Born to Magic

By dash minford

Published on Jan 21, 2007


Disclaimer: I do not personally know any of the actors or celebrities involved in this story. I do not own the rights to the show Charmed or any of its characters. This story is purely fiction and any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental.

Later that night, in a flourish of white lights as usual, Leo came back to the sisters from his visit with the elders. He had been gone for hours, so they hoped he had news for them. Although, it looked like he didn't have much to say, considering the look on his face.

"The elders don't know much about your new neighbor. The only information I could find out was that he's one of the few male witches. That, in of itself, is a rarity. They don't know how he came to be or whether or not he has any power or not. The only thing for certain I can tell you is that you need to protect him. Male witches are rare enough without one getting killed so young."

"We realize the implications. You should know that you don't really need to tell us to protect him. In the short time that we've known him, we've become very close. We don't want anything to happen to him any more than the elders do."

"Yes, I know Piper. But you can't blame me for doing my job. I'm still your whitelighter so I have to tell you what the elders want you to do. Whether or not you do it exactly as they want is a completely different story."

"There you go."

"Did you know that Kit went right up to him and let him hold and pet him?"

"What? He never does that with anyone but family. Even Paige didn't get to do that at first."

"Yeah, I know. We all thought it was very strange."

After that, the conversation went back to how the day was and any other non-magic related topics. This isn't too uncommon in that house, considering who the residents are. And also, considering Leo and Piper are married.

-Next Door-

The evening was going as normally for Mike as it was for the Halliwell sisters. Him and his parents ate dinner and sat down to watch TV. They just hung out spending time as a family. This was especially important to his parents because of the fact that they wouldn't be spending much time with him during the day, considering they work. They were happy that he had made friends with the sisters that live next door because then he would have someone to hang out with or do stuff with. From what Mike said to them, they sounded like extremely well mannered and behaved young ladies.

The next day, Mike's parents once again left early for work leaving him home alone until that evening. This didn't bother Mike any because he was rather used to it. They had been doing that every summer since he was old enough to stay home by himself and take care of himself. It gave him time to do what he wanted as well as time to just relax. In this case though, it gave him time to go online and see if he had any messages from his cute friend.

He did today, and it said, "Hey cutie, I'm so glad to hear that your move was done safely. I can't wait to meet you. When are you free to do so? I am free tomorrow afternoon if you're available. If not, then we will work something else out. Can't wait to hear back from you."

He replied right away, saying, "Hey yourself. I'm glad you wrote me. I'm totally free tomorrow to meet you. I've been waiting with anticipation. Just let me know what time and where."

After he was done on the computer, he went downstairs and grabbed a quick bite to eat before sitting down in front of the TV. Not much was on, so it didn't last long. Considering he had basically everything unpacked in his room, he didn't have anything to do. So, he thought about going next door to hang out with his friends. He just hoped they wouldn't mind him just showing up.

Once there, he rang the doorbell. When the door was opened by Piper, she invited him in right away. But once inside, she started to chastise him a little by saying, "Mike, from now on you don't need to ring the bell. You have an open invitation to come over anytime you want. If you need someone to talk to about anything at anytime, feel free to confide in any one of us. You can also tell my husband Leo."

"I haven't met your husband yet. So, I don't think I would feel comfortable telling him anything personal."

"I forgot that you only met the three of us yesterday. We'll have to fix that right now. Let me go get him for you."

With that, she went to the kitchen and called for him. I could hear her yelling for him. I wonder where he was that she had to yell for him. I'm sure that it's not a common occurrence for a husband to be called for by yelling. Anyway, it wasn't long before she came back with a very handsome man right behind her.

"Mike, this is Leo. I'm sure you'll get along great."

"Hi Leo. It's very nice to meet you."

"Hi Mike. It's very nice to meet you too. Piper has told me a lot about you."

"Hopefully, nothing bad came up. Or nothing too personal."

That elicited a chuckle out of Leo and I knew we would get along great. For some reason I seem to be very comfortable with the entire family. Not that I'm complaining in any way. It's rather refreshing to know that I can get along with people without too much effort or fear of being made fun of.

We just hung out for the afternoon. Nothing much really happened, we just spent time together. I got to know Leo well. Eventually I told them about the meeting that was to happen the following day. Unfortunately, I couldn't give them any specific details yet, I still had to hear back from my friend. When they heard that, they let me use their computer so I could check my email. I had another email from him. I was really happy to find that out. It said, "I'm so happy that you can meet me tomorrow. There's a local park near where you said you were moving to. I'd love to meet you there since it's supposed to be a beautiful day out tomorrow. Shall we meet at 2? Let me know what you think."

"Piper, where is this park he is speaking of?"

"It's only a few blocks away. You can walk there actually. There are lots of secluded spots if you want to do anything intimate. "You know me better than that. You know nothing like that will happen."

"I know. I just had to pick on you. You should have been expecting that one Mike."

"True. But then again, I never know what to expect when it comes to women."

When I made that comment, Leo looked at me a little weird. He didn't fully understand it. And from what I can gather, he's not a man easily confused.

"Leo, you look confused. My last comment must have thrown you. I'm gay. That will probably explain everything."

He looked at me and then smiled. He also said, "I'm glad you feel you can trust me with that. I'm very honored. From what Piper and her sisters have told me, you're quite the young man."

"I'm honored by their praise. I'm not quite sure I deserve it yet, considering we just met. But I still thank you."

"You do deserve the praise Mike. You present yourself in such a way that most people would think you're older than your years. It's a very rare thing anymore."

"Once again, thanks."

After our conversation, I sent my reply saying 2 was perfect. And that I couldn't wait to meet him. As I was doing this, Piper and Leo shared a look that I didn't see this time.

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