away. "We've got to stop. We can do this another time. Right now we've g0t to get to Bible class," he said with a laugh. "They'll notice if we're not there." The two quickly got into their clothes and headed downstairs.

Back in the dining room, Mike went over a few things with Kevin while Buck and Art Crane, one of his staff Kevin had been introduced to during breakfast, stood by. Crane was obviously an athlete. Probably a college jock working at the camp for the summer. He, like Buck, was dressed in khaki mid-thigh shorts and a white polo with a whistle hanging around his neck. The shirt was stretched across his muscular chest and shoulders and the sleeves were tight around his biceps. Below the shorts were well-muscled legs covered with fine hairs. When Mike finished with Kevin and started to walk away, Buck said, "We'll pick teams after lunch. You want to come with me and Art to the sports pavillion and look over place?"

Kevin looked over at Mike who just nodded. "You go with Buck and Art and see what they need. I've got to see the director. I'll see you in an hour. Meet me in the main hall when Buck's finished with you."

The three left the dining hall and walked toward the playing fields. "Art's on the Varsity baseball team at State, Didn't Mike say that's where you're going?"

"Yeah. I'm going out for track, maybe baseball."

"You'll be under Coach Dobbs. He's a great coach."

"Yeah, I met with him. He's invited me to the sports camp that starts after I get home from camp."

"You must be something special. Not many freshman get an invite to the pre-school camp."

"He's something special all right!" Buck said as they went into the changing room next the the office. "Strip! On your knees, slut!" he ordered as he unzipped his shorts and pulled out his cock. "I need to piss!" Kevin hurriedly stripped out of his shorts and t-shirt and fell to his knees.

"Buck! What the hell!" the young man exclaimed.

"I told you I had a surprise for you. This jock is a sorry fag. He's a fucking sub. My buddy Mike brought him to camp to take care of him while he's here since his wife is pregnant and couldn't come. He's gonna let us use him too while they're here." While he was talking Kevin had knelt down and taken sports director's big cock in his mouth. "Yeah, drink that piss, fag! Oh yeah, that feels good. You ever pissed in a fag's mouth, Art?"

"No. I've gotten blowjobs. I've filled lots of mouths with my cum, but never pissed in the fag's mouth."

"Well, there's always a first time," Buck said as he shook the last drops of his piss across Kevin's face. "Get your cock out....Get over there and open your toilet mouth for Art's piss, faggot."

Without hesitation the college jock opened his shorts and pulled his cock out of the side of his jockstrap's pouch. He put his cock in Kevin's mouth and released his flow of hot, acred-tasting piss. It was clear he had no hesitation using a queer. Kevin swallowed his fourth bellyfull of piss for the morning. As the last trickle flowed down, Art's cock began the harden. "Fuck! I'm gettin' a hardon!"

"Shove it in and start fucking! The kid sucks cock like a vacumn. He blew me last night and I don't think I've ever gotten a better blowjob!" Art grabbed Kevin's head in his big baseball-player hands and began force-fucking him. The cockhead hit the back of his throat and Kevin choked and gagged. "Fuck! Fuck! He can't take it!" the college boy complained.

"Keep at it! Mike said he's training him to deep-throat. Make him take it! If he wants to serve men, he needs to learn to take a man's cock all the way down," Buck urged as he stepped forward and pushed the back of the boy's head into the college boy's crotch. Kevin was still choking and clawing at his fucker's shorts trying to get away. The shorts fell down as Buck eased the pressure on Kevin's head. "Let him get a breath," Buck said as he reached around and pulled the pouch of Art's jockstrap all the way aside so his balls fell out. "If you can't take his cock, suck his balls. Get on those balls and make love to them!" he ordered. Kevin, grateful for the temporary repreive bent his head down and slurped Art's balls into his mouth and began licking and sucking on them.

"Fuck, he's got a good mouth," the jock moaned. "He's as good as the fags we use at the frat house." Buck thought back to his days in college when he had kept his balls down the throats of the fags they kept around the fraternity house. He usually managed to sniff out a few queer boys on the high school teams he coached now, but more and more he was having to make do with his fifty-five year-old school principal who was always ready to get on his knees and suck out a load or give his ass up to his head coach's hard cock.

"Okay, fag, time to get back on Art's cock, and this time I don't want any gagging and choking . Relax your throat and breathe every time your fucker pulls out. If Mike hasn't taught you how to breath through your nose, it's time you learned. Fuck his mouth. Give him a chance to breathm, but make him take it!" he commanded his assistant.

Art didn't need any instruction in how to break into a tight new throat. He had broken in his share of cute freshmen jocks who just needed to be taight their place in the hiearchy of men, learning how to open their throats and assses to the real men on campus. He took it easy, but didn't allow Kevin to refuse him. Kevin was thankful for the practice he had gotten with Mike, and was able to accomadate the increasingly forceful fucking of the hard young athelete who within minutes was thinking only of his own pleasure and oncoming release. Soon the horny young man was pounding in and out of his throat-pussy, pulling his face to meet every forceful thrust of his hips into his hard, muscular belly and thighs with the big hands that were wrapped around the boy's head. "Oh shit! Shit! Fuck! I'm cumming, sucker! Drink that cum, you little slut-fag! Eat me! Eat me! Drink my load, you little cocksucker!" he yelled as he pumped his big load - he hadn't cum since he fucked his girlfriend the night before he left home three days ago - down Kevin's throat and into his mouth. Spent, he pushed Kevin off his too-sensitive cock, causing the boy to fall back onto the concrete floor. Looking up, he saw Buck, his feet spread over him holding his half-hard cock in his hand. He watched in surprise as Buck aimed his spurting cock down at him. As he felt the hot piss splash over his body, he realized this was just another indication of his place in the world of men. He was being marked by a superior male as a thing to be used and degraded. "Shit, Buck you're pissing all over the faggot!" Art exclaimed as he moved awkwardly forward, his feet fettered by his shorts and jockstrap around his ankles, until he was standing over the supine boy, his big softened cock hanging over him.

"Fuck yeah. Gotta make sure he knows his place. You need to piss again, all that coffee you drank at breakfast?"

"Yeah. I guess so," the college boy said as he took hold of his cock and pointed it at Kevin's crotch. The two men stood straddled over the boy as he laid on his back, and they aimed their cocks and streams of hot yellow urine all over his body from crotch to face as they once again emptied their bladders.

Finished, the two shook the last drops from their once-again hardening cocks over the boy. Buck pushed Kevin in the side with the toe of his athletic shoe and said "Get up. Get on that bench with your head hanging down....I'm gonna get me some of the bitch's mouth pussy....Raise you legs!...Art, take a look at that tight boy-pussy. We're gonna be fucking that tight hole. Just not today. We gotta have permission for that. He's still a virgin down there and we can't fuck it until Mike says so. Push his legs up. I'll hold 'em while I fuck his face."

Art pushed Kevin's legs farther up and back. Buck grabbed his ankles and pushed them down so the boy on the bench with his head hanging over the end was doubled over, his ass wide open for Art's inspection and his mouth and throat an open fuckhole for Buck's use, just like Mike had taught him the night before. While Buck plowed Kevin's mouth and throat with his thick, long cock, Art had a little fun playing with his butt and asshole. Slap!... slap!...slap! was heard as he reddened the boy's firm butt-cheeks with his big calloused baseball player's hands. "Nice ass! Firm and fully packed," the college boy said with a grin as he ran his hands over the hot, muscle-mounds. "Lemme see that pussy," he said as he pressed down forcing Kevin's cheeks apart to open up the lightly-haired crevass revealiing the pinky-brown pucker nestled in its nest of light brown hairs. "Uhmmm yeah! Soft and sweet. Like its begging for a big cock!" he said with a gron as he rubbed and patted the tight little button, drooling down warm saliva to lubricate the little vally, making it easy for the older boy to explore the little ridge that edged the tightly closed anus. After circling the puckered slippery wet circle with his big thumb, he pressed lightly into the center just barely pushing against the protecting sphincter. "This hole is just begging for cock! You sure we can't fuck it?"

"I told you, it's off limits! Don't even think about it! Not only is Mike a strong son-of-a-bitch, he's got friends and contacts that could ruin both of us. I'd be out of any coaching job, and you'd be off the team with no sports future, at least in this part of the country! Just be patient. Once that hole is broken open, we can use it any way we want, but until Mike decides who gets to be first, it's taboo, forbidden terratory."

Buck finished off down Kevin's throat and Art reluctantly left his a virgin. The three took a quick shower, during which Kevin drank more of the two men's piss and they dressed. Buck sent Kevin back to the main building while he and Art got down to going over lists and planning the teams for the next three weeks.

Kevin found Mike in the foyer of the Assembly Hall a few minutes before the mornings service was to start. Mike grabbed Kevin's arm and lead him downstairs to the basement restroom. Although the restrooms on the upper levels had been modernized, this one was in original condition and, therefore wasn't much used. There were two entry doors, both of which squeaked loudly. Inside, one wall was a long urinal that consisted of a shallow trough about four feet from the two-or-three inch high front curbing to the back wall. There were drains at each end and a trickle of water ran down from a long pipe about a foot above the bottom of the trough. Mike walked straight to it and opening his trousers and pulling out his big cock. "Kneel! I need to piss!" Kevin, a little nervous looked around the large room with its wash basins along one wall and a row of large stalls on the other. "No one uses this one, and the doors make plenty of noise. On your knees and drink! We don't have all day! We have to be in our places when the service starts!"

Kevin immediately fell to his knees, took the big cock that was hanging before him in his mouth and drank the copious amounts of hot urine that had filled his master's bladder since he had last emptied it.


Next: Chapter 6: Born to Serve 6

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