Borderline Heresy

By Meyer DeMonde

Published on Feb 9, 2014



The following is a work of fiction, unfortunately. The characters are not real people; please do not go around masturbating in public. That's gross, and probably illegal. If you are a minor in whatever country, territory, state, county, principality, or planet you're accessing this from, or if you object to a story concerning a bunch of teenagers masturbating in a church, please 1) leave and 2) perhaps don't go around visiting gay erotica sites, since I really don't know what you're expecting.

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Borderline Heresy

It was three a.m. and I was lying breathlessly horny in public.

Perhaps I should back up. "Public" is maybe too strong a word, as might be "breathlessly." I had been roped into participating in my local church's youth-group lock-in; while it wasn't quite public, it certainly wasn't private.

There were three other boys in the room, all of us listlessly watching Back to the Future in a vague attempt to stay up all night, lit only by the dim light of Marty McFly's escapades. I was the oldest, being a senior in high school. The second-oldest present was Quinn, a junior, who had short brown hair and—as I couldn't help noticing from the way he crossed his arms behind his head as he lay on the floor in front of the couch I was lying upon—similarly dark tufts sprouting from his armpits. The other two boys, the alliterative duo of Karl and Kevin, were identical, blond twins who had just started freshman year.

The girls were in another room, presumably either asleep or gossiping, and the chaperone, who was in her office, had gone out like a light as soon as midnight came.

Nor I wasn't "breathlessly" horny. I was certainly more so than normal, as my usual opportunity to rub one out had been denied. I could breathe just fine, but I was aware of a steadily growing presence announcing itself under my blanket. Casting my eyes around the room, and making sure everyone's attention—however glazed it was—was on the movie, I gingerly rearranged matters down there so my erection wasn't pressing quite so distractingly on my thigh. I kept my hand down there because hey, why not.

Some sort of movement out of the corner of my eye drew my attention, and I glanced at it reflexively. To my simultaneous shock and glee, I saw movement under Quinn's own blanket. One of his hands had disappeared underneath it, and it was clear that he was trying very hard to be surreptitious, presumably thinking himself safe from prying eyes as a result of his discreet position. I was clearly not the only one who was bored here.

I considered my options carefully. If I played my cards right, I'd get to see what, exactly, everyone else was packing; if I was particularly lucky, I might even be able to have some hands-on experience. Church or not, most rules seemed to go out the window when a) it's three in the morning and b) you were dealing with teenage boys. As it turns out, they're more open to experimentation than one might think.

To be too flagrant too soon would surely spell doom for whatever phallic endeavors I might be building towards. Something more subtle could be explained away, if reaction was overwhelmingly negative. I began to stroke myself, making sure the movement was visible—but not obvious—to the twins. Were everyone serendipitously jerking off all at the same time, no one would have any qualms about making it more of a community experience, so to speak. In the meantime, I entertained myself by considering what Quinn was so eagerly working with. Was he as hirsute as his arms indicated? Was he cut or uncut? These questions, and many more just like them, could be settled shortly. (Or longly, if he was well-endowed.)

Over on the couch across the room, I sensed that Karl—at least, I was pretty sure it was Karl; I really never could tell them apart—had noticed me. That was good; I'd noticed that his affectations were markedly feminine. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course, but if he joined, his brother would, and that would surely get the ball rolling. I gave no indication that I noticed Karl's intensifying stare, keeping my pace regular. Sure enough, after a couple minutes and a couple quick glances on my part I could see that his boxers had a noticeable tent in them. He was sitting too close to his brother to monkey around without him noticing, but from the way he watched, I could tell he was desperate to.

As it turned out, Kevin actually did notice his brother's arousal, but much to my surprise, instead of feigning ignorance or disgust—as teenage boys are wont to do—he slipped his own hand into Karl's underwear and began to massage his brother's dick. My eyes widened as I took in the implications; clearly, this wasn't an isolated incidence. Twins, man.

Quinn, lying on the floor, was completely ignorant that anything out of the ordinary was going on.

When Karl began to let out small moans at his brother's apparently expert fingers, I couldn't hold myself back anymore. I shucked off my pants and sat up, displaying my considerable appreciation of the unexpected show. Both of the twins flinched, Kevin whipping his hand out in a futile attempt to act casual.

"No, keep going," I said. "We're all doing it, after all."

It was true. Quinn had turned around at the noise. He opened his mouth as if to argue, but his own bulge in the covers caused him to bite back whatever retort he'd had.

"Yeah," he said, after a pregnant pause. "I mean—you know. No one else is around."

I looked at the twins. "Well? How about it, then?" I said. "You looked like you were having fun over there."

They both swallowed nervously.

"What'dya say to a little comparison?" I pressed. "Just to see where we all are."

"Sure," Quinn said. "Just to see, y'know..."

He stood up, letting his blanket fall to the floor. I raised my eyebrows at the sight. While not quite as large as I was, he had a pretty admirably sized dick for his age. It was about six and a half inches long, uncut, and it was indeed nestled in a patch of dark, curly hair as I'd suspected. He sat down on the couch next to me, taking in my own length—about an inch longer than his, but otherwise similar—clearly a little disappointed that he wasn't the biggest guy in the room.

"I've got a year's head start on you," I said, as if we were comparing heights and not genitals. "But what about you two?"

Karl and Kevin seemed to have gotten over their bashfulness and now sat facing us side-by-side. Having only just started high school, they weren't as developed as the two of us, their skinny five inches crowned with only a small tuft of blond hair.

We sat there in silence for a minute or two, eyes glued to each other's crotches, unwilling even to blink, afraid to suggest anything for fear that the spell would break. It was Quinn who broke the silence first.

"We can..." he began. "We can, uh..."

I smirked. "Sure." I sat back and began to stroke myself again. Gradually, the others started up again, the twins keeping their hands to themselves this time now that we were watching.

"Do you guys do that a lot?" I asked.

"Yeah," Karl said.

"I guess," his brother said.

I glanced down at Quinn. He was getting back into it, his balls jumping up slightly with each movement.

"May I?" I asked, moving my hand toward his lap.

"Uh, sure," he said, taking his hand away. I leaned in and wrapped my fingers around his dick. It was rock-hard and twitched under my touch. Quinn let out a shuddering breath and leaned back, unsure whether to let himself enjoy the sensation of another boy grabbing his junk. The twins, on the other hand, took the invitation to jerk each other off, actually seeming to be more comfortable when they weren't touching themselves. I gave Quinn a few slow practice pumps before starting in earnest. He sighed in pleasure.

"Don't forget him," Karl said.

"Yeah," Kevin said. "You should reciprocate." I smiled. "It's only fair." Checkmate.

Quinn swallowed and inched his hand closer to me. I scooted closer to him for easier access, and he nervously took hold of my cock. It was clumsy and nervous, but I honestly didn't care. Being where I was right now—in a room full of guys groping each other—it would have been difficult to do anything to turn me off.

No longer as afraid to make noise, the twins began to groan softly. Quinn's hand steadied as he relaxed, and I took the opportunity to play with his balls. They felt heavy, and I redoubled my efforts on his dick to see just how virile he was.

Over on the other side of the room, Karl and Kevin seemed to be reaching their climaxes. With a grunt, they both came simultaneously, a small amount of pale liquid splashing on their groins. At this, I knew I wasn't far either, and I shot my own (considerably larger) load, my dick jerking in Quinn's hand and dribbling some cum onto his fingers. I gave Quinn another few strokes, and he gasped as he started to unload. And unload he did; to my amazement, he must have spurted seven or eight times, each load large in its own right. His jizz hit his chest and began to drip down as everyone in the room stared in frank amazement.

"What?" he said, clearly somewhat proud of his accomplishment. "We should go to sleep. It's late." He got up to clean himself up in the bathroom. "And...this didn't happen," he said.

"Oh, yeah," I said. Sure, I wouldn't talk about it, but I couldn't promise that I'd forget it quite so easily.

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