Boots on the Ground in Africa

By John Brant

Published on Dec 27, 2012


The story so far: In search of the ultimate boot experience, I have bought a two day "treatment" with a highly recommended boot master in Kenya. The Captain's assistant, a six foot two, former Kenyan soldier named Bob collected me from the airport and took me to the boot "spa". At mid-morning I began my first session and became acquainted with the Captain's Wesco engineer boots.

Boots on the Ground in Africa – Chapter 2

It took me about twenty minutes to fully service the Captain's boots. The mixture of cum and boot polish was most intoxicating in my mouth. During the wait Bob went out and brought back a beer for the Captain and himself. Bob took a seat on the other side of the Captain so I had a nice view of him as I licked the Wesco engineer boots to a real nice shine. I had not had a good look at him since he came to get me in my room. I now realized that he was a well built African man of six foot two or three. He looked very intimidating in his leather harness, cod piece, leather chaps and high shine engineer boots. I wondered if I would get a chance to lick Bob's boots. So far I had only felt them as he kicked me to get my attention or discipline me.

When I could not taste any more fuck on the boots I looked over at Bob who said: "I think he's done servicing your boots, sir. Is there anything else you want him to service?" he added with a laugh.

"There certainly is!" came the quick reply. "Push his head into my crotch." And then addressing me he said: "Alright bootlicker, now I want you to lick my leather crotch. See if you can find my cock and then I want to feel your tongue all over my dick making it hard."

With that Bob jumped up and grabbed my head and pushed it up against the Captains leather pants and right into his crotch. I began licking immediately. As I licked around the top of the right leg I could not detect any bulge, so I began licking on the left side of the crotch and immediately found what I was looking for. Fortunately the cock was already somewhat hard, so it would not take too much licking for me to get a full erection. As I licked I figured the Captain's dick must be about eight inches long. As I pressed my tongue against the leather as hard as I could, the Captain reached down and undid the heavy silver buckle of his two inch wide leather garrison belt. He then unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, so his heavy cock popped out. "Lick my balls, boot bitch." So, I turned my attention to cleaning his two large testicles. After five minutes he gave another order: "Alright suck my cock."

The Captain placed his hands behind my head and forced my mouth down on his engorged cock. He then began to pump my head back and forth on his stiff member. I managed not to choke, but the way he slammed my head into his crotch, I had all I could do not to. After seven or eight minutes he pulled my head off his dick and began stroking it with his hand. As he rubbed he said: "Bob bring your chair over here and put your right boot up on the chair. When I cum, I want the fuck to land on your boots, so our little boot faggot can make your high shine engineers even shinier." He hardly got the words out when I saw his body stiffen. Bob pushed me out of the way and positioned his chair before the Captain, putting his boot up on the chair in one swift movement. Just then the Captain let out a groan and a stream of fuck came out of his cock and landed right on the leg of Bob's boot. As he continued to jack himself, he aimed his cock so that fuck fell evenly along the boot. When the right boot was fairly well covered, Bob put his left boot up on the chair to catch the remainder of the flood.

When the last spurt had cum, the Captain said to me: "Get your lips up here and clean up my cock." So, I quickly began licking up the shaft of his cock and then cleaning up the slit in his head to get all the jizz off of his manhood. Then he said: "Lick the seat of that chair where some fuck missed Bob's boots." I turned my attention to the chair and cleaned it also. Then he said: "Have a seat Bob, so our little bootblack can fully service your boots." I quickly crawled over to Bob's beautiful high shine engineer boots and began licking the shaft of the right boot like a little boy licks a sucker. Once again the combination of fresh hot fuck and Kiwi boot polish were like candy in my mouth. My tongue slid over the shiny engineer boot until I had licked up all the fuck and swallowed it. I then turned my attention to the other boot and spent more than ten minutes getting all the cum off of it.

While I was working on Bob's boots the Captain walked over to the wall and picked up a couple of items. Then he sat down in his big chair and watched me service Bob's boots. Finally he said: "I think that's enough. Those boots look pretty good to me. Bob, we've got to put a couple of things on this boy of ours. I've got a rubber cock ring and a thick rubber ball ring. Can you put them on him. Then I want to kick this big butt plug into his hole." I cringed when I heard him say he wanted to kick the butt plug into place.

Bob yanked me to my feet from where I had been working on his boots and then sat down so his face was about even with the crotch of my black leather shorts. He pulled down the shorts and took the rubber ball ring that the Captain handed him. He was not very gentle as he shoved and pushed my balls through the thick rubber ring. Then he forced my dick into the cock ring. As soon as he positioned the rubber ring my cock began to get hard. Then he ordered me to kneel down and put my forehead on the floor and thrust my ass hole into the air while keeping my knees on the floor. Next he took the long, thick butt plug and asked: "Should I put some lube on it."

The Captain said no. Whereupon I cried out: "Please sir! Please let him use some lube. I have a very tight hole and without any lubrication, that butt plug will tear my ass apart." This caused both men to laugh. This frightened me, so I said again: "Please sir. I beg of you. Please let him use some lube or else my hole won't be good for any fucking or anything else you have in mind."

The pleas were heeded and Bob put a coating of oil on the plug. Next he held the point next to my ass hole. With one knee on the floor and his other boot planted next to it, he looked like a football player holding the ball for a field goal kick. The Captain took a few steps and positioned himself behind my ass. He raised his boot and tapped the flat end of the butt plug, then drew back his heavy Wesco engineer boot and let fly with a light kick. The toe of his boot connected with the butt plug and slammed it into my hole. Although there was lube on it, the pain was still intense. I let out a scream to which both men laughed. "Looks like I need to have Bob work over your ass hole with a good fucking and loosen it up, boy," the Captain said.

With that he sat down again and said: "Well, we're almost finished with your first session. Bob and I need a rest. While we're resting you can work on your first assignment. I want you to take off my engineer boots and take them back to your room and then put several coats of Kiwi polish on them. I'd like to see a nice spit-shine." Turning to Bob he said: "Can you get my 30 hold black Ranger boots off the boot rack?" Bob went to the back of the room and brought back a beautiful pair of black boots with white laces. "OK, boy, take off these engineer boots and lace up my Rangers."

I quickly got up and turned away from the Captain and spread my legs. I felt his boot pound into my crotch, so I was standing astride of the shaft and the toe of the boot was pressing on my balls. I reached down and grabbed his boot with both hands and was about to pull, when the Captain raised his other foot and pushed hard on my butt, so that I pulled his boot right off. We repeated the process for the other boot. Then I knelt before him and had the fun of lacing up his 30 hole Ranger boots. Feeling the leather and the laces made my cock begin to grow.

I then respectfully picked up the two 18 inch Wesco engineer boots while Bob grabbed my arm and escorted me back to my room. Once in my room, he showed me where there was a whole shelf of various boot polishes, brushes and rags. He then left the room and turned the key in the lock. I grabbed a can or Kiwi boot polish and a rag and sat down on my bed with the right boot. As I came down on the butt plug, pain shot into my stomach. I quickly got up and began polishing the boot while standing up. I wondered how long it would take my tender ass to get use to the butt plug.

Next: Chapter 3

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