Born to Bottom

By Clark Wayne

Published on Oct 21, 2019



By Clark Wayne

I'm THAT guy. The one you wish you were. At 6'2 and 205 pounds of lean, cut muscle, at the top of my game.

I'm popular, homecoming king, prom king, the best tight-end in the district. Not too shabby for a high school senior on his way to a college football scholarship at basically any university I want.

I have a beautiful girl riding my cock on any given day and a few female teachers have taken a ride on this train as well, hence, good grades.

All this and one would think I have it all, life is perfect, it's fucking awesome to be me but that's not always the case. There are issues I deal with that can really eat away at my insides. I'm great at hiding my anxiety that I keep bottled up. The problem is stress and anxiety make me irritable and short tempered. I get set off easily. Getting into fights is nothing new to me, it's been happening since Junior High. I'm an Alpha male so guys get jealous; my looks, my athletic skills, my masculine presence. They always want to challenge me. I've learned a good release for the pent-up frustration, to keep my temper in check, is to hit the weights and hit them hard. It's not uncommon to find me in the school gym after hours if I can sneak in. If not, I hit the gym uptown.

Working out helps me focus, decompress, center myself. I can usually leave the gym feeling better than I did when I arrived. I know it sounds cocky but I fucking love looking at myself in the mirror during and after a good tough workout.

I get really pumped, vascular, a fucking beast.

When I go to the public gym, I get off on the stares and whispers I get from chics and dudes when I'm working out. I act like I don't notice but I know damn well how hot I am.

I'll just smile a big, white grin, run my fingers through my black, wavy hair and let my deep blue eyes do the talking for me as I move around the weight-room with my Airpods in, the universal sign for "don't talk to me while I'm working out, bitch."

And, of course, I'm not ashamed to show off what I got. Tight workout gear to show off my hard gains; bulging biceps, thick traps, armor plated chest and my stellar ass and quads. I love my hamstrings, the way they slightly curve out and then in up into my glutes. My ass is legendary at school. Girls want to touch it, guys envy it. Squats are a way of life for me. The only way to keep this ass round and hard as a rock.

No one knows the real reason I work out so intensely.

No one knows I feel I must be hyper-masculine, cocky, arrogant, be the man everyone expects me to be, who takes control, a born leader, someone the other guys look up to, be able to take down any dude that gets in my face. I'm good at it.

Too bad it's all an act...mostly. It's all a carefully orchestrated farce. The deepest secret about me doesn't have anything to do with insecurity, or self-esteem, nothing that affects other teenagers. No, mine is far deeper than that. A secret no one can know about as it could fuck up my football aspirations, my family life, my so-called love life and my reputation.

My secret? I love a big, fucking thick cock in my ass.

I don't mean "just the tip" either.

I mean I fucking love to get a good, hard pounding.

I love it deep and rough. I love shit like being held down, my faced pushed into the mattress and having my hole destroyed. A pounding that makes an Alpha like me into a moaning, screaming little bitch. As it turns out, I'm a god damn submissive behind closed doors. I don't know what it is about another athlete who is a strong, confident, muscular Alpha that turns me into a raging slut. No one would believe it if they saw how much I love to be bent over taking cock, sometimes two, up my tight, muscular ass-cunt. My deep voice out of breath, moaning, begging whatever stud is laying pipe in my butt to give it to me harder, insisting they don't stop until they breed me so I can soak up their primal, virile energy.

I'm a walking cliché; I date girls. I'm the big, cocky jock who dominates on and off the field. I'm conceited and overly confident to a fault. Unfortunately, I'm also a cliché for that same guy, a down-low, closet case that is living a lie and just really wants a masculine dude to take me down and wreck my hole.

Same old story: boy wants boys, boy must date girls to hide he wants boys. You know how hard it is to fuck a chic but having to think of your last time with a dude to stay hard?

To cum, I think about the best railing I've ever had in my short life and that will send me over the edge. Whatever dumb bitch I'm fucking assumes she's the reason for the huge loads I shoot into a condom. Therefore, keeping my bad boy rep intact. The truth is, I want to BE her. I love being her, the dumb bitch, when I'm with a dude. I'm happiest when I'm on my back, legs up, dick in my ass. And no condom! I want to feel the Alpha cum coursing through my body, adding to my strength, my DNA changing to become like him. After a couple hours of a bro's bone in my ass, I leave with a fucking strut. No god damn "walk of shame" for me. Nope, it just makes me prouder of myself. Knowing that alphas want to bury their dicks in my ass makes me feel superior. If a guy wants to mess with me, disrespect me, I just think inside, "fuck you, you little bitch. I'm better than you. I know I am because I have a ton of alpha cum in my gut right now and alphas don't fuck losers." I don't even have a problem getting boned and then heading straight out on a date with a girl. I have no shame. I've been known to cock-block a girl if I sensed the guy might be more into me than her.

I want to look up at the dude fucking me and see ME looking down. It's narcissistic but that's who I am. If I had a twin, I'd fuck him. I want to see a guy like me, feel his sweat dripping on my face, his lips attacking mine as I try to stifle a scream. Girls piss me off. Those bitches get what I want without a question. I want to get bred, know that a real man is planting his seed in my hole, just using me to get off.

I have to know my body, the body I work so hard for, is getting another dude off.

How did I become this way?

It started when I was fifteen.

I always knew, deep down, I liked dudes. At least, I knew something was different about myself.

At that age, I was already a great athlete and excelled in every sport I played.

My body had matured early and I was already very muscular for a 15-year-old.

I knew that I wanted to look like the guys I thought were hot.

I would spend hours on the internet looking at fitness models. I wanted to be like them, to look like them.

I would do anything to become a specimen of masculinity and join the ranks of the hottest athletes in the school. So, I did. I have a strong drive. When I set my mind on something, I give it 110%. I surpassed all those guys I looked up to at school. It was no surprise that I had grown my body into that specimen of perfection in no time flat. When I turned 16-years-old I was by far the best-looking guy in school and often mistaken for a senior as a freshman. Not just because of my face but because of the muscular development of my body. I have a handsome face but still a baby-face at that. It adds to my fake charm. I get what I want and I have no qualms about being fake to get it. It's all about me. I got mine, screw you.

The catalyst was when I was sixteen. I attended a football camp with my team that summer being held at a local university.

I couldn't wait.

I was looking forward to the training, the camaraderie and, of course, the showers.

It was my time to get an eye full of prime muscular jock ass. I'd not had sex with a guy yet but I had been experimenting with ass play; sticking fingers up my ass while jerking off. I had sex with plenty of girls but nothing beyond that. I just hoped I wouldn't pop a bone in the locker room.

That would not be a good thing.

We arrived the first morning and were given dorm assignments. Damn, I guess no locker room showers. We each had a roommate and a sponsor they called a Big Brother. I found out the Big Brothers were university football players who had volunteered to train us and watch over us while we were there for the two weeks.

I met my roommate when I arrived at the room. Damn, he was hot! He was from a different school so I didn't know him. I've probably played against him, just didn't pay attention. Everyone looks the same in a helmet. I watched him turn away and empty out his suitcase into a drawer. Wow, that ass! I know I would have recognized that butt in football pants. He was very attractive, a beautiful mix of half black and half white.

He was huge.

Not fat, but muscular.

I mean very muscular and cut. He was shorter than I was, I'd say six-foot but dude was stacked! I tried to divert my eyes and act like I wasn't checking out his ass and his arms all the time. I put up my alpha-shield so he wouldn't even question any look that might be construed as sexual.

"Hey man. I'm Jack," he said with a smile as he reached out for my hand.

"Hey," I grunted, ignoring his hand. Then I thought I didn't want him to think I was being a fucking racist by not shaking his hand. I reached out and took a firm grip and squeezed. He was going to feel my strength. "I'm Grant."

Jack grimaced and then smiled like it hadn't hurt but I know it did. It got awkward for a few seconds.

"Have you met our Big Brother yet?" he asked.

"Nope. God, I hope he's not a dick," I sneered. "Probably some douche who thinks he's going to bully us or something. Better not, I'll tear him up."

"Uhhh...yeah," Jack replied, thinking Grant was being a dick and suddenly contemplating whether he wanted to room with a guy like him. He thought he would try and make Grant feel more comfortable.

"I took this bed, I hope you don't mind. If you want it, it's no big deal." Jack smiled as he pointed to a bed near the window.

"No, dude. I'm not taking your fucking bed." I sneered, sounding like an ass. Once again, I was laying it on too thick. "It's all good. Thanks for asking."

After that, we got to talking and realized we had a lot in common. He was a pretty cool dude.

We finished unpacking and headed off to orientation in the sports complex. The auditorium was filled with high school football players from all over the state, all in amazing shape, all ready to start training.

Testosterone was thick in the air.

It was fucking intoxicating. Nothing is more sexual to me than a room thick with athletes spewing their pheromones through the air. I long to ingest them, take them in and use them to fuel my body and my muscle. It fucking turned me on like none other.

The orientation was boring. It was long and mostly a bunch of rah-rah bullshit. I don't get into that crap. I came to play and train. I had dudes to dominate. Show these dick heads how good I am. Dominating another guy really fucking gets me going. It makes my dick hard knowing I just intimidated the fuck out of another dude. I fucking love it. When they see me on the field, they'll see I'm the better man.

I saw a few of my teammates and their training partners. I got along with everyone on the team as best I could. There were a couple I could do without; Bo Lindberg and Sean Johnston. Those two loved to get in my shit, always challenging me, testing me. It was a love/hate relationship for me because they were both hot as fuck. Sean was the hotter of the two, jacked with a beautiful body and a gorgeous face that always wore a permanent scowl, a "don't fuck with me" scowl. It was a shame because he has the whitest teeth I've ever seen and full pouty lips that begged to be kissed. But man, his ass was spectacular. It only rivaled my own. I wanted to be his football pants. Those pants got the pleasure of hugging that ass for hours. But, he was a total dick, almost as much as me. Maybe we didn't get along because we were too much alike? I just knew that I didn't like him much and he didn't like me. But who am I kidding? I'd fuck that scowl right off his face and enjoy every minute of it.

After the orientation, we were corralled onto the practice field.

There, we were met with a line-up of impressive studs, built with thick muscle, our Big Brothers. Jack and I made our way down the line to find our Big Bro. Each Big Brother was holding a placard with our names on them.

We made our way to the last guy in line. I looked at our names and then up at our Big Brother and my dick stiffened. The most beautiful man was standing before me; six-foot-four, two-hundred-ten-pounds or carved muscle, bronze skin, jet black hair, clean-cut and the whitest teeth I've ever seen, whiter than Sean's. He seemed familiar to me. Maybe I'd seen him on televised games. He was imposing, so broad and muscular. There was something about the way he looked at me when I looked up at him. The corner of his lip raised in a sneer. I scanned him. He was wearing a tight, maroon, compression shirt that was like a second skin, molding to his pillow-like pecs, tight against his cobblestone abs. The shirt had the university mascot on the right side of his chest; The Titan, a muscular silhouette of a superhero.

I'd watched The Titans on TV and always thought they had a sexy mascot. (Whoever they picked to don the costume during football games should be given a scholarship. That dude was fuckable.) Our Big Brother wore a pair of skin-tight, shiny, black compression tights and black Nike running shoes. He was a specimen.

I was speechless...for once. I was a little jealous because I'd finally met my match. He could out alpha any other alpha. His stance, his aura gave off a masculine charged energy that permeated my body. My stomach fluttered and I think I lost my breath. No dude has ever made me feel like a fucking 6th grade girl with a crush.

He stood with a heroic wide-stance, arms folded over his broad chest.

"Hey," he greeted us with a deep, baritone voice. Fuck, he's only said one word and I'm already in love. "I'm Rob. I'll be your Big Bro while you're here."

Jack introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Jack. Nice to meet you," he said with a bright smile as he shook Rob's hand.

Rob reached for my hand. His grip was strong and forceful. He gripped my hand hard and it hurt. I went into Alpha-mode and looked him in the eye with defiance. His eyes laser-focused on mine. I don't care how hot this guy is, he's not disrespecting me like this. I tried to grip tighter but he matched it and then some. He knew. He knew I was an alpha and he knew I was in awe of him. I had broken the first rule of being an Alpha: never let another alpha know he might be better than you.

No doubt he had heard of me. I AM the best high school level tight-end around, kind of a big deal in the high school football world. His stare penetrated and I swallowed hard. For the first time in my life, I was intimidated. I was intimidated and I fucking hated it. I hated it but I couldn't help it. I was drawn to him. Suddenly, all I wanted to do was please him. I found myself way out of my comfort zone but I felt an excitement shoot through me. Who the fuck is this guy? I need to know.

"Obviously, you're Grant," he said as if I should be honored to hear him say my name. But when he did say my name, my heart made a hard thump in my chest.

"Hey...uh...hey," I stammered. What the fuck was wrong with me? I sound like an idiot. "I'm Grant."

He was still gripping my hand and then cocked an eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. I already said that." Oh god, he did think I was an idiot.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. You did. Sorry. Nice to meet you," I blubbered as I tried to pull my hand from his. He held on and pulled back. I jerked it away and he smirked.

Rob looked me up and down, sizing me up. I recognized the look. I've been sized up before by many challengers. He smiled at me and then winked. My dick jumped. I hope Jack didn't see that. I almost threw up in my mouth from the sudden anxiety that formed in my stomach. What the fuck is happening to me? I don't get anxious. No one has ever made me feel like this, like a total amateur. That's it. I felt like I suddenly didn't know shit about anything. I questioned myself, my masculinity, my athletic skills. Even without even catching a ball today and I felt like I sucked. I didn't want him to see me like this. It made me angry. I was seething but I didn't want him to know it. I wanted to please him. I didn't know why.

"Alright guys. Here is how we're going to do this bitch."

Rob explained the procedures and the schedules.

While he was talking, he held his gaze on me for long periods of time. I kept getting a flutter in my stomach and my heart would race every time he looked at me.

There was something going on there.

I didn't know what it was but it was electric.

Throughout the day, we worked hard with Rob.

We went through drills and routes in the hot sun.

Rob took off his shirt at one point and all his ripped beauty was out there for me to ogle.

I couldn't help but stare.

Rob caught me a few times. He just smirked and moved on.

It really seemed he was spending more time working with me than with Jack.

Jack and I were supposed to be partners but somehow it felt as if it was just Rob and me. Like no one else existed.

After we were done for the day, Rob walked between us with his arms around our shoulders. He said he would see us later that evening at the BBQ the camp was hosting at the park on campus.

As we turned to leave, Rob swatted us both on the ass and left.

We walked back to our room, both stiff and sweaty.

"Dude, Rob is fucking intense," Jack said.

"Yeah, he's amazing," I said in a trance-like-state. I suddenly thought I may sound too enamored so I walked it back. "A total dick but I guess he knows what he's fucking doing."

"Sometimes though, it seemed like he paid more attention to you.

I guess he likes you better," Jack teased.

"Nah, man, just means I needed more help than you," I said sarcastically knowing what he said was true. I laughed and slapped him on the back.

We arrived at the BBQ a little late. I was mingling with some of the other players, trying to intimidate as many as possible with my body and alpha attitude. Then I spotted Rob on the other side of the park by himself drinking a soda.

He was staring at me and his gaze never changed direction. I felt his eyes on me like heat rays. I tried to look away but it was tough. I kept looking back to see if he was looking at me. He always was. What the fuck was with this guy? Why does he keep staring at me? Is he challenging me? I didn't know what to do, confront him or ignore him but then he signaled me to come over. I looked around then pointed at myself asking "me?" He nodded and gestured with a quick flip of his head. As if I was tethered to an invisible rope that he pulled, I made my way through the amped up crowed of teenage football players towards the gorgeous, arrogant fucker.

I took him in as I walked towards him. I strutted trying not to look anxious. He was freshly showered, tight t-shirt, fitted shorts, leather flip-flops. He was leaning back, sitting on a waist-high rock wall. He stared at me the whole walk over, his handsome face had a blank expression. Now, I was in front of him and still all he did was stare. I suddenly felt self-conscious. This was a new feeling for me. I felt my eyes lower and I looked down nervously not knowing what to say or do.

Finally, he broke the silence.

"Hey, Grant." He said quietly, emphasizing my name. He said my name like he was expecting me.

I was...scared? He was looking at me like he wanted to fight. I couldn't look weak in front of him. I had to show I wasn't scared of him or his intentions. Whatever they were. There was no logical reason I should feel scared. No logical reason, but this didn't feel logical. The urge to please him crept up out of nowhere and I felt like a little boy meeting his idol for the first time. I fucking hate this!

"Hey," I said as I stood up straight and folded my arms over my chest, matching his body language but finding it uncomfortable to maintain eye contact.

"Enjoying our little party...Little Brother?" he said condescendingly with a nod of his head towards the other players. Although condescending, calling me "Little Brother" made my heart bounce.

I puffed out my chest. "It's ok. These really aren't my thing. More of a low-key, kick-back with a beer guy," I responded with a bored tone trying to sound like a man beyond my sixteen years. I wanted him to see that I thought I was better than those guys behind me. He chuckled. He could see right through me.

"Yeah, me too. We're better than those guys anyway," he smirked as he glanced quickly in their direction but then back to me. He said it like he was testing me to see if I agreed with him. I passed his test. I know I'm better than they are. Yeah! He knew what it was all about. He understood me. He was my equal.

"Right? Nice guys but totally not even in the same league as you and me," I replied with a scoff and a "too cool for school" tone.

I felt a kinship with him now. He was saying I was like him. We were on the same page. I think I could really be friends with this guy. He was fucking hot as shit and I wanted to attack his face with mine but that would ruin any kind of friendship I wanted to have with him. Still, there was a sexual tension in the air. It was a thick testosterone-filled fog like how it was in the orientation this morning. My stomach fluttered again and I had a flash-vision of him looming over me, holding me down, between my legs, naked.

"No, they're not." Rob looked down at my crotch when he said that.

"No," I mumbled. Crap, my cock was stiff, hanging to the left, very visible through my khaki shorts.

It was quiet again as he held our eye contact. He still made me feel uncomfortable. He just stared, occasionally tilting his head slightly as if looking for a flaw. He wasn't going to find any. I adjusted my stance and casually looked around the park and then back. He was still staring.

"You were impressive out there today on the field." He casually flexed his chest.

Oh, wow! He thought I was impressive? I mean, I knew that but to hear it from him, for some reason made me happy. It made the insecurity I felt earlier, fade.

"Thanks. Yeah, you know, I went easy. I didn't want to make Jack look bad," I shrugged, telling the truth but also knowing damn well I was bragging.

"Oh? You were holding back on me?" He cocked an eyebrow, intrigued.

"Well, yeah. I'm the best at what I do but there's no sense in making Jack look bad. He's a cool guy," I replied matter-of-factly.

"Jack's pretty good but I wasn't talking about how impressive your SKILLS were," he said with a quiet, sexy, gruff voice.

His face was so intense. His eyes were so penetrating as if he were hypnotizing me. His jaw was so solid. I could see the muscles in his jaw flex when he clenched his teeth.

I glanced around as if to see if anyone was listening. I was afraid he might have been pranking me or testing me somehow. I knew from that comment, the way he said it, I suddenly knew what he was thinking, I could tell he had experience seducing guys. Somehow, he knew I hadn't. He knew I was a fucking mess inside and he knew I knew. He was taking it upon himself to break my shell.

I started to sweat from my forehead. I decided to play dumb in case this was a joke but I knew it wasn't, deep down.

"What do you mean it wasn't my skills?"

His expression became stern. "Don't do that."

I swallowed hard. "Don't do what?" I asked innocently.

He blew out a puff of air in frustration. "So, we're playing this game, are we?"

I began to tremble. Oh, god, I can't stop trembling.

"Dude, I don't know what you're fucking talking about." I said as if to accuse him of calling me stupid. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down.

"You do know. You're just being a pussy about it," he taunted with a tilt of his head.

Whoa, wait. What did he just say? Oh, hell no.

"Did you just call me a pussy, dude?" I dropped my arms to my sides, making fists.

He stood up and took a step into my personal space. Wait, what was he doing?

"Pussy," he growled, challenging me.

"No one calls me a pussy...Big Brother." I said threateningly as I stuck a finger in his chest.

He again took a step forward making me step back. "Pussy," he growled again.

What the fuck? He was seriously pissing me off. Did he WANT me to hit him? He took another step forward. I took another step back.

"What the fuck are you doing, dude?" I asked with warning, not a question. "You want me to beat your ass? I will."

"Stop trying to impress me, little boy, with your fake, tough straight guy act. That's never going to impress me because it's fucking fake. I told you, your skills don't impress me."

I puffed my chest out and took a step forward but he didn't move and we bumped chests. His chest was so hard. I tried it again and he didn't move. Trying not to look defeated, I slowly stepped back, slightly.

"Then what about me impresses you, DICK?" I said as I got in his face, inches from his.

He stuck a finger in my chest. "Your ass, BITCH."

I was taken aback. I flinched even.

"What?" I asked like I didn't hear him correctly. I wasn't even sure that I had.

He put his hands on his hips and slowly, his eyes lingered over my biceps and chest.

"Well, not JUST your ass. Your whole body is on point." His eyes roamed over my body as he continued, "You're a big boy; tall, handsome as fuck, confident, cocky, athletic. Closeted, obviously. Your muscles are defined and hard, like a man should have. But your ass? Your ass is fucking perfection. A fellow football jock with attitude. Just the way I like them...Fuck Boy."

Fuck boy? I heard the words coming from him but I was in shock. My eyes were wide and my jaw dropped. I was utterly speechless.

"You keep your mouth open any longer I'm going to stick my dick in it," he said as a promise.

I instantly shut my mouth. I swallowed hard. I swear my ass twitched. My fucking ass twitched. I saw that same flash of him between my legs only this time he was fucking me.

"I'm gonna ride you hard these next two weeks. On AND off the field." He folded his big arms over his chest. "Now, I know you're NOT going to hold out on me, right, Baby Brother."

My mouth was dry and I was shaking. I have never been so scared. He implied he was going to fuck me or something. I need to shut this down or I was going to have a heart attack.

"Dude! Rob, I don't know what the fuck you think...I...I don't..." I stammered.

Rob interrupted me by putting his hand on the back of my neck and started to lead me away from the group.

His hand was big and rough, a tight grip, dominating.

It turned me on. But I was scared shitless. My Alpha persona washed away and I found myself submitting to his will. My body felt like a puppet and he controlled the strings. I always thought when I finally had sex with a dude, I would be a top. It never crossed my mind that I would bottom. Never. I wanted to take a hot guy, toss him around, rough him up, fuck the shit out of him, make him yell my name. It's all I've wanted since I realized I was into guys.

"Where are we going?" I asked like I was an innocent little boy.

"Don't worry you're pretty little head about it." He replied as he kept his hand on my neck, guiding me towards Frat Row.

"Um... Rob, seriously, I don't think..." I took a deep breath before saying, "I've never..." I stammered

"I just said don't worry your pretty little head. Trust me, when you're on your back, those gorgeous legs up and you're balls deep full of my cock, you will love it."

Oh, my god, this is getting too fucking real. This is happening. Shit, this was happening.


I took another deep breath and let it out slowly but loudly. "I'm don't think this is right. I'm not sure what's going on." I looked back over my shoulder at my teammates partying. It almost felt like I was seeing them for the last time. If this situation went the way Rob wanted it to, I'd come back a different person. "I've never been with a guy, ok? Shit."

I was so nervous now.

I didn't want to get fucked. I mean I think I don't.

Do I? No, but damn it, he's so fucking hot. The way he talks to me, the way he takes charge makes me feel like I need to make him happy, please him.

"Hey, bro, you think I'm hot, right? And don't lie to me. I know you do," he said as he massaged my neck.


I mean...." I tried to stop myself.

What the fuck am I doing? He was blunt and confident like me. He wasn't hiding his intentions and when I last checked, I'm still walking with him. He had me. I gave up.

"Yeah man," I relented and suddenly felt free, a weight off my shoulders. I felt I could say what I felt, "you're smoking hot, dude."

He gave me a winning smile. He had broken me down. He won. "I know.

Look at me. Look at you. We were meant to meet. We were meant to fuck.

I've got the dick and you have the ass."

"I can't fucking believe this is happening." I mumbled and started to sweat even more.

Rob laughed quietly, "Believe it, little bro. You're going to be begging for my cock in your ass.

Happens every time."

"We'll see, Mr. Confident," I said sarcastically, trying to save a tiny bit of my masculinity.

"Every. Fucking. Time," he corrected me with a stern voice.

"Every time?" I choked.

Again, Rob laughed, "Dude, every single camp has a kid like you. In the closet, never been with a dude, has a girlfriend, blah, blah, blah, but all they really want is a long, hard cock in their ass and I'm here to give it to them.

The amount of tail I get at these camps would floor you.

Guys you would never guess like to swing on cock. You won the lottery, little bro. I chose you."

"What? There are others you could have chosen?" I asked with doubt.

"Ah, yeah. You wouldn't know who but I do.

My "closet case gaydar" is 100% all the time."

"Does...does anyone on your team know about you?" If they knew about him and didn't care, maybe there was hope for me.

"A few.

It's on the down low. Fucking homophobe red-necks, you know. Maybe you'll meet the ones in the know." He laughed, "It doesn't mean shit anyway if the whole team found out. Not one guy could do anything about it.

They know I could kick their ass."

We entered a frat house and climbed two flights of stairs up to the third floor. He moved his hand from my neck, down my back and to my ass and grabbed a handful before he unlocked his door.

He again led me in with his hand on my neck.

He locked the door and turned, grabbed my shirt and slammed me against the wall.


I want in that ass," he hissed before he took my face in both hands and attacked my mouth for a long hard kiss. I've never kissed a guy before.

It was rough, masculine.

I fucking loved it! I could feel the stubble on his square-cut jaw.

I could feel the strength of his arms as he circled them around me and hugged me tight against his rock-hard, muscular body.

He abruptly stood back and ripped off my shirt, unbuttoned my shorts and let them fall on the floor. He pushed my underwear down. He grinned as he moved his hand over my eight-pack abs. He looked like a kid on Christmas morning.

"Fuck, baby bro.

You are fucking stacked, dude. How old are you again?"

"Sixteen," I replied out of breath from the deep oxygen-sucking kiss. I could taste him on my lips.


You're the hottest sixteen-year-old I've ever boned. You look eighteen"

"How old are you?" I asked as he continued to run his hands over my biceps and shoulders.

"I'll be twenty, soon." He kissed me again.

Rob stepped back and stripped off his shirt.

I was astonished for the second time today.

I had already seen his naked torso at training but the definition of his abs was unlike anything I've seen.

His body was smooth and tan.

He then unbuttoned his tight shorts and slid them to the floor and stepped out. Figures, he was going commando. I knew his legs were amazing from the compression tights he wore in training but holy shit, beautiful, defined, so muscular. His quads were thick and his calves were round and cut.

"Your body is so smooth," I said, marveling at the baby softness of the muscle, moving my hands over his chest.

He proudly ran his own hands down his torso, "I shave down.

Shows the definition better. More streamlined. You like it?"

"Uh huh," I replied, spellbound.

"Good. You should start shaving your body. You want to be smooth like me. You want to look like me, right little bro?"

Before I could answer, he pulled me into a kiss again and then he turned me and pushed me backwards. I fell onto the bed, landing on my back.

Rob jumped on top of me and I grunted from the weight.

We made out for what seemed like hours but I know it was only minutes.

Rob sat back and gave me a couple of open palm slaps on my chest. The smacks were loud. He grinned again, loving the hardness of my chest, testing my tolerance for pain. The last slap was more of a grab. He felt my pecs up like I was a drunk sorority girl.

The look on my face must have been one of complete fear because he ran his fingers through my hair and then kissed me. "Just lay back, baby bro and let your big bro work on getting you ready to take cock."

Over the next fifteen to twenty minutes Rob sucked my cock while at the same time loosening my hole by fingering me with his long, rough fingers. The first time I felt the cold lube of his finger, I flinched. Then came the initial penetration and my eyes clenched shut from the pain. When his finger broke through my tight hole, I grunted as I felt a fullness. I suddenly realized that I had another dude's finger inside of me. I started to panic, putting my hand on his shoulder and giving a gentle push.

"Shhh...don't be a little bitch," he growled. "Breathe. Just breathe, babe. Don't be a little bitch." At first, he finger-fucked me with one finger and then graduated to two. He hit that button inside me and my back arched off the bed and I yelled out in ecstasy. He really knew what the fuck he was doing and I was going nuts with all the new sensations.

"Fuck, you are TIGHT!

Your hole is grabbing on tight, babe. Can barely get my finger out." He was like a kid in a candy store, his grin, his wide eyes as he watched his finger saw in and out of my ass.

I looked up at the handsome man as he fingered my hole and stroked my cock. "How the fuck are you so good at this?"

I asked, panting.

He chuckled. "Easy.

I just pretend I'm fingering my girlfriend and finger you the same way.

Fucking drives her crazy. The difference is that I'm fingering your ass and I know what button to hit."

"I don' being compared...Ahhh, your girlfriend, dude," I said in between bouts of intense pleasure.

Rob began fingering me a little bit faster. "Says the dude getting fingered by a another guy," he laughed. "Take it easy little bro. You're all man. I don't fuck sissy boys. Isn't anyone who suspects you like stuff in your ass."

"FUUCCKK!" I was insanely horny.

I could see his forearms flexing and the cords of muscle pulsating as his hand started to jackhammer his fingers in and out of my ass. I was about to shoot all over the place.

"DO NOT CUM." He stopped fingering me and put his free hand on my throat and squeezed. "I'm serious dude.

Don't cum until I tell you to, fuck boy. Got it?"

"Yeah." I replied out of breath.

He released me, sat back and reached for the bottle of lube.

He squeezed some onto his big dick. It looked like a fucking beer can. He sneered at me with his sexy lips. He fucking knew he had me without any doubt.

That cocky fucker knew the minute we met that he was going to get in my ass.

Rob put the bottle down, lifted my legs and rested them on his shoulders. He scooted forward on his knees and leaned down, bringing my knees down to my chest. He kissed me gently.

"See? Told you that you'd be on your back and legs up." He whispered, smiling.

I chuckled. "Yeah, I guess I am," I said as if in a trance.

I felt his cock on my hole starting to push in. I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth as I felt him slowly push inside.

It hurt like a son-of-a-bitch. I started to breathe hard and fast, taking deep breaths.

I suddenly put my hands on his hip-bones and pushed away, trying to expel his cock from my ass.

The pain was too intense. The more I tried to push him away, the deeper he dove.

"FUCK! It hurts, Rob.

Dude, please. I'll suck your dick." I squeezed my eyes shut and I could feel tears welling up.

"Open your eyes." Rob commanded.

"I said, open your fucking eyes!" He gave me a quick slap across my cheek.

I opened my eyes and he was staring into them.

Tears started to drip down my cheeks. I clenched my eyes shut again but opened them quickly remembering his command.

"I want to see the look in your eyes as I open you up for the first time," he whispered. "Love seeing a dude's face all clenched and freaked out when I go in."

The look on HIS face frightened me. He was looking at me like I was side of meat. I knew he wanted nothing more than to hammer me to the floor. I was about to pussy out.

"Dude! Fuck!

I can't do it.

I can't.

Please, take it out man."

"Not gonna happen little bro," he stated as he shook his head. "Fucking relax and it won't hurt so much. Don't be a little bitch. Push out and I'll sink right in. Trust me."

I tried to relax, grunting to take every inch. I took his advice and pushed out.

Then, "Oh my fucking god!" I yelled as he sunk in effortlessly all the way to the root.

"There it is." Rob cooed in my face.

It was fucking heaven.

He was inside me, balls deep and it was the most amazing feeling ever.

He started to pull out a little bit and then push in. I know I must have looked ridiculous with my mouth open, eyes wide and moaning like a whore. Is this how chics felt when getting fucked?

It must be. I looked up at the hulk of muscle above me and a look of ecstasy came across my face.

He thrust forward. "That's it, babe.

That's it." He pulled back slowly. "You're doing fine." He did it again but a little faster. "Yeah, you're doing fine.

I knew you would," he smiled as he quickened his pace.

By now he was full on fucking me.

My knees were on my chest, Rob's tongue was in my mouth and he was building up steam fucking me faster and faster.

All I could do was lay there and think this is the best day of my life.

I want this all the time. I felt so full and the way his dick felt every time it breached my hole was beyond anything I've ever felt. I couldn't believe I even contemplated topping. This is where I belonged. Under another hot guy and being his bitch.

"Fuck yeah, bro, you were born to bottom.

Knew the first time I saw you.

You're ass in those fucking football pants. I knew it could take dick."

I continued to moan and writhe back and forth on the bed. I couldn't believe how amazing I felt. I wanted to cum every time he hit that button inside my ass. The most intense, adrenaline filled feeling came over me with each pounding insertion.

He took my legs off his shoulders and they slid down the sides of his body, my hamstrings landing on his bulging quads. He put his hands behind my head and lifted me up slightly so he could wrap his arms around my back and hug me close as he started to really pound into my tight ass. I reached up and did the same, feeling his back muscles, tight and hard. All I could do was lay there and take the intense fuck he was giving me.

He put his mouth to my ear, "You like it stud? You feeling good?"

In between staccato grunting with each ramming I answered, "Yeah. Oh. Fuck. YES!

Fuck me. Come on and get that shit! Own it!"

"Hold on, fuck boy. I'm about to turn it up a notch." He reached down, grabbed each of my ankles and spread my legs out wide, as wide as they would go.

His biceps bulged as he held my muscular legs out in the air. Then he started to really pound. I looked up and marveled at the sight.

His fucking biceps bulging, chest pumped, and his abs tight and defined. His whole body was flush and sweaty as he moved his ass in and out, rolling it around drilling in spirals into my upturned ass.

I looked over at each of my tan, muscular legs and saw each hamstring stretched to the limit, the muscle tight and bulging as they fought to withstand Rob's hands pushing them out farther and farther.

"Fuck kid, you are flexible," he said out of breath and sweat was dripping off is forehead and onto my abs.

I couldn't even talk anymore.

I think I lost my voice with all the screaming, yelling and fuck talk I was dishing back.

"You're so fucking beautiful, babe. Look at you, man.

Hot football jock, masculine, walking wet dream, on his back, legs out and getting the hell drilled out of him," he taunted as he licked one of my ankles.

Oh my god! Look how happy I was making him right now. Making him happy with my body and my hole. I had to tell him how amazing he was.

"No dude, YOU'RE so god damn fucking hot.

FUCK!" I countered. Suddenly I had a revelation.

I needed to cement the fact that I was being fucked by a real man.

I needed to feel used.

I loved knowing I was so hot that a guy like Rob HAD to fuck me.

"Rob, cum inside me, dude!

Please I need to feel you inside of me."

Rob turned his head away from my ankle at whiplash speed. "FUCK YES, you fucking slut!"


I got even more turned on hearing that. He picked up the pace and then his eyes got big, his mouth opened wide, he threw his head up and back and let out a deafening howl, a barbaric yell, "AGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I felt his cock pulsate and I could feel his load shooting into my gut.

He stopped fucking me and just pushed in hard with every volley of seed he uploaded into my butt.

I counted four slimy, warm loads all inside my well-fucked hole.

He let go of my ankles and they dropped to the bed.

He fell forward onto my chest, sweaty and out of breath.

I could feel that hot breath on my neck as he struggled to recover from the hour of cardio we just did.

His cock was still inside me.

It was still hard and it was warm.

"Can I cum now, dude?" I asked quietly.

He raised his head and kissed me on the cheek, "Yeah, handsome, go for it."

He began to pull out.

"NO! Leave it in. I need you in me when I cum!"

I reached down and grabbed my stiff cock and started to stroke.

I felt his dick just the tiniest bit inside my ass.

I couldn't take it. The fact that this gorgeous fucking man was still inside me, the fact that he just used my body to get off, the way I feel right now, I couldn't hold back. I let loose with a torrent of jizz that squirted all over Rob's abs, my abs and seeped through my hand covering it with hot, sticky cum.

We both lay there for a long time.

He was still on top of me, resting on my chest.

I could feel the warmth and weight of his body, the smooth skin slid around on me because of all the wet, sticky cum that had puddled between us.

I want this all the time.

Incredible man sex, all the time.

Rob raised his head up, his hands came up and he ran his fingers through my wet, sweaty hair.

He grabbed onto a clump in each hand and went in for a long, wet, forceful kiss, sucking on each other's tongues, trying to devour each other whole.

He eventually rolled off beside me onto the bed, "Dude.

I can't even fucking believe this shit.

That was the hottest fuck I have ever had in my entire fucking life and I've fucked a lot of guys," he said as he ran his hand over my abs.

I laughed a little, "Well it was my first time so I have nothing to compare it to. However, I think I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to top it."

"Top it? You mean bottoming it," he teased.

"I can feel you floating around in my ass dude."


Fucking great, isn't it?

You got my boys swimming around in your gut."

"Fuck yeah I do.

Damn, if someone would have told me that I'd go to football camp and end up on my back, legs up and getting my ass drilled by the hottest guy I've ever seen, I would have fucking hit them."

"Ha! That's my little man. I like'em scrappy.

Makes for a fucking hot time in the sack. If I didn't know you were a cock virgin before this, I would swear you've been taking cock for a long time. You're so fucking strong. You take cock like a pro, fuck boy!"

I sat up and swung my legs off the side of the bed.

I spotted my clothes strewn around the floor. I felt an arm around my waist pulling me back down onto the bed.

"Where are you going, fuck boy?

We're not done yet.

I'm getting ready for round two."


Are you fucking kidding me?

I can barely sit up, man!"

"Well ok, if you want me to go find another muscle boy to be my fuck boy for the next two weeks than I guess you can go. There's a few I have my eye on."

I scrambled back to his side, "No! I'm good. I want more."

He smiled, "Of course you do, fuck boy. You're born to bottom."

"Heh, I guess so."

"How do you feel?

You've just had a taste of your new life."

"I don't know.

I mean I feel great.

I guess I just always pictured myself as a top.

I'm the stereotype of a top; I'm built, I'm aggressive, I'm handsome, your words not mine," I laughed, "I'm always Alpha dog in every aspect of my life. I never would have guessed that I would love taking it up the ass.

I don't think I even want to top now. I just want more dick in my ass."

"I suggest topping a few times just to see what it's like.

You may like it. I know if I were to bottom I'd want your studly body on top of me. It takes a good top to be a good bottom and vice versa. Anyway, you're going to do fine bro. Look at you.

You're going to get so much dick in your ass that you're gonna be afraid you'll get pregnant.

You can have anyone you want with this body.

Just so you know, you're going to get a lot more dudes wanting you to fuck them because of the way you look and act.

You have the Alpha thing down.

You're intimidating. You're going to have to find a dude who will top you and that won't be easy until you get to learn the system."

"Hmmm... I think I will start slow."

I chuckled and I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"You don't live too far away, right?" he asked.

"Nah, about twenty to twenty-five minutes away. Why?"

"Cuz man, I've got another two years.

You're going to be one of my fuck boys, dude."


"Fuck yeah little bro. And I'm going to get you so much cock you won't know what to do with yourself."

"I'm going to be such a whore. I just know it," I chuckled, feeling a little uneasy.

"Let's hope so.

I think I created a monster! Bonus for me is that you are going to attract a lot of hot bottoms that need a good, hard bone. All for me. Not to mention those bi-curious versatile dudes. I can fuck them while they fuck you.

It's going to be so hot!"

"Three ways?"

"Or four ways, whatever, the more the merrier. I know some dudes that would jump at the chance to fuck you and, of course, get fucked by me.

I only fuck the best. You'll shit your pants, dude," he smiled.

"Fuck yeah." I was getting excited at the thought of being railed by hot dudes like Rob.

All this was overwhelming but I didn't care.

I wanted fucked.

"Ready for round two?" I asked.

"Are YOU ready for round two? This time doggie style and lots of hair pulling."



"Call me fuck boy. I fucking love it when you call me that."

"No problem. Now, up on all fours, fuck boy!"

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Next: Chapter 2

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