Born to Magic

By dash minford

Published on Nov 21, 2004


Disclaimer: I do not personally know any of the actors or celebrities involved in this story. I do not own the rights to the show Charmed or any of its characters. This story is purely fiction and any resemblance to real life is purely coincidental.

This year, during my sophomore year of high school, I realized something very important about myself. What I realized was that I was gay. Once I accepted this, my life grew both less and more complicated at the same time.

I was relieved by this revelation because it felt like a weight was taken off of my shoulders. Yet, I didn't want to hide who I was so I was open about it. Because of my openness, people in my class made fun of and persecuted me.

I went and complained to my parents about the kids in my class. They told me to stick out the year and then we would move. They also said that we were going to be moving during the summer because of my fathers work anyway.

During the remaining months of that school year, I went on a couple of online sites so I could talk with other gay boys and men. As it turns out, a boy from the town I am going to be moving to contacted me. When we get out there, I agreed to meet him.

So, my family finally moved to San Francisco that summer. Going across the golden gate bridge was amazing. Once actually in the city, we moved into a really nice neighborhood with some really beautiful old homes. I just love old homes like these.

While my parents were at work the first full day in the house, the neighbors came over to introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood. All three of them were extremely nice and pretty. Too bad I am not interested in girls.

Each one of them introduced themselves and shook my hand. They are the Halliwell sisters. First there was Piper, who is the oldest. Then there was Phoebe, who is the middle child. And lastly, there was Paige, who is the youngest. Now, when Phoebe shook my hand, she stopped moving and looked like she was in pain. Soon after they were done introducing themselves, they left and went home.

-In The Halliwell Manor-

"What did you see Phoebe?", asked Piper.

"When I shook Mike's hand, I got a vision of him meeting another boy his age. They were in the park not too far from here. Then right before my eyes, the other little boy changed forms into that of a demon. The weird thing about this premonition is that it didn't end there. It then warped in time and showed the three of us hanging out with Mike."

"Now that's interesting. You're power was never that powerful before."

"Yeah I know. It's about time my power increased."

Paige finally came into the conversation by saying, "Now back to this premonition. What did it mean?"

"I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that we are supposed to save him. The rest I don't know about."

"I guess we'll have to get Leo o check with the elders for us."

With that, they called Leo down and explained what happened. After hearing their tale, he agreed to check with the elders. He also said that they should get to know their new neighbor better. They agreed and sent Phoebe over to see if Mike wanted to hang out.

-Back At Mike's-

I was just beginning to really get into unpacking the boxes in my bedroom when the doorbell rang. Since I had already met the neighbors, I didn't expect to see anyone until my parents came home that evening. When I answered the door, I was very surprised to see Phoebe on the other side.

"Are you feeling better Phoebe?"

"Yeah, I am feeling much better. Thanks for asking."


"Mike, we were wondering if you wanted to hangout at our house for a while since you are going to be home alone all day long."

"Yeah, I'll come over for a while. It's not like I have anything else to do today except for unpacking."

"Do you want to come over now or continue unpacking?"

"Come on, do you really have to ask that question?"

"No, I guess not. Well, come on then."

So, we went over to their house. Once inside, their cat came right up to me. When I picked him up, all three sisters looked shocked. It seems that the cat, whose name is Kit, doesn't like anyone outside of their family.

Since I had him in my arms, I looked him over. He was a very ordinary cat, except for his collar. The tag on his collar was very interesting. It was almost a Celtic knot. I'll have to look into what that means later.

Anyway, we spend most of the day just idly chatting about whatever came to mind. But, of course, as with any girl I know, they finally got around to asking whether or not I had a girlfriend back home.

"No, I didn't have a girlfriend back home. Actually, I'm gay. But, I have yet to have a relationship with a guy. In fact, I have never done anything with a guy whatsoever."

"I'm so happy you feel comfortable telling us that. After all, we are nearly strangers."

"I don't know why, but I feel as if I have known you my whole life."

"Don't worry sweetie, we feel the same way."

"In a way, I guess I have lead a charmed life. My parents were very supportive of me coming out. They also were willing to move so I wouldn't be harassed by the people I was. Although, they were going to move us anyway but I was also part of the reason then. My friends were also very supportive and awesome when it came to things like this. Now I meet you three and I am just lucky. I don't know why but I feel like we are going to become best friends really fast."

"Interesting way of stating that. Why did you phrase it like that?"

"Like what?"

"'A charmed life.'"

"In a way I have always felt blessed. It seems as if God or the powers that be have something special in mind for me."

"My sisters and I also feel like we have been leading a charmed life as well."

When Piper said this, she gave Phoebe and Paige a knowing look. I happened to notice this but I chose to ignore it because I figured I would never be able to figure out what it meant. Then, we sat down and ate lunch. My, was Piper a good cook. No wonder she owns her own club. If I am allowed, I will have to check it out. Sounds like quite the scene. Although, since I don't yet know the age required to be allowed in, I don't know if it will happen.

Anyway, after lunch, we sat around their living room just idly chatting every once in a while and watching TV. It's somewhat amazing how they were comfortable in my presence and I in theirs. At about three, I decided to go home and continue my unpacking.

When my parents got home, I was finishing up my unpacking. I got an awful lot done in those three hours. I don't think I ever went that fast before. Alf the stuff almost seemed to appear where I wanted it to go because I don't' remember unpacking half of it.

At dinner, we openly discussed what we did all day long. Neither of my parents had a terribly exciting day. It seems that my day was the most exciting out of all three of us. They were glad to hear that at least some of the neighbors were nice enough to com and introduce themselves. They were also glad to hear that I made my first friends out here already.

Next: Chapter 2

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